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# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022-2023 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
ci: add dep check_python_dependencies.pyt test Two new tests are added. 1) test_check_python_dependencies The test prepares artificial constraints file containing packages from requirements.core.txt, which are also reported in pip-freeze output for virtual env. The constraints file requires package versions higher than currently installed in venv, so check_python_dependencies should fail for all of them. 2) test_check_required_packages_only Test for espressif/esp-idf/-/merge_requests/17917. After installing core requirements, install additional foopackage, which is embedded. Add version requirement for foopackage, which cannot be satisfied, to constraints file. Since foopackage is not a direct requirement, check-python-dependencies should not fail. This also fixes existing TestCustomPythonPathInstall test, which sets IDF_PYTHON_ENV_PATH, but does not restore it. Unittest seems to be running tests in order based on class/test name. Meaning this test runs before TestPythonInstall and all tests in TestPythonInstall are using the latest tmpdir from TestCustomPythonPathInstall as IDF_PYTHON_ENV_PATH. IOW TestPythonInstall is actually testing custom python env path, same as TestCustomPythonPathInstall. This fixes it by restoring the IDF_PYTHON_ENV_PATH. Note that since the actual IDF_PYTHON_ENV_PATH was different(tmpdir) from PYTHON_DIR, the default PYTHON_DIR was never used, so the tests were running with old python env(no shutil.rmtree(PYTHON_DIR). Since TestCustomPythonPathInstall is inheriting from TestPythonInstall it also runs test_opt_argument and test_no_constraints for the second time. This seems unnecessary, so this patch also skips these two tests in TestCustomPythonPathInstall. Signed-off-by: Frantisek Hrbata <>
2023-03-15 22:02:20 +01:00
# NOTE: unittest is by default sorting tests based on their names,
# so the order if which the tests are started may be different from
# the order in which they are defined. Please make sure all tests
# are entirely self contained and don't have affect on other tests,
# for example by changing some global state, like system environment.
# If test needs to change global state, it should return it to the
# original state after it's finished. For more information please see
import inspect
import os
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
import tempfile
import unittest
from typing import List
import idf_tools
except ImportError:
import idf_tools
IDF_PATH = os.environ.get('IDF_PATH', '../..')
TOOLS_DIR = os.environ.get('IDF_TOOLS_PATH') or os.path.expanduser(idf_tools.IDF_TOOLS_PATH_DEFAULT)
PYTHON_DIR = os.path.join(TOOLS_DIR, 'python_env')
REQ_SATISFIED = 'Python requirements are satisfied'
REQ_CORE = '- {}'.format(os.path.join(IDF_PATH, 'tools', 'requirements', 'requirements.core.txt'))
REQ_GDBGUI = '- {}'.format(os.path.join(IDF_PATH, 'tools', 'requirements', 'requirements.gdbgui.txt'))
CONSTR = 'Constraint file: {}/espidf.constraints'.format(TOOLS_DIR)
ci: add dep check_python_dependencies.pyt test Two new tests are added. 1) test_check_python_dependencies The test prepares artificial constraints file containing packages from requirements.core.txt, which are also reported in pip-freeze output for virtual env. The constraints file requires package versions higher than currently installed in venv, so check_python_dependencies should fail for all of them. 2) test_check_required_packages_only Test for espressif/esp-idf/-/merge_requests/17917. After installing core requirements, install additional foopackage, which is embedded. Add version requirement for foopackage, which cannot be satisfied, to constraints file. Since foopackage is not a direct requirement, check-python-dependencies should not fail. This also fixes existing TestCustomPythonPathInstall test, which sets IDF_PYTHON_ENV_PATH, but does not restore it. Unittest seems to be running tests in order based on class/test name. Meaning this test runs before TestPythonInstall and all tests in TestPythonInstall are using the latest tmpdir from TestCustomPythonPathInstall as IDF_PYTHON_ENV_PATH. IOW TestPythonInstall is actually testing custom python env path, same as TestCustomPythonPathInstall. This fixes it by restoring the IDF_PYTHON_ENV_PATH. Note that since the actual IDF_PYTHON_ENV_PATH was different(tmpdir) from PYTHON_DIR, the default PYTHON_DIR was never used, so the tests were running with old python env(no shutil.rmtree(PYTHON_DIR). Since TestCustomPythonPathInstall is inheriting from TestPythonInstall it also runs test_opt_argument and test_no_constraints for the second time. This seems unnecessary, so this patch also skips these two tests in TestCustomPythonPathInstall. Signed-off-by: Frantisek Hrbata <>
2023-03-15 22:02:20 +01:00
# Set default global paths for idf_tools. If some test needs to
# use functions from idf_tools with custom paths, it should
# set it in setUp() and change them back to defaults in tearDown().
idf_tools.global_idf_path = IDF_PATH
idf_tools.global_idf_tools_path = TOOLS_DIR
ci: add dep check_python_dependencies.pyt test Two new tests are added. 1) test_check_python_dependencies The test prepares artificial constraints file containing packages from requirements.core.txt, which are also reported in pip-freeze output for virtual env. The constraints file requires package versions higher than currently installed in venv, so check_python_dependencies should fail for all of them. 2) test_check_required_packages_only Test for espressif/esp-idf/-/merge_requests/17917. After installing core requirements, install additional foopackage, which is embedded. Add version requirement for foopackage, which cannot be satisfied, to constraints file. Since foopackage is not a direct requirement, check-python-dependencies should not fail. This also fixes existing TestCustomPythonPathInstall test, which sets IDF_PYTHON_ENV_PATH, but does not restore it. Unittest seems to be running tests in order based on class/test name. Meaning this test runs before TestPythonInstall and all tests in TestPythonInstall are using the latest tmpdir from TestCustomPythonPathInstall as IDF_PYTHON_ENV_PATH. IOW TestPythonInstall is actually testing custom python env path, same as TestCustomPythonPathInstall. This fixes it by restoring the IDF_PYTHON_ENV_PATH. Note that since the actual IDF_PYTHON_ENV_PATH was different(tmpdir) from PYTHON_DIR, the default PYTHON_DIR was never used, so the tests were running with old python env(no shutil.rmtree(PYTHON_DIR). Since TestCustomPythonPathInstall is inheriting from TestPythonInstall it also runs test_opt_argument and test_no_constraints for the second time. This seems unnecessary, so this patch also skips these two tests in TestCustomPythonPathInstall. Signed-off-by: Frantisek Hrbata <>
2023-03-15 22:02:20 +01:00
class BasePythonInstall(unittest.TestCase):
def run_tool(self, cmd): # type: (List[str]) -> str
ret =, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, timeout=300)
decoded_output = ret.stdout.decode('utf-8', 'ignore')
with open(os.path.join(IDF_PATH, 'tools', 'test_idf_tools', 'test_python_env_logs.txt'), 'a+') as w:
# stack() returns list of callers frame records. [1] represent caller of this function
w.write('============================= ' + inspect.stack()[1].function + ' =============================\n')
return decoded_output
ci: add dep check_python_dependencies.pyt test Two new tests are added. 1) test_check_python_dependencies The test prepares artificial constraints file containing packages from requirements.core.txt, which are also reported in pip-freeze output for virtual env. The constraints file requires package versions higher than currently installed in venv, so check_python_dependencies should fail for all of them. 2) test_check_required_packages_only Test for espressif/esp-idf/-/merge_requests/17917. After installing core requirements, install additional foopackage, which is embedded. Add version requirement for foopackage, which cannot be satisfied, to constraints file. Since foopackage is not a direct requirement, check-python-dependencies should not fail. This also fixes existing TestCustomPythonPathInstall test, which sets IDF_PYTHON_ENV_PATH, but does not restore it. Unittest seems to be running tests in order based on class/test name. Meaning this test runs before TestPythonInstall and all tests in TestPythonInstall are using the latest tmpdir from TestCustomPythonPathInstall as IDF_PYTHON_ENV_PATH. IOW TestPythonInstall is actually testing custom python env path, same as TestCustomPythonPathInstall. This fixes it by restoring the IDF_PYTHON_ENV_PATH. Note that since the actual IDF_PYTHON_ENV_PATH was different(tmpdir) from PYTHON_DIR, the default PYTHON_DIR was never used, so the tests were running with old python env(no shutil.rmtree(PYTHON_DIR). Since TestCustomPythonPathInstall is inheriting from TestPythonInstall it also runs test_opt_argument and test_no_constraints for the second time. This seems unnecessary, so this patch also skips these two tests in TestCustomPythonPathInstall. Signed-off-by: Frantisek Hrbata <>
2023-03-15 22:02:20 +01:00
def run_idf_tools(self, args): # type: (List[str]) -> str
cmd = [sys.executable, '../'] + args
return self.run_tool(cmd)
def run_in_venv(self, args): # type: (List[str]) -> str
_, _, python_venv, _ = idf_tools.get_python_env_path()
cmd = [python_venv] + args
return self.run_tool(cmd)
def dump_foopackage(self): # type: () -> str
# Wheel for foopackage-0.99-py3-none-any.whl
# This is dummy package for testing purposes created with
# python -m build --wheel for the following package
from setuptools import setup
if __name__ == '__main__':
whl = (b'PK\x03\x04\x14\x00\x00\x00\x08\x00\x07fqVz|E\t&\x00\x00\x00&\x00\x00\x00\x16\x00\x00\x00'
b'\x02\x00PK\x03\x04\x14\x00\x00\x00\x08\x00%fqV&\xdc\x9b\x88\xfd\x00\x00\x00}\x01\x00\x00 \x00\x00\x00'
b'\x00VcE\xd3\xbf\xf4\xe6\xe1\t6a2\xc3\x16N\x06]1Bm\xb7\x17\xc2Z\xef\xaa\xed\xf6\x9c\xdaQ \xd0\xf6\xc6'
b'\x14\x00\x00\x00\x08\x00%fqV&\xdc\x9b\x88\xfd\x00\x00\x00}\x01\x00\x00 \x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'
tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
foopackage_fn = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'foopackage-0.99-py3-none-any.whl')
with open(foopackage_fn, 'wb') as fd:
self.addCleanup(shutil.rmtree, tmpdir)
return foopackage_fn
class TestPythonInstall(BasePythonInstall):
def setUp(self): # type: () -> None
if os.path.isdir(PYTHON_DIR):
if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(TOOLS_DIR, 'idf-env.json')):
os.remove(os.path.join(TOOLS_DIR, 'idf-env.json'))
def test_default_arguments(self): # type: () -> None
output = self.run_idf_tools(['check-python-dependencies'])
self.assertNotIn(REQ_SATISFIED, output)
self.assertIn('bin/python doesn\'t exist', output)
output = self.run_idf_tools(['install-python-env'])
self.assertIn(CONSTR, output)
self.assertIn(REQ_CORE, output)
self.assertNotIn(REQ_GDBGUI, output)
output = self.run_idf_tools(['check-python-dependencies'])
self.assertIn(REQ_SATISFIED, output)
def test_opt_argument(self): # type: () -> None
output = self.run_idf_tools(['install-python-env', '--features', 'gdbgui'])
self.assertIn(CONSTR, output)
self.assertIn(REQ_CORE, output)
self.assertIn(REQ_GDBGUI, output)
output = self.run_idf_tools(['install-python-env'])
# The gdbgui should be installed as well because the feature is is stored in the JSON file
self.assertIn(CONSTR, output)
self.assertIn(REQ_CORE, output)
self.assertIn(REQ_GDBGUI, output)
# Argument that begins with '-' can't stand alone to be parsed as value
output = self.run_idf_tools(['install-python-env', '--features=-gdbgui'])
# After removing the gdbgui should not be present
self.assertIn(CONSTR, output)
self.assertIn(REQ_CORE, output)
self.assertNotIn(REQ_GDBGUI, output)
def test_no_constraints(self): # type: () -> None
output = self.run_idf_tools(['install-python-env', '--no-constraints'])
self.assertNotIn(CONSTR, output)
self.assertIn(REQ_CORE, output)
ci: add dep check_python_dependencies.pyt test Two new tests are added. 1) test_check_python_dependencies The test prepares artificial constraints file containing packages from requirements.core.txt, which are also reported in pip-freeze output for virtual env. The constraints file requires package versions higher than currently installed in venv, so check_python_dependencies should fail for all of them. 2) test_check_required_packages_only Test for espressif/esp-idf/-/merge_requests/17917. After installing core requirements, install additional foopackage, which is embedded. Add version requirement for foopackage, which cannot be satisfied, to constraints file. Since foopackage is not a direct requirement, check-python-dependencies should not fail. This also fixes existing TestCustomPythonPathInstall test, which sets IDF_PYTHON_ENV_PATH, but does not restore it. Unittest seems to be running tests in order based on class/test name. Meaning this test runs before TestPythonInstall and all tests in TestPythonInstall are using the latest tmpdir from TestCustomPythonPathInstall as IDF_PYTHON_ENV_PATH. IOW TestPythonInstall is actually testing custom python env path, same as TestCustomPythonPathInstall. This fixes it by restoring the IDF_PYTHON_ENV_PATH. Note that since the actual IDF_PYTHON_ENV_PATH was different(tmpdir) from PYTHON_DIR, the default PYTHON_DIR was never used, so the tests were running with old python env(no shutil.rmtree(PYTHON_DIR). Since TestCustomPythonPathInstall is inheriting from TestPythonInstall it also runs test_opt_argument and test_no_constraints for the second time. This seems unnecessary, so this patch also skips these two tests in TestCustomPythonPathInstall. Signed-off-by: Frantisek Hrbata <>
2023-03-15 22:02:20 +01:00
class TestCustomPythonPathInstall(BasePythonInstall):
def setUp(self): # type: () -> None
self.CUSTOM_PYTHON_DIR = tempfile.mkdtemp()
ci: add dep check_python_dependencies.pyt test Two new tests are added. 1) test_check_python_dependencies The test prepares artificial constraints file containing packages from requirements.core.txt, which are also reported in pip-freeze output for virtual env. The constraints file requires package versions higher than currently installed in venv, so check_python_dependencies should fail for all of them. 2) test_check_required_packages_only Test for espressif/esp-idf/-/merge_requests/17917. After installing core requirements, install additional foopackage, which is embedded. Add version requirement for foopackage, which cannot be satisfied, to constraints file. Since foopackage is not a direct requirement, check-python-dependencies should not fail. This also fixes existing TestCustomPythonPathInstall test, which sets IDF_PYTHON_ENV_PATH, but does not restore it. Unittest seems to be running tests in order based on class/test name. Meaning this test runs before TestPythonInstall and all tests in TestPythonInstall are using the latest tmpdir from TestCustomPythonPathInstall as IDF_PYTHON_ENV_PATH. IOW TestPythonInstall is actually testing custom python env path, same as TestCustomPythonPathInstall. This fixes it by restoring the IDF_PYTHON_ENV_PATH. Note that since the actual IDF_PYTHON_ENV_PATH was different(tmpdir) from PYTHON_DIR, the default PYTHON_DIR was never used, so the tests were running with old python env(no shutil.rmtree(PYTHON_DIR). Since TestCustomPythonPathInstall is inheriting from TestPythonInstall it also runs test_opt_argument and test_no_constraints for the second time. This seems unnecessary, so this patch also skips these two tests in TestCustomPythonPathInstall. Signed-off-by: Frantisek Hrbata <>
2023-03-15 22:02:20 +01:00
self.environ_old = os.environ.copy()
ci: add dep check_python_dependencies.pyt test Two new tests are added. 1) test_check_python_dependencies The test prepares artificial constraints file containing packages from requirements.core.txt, which are also reported in pip-freeze output for virtual env. The constraints file requires package versions higher than currently installed in venv, so check_python_dependencies should fail for all of them. 2) test_check_required_packages_only Test for espressif/esp-idf/-/merge_requests/17917. After installing core requirements, install additional foopackage, which is embedded. Add version requirement for foopackage, which cannot be satisfied, to constraints file. Since foopackage is not a direct requirement, check-python-dependencies should not fail. This also fixes existing TestCustomPythonPathInstall test, which sets IDF_PYTHON_ENV_PATH, but does not restore it. Unittest seems to be running tests in order based on class/test name. Meaning this test runs before TestPythonInstall and all tests in TestPythonInstall are using the latest tmpdir from TestCustomPythonPathInstall as IDF_PYTHON_ENV_PATH. IOW TestPythonInstall is actually testing custom python env path, same as TestCustomPythonPathInstall. This fixes it by restoring the IDF_PYTHON_ENV_PATH. Note that since the actual IDF_PYTHON_ENV_PATH was different(tmpdir) from PYTHON_DIR, the default PYTHON_DIR was never used, so the tests were running with old python env(no shutil.rmtree(PYTHON_DIR). Since TestCustomPythonPathInstall is inheriting from TestPythonInstall it also runs test_opt_argument and test_no_constraints for the second time. This seems unnecessary, so this patch also skips these two tests in TestCustomPythonPathInstall. Signed-off-by: Frantisek Hrbata <>
2023-03-15 22:02:20 +01:00
def tearDown(self): # type: () -> None
def test_default_arguments(self): # type: () -> None
output = self.run_idf_tools(['check-python-dependencies'])
self.assertIn(f"{self.CUSTOM_PYTHON_DIR}/bin/python doesn't exist", output)
self.assertNotIn(PYTHON_DIR, output)
output = self.run_idf_tools(['install-python-env'])
self.assertIn(self.CUSTOM_PYTHON_DIR, output)
self.assertNotIn(PYTHON_DIR, output)
output = self.run_idf_tools(['check-python-dependencies'])
self.assertIn(self.CUSTOM_PYTHON_DIR, output)
ci: add dep check_python_dependencies.pyt test Two new tests are added. 1) test_check_python_dependencies The test prepares artificial constraints file containing packages from requirements.core.txt, which are also reported in pip-freeze output for virtual env. The constraints file requires package versions higher than currently installed in venv, so check_python_dependencies should fail for all of them. 2) test_check_required_packages_only Test for espressif/esp-idf/-/merge_requests/17917. After installing core requirements, install additional foopackage, which is embedded. Add version requirement for foopackage, which cannot be satisfied, to constraints file. Since foopackage is not a direct requirement, check-python-dependencies should not fail. This also fixes existing TestCustomPythonPathInstall test, which sets IDF_PYTHON_ENV_PATH, but does not restore it. Unittest seems to be running tests in order based on class/test name. Meaning this test runs before TestPythonInstall and all tests in TestPythonInstall are using the latest tmpdir from TestCustomPythonPathInstall as IDF_PYTHON_ENV_PATH. IOW TestPythonInstall is actually testing custom python env path, same as TestCustomPythonPathInstall. This fixes it by restoring the IDF_PYTHON_ENV_PATH. Note that since the actual IDF_PYTHON_ENV_PATH was different(tmpdir) from PYTHON_DIR, the default PYTHON_DIR was never used, so the tests were running with old python env(no shutil.rmtree(PYTHON_DIR). Since TestCustomPythonPathInstall is inheriting from TestPythonInstall it also runs test_opt_argument and test_no_constraints for the second time. This seems unnecessary, so this patch also skips these two tests in TestCustomPythonPathInstall. Signed-off-by: Frantisek Hrbata <>
2023-03-15 22:02:20 +01:00
class TestCheckPythonDependencies(BasePythonInstall):
def setUp(self): # type: () -> None
if os.path.isdir(PYTHON_DIR):
def tearDown(self): # type: () -> None
if os.path.isdir(PYTHON_DIR):
def test_check_python_dependencies(self): # type: () -> None
# Prepare artificial constraints file containing packages from
# requirements.core.txt, which are also reported in pip-freeze output
# for virtual env. The constraints file requires package versions higher
# than currently installed in venv, so check_python_dependencies
# should fail for all of them.
freeze_output = self.run_in_venv(['-m', 'pip', 'freeze', '--all'])
req_fn = os.path.join(IDF_PATH, 'tools', 'requirements', 'requirements.core.txt')
with open(req_fn) as fd:
req_list = [i for i in if i and i[0] != '#']
# Create constrains list for packages in requirements.core.txt which
# are also present in the freeze list.
con_list = [r.replace('==', '>') for r in freeze_output.splitlines() if r.split('==')[0] in req_list]
con_fn = idf_tools.get_constraints(idf_tools.get_idf_version(), online=False)
# delete modified constraints file after this test is finished
self.addCleanup(os.remove, con_fn)
# Write the created constraints list into existing constraints file.
# It will not be overwritten by subsequent run, because
# there is timestamp check.
with open(con_fn, 'w') as fd:
# Test that check_python_dependencies reports that requirements are not satisfied for
# all packages in the artificially created constrains file.
output = self.run_idf_tools(['check-python-dependencies'])
for con in [c.split('>')[0] for c in con_list]:
self.assertIn(con, output)
def test_check_required_packages_only(self): # type: () -> None
# Test for espressif/esp-idf/-/merge_requests/17917
# Install python env with core requirements, plus foopackage.
# Add foopackage to constraints file requiring higher version
# than currently installed. Since foopackage is not a direct
# requirement, the dependency check should ignore it and should
# not fail.
foo_pkg = self.dump_foopackage()
self.run_in_venv(['-m', 'pip', 'install', foo_pkg])
con_fn = idf_tools.get_constraints(idf_tools.get_idf_version(), online=False)
# delete modified constraints file after this test is finished
self.addCleanup(os.remove, con_fn)
# append foopackage constraint to the existing constraints file
with open(con_fn, 'a') as fd:
# check-python-dependencies should not complain about dummy_package
output = self.run_idf_tools(['check-python-dependencies'])
self.assertIn(REQ_SATISFIED, output)
if __name__ == '__main__':