2021-08-24 23:20:50 +08:00
* SPDX - FileCopyrightText : 2015 - 2021 Espressif Systems ( Shanghai ) CO LTD
* SPDX - License - Identifier : Apache - 2.0
# pragma once
# include <stdint.h>
# include <sys/queue.h>
# include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h"
# include "freertos/task.h"
# include "hcd.h"
# include "usb/usb_types_ch9.h"
# include "usb/usb_types_stack.h"
# ifdef __cplusplus
extern " C " {
# endif
// ------------------------------------------------------ Types --------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------- Events --------------------------
typedef enum {
USBH_EVENT_DEV_NEW , /**< A new device has been enumerated and added to the device pool */
USBH_EVENT_DEV_GONE , /**< A device is gone. Clients should close the device */
USBH_EVENT_DEV_ALL_FREE , /**< All devices have been freed */
} usbh_event_t ;
typedef enum {
USBH_HUB_EVENT_CLEANUP_PORT , /**< Indicate to the Hub driver that it should clean up the port of a device (occurs after a gone device has been freed) */
USBH_HUB_EVENT_DISABLE_PORT , /**< Indicate to the Hub driver that it should disable the port of a device (occurs after a device has been freed) */
} usbh_hub_event_t ;
// ---------------------- Callbacks ------------------------
* @ brief Callback used to indicate completion of control transfers submitted usbh_dev_submit_ctrl_urb ( )
* @ note This callback is called from within usbh_process ( )
typedef void ( * usbh_ctrl_xfer_cb_t ) ( usb_device_handle_t dev_hdl , urb_t * urb , void * arg ) ;
* @ brief Callback used to indicate that the USBH has an event
* @ note This callback is called from within usbh_process ( )
* @ note On a USBH_EVENT_DEV_ALL_FREE event , the dev_hdl argument is set to NULL
typedef void ( * usbh_event_cb_t ) ( usb_device_handle_t dev_hdl , usbh_event_t usbh_event , void * arg ) ;
* @ brief Callback used by the USBH to request actions from the Hub driver
* @ note This callback is called from within usbh_process ( )
typedef void ( * usbh_hub_cb_t ) ( hcd_port_handle_t port_hdl , usbh_hub_event_t hub_event , void * arg ) ;
// ----------------------- Objects -------------------------
* @ brief Configuration for an endpoint being allocated using usbh_ep_alloc ( )
typedef struct {
const usb_ep_desc_t * ep_desc ; /**< Endpoint descriptor */
hcd_pipe_callback_t pipe_cb ; /**< Endpoint's pipe callback */
void * pipe_cb_arg ; /**< Pipe callback argument */
void * context ; /**< Pipe context */
} usbh_ep_config_t ;
* @ brief USBH configuration used in usbh_install ( )
typedef struct {
usb_notif_cb_t notif_cb ; /**< Notification callback */
void * notif_cb_arg ; /**< Notification callback argument */
usbh_ctrl_xfer_cb_t ctrl_xfer_cb ; /**< Control transfer callback */
void * ctrl_xfer_cb_arg ; /**< Control transfer callback argument */
usbh_event_cb_t event_cb ; /**< USBH event callback */
void * event_cb_arg ; /**< USBH event callback argument */
hcd_config_t hcd_config ; /**< HCD configuration */
} usbh_config_t ;
// ------------------------------------------------- USBH Functions ----------------------------------------------------
* @ brief Installs the USBH driver
* - This function will internally install the HCD
* - This must be called before calling any Hub driver functions
* @ param usbh_config USBH driver configuration
* @ return esp_err_t
esp_err_t usbh_install ( const usbh_config_t * usbh_config ) ;
* @ brief Uninstall the USBH driver
* - This function will uninstall the HCD
* - The Hub driver must be uninstalled before calling this function
* @ return esp_err_t
esp_err_t usbh_uninstall ( void ) ;
* @ brief USBH processing function
* - USBH processing function that must be called repeatedly to process USBH events
* - If blocking , the caller can block until a USB_NOTIF_SOURCE_USBH notification is received before running this
* function
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* @ note This function can block
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* @ return esp_err_t
esp_err_t usbh_process ( void ) ;
// ------------------------------------------------ Device Functions ---------------------------------------------------
// --------------------- Device Pool -----------------------
* @ brief Open a device by address
* A device must be opened before it can be used
* @ param [ in ] dev_addr Device address
* @ param [ out ] dev_hdl Device handle
* @ return esp_err_t
esp_err_t usbh_dev_open ( uint8_t dev_addr , usb_device_handle_t * dev_hdl ) ;
* @ brief CLose a device
* Device can be opened by calling usbh_dev_open ( )
* @ param [ in ] dev_hdl Device handle
* @ return esp_err_t
esp_err_t usbh_dev_close ( usb_device_handle_t dev_hdl ) ;
* @ brief Mark that all devices should be freed at the next possible opportunity
* A device marked as free will not be freed until the last client using the device has called usbh_dev_close ( )
* @ return esp_err_t
esp_err_t usbh_dev_mark_all_free ( void ) ;
// ------------------- Single Device ----------------------
* @ brief Get a device ' s address
* @ note Can be called without opening the device
* @ param [ in ] dev_hdl Device handle
* @ param [ out ] dev_addr Device ' s address
* @ return esp_err_t
esp_err_t usbh_dev_get_addr ( usb_device_handle_t dev_hdl , uint8_t * dev_addr ) ;
* @ brief Get a device ' s information
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* @ note This function can block
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* @ param [ in ] dev_hdl Device handle
* @ param [ out ] dev_info Device information
* @ return esp_err_t
esp_err_t usbh_dev_get_info ( usb_device_handle_t dev_hdl , usb_device_info_t * dev_info ) ;
* @ brief Get a device ' s device descriptor
* - The device descriptor is cached when the device is created by the Hub driver
* @ param [ in ] dev_hdl Device handle
* @ param [ out ] dev_desc_ret Device descriptor
* @ return esp_err_t
esp_err_t usbh_dev_get_desc ( usb_device_handle_t dev_hdl , const usb_device_desc_t * * dev_desc_ret ) ;
* @ brief Get a device ' s active configuration descriptor
* Simply returns a reference to the internally cached configuration descriptor
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* @ note This function can block
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* @ param [ in ] dev_hdl Device handle
* @ param config_desc_ret
* @ return esp_err_t
esp_err_t usbh_dev_get_config_desc ( usb_device_handle_t dev_hdl , const usb_config_desc_t * * config_desc_ret ) ;
* @ brief Submit a control transfer ( URB ) to a device
* @ param [ in ] dev_hdl Device handle
* @ param [ in ] urb URB
* @ return esp_err_t
esp_err_t usbh_dev_submit_ctrl_urb ( usb_device_handle_t dev_hdl , urb_t * urb ) ;
// ----------------------------------------------- Endpoint Functions -------------------------------------------------
* @ brief Allocate an endpoint on a device
* Clients that have opened a device must call this function to allocate all endpoints in an interface that is claimed .
* The pipe handle of the endpoint is returned so that clients can use and control the pipe directly .
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* @ note This function can block
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* @ note Default pipes are owned by the USBH . For control transfers , use usbh_dev_submit_ctrl_urb ( ) instead
* @ note Device must be opened by the client first
* @ param [ in ] dev_hdl Device handle
* @ param [ in ] ep_config
* @ param [ out ] pipe_hdl_ret Pipe handle
* @ return esp_err_t
esp_err_t usbh_ep_alloc ( usb_device_handle_t dev_hdl , usbh_ep_config_t * ep_config , hcd_pipe_handle_t * pipe_hdl_ret ) ;
* @ brief Free and endpoint on a device
* Free an endpoint previously opened by usbh_ep_alloc ( )
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* @ note This function can block
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* @ param [ in ] dev_hdl Device handle
* @ param [ in ] bEndpointAddress Endpoint ' s address
* @ return esp_err_t
esp_err_t usbh_ep_free ( usb_device_handle_t dev_hdl , uint8_t bEndpointAddress ) ;
* @ brief Get the context of an endpoint
* Get the context variable assigned to and endpoint on allocation .
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* @ note This function can block
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* @ param [ in ] dev_hdl Device handle
* @ param [ in ] bEndpointAddress Endpoint ' s address
* @ param [ out ] context_ret Context variable
* @ return esp_err_t
esp_err_t usbh_ep_get_context ( usb_device_handle_t dev_hdl , uint8_t bEndpointAddress , void * * context_ret ) ;
// -------------------------------------------------- Hub Functions ----------------------------------------------------
// ------------------- Device Related ----------------------
* @ brief Indicates to USBH that the Hub driver is installed
* - The Hub driver must call this function in its installation to indicate the the USBH that it has been installed .
* - This should only be called after the USBH has already be installed
* @ note Hub Driver only
* @ param [ in ] hub_callback Hub callback
* @ param [ in ] callback_arg Callback argument
* @ return esp_err_t
esp_err_t usbh_hub_is_installed ( usbh_hub_cb_t hub_callback , void * callback_arg ) ;
* @ brief Indicates to USBH the start of enumeration for a device
* - The Hub driver calls this function before it starts enumerating a new device .
* - The USBH will allocate a new device that will be initialized by the Hub driver using the remaining hub enumeration
* functions .
* - The new device ' s default pipe handle is returned to all the Hub driver to be used during enumeration .
* @ note Hub Driver only
* @ param [ in ] port_hdl Handle of the port that the device is connected to
* @ param [ in ] dev_speed Device ' s speed
* @ param [ out ] new_dev_hdl Device ' s handle
* @ param [ out ] default_pipe_hdl Device ' s default pipe handle
* @ return esp_err_t
esp_err_t usbh_hub_add_dev ( hcd_port_handle_t port_hdl , usb_speed_t dev_speed , usb_device_handle_t * new_dev_hdl , hcd_pipe_handle_t * default_pipe_hdl ) ;
* @ brief Indicate that a device is gone
* This Hub driver must call this function to indicate that a device is gone . A device is gone when :
* - It suddenly disconnects
* - Its upstream port or device has an error or is also gone .
* Marking a device as gone will :
* - Prevent further transfers to the device
* - Trigger the device ' s cleanup if it is already closed
* - When the last client closes the device via usbh_dev_close ( ) , the device ' s resources will be cleaned up
* @ note Hub Driver only
* @ param [ in ] dev_hdl Device handle
* @ return esp_err_t
esp_err_t usbh_hub_mark_dev_gone ( usb_device_handle_t dev_hdl ) ;
* @ brief Indicate that a device ' s port has been disabled
* - The Hub driver must call this function once it has disabled the port of a particular device
* - The Hub driver disables a device ' s port when requested by the USBH via the USBH_HUB_EVENT_DISABLE_PORT
* - This function will trigger the device ' s cleanup .
* @ note Hub Driver only
* @ param [ in ] dev_hdl Device handle
* @ return esp_err_t
esp_err_t usbh_hub_dev_port_disabled ( usb_device_handle_t dev_hdl ) ;
// ----------------- Enumeration Related -------------------
* @ brief Fill the enumerating device ' s descriptor
* @ note Hub Driver only
* @ note Must call in sequence
* @ param [ in ] dev_hdl Device handle
* @ param device_desc
* @ return esp_err_t
esp_err_t usbh_hub_enum_fill_dev_desc ( usb_device_handle_t dev_hdl , const usb_device_desc_t * device_desc ) ;
* @ brief Assign the enumerating device ' s address
* @ note Hub Driver only
* @ note Must call in sequence
* @ param [ in ] dev_hdl Device handle
* @ param dev_addr
* @ return esp_err_t
esp_err_t usbh_hub_enum_fill_dev_addr ( usb_device_handle_t dev_hdl , uint8_t dev_addr ) ;
* @ brief Fill the enumerating device ' s active configuration descriptor
* @ note Hub Driver only
* @ note Must call in sequence
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* @ note This function can block
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* @ param [ in ] dev_hdl Device handle
* @ param config_desc_full
* @ return esp_err_t
esp_err_t usbh_hub_enum_fill_config_desc ( usb_device_handle_t dev_hdl , const usb_config_desc_t * config_desc_full ) ;
* @ brief Assign the enumerating device ' s active configuration number
* @ note Hub Driver only
* @ note Must call in sequence
* @ param [ in ] dev_hdl Device handle
* @ param bConfigurationValue
* @ return esp_err_t
esp_err_t usbh_hub_enum_fill_config_num ( usb_device_handle_t dev_hdl , uint8_t bConfigurationValue ) ;
* @ brief Indicate the device enumeration is completed
* This will all the device to be opened by clients , and also trigger a USBH_EVENT_DEV_NEW event .
* @ note Hub Driver only
* @ note Must call in sequence
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* @ note This function can block
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* @ param [ in ] dev_hdl Device handle
* @ return esp_err_t
esp_err_t usbh_hub_enum_done ( usb_device_handle_t dev_hdl ) ;
* @ brief Indicate that device enumeration has failed
* This will cause the enumerating device ' s resources to be cleaned up
* The Hub Driver must guarantee that the enumerating device ' s default pipe is already halted , flushed , and dequeued .
* @ note Hub Driver only
* @ note Must call in sequence
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* @ note This function can block
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* @ param [ in ] dev_hdl Device handle
* @ return esp_err_t
esp_err_t usbh_hub_enum_failed ( usb_device_handle_t dev_hdl ) ;
# ifdef __cplusplus
# endif