This directory contains a range of examples ESP-IDF projects. These are intended to demonstrate the storage features, and to provide code that you can copy and adapt into your own projects.
# Example Layout
The examples are grouped into sub-directories by category. Each category directory contains one or more example projects:
*`nvs_rw_blob` example demonstrates how to read and write a single integer value and a blob (binary large object) using NVS to preserve them between ESP module restarts.
*`nvs_rw_value` example demonstrates how to read and write a single integer value using NVS.
*`nvs_rw_value_cxx` example demonstrates how to read and write a single integer value using NVS (it uses the C++ NVS handle API).
*`partition_api` examples demonstrate how to use different partition APIs.
*`parttool` example demonstrates common operations the partitions tool allows the user to perform.
*`sd_card` examples demonstrate how to use an SD card with an ESP device.
*`semihost_vfs` example demonstrates how to use semihosting VFS driver with ESP device.
*`spiffs` example demonstrates how to use SPIFFS with ESP device.
*`spiffsgen` example demonstrates how to use the SPIFFS image generation tool to automatically create a SPIFFS.
*`wear_levelling` example demonstrates how to use wear levelling library and FATFS library to store files in a partition inside SPI flash.