2018-11-19 11:46:21 +08:00
// Copyright 2017-2018 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) PTE LTD
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
# ifdef __cplusplus
extern " C " {
# endif
# include <stdint.h>
# include "esp_err.h"
# include "esp_log.h"
# define ESP_ERR_EFUSE 0x1600 /*!< Base error code for efuse api. */
# define ESP_OK_EFUSE_CNT (ESP_ERR_EFUSE + 0x01) /*!< OK the required number of bits is set. */
# define ESP_ERR_EFUSE_CNT_IS_FULL (ESP_ERR_EFUSE + 0x02) /*!< Error field is full. */
# define ESP_ERR_EFUSE_REPEATED_PROG (ESP_ERR_EFUSE + 0x03) /*!< Error repeated programming of programmed bits is strictly forbidden. */
# define ESP_ERR_CODING (ESP_ERR_EFUSE + 0x04) /*!< Error while a encoding operation. */
* @ brief Type of eFuse blocks
typedef enum {
EFUSE_BLK0 = 0 , /**< Number of eFuse block. Reserved. */
EFUSE_BLK1 = 1 , /**< Number of eFuse block. Used for Flash Encryption. If not using that Flash Encryption feature, they can be used for another purpose. */
EFUSE_BLK2 = 2 , /**< Number of eFuse block. Used for Secure Boot. If not using that Secure Boot feature, they can be used for another purpose. */
EFUSE_BLK3 = 3 /**< Number of eFuse block. Uses for the purpose of the user. */
} esp_efuse_block_t ;
* @ brief Type of coding scheme
typedef enum {
EFUSE_CODING_SCHEME_3_4 = 1 , /**< 3/4 coding */
EFUSE_CODING_SCHEME_REPEAT = 2 , /**< Repeat coding */
} esp_efuse_coding_scheme_t ;
* @ brief Structure eFuse field
typedef struct {
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esp_efuse_block_t efuse_block : 8 ; /**< Block of eFuse */
uint8_t bit_start ; /**< Start bit [0..255] */
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uint16_t bit_count ; /**< Length of bit field [1..-]*/
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} esp_efuse_desc_t ;
* @ brief Reads bits from EFUSE field and writes it into an array .
* The number of read bits will be limited to the minimum value
* from the description of the bits in " field " structure or " dst_size_bits " required size .
* Use " esp_efuse_get_field_size() " function to determine the length of the field .
* @ param [ in ] field A pointer to the structure describing the fields of efuse .
* @ param [ out ] dst A pointer to array that will contain the result of reading .
* @ param [ in ] dst_size_bits The number of bits required to read .
* If the requested number of bits is greater than the field ,
* the number will be limited to the field size .
* @ return
* - ESP_OK : The operation was successfully completed .
* - ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG : Error in the passed arguments .
esp_err_t esp_efuse_read_field_blob ( const esp_efuse_desc_t * field [ ] , void * dst , size_t dst_size_bits ) ;
* @ brief Reads bits from EFUSE field and returns number of bits programmed as " 1 " .
* If the bits are set not sequentially , they will still be counted .
* @ param [ in ] field A pointer to the structure describing the fields of efuse .
* @ param [ out ] out_cnt A pointer that will contain the number of programmed as " 1 " bits .
* @ return
* - ESP_OK : The operation was successfully completed .
* - ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG : Error in the passed arguments .
esp_err_t esp_efuse_read_field_cnt ( const esp_efuse_desc_t * field [ ] , size_t * out_cnt ) ;
* @ brief Writes array to EFUSE field .
* The number of write bits will be limited to the minimum value
* from the description of the bits in " field " structure or " src_size_bits " required size .
* Use " esp_efuse_get_field_size() " function to determine the length of the field .
* After the function is completed , the writing registers are cleared .
* @ param [ in ] field A pointer to the structure describing the fields of efuse .
* @ param [ in ] src A pointer to array that contains the data for writing .
* @ param [ in ] src_size_bits The number of bits required to write .
* @ return
* - ESP_OK : The operation was successfully completed .
* - ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG : Error in the passed arguments .
* - ESP_ERR_EFUSE_REPEATED_PROG : Error repeated programming of programmed bits is strictly forbidden .
* - ESP_ERR_CODING : Error range of data does not match the coding scheme .
esp_err_t esp_efuse_write_field_blob ( const esp_efuse_desc_t * field [ ] , const void * src , size_t src_size_bits ) ;
* @ brief Writes a required count of bits as " 1 " to EFUSE field .
* If there are no free bits in the field to set the required number of bits to " 1 " ,
* ESP_ERR_EFUSE_CNT_IS_FULL error is returned , the field will not be partially recorded .
* After the function is completed , the writing registers are cleared .
* @ param [ in ] field A pointer to the structure describing the fields of efuse .
* @ param [ in ] cnt Required number of programmed as " 1 " bits .
* @ return
* - ESP_OK : The operation was successfully completed .
* - ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG : Error in the passed arguments .
* - ESP_ERR_EFUSE_CNT_IS_FULL : Not all requested cnt bits is set .
esp_err_t esp_efuse_write_field_cnt ( const esp_efuse_desc_t * field [ ] , size_t cnt ) ;
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* @ brief Sets a write protection for the whole block .
* After that , it is impossible to write to this block .
* The write protection does not apply to block 0.
* @ param [ in ] blk Block number of eFuse . ( EFUSE_BLK1 , EFUSE_BLK2 and EFUSE_BLK3 )
* @ return
* - ESP_OK : The operation was successfully completed .
* - ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG : Error in the passed arguments .
* - ESP_ERR_EFUSE_CNT_IS_FULL : Not all requested cnt bits is set .
* - ESP_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED : The block does not support this command .
esp_err_t esp_efuse_set_write_protect ( esp_efuse_block_t blk ) ;
* @ brief Sets a read protection for the whole block .
* After that , it is impossible to read from this block .
* The read protection does not apply to block 0.
* @ param [ in ] blk Block number of eFuse . ( EFUSE_BLK1 , EFUSE_BLK2 and EFUSE_BLK3 )
* @ return
* - ESP_OK : The operation was successfully completed .
* - ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG : Error in the passed arguments .
* - ESP_ERR_EFUSE_CNT_IS_FULL : Not all requested cnt bits is set .
* - ESP_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED : The block does not support this command .
esp_err_t esp_efuse_set_read_protect ( esp_efuse_block_t blk ) ;
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* @ brief Returns the number of bits used by field .
* @ param [ in ] field A pointer to the structure describing the fields of efuse .
* @ return Returns the number of bits used by field .
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int esp_efuse_get_field_size ( const esp_efuse_desc_t * field [ ] ) ;
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* @ brief Returns value of efuse register .
* This is a thread - safe implementation .
* Example : EFUSE_BLK2_RDATA3_REG where ( blk = 2 , num_reg = 3 )
* @ param [ in ] blk Block number of eFuse .
* @ param [ in ] num_reg The register number in the block .
* @ return Value of register
uint32_t esp_efuse_read_reg ( esp_efuse_block_t blk , unsigned int num_reg ) ;
* @ brief Write value to efuse register .
* Apply a coding scheme if necessary .
* This is a thread - safe implementation .
* Example : EFUSE_BLK3_WDATA0_REG where ( blk = 3 , num_reg = 0 )
* @ param [ in ] blk Block number of eFuse .
* @ param [ in ] num_reg The register number in the block .
* @ param [ in ] val Value to write .
* @ return
* - ESP_OK : The operation was successfully completed .
* - ESP_ERR_EFUSE_REPEATED_PROG : Error repeated programming of programmed bits is strictly forbidden .
esp_err_t esp_efuse_write_reg ( esp_efuse_block_t blk , unsigned int num_reg , uint32_t val ) ;
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* @ brief Return efuse coding scheme for blocks .
* Note : The coding scheme is applicable only to 1 , 2 and 3 blocks . For 0 block , the coding scheme is always ` ` NONE ` ` .
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* @ param [ in ] blk Block number of eFuse .
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* @ return Return efuse coding scheme for blocks
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esp_efuse_coding_scheme_t esp_efuse_get_coding_scheme ( esp_efuse_block_t blk ) ;
* @ brief Read key to efuse block starting at the offset and the required size .
* @ param [ in ] blk Block number of eFuse .
* @ param [ in ] dst_key A pointer to array that will contain the result of reading .
* @ param [ in ] offset_in_bits Start bit in block .
* @ param [ in ] size_bits The number of bits required to read .
* @ return
* - ESP_OK : The operation was successfully completed .
* - ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG : Error in the passed arguments .
* - ESP_ERR_CODING : Error range of data does not match the coding scheme .
esp_err_t esp_efuse_read_block ( esp_efuse_block_t blk , void * dst_key , size_t offset_in_bits , size_t size_bits ) ;
* @ brief Write key to efuse block starting at the offset and the required size .
* @ param [ in ] blk Block number of eFuse .
* @ param [ in ] src_key A pointer to array that contains the key for writing .
* @ param [ in ] offset_in_bits Start bit in block .
* @ param [ in ] size_bits The number of bits required to write .
* @ return
* - ESP_OK : The operation was successfully completed .
* - ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG : Error in the passed arguments .
* - ESP_ERR_CODING : Error range of data does not match the coding scheme .
* - ESP_ERR_EFUSE_REPEATED_PROG : Error repeated programming of programmed bits
esp_err_t esp_efuse_write_block ( esp_efuse_block_t blk , const void * src_key , size_t offset_in_bits , size_t size_bits ) ;
* @ brief Returns chip version from efuse
* @ return chip version
uint8_t esp_efuse_get_chip_ver ( void ) ;
* @ brief Returns chip package from efuse
* @ return chip package
uint32_t esp_efuse_get_pkg_ver ( void ) ;
/* @brief Permanently update values written to the efuse write registers
* After updating EFUSE_BLKx_WDATAx_REG registers with new values to
* write , call this function to permanently write them to efuse .
* @ note Setting bits in efuse is permanent , they cannot be unset .
* @ note Due to this restriction you don ' t need to copy values to
* Efuse write registers from the matching read registers , bits which
* are set in the read register but unset in the matching write
* register will be unchanged when new values are burned .
* @ note This function is not threadsafe , if calling code updates
* efuse values from multiple tasks then this is caller ' s
* responsibility to serialise .
* After burning new efuses , the read registers are updated to match
* the new efuse values .
void esp_efuse_burn_new_values ( void ) ;
/* @brief Reset efuse write registers
* Efuse write registers are written to zero , to negate
* any changes that have been staged here .
* @ note This function is not threadsafe , if calling code updates
* efuse values from multiple tasks then this is caller ' s
* responsibility to serialise .
void esp_efuse_reset ( void ) ;
/* @brief Disable BASIC ROM Console via efuse
* By default , if booting from flash fails the ESP32 will boot a
* BASIC console in ROM .
* Call this function ( from bootloader or app ) to permanently
* disable the console on this chip .
void esp_efuse_disable_basic_rom_console ( void ) ;
/* @brief Encode one or more sets of 6 byte sequences into
* 8 bytes suitable for 3 / 4 Coding Scheme .
* This function is only useful if the CODING_SCHEME efuse
* is set to value 1 for 3 / 4 Coding Scheme .
* @ param [ in ] in_bytes Pointer to a sequence of bytes to encode for 3 / 4 Coding Scheme . Must have length in_bytes_len . After being written to hardware , these bytes will read back as little - endian words .
* @ param [ out ] out_words Pointer to array of words suitable for writing to efuse write registers . Array must contain 2 words ( 8 bytes ) for every 6 bytes in in_bytes_len . Can be a pointer to efuse write registers .
* @ param in_bytes_len . Length of array pointed to by in_bytes , in bytes . Must be a multiple of 6.
* @ return ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG if either pointer is null or in_bytes_len is not a multiple of 6. ESP_OK otherwise .
esp_err_t esp_efuse_apply_34_encoding ( const uint8_t * in_bytes , uint32_t * out_words , size_t in_bytes_len ) ;
/* @brief Write random data to efuse key block write registers
* @ note Caller is responsible for ensuring efuse
* block is empty and not write protected , before calling .
* @ note Behaviour depends on coding scheme : a 256 - bit key is
* generated and written for Coding Scheme " None " , a 192 - bit key
* is generated , extended to 256 - bits by the Coding Scheme ,
* and then writtten for 3 / 4 Coding Scheme .
* @ note This function does not burn the new values , caller should
* call esp_efuse_burn_new_values ( ) when ready to do this .
* @ param blk_wdata0_reg Address of the first data write register
* in the block
void esp_efuse_write_random_key ( uint32_t blk_wdata0_reg ) ;
# ifdef __cplusplus
# endif
# endif // _ESP_EFUSE_MANAGER_H_