2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
2023-06-21 17:18:48 +08:00
* SPDX - FileCopyrightText : 2015 - 2023 Espressif Systems ( Shanghai ) CO LTD
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
* SPDX - License - Identifier : Apache - 2.0
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
# include <stdint.h>
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
# include <string.h>
2021-03-05 20:51:25 +08:00
# include <sys/queue.h>
# include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h"
# include "freertos/task.h"
# include "freertos/semphr.h"
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
# include "esp_heap_caps.h"
# include "esp_intr_alloc.h"
2023-11-23 04:00:22 +01:00
# include "soc/interrupts.h" // For interrupt index
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
# include "esp_err.h"
2023-03-22 17:24:26 +01:00
# include "esp_log.h"
2022-09-15 20:43:18 +08:00
# include "hal/usb_dwc_hal.h"
2023-11-29 16:30:04 +08:00
# include "hal/usb_dwc_types.h"
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
# include "hcd.h"
2021-06-09 21:49:08 +08:00
# include "usb_private.h"
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
# include "usb/usb_types_ch9.h"
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
// ----------------------------------------------------- Macros --------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------- Constants -------------------------
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
# define INIT_DELAY_MS 30 // A delay of at least 25ms to enter Host mode. Make it 30ms to be safe
2023-03-06 07:08:06 +01:00
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
# define RESUME_HOLD_MS 30 // Spec requires at least 20ms, Make it 30ms to be safe
# define RESUME_RECOVERY_MS 20 // Resume recovery of at least 10ms. Make it 20 ms to be safe. This will include the 3 LS bit times of the EOP
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
# define CTRL_EP_MAX_MPS_LS 8 // Largest Maximum Packet Size for Low Speed control endpoints
2023-11-23 04:00:22 +01:00
# define CTRL_EP_MAX_MPS_HSFS 64 // Largest Maximum Packet Size for High & Full Speed control endpoints
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
# define NUM_PORTS 1 // The controller only has one port.
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
// ----------------------- Configs -------------------------
# define NUM_BUFFERS 2
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
# define XFER_LIST_LEN_CTRL 3 // One descriptor for each stage
# define XFER_LIST_LEN_BULK 2 // One descriptor for transfer, one to support an extra zero length packet
2023-11-10 13:15:45 +01:00
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
# define XFER_LIST_LEN_ISOC FRAME_LIST_LEN // Same length as the frame list makes it easier to schedule. Must be power of 2
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
2021-03-06 05:46:25 +08:00
// ------------------------ Flags --------------------------
2021-06-09 21:49:08 +08:00
* @ brief Bit masks for the HCD to use in the URBs reserved_flags field
2021-03-06 05:46:25 +08:00
2021-06-09 21:49:08 +08:00
* The URB object has a reserved_flags member for host stack ' s internal use . The following flags will be set in
* reserved_flags in order to keep track of state of an URB within the HCD .
2021-03-06 05:46:25 +08:00
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
# define URB_HCD_STATE_IDLE 0 // The URB is not enqueued in an HCD pipe
# define URB_HCD_STATE_PENDING 1 // The URB is enqueued and pending execution
# define URB_HCD_STATE_INFLIGHT 2 // The URB is currently in flight
# define URB_HCD_STATE_DONE 3 // The URB has completed execution or is retired, and is waiting to be dequeued
2021-06-09 21:49:08 +08:00
# define URB_HCD_STATE_SET(reserved_flags, state) (reserved_flags = (reserved_flags & ~URB_HCD_STATE_MASK) | state)
# define URB_HCD_STATE_GET(reserved_flags) (reserved_flags & URB_HCD_STATE_MASK)
2021-03-06 05:46:25 +08:00
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
// -------------------- Convenience ------------------------
2023-03-22 17:24:26 +01:00
const char * HCD_DWC_TAG = " HCD DWC " ;
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
# define HCD_ENTER_CRITICAL() portENTER_CRITICAL(&hcd_lock)
# define HCD_EXIT_CRITICAL() portEXIT_CRITICAL(&hcd_lock)
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
# define HCD_CHECK(cond, ret_val) ({ \
if ( ! ( cond ) ) { \
return ( ret_val ) ; \
} \
} )
# define HCD_CHECK_FROM_CRIT(cond, ret_val) ({ \
if ( ! ( cond ) ) { \
return ret_val ; \
} \
} )
// ------------------------------------------------------ Types --------------------------------------------------------
typedef struct pipe_obj pipe_t ;
typedef struct port_obj port_t ;
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
* @ brief Object representing a single buffer of a pipe ' s multi buffer implementation
typedef struct {
void * xfer_desc_list ;
2021-06-09 21:49:08 +08:00
urb_t * urb ;
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
union {
struct {
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
uint32_t data_stg_in : 1 ; // Data stage of the control transfer is IN
uint32_t data_stg_skip : 1 ; // Control transfer has no data stage
uint32_t cur_stg : 2 ; // Index of the current stage (e.g., 0 is setup stage, 2 is status stage)
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
uint32_t reserved28 : 28 ;
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
} ctrl ; // Control transfer related
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
struct {
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
uint32_t zero_len_packet : 1 ; // Added a zero length packet, so transfer consists of 2 QTDs
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
uint32_t reserved31 : 31 ;
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
} bulk ; // Bulk transfer related
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
struct {
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
uint32_t num_qtds : 8 ; // Number of transfer descriptors filled (excluding zero length packet)
uint32_t zero_len_packet : 1 ; // Added a zero length packet, so true number descriptors is num_qtds + 1
2021-11-17 18:35:34 +08:00
uint32_t reserved23 : 23 ;
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
} intr ; // Interrupt transfer related
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
struct {
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
uint32_t num_qtds : 8 ; // Number of transfer descriptors filled (including NULL descriptors)
uint32_t interval : 8 ; // Interval (in number of SOF i.e., ms)
uint32_t start_idx : 8 ; // Index of the first transfer descriptor in the list
uint32_t next_start_idx : 8 ; // Index for the first descriptor of the next buffer
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
} isoc ;
uint32_t val ;
} flags ;
union {
struct {
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
uint32_t executing : 1 ; // The buffer is currently executing
uint32_t was_canceled : 1 ; // Buffer was done due to a cancellation (i.e., a halt request)
2021-10-25 21:42:09 +08:00
uint32_t reserved6 : 6 ;
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
uint32_t stop_idx : 8 ; // The descriptor index when the channel was halted
hcd_pipe_event_t pipe_event : 8 ; // The pipe event when the buffer was done
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
uint32_t reserved8 : 8 ;
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
} ;
uint32_t val ;
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
} status_flags ; // Status flags for the buffer
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
} dma_buffer_block_t ;
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
* @ brief Object representing a pipe in the HCD layer
struct pipe_obj {
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// URB queuing related
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
TAILQ_HEAD ( tailhead_urb_pending , urb_s ) pending_urb_tailq ;
TAILQ_HEAD ( tailhead_urb_done , urb_s ) done_urb_tailq ;
2021-06-09 21:49:08 +08:00
int num_urb_pending ;
int num_urb_done ;
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Multi-buffer control
dma_buffer_block_t * buffers [ NUM_BUFFERS ] ; // Double buffering scheme
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
union {
struct {
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
uint32_t buffer_num_to_fill : 2 ; // Number of buffers that can be filled
uint32_t buffer_num_to_exec : 2 ; // Number of buffers that are filled and need to be executed
uint32_t buffer_num_to_parse : 2 ; // Number of buffers completed execution and waiting to be parsed
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
uint32_t reserved2 : 2 ;
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
uint32_t wr_idx : 1 ; // Index of the next buffer to fill. Bit width must allow NUM_BUFFERS to wrap automatically
uint32_t rd_idx : 1 ; // Index of the current buffer in-flight. Bit width must allow NUM_BUFFERS to wrap automatically
uint32_t fr_idx : 1 ; // Index of the next buffer to parse. Bit width must allow NUM_BUFFERS to wrap automatically
uint32_t buffer_is_executing : 1 ; // One of the buffers is in flight
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
uint32_t reserved20 : 20 ;
} ;
uint32_t val ;
} multi_buffer_control ;
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// HAL related
2022-09-15 21:26:00 +08:00
usb_dwc_hal_chan_t * chan_obj ;
usb_dwc_hal_ep_char_t ep_char ;
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Port related
port_t * port ; // The port to which this pipe is routed through
TAILQ_ENTRY ( pipe_obj ) tailq_entry ; // TailQ entry for port's list of pipes
// Pipe status/state/events related
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
hcd_pipe_state_t state ;
hcd_pipe_event_t last_event ;
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
volatile TaskHandle_t task_waiting_pipe_notif ; // Task handle used for internal pipe events. Set by waiter, cleared by notifier
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
union {
struct {
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
uint32_t waiting_halt : 1 ;
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
uint32_t pipe_cmd_processing : 1 ;
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
uint32_t has_urb : 1 ; // Indicates there is at least one URB either pending, in-flight, or done
uint32_t persist : 1 ; // indicates that this pipe should persist through a run-time port reset
uint32_t reset_lock : 1 ; // Indicates that this pipe is undergoing a run-time reset
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
uint32_t reserved27 : 27 ;
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
} ;
uint32_t val ;
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
} cs_flags ;
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Pipe callback and context
2021-06-09 21:49:08 +08:00
hcd_pipe_callback_t callback ;
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
void * callback_arg ;
void * context ;
} ;
* @ brief Object representing a port in the HCD layer
struct port_obj {
2022-09-15 21:26:00 +08:00
usb_dwc_hal_context_t * hal ;
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
void * frame_list ;
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Pipes routed through this port
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
TAILQ_HEAD ( tailhead_pipes_idle , pipe_obj ) pipes_idle_tailq ;
2021-03-06 05:46:25 +08:00
TAILQ_HEAD ( tailhead_pipes_queued , pipe_obj ) pipes_active_tailq ;
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
int num_pipes_idle ;
int num_pipes_queued ;
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Port status, state, and events
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
hcd_port_state_t state ;
usb_speed_t speed ;
hcd_port_event_t last_event ;
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
volatile TaskHandle_t task_waiting_port_notif ; // Task handle used for internal port events. Set by waiter, cleared by notifier
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
union {
struct {
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
uint32_t event_pending : 1 ; // The port has an event that needs to be handled
uint32_t event_processing : 1 ; // The port is current processing (handling) an event
uint32_t cmd_processing : 1 ; // Used to indicate command handling is ongoing
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
uint32_t disable_requested : 1 ;
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
uint32_t conn_dev_ena : 1 ; // Used to indicate the port is connected to a device that has been reset
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
uint32_t periodic_scheduling_enabled : 1 ;
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
uint32_t reserved26 : 26 ;
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
} ;
uint32_t val ;
} flags ;
bool initialized ;
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// FIFO biasing related
2023-11-29 20:11:28 +08:00
usb_hal_fifo_bias_t fifo_bias ; // Bias is saved so it can be reconfigured upon reset
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Port callback and context
2021-06-09 21:49:08 +08:00
hcd_port_callback_t callback ;
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
void * callback_arg ;
SemaphoreHandle_t port_mux ;
void * context ;
} ;
* @ brief Object representing the HCD
typedef struct {
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Ports (Hardware only has one)
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
port_t * port_obj ;
intr_handle_t isr_hdl ;
} hcd_obj_t ;
static portMUX_TYPE hcd_lock = portMUX_INITIALIZER_UNLOCKED ;
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
static hcd_obj_t * s_hcd_obj = NULL ; // Note: "s_" is for the static pointer
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
// ------------------------------------------------- Forward Declare ---------------------------------------------------
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
// ------------------- Buffer Control ----------------------
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
2021-06-09 21:49:08 +08:00
* @ brief Check if an inactive buffer can be filled with a pending URB
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
* @ param pipe Pipe object
2021-06-09 21:49:08 +08:00
* @ return true There are one or more pending URBs , and the inactive buffer is yet to be filled
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
* @ return false Otherwise
static inline bool _buffer_can_fill ( pipe_t * pipe )
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// We can only fill if there are pending URBs and at least one unfilled buffer
2021-06-09 21:49:08 +08:00
if ( pipe - > num_urb_pending > 0 & & pipe - > multi_buffer_control . buffer_num_to_fill > 0 ) {
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
return true ;
} else {
return false ;
* @ brief Fill an empty buffer with
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
* This function will :
2021-06-09 21:49:08 +08:00
* - Remove an URB from the pending tailq
* - Fill that URB into the inactive buffer
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
* @ note _buffer_can_fill ( ) must return true before calling this function
* @ param pipe Pipe object
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
static void _buffer_fill ( pipe_t * pipe ) ;
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
* @ brief Check if there are more filled buffers than can be executed
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
* @ param pipe Pipe object
* @ return true There are more filled buffers to be executed
* @ return false No more buffers to execute
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
static inline bool _buffer_can_exec ( pipe_t * pipe )
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// We can only execute if there is not already a buffer executing and if there are filled buffers awaiting execution
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
if ( ! pipe - > multi_buffer_control . buffer_is_executing & & pipe - > multi_buffer_control . buffer_num_to_exec > 0 ) {
return true ;
} else {
return false ;
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
* @ brief Execute the next filled buffer
* - Must have called _buffer_can_exec ( ) before calling this function
* - Will start the execution of the buffer
* @ param pipe Pipe object
static void _buffer_exec ( pipe_t * pipe ) ;
* @ brief Check if a buffer as completed execution
2022-09-15 21:26:00 +08:00
* This should only be called after receiving a USB_DWC_HAL_CHAN_EVENT_CPLT event to check if a buffer is actually
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
* done .
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
* @ param pipe Pipe object
* @ return true Buffer complete
* @ return false Buffer not complete
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
static inline bool _buffer_check_done ( pipe_t * pipe )
2023-11-29 16:30:04 +08:00
if ( pipe - > ep_char . type ! = USB_DWC_XFER_TYPE_CTRL ) {
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
return true ;
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Only control transfers need to be continued
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
dma_buffer_block_t * buffer_inflight = pipe - > buffers [ pipe - > multi_buffer_control . rd_idx ] ;
return ( buffer_inflight - > flags . ctrl . cur_stg = = 2 ) ;
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
* @ brief Continue execution of a buffer
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
* This should only be called after checking if a buffer has completed execution using _buffer_check_done ( )
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
* @ param pipe Pipe object
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
static void _buffer_exec_cont ( pipe_t * pipe ) ;
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
* @ brief Marks the last executed buffer as complete
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
* This should be called on a pipe that has confirmed that a buffer is completed via _buffer_check_done ( )
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
* @ param pipe Pipe object
* @ param stop_idx Descriptor index when the buffer stopped execution
2021-10-25 21:42:09 +08:00
* @ param pipe_event Pipe event that caused the buffer to be complete . Use HCD_PIPE_EVENT_NONE for halt request of disconnections
* @ param canceled Whether the buffer was done due to a canceled ( i . e . , halt request ) . Must set pipe_event to HCD_PIPE_EVENT_NONE
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
2021-10-25 21:42:09 +08:00
static inline void _buffer_done ( pipe_t * pipe , int stop_idx , hcd_pipe_event_t pipe_event , bool canceled )
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Store the stop_idx and pipe_event for later parsing
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
dma_buffer_block_t * buffer_done = pipe - > buffers [ pipe - > multi_buffer_control . rd_idx ] ;
buffer_done - > status_flags . executing = 0 ;
2021-10-25 21:42:09 +08:00
buffer_done - > status_flags . was_canceled = canceled ;
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
buffer_done - > status_flags . stop_idx = stop_idx ;
buffer_done - > status_flags . pipe_event = pipe_event ;
pipe - > multi_buffer_control . rd_idx + + ;
pipe - > multi_buffer_control . buffer_num_to_exec - - ;
pipe - > multi_buffer_control . buffer_num_to_parse + + ;
pipe - > multi_buffer_control . buffer_is_executing = 0 ;
* @ brief Checks if a pipe has one or more completed buffers to parse
* @ param pipe Pipe object
* @ return true There are one or more buffers to parse
* @ return false There are no more buffers to parse
static inline bool _buffer_can_parse ( pipe_t * pipe )
if ( pipe - > multi_buffer_control . buffer_num_to_parse > 0 ) {
return true ;
} else {
return false ;
* @ brief Parse a completed buffer
* This function will :
2021-06-09 21:49:08 +08:00
* - Parse the results of an URB from a completed buffer
* - Put the URB into the done tailq
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
* @ note This function should only be called on the completion of a buffer
* @ param pipe Pipe object
2021-06-09 21:49:08 +08:00
* @ param stop_idx ( For INTR pipes only ) The index of the descriptor that follows the last descriptor of the URB . Set to 0 otherwise
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
static void _buffer_parse ( pipe_t * pipe ) ;
* @ brief Marks all buffers pending execution as completed , then parses those buffers
* @ note This should only be called on pipes do not have any currently executing buffers .
* @ param pipe Pipe object
2021-10-25 21:42:09 +08:00
* @ param canceled Whether this flush is due to cancellation
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
* @ return true One or more buffers were flushed
* @ return false There were no buffers that needed to be flushed
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
2021-10-25 21:42:09 +08:00
static bool _buffer_flush_all ( pipe_t * pipe , bool canceled ) ;
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
// ------------------------ Pipe ---------------------------
* @ brief Decode a HAL channel error to the corresponding pipe event
* @ param chan_error The HAL channel error
* @ return hcd_pipe_event_t The corresponding pipe error event
2022-09-15 21:26:00 +08:00
static inline hcd_pipe_event_t pipe_decode_error_event ( usb_dwc_hal_chan_error_t chan_error ) ;
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
* @ brief Halt a pipe
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
* - Attempts to halt a pipe . Pipe must be active in order to be halted
* - If the underlying channel has an ongoing transfer , a halt will be requested , then the function will block until the
* channel indicates it is halted
* - If the channel is no on - going transfer , the pipe will simply be marked has halted ( thus preventing any further URBs
* from being enqueued )
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
* @ note This function can block
* @ param pipe Pipe object
* @ return esp_err_t
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
static esp_err_t _pipe_cmd_halt ( pipe_t * pipe ) ;
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
* @ brief Flush a pipe
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
* - Flushing a pipe causes all of its pending URBs to be become done , thus allowing them to be dequeued
* - The pipe must be halted in order to be flushed
* - The pipe callback will be run if one or more URBs become done
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
* @ param pipe Pipe object
* @ return esp_err_t
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
static esp_err_t _pipe_cmd_flush ( pipe_t * pipe ) ;
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
* @ brief Clear a pipe from its halt
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
* - Pipe must be halted in order to be cleared
* - Clearing a pipe makes it active again
* - If there are any enqueued URBs , they will executed
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
* @ param pipe Pipe object
* @ return esp_err_t
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
static esp_err_t _pipe_cmd_clear ( pipe_t * pipe ) ;
// ------------------------ Port ---------------------------
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
2021-06-10 00:15:55 +08:00
* @ brief Prepare persistent pipes for reset
* This function checks if all pipes are reset persistent and proceeds to free their underlying HAL channels for the
* persistent pipes . This should be called before a run time reset
* @ param port Port object
* @ return true All pipes are persistent and their channels are freed
* @ return false Not all pipes are persistent
static bool _port_persist_all_pipes ( port_t * port ) ;
* @ brief Recovers all persistent pipes after a reset
* This function will recover all persistent pipes after a reset and reallocate their underlying HAl channels . This
* function should be called after a reset .
* @ param port Port object
static void _port_recover_all_pipes ( port_t * port ) ;
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
* @ brief Checks if all pipes are in the halted state
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
* @ param port Port object
* @ return true All pipes are halted
* @ return false Not all pipes are halted
static bool _port_check_all_pipes_halted ( port_t * port ) ;
* @ brief Debounce port after a connection or disconnection event
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
* This function should be called after a port connection or disconnect event . This function will execute a debounce
* delay then check the actual connection / disconnections state .
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
* @ note This function can block
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
* @ param port Port object
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
* @ return true A device is connected
* @ return false No device connected
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
static bool _port_debounce ( port_t * port ) ;
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
* @ brief Power ON the port
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
* @ param port Port object
* @ return esp_err_t
static esp_err_t _port_cmd_power_on ( port_t * port ) ;
* @ brief Power OFF the port
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
* - If a device is currently connected , this function will cause a disconnect event
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
* @ param port Port object
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
* @ return esp_err_t
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
static esp_err_t _port_cmd_power_off ( port_t * port ) ;
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
* @ brief Reset the port
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
* - This function issues a reset signal using the timings specified by the USB2 .0 spec
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
* @ note This function can block
* @ param port Port object
* @ return esp_err_t
static esp_err_t _port_cmd_reset ( port_t * port ) ;
* @ brief Suspend the port
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
* - Port must be enabled in order to to be suspended
* - All pipes must be halted for the port to be suspended
* - Suspending the port stops Keep Alive / SOF from being sent to the connected device
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
* @ param port Port object
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
* @ return esp_err_t
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
static esp_err_t _port_cmd_bus_suspend ( port_t * port ) ;
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
* @ brief Resume the port
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
* - Port must be suspended in order to be resumed
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
* @ note This function can block
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
* @ param port Port object
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
* @ return esp_err_t
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
static esp_err_t _port_cmd_bus_resume ( port_t * port ) ;
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
* @ brief Disable the port
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
* - All pipes must be halted for the port to be disabled
* - The port must be enabled or suspended in order to be disabled
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
* @ note This function can block
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
* @ param port Port object
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
* @ return esp_err_t
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
static esp_err_t _port_cmd_disable ( port_t * port ) ;
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
// ----------------------- Events --------------------------
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
* @ brief Wait for an internal event from a port
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
* @ note For each port , there can only be one thread / task waiting for an internal port event
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
* @ note This function is blocking ( will exit and re - enter the critical section to do so )
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
* @ param port Port object
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
static void _internal_port_event_wait ( port_t * port ) ;
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
* @ brief Notify ( from an ISR context ) the thread / task waiting for the internal port event
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
* @ param port Port object
* @ return true A yield is required
* @ return false Whether a yield is required or not
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
static bool _internal_port_event_notify_from_isr ( port_t * port ) ;
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
* @ brief Wait for an internal event from a particular pipe
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
* @ note For each pipe , there can only be one thread / task waiting for an internal port event
* @ note This function is blocking ( will exit and re - enter the critical section to do so )
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
2021-03-06 05:46:25 +08:00
* @ param pipe Pipe object
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
static void _internal_pipe_event_wait ( pipe_t * pipe ) ;
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
* @ brief Notify ( from an ISR context ) the thread / task waiting for an internal pipe event
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
2021-03-06 05:46:25 +08:00
* @ param pipe Pipe object
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
* @ param from_isr Whether this is called from an ISR or not
* @ return true A yield is required
* @ return false Whether a yield is required or not . Always false when from_isr is also false
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
static bool _internal_pipe_event_notify ( pipe_t * pipe , bool from_isr ) ;
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
// ----------------------------------------------- Interrupt Handling --------------------------------------------------
// ------------------- Internal Event ----------------------
static void _internal_port_event_wait ( port_t * port )
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// There must NOT be another thread/task already waiting for an internal event
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
assert ( port - > task_waiting_port_notif = = NULL ) ;
port - > task_waiting_port_notif = xTaskGetCurrentTaskHandle ( ) ;
2021-10-25 21:42:09 +08:00
/* We need to loop as task notifications can come from anywhere. If we this
was a port event notification , task_waiting_port_notif will have been cleared
by the notifier . */
while ( port - > task_waiting_port_notif ! = NULL ) {
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Wait to be notified from ISR
2021-10-25 21:42:09 +08:00
ulTaskNotifyTake ( pdTRUE , portMAX_DELAY ) ;
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
static bool _internal_port_event_notify_from_isr ( port_t * port )
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// There must be a thread/task waiting for an internal event
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
assert ( port - > task_waiting_port_notif ! = NULL ) ;
2021-10-25 21:42:09 +08:00
TaskHandle_t task_to_unblock = port - > task_waiting_port_notif ;
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Clear task_waiting_port_notif to indicate to the waiter that the unblock was indeed an port event notification
2021-10-25 21:42:09 +08:00
port - > task_waiting_port_notif = NULL ;
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Unblock the thread/task waiting for the notification
2021-10-25 21:42:09 +08:00
BaseType_t xTaskWoken = pdFALSE ;
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Note: We don't exit the critical section to be atomic. vTaskNotifyGiveFromISR() doesn't block anyways
2021-10-25 21:42:09 +08:00
vTaskNotifyGiveFromISR ( task_to_unblock , & xTaskWoken ) ;
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
return ( xTaskWoken = = pdTRUE ) ;
static void _internal_pipe_event_wait ( pipe_t * pipe )
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// There must NOT be another thread/task already waiting for an internal event
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
assert ( pipe - > task_waiting_pipe_notif = = NULL ) ;
pipe - > task_waiting_pipe_notif = xTaskGetCurrentTaskHandle ( ) ;
2021-10-25 21:42:09 +08:00
/* We need to loop as task notifications can come from anywhere. If we this
was a pipe event notification , task_waiting_pipe_notif will have been cleared
by the notifier . */
while ( pipe - > task_waiting_pipe_notif ! = NULL ) {
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Wait to be unblocked by notified
2021-10-25 21:42:09 +08:00
ulTaskNotifyTake ( pdTRUE , portMAX_DELAY ) ;
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
static bool _internal_pipe_event_notify ( pipe_t * pipe , bool from_isr )
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// There must be a thread/task waiting for an internal event
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
assert ( pipe - > task_waiting_pipe_notif ! = NULL ) ;
2021-10-25 21:42:09 +08:00
TaskHandle_t task_to_unblock = pipe - > task_waiting_pipe_notif ;
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Clear task_waiting_pipe_notif to indicate to the waiter that the unblock was indeed an pipe event notification
2021-10-25 21:42:09 +08:00
pipe - > task_waiting_pipe_notif = NULL ;
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
bool ret ;
if ( from_isr ) {
BaseType_t xTaskWoken = pdFALSE ;
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Note: We don't exit the critical section to be atomic. vTaskNotifyGiveFromISR() doesn't block anyways
// Unblock the thread/task waiting for the pipe notification
2021-10-25 21:42:09 +08:00
vTaskNotifyGiveFromISR ( task_to_unblock , & xTaskWoken ) ;
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
ret = ( xTaskWoken = = pdTRUE ) ;
} else {
2021-10-25 21:42:09 +08:00
xTaskNotifyGive ( task_to_unblock ) ;
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
ret = false ;
return ret ;
2023-11-29 20:11:28 +08:00
// ----------------- HAL <-> USB helpers --------------------
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
2023-11-29 16:30:04 +08:00
static usb_speed_t get_usb_port_speed ( usb_dwc_speed_t priv )
2023-11-23 04:00:22 +01:00
switch ( priv ) {
2023-11-29 16:30:04 +08:00
2023-11-23 04:00:22 +01:00
default : abort ( ) ;
2023-11-29 20:11:28 +08:00
static usb_hal_fifo_bias_t get_hal_fifo_bias ( hcd_port_fifo_bias_t public )
switch ( public ) {
default : abort ( ) ;
// ----------------- Interrupt Handlers --------------------
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
* @ brief Handle a HAL port interrupt and obtain the corresponding port event
* @ param [ in ] port Port object
* @ param [ in ] hal_port_event The HAL port event
* @ param [ out ] yield Set to true if a yield is required as a result of handling the interrupt
* @ return hcd_port_event_t Returns a port event , or HCD_PORT_EVENT_NONE if no port event occurred
2022-09-15 21:26:00 +08:00
static hcd_port_event_t _intr_hdlr_hprt ( port_t * port , usb_dwc_hal_port_event_t hal_port_event , bool * yield )
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
hcd_port_event_t port_event = HCD_PORT_EVENT_NONE ;
switch ( hal_port_event ) {
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Don't update state immediately, we still need to debounce.
break ;
port - > state = HCD_PORT_STATE_RECOVERY ;
port - > flags . conn_dev_ena = 0 ;
break ;
usb_dwc_hal_port_enable ( port - > hal ) ; // Initialize remaining host port registers
2023-11-29 16:30:04 +08:00
port - > speed = get_usb_port_speed ( usb_dwc_hal_port_get_conn_speed ( port - > hal ) ) ;
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
port - > state = HCD_PORT_STATE_ENABLED ;
port - > flags . conn_dev_ena = 1 ;
// This was triggered by a command, so no event needs to be propagated.
break ;
port - > flags . conn_dev_ena = 0 ;
// Disabled could be due to a disable request or reset request, or due to a port error
if ( port - > state ! = HCD_PORT_STATE_RESETTING ) { // Ignore the disable event if it's due to a reset request
if ( port - > flags . disable_requested ) {
// Disabled by request (i.e. by port command). Generate an internal event
port - > state = HCD_PORT_STATE_DISABLED ;
port - > flags . disable_requested = 0 ;
* yield | = _internal_port_event_notify_from_isr ( port ) ;
} else {
// Disabled due to a port error
2021-06-09 23:04:19 +08:00
port - > state = HCD_PORT_STATE_RECOVERY ;
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
port_event = HCD_PORT_EVENT_ERROR ;
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
break ;
case USB_DWC_HAL_PORT_EVENT_OVRCUR_CLR : { // Could occur if a quick overcurrent then clear happens
if ( port - > state ! = HCD_PORT_STATE_NOT_POWERED ) {
// We need to power OFF the port to protect it
usb_dwc_hal_port_toggle_power ( port - > hal , false ) ;
port - > state = HCD_PORT_STATE_RECOVERY ;
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
port - > flags . conn_dev_ena = 0 ;
break ;
default : {
abort ( ) ;
break ;
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
return port_event ;
* @ brief Handles a HAL channel interrupt
* This function should be called on a HAL channel when it has an interrupt . Most HAL channel events will correspond to
* to a pipe event , but not always . This function will store the pipe event and return a pipe object pointer if a pipe
* event occurred , or return NULL otherwise .
* @ param [ in ] chan_obj Pointer to HAL channel object with interrupt
* @ param [ out ] yield Set to true if a yield is required as a result of handling the interrupt
* @ return hcd_pipe_event_t The pipe event
2022-09-15 21:26:00 +08:00
static hcd_pipe_event_t _intr_hdlr_chan ( pipe_t * pipe , usb_dwc_hal_chan_t * chan_obj , bool * yield )
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
2022-09-15 21:26:00 +08:00
usb_dwc_hal_chan_event_t chan_event = usb_dwc_hal_chan_decode_intr ( chan_obj ) ;
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
hcd_pipe_event_t event = HCD_PIPE_EVENT_NONE ;
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
switch ( chan_event ) {
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
if ( ! _buffer_check_done ( pipe ) ) {
_buffer_exec_cont ( pipe ) ;
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
break ;
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
pipe - > last_event = HCD_PIPE_EVENT_URB_DONE ;
event = pipe - > last_event ;
// Mark the buffer as done
int stop_idx = usb_dwc_hal_chan_get_qtd_idx ( chan_obj ) ;
_buffer_done ( pipe , stop_idx , pipe - > last_event , false ) ;
// First check if there is another buffer we can execute. But we only want to execute if there's still a valid device
if ( _buffer_can_exec ( pipe ) & & pipe - > port - > flags . conn_dev_ena ) {
// If the next buffer is filled and ready to execute, execute it
_buffer_exec ( pipe ) ;
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Handle the previously done buffer
_buffer_parse ( pipe ) ;
// Check to see if we can fill another buffer. But we only want to fill if there is still a valid device
if ( _buffer_can_fill ( pipe ) & & pipe - > port - > flags . conn_dev_ena ) {
// Now that we've parsed a buffer, see if another URB can be filled in its place
_buffer_fill ( pipe ) ;
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
break ;
// Get and store the pipe error event
usb_dwc_hal_chan_error_t chan_error = usb_dwc_hal_chan_get_error ( chan_obj ) ;
pipe - > last_event = pipe_decode_error_event ( chan_error ) ;
event = pipe - > last_event ;
pipe - > state = HCD_PIPE_STATE_HALTED ;
// Mark the buffer as done with an error
int stop_idx = usb_dwc_hal_chan_get_qtd_idx ( chan_obj ) ;
_buffer_done ( pipe , stop_idx , pipe - > last_event , false ) ;
// Parse the buffer
_buffer_parse ( pipe ) ;
break ;
assert ( pipe - > cs_flags . waiting_halt ) ;
// We've halted a transfer, so we need to trigger the pipe callback
pipe - > last_event = HCD_PIPE_EVENT_URB_DONE ;
event = pipe - > last_event ;
// Halt request event is triggered when packet is successful completed. But just treat all halted transfers as errors
pipe - > state = HCD_PIPE_STATE_HALTED ;
int stop_idx = usb_dwc_hal_chan_get_qtd_idx ( chan_obj ) ;
_buffer_done ( pipe , stop_idx , HCD_PIPE_EVENT_NONE , true ) ;
// Parse the buffer
_buffer_parse ( pipe ) ;
// Notify the task waiting for the pipe halt
* yield | = _internal_pipe_event_notify ( pipe , true ) ;
break ;
break ; // Nothing to do
default :
abort ( ) ;
break ;
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
return event ;
* @ brief Main interrupt handler
* - Handle all HPRT ( Host Port ) related interrupts first as they may change the
* state of the driver ( e . g . , a disconnect event )
* - If any channels ( pipes ) have pending interrupts , handle them one by one
* - The HCD has not blocking functions , so the user ' s ISR callback is run to
* allow the users to send whatever OS primitives they need .
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
* @ param arg Interrupt handler argument
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
static void intr_hdlr_main ( void * arg )
2021-03-06 05:46:25 +08:00
port_t * port = ( port_t * ) arg ;
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
bool yield = false ;
2022-09-15 21:26:00 +08:00
usb_dwc_hal_port_event_t hal_port_evt = usb_dwc_hal_decode_intr ( port - > hal ) ;
if ( hal_port_evt = = USB_DWC_HAL_PORT_EVENT_CHAN ) {
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Channel event. Cycle through each pending channel
2022-09-15 21:26:00 +08:00
usb_dwc_hal_chan_t * chan_obj = usb_dwc_hal_get_chan_pending_intr ( port - > hal ) ;
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
while ( chan_obj ! = NULL ) {
2022-09-15 21:26:00 +08:00
pipe_t * pipe = ( pipe_t * ) usb_dwc_hal_chan_get_context ( chan_obj ) ;
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
hcd_pipe_event_t event = _intr_hdlr_chan ( pipe , chan_obj , & yield ) ;
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Run callback if a pipe event has occurred and the pipe also has a callback
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
if ( event ! = HCD_PIPE_EVENT_NONE & & pipe - > callback ! = NULL ) {
yield | = pipe - > callback ( ( hcd_pipe_handle_t ) pipe , event , pipe - > callback_arg , true ) ;
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Check for more channels with pending interrupts. Returns NULL if there are no more
2022-09-15 21:26:00 +08:00
chan_obj = usb_dwc_hal_get_chan_pending_intr ( port - > hal ) ;
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
} else if ( hal_port_evt ! = USB_DWC_HAL_PORT_EVENT_NONE ) { // Port event
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
hcd_port_event_t port_event = _intr_hdlr_hprt ( port , hal_port_evt , & yield ) ;
if ( port_event ! = HCD_PORT_EVENT_NONE ) {
port - > last_event = port_event ;
port - > flags . event_pending = 1 ;
if ( port - > callback ! = NULL ) {
yield | = port - > callback ( ( hcd_port_handle_t ) port , port_event , port - > callback_arg , true ) ;
if ( yield ) {
portYIELD_FROM_ISR ( ) ;
// --------------------------------------------- Host Controller Driver ------------------------------------------------
static port_t * port_obj_alloc ( void )
port_t * port = calloc ( 1 , sizeof ( port_t ) ) ;
2022-09-15 21:26:00 +08:00
usb_dwc_hal_context_t * hal = malloc ( sizeof ( usb_dwc_hal_context_t ) ) ;
2023-11-14 20:42:25 +08:00
void * frame_list = heap_caps_aligned_calloc ( USB_DWC_FRAME_LIST_MEM_ALIGN , FRAME_LIST_LEN , sizeof ( uint32_t ) , MALLOC_CAP_DMA ) ;
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
SemaphoreHandle_t port_mux = xSemaphoreCreateMutex ( ) ;
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
if ( port = = NULL | | hal = = NULL | | frame_list = = NULL | | port_mux = = NULL ) {
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
free ( port ) ;
free ( hal ) ;
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
free ( frame_list ) ;
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
if ( port_mux ! = NULL ) {
vSemaphoreDelete ( port_mux ) ;
return NULL ;
port - > hal = hal ;
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
port - > frame_list = frame_list ;
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
port - > port_mux = port_mux ;
return port ;
static void port_obj_free ( port_t * port )
if ( port = = NULL ) {
return ;
vSemaphoreDelete ( port - > port_mux ) ;
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
free ( port - > frame_list ) ;
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
free ( port - > hal ) ;
free ( port ) ;
// ----------------------- Public --------------------------
esp_err_t hcd_install ( const hcd_config_t * config )
esp_err_t err_ret ;
2023-06-21 17:18:48 +08:00
// Allocate memory for the driver object
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
hcd_obj_t * p_hcd_obj_dmy = calloc ( 1 , sizeof ( hcd_obj_t ) ) ;
if ( p_hcd_obj_dmy = = NULL ) {
return ESP_ERR_NO_MEM ;
2023-06-21 17:18:48 +08:00
// Allocate each port object (the hardware currently only has one port)
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
p_hcd_obj_dmy - > port_obj = port_obj_alloc ( ) ;
if ( p_hcd_obj_dmy - > port_obj = = NULL ) {
err_ret = ESP_ERR_NO_MEM ;
2023-06-21 17:18:48 +08:00
goto port_alloc_err ;
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
2023-06-21 17:18:48 +08:00
// Allocate interrupt
err_ret = esp_intr_alloc ( ETS_USB_INTR_SOURCE ,
config - > intr_flags | ESP_INTR_FLAG_INTRDISABLED , // The interrupt must be disabled until the port is initialized
intr_hdlr_main ,
( void * ) p_hcd_obj_dmy - > port_obj ,
& p_hcd_obj_dmy - > isr_hdl ) ;
if ( err_ret ! = ESP_OK ) {
goto intr_alloc_err ;
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
2023-06-21 17:18:48 +08:00
// Assign the
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
if ( s_hcd_obj ! = NULL ) {
2023-06-21 17:18:48 +08:00
goto assign_err ;
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
s_hcd_obj = p_hcd_obj_dmy ;
return ESP_OK ;
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
2023-06-21 17:18:48 +08:00
assign_err :
esp_intr_free ( p_hcd_obj_dmy - > isr_hdl ) ;
intr_alloc_err :
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
port_obj_free ( p_hcd_obj_dmy - > port_obj ) ;
2023-06-21 17:18:48 +08:00
port_alloc_err :
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
free ( p_hcd_obj_dmy ) ;
return err_ret ;
esp_err_t hcd_uninstall ( void )
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Check that all ports have been disabled (there's only one port)
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
if ( s_hcd_obj = = NULL | | s_hcd_obj - > port_obj - > initialized ) {
hcd_obj_t * p_hcd_obj_dmy = s_hcd_obj ;
s_hcd_obj = NULL ;
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Free resources
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
port_obj_free ( p_hcd_obj_dmy - > port_obj ) ;
esp_intr_free ( p_hcd_obj_dmy - > isr_hdl ) ;
free ( p_hcd_obj_dmy ) ;
return ESP_OK ;
// ------------------------------------------------------ Port ---------------------------------------------------------
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
// ----------------------- Helpers -------------------------
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
2021-06-10 00:15:55 +08:00
static bool _port_persist_all_pipes ( port_t * port )
if ( port - > num_pipes_queued > 0 ) {
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// All pipes must be idle before we run-time reset
2021-06-10 00:15:55 +08:00
return false ;
bool all_persist = true ;
pipe_t * pipe ;
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Check that each pipe is persistent
2021-06-10 00:15:55 +08:00
TAILQ_FOREACH ( pipe , & port - > pipes_idle_tailq , tailq_entry ) {
if ( ! pipe - > cs_flags . persist ) {
all_persist = false ;
break ;
if ( ! all_persist ) {
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// At least one pipe is not persistent. All pipes must be freed or made persistent before we can reset
2021-06-10 00:15:55 +08:00
return false ;
TAILQ_FOREACH ( pipe , & port - > pipes_idle_tailq , tailq_entry ) {
pipe - > cs_flags . reset_lock = 1 ;
2022-09-15 21:26:00 +08:00
usb_dwc_hal_chan_free ( port - > hal , pipe - > chan_obj ) ;
2021-06-10 00:15:55 +08:00
return true ;
static void _port_recover_all_pipes ( port_t * port )
pipe_t * pipe ;
TAILQ_FOREACH ( pipe , & port - > pipes_idle_tailq , tailq_entry ) {
pipe - > cs_flags . persist = 0 ;
pipe - > cs_flags . reset_lock = 0 ;
2022-09-15 21:26:00 +08:00
usb_dwc_hal_chan_alloc ( port - > hal , pipe - > chan_obj , ( void * ) pipe ) ;
usb_dwc_hal_chan_set_ep_char ( port - > hal , pipe - > chan_obj , & pipe - > ep_char ) ;
2021-06-10 00:15:55 +08:00
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
static bool _port_check_all_pipes_halted ( port_t * port )
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
bool all_halted = true ;
pipe_t * pipe ;
TAILQ_FOREACH ( pipe , & port - > pipes_active_tailq , tailq_entry ) {
if ( pipe - > state ! = HCD_PIPE_STATE_HALTED ) {
all_halted = false ;
break ;
TAILQ_FOREACH ( pipe , & port - > pipes_idle_tailq , tailq_entry ) {
if ( pipe - > state ! = HCD_PIPE_STATE_HALTED ) {
all_halted = false ;
break ;
return all_halted ;
static bool _port_debounce ( port_t * port )
if ( port - > state = = HCD_PORT_STATE_NOT_POWERED ) {
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Disconnect event due to power off, no need to debounce or update port state.
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
return false ;
vTaskDelay ( pdMS_TO_TICKS ( DEBOUNCE_DELAY_MS ) ) ;
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Check the post-debounce state of the bus (i.e., whether it's actually connected/disconnected)
2022-09-15 21:26:00 +08:00
bool is_connected = usb_dwc_hal_port_check_if_connected ( port - > hal ) ;
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
if ( is_connected ) {
port - > state = HCD_PORT_STATE_DISABLED ;
} else {
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Disable debounce lock
2022-09-15 21:26:00 +08:00
usb_dwc_hal_disable_debounce_lock ( port - > hal ) ;
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
return is_connected ;
// ---------------------- Commands -------------------------
static esp_err_t _port_cmd_power_on ( port_t * port )
esp_err_t ret ;
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Port can only be powered on if it's currently unpowered
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
if ( port - > state = = HCD_PORT_STATE_NOT_POWERED ) {
2022-09-15 21:26:00 +08:00
usb_dwc_hal_port_init ( port - > hal ) ;
usb_dwc_hal_port_toggle_power ( port - > hal , true ) ;
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
ret = ESP_OK ;
} else {
return ret ;
static esp_err_t _port_cmd_power_off ( port_t * port )
esp_err_t ret ;
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Port can only be unpowered if already powered
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
if ( port - > state ! = HCD_PORT_STATE_NOT_POWERED ) {
port - > state = HCD_PORT_STATE_NOT_POWERED ;
2022-09-15 21:26:00 +08:00
usb_dwc_hal_port_deinit ( port - > hal ) ;
usb_dwc_hal_port_toggle_power ( port - > hal , false ) ;
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// If a device is currently connected, this should trigger a disconnect event
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
ret = ESP_OK ;
} else {
return ret ;
static esp_err_t _port_cmd_reset ( port_t * port )
esp_err_t ret ;
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Port can only a reset when it is in the enabled or disabled states (in case of new connection)
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
if ( port - > state ! = HCD_PORT_STATE_ENABLED & & port - > state ! = HCD_PORT_STATE_DISABLED ) {
goto exit ;
bool is_runtime_reset = ( port - > state = = HCD_PORT_STATE_ENABLED ) ? true : false ;
if ( is_runtime_reset & & ! _port_persist_all_pipes ( port ) ) {
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// If this is a run time reset, check all pipes that are still allocated can persist the reset
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
goto exit ;
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// All pipes (if any_) are guaranteed to be persistent at this point. Proceed to resetting the bus
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
port - > state = HCD_PORT_STATE_RESETTING ;
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Put and hold the bus in the reset state. If the port was previously enabled, a disabled event will occur after this
2022-09-15 21:26:00 +08:00
usb_dwc_hal_port_toggle_reset ( port - > hal , true ) ;
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
vTaskDelay ( pdMS_TO_TICKS ( RESET_HOLD_MS ) ) ;
if ( port - > state ! = HCD_PORT_STATE_RESETTING ) {
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// The port state has unexpectedly changed
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
goto bailout ;
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Return the bus to the idle state and hold it for the required reset recovery time. Port enabled event should occur
2022-09-15 21:26:00 +08:00
usb_dwc_hal_port_toggle_reset ( port - > hal , false ) ;
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
vTaskDelay ( pdMS_TO_TICKS ( RESET_RECOVERY_MS ) ) ;
2021-06-09 21:49:08 +08:00
if ( port - > state ! = HCD_PORT_STATE_ENABLED | | ! port - > flags . conn_dev_ena ) {
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// The port state has unexpectedly changed
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
goto bailout ;
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Set FIFO sizes based on the selected biasing
2023-11-29 20:11:28 +08:00
usb_dwc_hal_set_fifo_bias ( port - > hal , port - > fifo_bias ) ;
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// We start periodic scheduling only after a RESET command since SOFs only start after a reset
2022-09-15 21:26:00 +08:00
usb_dwc_hal_port_set_frame_list ( port - > hal , port - > frame_list , FRAME_LIST_LEN ) ;
usb_dwc_hal_port_periodic_enable ( port - > hal ) ;
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
ret = ESP_OK ;
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
bailout :
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
if ( is_runtime_reset ) {
_port_recover_all_pipes ( port ) ;
exit :
return ret ;
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
static esp_err_t _port_cmd_bus_suspend ( port_t * port )
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
esp_err_t ret ;
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Port must have been previously enabled, and all pipes must already be halted
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
if ( port - > state = = HCD_PORT_STATE_ENABLED & & ! _port_check_all_pipes_halted ( port ) ) {
goto exit ;
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// All pipes are guaranteed halted at this point. Proceed to suspend the port
2022-09-15 21:26:00 +08:00
usb_dwc_hal_port_suspend ( port - > hal ) ;
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
port - > state = HCD_PORT_STATE_SUSPENDED ;
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
ret = ESP_OK ;
exit :
return ret ;
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
static esp_err_t _port_cmd_bus_resume ( port_t * port )
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
esp_err_t ret ;
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Port can only be resumed if it was previously suspended
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
if ( port - > state ! = HCD_PORT_STATE_SUSPENDED ) {
goto exit ;
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Put and hold the bus in the K state.
2022-09-15 21:26:00 +08:00
usb_dwc_hal_port_toggle_resume ( port - > hal , true ) ;
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
port - > state = HCD_PORT_STATE_RESUMING ;
vTaskDelay ( pdMS_TO_TICKS ( RESUME_HOLD_MS ) ) ;
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Return and hold the bus to the J state (as port of the LS EOP)
2022-09-15 21:26:00 +08:00
usb_dwc_hal_port_toggle_resume ( port - > hal , false ) ;
2021-06-09 21:49:08 +08:00
if ( port - > state ! = HCD_PORT_STATE_RESUMING | | ! port - > flags . conn_dev_ena ) {
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Port state unexpectedly changed
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
goto exit ;
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
2021-06-09 21:49:08 +08:00
if ( port - > state ! = HCD_PORT_STATE_RESUMING | | ! port - > flags . conn_dev_ena ) {
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Port state unexpectedly changed
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
goto exit ;
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
port - > state = HCD_PORT_STATE_ENABLED ;
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
ret = ESP_OK ;
exit :
return ret ;
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
static esp_err_t _port_cmd_disable ( port_t * port )
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
esp_err_t ret ;
if ( port - > state ! = HCD_PORT_STATE_ENABLED & & port - > state ! = HCD_PORT_STATE_SUSPENDED ) {
goto exit ;
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// All pipes must be halted before disabling the port
if ( ! _port_check_all_pipes_halted ( port ) ) {
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
goto exit ;
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// All pipes are guaranteed to be halted or freed at this point. Proceed to disable the port
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
port - > flags . disable_requested = 1 ;
2022-09-15 21:26:00 +08:00
usb_dwc_hal_port_disable ( port - > hal ) ;
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
_internal_port_event_wait ( port ) ;
if ( port - > state ! = HCD_PORT_STATE_DISABLED ) {
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Port state unexpectedly changed
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
goto exit ;
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
ret = ESP_OK ;
exit :
return ret ;
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
// ----------------------- Public --------------------------
2021-06-09 21:49:08 +08:00
esp_err_t hcd_port_init ( int port_number , const hcd_port_config_t * port_config , hcd_port_handle_t * port_hdl )
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
HCD_CHECK ( port_number > 0 & & port_config ! = NULL & & port_hdl ! = NULL , ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG ) ;
HCD_CHECK ( port_number < = NUM_PORTS , ESP_ERR_NOT_FOUND ) ;
HCD_CHECK_FROM_CRIT ( s_hcd_obj ! = NULL & & ! s_hcd_obj - > port_obj - > initialized , ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE ) ;
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Port object memory and resources (such as the mutex) already be allocated. Just need to initialize necessary fields only
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
port_t * port_obj = s_hcd_obj - > port_obj ;
TAILQ_INIT ( & port_obj - > pipes_idle_tailq ) ;
2021-03-06 05:46:25 +08:00
TAILQ_INIT ( & port_obj - > pipes_active_tailq ) ;
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
port_obj - > state = HCD_PORT_STATE_NOT_POWERED ;
port_obj - > last_event = HCD_PORT_EVENT_NONE ;
2023-11-29 20:11:28 +08:00
port_obj - > fifo_bias = get_hal_fifo_bias ( port_config - > fifo_bias ) ;
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
port_obj - > callback = port_config - > callback ;
port_obj - > callback_arg = port_config - > callback_arg ;
port_obj - > context = port_config - > context ;
2022-09-15 21:26:00 +08:00
usb_dwc_hal_init ( port_obj - > hal ) ;
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
port_obj - > initialized = true ;
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Clear the frame list. We set the frame list register and enable periodic scheduling after a successful reset
2021-06-09 23:04:19 +08:00
memset ( port_obj - > frame_list , 0 , FRAME_LIST_LEN * sizeof ( uint32_t ) ) ;
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
esp_intr_enable ( s_hcd_obj - > isr_hdl ) ;
* port_hdl = ( hcd_port_handle_t ) port_obj ;
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
vTaskDelay ( pdMS_TO_TICKS ( INIT_DELAY_MS ) ) ; // Need a short delay before host mode takes effect
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
return ESP_OK ;
esp_err_t hcd_port_deinit ( hcd_port_handle_t port_hdl )
port_t * port = ( port_t * ) port_hdl ;
HCD_CHECK_FROM_CRIT ( s_hcd_obj ! = NULL & & port - > initialized
& & port - > num_pipes_idle = = 0 & & port - > num_pipes_queued = = 0
& & ( port - > state = = HCD_PORT_STATE_NOT_POWERED | | port - > state = = HCD_PORT_STATE_RECOVERY )
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
& & port - > task_waiting_port_notif = = NULL ,
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
port - > initialized = false ;
esp_intr_disable ( s_hcd_obj - > isr_hdl ) ;
2022-09-15 21:26:00 +08:00
usb_dwc_hal_deinit ( port - > hal ) ;
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
return ESP_OK ;
esp_err_t hcd_port_command ( hcd_port_handle_t port_hdl , hcd_port_cmd_t command )
esp_err_t ret = ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE ;
port_t * port = ( port_t * ) port_hdl ;
xSemaphoreTake ( port - > port_mux , portMAX_DELAY ) ;
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
if ( port - > initialized & & ! port - > flags . event_pending ) { // Port events need to be handled first before issuing a command
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
port - > flags . cmd_processing = 1 ;
switch ( command ) {
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
ret = _port_cmd_power_on ( port ) ;
break ;
ret = _port_cmd_power_off ( port ) ;
break ;
ret = _port_cmd_reset ( port ) ;
break ;
ret = _port_cmd_bus_suspend ( port ) ;
break ;
ret = _port_cmd_bus_resume ( port ) ;
break ;
ret = _port_cmd_disable ( port ) ;
break ;
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
port - > flags . cmd_processing = 0 ;
xSemaphoreGive ( port - > port_mux ) ;
return ret ;
hcd_port_state_t hcd_port_get_state ( hcd_port_handle_t port_hdl )
port_t * port = ( port_t * ) port_hdl ;
hcd_port_state_t ret ;
ret = port - > state ;
return ret ;
esp_err_t hcd_port_get_speed ( hcd_port_handle_t port_hdl , usb_speed_t * speed )
port_t * port = ( port_t * ) port_hdl ;
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Device speed is only valid if there is device connected to the port that has been reset
2021-06-09 21:49:08 +08:00
HCD_CHECK_FROM_CRIT ( port - > flags . conn_dev_ena , ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE ) ;
2023-11-29 16:30:04 +08:00
* speed = get_usb_port_speed ( usb_dwc_hal_port_get_conn_speed ( port - > hal ) ) ;
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
return ESP_OK ;
hcd_port_event_t hcd_port_handle_event ( hcd_port_handle_t port_hdl )
port_t * port = ( port_t * ) port_hdl ;
hcd_port_event_t ret = HCD_PORT_EVENT_NONE ;
xSemaphoreTake ( port - > port_mux , portMAX_DELAY ) ;
if ( port - > initialized & & port - > flags . event_pending ) {
port - > flags . event_pending = 0 ;
port - > flags . event_processing = 1 ;
ret = port - > last_event ;
switch ( ret ) {
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
if ( _port_debounce ( port ) ) {
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
break ;
break ;
default : {
break ;
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
port - > flags . event_processing = 0 ;
} else {
xSemaphoreGive ( port - > port_mux ) ;
return ret ;
esp_err_t hcd_port_recover ( hcd_port_handle_t port_hdl )
port_t * port = ( port_t * ) port_hdl ;
HCD_CHECK_FROM_CRIT ( s_hcd_obj ! = NULL & & port - > initialized & & port - > state = = HCD_PORT_STATE_RECOVERY
& & port - > num_pipes_idle = = 0 & & port - > num_pipes_queued = = 0
& & port - > flags . val = = 0 & & port - > task_waiting_port_notif = = NULL ,
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// We are about to do a soft reset on the peripheral. Disable the peripheral throughout
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
esp_intr_disable ( s_hcd_obj - > isr_hdl ) ;
2022-09-15 21:26:00 +08:00
usb_dwc_hal_core_soft_reset ( port - > hal ) ;
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
port - > state = HCD_PORT_STATE_NOT_POWERED ;
port - > last_event = HCD_PORT_EVENT_NONE ;
port - > flags . val = 0 ;
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Soft reset wipes all registers so we need to reinitialize the HAL
2022-09-15 21:26:00 +08:00
usb_dwc_hal_init ( port - > hal ) ;
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Clear the frame list. We set the frame list register and enable periodic scheduling after a successful reset
2021-06-09 23:04:19 +08:00
memset ( port - > frame_list , 0 , FRAME_LIST_LEN * sizeof ( uint32_t ) ) ;
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
esp_intr_enable ( s_hcd_obj - > isr_hdl ) ;
return ESP_OK ;
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
void * hcd_port_get_context ( hcd_port_handle_t port_hdl )
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
port_t * port = ( port_t * ) port_hdl ;
void * ret ;
ret = port - > context ;
return ret ;
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
esp_err_t hcd_port_set_fifo_bias ( hcd_port_handle_t port_hdl , hcd_port_fifo_bias_t bias )
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
esp_err_t ret ;
2023-11-29 20:11:28 +08:00
usb_hal_fifo_bias_t hal_bias = get_hal_fifo_bias ( bias ) ;
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Configure the new FIFO sizes and store the pointers
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
port_t * port = ( port_t * ) port_hdl ;
xSemaphoreTake ( port - > port_mux , portMAX_DELAY ) ;
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Check that port is in the correct state to update FIFO sizes
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
if ( port - > initialized & & ! port - > flags . event_pending & & port - > num_pipes_idle = = 0 & & port - > num_pipes_queued = = 0 ) {
2023-11-29 20:11:28 +08:00
usb_dwc_hal_set_fifo_bias ( port - > hal , hal_bias ) ;
port - > fifo_bias = hal_bias ;
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
ret = ESP_OK ;
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
} else {
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
xSemaphoreGive ( port - > port_mux ) ;
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
return ret ;
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
// --------------------------------------------------- HCD Pipes -------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------- Private -------------------------
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
2022-09-15 21:26:00 +08:00
static inline hcd_pipe_event_t pipe_decode_error_event ( usb_dwc_hal_chan_error_t chan_error )
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
hcd_pipe_event_t event = HCD_PIPE_EVENT_NONE ;
switch ( chan_error ) {
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
break ;
break ;
break ;
break ;
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
return event ;
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
static dma_buffer_block_t * buffer_block_alloc ( usb_transfer_type_t type )
int desc_list_len ;
switch ( type ) {
desc_list_len = XFER_LIST_LEN_CTRL ;
break ;
desc_list_len = XFER_LIST_LEN_ISOC ;
break ;
desc_list_len = XFER_LIST_LEN_BULK ;
break ;
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
desc_list_len = XFER_LIST_LEN_INTR ;
break ;
dma_buffer_block_t * buffer = calloc ( 1 , sizeof ( dma_buffer_block_t ) ) ;
2023-11-14 20:42:25 +08:00
void * xfer_desc_list = heap_caps_aligned_calloc ( USB_DWC_QTD_LIST_MEM_ALIGN , desc_list_len , sizeof ( usb_dwc_ll_dma_qtd_t ) , MALLOC_CAP_DMA ) ;
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
if ( buffer = = NULL | | xfer_desc_list = = NULL ) {
free ( buffer ) ;
heap_caps_free ( xfer_desc_list ) ;
return NULL ;
buffer - > xfer_desc_list = xfer_desc_list ;
return buffer ;
static void buffer_block_free ( dma_buffer_block_t * buffer )
if ( buffer = = NULL ) {
return ;
heap_caps_free ( buffer - > xfer_desc_list ) ;
free ( buffer ) ;
2023-03-22 17:24:26 +01:00
static bool pipe_args_usb_compliance_verification ( const hcd_pipe_config_t * pipe_config , usb_speed_t port_speed , usb_transfer_type_t type )
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Check if pipe can be supported
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
if ( port_speed = = USB_SPEED_LOW & & pipe_config - > dev_speed = = USB_SPEED_FULL ) {
2023-03-22 17:24:26 +01:00
ESP_LOGE ( HCD_DWC_TAG , " Low speed port does not support full speed pipe " ) ;
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
return false ;
2023-03-22 17:24:26 +01:00
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
if ( pipe_config - > dev_speed = = USB_SPEED_LOW & & ( type = = USB_TRANSFER_TYPE_BULK | | type = = USB_TRANSFER_TYPE_ISOCHRONOUS ) ) {
2023-03-22 17:24:26 +01:00
ESP_LOGE ( HCD_DWC_TAG , " Low speed does not support Bulk or Isochronous pipes " ) ;
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
return false ;
2023-03-22 17:24:26 +01:00
return true ;
2023-11-29 20:11:28 +08:00
static bool pipe_alloc_hcd_support_verification ( usb_dwc_hal_context_t * hal , const usb_ep_desc_t * ep_desc )
2023-03-22 17:24:26 +01:00
2023-11-29 20:11:28 +08:00
assert ( hal ! = NULL ) ;
2023-03-22 17:24:26 +01:00
assert ( ep_desc ! = NULL ) ;
2023-11-23 04:00:22 +01:00
2023-11-29 20:11:28 +08:00
usb_hal_fifo_mps_limits_t mps_limits = { 0 } ;
usb_dwc_hal_get_mps_limits ( hal , & mps_limits ) ;
2023-11-23 04:00:22 +01:00
const usb_transfer_type_t type = USB_EP_DESC_GET_XFERTYPE ( ep_desc ) ;
2023-03-22 17:24:26 +01:00
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Check the pipe's interval is not zero
2023-03-22 17:24:26 +01:00
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
( ep_desc - > bInterval = = 0 ) ) {
2023-03-22 17:24:26 +01:00
ESP_LOGE ( HCD_DWC_TAG , " bInterval value (%d) invalid for pipe type INTR/ISOC " ,
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
ep_desc - > bInterval ) ;
2023-03-22 17:24:26 +01:00
return false ;
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Check if pipe MPS exceeds HCD MPS limits (due to DWC FIFO sizing)
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
int limit ;
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
if ( USB_EP_DESC_GET_EP_DIR ( ep_desc ) ) { // IN
2023-11-29 20:11:28 +08:00
limit = mps_limits . in_mps ;
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
} else { // OUT
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
if ( type = = USB_TRANSFER_TYPE_CTRL | | type = = USB_TRANSFER_TYPE_BULK ) {
2023-11-29 20:11:28 +08:00
limit = mps_limits . non_periodic_out_mps ;
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
} else {
2023-11-29 20:11:28 +08:00
limit = mps_limits . periodic_out_mps ;
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
2023-03-22 17:24:26 +01:00
2023-12-06 17:47:16 +01:00
if ( USB_EP_DESC_GET_MPS ( ep_desc ) > limit ) {
2023-03-22 17:24:26 +01:00
ESP_LOGE ( HCD_DWC_TAG , " EP MPS (%d) exceeds supported limit (%d) " ,
2023-12-06 17:47:16 +01:00
USB_EP_DESC_GET_MPS ( ep_desc ) ,
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
limit ) ;
2023-03-22 17:24:26 +01:00
return false ;
return true ;
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
2022-09-15 21:26:00 +08:00
static void pipe_set_ep_char ( const hcd_pipe_config_t * pipe_config , usb_transfer_type_t type , bool is_default_pipe , int pipe_idx , usb_speed_t port_speed , usb_dwc_hal_ep_char_t * ep_char )
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Initialize EP characteristics
2023-11-29 16:30:04 +08:00
usb_dwc_xfer_type_t hal_xfer_type ;
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
switch ( type ) {
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
2023-11-29 16:30:04 +08:00
hal_xfer_type = USB_DWC_XFER_TYPE_CTRL ;
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
break ;
2023-11-29 16:30:04 +08:00
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
break ;
2023-11-29 16:30:04 +08:00
hal_xfer_type = USB_DWC_XFER_TYPE_BULK ;
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
break ;
2023-11-29 16:30:04 +08:00
hal_xfer_type = USB_DWC_XFER_TYPE_INTR ;
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
break ;
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
ep_char - > type = hal_xfer_type ;
if ( is_default_pipe ) {
ep_char - > bEndpointAddress = 0 ;
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Set the default pipe's MPS to the worst case MPS for the device's speed
2023-11-23 04:00:22 +01:00
ep_char - > mps = ( pipe_config - > dev_speed = = USB_SPEED_LOW ) ? CTRL_EP_MAX_MPS_LS : CTRL_EP_MAX_MPS_HSFS ;
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
} else {
ep_char - > bEndpointAddress = pipe_config - > ep_desc - > bEndpointAddress ;
2023-12-06 17:47:16 +01:00
ep_char - > mps = USB_EP_DESC_GET_MPS ( pipe_config - > ep_desc ) ;
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
ep_char - > dev_addr = pipe_config - > dev_addr ;
ep_char - > ls_via_fs_hub = ( port_speed = = USB_SPEED_FULL & & pipe_config - > dev_speed = = USB_SPEED_LOW ) ;
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Calculate the pipe's interval in terms of USB frames
2023-11-10 13:15:45 +01:00
// @see USB-OTG programming guide chapter 6.5 for more information
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
2023-11-10 13:15:45 +01:00
unsigned int interval_frames ;
unsigned int xfer_list_len ;
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
if ( type = = USB_TRANSFER_TYPE_INTR ) {
interval_frames = pipe_config - > ep_desc - > bInterval ;
2023-11-10 13:15:45 +01:00
xfer_list_len = XFER_LIST_LEN_INTR ;
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
} else {
interval_frames = ( 1 < < ( pipe_config - > ep_desc - > bInterval - 1 ) ) ;
2023-11-10 13:15:45 +01:00
xfer_list_len = XFER_LIST_LEN_ISOC ;
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Round down interval to nearest power of 2
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
if ( interval_frames > = 32 ) {
interval_frames = 32 ;
} else if ( interval_frames > = 16 ) {
interval_frames = 16 ;
} else if ( interval_frames > = 8 ) {
interval_frames = 8 ;
} else if ( interval_frames > = 4 ) {
interval_frames = 4 ;
} else if ( interval_frames > = 2 ) {
interval_frames = 2 ;
} else if ( interval_frames > = 1 ) {
interval_frames = 1 ;
ep_char - > periodic . interval = interval_frames ;
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// We are the Nth pipe to be allocated. Use N as a phase offset
2023-11-10 13:15:45 +01:00
ep_char - > periodic . phase_offset_frames = pipe_idx & ( xfer_list_len - 1 ) ;
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
} else {
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
ep_char - > periodic . interval = 0 ;
ep_char - > periodic . phase_offset_frames = 0 ;
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
// ---------------------- Commands -------------------------
static esp_err_t _pipe_cmd_halt ( pipe_t * pipe )
esp_err_t ret ;
2021-10-25 21:42:09 +08:00
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// If pipe is already halted, just return.
2021-10-25 21:42:09 +08:00
if ( pipe - > state = = HCD_PIPE_STATE_HALTED ) {
ret = ESP_OK ;
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
goto exit ;
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// If the pipe's port is invalid, we just mark the pipe as halted without needing to halt the underlying channel
if ( pipe - > port - > flags . conn_dev_ena // Skip halting the underlying channel if the port is invalid
& & ! usb_dwc_hal_chan_request_halt ( pipe - > chan_obj ) ) { // Check if the channel is already halted
// Channel is not halted, we need to request and wait for a haltWe need to wait for channel to be halted.
pipe - > cs_flags . waiting_halt = 1 ;
_internal_pipe_event_wait ( pipe ) ;
// State should have been updated in the ISR
assert ( pipe - > state = = HCD_PIPE_STATE_HALTED ) ;
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
} else {
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// We are already halted, just need to update the state
2022-09-15 21:26:00 +08:00
usb_dwc_hal_chan_mark_halted ( pipe - > chan_obj ) ;
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
pipe - > state = HCD_PIPE_STATE_HALTED ;
ret = ESP_OK ;
exit :
return ret ;
static esp_err_t _pipe_cmd_flush ( pipe_t * pipe )
esp_err_t ret ;
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// The pipe must be halted in order to be flushed
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
if ( pipe - > state ! = HCD_PIPE_STATE_HALTED ) {
goto exit ;
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// If the port is still valid, we are canceling transfers. Otherwise, we are flushing due to a port error
2021-10-25 21:42:09 +08:00
bool canceled = pipe - > port - > flags . conn_dev_ena ;
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
bool call_pipe_cb ;
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Flush any filled buffers
2021-10-25 21:42:09 +08:00
call_pipe_cb = _buffer_flush_all ( pipe , canceled ) ;
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Move all URBs from the pending tailq to the done tailq
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
if ( pipe - > num_urb_pending > 0 ) {
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Process all remaining pending URBs
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
urb_t * urb ;
TAILQ_FOREACH ( urb , & pipe - > pending_urb_tailq , tailq_entry ) {
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Update the URB's current state
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
urb - > hcd_var = URB_HCD_STATE_DONE ;
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// URBs were never executed, Update the actual_num_bytes and status
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
urb - > transfer . actual_num_bytes = 0 ;
2021-10-25 21:42:09 +08:00
urb - > transfer . status = ( canceled ) ? USB_TRANSFER_STATUS_CANCELED : USB_TRANSFER_STATUS_NO_DEVICE ;
2023-11-29 16:30:04 +08:00
if ( pipe - > ep_char . type = = USB_DWC_XFER_TYPE_ISOCHRONOUS ) {
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Update the URB's isoc packet descriptors as well
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
for ( int pkt_idx = 0 ; pkt_idx < urb - > transfer . num_isoc_packets ; pkt_idx + + ) {
urb - > transfer . isoc_packet_desc [ pkt_idx ] . actual_num_bytes = 0 ;
2021-10-25 21:42:09 +08:00
urb - > transfer . isoc_packet_desc [ pkt_idx ] . status = ( canceled ) ? USB_TRANSFER_STATUS_CANCELED : USB_TRANSFER_STATUS_NO_DEVICE ;
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Concatenated pending tailq to the done tailq
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
TAILQ_CONCAT ( & pipe - > done_urb_tailq , & pipe - > pending_urb_tailq , tailq_entry ) ;
pipe - > num_urb_done + = pipe - > num_urb_pending ;
pipe - > num_urb_pending = 0 ;
call_pipe_cb = true ;
if ( call_pipe_cb ) {
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// One or more URBs can be dequeued as a result of the flush. We need to call the callback
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
pipe - > callback ( ( hcd_pipe_handle_t ) pipe , HCD_PIPE_EVENT_URB_DONE , pipe - > callback_arg , false ) ;
ret = ESP_OK ;
exit :
return ret ;
static esp_err_t _pipe_cmd_clear ( pipe_t * pipe )
esp_err_t ret ;
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Pipe must be in the halted state in order to be made active, and there must be an enabled device on the port
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
if ( pipe - > state ! = HCD_PIPE_STATE_HALTED | | ! pipe - > port - > flags . conn_dev_ena ) {
goto exit ;
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Update the pipe's state
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
pipe - > state = HCD_PIPE_STATE_ACTIVE ;
if ( pipe - > num_urb_pending > 0 ) {
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Fill as many buffers as possible
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
while ( _buffer_can_fill ( pipe ) ) {
_buffer_fill ( pipe ) ;
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Execute any filled buffers
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
if ( _buffer_can_exec ( pipe ) ) {
_buffer_exec ( pipe ) ;
ret = ESP_OK ;
exit :
return ret ;
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
// ----------------------- Public --------------------------
2021-03-06 05:46:25 +08:00
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
esp_err_t hcd_pipe_alloc ( hcd_port_handle_t port_hdl , const hcd_pipe_config_t * pipe_config , hcd_pipe_handle_t * pipe_hdl )
HCD_CHECK ( port_hdl ! = NULL & & pipe_config ! = NULL & & pipe_hdl ! = NULL , ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG ) ;
port_t * port = ( port_t * ) port_hdl ;
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Can only allocate a pipe if the target port is initialized and connected to an enabled device
2021-06-09 21:49:08 +08:00
HCD_CHECK_FROM_CRIT ( port - > initialized & & port - > flags . conn_dev_ena , ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE ) ;
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
usb_speed_t port_speed = port - > speed ;
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
int pipe_idx = port - > num_pipes_idle + port - > num_pipes_queued ;
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
2021-03-05 20:51:25 +08:00
usb_transfer_type_t type ;
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
bool is_default ;
if ( pipe_config - > ep_desc = = NULL ) {
2023-03-22 17:24:26 +01:00
// Default CTRL pipe allocation
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
is_default = true ;
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
} else {
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
type = USB_EP_DESC_GET_XFERTYPE ( pipe_config - > ep_desc ) ;
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
is_default = false ;
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
2023-03-22 17:24:26 +01:00
esp_err_t ret ;
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Check if pipe configuration can be supported
2023-03-22 17:24:26 +01:00
if ( ! pipe_args_usb_compliance_verification ( pipe_config , port_speed , type ) ) {
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Default pipes have a NULL ep_desc thus should skip the HCD support verification
2023-11-29 20:11:28 +08:00
if ( ! is_default & & ! pipe_alloc_hcd_support_verification ( port - > hal , pipe_config - > ep_desc ) ) {
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Allocate the pipe resources
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
pipe_t * pipe = calloc ( 1 , sizeof ( pipe_t ) ) ;
2022-09-15 21:26:00 +08:00
usb_dwc_hal_chan_t * chan_obj = calloc ( 1 , sizeof ( usb_dwc_hal_chan_t ) ) ;
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
dma_buffer_block_t * buffers [ NUM_BUFFERS ] = { 0 } ;
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
if ( pipe = = NULL | | chan_obj = = NULL ) {
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
ret = ESP_ERR_NO_MEM ;
goto err ;
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
for ( int i = 0 ; i < NUM_BUFFERS ; i + + ) {
buffers [ i ] = buffer_block_alloc ( type ) ;
if ( buffers [ i ] = = NULL ) {
ret = ESP_ERR_NO_MEM ;
goto err ;
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Initialize pipe object
2021-06-09 21:49:08 +08:00
TAILQ_INIT ( & pipe - > pending_urb_tailq ) ;
TAILQ_INIT ( & pipe - > done_urb_tailq ) ;
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
for ( int i = 0 ; i < NUM_BUFFERS ; i + + ) {
pipe - > buffers [ i ] = buffers [ i ] ;
pipe - > multi_buffer_control . buffer_num_to_fill = NUM_BUFFERS ;
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
pipe - > port = port ;
pipe - > chan_obj = chan_obj ;
2022-09-15 21:26:00 +08:00
usb_dwc_hal_ep_char_t ep_char ;
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
pipe_set_ep_char ( pipe_config , type , is_default , pipe_idx , port_speed , & ep_char ) ;
2022-09-15 21:26:00 +08:00
memcpy ( & pipe - > ep_char , & ep_char , sizeof ( usb_dwc_hal_ep_char_t ) ) ;
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
pipe - > state = HCD_PIPE_STATE_ACTIVE ;
pipe - > callback = pipe_config - > callback ;
pipe - > callback_arg = pipe_config - > callback_arg ;
pipe - > context = pipe_config - > context ;
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Allocate channel
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
2021-06-09 21:49:08 +08:00
if ( ! port - > initialized | | ! port - > flags . conn_dev_ena ) {
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
goto err ;
2022-09-15 21:26:00 +08:00
bool chan_allocated = usb_dwc_hal_chan_alloc ( port - > hal , pipe - > chan_obj , ( void * ) pipe ) ;
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
if ( ! chan_allocated ) {
goto err ;
2022-09-15 21:26:00 +08:00
usb_dwc_hal_chan_set_ep_char ( port - > hal , pipe - > chan_obj , & pipe - > ep_char ) ;
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Add the pipe to the list of idle pipes in the port object
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL ( & port - > pipes_idle_tailq , pipe , tailq_entry ) ;
port - > num_pipes_idle + + ;
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
* pipe_hdl = ( hcd_pipe_handle_t ) pipe ;
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
return ESP_OK ;
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
err :
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
for ( int i = 0 ; i < NUM_BUFFERS ; i + + ) {
buffer_block_free ( buffers [ i ] ) ;
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
free ( chan_obj ) ;
free ( pipe ) ;
return ret ;
esp_err_t hcd_pipe_free ( hcd_pipe_handle_t pipe_hdl )
pipe_t * pipe = ( pipe_t * ) pipe_hdl ;
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Check that all URBs have been removed and pipe has no pending events
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
HCD_CHECK_FROM_CRIT ( ! pipe - > multi_buffer_control . buffer_is_executing
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
& & ! pipe - > cs_flags . has_urb
2021-06-10 00:15:55 +08:00
& & ! pipe - > cs_flags . reset_lock ,
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Remove pipe from the list of idle pipes (it must be in the idle list because it should have no queued URBs)
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
TAILQ_REMOVE ( & pipe - > port - > pipes_idle_tailq , pipe , tailq_entry ) ;
pipe - > port - > num_pipes_idle - - ;
2022-09-15 21:26:00 +08:00
usb_dwc_hal_chan_free ( pipe - > port - > hal , pipe - > chan_obj ) ;
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Free pipe resources
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
for ( int i = 0 ; i < NUM_BUFFERS ; i + + ) {
buffer_block_free ( pipe - > buffers [ i ] ) ;
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
free ( pipe - > chan_obj ) ;
free ( pipe ) ;
return ESP_OK ;
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
esp_err_t hcd_pipe_update_mps ( hcd_pipe_handle_t pipe_hdl , int mps )
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
pipe_t * pipe = ( pipe_t * ) pipe_hdl ;
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Check if pipe is in the correct state to be updated
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
HCD_CHECK_FROM_CRIT ( ! pipe - > cs_flags . pipe_cmd_processing & &
! pipe - > cs_flags . has_urb & &
! pipe - > cs_flags . reset_lock ,
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
pipe - > ep_char . mps = mps ;
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Update the underlying channel's registers
2022-09-15 21:26:00 +08:00
usb_dwc_hal_chan_set_ep_char ( pipe - > port - > hal , pipe - > chan_obj , & pipe - > ep_char ) ;
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
return ESP_OK ;
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
esp_err_t hcd_pipe_update_dev_addr ( hcd_pipe_handle_t pipe_hdl , uint8_t dev_addr )
pipe_t * pipe = ( pipe_t * ) pipe_hdl ;
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Check if pipe is in the correct state to be updated
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
HCD_CHECK_FROM_CRIT ( ! pipe - > cs_flags . pipe_cmd_processing & &
! pipe - > cs_flags . has_urb & &
! pipe - > cs_flags . reset_lock ,
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
pipe - > ep_char . dev_addr = dev_addr ;
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Update the underlying channel's registers
2022-09-15 21:26:00 +08:00
usb_dwc_hal_chan_set_ep_char ( pipe - > port - > hal , pipe - > chan_obj , & pipe - > ep_char ) ;
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
return ESP_OK ;
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
esp_err_t hcd_pipe_update_callback ( hcd_pipe_handle_t pipe_hdl , hcd_pipe_callback_t callback , void * user_arg )
2021-06-10 00:15:55 +08:00
pipe_t * pipe = ( pipe_t * ) pipe_hdl ;
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Check if pipe is in the correct state to be updated
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
HCD_CHECK_FROM_CRIT ( ! pipe - > cs_flags . pipe_cmd_processing & &
! pipe - > cs_flags . has_urb & &
! pipe - > cs_flags . reset_lock ,
pipe - > callback = callback ;
pipe - > callback_arg = user_arg ;
return ESP_OK ;
esp_err_t hcd_pipe_set_persist_reset ( hcd_pipe_handle_t pipe_hdl )
pipe_t * pipe = ( pipe_t * ) pipe_hdl ;
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Check if pipe is in the correct state to be updated
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
HCD_CHECK_FROM_CRIT ( ! pipe - > cs_flags . pipe_cmd_processing & &
! pipe - > cs_flags . has_urb & &
! pipe - > cs_flags . reset_lock ,
2021-06-10 00:15:55 +08:00
pipe - > cs_flags . persist = 1 ;
return ESP_OK ;
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
void * hcd_pipe_get_context ( hcd_pipe_handle_t pipe_hdl )
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
2021-03-06 05:46:25 +08:00
pipe_t * pipe = ( pipe_t * ) pipe_hdl ;
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
void * ret ;
ret = pipe - > context ;
return ret ;
hcd_pipe_state_t hcd_pipe_get_state ( hcd_pipe_handle_t pipe_hdl )
hcd_pipe_state_t ret ;
2021-03-06 05:46:25 +08:00
pipe_t * pipe = ( pipe_t * ) pipe_hdl ;
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
ret = pipe - > state ;
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
return ret ;
2023-05-09 00:43:32 +08:00
unsigned int hcd_pipe_get_num_urbs ( hcd_pipe_handle_t pipe_hdl )
unsigned int ret ;
pipe_t * pipe = ( pipe_t * ) pipe_hdl ;
ret = pipe - > num_urb_pending + pipe - > num_urb_done ;
return ret ;
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
esp_err_t hcd_pipe_command ( hcd_pipe_handle_t pipe_hdl , hcd_pipe_cmd_t command )
2021-03-06 05:46:25 +08:00
pipe_t * pipe = ( pipe_t * ) pipe_hdl ;
2021-06-09 23:04:19 +08:00
esp_err_t ret = ESP_OK ;
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Cannot execute pipe commands the pipe is already executing a command, or if the pipe or its port are no longer valid
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
if ( pipe - > cs_flags . reset_lock ) {
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
} else {
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
pipe - > cs_flags . pipe_cmd_processing = 1 ;
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
switch ( command ) {
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
ret = _pipe_cmd_halt ( pipe ) ;
break ;
ret = _pipe_cmd_flush ( pipe ) ;
break ;
ret = _pipe_cmd_clear ( pipe ) ;
break ;
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
pipe - > cs_flags . pipe_cmd_processing = 0 ;
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
return ret ;
hcd_pipe_event_t hcd_pipe_get_event ( hcd_pipe_handle_t pipe_hdl )
2021-03-06 05:46:25 +08:00
pipe_t * pipe = ( pipe_t * ) pipe_hdl ;
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
hcd_pipe_event_t ret ;
ret = pipe - > last_event ;
pipe - > last_event = HCD_PIPE_EVENT_NONE ;
return ret ;
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
// ------------------------------------------------- Buffer Control ----------------------------------------------------
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
2021-06-09 21:49:08 +08:00
static inline void _buffer_fill_ctrl ( dma_buffer_block_t * buffer , usb_transfer_t * transfer )
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Get information about the control transfer by analyzing the setup packet (the first 8 bytes of the URB's data)
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
usb_setup_packet_t * setup_pkt = ( usb_setup_packet_t * ) transfer - > data_buffer ;
bool data_stg_in = ( setup_pkt - > bmRequestType & USB_BM_REQUEST_TYPE_DIR_IN ) ;
bool data_stg_skip = ( setup_pkt - > wLength = = 0 ) ;
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Fill setup stage
2022-09-15 21:26:00 +08:00
usb_dwc_hal_xfer_desc_fill ( buffer - > xfer_desc_list , 0 , transfer - > data_buffer , sizeof ( usb_setup_packet_t ) ,
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Fill data stage
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
if ( data_stg_skip ) {
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Not data stage. Fill with an empty descriptor
2022-09-15 21:26:00 +08:00
usb_dwc_hal_xfer_desc_clear ( buffer - > xfer_desc_list , 1 ) ;
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
} else {
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Fill data stage. Note that we still fill with transfer->num_bytes instead of setup_pkt->wLength as it's possible to require more bytes than wLength
2022-09-15 21:26:00 +08:00
usb_dwc_hal_xfer_desc_fill ( buffer - > xfer_desc_list , 1 , transfer - > data_buffer + sizeof ( usb_setup_packet_t ) , transfer - > num_bytes - sizeof ( usb_setup_packet_t ) ,
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Fill status stage (i.e., a zero length packet). If data stage is skipped, the status stage is always IN.
2022-09-15 21:26:00 +08:00
usb_dwc_hal_xfer_desc_fill ( buffer - > xfer_desc_list , 2 , NULL , 0 ,
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
( ( data_stg_in & & ! data_stg_skip ) ? 0 : USB_DWC_HAL_XFER_DESC_FLAG_IN ) | USB_DWC_HAL_XFER_DESC_FLAG_HOC ) ;
// Update buffer flags
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
buffer - > flags . ctrl . data_stg_in = data_stg_in ;
buffer - > flags . ctrl . data_stg_skip = data_stg_skip ;
buffer - > flags . ctrl . cur_stg = 0 ;
2021-11-17 18:35:34 +08:00
static inline void _buffer_fill_bulk ( dma_buffer_block_t * buffer , usb_transfer_t * transfer , bool is_in , int mps )
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Only add a zero length packet if OUT, flag is set, and transfer length is multiple of EP's MPS
// Minor optimization: Do the mod operation last
2021-11-17 18:35:34 +08:00
bool zero_len_packet = ! is_in & & ( transfer - > flags & USB_TRANSFER_FLAG_ZERO_PACK ) & & ( transfer - > num_bytes % mps = = 0 ) ;
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
if ( is_in ) {
2022-09-15 21:26:00 +08:00
usb_dwc_hal_xfer_desc_fill ( buffer - > xfer_desc_list , 0 , transfer - > data_buffer , transfer - > num_bytes ,
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
} else { // OUT
2021-11-17 18:35:34 +08:00
if ( zero_len_packet ) {
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Adding a zero length packet, so two descriptors are used.
2022-09-15 21:26:00 +08:00
usb_dwc_hal_xfer_desc_fill ( buffer - > xfer_desc_list , 0 , transfer - > data_buffer , transfer - > num_bytes , 0 ) ;
usb_dwc_hal_xfer_desc_fill ( buffer - > xfer_desc_list , 1 , NULL , 0 , USB_DWC_HAL_XFER_DESC_FLAG_HOC ) ;
2021-11-17 18:35:34 +08:00
} else {
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Zero length packet not required. One descriptor is enough
2022-09-15 21:26:00 +08:00
usb_dwc_hal_xfer_desc_fill ( buffer - > xfer_desc_list , 0 , transfer - > data_buffer , transfer - > num_bytes , USB_DWC_HAL_XFER_DESC_FLAG_HOC ) ;
2021-11-17 18:35:34 +08:00
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Update buffer flags
2021-11-17 18:35:34 +08:00
buffer - > flags . bulk . zero_len_packet = zero_len_packet ;
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
2021-06-09 21:49:08 +08:00
static inline void _buffer_fill_intr ( dma_buffer_block_t * buffer , usb_transfer_t * transfer , bool is_in , int mps )
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
int num_qtds ;
2021-11-17 18:35:34 +08:00
int mod_mps = transfer - > num_bytes % mps ;
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Only add a zero length packet if OUT, flag is set, and transfer length is multiple of EP's MPS
2021-11-17 18:35:34 +08:00
bool zero_len_packet = ! is_in & & ( transfer - > flags & USB_TRANSFER_FLAG_ZERO_PACK ) & & ( mod_mps = = 0 ) ;
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
if ( is_in ) {
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
assert ( mod_mps = = 0 ) ; // IN transfers MUST be integer multiple of MPS
num_qtds = transfer - > num_bytes / mps ; // Can just floor divide as it's already multiple of MPS
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
} else {
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
num_qtds = transfer - > num_bytes / mps ; // Floor division to get the number of MPS sized packets
2021-11-17 18:35:34 +08:00
if ( mod_mps > 0 ) {
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
num_qtds + + ; // Add a short packet for the remainder
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
assert ( ( zero_len_packet ) ? num_qtds + 1 : num_qtds < = XFER_LIST_LEN_INTR ) ; // Check that the number of QTDs doesn't exceed the QTD list's length
2021-11-17 18:35:34 +08:00
2022-09-15 21:26:00 +08:00
uint32_t xfer_desc_flags = ( is_in ) ? USB_DWC_HAL_XFER_DESC_FLAG_IN : 0 ;
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
int bytes_filled = 0 ;
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Fill all but last QTD
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
for ( int i = 0 ; i < num_qtds - 1 ; i + + ) {
2022-09-15 21:26:00 +08:00
usb_dwc_hal_xfer_desc_fill ( buffer - > xfer_desc_list , i , & transfer - > data_buffer [ bytes_filled ] , mps , xfer_desc_flags ) ;
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
bytes_filled + = mps ;
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Fill last QTD and zero length packet
2021-11-17 18:35:34 +08:00
if ( zero_len_packet ) {
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Fill in last data packet without HOC flag
2022-09-15 21:26:00 +08:00
usb_dwc_hal_xfer_desc_fill ( buffer - > xfer_desc_list , num_qtds - 1 , & transfer - > data_buffer [ bytes_filled ] , transfer - > num_bytes - bytes_filled ,
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
xfer_desc_flags ) ;
// HOC flag goes to zero length packet instead
2022-09-15 21:26:00 +08:00
usb_dwc_hal_xfer_desc_fill ( buffer - > xfer_desc_list , num_qtds , NULL , 0 , USB_DWC_HAL_XFER_DESC_FLAG_HOC ) ;
2021-11-17 18:35:34 +08:00
} else {
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Zero length packet not required. Fill in last QTD with HOC flag
2022-09-15 21:26:00 +08:00
usb_dwc_hal_xfer_desc_fill ( buffer - > xfer_desc_list , num_qtds - 1 , & transfer - > data_buffer [ bytes_filled ] , transfer - > num_bytes - bytes_filled ,
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
xfer_desc_flags | USB_DWC_HAL_XFER_DESC_FLAG_HOC ) ;
2021-11-17 18:35:34 +08:00
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Update buffer members and flags
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
buffer - > flags . intr . num_qtds = num_qtds ;
2021-11-17 18:35:34 +08:00
buffer - > flags . intr . zero_len_packet = zero_len_packet ;
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
2021-06-09 21:49:08 +08:00
static inline void _buffer_fill_isoc ( dma_buffer_block_t * buffer , usb_transfer_t * transfer , bool is_in , int mps , int interval , int start_idx )
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
assert ( interval > 0 ) ;
2021-06-09 21:49:08 +08:00
int total_num_desc = transfer - > num_isoc_packets * interval ;
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
assert ( total_num_desc < = XFER_LIST_LEN_ISOC ) ;
int desc_idx = start_idx ;
int bytes_filled = 0 ;
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// For each packet, fill in a descriptor and a interval-1 blank descriptor after it
2021-06-09 21:49:08 +08:00
for ( int pkt_idx = 0 ; pkt_idx < transfer - > num_isoc_packets ; pkt_idx + + ) {
int xfer_len = transfer - > isoc_packet_desc [ pkt_idx ] . num_bytes ;
2022-09-15 21:26:00 +08:00
uint32_t flags = ( is_in ) ? USB_DWC_HAL_XFER_DESC_FLAG_IN : 0 ;
2021-06-09 21:49:08 +08:00
if ( pkt_idx = = transfer - > num_isoc_packets - 1 ) {
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Last packet, set the the HOC flag
2022-09-15 21:26:00 +08:00
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
2022-09-15 21:26:00 +08:00
usb_dwc_hal_xfer_desc_fill ( buffer - > xfer_desc_list , desc_idx , & transfer - > data_buffer [ bytes_filled ] , xfer_len , flags ) ;
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
bytes_filled + = xfer_len ;
if ( + + desc_idx > = XFER_LIST_LEN_ISOC ) {
desc_idx = 0 ;
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Clear descriptors for unscheduled frames
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
for ( int i = 0 ; i < interval - 1 ; i + + ) {
2022-09-15 21:26:00 +08:00
usb_dwc_hal_xfer_desc_clear ( buffer - > xfer_desc_list , desc_idx ) ;
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
if ( + + desc_idx > = XFER_LIST_LEN_ISOC ) {
desc_idx = 0 ;
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Update buffer members and flags
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
buffer - > flags . isoc . num_qtds = total_num_desc ;
buffer - > flags . isoc . interval = interval ;
2021-06-09 21:49:08 +08:00
buffer - > flags . isoc . start_idx = start_idx ;
buffer - > flags . isoc . next_start_idx = desc_idx ;
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
static void _buffer_fill ( pipe_t * pipe )
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Get an URB from the pending tailq
2021-06-09 21:49:08 +08:00
urb_t * urb = TAILQ_FIRST ( & pipe - > pending_urb_tailq ) ;
assert ( pipe - > num_urb_pending > 0 & & urb ! = NULL ) ;
TAILQ_REMOVE ( & pipe - > pending_urb_tailq , urb , tailq_entry ) ;
pipe - > num_urb_pending - - ;
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Select the inactive buffer
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
assert ( pipe - > multi_buffer_control . buffer_num_to_exec < = NUM_BUFFERS ) ;
dma_buffer_block_t * buffer_to_fill = pipe - > buffers [ pipe - > multi_buffer_control . wr_idx ] ;
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
buffer_to_fill - > status_flags . val = 0 ; // Clear the buffer's status flags
2021-06-09 21:49:08 +08:00
assert ( buffer_to_fill - > urb = = NULL ) ;
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
bool is_in = pipe - > ep_char . bEndpointAddress & USB_B_ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_EP_DIR_MASK ;
int mps = pipe - > ep_char . mps ;
2021-06-09 21:49:08 +08:00
usb_transfer_t * transfer = & urb - > transfer ;
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
switch ( pipe - > ep_char . type ) {
2023-11-29 16:30:04 +08:00
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
_buffer_fill_ctrl ( buffer_to_fill , transfer ) ;
break ;
2023-11-29 16:30:04 +08:00
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
uint32_t start_idx ;
if ( pipe - > multi_buffer_control . buffer_num_to_exec = = 0 ) {
// There are no more previously filled buffers to execute. We need to calculate a new start index based on HFNUM and the pipe's schedule
uint32_t cur_frame_num = usb_dwc_hal_port_get_cur_frame_num ( pipe - > port - > hal ) ;
uint32_t cur_mod_idx_no_offset = ( cur_frame_num - pipe - > ep_char . periodic . phase_offset_frames ) & ( XFER_LIST_LEN_ISOC - 1 ) ; // Get the modulated index (i.e., the Nth desc in the descriptor list)
// This is the non-offset modulated QTD index of the last scheduled interval
uint32_t last_interval_mod_idx_no_offset = ( cur_mod_idx_no_offset / pipe - > ep_char . periodic . interval ) * pipe - > ep_char . periodic . interval ; // Floor divide and the multiply again
uint32_t next_interval_idx_no_offset = ( last_interval_mod_idx_no_offset + pipe - > ep_char . periodic . interval ) ;
// We want at least a half interval or 2 frames of buffer space
if ( next_interval_idx_no_offset - cur_mod_idx_no_offset > ( pipe - > ep_char . periodic . interval / 2 )
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
& & next_interval_idx_no_offset - cur_mod_idx_no_offset > = 2 ) {
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
start_idx = ( next_interval_idx_no_offset + pipe - > ep_char . periodic . phase_offset_frames ) & ( XFER_LIST_LEN_ISOC - 1 ) ;
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
} else {
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Not enough time until the next schedule, add another interval to it.
start_idx = ( next_interval_idx_no_offset + pipe - > ep_char . periodic . interval + pipe - > ep_char . periodic . phase_offset_frames ) & ( XFER_LIST_LEN_ISOC - 1 ) ;
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
} else {
// Start index is based on previously filled buffer
uint32_t prev_buffer_idx = ( pipe - > multi_buffer_control . wr_idx - 1 ) & ( NUM_BUFFERS - 1 ) ;
dma_buffer_block_t * prev_filled_buffer = pipe - > buffers [ prev_buffer_idx ] ;
start_idx = prev_filled_buffer - > flags . isoc . next_start_idx ;
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
_buffer_fill_isoc ( buffer_to_fill , transfer , is_in , mps , ( int ) pipe - > ep_char . periodic . interval , start_idx ) ;
break ;
2023-11-29 16:30:04 +08:00
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
_buffer_fill_bulk ( buffer_to_fill , transfer , is_in , mps ) ;
break ;
2023-11-29 16:30:04 +08:00
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
_buffer_fill_intr ( buffer_to_fill , transfer , is_in , mps ) ;
break ;
default : {
abort ( ) ;
break ;
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
2021-06-09 21:49:08 +08:00
buffer_to_fill - > urb = urb ;
urb - > hcd_var = URB_HCD_STATE_INFLIGHT ;
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Update multi buffer flags
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
pipe - > multi_buffer_control . wr_idx + + ;
pipe - > multi_buffer_control . buffer_num_to_fill - - ;
pipe - > multi_buffer_control . buffer_num_to_exec + + ;
static void _buffer_exec ( pipe_t * pipe )
assert ( pipe - > multi_buffer_control . rd_idx ! = pipe - > multi_buffer_control . wr_idx | | pipe - > multi_buffer_control . buffer_num_to_exec > 0 ) ;
dma_buffer_block_t * buffer_to_exec = pipe - > buffers [ pipe - > multi_buffer_control . rd_idx ] ;
2021-06-09 21:49:08 +08:00
assert ( buffer_to_exec - > urb ! = NULL ) ;
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
uint32_t start_idx ;
int desc_list_len ;
switch ( pipe - > ep_char . type ) {
2023-11-29 16:30:04 +08:00
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
start_idx = 0 ;
desc_list_len = XFER_LIST_LEN_CTRL ;
// Set the channel's direction to OUT and PID to 0 respectively for the the setup stage
usb_dwc_hal_chan_set_dir ( pipe - > chan_obj , false ) ; // Setup stage is always OUT
usb_dwc_hal_chan_set_pid ( pipe - > chan_obj , 0 ) ; // Setup stage always has a PID of DATA0
break ;
2023-11-29 16:30:04 +08:00
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
start_idx = buffer_to_exec - > flags . isoc . start_idx ;
desc_list_len = XFER_LIST_LEN_ISOC ;
break ;
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
2023-11-29 16:30:04 +08:00
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
start_idx = 0 ;
desc_list_len = ( buffer_to_exec - > flags . bulk . zero_len_packet ) ? XFER_LIST_LEN_BULK : 1 ;
break ;
2023-11-29 16:30:04 +08:00
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
start_idx = 0 ;
desc_list_len = ( buffer_to_exec - > flags . intr . zero_len_packet ) ? buffer_to_exec - > flags . intr . num_qtds + 1 : buffer_to_exec - > flags . intr . num_qtds ;
break ;
default : {
start_idx = 0 ;
desc_list_len = 0 ;
abort ( ) ;
break ;
// Update buffer and multi buffer flags
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
buffer_to_exec - > status_flags . executing = 1 ;
pipe - > multi_buffer_control . buffer_is_executing = 1 ;
2022-09-15 21:26:00 +08:00
usb_dwc_hal_chan_activate ( pipe - > chan_obj , buffer_to_exec - > xfer_desc_list , desc_list_len , start_idx ) ;
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
static void _buffer_exec_cont ( pipe_t * pipe )
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// This should only ever be called on control transfers
2023-11-29 16:30:04 +08:00
assert ( pipe - > ep_char . type = = USB_DWC_XFER_TYPE_CTRL ) ;
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
dma_buffer_block_t * buffer_inflight = pipe - > buffers [ pipe - > multi_buffer_control . rd_idx ] ;
bool next_dir_is_in ;
int next_pid ;
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
assert ( buffer_inflight - > flags . ctrl . cur_stg ! = 2 ) ;
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
if ( buffer_inflight - > flags . ctrl . cur_stg = = 0 ) { // Just finished control stage
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
if ( buffer_inflight - > flags . ctrl . data_stg_skip ) {
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Skipping data stage. Go straight to status stage
next_dir_is_in = true ; // With no data stage, status stage must be IN
next_pid = 1 ; // Status stage always has a PID of DATA1
buffer_inflight - > flags . ctrl . cur_stg = 2 ; // Skip over the null descriptor representing the skipped data stage
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
} else {
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Go to data stage
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
next_dir_is_in = buffer_inflight - > flags . ctrl . data_stg_in ;
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
next_pid = 1 ; // Data stage always starts with a PID of DATA1
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
buffer_inflight - > flags . ctrl . cur_stg = 1 ;
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
} else { // cur_stg == 1. // Just finished data stage. Go to status stage
next_dir_is_in = ! buffer_inflight - > flags . ctrl . data_stg_in ; // Status stage is always the opposite direction of data stage
next_pid = 1 ; // Status stage always has a PID of DATA1
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
buffer_inflight - > flags . ctrl . cur_stg = 2 ;
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Continue the control transfer
2022-09-15 21:26:00 +08:00
usb_dwc_hal_chan_set_dir ( pipe - > chan_obj , next_dir_is_in ) ;
usb_dwc_hal_chan_set_pid ( pipe - > chan_obj , next_pid ) ;
usb_dwc_hal_chan_activate ( pipe - > chan_obj , buffer_inflight - > xfer_desc_list , XFER_LIST_LEN_CTRL , buffer_inflight - > flags . ctrl . cur_stg ) ;
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
static inline void _buffer_parse_ctrl ( dma_buffer_block_t * buffer )
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
2021-06-09 21:49:08 +08:00
usb_transfer_t * transfer = & buffer - > urb - > transfer ;
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Update URB's actual number of bytes
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
if ( buffer - > flags . ctrl . data_stg_skip ) {
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// There was no data stage. Just set the actual length to the size of the setup packet
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
transfer - > actual_num_bytes = sizeof ( usb_setup_packet_t ) ;
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
} else {
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Parse the data stage for the remaining length
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
int rem_len ;
int desc_status ;
2022-09-15 21:26:00 +08:00
usb_dwc_hal_xfer_desc_parse ( buffer - > xfer_desc_list , 1 , & rem_len , & desc_status ) ;
assert ( desc_status = = USB_DWC_HAL_XFER_DESC_STS_SUCCESS ) ;
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
assert ( rem_len < = ( transfer - > num_bytes - sizeof ( usb_setup_packet_t ) ) ) ;
2021-06-09 21:49:08 +08:00
transfer - > actual_num_bytes = transfer - > num_bytes - rem_len ;
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Update URB status
2021-06-09 21:49:08 +08:00
transfer - > status = USB_TRANSFER_STATUS_COMPLETED ;
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Clear the descriptor list
2022-09-15 21:26:00 +08:00
memset ( buffer - > xfer_desc_list , 0 , XFER_LIST_LEN_CTRL * sizeof ( usb_dwc_ll_dma_qtd_t ) ) ;
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
static inline void _buffer_parse_bulk ( dma_buffer_block_t * buffer )
2021-06-09 21:49:08 +08:00
usb_transfer_t * transfer = & buffer - > urb - > transfer ;
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Update URB's actual number of bytes
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
int rem_len ;
int desc_status ;
2022-09-15 21:26:00 +08:00
usb_dwc_hal_xfer_desc_parse ( buffer - > xfer_desc_list , 0 , & rem_len , & desc_status ) ;
assert ( desc_status = = USB_DWC_HAL_XFER_DESC_STS_SUCCESS ) ;
2021-06-09 21:49:08 +08:00
assert ( rem_len < = transfer - > num_bytes ) ;
transfer - > actual_num_bytes = transfer - > num_bytes - rem_len ;
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Update URB's status
2021-06-09 21:49:08 +08:00
transfer - > status = USB_TRANSFER_STATUS_COMPLETED ;
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Clear the descriptor list
2022-09-15 21:26:00 +08:00
memset ( buffer - > xfer_desc_list , 0 , XFER_LIST_LEN_BULK * sizeof ( usb_dwc_ll_dma_qtd_t ) ) ;
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
static inline void _buffer_parse_intr ( dma_buffer_block_t * buffer , bool is_in , int mps )
2021-06-09 21:49:08 +08:00
usb_transfer_t * transfer = & buffer - > urb - > transfer ;
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
int intr_stop_idx = buffer - > status_flags . stop_idx ;
if ( is_in ) {
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
if ( intr_stop_idx > 0 ) { // This is an early stop (short packet)
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
assert ( intr_stop_idx < = buffer - > flags . intr . num_qtds ) ;
int rem_len ;
int desc_status ;
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
for ( int i = 0 ; i < intr_stop_idx - 1 ; i + + ) { // Check all packets before the short
2022-09-15 21:26:00 +08:00
usb_dwc_hal_xfer_desc_parse ( buffer - > xfer_desc_list , i , & rem_len , & desc_status ) ;
assert ( rem_len = = 0 & & desc_status = = USB_DWC_HAL_XFER_DESC_STS_SUCCESS ) ;
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Check the short packet
2022-09-15 21:26:00 +08:00
usb_dwc_hal_xfer_desc_parse ( buffer - > xfer_desc_list , intr_stop_idx - 1 , & rem_len , & desc_status ) ;
assert ( rem_len > 0 & & desc_status = = USB_DWC_HAL_XFER_DESC_STS_SUCCESS ) ;
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Update actual bytes
2021-06-09 21:49:08 +08:00
transfer - > actual_num_bytes = ( mps * intr_stop_idx - 2 ) + ( mps - rem_len ) ;
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
} else {
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Check that all but the last packet transmitted MPS
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
for ( int i = 0 ; i < buffer - > flags . intr . num_qtds - 1 ; i + + ) {
int rem_len ;
int desc_status ;
2022-09-15 21:26:00 +08:00
usb_dwc_hal_xfer_desc_parse ( buffer - > xfer_desc_list , i , & rem_len , & desc_status ) ;
assert ( rem_len = = 0 & & desc_status = = USB_DWC_HAL_XFER_DESC_STS_SUCCESS ) ;
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Check the last packet
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
int last_packet_rem_len ;
int last_packet_desc_status ;
2022-09-15 21:26:00 +08:00
usb_dwc_hal_xfer_desc_parse ( buffer - > xfer_desc_list , buffer - > flags . intr . num_qtds - 1 , & last_packet_rem_len , & last_packet_desc_status ) ;
assert ( last_packet_desc_status = = USB_DWC_HAL_XFER_DESC_STS_SUCCESS ) ;
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// All packets except last MUST be MPS. So just deduct the remaining length of the last packet to get actual number of bytes
2021-06-09 21:49:08 +08:00
transfer - > actual_num_bytes = transfer - > num_bytes - last_packet_rem_len ;
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
} else {
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// OUT INTR transfers can only complete successfully if all packets have been transmitted. Double check
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
for ( int i = 0 ; i < buffer - > flags . intr . num_qtds ; i + + ) {
int rem_len ;
int desc_status ;
2022-09-15 21:26:00 +08:00
usb_dwc_hal_xfer_desc_parse ( buffer - > xfer_desc_list , i , & rem_len , & desc_status ) ;
assert ( rem_len = = 0 & & desc_status = = USB_DWC_HAL_XFER_DESC_STS_SUCCESS ) ;
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
2021-06-09 21:49:08 +08:00
transfer - > actual_num_bytes = transfer - > num_bytes ;
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Update URB's status
2021-06-09 21:49:08 +08:00
transfer - > status = USB_TRANSFER_STATUS_COMPLETED ;
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Clear the descriptor list
2022-09-15 21:26:00 +08:00
memset ( buffer - > xfer_desc_list , 0 , XFER_LIST_LEN_INTR * sizeof ( usb_dwc_ll_dma_qtd_t ) ) ;
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
static inline void _buffer_parse_isoc ( dma_buffer_block_t * buffer , bool is_in )
2021-06-09 21:49:08 +08:00
usb_transfer_t * transfer = & buffer - > urb - > transfer ;
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
int desc_idx = buffer - > flags . isoc . start_idx ; // Descriptor index tracks which descriptor in the QTD list
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
int total_actual_num_bytes = 0 ;
2021-06-09 21:49:08 +08:00
for ( int pkt_idx = 0 ; pkt_idx < transfer - > num_isoc_packets ; pkt_idx + + ) {
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Clear the filled descriptor
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
int rem_len ;
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
int desc_status ;
2022-09-15 21:26:00 +08:00
usb_dwc_hal_xfer_desc_parse ( buffer - > xfer_desc_list , desc_idx , & rem_len , & desc_status ) ;
usb_dwc_hal_xfer_desc_clear ( buffer - > xfer_desc_list , desc_idx ) ;
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
assert ( rem_len = = 0 | | is_in ) ;
2023-06-19 10:50:17 +08:00
assert ( desc_status = = USB_DWC_HAL_XFER_DESC_STS_SUCCESS | | desc_status = = USB_DWC_HAL_XFER_DESC_STS_NOT_EXECUTED ) ;
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
assert ( rem_len < = transfer - > isoc_packet_desc [ pkt_idx ] . num_bytes ) ; // Check for DMA errata
// Update ISO packet actual length and status
2021-06-09 21:49:08 +08:00
transfer - > isoc_packet_desc [ pkt_idx ] . actual_num_bytes = transfer - > isoc_packet_desc [ pkt_idx ] . num_bytes - rem_len ;
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
total_actual_num_bytes + = transfer - > isoc_packet_desc [ pkt_idx ] . actual_num_bytes ;
2022-09-15 21:26:00 +08:00
transfer - > isoc_packet_desc [ pkt_idx ] . status = ( desc_status = = USB_DWC_HAL_XFER_DESC_STS_NOT_EXECUTED ) ? USB_TRANSFER_STATUS_SKIPPED : USB_TRANSFER_STATUS_COMPLETED ;
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// A descriptor is also allocated for unscheduled frames. We need to skip over them
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
desc_idx + = buffer - > flags . isoc . interval ;
if ( desc_idx > = XFER_LIST_LEN_INTR ) {
desc_idx - = XFER_LIST_LEN_INTR ;
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Write back the actual_num_bytes and statue of entire transfer
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
assert ( total_actual_num_bytes < = transfer - > num_bytes ) ;
transfer - > actual_num_bytes = total_actual_num_bytes ;
transfer - > status = USB_TRANSFER_STATUS_COMPLETED ;
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
static inline void _buffer_parse_error ( dma_buffer_block_t * buffer )
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// The URB had an error in one of its packet, or a port error), so we the entire URB an error.
2021-06-09 21:49:08 +08:00
usb_transfer_t * transfer = & buffer - > urb - > transfer ;
transfer - > actual_num_bytes = 0 ;
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Update the overall status of URB. Status will depend on the pipe_event
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
switch ( buffer - > status_flags . pipe_event ) {
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
transfer - > status = ( buffer - > status_flags . was_canceled ) ? USB_TRANSFER_STATUS_CANCELED : USB_TRANSFER_STATUS_NO_DEVICE ;
break ;
transfer - > status = USB_TRANSFER_STATUS_ERROR ;
break ;
transfer - > status = USB_TRANSFER_STATUS_OVERFLOW ;
break ;
transfer - > status = USB_TRANSFER_STATUS_STALL ;
break ;
default :
abort ( ) ;
break ;
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
static void _buffer_parse ( pipe_t * pipe )
assert ( pipe - > multi_buffer_control . buffer_num_to_parse > 0 ) ;
dma_buffer_block_t * buffer_to_parse = pipe - > buffers [ pipe - > multi_buffer_control . fr_idx ] ;
2021-06-09 21:49:08 +08:00
assert ( buffer_to_parse - > urb ! = NULL ) ;
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
bool is_in = pipe - > ep_char . bEndpointAddress & USB_B_ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_EP_DIR_MASK ;
int mps = pipe - > ep_char . mps ;
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Parsing the buffer will update the buffer's corresponding URB
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
if ( buffer_to_parse - > status_flags . pipe_event = = HCD_PIPE_EVENT_URB_DONE ) {
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// URB was successful
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
switch ( pipe - > ep_char . type ) {
2023-11-29 16:30:04 +08:00
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
_buffer_parse_ctrl ( buffer_to_parse ) ;
break ;
2023-11-29 16:30:04 +08:00
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
_buffer_parse_isoc ( buffer_to_parse , is_in ) ;
break ;
2023-11-29 16:30:04 +08:00
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
_buffer_parse_bulk ( buffer_to_parse ) ;
break ;
2023-11-29 16:30:04 +08:00
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
_buffer_parse_intr ( buffer_to_parse , is_in , mps ) ;
break ;
default : {
abort ( ) ;
break ;
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
} else {
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// URB failed
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
_buffer_parse_error ( buffer_to_parse ) ;
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
2021-06-09 21:49:08 +08:00
urb_t * urb = buffer_to_parse - > urb ;
urb - > hcd_var = URB_HCD_STATE_DONE ;
buffer_to_parse - > urb = NULL ;
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
buffer_to_parse - > flags . val = 0 ; // Clear flags
// Move the URB to the done tailq
2021-06-09 21:49:08 +08:00
TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL ( & pipe - > done_urb_tailq , urb , tailq_entry ) ;
pipe - > num_urb_done + + ;
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Update multi buffer flags
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
pipe - > multi_buffer_control . fr_idx + + ;
pipe - > multi_buffer_control . buffer_num_to_parse - - ;
pipe - > multi_buffer_control . buffer_num_to_fill + + ;
2021-10-25 21:42:09 +08:00
static bool _buffer_flush_all ( pipe_t * pipe , bool canceled )
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
int cur_num_to_mark_done = pipe - > multi_buffer_control . buffer_num_to_exec ;
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
for ( int i = 0 ; i < cur_num_to_mark_done ; i + + ) {
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Mark any filled buffers as done
2021-10-25 21:42:09 +08:00
_buffer_done ( pipe , 0 , HCD_PIPE_EVENT_NONE , canceled ) ;
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
int cur_num_to_parse = pipe - > multi_buffer_control . buffer_num_to_parse ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < cur_num_to_parse ; i + + ) {
_buffer_parse ( pipe ) ;
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// At this point, there should be no more filled buffers. Only URBs in the pending or done tailq
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
return ( cur_num_to_parse > 0 ) ;
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
// ---------------------------------------------- HCD Transfer Descriptors ---------------------------------------------
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
// ----------------------- Public --------------------------
2021-06-09 21:49:08 +08:00
esp_err_t hcd_urb_enqueue ( hcd_pipe_handle_t pipe_hdl , urb_t * urb )
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Check that URB has not already been enqueued
2021-06-09 21:49:08 +08:00
HCD_CHECK ( urb - > hcd_ptr = = NULL & & urb - > hcd_var = = URB_HCD_STATE_IDLE , ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE ) ;
2021-03-06 05:46:25 +08:00
pipe_t * pipe = ( pipe_t * ) pipe_hdl ;
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Check that pipe and port are in the correct state to receive URBs
HCD_CHECK_FROM_CRIT ( pipe - > port - > state = = HCD_PORT_STATE_ENABLED // The pipe's port must be in the correct state
& & pipe - > state = = HCD_PIPE_STATE_ACTIVE // The pipe must be in the correct state
& & ! pipe - > cs_flags . pipe_cmd_processing // Pipe cannot currently be processing a pipe command
& & ! pipe - > cs_flags . reset_lock , // Pipe cannot be persisting through a port reset
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Use the URB's reserved_ptr to store the pipe's
2021-06-09 21:49:08 +08:00
urb - > hcd_ptr = ( void * ) pipe ;
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Add the URB to the pipe's pending tailq
2021-06-09 21:49:08 +08:00
urb - > hcd_var = URB_HCD_STATE_PENDING ;
TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL ( & pipe - > pending_urb_tailq , urb , tailq_entry ) ;
pipe - > num_urb_pending + + ;
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// use the URB's reserved_flags to store the URB's current state
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
if ( _buffer_can_fill ( pipe ) ) {
_buffer_fill ( pipe ) ;
if ( _buffer_can_exec ( pipe ) ) {
_buffer_exec ( pipe ) ;
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
if ( ! pipe - > cs_flags . has_urb ) {
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// This is the first URB to be enqueued into the pipe. Move the pipe to the list of active pipes
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
TAILQ_REMOVE ( & pipe - > port - > pipes_idle_tailq , pipe , tailq_entry ) ;
TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL ( & pipe - > port - > pipes_active_tailq , pipe , tailq_entry ) ;
pipe - > port - > num_pipes_idle - - ;
pipe - > port - > num_pipes_queued + + ;
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
pipe - > cs_flags . has_urb = 1 ;
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
return ESP_OK ;
2021-06-09 21:49:08 +08:00
urb_t * hcd_urb_dequeue ( hcd_pipe_handle_t pipe_hdl )
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
pipe_t * pipe = ( pipe_t * ) pipe_hdl ;
2021-06-09 21:49:08 +08:00
urb_t * urb ;
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
2021-06-09 21:49:08 +08:00
if ( pipe - > num_urb_done > 0 ) {
urb = TAILQ_FIRST ( & pipe - > done_urb_tailq ) ;
TAILQ_REMOVE ( & pipe - > done_urb_tailq , urb , tailq_entry ) ;
pipe - > num_urb_done - - ;
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Check the URB's reserved fields then reset them
assert ( urb - > hcd_ptr = = ( void * ) pipe & & urb - > hcd_var = = URB_HCD_STATE_DONE ) ; // The URB's reserved field should have been set to this pipe
2021-06-09 21:49:08 +08:00
urb - > hcd_ptr = NULL ;
urb - > hcd_var = URB_HCD_STATE_IDLE ;
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
if ( pipe - > cs_flags . has_urb
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
& & pipe - > num_urb_pending = = 0 & & pipe - > num_urb_done = = 0
& & pipe - > multi_buffer_control . buffer_num_to_exec = = 0 & & pipe - > multi_buffer_control . buffer_num_to_parse = = 0 ) {
// This pipe has no more enqueued URBs. Move the pipe to the list of idle pipes
2021-03-06 05:46:25 +08:00
TAILQ_REMOVE ( & pipe - > port - > pipes_active_tailq , pipe , tailq_entry ) ;
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL ( & pipe - > port - > pipes_idle_tailq , pipe , tailq_entry ) ;
pipe - > port - > num_pipes_idle + + ;
pipe - > port - > num_pipes_queued - - ;
2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
pipe - > cs_flags . has_urb = 0 ;
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
} else {
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// No more URBs to dequeue from this pipe
2021-06-09 21:49:08 +08:00
urb = NULL ;
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
2021-06-09 21:49:08 +08:00
return urb ;
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
2021-06-09 21:49:08 +08:00
esp_err_t hcd_urb_abort ( urb_t * urb )
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Check that the URB was enqueued to begin with
2021-06-09 21:49:08 +08:00
HCD_CHECK_FROM_CRIT ( urb - > hcd_ptr ! = NULL & & urb - > hcd_var ! = URB_HCD_STATE_IDLE , ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE ) ;
if ( urb - > hcd_var = = URB_HCD_STATE_PENDING ) {
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// URB has not been executed so it can be aborted
2021-06-09 21:49:08 +08:00
pipe_t * pipe = ( pipe_t * ) urb - > hcd_ptr ;
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Remove it form the pending queue
2021-06-09 21:49:08 +08:00
TAILQ_REMOVE ( & pipe - > pending_urb_tailq , urb , tailq_entry ) ;
pipe - > num_urb_pending - - ;
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Add it to the done queue
2021-06-09 21:49:08 +08:00
TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL ( & pipe - > done_urb_tailq , urb , tailq_entry ) ;
pipe - > num_urb_done + + ;
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// Update the URB's current state, status, and actual length
2021-06-09 21:49:08 +08:00
urb - > hcd_var = URB_HCD_STATE_DONE ;
if ( urb - > transfer . num_isoc_packets = = 0 ) {
urb - > transfer . actual_num_bytes = 0 ;
urb - > transfer . status = USB_TRANSFER_STATUS_CANCELED ;
} else {
2023-05-09 00:53:27 +08:00
// If this is an ISOC URB, update the ISO packet descriptors instead
2021-06-09 21:49:08 +08:00
for ( int i = 0 ; i < urb - > transfer . num_isoc_packets ; i + + ) {
urb - > transfer . isoc_packet_desc [ i ] . actual_num_bytes = 0 ;
urb - > transfer . isoc_packet_desc [ i ] . status = USB_TRANSFER_STATUS_CANCELED ;
2021-03-11 20:50:05 +08:00
2021-06-09 21:49:08 +08:00
} // Otherwise, the URB is in-flight or already done thus cannot be aborted
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00
2021-03-06 05:46:25 +08:00
return ESP_OK ;
2021-02-09 10:29:01 +08:00