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2022-05-23 15:30:13 +02:00
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import json
import os
import re
import shlex
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
import threading
import time
from textwrap import indent
from threading import Thread
2022-06-03 14:46:56 +02:00
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional
2022-06-03 14:46:56 +02:00
from click.core import Context
from idf_py_actions.errors import FatalError
2022-06-03 14:46:56 +02:00
from idf_py_actions.tools import PropertyDict, ensure_build_directory
PYTHON = sys.executable
ESP_ROM_INFO_FILE = 'roms.json'
# Add Python GDB extensions
import sys
sys.path = {sys_path}
import freertos_gdb
# Python scripting is not supported in this copy of GDB.
# Please make sure that your Python distribution contains Python shared library.
# Load bootloader symbols
set confirm off
add-symbol-file {boot_elf}
set confirm on
# Bootloader elf was not found
# Load application file
file {app_elf}
# Connect to the default openocd-esp port and break on app_main()
target remote :3333
monitor reset halt
thbreak app_main
source {py_extensions}
source {symbols}
source {connect}
2022-06-03 14:46:56 +02:00
def action_extensions(base_actions: Dict, project_path: str) -> Dict:
OPENOCD_OUT_FILE = 'openocd_out.txt'
GDBGUI_OUT_FILE = 'gdbgui_out.txt'
# Internal dictionary of currently active processes, threads and their output files
2022-06-03 14:46:56 +02:00
processes: Dict = {'threads_to_join': [], 'openocd_issues': None}
2022-06-03 14:46:56 +02:00
def _check_for_common_openocd_issues(file_name: str, print_all: bool=True) -> Any:
if processes['openocd_issues'] is not None:
return processes['openocd_issues']
message = 'Please check JTAG connection!'
with open(file_name, 'r') as f:
content = f.read()
if print_all:
if re.search(r'Address already in use', content):
message = ('Please check if another process uses the mentioned ports. OpenOCD already running, perhaps in the background?\n'
'Please list all processes to check if OpenOCD is already running; if so, terminate it before starting OpenOCD from idf.py')
processes['openocd_issues'] = message
return message
2022-06-03 14:46:56 +02:00
def _check_openocd_errors(fail_if_openocd_failed: Dict, target: str, ctx: Context) -> None:
if fail_if_openocd_failed:
if 'openocd' in processes and processes['openocd'] is not None:
p = processes['openocd']
name = processes['openocd_outfile_name']
# watch OpenOCD (for 5x500ms) to check if it hasn't terminated or outputs an error
for _ in range(5):
if p.poll() is not None:
print('OpenOCD exited with {}'.format(p.poll()))
with open(name, 'r') as f:
content = f.read()
if re.search(r'no device found', content):
if re.search(r'Listening on port \d+ for gdb connections', content):
# expect OpenOCD has started successfully - stop watching
# OpenOCD exited or error message detected -> print possible output and terminate
raise FatalError('Action "{}" failed due to errors in OpenOCD:\n{}'.format(target, _check_for_common_openocd_issues(name)), ctx)
2022-06-03 14:46:56 +02:00
def _terminate_async_target(target: str) -> None:
if target in processes and processes[target] is not None:
if target + '_outfile' in processes:
processes[target + '_outfile'].close()
p = processes[target]
if p.poll() is None:
# waiting 10x100ms for the process to terminate gracefully
for _ in range(10):
if p.poll() is not None:
if target + '_outfile_name' in processes:
if target == 'openocd':
print(_check_for_common_openocd_issues(processes[target + '_outfile_name'], print_all=False))
os.unlink(processes[target + '_outfile_name'])
except Exception as e:
print('Failed to close/kill {}'.format(target))
processes[target] = None # to indicate this has ended
2022-06-03 14:46:56 +02:00
def is_gdb_with_python(gdb: str) -> bool:
# execute simple python command to check is it supported
return subprocess.run([gdb, '--batch-silent', '--ex', 'python import os'], stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL).returncode == 0
def get_normalized_path(path: str) -> str:
if os.name == 'nt':
return os.path.normpath(path).replace('\\','\\\\')
return path
def get_rom_if_condition_str(date_addr: int, date_str: str) -> str:
r = []
for i in range(0, len(date_str), 4):
value = hex(int.from_bytes(bytes(date_str[i:i + 4], 'utf-8'), 'little'))
r.append(f'(*(int*) {hex(date_addr + i)}) == {value}')
return 'if ' + ' && '.join(r)
def generate_gdbinit_rom_add_symbols(target: str) -> str:
base_ident = ' '
rom_elfs_dir = os.getenv('ESP_ROM_ELF_DIR')
if not rom_elfs_dir:
raise FatalError('ESP_ROM_ELF_DIR environment variable is not defined. Please try to run IDF "install" and "export" scripts.')
with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), ESP_ROM_INFO_FILE), 'r') as f:
roms = json.load(f)
if target not in roms:
msg_body = f'Target "{target}" was not found in "{ESP_ROM_INFO_FILE}". Please check IDF integrity.'
if os.getenv('ESP_IDF_GDB_TESTING'):
raise FatalError(msg_body)
print(f'Warning: {msg_body}')
return f'# {msg_body}'
r = ['', f'# Load {target} ROM ELF symbols']
is_one_revision = len(roms[target]) == 1
if not is_one_revision:
r.append('define target hookpost-remote')
r.append('set confirm off')
# Workaround for reading ROM data on xtensa chips
# This should be deleted after the new openocd-esp release (newer than v0.11.0-esp32-20220706)
xtensa_chips = ['esp32', 'esp32s2', 'esp32s3']
if target in xtensa_chips:
r.append('monitor xtensa set_permissive 1')
# Since GDB does not have 'else if' statement than we use nested 'if..else' instead.
for i, k in enumerate(roms[target], 1):
indent_str = base_ident * i
rom_file = get_normalized_path(os.path.join(rom_elfs_dir, f'{target}_rev{k["rev"]}_rom.elf'))
build_date_addr = int(k['build_date_str_addr'], base=16)
r.append(indent(f'# if $_streq((char *) {hex(build_date_addr)}, "{k["build_date_str"]}")', indent_str))
r.append(indent(get_rom_if_condition_str(build_date_addr, k['build_date_str']), indent_str))
r.append(indent(f'add-symbol-file {rom_file}', indent_str + base_ident))
r.append(indent('else', indent_str))
if i == len(roms[target]):
# In case no one known ROM ELF fits - print error and exit with error code 1
indent_str += base_ident
msg_body = f'unknown {target} ROM revision.'
if os.getenv('ESP_IDF_GDB_TESTING'):
r.append(indent(f'echo Error: {msg_body}\\n', indent_str))
r.append(indent('quit 1', indent_str))
r.append(indent(f'echo Warning: {msg_body}\\n', indent_str))
# Close 'else' operators
for i in range(len(roms[target]), 0, -1):
r.append(indent('end', base_ident * i))
if target in xtensa_chips:
r.append('monitor xtensa set_permissive 0')
r.append('set confirm on')
if not is_one_revision:
return os.linesep.join(r)
raise FatalError(f'{ESP_ROM_INFO_FILE} file not found. Please check IDF integrity.')
def generate_gdbinit_files(gdb: str, gdbinit: Optional[str], project_desc: Dict[str, Any]) -> None:
app_elf = get_normalized_path(os.path.join(project_desc['build_dir'], project_desc['app_elf']))
if not os.path.exists(app_elf):
raise FatalError('ELF file not found. You need to build & flash the project before running debug targets')
# Recreate empty 'gdbinit' directory
gdbinit_dir = os.path.join(project_desc['build_dir'], 'gdbinit')
if os.path.isfile(gdbinit_dir):
elif os.path.isdir(gdbinit_dir):
# Prepare gdbinit for Python GDB extensions import
py_extensions = os.path.join(gdbinit_dir, 'py_extensions')
with open(py_extensions, 'w') as f:
if is_gdb_with_python(gdb):
# Prepare gdbinit for related ELFs symbols load
symbols = os.path.join(gdbinit_dir, 'symbols')
with open(symbols, 'w') as f:
boot_elf = get_normalized_path(project_desc['bootloader_elf']) if 'bootloader_elf' in project_desc else None
if boot_elf and os.path.exists(boot_elf):
# Generate the gdbinit for target connect if no custom gdbinit is present
if not gdbinit:
gdbinit = os.path.join(gdbinit_dir, 'connect')
with open(gdbinit, 'w') as f:
with open(os.path.join(gdbinit_dir, 'gdbinit'), 'w') as f:
f.write(GDBINIT_MAIN.format(py_extensions=py_extensions, symbols=symbols, connect=gdbinit))
2022-06-03 14:46:56 +02:00
def debug_cleanup() -> None:
print('cleaning up debug targets')
for t in processes['threads_to_join']:
if threading.currentThread() != t:
2022-06-03 14:46:56 +02:00
def post_debug(action: str, ctx: Context, args: PropertyDict, **kwargs: str) -> None:
""" Deal with asynchronous targets, such as openocd running in background """
if kwargs['block'] == 1:
for target in ['openocd', 'gdbgui']:
if target in processes and processes[target] is not None:
p = processes[target]
name = processes[target + '_outfile_name']
pos = 0
while True:
with open(name, 'r') as f:
for line in f:
pos = f.tell()
if p.poll() is not None:
print('"{}" exited with {}'.format(target, p.poll()))
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print('Terminated -> exiting debug utility targets')
2022-06-03 14:46:56 +02:00
def get_project_desc(args: PropertyDict, ctx: Context) -> Any:
desc_path = os.path.join(args.build_dir, 'project_description.json')
if not os.path.exists(desc_path):
ensure_build_directory(args, ctx.info_name)
with open(desc_path, 'r') as f:
project_desc = json.load(f)
return project_desc
2022-06-03 14:46:56 +02:00
def openocd(action: str, ctx: Context, args: PropertyDict, openocd_scripts: Optional[str], openocd_commands: str) -> None:
Execute openocd as external tool
'esp32': '-f board/esp32-wrover-kit-3.3v.cfg',
'esp32s2': '-f board/esp32s2-kaluga-1.cfg',
'esp32c3': '-f board/esp32c3-builtin.cfg',
'esp32s3': '-f board/esp32s3-builtin.cfg',
if os.getenv('OPENOCD_SCRIPTS') is None:
raise FatalError('OPENOCD_SCRIPTS not found in the environment: Please run export.sh/export.bat', ctx)
openocd_arguments = os.getenv('OPENOCD_COMMANDS') if openocd_commands is None else openocd_commands
project_desc = get_project_desc(args, ctx)
if openocd_arguments is None:
# use default value if commands not defined in the environment nor command line
target = project_desc['target']
default_args = '-f interface/ftdi/esp32_devkitj_v1.cfg -f target/{}.cfg'.format(target)
openocd_arguments = OPENOCD_TAGET_CONFIG.get(target, default_args)
print('Note: OpenOCD cfg not found (via env variable OPENOCD_COMMANDS nor as a --openocd-commands argument)\n'
'OpenOCD arguments default to: "{}"'.format(openocd_arguments))
# script directory is taken from the environment by OpenOCD, update only if command line arguments to override
if openocd_scripts is not None:
openocd_arguments += ' -s {}'.format(openocd_scripts)
local_dir = project_desc['build_dir']
args = ['openocd'] + shlex.split(openocd_arguments)
openocd_out_name = os.path.join(local_dir, OPENOCD_OUT_FILE)
openocd_out = open(openocd_out_name, 'a+')
process = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=openocd_out, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, bufsize=1)
except Exception as e:
raise FatalError('Error starting openocd. Please make sure it is installed and is present in executable paths', ctx)
processes['openocd'] = process
processes['openocd_outfile'] = openocd_out
processes['openocd_outfile_name'] = openocd_out_name
print('OpenOCD started as a background task {}'.format(process.pid))
def get_gdb_args(project_desc: Dict[str, Any]) -> List:
gdbinit = os.path.join(project_desc['build_dir'], 'gdbinit', 'gdbinit')
args = ['-x={}'.format(gdbinit)]
debug_prefix_gdbinit = project_desc.get('debug_prefix_map_gdbinit')
if debug_prefix_gdbinit:
return args
2022-06-03 14:46:56 +02:00
def gdbui(action: str, ctx: Context, args: PropertyDict, gdbgui_port: Optional[str], gdbinit: Optional[str], require_openocd: bool) -> None:
Asynchronous GDB-UI target
project_desc = get_project_desc(args, ctx)
local_dir = project_desc['build_dir']
gdb = project_desc['monitor_toolprefix'] + 'gdb'
generate_gdbinit_files(gdb, gdbinit, project_desc)
# this is a workaround for gdbgui
# gdbgui is using shlex.split for the --gdb-args option. When the input is:
# - '"-x=foo -x=bar"', would return ['foo bar']
# - '-x=foo', would return ['-x', 'foo'] and mess up the former option '--gdb-args'
# so for one item, use extra double quotes. for more items, use no extra double quotes.
gdb_args_list = get_gdb_args(project_desc)
2022-06-03 14:46:56 +02:00
gdb_args = '"{}"'.format(' '.join(gdb_args_list)) if len(gdb_args_list) == 1 else ' '.join(gdb_args_list)
args = ['gdbgui', '-g', gdb, '--gdb-args', gdb_args]
if gdbgui_port is not None:
args += ['--port', gdbgui_port]
gdbgui_out_name = os.path.join(local_dir, GDBGUI_OUT_FILE)
gdbgui_out = open(gdbgui_out_name, 'a+')
env = os.environ.copy()
# The only known solution for https://github.com/cs01/gdbgui/issues/359 is to set the following environment
# variable. The greenlet package cannot be downgraded for compatibility with other requirements (gdbgui,
# pygdbmi).
env['PURE_PYTHON'] = '1'
process = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=gdbgui_out, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, bufsize=1, env=env)
except Exception as e:
raise FatalError('Error starting gdbgui. Please make sure gdbgui has been installed with '
'"install.{sh,bat,ps1,fish} --enable-gdbgui" and can be started.', ctx)
processes['gdbgui'] = process
processes['gdbgui_outfile'] = gdbgui_out
processes['gdbgui_outfile_name'] = gdbgui_out_name
print('gdbgui started as a background task {}'.format(process.pid))
_check_openocd_errors(fail_if_openocd_failed, action, ctx)
2022-06-03 14:46:56 +02:00
def global_callback(ctx: Context, global_args: PropertyDict, tasks: List) -> None:
def move_to_front(task_name: str) -> None:
for index, task in enumerate(tasks):
if task.name == task_name:
tasks.insert(0, tasks.pop(index))
debug_targets = any([task.name in ('openocd', 'gdbgui') for task in tasks])
if debug_targets:
# Register the meta cleanup callback -> called on FatalError
ctx.meta['cleanup'] = debug_cleanup
move_to_front('gdbgui') # possibly 2nd
move_to_front('openocd') # always 1st
# followed by "monitor", "gdb" or "gdbtui" in any order
post_action = ctx.invoke(ctx.command.get_command(ctx, 'post_debug'))
if any([task.name in ('monitor', 'gdb', 'gdbtui') for task in tasks]):
post_action.action_args['block'] = 0
post_action.action_args['block'] = 1
tasks.append(post_action) # always last
if any([task.name == 'openocd' for task in tasks]):
for task in tasks:
if task.name in ('gdb', 'gdbgui', 'gdbtui'):
task.action_args['require_openocd'] = True
2022-06-03 14:46:56 +02:00
def run_gdb(gdb_args: List) -> int:
p = subprocess.Popen(gdb_args)
processes['gdb'] = p
return p.wait()
2022-06-03 14:46:56 +02:00
def gdbtui(action: str, ctx: Context, args: PropertyDict, gdbinit: str, require_openocd: bool) -> None:
Synchronous GDB target with text ui mode
gdb(action, ctx, args, 1, gdbinit, require_openocd)
2022-06-03 14:46:56 +02:00
def gdb(action: str, ctx: Context, args: PropertyDict, gdb_tui: Optional[int], gdbinit: Optional[str], require_openocd: bool) -> None:
Synchronous GDB target
watch_openocd = Thread(target=_check_openocd_errors, args=(fail_if_openocd_failed, action, ctx, ))
project_desc = get_project_desc(args, ctx)
gdb = project_desc['monitor_toolprefix'] + 'gdb'
generate_gdbinit_files(gdb, gdbinit, project_desc)
args = [gdb, *get_gdb_args(project_desc)]
if gdb_tui is not None:
args += ['-tui']
t = Thread(target=run_gdb, args=(args,))
while True:
except KeyboardInterrupt:
# Catching Keyboard interrupt, as this is used for breaking running program in gdb
except ValueError:
# Valid scenario: watch_openocd task won't be in the list if openocd not started from idf.py
fail_if_openocd_failed = {
'names': ['--require-openocd', '--require_openocd'],
('Fail this target if openocd (this targets dependency) failed.\n'),
'is_flag': True,
'default': False,
gdbinit = {
'names': ['--gdbinit'],
'help': ('Specify the name of gdbinit file to use\n'),
'default': None,
debug_actions = {
'global_action_callbacks': [global_callback],
'actions': {
'openocd': {
'callback': openocd,
'help': 'Run openocd from current path',
'options': [
'names': ['--openocd-scripts', '--openocd_scripts'],
('Script directory for openocd cfg files.\n'),
'names': ['--openocd-commands', '--openocd_commands'],
('Command line arguments for openocd.\n'),
'default': None,
'order_dependencies': ['all', 'flash'],
'gdb': {
'callback': gdb,
'help': 'Run the GDB.',
'options': [
'names': ['--gdb-tui', '--gdb_tui'],
('run gdb in TUI mode\n'),
}, gdbinit, fail_if_openocd_failed
'order_dependencies': ['all', 'flash'],
'gdbgui': {
'callback': gdbui,
'help': 'GDB UI in default browser.',
'options': [
'names': ['--gdbgui-port', '--gdbgui_port'],
('The port on which gdbgui will be hosted. Default: 5000\n'),
}, gdbinit, fail_if_openocd_failed
'order_dependencies': ['all', 'flash'],
'gdbtui': {
'callback': gdbtui,
'help': 'GDB TUI mode.',
'options': [gdbinit, fail_if_openocd_failed],
'order_dependencies': ['all', 'flash'],
'post-debug': {
'callback': post_debug,
'help': 'Utility target to read the output of async debug action and stop them.',
'options': [
'names': ['--block', '--block'],
('Set to 1 for blocking the console on the outputs of async debug actions\n'),
'default': 0,
'order_dependencies': [],
'post_debug': {
'callback': post_debug,
'deprecated': {
'since': 'v4.4',
'removed': 'v5.0',
'exit_with_error': True,
'message': 'Have you wanted to run "post-debug" instead?',
'hidden': True,
'help': 'Utility target to read the output of async debug action and stop them.',
'options': [
'names': ['--block', '--block'],
('Set to 1 for blocking the console on the outputs of async debug actions\n'),
'default': 0,
'order_dependencies': [],
return debug_actions