2018-01-23 17:08:28 +11:00
#!/usr/bin/env python
# 'idf.py' is a top-level config/build command line tool for ESP-IDF
# You don't have to use idf.py, you can use cmake directly
# (or use cmake in an IDE)
# Copyright 2018 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) PTE LTD
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import sys
import argparse
import os
import os . path
import subprocess
import multiprocessing
import re
import shutil
import json
2018-02-16 15:32:08 +11:00
class FatalError ( RuntimeError ) :
Wrapper class for runtime errors that aren ' t caused by bugs in idf.py or the build proces.s
2018-01-23 17:08:28 +11:00
# Use this Python interpreter for any subprocesses we launch
PYTHON = sys . executable
# note: os.environ changes don't automatically propagate to child processes,
# you have to pass this in explicitly
os . environ [ " PYTHON " ] = sys . executable
# Make flavors, across the various kinds of Windows environments & POSIX...
if " MSYSTEM " in os . environ : # MSYS
MAKE_CMD = " make "
elif os . name == ' nt ' : # other Windows
MAKE_CMD = " mingw32-make "
MAKE_GENERATOR = " MinGW Makefiles "
else :
MAKE_CMD = " make "
MAKE_GENERATOR = " Unix Makefiles "
# ('generator name', 'build command line', 'version command line')
( " Ninja " , [ " ninja " ] , [ " ninja " , " --version " ] ) ,
( MAKE_GENERATOR , [ MAKE_CMD , " -j " , str ( multiprocessing . cpu_count ( ) + 2 ) ] , [ " make " , " --version " ] ) ,
GENERATOR_CMDS = dict ( ( a [ 0 ] , a [ 1 ] ) for a in GENERATORS )
2018-02-16 15:32:08 +11:00
def _run_tool ( tool_name , args , cwd ) :
def quote_arg ( arg ) :
" Quote ' arg ' if necessary "
if " " in arg and not ( arg . startswith ( ' " ' ) or arg . startswith ( " ' " ) ) :
return " ' " + arg + " ' "
return arg
display_args = " " . join ( quote_arg ( arg ) for arg in args )
print ( " Running %s in directory %s " % ( tool_name , quote_arg ( cwd ) ) )
print ( ' Executing " %s " ... ' % display_args )
try :
# Note: we explicitly pass in os.environ here, as we may have set IDF_PATH there during startup
subprocess . check_call ( args , env = os . environ , cwd = cwd )
except subprocess . CalledProcessError as e :
raise FatalError ( " %s failed with exit code %d " % ( tool_name , e . returncode ) )
2018-01-23 17:08:28 +11:00
def check_environment ( ) :
Verify the environment contains the top - level tools we need to operate
( cmake will check a lot of other things )
if not executable_exists ( [ " cmake " , " --version " ] ) :
2018-02-16 15:32:08 +11:00
raise FatalError ( " ' cmake ' must be available on the PATH to use idf.py " )
2018-01-23 17:08:28 +11:00
# find the directory idf.py is in, then the parent directory of this, and assume this is IDF_PATH
detected_idf_path = os . path . realpath ( os . path . join ( os . path . dirname ( __file__ ) , " .. " ) )
if " IDF_PATH " in os . environ :
set_idf_path = os . path . realpath ( os . environ [ " IDF_PATH " ] )
if set_idf_path != detected_idf_path :
print ( " WARNING: IDF_PATH environment variable is set to %s but idf.py path indicates IDF directory %s . Using the environment variable directory, but results may be unexpected... "
% ( set_idf_path , detected_idf_path ) )
else :
os . environ [ " IDF_PATH " ] = detected_idf_path
def executable_exists ( args ) :
try :
subprocess . check_output ( args )
return True
except :
return False
def detect_cmake_generator ( ) :
Find the default cmake generator , if none was specified . Raises an exception if no valid generator is found .
for ( generator , _ , version_check ) in GENERATORS :
if executable_exists ( version_check ) :
return generator
2018-02-16 15:32:08 +11:00
raise FatalError ( " To use idf.py, either the ' ninja ' or ' GNU make ' build tool must be available in the PATH " )
2018-01-23 17:08:28 +11:00
2018-02-27 13:21:51 +11:00
def _ensure_build_directory ( args , always_run_cmake = False ) :
2018-01-23 17:08:28 +11:00
""" Check the build directory exists and that cmake has been run there.
If this isn ' t the case, create the build directory (if necessary) and
do an initial cmake run to configure it .
This function will also check args . generator parameter . If the parameter is incompatible with
the build directory , an error is raised . If the parameter is None , this function will set it to
an auto - detected default generator or to the value already configured in the build directory .
project_dir = args . project_dir
# Verify the project directory
if not os . path . isdir ( project_dir ) :
if not os . path . exists ( project_dir ) :
2018-02-16 15:32:08 +11:00
raise FatalError ( " Project directory %s does not exist " )
2018-01-23 17:08:28 +11:00
else :
2018-02-16 15:32:08 +11:00
raise FatalError ( " %s must be a project directory " )
2018-01-23 17:08:28 +11:00
if not os . path . exists ( os . path . join ( project_dir , " CMakeLists.txt " ) ) :
2018-02-16 15:32:08 +11:00
raise FatalError ( " CMakeLists.txt not found in project directory %s " % project_dir )
2018-01-23 17:08:28 +11:00
# Verify/create the build directory
build_dir = args . build_dir
if not os . path . isdir ( build_dir ) :
os . mkdir ( build_dir )
cache_path = os . path . join ( build_dir , " CMakeCache.txt " )
2018-02-27 13:21:51 +11:00
if not os . path . exists ( cache_path ) or always_run_cmake :
2018-01-23 17:08:28 +11:00
if args . generator is None :
args . generator = detect_cmake_generator ( )
try :
2018-02-22 15:05:05 +11:00
cmake_args = [ " cmake " , " -G " , args . generator ]
if not args . no_warnings :
cmake_args + = [ " --warn-uninitialized " ]
cmake_args + = [ project_dir ]
_run_tool ( " cmake " , cmake_args , cwd = args . build_dir )
2018-01-23 17:08:28 +11:00
except :
2018-02-16 15:32:08 +11:00
# don't allow partially valid CMakeCache.txt files,
# to keep the "should I run cmake?" logic simple
if os . path . exists ( cache_path ) :
2018-01-23 17:08:28 +11:00
os . remove ( cache_path )
# Learn some things from the CMakeCache.txt file in the build directory
cache = parse_cmakecache ( cache_path )
try :
generator = cache [ " CMAKE_GENERATOR " ]
except KeyError :
generator = detect_cmake_generator ( )
if args . generator is None :
args . generator = generator # reuse the previously configured generator, if none was given
if generator != args . generator :
2018-02-16 15:32:08 +11:00
raise FatalError ( " Build is configured for generator ' %s ' not ' %s ' . Run ' idf.py fullclean ' to start again. "
2018-01-23 17:08:28 +11:00
% ( generator , args . generator ) )
try :
home_dir = cache [ " CMAKE_HOME_DIRECTORY " ]
if os . path . realpath ( home_dir ) != os . path . realpath ( project_dir ) :
2018-02-16 15:32:08 +11:00
raise FatalError ( " Build directory ' %s ' configured for project ' %s ' not ' %s ' . Run ' idf.py fullclean ' to start again. "
2018-01-23 17:08:28 +11:00
% ( build_dir , os . path . realpath ( home_dir ) , os . path . realpath ( project_dir ) ) )
except KeyError :
pass # if cmake failed part way, CMAKE_HOME_DIRECTORY may not be set yet
def parse_cmakecache ( path ) :
Parse the CMakeCache file at ' path ' .
Returns a dict of name : value .
CMakeCache entries also each have a " type " , but this is currently ignored .
result = { }
with open ( path ) as f :
for line in f :
# cmake cache lines look like: CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG:STRING=-g
# groups are name, type, value
m = re . match ( r " ^([^#/:=]+):([^:=]+)=(.+) \ n$ " , line )
if m :
result [ m . group ( 1 ) ] = m . group ( 3 )
return result
def build_target ( target_name , args ) :
Execute the target build system to build target ' target_name '
Calls _ensure_build_directory ( ) which will run cmake to generate a build
directory ( with the specified generator ) as needed .
_ensure_build_directory ( args )
generator_cmd = GENERATOR_CMDS [ args . generator ]
2018-02-16 15:32:08 +11:00
_run_tool ( generator_cmd [ 0 ] , generator_cmd + [ target_name ] , args . build_dir )
2018-01-23 17:08:28 +11:00
def _get_esptool_args ( args ) :
esptool_path = os . path . join ( os . environ [ " IDF_PATH " ] , " components/esptool_py/esptool/esptool.py " )
result = [ PYTHON , esptool_path ]
if args . port is not None :
result + = [ " -p " , args . port ]
result + = [ " -b " , str ( args . baud ) ]
return result
def flash ( action , args ) :
Run esptool to flash the entire project , from an argfile generated by the build system
2018-02-16 15:32:08 +11:00
flasher_args_path = { # action -> name of flasher args file generated by build system
2018-01-23 17:08:28 +11:00
" bootloader-flash " : " flash_bootloader_args " ,
" partition_table-flash " : " flash_partition_table_args " ,
" app-flash " : " flash_app_args " ,
" flash " : " flash_project_args " ,
} [ action ]
esptool_args = _get_esptool_args ( args )
esptool_args + = [ " write_flash " , " @ " + flasher_args_path ]
2018-02-16 15:32:08 +11:00
_run_tool ( " esptool.py " , esptool_args , args . build_dir )
2018-01-23 17:08:28 +11:00
def erase_flash ( action , args ) :
esptool_args = _get_esptool_args ( args )
esptool_args + = [ " erase_flash " ]
2018-02-16 15:32:08 +11:00
_run_tool ( " esptool.py " , esptool_args , args . build_dir )
2018-01-23 17:08:28 +11:00
def monitor ( action , args ) :
Run idf_monitor . py to watch build output
desc_path = os . path . join ( args . build_dir , " project_description.json " )
if not os . path . exists ( desc_path ) :
_ensure_build_directory ( args )
with open ( desc_path , " r " ) as f :
project_desc = json . load ( f )
elf_file = os . path . join ( args . build_dir , project_desc [ " app_elf " ] )
if not os . path . exists ( elf_file ) :
2018-02-16 15:32:08 +11:00
raise FatalError ( " ELF file ' %s ' not found. You need to build & flash the project before running ' monitor ' , and the binary on the device must match the one in the build directory exactly. Try ' idf.py flash monitor ' . " % elf_file )
2018-01-23 17:08:28 +11:00
idf_monitor = os . path . join ( os . environ [ " IDF_PATH " ] , " tools/idf_monitor.py " )
monitor_args = [ PYTHON , idf_monitor ]
if args . port is not None :
monitor_args + = [ " -p " , args . port ]
monitor_args + = [ " -b " , project_desc [ " monitor_baud " ] ]
monitor_args + = [ elf_file ]
2018-02-16 15:32:08 +11:00
_run_tool ( " idf_monitor " , monitor_args , args . build_dir )
2018-01-23 17:08:28 +11:00
def clean ( action , args ) :
if not os . path . isdir ( args . build_dir ) :
print ( " Build directory ' %s ' not found. Nothing to clean. " % args . build_dir )
build_target ( " clean " , args )
2018-02-27 13:21:51 +11:00
def reconfigure ( action , args ) :
_ensure_build_directory ( args , True )
2018-01-23 17:08:28 +11:00
def fullclean ( action , args ) :
build_dir = args . build_dir
if not os . path . isdir ( build_dir ) :
print ( " Build directory ' %s ' not found. Nothing to clean. " % build_dir )
if len ( os . listdir ( build_dir ) ) == 0 :
print ( " Build directory ' %s ' is empty. Nothing to clean. " % build_dir )
if not os . path . exists ( os . path . join ( build_dir , " CMakeCache.txt " ) ) :
2018-02-16 15:32:08 +11:00
raise FatalError ( " Directory ' %s ' doesn ' t seem to be a CMake build directory. Refusing to automatically delete files in this directory. Delete the directory manually to ' clean ' it. " % build_dir )
2018-01-23 17:08:28 +11:00
red_flags = [ " CMakeLists.txt " , " .git " , " .svn " ]
for red in red_flags :
red = os . path . join ( build_dir , red )
if os . path . exists ( red ) :
2018-02-16 15:32:08 +11:00
raise FatalError ( " Refusing to automatically delete files in directory containing ' %s ' . Delete files manually if you ' re sure. " % red )
2018-01-23 17:08:28 +11:00
# OK, delete everything in the build directory...
for f in os . listdir ( build_dir ) : # TODO: once we are Python 3 only, this can be os.scandir()
f = os . path . join ( build_dir , f )
if os . path . isdir ( f ) :
shutil . rmtree ( f )
else :
os . remove ( f )
# action name : ( function (or alias), dependencies, order-only dependencies )
2018-02-27 13:21:51 +11:00
" all " : ( build_target , [ ] , [ " reconfigure " , " menuconfig " , " clean " , " fullclean " ] ) ,
2018-01-23 17:08:28 +11:00
" build " : ( " all " , [ ] , [ ] ) , # build is same as 'all' target
" clean " : ( clean , [ ] , [ " fullclean " ] ) ,
" fullclean " : ( fullclean , [ ] , [ ] ) ,
2018-02-27 13:21:51 +11:00
" reconfigure " : ( reconfigure , [ ] , [ ] ) ,
2018-01-23 17:08:28 +11:00
" menuconfig " : ( build_target , [ ] , [ ] ) ,
" size " : ( build_target , [ ] , [ " app " ] ) ,
" size-components " : ( build_target , [ ] , [ " app " ] ) ,
" size-files " : ( build_target , [ ] , [ " app " ] ) ,
" bootloader " : ( build_target , [ ] , [ ] ) ,
" bootloader-clean " : ( build_target , [ ] , [ ] ) ,
" bootloader-flash " : ( flash , [ " bootloader " ] , [ ] ) ,
2018-02-27 13:21:51 +11:00
" app " : ( build_target , [ ] , [ " clean " , " fullclean " , " reconfigure " ] ) ,
2018-01-23 17:08:28 +11:00
" app-flash " : ( flash , [ ] , [ " app " ] ) ,
2018-02-27 13:21:51 +11:00
" partition_table " : ( build_target , [ ] , [ " reconfigure " ] ) ,
2018-01-23 17:08:28 +11:00
" partition_table-flash " : ( flash , [ " partition_table " ] , [ ] ) ,
" flash " : ( flash , [ " all " ] , [ ] ) ,
" erase_flash " : ( erase_flash , [ ] , [ ] ) ,
" monitor " : ( monitor , [ ] , [ " flash " , " partition_table-flash " , " bootloader-flash " , " app-flash " ] ) ,
def main ( ) :
parser = argparse . ArgumentParser ( description = ' ESP-IDF build management tool ' )
parser . add_argument ( ' -p ' , ' --port ' , help = " Serial port " , default = None )
parser . add_argument ( ' -b ' , ' --baud ' , help = " Baud rate " , default = 460800 )
parser . add_argument ( ' -C ' , ' --project-dir ' , help = " Project directory " , default = os . getcwd ( ) )
parser . add_argument ( ' -B ' , ' --build-dir ' , help = " Build directory " , default = None )
parser . add_argument ( ' -G ' , ' --generator ' , help = " Cmake generator " , choices = GENERATOR_CMDS . keys ( ) )
2018-02-22 15:05:05 +11:00
parser . add_argument ( ' -n ' , ' --no-warnings ' , help = " Disable Cmake warnings " )
2018-01-23 17:08:28 +11:00
parser . add_argument ( ' actions ' , help = " Actions (build targets or other operations) " , nargs = ' + ' ,
choices = ACTIONS . keys ( ) )
args = parser . parse_args ( )
check_environment ( )
# Advanced parameter checks
if args . build_dir is not None and os . path . realpath ( args . project_dir ) == os . path . realpath ( args . build_dir ) :
2018-02-16 15:32:08 +11:00
raise FatalError ( " Setting the build directory to the project directory is not supported. Suggest dropping --build-dir option, the default is a ' build ' subdirectory inside the project directory. " )
2018-01-23 17:08:28 +11:00
if args . build_dir is None :
args . build_dir = os . path . join ( args . project_dir , " build " )
args . build_dir = os . path . realpath ( args . build_dir )
completed_actions = set ( )
def execute_action ( action , remaining_actions ) :
( function , dependencies , order_dependencies ) = ACTIONS [ action ]
# very simple dependency management, build a set of completed actions and make sure
# all dependencies are in it
for dep in dependencies :
if not dep in completed_actions :
execute_action ( dep , remaining_actions )
for dep in order_dependencies :
if dep in remaining_actions and not dep in completed_actions :
execute_action ( dep , remaining_actions )
if action in completed_actions :
pass # we've already done this, don't do it twice...
elif function in ACTIONS : # alias of another action
execute_action ( function , remaining_actions )
else :
function ( action , args )
completed_actions . add ( action )
while len ( args . actions ) > 0 :
execute_action ( args . actions [ 0 ] , args . actions [ 1 : ] )
args . actions . pop ( 0 )
if __name__ == " __main__ " :
2018-02-16 15:32:08 +11:00
try :
main ( )
except FatalError as e :
print ( e )
sys . exit ( 2 )
2018-01-23 17:08:28 +11:00