**NOTE**: Functions called during the loading stage of the bootloader are expected to be placed in the iram_loader_seg to avoid being overwritten during loading. If you are overriding functions that are called during this stage then special care needs to be taken to avoid issues, e.g. by providing your linker script which places the required functions in the correct sections.
It also contains a `bootloader_components` directory that, as its name states, contains a component that will override the current bootloader implementation.
In case you only want to override the bootloader under a certain condition (target-dependent, KConfig option, etc...), it is possible to let the bootloader project know that the `bootloader_components/main` component shall be ignored.
For example, if the custom bootloader shall not be compiled for ESP32-C3 targets, which should use the default ESP-IDF one, the `CMakeLists.txt` file in this current example must look like this:
It is important to note that this can also be used for any other bootloader components than `main`. In all cases, the prefix `bootloader_component` must not be specified.