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# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022-2024 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
ci: add dep check_python_dependencies.pyt test Two new tests are added. 1) test_check_python_dependencies The test prepares artificial constraints file containing packages from requirements.core.txt, which are also reported in pip-freeze output for virtual env. The constraints file requires package versions higher than currently installed in venv, so check_python_dependencies should fail for all of them. 2) test_check_required_packages_only Test for espressif/esp-idf/-/merge_requests/17917. After installing core requirements, install additional foopackage, which is embedded. Add version requirement for foopackage, which cannot be satisfied, to constraints file. Since foopackage is not a direct requirement, check-python-dependencies should not fail. This also fixes existing TestCustomPythonPathInstall test, which sets IDF_PYTHON_ENV_PATH, but does not restore it. Unittest seems to be running tests in order based on class/test name. Meaning this test runs before TestPythonInstall and all tests in TestPythonInstall are using the latest tmpdir from TestCustomPythonPathInstall as IDF_PYTHON_ENV_PATH. IOW TestPythonInstall is actually testing custom python env path, same as TestCustomPythonPathInstall. This fixes it by restoring the IDF_PYTHON_ENV_PATH. Note that since the actual IDF_PYTHON_ENV_PATH was different(tmpdir) from PYTHON_DIR, the default PYTHON_DIR was never used, so the tests were running with old python env(no shutil.rmtree(PYTHON_DIR). Since TestCustomPythonPathInstall is inheriting from TestPythonInstall it also runs test_opt_argument and test_no_constraints for the second time. This seems unnecessary, so this patch also skips these two tests in TestCustomPythonPathInstall. Signed-off-by: Frantisek Hrbata <>
2023-03-15 22:02:20 +01:00
# NOTE: unittest is by default sorting tests based on their names,
# so the order if which the tests are started may be different from
# the order in which they are defined. Please make sure all tests
# are entirely self contained and don't have affect on other tests,
# for example by changing some global state, like system environment.
# If test needs to change global state, it should return it to the
# original state after it's finished. For more information please see
import inspect
import os
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
import tempfile
import unittest
from typing import List
import idf_tools
except ImportError:
import idf_tools
IDF_PATH = os.environ.get('IDF_PATH', '../..')
TOOLS_DIR = os.environ.get('IDF_TOOLS_PATH') or os.path.expanduser(idf_tools.IDF_TOOLS_PATH_DEFAULT)
PYTHON_DIR = os.path.join(TOOLS_DIR, 'python_env')
PYTHON_DIR_BACKUP = tempfile.mkdtemp()
REQ_SATISFIED = 'Python requirements are satisfied'
# Python3.7 has a different error message that includes also "No package metadata was found for"
REQ_MISSING = r'.*Package was not found and is required by the application: (No package metadata was found for )?{}.*'
REQ_CORE = '- {}'.format(os.path.join(IDF_PATH, 'tools', 'requirements', 'requirements.core.txt'))
REQ_GDBGUI = '- {}'.format(os.path.join(IDF_PATH, 'tools', 'requirements', 'requirements.gdbgui.txt'))
CONSTR = 'Constraint file: {}/espidf.constraints'.format(TOOLS_DIR)
ci: add dep check_python_dependencies.pyt test Two new tests are added. 1) test_check_python_dependencies The test prepares artificial constraints file containing packages from requirements.core.txt, which are also reported in pip-freeze output for virtual env. The constraints file requires package versions higher than currently installed in venv, so check_python_dependencies should fail for all of them. 2) test_check_required_packages_only Test for espressif/esp-idf/-/merge_requests/17917. After installing core requirements, install additional foopackage, which is embedded. Add version requirement for foopackage, which cannot be satisfied, to constraints file. Since foopackage is not a direct requirement, check-python-dependencies should not fail. This also fixes existing TestCustomPythonPathInstall test, which sets IDF_PYTHON_ENV_PATH, but does not restore it. Unittest seems to be running tests in order based on class/test name. Meaning this test runs before TestPythonInstall and all tests in TestPythonInstall are using the latest tmpdir from TestCustomPythonPathInstall as IDF_PYTHON_ENV_PATH. IOW TestPythonInstall is actually testing custom python env path, same as TestCustomPythonPathInstall. This fixes it by restoring the IDF_PYTHON_ENV_PATH. Note that since the actual IDF_PYTHON_ENV_PATH was different(tmpdir) from PYTHON_DIR, the default PYTHON_DIR was never used, so the tests were running with old python env(no shutil.rmtree(PYTHON_DIR). Since TestCustomPythonPathInstall is inheriting from TestPythonInstall it also runs test_opt_argument and test_no_constraints for the second time. This seems unnecessary, so this patch also skips these two tests in TestCustomPythonPathInstall. Signed-off-by: Frantisek Hrbata <>
2023-03-15 22:02:20 +01:00
# Set default global paths for idf_tools. If some test needs to
# use functions from idf_tools with custom paths, it should
# set it in setUp() and change them back to defaults in tearDown().
idf_tools.global_idf_path = IDF_PATH
idf_tools.global_idf_tools_path = TOOLS_DIR
def setUpModule(): # type: () -> None
def tearDownModule(): # type: () -> None
if os.path.isdir(PYTHON_DIR):
ci: add dep check_python_dependencies.pyt test Two new tests are added. 1) test_check_python_dependencies The test prepares artificial constraints file containing packages from requirements.core.txt, which are also reported in pip-freeze output for virtual env. The constraints file requires package versions higher than currently installed in venv, so check_python_dependencies should fail for all of them. 2) test_check_required_packages_only Test for espressif/esp-idf/-/merge_requests/17917. After installing core requirements, install additional foopackage, which is embedded. Add version requirement for foopackage, which cannot be satisfied, to constraints file. Since foopackage is not a direct requirement, check-python-dependencies should not fail. This also fixes existing TestCustomPythonPathInstall test, which sets IDF_PYTHON_ENV_PATH, but does not restore it. Unittest seems to be running tests in order based on class/test name. Meaning this test runs before TestPythonInstall and all tests in TestPythonInstall are using the latest tmpdir from TestCustomPythonPathInstall as IDF_PYTHON_ENV_PATH. IOW TestPythonInstall is actually testing custom python env path, same as TestCustomPythonPathInstall. This fixes it by restoring the IDF_PYTHON_ENV_PATH. Note that since the actual IDF_PYTHON_ENV_PATH was different(tmpdir) from PYTHON_DIR, the default PYTHON_DIR was never used, so the tests were running with old python env(no shutil.rmtree(PYTHON_DIR). Since TestCustomPythonPathInstall is inheriting from TestPythonInstall it also runs test_opt_argument and test_no_constraints for the second time. This seems unnecessary, so this patch also skips these two tests in TestCustomPythonPathInstall. Signed-off-by: Frantisek Hrbata <>
2023-03-15 22:02:20 +01:00
class BasePythonInstall(unittest.TestCase):
def run_tool(self, cmd): # type: (List[str]) -> str
ret =, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, timeout=600)
decoded_output = ret.stdout.decode('utf-8', 'ignore')
with open(os.path.join(IDF_PATH, 'tools', 'test_idf_tools', 'test_python_env_logs.txt'), 'a+') as w:
# stack() returns list of callers frame records. [1] represent caller of this function
w.write('============================= ' + inspect.stack()[1].function + ' =============================\n')
return decoded_output
ci: add dep check_python_dependencies.pyt test Two new tests are added. 1) test_check_python_dependencies The test prepares artificial constraints file containing packages from requirements.core.txt, which are also reported in pip-freeze output for virtual env. The constraints file requires package versions higher than currently installed in venv, so check_python_dependencies should fail for all of them. 2) test_check_required_packages_only Test for espressif/esp-idf/-/merge_requests/17917. After installing core requirements, install additional foopackage, which is embedded. Add version requirement for foopackage, which cannot be satisfied, to constraints file. Since foopackage is not a direct requirement, check-python-dependencies should not fail. This also fixes existing TestCustomPythonPathInstall test, which sets IDF_PYTHON_ENV_PATH, but does not restore it. Unittest seems to be running tests in order based on class/test name. Meaning this test runs before TestPythonInstall and all tests in TestPythonInstall are using the latest tmpdir from TestCustomPythonPathInstall as IDF_PYTHON_ENV_PATH. IOW TestPythonInstall is actually testing custom python env path, same as TestCustomPythonPathInstall. This fixes it by restoring the IDF_PYTHON_ENV_PATH. Note that since the actual IDF_PYTHON_ENV_PATH was different(tmpdir) from PYTHON_DIR, the default PYTHON_DIR was never used, so the tests were running with old python env(no shutil.rmtree(PYTHON_DIR). Since TestCustomPythonPathInstall is inheriting from TestPythonInstall it also runs test_opt_argument and test_no_constraints for the second time. This seems unnecessary, so this patch also skips these two tests in TestCustomPythonPathInstall. Signed-off-by: Frantisek Hrbata <>
2023-03-15 22:02:20 +01:00
def run_idf_tools(self, args): # type: (List[str]) -> str
cmd = [sys.executable, '../'] + args
return self.run_tool(cmd)
def run_in_venv(self, args): # type: (List[str]) -> str
_, _, python_venv, _ = idf_tools.get_python_env_path()
cmd = [python_venv] + args
return self.run_tool(cmd)
def dump_package(self, whl, name): # type: (bytes, str) -> str
tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
foopackage_fn = os.path.join(tmpdir, name)
with open(foopackage_fn, 'wb') as fd:
self.addCleanup(shutil.rmtree, tmpdir)
return foopackage_fn
ci: add dep check_python_dependencies.pyt test Two new tests are added. 1) test_check_python_dependencies The test prepares artificial constraints file containing packages from requirements.core.txt, which are also reported in pip-freeze output for virtual env. The constraints file requires package versions higher than currently installed in venv, so check_python_dependencies should fail for all of them. 2) test_check_required_packages_only Test for espressif/esp-idf/-/merge_requests/17917. After installing core requirements, install additional foopackage, which is embedded. Add version requirement for foopackage, which cannot be satisfied, to constraints file. Since foopackage is not a direct requirement, check-python-dependencies should not fail. This also fixes existing TestCustomPythonPathInstall test, which sets IDF_PYTHON_ENV_PATH, but does not restore it. Unittest seems to be running tests in order based on class/test name. Meaning this test runs before TestPythonInstall and all tests in TestPythonInstall are using the latest tmpdir from TestCustomPythonPathInstall as IDF_PYTHON_ENV_PATH. IOW TestPythonInstall is actually testing custom python env path, same as TestCustomPythonPathInstall. This fixes it by restoring the IDF_PYTHON_ENV_PATH. Note that since the actual IDF_PYTHON_ENV_PATH was different(tmpdir) from PYTHON_DIR, the default PYTHON_DIR was never used, so the tests were running with old python env(no shutil.rmtree(PYTHON_DIR). Since TestCustomPythonPathInstall is inheriting from TestPythonInstall it also runs test_opt_argument and test_no_constraints for the second time. This seems unnecessary, so this patch also skips these two tests in TestCustomPythonPathInstall. Signed-off-by: Frantisek Hrbata <>
2023-03-15 22:02:20 +01:00
def dump_foopackage(self): # type: () -> str
# Wheel for foopackage-0.99-py3-none-any.whl
# This is dummy package for testing purposes created with
# python -m build --wheel for the following package
from setuptools import setup
if __name__ == '__main__':
whl = (b'PK\x03\x04\x14\x00\x00\x00\x08\x00\x07fqVz|E\t&\x00\x00\x00&\x00\x00\x00\x16\x00\x00\x00'
b'\x02\x00PK\x03\x04\x14\x00\x00\x00\x08\x00%fqV&\xdc\x9b\x88\xfd\x00\x00\x00}\x01\x00\x00 \x00\x00\x00'
b'\x00VcE\xd3\xbf\xf4\xe6\xe1\t6a2\xc3\x16N\x06]1Bm\xb7\x17\xc2Z\xef\xaa\xed\xf6\x9c\xdaQ \xd0\xf6\xc6'
b'\x14\x00\x00\x00\x08\x00%fqV&\xdc\x9b\x88\xfd\x00\x00\x00}\x01\x00\x00 \x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'
return self.dump_package(whl, 'foopackage-0.99-py3-none-any.whl')
def dump_foopackage_dev(self): # type: () -> str
# similar to dump_foopackage, but using dev release version
whl = (b'PK\x03\x04\x14\x00\x00\x00\x08\x00\nl\x03W !Z\xfc%\x00\x00\x00%\x00\x00\x00\x16\x00\x00\x00'
b'\xb6\x15Fk\x00f\x7fPK\x01\x02\x14\x03\x14\x00\x00\x00\x08\x00\nl\x03W !Z\xfc%\x00\x00\x00%\x00\x00'
return self.dump_package(whl, 'foopackage-0.99.dev0-py3-none-any.whl')
ci: add dep check_python_dependencies.pyt test Two new tests are added. 1) test_check_python_dependencies The test prepares artificial constraints file containing packages from requirements.core.txt, which are also reported in pip-freeze output for virtual env. The constraints file requires package versions higher than currently installed in venv, so check_python_dependencies should fail for all of them. 2) test_check_required_packages_only Test for espressif/esp-idf/-/merge_requests/17917. After installing core requirements, install additional foopackage, which is embedded. Add version requirement for foopackage, which cannot be satisfied, to constraints file. Since foopackage is not a direct requirement, check-python-dependencies should not fail. This also fixes existing TestCustomPythonPathInstall test, which sets IDF_PYTHON_ENV_PATH, but does not restore it. Unittest seems to be running tests in order based on class/test name. Meaning this test runs before TestPythonInstall and all tests in TestPythonInstall are using the latest tmpdir from TestCustomPythonPathInstall as IDF_PYTHON_ENV_PATH. IOW TestPythonInstall is actually testing custom python env path, same as TestCustomPythonPathInstall. This fixes it by restoring the IDF_PYTHON_ENV_PATH. Note that since the actual IDF_PYTHON_ENV_PATH was different(tmpdir) from PYTHON_DIR, the default PYTHON_DIR was never used, so the tests were running with old python env(no shutil.rmtree(PYTHON_DIR). Since TestCustomPythonPathInstall is inheriting from TestPythonInstall it also runs test_opt_argument and test_no_constraints for the second time. This seems unnecessary, so this patch also skips these two tests in TestCustomPythonPathInstall. Signed-off-by: Frantisek Hrbata <>
2023-03-15 22:02:20 +01:00
class TestPythonInstall(BasePythonInstall):
def setUp(self): # type: () -> None
if os.path.isdir(PYTHON_DIR):
if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(TOOLS_DIR, 'idf-env.json')):
os.remove(os.path.join(TOOLS_DIR, 'idf-env.json'))
def test_default_arguments(self): # type: () -> None
output = self.run_idf_tools(['check-python-dependencies'])
self.assertNotIn(REQ_SATISFIED, output)
self.assertIn('bin/python doesn\'t exist', output)
output = self.run_idf_tools(['install-python-env'])
self.assertIn(CONSTR, output)
self.assertIn(REQ_CORE, output)
self.assertNotIn(REQ_GDBGUI, output)
output = self.run_idf_tools(['check-python-dependencies'])
self.assertIn(REQ_SATISFIED, output)
def test_opt_argument(self): # type: () -> None
output = self.run_idf_tools(['install-python-env', '--features', 'gdbgui'])
self.assertIn(CONSTR, output)
self.assertIn(REQ_CORE, output)
self.assertIn(REQ_GDBGUI, output)
output = self.run_idf_tools(['install-python-env'])
# The gdbgui should be installed as well because the feature is is stored in the JSON file
self.assertIn(CONSTR, output)
self.assertIn(REQ_CORE, output)
self.assertIn(REQ_GDBGUI, output)
# Argument that begins with '-' can't stand alone to be parsed as value
output = self.run_idf_tools(['install-python-env', '--features=-gdbgui'])
# After removing the gdbgui should not be present
self.assertIn(CONSTR, output)
self.assertIn(REQ_CORE, output)
self.assertNotIn(REQ_GDBGUI, output)
def test_no_constraints(self): # type: () -> None
output = self.run_idf_tools(['install-python-env', '--no-constraints'])
self.assertNotIn(CONSTR, output)
self.assertIn(REQ_CORE, output)
ci: add dep check_python_dependencies.pyt test Two new tests are added. 1) test_check_python_dependencies The test prepares artificial constraints file containing packages from requirements.core.txt, which are also reported in pip-freeze output for virtual env. The constraints file requires package versions higher than currently installed in venv, so check_python_dependencies should fail for all of them. 2) test_check_required_packages_only Test for espressif/esp-idf/-/merge_requests/17917. After installing core requirements, install additional foopackage, which is embedded. Add version requirement for foopackage, which cannot be satisfied, to constraints file. Since foopackage is not a direct requirement, check-python-dependencies should not fail. This also fixes existing TestCustomPythonPathInstall test, which sets IDF_PYTHON_ENV_PATH, but does not restore it. Unittest seems to be running tests in order based on class/test name. Meaning this test runs before TestPythonInstall and all tests in TestPythonInstall are using the latest tmpdir from TestCustomPythonPathInstall as IDF_PYTHON_ENV_PATH. IOW TestPythonInstall is actually testing custom python env path, same as TestCustomPythonPathInstall. This fixes it by restoring the IDF_PYTHON_ENV_PATH. Note that since the actual IDF_PYTHON_ENV_PATH was different(tmpdir) from PYTHON_DIR, the default PYTHON_DIR was never used, so the tests were running with old python env(no shutil.rmtree(PYTHON_DIR). Since TestCustomPythonPathInstall is inheriting from TestPythonInstall it also runs test_opt_argument and test_no_constraints for the second time. This seems unnecessary, so this patch also skips these two tests in TestCustomPythonPathInstall. Signed-off-by: Frantisek Hrbata <>
2023-03-15 22:02:20 +01:00
class TestCustomPythonPathInstall(BasePythonInstall):
def setUp(self): # type: () -> None
self.CUSTOM_PYTHON_DIR = tempfile.mkdtemp()
ci: add dep check_python_dependencies.pyt test Two new tests are added. 1) test_check_python_dependencies The test prepares artificial constraints file containing packages from requirements.core.txt, which are also reported in pip-freeze output for virtual env. The constraints file requires package versions higher than currently installed in venv, so check_python_dependencies should fail for all of them. 2) test_check_required_packages_only Test for espressif/esp-idf/-/merge_requests/17917. After installing core requirements, install additional foopackage, which is embedded. Add version requirement for foopackage, which cannot be satisfied, to constraints file. Since foopackage is not a direct requirement, check-python-dependencies should not fail. This also fixes existing TestCustomPythonPathInstall test, which sets IDF_PYTHON_ENV_PATH, but does not restore it. Unittest seems to be running tests in order based on class/test name. Meaning this test runs before TestPythonInstall and all tests in TestPythonInstall are using the latest tmpdir from TestCustomPythonPathInstall as IDF_PYTHON_ENV_PATH. IOW TestPythonInstall is actually testing custom python env path, same as TestCustomPythonPathInstall. This fixes it by restoring the IDF_PYTHON_ENV_PATH. Note that since the actual IDF_PYTHON_ENV_PATH was different(tmpdir) from PYTHON_DIR, the default PYTHON_DIR was never used, so the tests were running with old python env(no shutil.rmtree(PYTHON_DIR). Since TestCustomPythonPathInstall is inheriting from TestPythonInstall it also runs test_opt_argument and test_no_constraints for the second time. This seems unnecessary, so this patch also skips these two tests in TestCustomPythonPathInstall. Signed-off-by: Frantisek Hrbata <>
2023-03-15 22:02:20 +01:00
self.environ_old = os.environ.copy()
ci: add dep check_python_dependencies.pyt test Two new tests are added. 1) test_check_python_dependencies The test prepares artificial constraints file containing packages from requirements.core.txt, which are also reported in pip-freeze output for virtual env. The constraints file requires package versions higher than currently installed in venv, so check_python_dependencies should fail for all of them. 2) test_check_required_packages_only Test for espressif/esp-idf/-/merge_requests/17917. After installing core requirements, install additional foopackage, which is embedded. Add version requirement for foopackage, which cannot be satisfied, to constraints file. Since foopackage is not a direct requirement, check-python-dependencies should not fail. This also fixes existing TestCustomPythonPathInstall test, which sets IDF_PYTHON_ENV_PATH, but does not restore it. Unittest seems to be running tests in order based on class/test name. Meaning this test runs before TestPythonInstall and all tests in TestPythonInstall are using the latest tmpdir from TestCustomPythonPathInstall as IDF_PYTHON_ENV_PATH. IOW TestPythonInstall is actually testing custom python env path, same as TestCustomPythonPathInstall. This fixes it by restoring the IDF_PYTHON_ENV_PATH. Note that since the actual IDF_PYTHON_ENV_PATH was different(tmpdir) from PYTHON_DIR, the default PYTHON_DIR was never used, so the tests were running with old python env(no shutil.rmtree(PYTHON_DIR). Since TestCustomPythonPathInstall is inheriting from TestPythonInstall it also runs test_opt_argument and test_no_constraints for the second time. This seems unnecessary, so this patch also skips these two tests in TestCustomPythonPathInstall. Signed-off-by: Frantisek Hrbata <>
2023-03-15 22:02:20 +01:00
def tearDown(self): # type: () -> None
def test_default_arguments(self): # type: () -> None
output = self.run_idf_tools(['check-python-dependencies'])
self.assertIn(f"{self.CUSTOM_PYTHON_DIR}/bin/python doesn't exist", output)
self.assertNotIn(PYTHON_DIR, output)
output = self.run_idf_tools(['install-python-env'])
self.assertIn(self.CUSTOM_PYTHON_DIR, output)
self.assertNotIn(PYTHON_DIR, output)
output = self.run_idf_tools(['check-python-dependencies'])
self.assertIn(self.CUSTOM_PYTHON_DIR, output)
ci: add dep check_python_dependencies.pyt test Two new tests are added. 1) test_check_python_dependencies The test prepares artificial constraints file containing packages from requirements.core.txt, which are also reported in pip-freeze output for virtual env. The constraints file requires package versions higher than currently installed in venv, so check_python_dependencies should fail for all of them. 2) test_check_required_packages_only Test for espressif/esp-idf/-/merge_requests/17917. After installing core requirements, install additional foopackage, which is embedded. Add version requirement for foopackage, which cannot be satisfied, to constraints file. Since foopackage is not a direct requirement, check-python-dependencies should not fail. This also fixes existing TestCustomPythonPathInstall test, which sets IDF_PYTHON_ENV_PATH, but does not restore it. Unittest seems to be running tests in order based on class/test name. Meaning this test runs before TestPythonInstall and all tests in TestPythonInstall are using the latest tmpdir from TestCustomPythonPathInstall as IDF_PYTHON_ENV_PATH. IOW TestPythonInstall is actually testing custom python env path, same as TestCustomPythonPathInstall. This fixes it by restoring the IDF_PYTHON_ENV_PATH. Note that since the actual IDF_PYTHON_ENV_PATH was different(tmpdir) from PYTHON_DIR, the default PYTHON_DIR was never used, so the tests were running with old python env(no shutil.rmtree(PYTHON_DIR). Since TestCustomPythonPathInstall is inheriting from TestPythonInstall it also runs test_opt_argument and test_no_constraints for the second time. This seems unnecessary, so this patch also skips these two tests in TestCustomPythonPathInstall. Signed-off-by: Frantisek Hrbata <>
2023-03-15 22:02:20 +01:00
class TestCheckPythonDependencies(BasePythonInstall):
The constraint file name is available as the constraint_file attribute. The content of the file is changed by these
tests. The backup_constraint_file is a temporary file with the content of the original constraint file. This is
kept in order to restore the original content of the constraint file. Keeping the original constraint file is
important for consequent tests which should not download a new one especially when the test was run with a custom
constraint file different from the one on
constraint_file: str
backup_constraint_file: str
# similar to constraint files (see above) - creating a backup and restoring it as part of test teardown
requirement_core_file: str
backup_requirement_core_file: str
def setUpClass(cls): # type: () -> None
cls.constraint_file = idf_tools.get_constraints(idf_tools.get_idf_version(), online=False)
cls.requirement_core_file = os.path.join(IDF_PATH, 'tools', 'requirements', 'requirements.core.txt')
for file_path_var in ['constraint_file', 'requirement_core_file']:
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as f:
setattr(cls, f'backup_{file_path_var}',
shutil.copyfile(getattr(cls, file_path_var), getattr(cls, f'backup_{file_path_var}'))
def tearDownClass(cls): # type: () -> None
except OSError:
ci: add dep check_python_dependencies.pyt test Two new tests are added. 1) test_check_python_dependencies The test prepares artificial constraints file containing packages from requirements.core.txt, which are also reported in pip-freeze output for virtual env. The constraints file requires package versions higher than currently installed in venv, so check_python_dependencies should fail for all of them. 2) test_check_required_packages_only Test for espressif/esp-idf/-/merge_requests/17917. After installing core requirements, install additional foopackage, which is embedded. Add version requirement for foopackage, which cannot be satisfied, to constraints file. Since foopackage is not a direct requirement, check-python-dependencies should not fail. This also fixes existing TestCustomPythonPathInstall test, which sets IDF_PYTHON_ENV_PATH, but does not restore it. Unittest seems to be running tests in order based on class/test name. Meaning this test runs before TestPythonInstall and all tests in TestPythonInstall are using the latest tmpdir from TestCustomPythonPathInstall as IDF_PYTHON_ENV_PATH. IOW TestPythonInstall is actually testing custom python env path, same as TestCustomPythonPathInstall. This fixes it by restoring the IDF_PYTHON_ENV_PATH. Note that since the actual IDF_PYTHON_ENV_PATH was different(tmpdir) from PYTHON_DIR, the default PYTHON_DIR was never used, so the tests were running with old python env(no shutil.rmtree(PYTHON_DIR). Since TestCustomPythonPathInstall is inheriting from TestPythonInstall it also runs test_opt_argument and test_no_constraints for the second time. This seems unnecessary, so this patch also skips these two tests in TestCustomPythonPathInstall. Signed-off-by: Frantisek Hrbata <>
2023-03-15 22:02:20 +01:00
def setUp(self): # type: () -> None
if os.path.isdir(PYTHON_DIR):
def tearDown(self): # type: () -> None
shutil.copyfile(self.backup_constraint_file, self.constraint_file)
shutil.copyfile(self.backup_requirement_core_file, self.requirement_core_file)
ci: add dep check_python_dependencies.pyt test Two new tests are added. 1) test_check_python_dependencies The test prepares artificial constraints file containing packages from requirements.core.txt, which are also reported in pip-freeze output for virtual env. The constraints file requires package versions higher than currently installed in venv, so check_python_dependencies should fail for all of them. 2) test_check_required_packages_only Test for espressif/esp-idf/-/merge_requests/17917. After installing core requirements, install additional foopackage, which is embedded. Add version requirement for foopackage, which cannot be satisfied, to constraints file. Since foopackage is not a direct requirement, check-python-dependencies should not fail. This also fixes existing TestCustomPythonPathInstall test, which sets IDF_PYTHON_ENV_PATH, but does not restore it. Unittest seems to be running tests in order based on class/test name. Meaning this test runs before TestPythonInstall and all tests in TestPythonInstall are using the latest tmpdir from TestCustomPythonPathInstall as IDF_PYTHON_ENV_PATH. IOW TestPythonInstall is actually testing custom python env path, same as TestCustomPythonPathInstall. This fixes it by restoring the IDF_PYTHON_ENV_PATH. Note that since the actual IDF_PYTHON_ENV_PATH was different(tmpdir) from PYTHON_DIR, the default PYTHON_DIR was never used, so the tests were running with old python env(no shutil.rmtree(PYTHON_DIR). Since TestCustomPythonPathInstall is inheriting from TestPythonInstall it also runs test_opt_argument and test_no_constraints for the second time. This seems unnecessary, so this patch also skips these two tests in TestCustomPythonPathInstall. Signed-off-by: Frantisek Hrbata <>
2023-03-15 22:02:20 +01:00
def test_check_python_dependencies(self): # type: () -> None
# Prepare artificial constraints file containing packages from
# requirements.core.txt, which are also reported in pip-freeze output
# for virtual env. The constraints file requires package versions higher
# than currently installed in venv, so check_python_dependencies
# should fail for all of them.
freeze_output = self.run_in_venv(['-m', 'pip', 'freeze', '--all'])
req_fn = os.path.join(IDF_PATH, 'tools', 'requirements', 'requirements.core.txt')
with open(req_fn) as fd:
req_list = [i for i in if i and i[0] != '#']
# Create constrains list for packages in requirements.core.txt which
# are also present in the freeze list.
con_list = [r.replace('==', '>') for r in freeze_output.splitlines() if r.split('==')[0] in req_list]
# Write the created constraints list into existing constraints file.
# It will not be overwritten by subsequent run, because
# there is timestamp check.
with open(self.constraint_file, 'w') as fd:
ci: add dep check_python_dependencies.pyt test Two new tests are added. 1) test_check_python_dependencies The test prepares artificial constraints file containing packages from requirements.core.txt, which are also reported in pip-freeze output for virtual env. The constraints file requires package versions higher than currently installed in venv, so check_python_dependencies should fail for all of them. 2) test_check_required_packages_only Test for espressif/esp-idf/-/merge_requests/17917. After installing core requirements, install additional foopackage, which is embedded. Add version requirement for foopackage, which cannot be satisfied, to constraints file. Since foopackage is not a direct requirement, check-python-dependencies should not fail. This also fixes existing TestCustomPythonPathInstall test, which sets IDF_PYTHON_ENV_PATH, but does not restore it. Unittest seems to be running tests in order based on class/test name. Meaning this test runs before TestPythonInstall and all tests in TestPythonInstall are using the latest tmpdir from TestCustomPythonPathInstall as IDF_PYTHON_ENV_PATH. IOW TestPythonInstall is actually testing custom python env path, same as TestCustomPythonPathInstall. This fixes it by restoring the IDF_PYTHON_ENV_PATH. Note that since the actual IDF_PYTHON_ENV_PATH was different(tmpdir) from PYTHON_DIR, the default PYTHON_DIR was never used, so the tests were running with old python env(no shutil.rmtree(PYTHON_DIR). Since TestCustomPythonPathInstall is inheriting from TestPythonInstall it also runs test_opt_argument and test_no_constraints for the second time. This seems unnecessary, so this patch also skips these two tests in TestCustomPythonPathInstall. Signed-off-by: Frantisek Hrbata <>
2023-03-15 22:02:20 +01:00
# Test that check_python_dependencies reports that requirements are not satisfied for
# all packages in the artificially created constrains file.
output = self.run_idf_tools(['check-python-dependencies'])
for con in [c.split('>')[0] for c in con_list]:
self.assertIn(con, output)
def test_check_required_packages_only(self): # type: () -> None
# Test for espressif/esp-idf/-/merge_requests/17917
# Install python env with core requirements, plus foopackage.
# Add foopackage to constraints file requiring higher version
# than currently installed. Since foopackage is not a direct
# requirement, the dependency check should ignore it and should
# not fail.
foo_pkg = self.dump_foopackage()
self.run_in_venv(['-m', 'pip', 'install', foo_pkg])
# append foopackage constraint to the existing constraints file
with open(self.constraint_file, 'a') as fd:
ci: add dep check_python_dependencies.pyt test Two new tests are added. 1) test_check_python_dependencies The test prepares artificial constraints file containing packages from requirements.core.txt, which are also reported in pip-freeze output for virtual env. The constraints file requires package versions higher than currently installed in venv, so check_python_dependencies should fail for all of them. 2) test_check_required_packages_only Test for espressif/esp-idf/-/merge_requests/17917. After installing core requirements, install additional foopackage, which is embedded. Add version requirement for foopackage, which cannot be satisfied, to constraints file. Since foopackage is not a direct requirement, check-python-dependencies should not fail. This also fixes existing TestCustomPythonPathInstall test, which sets IDF_PYTHON_ENV_PATH, but does not restore it. Unittest seems to be running tests in order based on class/test name. Meaning this test runs before TestPythonInstall and all tests in TestPythonInstall are using the latest tmpdir from TestCustomPythonPathInstall as IDF_PYTHON_ENV_PATH. IOW TestPythonInstall is actually testing custom python env path, same as TestCustomPythonPathInstall. This fixes it by restoring the IDF_PYTHON_ENV_PATH. Note that since the actual IDF_PYTHON_ENV_PATH was different(tmpdir) from PYTHON_DIR, the default PYTHON_DIR was never used, so the tests were running with old python env(no shutil.rmtree(PYTHON_DIR). Since TestCustomPythonPathInstall is inheriting from TestPythonInstall it also runs test_opt_argument and test_no_constraints for the second time. This seems unnecessary, so this patch also skips these two tests in TestCustomPythonPathInstall. Signed-off-by: Frantisek Hrbata <>
2023-03-15 22:02:20 +01:00
# check-python-dependencies should not complain about dummy_package
output = self.run_idf_tools(['check-python-dependencies'])
self.assertIn(REQ_SATISFIED, output)
def test_missing_requirement(self): # type: () -> None
# Install python env and then append foopackage to the requirements
# Make sure that dependency check has failed and complained about missing foopackage
# append foopackage requirement to the existing requirements file
with open(self.requirement_core_file, 'a') as fd:
# append foopackage constraint to the existing constraints file
with open(self.constraint_file, 'a') as fd:
# check-python-dependencies should fail as the package was not installed yet
output = self.run_idf_tools(['check-python-dependencies'])
self.assertRegex(output, REQ_MISSING.format('foopackage'))
self.assertNotIn(REQ_SATISFIED, output)
def test_dev_version(self): # type: () -> None
# Install python env with core requirements, plus foopackage in dev version.
# Add foopackage to constraints file meeting requirement
# Dependency check should pass as the requirement was met
# Change dependency to require dev version
# Dependency check should pass again
foo_pkg = self.dump_foopackage_dev()
self.run_in_venv(['-m', 'pip', 'install', foo_pkg])
# append foopackage requirement to the existing requirements file
with open(self.requirement_core_file, 'a') as fd:
# append foopackage constraint to the existing constraints file
with open(self.constraint_file, 'r+') as fd:
con_lines = fd.readlines()
output = self.run_idf_tools(['check-python-dependencies'])
self.assertIn(REQ_SATISFIED, output)
# append foopackage dev version constraint to the existing constraints file
with open(self.constraint_file, 'r+') as fd:
fd.writelines(con_lines + ['foopackage==0.99.dev0'])
output = self.run_idf_tools(['check-python-dependencies'])
self.assertIn(REQ_SATISFIED, output)
ci: add dep check_python_dependencies.pyt test Two new tests are added. 1) test_check_python_dependencies The test prepares artificial constraints file containing packages from requirements.core.txt, which are also reported in pip-freeze output for virtual env. The constraints file requires package versions higher than currently installed in venv, so check_python_dependencies should fail for all of them. 2) test_check_required_packages_only Test for espressif/esp-idf/-/merge_requests/17917. After installing core requirements, install additional foopackage, which is embedded. Add version requirement for foopackage, which cannot be satisfied, to constraints file. Since foopackage is not a direct requirement, check-python-dependencies should not fail. This also fixes existing TestCustomPythonPathInstall test, which sets IDF_PYTHON_ENV_PATH, but does not restore it. Unittest seems to be running tests in order based on class/test name. Meaning this test runs before TestPythonInstall and all tests in TestPythonInstall are using the latest tmpdir from TestCustomPythonPathInstall as IDF_PYTHON_ENV_PATH. IOW TestPythonInstall is actually testing custom python env path, same as TestCustomPythonPathInstall. This fixes it by restoring the IDF_PYTHON_ENV_PATH. Note that since the actual IDF_PYTHON_ENV_PATH was different(tmpdir) from PYTHON_DIR, the default PYTHON_DIR was never used, so the tests were running with old python env(no shutil.rmtree(PYTHON_DIR). Since TestCustomPythonPathInstall is inheriting from TestPythonInstall it also runs test_opt_argument and test_no_constraints for the second time. This seems unnecessary, so this patch also skips these two tests in TestCustomPythonPathInstall. Signed-off-by: Frantisek Hrbata <>
2023-03-15 22:02:20 +01:00
if __name__ == '__main__':