Merge branch 'master' into filesystem-changes

This commit is contained in:
a 2024-07-21 13:20:25 -05:00
commit e94663b866
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: 374BC539FE795AF0
19 changed files with 375 additions and 68 deletions

View File

@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ jobs:
# The environment is fresh, so there's no point in keeping accepting and adding the key.
rsync -arz -e "ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null" --progress --delete --exclude '.git' . "$CI_USER""$short_sha"
ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -t "$CI_USER" "cd /var/tmp/$short_sha; go version; go env; printf "\n\n";CGO_ENABLED=0 go test -tags nobadger -v ./..."
ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -t "$CI_USER" "cd /var/tmp/$short_sha; go version; go env; printf "\n\n";CGO_ENABLED=0 go test -p 1 -tags nobadger -v ./..."
# There's no need leaving the files around

View File

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
reverse_proxy {
health_uri /health
health_method HEAD
"apps": {
"http": {
"servers": {
"srv0": {
"listen": [
"routes": [
"handle": [
"handler": "reverse_proxy",
"health_checks": {
"active": {
"method": "HEAD",
"uri": "/health"
"upstreams": [
"dial": ""

View File

@ -18,17 +18,23 @@ func TestIntercept(t *testing.T) {
localhost:9080 {
respond /intercept "I'm a teapot" 408
header /intercept To-Intercept ok
respond /no-intercept "I'm not a teapot"
intercept {
@teapot status 408
handle_response @teapot {
header /intercept intercepted {resp.header.To-Intercept}
respond /intercept "I'm a combined coffee/tea pot that is temporarily out of coffee" 503
`, "caddyfile")
tester.AssertGetResponse("http://localhost:9080/intercept", 503, "I'm a combined coffee/tea pot that is temporarily out of coffee")
r, _ := tester.AssertGetResponse("http://localhost:9080/intercept", 503, "I'm a combined coffee/tea pot that is temporarily out of coffee")
if r.Header.Get("intercepted") != "ok" {
t.Fatalf(`header "intercepted" value is not "ok": %s`, r.Header.Get("intercepted"))
tester.AssertGetResponse("http://localhost:9080/no-intercept", 200, "I'm not a teapot")

View File

@ -60,8 +60,6 @@ type NetworkAddress struct {
// ListenAll calls Listen() for all addresses represented by this struct, i.e. all ports in the range.
// (If the address doesn't use ports or has 1 port only, then only 1 listener will be created.)
// It returns an error if any listener failed to bind, and closes any listeners opened up to that point.
// TODO: Experimental API: subject to change or removal.
func (na NetworkAddress) ListenAll(ctx context.Context, config net.ListenConfig) ([]any, error) {
var listeners []any
var err error
@ -130,8 +128,6 @@ func (na NetworkAddress) ListenAll(ctx context.Context, config net.ListenConfig)
// Unix sockets will be unlinked before being created, to ensure we can bind to
// it even if the previous program using it exited uncleanly; it will also be
// unlinked upon a graceful exit (or when a new config does not use that socket).
// TODO: Experimental API: subject to change or removal.
func (na NetworkAddress) Listen(ctx context.Context, portOffset uint, config net.ListenConfig) (any, error) {
if na.IsUnixNetwork() {
@ -221,8 +217,6 @@ func (na NetworkAddress) JoinHostPort(offset uint) string {
// Expand returns one NetworkAddress for each port in the port range.
// This is EXPERIMENTAL and subject to change or removal.
func (na NetworkAddress) Expand() []NetworkAddress {
size := na.PortRangeSize()
addrs := make([]NetworkAddress, size)

View File

@ -112,7 +112,8 @@ func (enc *Encode) Provision(ctx caddy.Context) error {

View File

@ -1,10 +1,17 @@
{{ $nonce := uuidv4 -}}
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{{- else}}
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@ -303,7 +310,7 @@
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="color-scheme" content="light dark">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
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* { padding: 0; margin: 0; box-sizing: border-box; }
body {
@ -342,6 +349,10 @@ svg,
text-decoration: none;
#layout-list, #layout-grid {
cursor: pointer;
.wrapper {
max-width: 1200px;
margin-left: auto;
@ -768,10 +779,10 @@ footer {
{{- if eq .Layout "grid"}}
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{{- end}}
<body onload="initPage()">
<div class="wrapper">
<div class="breadcrumbs">Folder Path</div>
@ -799,7 +810,7 @@ footer {
{{- end}}
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Served with
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@ -1074,7 +1085,7 @@ footer {
<script {{ $nonceAttribute }}>
const filterEl = document.getElementById('filter');
filterEl?.focus({ preventScroll: true });
@ -1120,6 +1131,20 @@ footer {
const filterElem = document.getElementById("filter");
if (filterElem) {
filterElem.addEventListener("keyup", filter);
document.getElementById("layout-list").addEventListener("click", function() {
queryParam('layout', '');
document.getElementById("layout-grid").addEventListener("click", function() {
queryParam('layout', 'grid');
window.addEventListener("load", initPage);
function queryParam(k, v) {
const qs = new URLSearchParams(;
if (!v) {

View File

@ -80,6 +80,13 @@ func (fsrv *FileServer) directoryListing(ctx context.Context, fileSystem fs.FS,
size := info.Size()
if !isDir {
// increase the total by the symlink's size, not the target's size,
// by incrementing before we follow the symlink
tplCtx.TotalFileSize += size
fileIsSymlink := isSymlink(info)
symlinkPath := ""
if fileIsSymlink {
@ -103,7 +110,8 @@ func (fsrv *FileServer) directoryListing(ctx context.Context, fileSystem fs.FS,
if !isDir {
tplCtx.TotalFileSize += size
// increase the total including the symlink target's size
tplCtx.TotalFileSizeFollowingSymlinks += size
u := url.URL{Path: "./" + name} // prepend with "./" to fix paths with ':' in the name
@ -150,9 +158,15 @@ type browseTemplateContext struct {
// The number of files (items that aren't directories) in the listing.
NumFiles int `json:"num_files"`
// The total size of all files in the listing.
// The total size of all files in the listing. Only includes the
// size of the files themselves, not the size of symlink targets
// (i.e. the calculation of this value does not follow symlinks).
TotalFileSize int64 `json:"total_file_size"`
// The total size of all files in the listing, including the
// size of the files targeted by symlinks.
TotalFileSizeFollowingSymlinks int64 `json:"total_file_size_following_symlinks"`
// Sort column used
Sort string `json:"sort,omitempty"`
@ -288,6 +302,12 @@ func (btc browseTemplateContext) HumanTotalFileSize() string {
return humanize.IBytes(uint64(btc.TotalFileSize))
// HumanTotalFileSizeFollowingSymlinks is the same as HumanTotalFileSize
// except the returned value reflects the size of symlink targets.
func (btc browseTemplateContext) HumanTotalFileSizeFollowingSymlinks() string {
return humanize.IBytes(uint64(btc.TotalFileSizeFollowingSymlinks))
// HumanModTime returns the modified time of the file
// as a human-readable string given by format.
func (fi fileInfo) HumanModTime(format string) string {

View File

@ -50,7 +50,6 @@ type Intercept struct {
// Three new placeholders are available in this handler chain:
// - `{http.intercept.status_code}` The status code from the response
// - `{http.intercept.status_text}` The status text from the response
// - `{http.intercept.header.*}` The headers from the response
HandleResponse []caddyhttp.ResponseHandler `json:"handle_response,omitempty"`
@ -161,7 +160,7 @@ func (ir Intercept) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, next caddy
// set up the replacer so that parts of the original response can be
// used for routing decisions
for field, value := range r.Header {
for field, value := range rec.Header() {
repl.Set("http.intercept.header."+field, strings.Join(value, ","))
repl.Set("http.intercept.status_code", rec.Status())

View File

@ -143,6 +143,9 @@ func (m *MatchRemoteIP) Provision(ctx caddy.Context) error {
// Match returns true if r matches m.
func (m MatchRemoteIP) Match(r *http.Request) bool {
if r.TLS != nil && !r.TLS.HandshakeComplete {
return false // if handshake is not finished, we infer 0-RTT that has not verified remote IP; could be spoofed
address := r.RemoteAddr
clientIP, zoneID, err := parseIPZoneFromString(address)
if err != nil {
@ -228,6 +231,9 @@ func (m *MatchClientIP) Provision(ctx caddy.Context) error {
// Match returns true if r matches m.
func (m MatchClientIP) Match(r *http.Request) bool {
if r.TLS != nil && !r.TLS.HandshakeComplete {
return false // if handshake is not finished, we infer 0-RTT that has not verified remote IP; could be spoofed
address := GetVar(r.Context(), ClientIPVarKey).(string)
clientIP, zoneID, err := parseIPZoneFromString(address)
if err != nil {

View File

@ -178,6 +178,22 @@ type (
// "http/2", "http/3", or minimum versions: "http/2+", etc.
MatchProtocol string
// MatchTLS matches HTTP requests based on the underlying
// TLS connection state. If this matcher is specified but
// the request did not come over TLS, it will never match.
// If this matcher is specified but is empty and the request
// did come in over TLS, it will always match.
MatchTLS struct {
// Matches if the TLS handshake has completed. QUIC 0-RTT early
// data may arrive before the handshake completes. Generally, it
// is unsafe to replay these requests if they are not idempotent;
// additionally, the remote IP of early data packets can more
// easily be spoofed. It is conventional to respond with HTTP 425
// Too Early if the request cannot risk being processed in this
// state.
HandshakeComplete *bool `json:"handshake_complete,omitempty"`
// MatchNot matches requests by negating the results of its matcher
// sets. A single "not" matcher takes one or more matcher sets. Each
// matcher set is OR'ed; in other words, if any matcher set returns
@ -213,6 +229,7 @@ func init() {
@ -1236,6 +1253,53 @@ func (MatchProtocol) CELLibrary(_ caddy.Context) (cel.Library, error) {
// CaddyModule returns the Caddy module information.
func (MatchTLS) CaddyModule() caddy.ModuleInfo {
return caddy.ModuleInfo{
ID: "http.matchers.tls",
New: func() caddy.Module { return new(MatchTLS) },
// Match returns true if r matches m.
func (m MatchTLS) Match(r *http.Request) bool {
if r.TLS == nil {
return false
if m.HandshakeComplete != nil {
if (!*m.HandshakeComplete && r.TLS.HandshakeComplete) ||
(*m.HandshakeComplete && !r.TLS.HandshakeComplete) {
return false
return true
// UnmarshalCaddyfile parses Caddyfile tokens for this matcher. Syntax:
// ... tls [early_data]
// EXPERIMENTAL SYNTAX: Subject to change.
func (m *MatchTLS) UnmarshalCaddyfile(d *caddyfile.Dispenser) error {
// iterate to merge multiple matchers into one
for d.Next() {
if d.NextArg() {
switch d.Val() {
case "early_data":
var false bool
m.HandshakeComplete = &false
if d.NextArg() {
return d.ArgErr()
if d.NextBlock(0) {
return d.Err("malformed tls matcher: blocks are not supported yet")
return nil
// CaddyModule returns the Caddy module information.
func (MatchNot) CaddyModule() caddy.ModuleInfo {
return caddy.ModuleInfo{

View File

@ -142,8 +142,16 @@ func addHTTPVarsToReplacer(repl *caddy.Replacer, req *http.Request, w http.Respo
return port, true
case "http.request.remote":
if req.TLS != nil && !req.TLS.HandshakeComplete {
// without a complete handshake (QUIC "early data") we can't trust the remote IP address to not be spoofed
return nil, true
return req.RemoteAddr, true
case "":
if req.TLS != nil && !req.TLS.HandshakeComplete {
// without a complete handshake (QUIC "early data") we can't trust the remote IP address to not be spoofed
return nil, true
host, _, err := net.SplitHostPort(req.RemoteAddr)
if err != nil {
// req.RemoteAddr is host:port for tcp and udp sockets and /unix/socket.path

View File

@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ package reverseproxy
import (
@ -79,6 +80,7 @@ func parseCaddyfile(h httpcaddyfile.Helper) (caddyhttp.MiddlewareHandler, error)
// health_headers {
// <field> [<values...>]
// }
// health_method <value>
// # passive health checking
// fail_duration <duration>
@ -353,6 +355,26 @@ func (h *Handler) UnmarshalCaddyfile(d *caddyfile.Dispenser) error {
h.HealthChecks.Active.Path = d.Val()
caddy.Log().Named("config.adapter.caddyfile").Warn("the 'health_path' subdirective is deprecated, please use 'health_uri' instead!")
case "health_upstream":
if !d.NextArg() {
return d.ArgErr()
if h.HealthChecks == nil {
h.HealthChecks = new(HealthChecks)
if h.HealthChecks.Active == nil {
h.HealthChecks.Active = new(ActiveHealthChecks)
_, port, err := net.SplitHostPort(d.Val())
if err != nil {
return d.Errf("health_upstream is malformed '%s': %v", d.Val(), err)
_, err = strconv.Atoi(port)
if err != nil {
return d.Errf("bad port number '%s': %v", d.Val(), err)
h.HealthChecks.Active.Upstream = d.Val()
case "health_port":
if !d.NextArg() {
return d.ArgErr()
@ -363,6 +385,9 @@ func (h *Handler) UnmarshalCaddyfile(d *caddyfile.Dispenser) error {
if h.HealthChecks.Active == nil {
h.HealthChecks.Active = new(ActiveHealthChecks)
if h.HealthChecks.Active.Upstream != "" {
return d.Errf("the 'health_port' subdirective is ignored if 'health_upstream' is used!")
portNum, err := strconv.Atoi(d.Val())
if err != nil {
return d.Errf("bad port number '%s': %v", d.Val(), err)
@ -387,6 +412,18 @@ func (h *Handler) UnmarshalCaddyfile(d *caddyfile.Dispenser) error {
h.HealthChecks.Active.Headers = healthHeaders
case "health_method":
if !d.NextArg() {
return d.ArgErr()
if h.HealthChecks == nil {
h.HealthChecks = new(HealthChecks)
if h.HealthChecks.Active == nil {
h.HealthChecks.Active = new(ActiveHealthChecks)
h.HealthChecks.Active.Method = d.Val()
case "health_interval":
if !d.NextArg() {
return d.ArgErr()

View File

@ -229,11 +229,13 @@ func cmdReverseProxy(fs caddycmd.Flags) (int, error) {
if changeHost {
if handler.Headers == nil {
handler.Headers = &headers.Handler{
Request: &headers.HeaderOps{
Set: http.Header{},
handler.Headers = new(headers.Handler)
if handler.Headers.Request == nil {
handler.Headers.Request = new(headers.HeaderOps)
if handler.Headers.Request.Set == nil {
handler.Headers.Request.Set = http.Header{}
handler.Headers.Request.Set.Set("Host", "{http.reverse_proxy.upstream.hostport}")

View File

@ -75,13 +75,24 @@ type ActiveHealthChecks struct {
// The URI (path and query) to use for health checks
URI string `json:"uri,omitempty"`
// The host:port to use (if different from the upstream's dial address)
// for health checks. This should be used in tandem with `health_header` and
// `{}`. This can be helpful when
// creating an intermediate service to do a more thorough health check.
// If upstream is set, the active health check port is ignored.
Upstream string `json:"upstream,omitempty"`
// The port to use (if different from the upstream's dial
// address) for health checks.
// address) for health checks. If active upstream is set,
// this value is ignored.
Port int `json:"port,omitempty"`
// HTTP headers to set on health check requests.
Headers http.Header `json:"headers,omitempty"`
// The HTTP method to use for health checks (default "GET").
Method string `json:"method,omitempty"`
// Whether to follow HTTP redirects in response to active health checks (default off).
FollowRedirects bool `json:"follow_redirects,omitempty"`
@ -133,6 +144,11 @@ func (a *ActiveHealthChecks) Provision(ctx caddy.Context, h *Handler) error {
a.Headers = cleaned
// If Method is not set, default to GET
if a.Method == "" {
a.Method = http.MethodGet
h.HealthChecks.Active.logger = h.logger.Named("")
timeout := time.Duration(a.Timeout)
@ -165,9 +181,14 @@ func (a *ActiveHealthChecks) Provision(ctx caddy.Context, h *Handler) error {
for _, upstream := range h.Upstreams {
// if there's an alternative port for health-check provided in the config,
// then use it, otherwise use the port of upstream.
if a.Port != 0 {
// if there's an alternative upstream for health-check provided in the config,
// then use it, otherwise use the upstream's dial address. if upstream is used,
// then the port is ignored.
if a.Upstream != "" {
upstream.activeHealthCheckUpstream = a.Upstream
} else if a.Port != 0 {
// if there's an alternative port for health-check provided in the config,
// then use it, otherwise use the port of upstream.
upstream.activeHealthCheckPort = a.Port
@ -312,7 +333,7 @@ func (h *Handler) doActiveHealthCheckForAllHosts() {
// so use a fake Host value instead; unix sockets are usually local
hostAddr = "localhost"
err = h.doActiveHealthCheck(DialInfo{Network: addr.Network, Address: dialAddr}, hostAddr, upstream)
err = h.doActiveHealthCheck(DialInfo{Network: addr.Network, Address: dialAddr}, hostAddr, networkAddr, upstream)
if err != nil {
h.HealthChecks.Active.logger.Error("active health check failed",
zap.String("address", hostAddr),
@ -330,7 +351,7 @@ func (h *Handler) doActiveHealthCheckForAllHosts() {
// according to whether it passes the health check. An error is
// returned only if the health check fails to occur or if marking
// the host's health status fails.
func (h *Handler) doActiveHealthCheck(dialInfo DialInfo, hostAddr string, upstream *Upstream) error {
func (h *Handler) doActiveHealthCheck(dialInfo DialInfo, hostAddr string, networkAddr string, upstream *Upstream) error {
// create the URL for the request that acts as a health check
u := &url.URL{
Scheme: "http",
@ -342,7 +363,12 @@ func (h *Handler) doActiveHealthCheck(dialInfo DialInfo, hostAddr string, upstre
if err != nil {
host = hostAddr
if h.HealthChecks.Active.Port != 0 {
// ignore active health check port if active upstream is provided as the
// active upstream already contains the replacement port
if h.HealthChecks.Active.Upstream != "" {
u.Host = h.HealthChecks.Active.Upstream
} else if h.HealthChecks.Active.Port != 0 {
port := strconv.Itoa(h.HealthChecks.Active.Port)
u.Host = net.JoinHostPort(host, port)
@ -377,7 +403,7 @@ func (h *Handler) doActiveHealthCheck(dialInfo DialInfo, hostAddr string, upstre
ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, caddyhttp.VarsCtxKey, map[string]any{
dialInfoVarKey: dialInfo,
req, err := http.NewRequestWithContext(ctx, http.MethodGet, u.String(), nil)
req, err := http.NewRequestWithContext(ctx, h.HealthChecks.Active.Method, u.String(), nil)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("making request: %v", err)
@ -386,6 +412,7 @@ func (h *Handler) doActiveHealthCheck(dialInfo DialInfo, hostAddr string, upstre
// set headers, using a replacer with only globals (env vars, system info, etc.)
repl := caddy.NewReplacer()
repl.Set("", networkAddr)
for key, vals := range h.HealthChecks.Active.Headers {
key = repl.ReplaceAll(key, "")
if key == "Host" {
@ -426,6 +453,7 @@ func (h *Handler) doActiveHealthCheck(dialInfo DialInfo, hostAddr string, upstre
if upstream.Host.activeHealthPasses() >= h.HealthChecks.Active.Passes {
if upstream.setHealthy(true) {
h.HealthChecks.Active.logger.Info("host is up", zap.String("host", hostAddr)), "healthy", map[string]any{"host": hostAddr})
@ -492,7 +520,6 @@ func (h *Handler) doActiveHealthCheck(dialInfo DialInfo, hostAddr string, upstre
// passed health check parameters, so mark as healthy
h.HealthChecks.Active.logger.Info("host is up", zap.String("host", hostAddr))
return nil

View File

@ -57,10 +57,11 @@ type Upstream struct {
// HeaderAffinity string
// IPAffinity string
activeHealthCheckPort int
healthCheckPolicy *PassiveHealthChecks
cb CircuitBreaker
unhealthy int32 // accessed atomically; status from active health checker
activeHealthCheckPort int
activeHealthCheckUpstream string
healthCheckPolicy *PassiveHealthChecks
cb CircuitBreaker
unhealthy int32 // accessed atomically; status from active health checker
// (pointer receiver necessary to avoid a race condition, since

View File

@ -363,6 +363,13 @@ func (h *HTTPTransport) NewTransport(caddyCtx caddy.Context) (*http.Transport, e
// site owners control the backends), so it must be exclusive
if len(h.Versions) == 1 && h.Versions[0] == "3" {
h.h3Transport = new(http3.RoundTripper)
if h.TLS != nil {
var err error
h.h3Transport.TLSClientConfig, err = h.TLS.MakeTLSClientConfig(caddyCtx)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("making TLS client config for HTTP/3 transport: %v", err)
} else if len(h.Versions) > 1 && sliceContains(h.Versions, "3") {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("if HTTP/3 is enabled to the upstream, no other HTTP versions are supported")

View File

@ -605,6 +605,18 @@ func (h Handler) prepareRequest(req *http.Request, repl *caddy.Replacer) (*http.
req.Header.Set("User-Agent", "")
// Indicate if request has been conveyed in early data.
// RFC 8470: "An intermediary that forwards a request prior to the
// completion of the TLS handshake with its client MUST send it with
// the Early-Data header field set to “1” (i.e., it adds it if not
// present in the request). An intermediary MUST use the Early-Data
// header field if the request might have been subject to a replay and
// might already have been forwarded by it or another instance
// (see Section 6.2)."
if req.TLS != nil && !req.TLS.HandshakeComplete {
req.Header.Set("Early-Data", "1")
reqUpType := upgradeType(req.Header)

View File

@ -231,6 +231,19 @@ type IPVersions struct {
IPv6 *bool `json:"ipv6,omitempty"`
func resolveIpVersion(versions *IPVersions) string {
resolveIpv4 := versions == nil || (versions.IPv4 == nil && versions.IPv6 == nil) || (versions.IPv4 != nil && *versions.IPv4)
resolveIpv6 := versions == nil || (versions.IPv6 == nil && versions.IPv4 == nil) || (versions.IPv6 != nil && *versions.IPv6)
switch {
case resolveIpv4 && !resolveIpv6:
return "ip4"
case !resolveIpv4 && resolveIpv6:
return "ip6"
return "ip"
// AUpstreams provides upstreams from A/AAAA lookups.
// Results are cached and refreshed at the configured
// refresh interval.
@ -313,9 +326,6 @@ func (au *AUpstreams) Provision(ctx caddy.Context) error {
func (au AUpstreams) GetUpstreams(r *http.Request) ([]*Upstream, error) {
repl := r.Context().Value(caddy.ReplacerCtxKey).(*caddy.Replacer)
resolveIpv4 := au.Versions == nil || au.Versions.IPv4 == nil || *au.Versions.IPv4
resolveIpv6 := au.Versions == nil || au.Versions.IPv6 == nil || *au.Versions.IPv6
// Map ipVersion early, so we can use it as part of the cache-key.
// This should be fairly inexpensive and comes and the upside of
// allowing the same dynamic upstream (name + port combination)
@ -324,15 +334,7 @@ func (au AUpstreams) GetUpstreams(r *http.Request) ([]*Upstream, error) {
// It also forced a cache-miss if a previously cached dynamic
// upstream changes its ip version, e.g. after a config reload,
// while keeping the cache-invalidation as simple as it currently is.
var ipVersion string
switch {
case resolveIpv4 && !resolveIpv6:
ipVersion = "ip4"
case !resolveIpv4 && resolveIpv6:
ipVersion = "ip6"
ipVersion = "ip"
ipVersion := resolveIpVersion(au.Versions)
auStr := repl.ReplaceAll(au.String()+ipVersion, "")

View File

@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
package reverseproxy
import "testing"
func TestResolveIpVersion(t *testing.T) {
falseBool := false
trueBool := true
tests := []struct {
Versions *IPVersions
expectedIpVersion string
Versions: &IPVersions{IPv4: &trueBool},
expectedIpVersion: "ip4",
Versions: &IPVersions{IPv4: &falseBool},
expectedIpVersion: "ip",
Versions: &IPVersions{IPv4: &trueBool, IPv6: &falseBool},
expectedIpVersion: "ip4",
Versions: &IPVersions{IPv6: &trueBool},
expectedIpVersion: "ip6",
Versions: &IPVersions{IPv6: &falseBool},
expectedIpVersion: "ip",
Versions: &IPVersions{IPv6: &trueBool, IPv4: &falseBool},
expectedIpVersion: "ip6",
Versions: &IPVersions{},
expectedIpVersion: "ip",
Versions: &IPVersions{IPv4: &trueBool, IPv6: &trueBool},
expectedIpVersion: "ip",
Versions: &IPVersions{IPv4: &falseBool, IPv6: &falseBool},
expectedIpVersion: "ip",
for _, test := range tests {
ipVersion := resolveIpVersion(test.Versions)
if ipVersion != test.expectedIpVersion {
t.Errorf("resolveIpVersion(): Expected %s got %s", test.expectedIpVersion, ipVersion)