mirror of
synced 2025-03-09 09:09:10 -04:00
refactor: rewrite ldgen fragment file parser
closes https://github.com/espressif/esp-idf/issues/7940
This commit is contained in:
@ -57,10 +57,7 @@ test_ldgen_on_host:
extends: .host_test_template
- cd tools/ldgen/test
- ./test_fragments.py
- ./test_generation.py
- ./test_entity.py
- ./test_output_commands.py
- python -m unittest
@ -151,6 +151,7 @@ disable=print-statement,
ungrouped-imports, # since we have isort in pre-commit
no-name-in-module, # since we have flake8 to check this
# Enable the message, report, category or checker with the given id(s). You can
# either give multiple identifier separated by comma (,) or put this option
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ cryptography>=2.1.4
# We do have cryptography binary on https://dl.espressif.com/pypi for ARM
# On https://pypi.org/ are no ARM binaries as standard now
pyparsing>=3.0.3 # https://github.com/pyparsing/pyparsing/issues/319 is fixed in 3.0.3
@ -237,7 +237,6 @@ tools/ldgen/ldgen.py
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021-2022 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ import tempfile
from io import StringIO
from ldgen.entity import EntityDB
from ldgen.fragments import FragmentFile
from ldgen.fragments import parse_fragment_file
from ldgen.generation import Generation
from ldgen.ldgen_common import LdGenFailure
from ldgen.linker_script import LinkerScript
@ -148,12 +148,12 @@ def main():
for fragment_file in fragment_files:
fragment_file = FragmentFile(fragment_file, sdkconfig)
fragment_file = parse_fragment_file(fragment_file, sdkconfig)
except (ParseException, ParseFatalException) as e:
# ParseException is raised on incorrect grammar
# ParseFatalException is raised on correct grammar, but inconsistent contents (ex. duplicate
# keys, key unsupported by fragment, unexpected number of values, etc.)
raise LdGenFailure('failed to parse %s\n%s' % (fragment_file.name, str(e)))
raise LdGenFailure('failed to parse %s\n%s' % (fragment_file, str(e)))
mapping_rules = generation_model.generate(sections_infos)
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021-2022 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ from enum import Enum
from functools import total_ordering
from pyparsing import (Group, Literal, OneOrMore, ParseException, SkipTo, Suppress, White, Word, ZeroOrMore, alphas,
nums, restOfLine)
nums, rest_of_line)
@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ class Entity:
return '%s:%s %s' % self.__repr__()
def __repr__(self):
return (self.archive, self.obj, self.symbol)
return self.archive, self.obj, self.symbol
def __getitem__(self, spec):
res = None
@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ class Entity:
return res
class EntityDB():
class EntityDB:
Collection of entities extracted from libraries known in the build.
Allows retrieving a list of archives, a list of object files in an archive
@ -116,12 +116,10 @@ class EntityDB():
archive_path = (Literal('In archive').suppress() +
White().suppress() +
# trim the colon and line ending characters from archive_path
lambda s, loc, toks: s.rstrip(':\n\r ')))
parser = archive_path
results = None
results = parser.parseString(first_line, parseAll=True)
except ParseException as p:
@ -132,7 +130,7 @@ class EntityDB():
def _get_infos_from_file(self, info):
# {object}: file format elf32-xtensa-le
object_line = SkipTo(':').setResultsName('object') + Suppress(restOfLine)
object_line = SkipTo(':').set_results_name('object') + Suppress(rest_of_line)
# Sections:
# Idx Name ...
@ -141,12 +139,14 @@ class EntityDB():
# 00 {section} 0000000 ...
section_entry = Suppress(Word(nums)) + SkipTo(' ') + Suppress(restOfLine) + \
Suppress(ZeroOrMore(Word(alphas) + Literal(',')) + Word(alphas))
section_entry = (Suppress(Word(nums)) + SkipTo(' ') + Suppress(rest_of_line)
+ Suppress(ZeroOrMore(Word(alphas) + Literal(',')) + Word(alphas)))
content = Group(
object_line + section_start + section_header + Group(OneOrMore(section_entry)).setResultsName('sections'))
parser = Group(ZeroOrMore(content)).setResultsName('contents')
content = Group(object_line
+ section_start
+ section_header
+ Group(OneOrMore(section_entry)).set_results_name('sections'))
parser = Group(ZeroOrMore(content)).set_results_name('contents')
results = parser.parseString(info.content, parseAll=True)
@ -181,8 +181,9 @@ class EntityDB():
def _match_obj(self, archive, obj):
objs = self.get_objects(archive)
match_objs = fnmatch.filter(objs, obj + '.o') + fnmatch.filter(objs, obj + '.*.obj') + fnmatch.filter(objs,
obj + '.obj')
match_objs = (fnmatch.filter(objs, obj + '.o')
+ fnmatch.filter(objs, obj + '.*.obj')
+ fnmatch.filter(objs, obj + '.obj'))
if len(match_objs) > 1:
raise ValueError("Multiple matches for object: '%s: %s': %s" % (archive, obj, str(match_objs)))
@ -1,220 +1,40 @@
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021-2022 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import abc
import os
import re
from collections import namedtuple
from enum import Enum
from pyparsing import (Combine, Forward, Group, Keyword, Literal, OneOrMore, Optional, Or, ParseFatalException,
Suppress, Word, ZeroOrMore, alphanums, alphas, delimitedList, indentedBlock, nums,
originalTextFor, restOfLine)
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Set, Tuple, Union
from .entity import Entity
from .sdkconfig import SDKConfig
from pyparsing import (Combine, Forward, Group, IndentedBlock, Keyword, LineEnd, Literal, OneOrMore, Opt,
ParseFatalException, SkipTo, Suppress, Word, ZeroOrMore, alphanums, alphas, delimited_list,
nums, rest_of_line)
class FragmentFile():
class Empty:
Processes a fragment file and stores all parsed fragments. For
more information on how this class interacts with classes for the different fragment types,
see description of Fragment.
Return `Empty()` when the sdkconfig does not meet the conditional statements.
def __init__(self, fragment_file, sdkconfig):
fragment_file = open(fragment_file, 'r')
except TypeError:
def __repr__(self):
return '<EMPTY>'
path = os.path.realpath(fragment_file.name)
indent_stack = [1]
class parse_ctx:
fragment = None # current fragment
key = '' # current key
keys = list() # list of keys parsed
key_grammar = None # current key grammar
def reset():
parse_ctx.fragment_instance = None
parse_ctx.key = ''
parse_ctx.keys = list()
parse_ctx.key_grammar = None
def fragment_type_parse_action(toks):
parse_ctx.fragment = FRAGMENT_TYPES[toks[0]]() # create instance of the fragment
return None
def expand_conditionals(toks, stmts):
stmt = toks['value']
except KeyError:
conditions = toks['conditional']
for condition in conditions:
_toks = condition[1]
_cond = condition[0]
if sdkconfig.evaluate_expression(_cond):
expand_conditionals(_toks, stmts)
except IndexError:
expand_conditionals(condition[0], stmts)
except KeyError:
for tok in toks:
expand_conditionals(tok, stmts)
def key_parse_action(pstr, loc, toks):
key = toks[0]
if key in parse_ctx.keys:
raise ParseFatalException(pstr, loc, "duplicate key '%s' value definition" % parse_ctx.key)
parse_ctx.key = key
parse_ctx.key_grammar = parse_ctx.fragment.get_key_grammars()[key]
key_grammar = parse_ctx.key_grammar.grammar
except KeyError:
raise ParseFatalException(pstr, loc, "key '%s' is not supported by fragment" % key)
except Exception as e:
raise ParseFatalException(pstr, loc, "unable to parse key '%s'; %s" % (key, str(e)))
key_stmt << (conditional | Group(key_grammar).setResultsName('value'))
return None
def key_body_parsed(pstr, loc, toks):
stmts = list()
expand_conditionals(toks, stmts)
if parse_ctx.key_grammar.min and len(stmts) < parse_ctx.key_grammar.min:
raise ParseFatalException(pstr, loc, "fragment requires at least %d values for key '%s'" %
(parse_ctx.key_grammar.min, parse_ctx.key))
if parse_ctx.key_grammar.max and len(stmts) > parse_ctx.key_grammar.max:
raise ParseFatalException(pstr, loc, "fragment requires at most %d values for key '%s'" %
(parse_ctx.key_grammar.max, parse_ctx.key))
parse_ctx.fragment.set_key_value(parse_ctx.key, stmts)
except Exception as e:
raise ParseFatalException(pstr, loc, "unable to add key '%s'; %s" % (parse_ctx.key, str(e)))
return None
key = (Word(alphanums + '_') + Suppress(':')).setParseAction(key_parse_action)
key_stmt = Forward()
condition_block = indentedBlock(key_stmt, indent_stack)
key_stmts = OneOrMore(condition_block)
key_body = Suppress(key) + key_stmts
condition = originalTextFor(SDKConfig.get_expression_grammar()).setResultsName('condition')
if_condition = Group(Suppress('if') + condition + Suppress(':') + condition_block)
elif_condition = Group(Suppress('elif') + condition + Suppress(':') + condition_block)
else_condition = Group(Suppress('else') + Suppress(':') + condition_block)
conditional = (if_condition + Optional(OneOrMore(elif_condition)) + Optional(else_condition)).setResultsName(
def name_parse_action(pstr, loc, toks):
parse_ctx.fragment.name = toks[0]
ftype = Word(alphas).setParseAction(fragment_type_parse_action)
fid = Suppress(':') + Word(alphanums + '_.').setResultsName('name')
header = Suppress('[') + ftype + fid + Suppress(']')
def fragment_parse_action(pstr, loc, toks):
key_grammars = parse_ctx.fragment.get_key_grammars()
required_keys = set([k for (k, v) in key_grammars.items() if v.required])
present_keys = required_keys.intersection(set(parse_ctx.keys))
if present_keys != required_keys:
raise ParseFatalException(pstr, loc, 'required keys %s for fragment not found' %
list(required_keys - present_keys))
return parse_ctx.fragment
fragment_stmt = Forward()
fragment_block = indentedBlock(fragment_stmt, indent_stack)
fragment_if_condition = Group(Suppress('if') + condition + Suppress(':') + fragment_block)
fragment_elif_condition = Group(Suppress('elif') + condition + Suppress(':') + fragment_block)
fragment_else_condition = Group(Suppress('else') + Suppress(':') + fragment_block)
fragment_conditional = (fragment_if_condition + Optional(OneOrMore(fragment_elif_condition)) +
fragment = (header + OneOrMore(indentedBlock(key_body, indent_stack, False))).setResultsName('value')
fragment.ignore('#' + restOfLine)
deprecated_mapping = DeprecatedMapping.get_fragment_grammar(sdkconfig, fragment_file.name).setResultsName(
fragment_stmt << (Group(deprecated_mapping) | Group(fragment) | Group(fragment_conditional))
def fragment_stmt_parsed(pstr, loc, toks):
stmts = list()
expand_conditionals(toks, stmts)
return stmts
parser = ZeroOrMore(fragment_stmt).setParseAction(fragment_stmt_parsed)
self.fragments = parser.parseFile(fragment_file, parseAll=True)
for fragment in self.fragments:
fragment.path = path
def __bool__(self):
return False
class Fragment:
Base class for a fragment that can be parsed from a fragment file. All fragments
share the common grammar:
Supporting a new fragment type means deriving a concrete class which specifies
key-value pairs that the fragment supports and what to do with the parsed key-value pairs.
The new fragment must also be appended to FRAGMENT_TYPES, specifying the
keyword for the type and the derived class.
The key of the key-value pair is a simple keyword string. Other parameters
that describe the key-value pair is specified in Fragment.KeyValue:
1. grammar - pyparsing grammar to parse the value of key-value pair
2. min - the minimum number of value in the key entry, None means no minimum
3. max - the maximum number of value in the key entry, None means no maximum
4. required - if the key-value pair is required in the fragment
Setting min=max=1 means that the key has a single value.
FragmentFile provides conditional expression evaluation, enforcing
the parameters for Fragment.Keyvalue.
Base class for a fragment that can be parsed from a fragment file.
__metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta
KeyValue = namedtuple('KeyValue', 'grammar min max required')
IDENTIFIER = Word(alphas + '_', alphanums + '_')
ENTITY = Word(alphanums + '.-_$+')
def set_key_value(self, key, parse_results):
def __init__(self, name: str, entries: Set[Union[str, Tuple[str]]]):
self.name = name
self.entries = entries
def get_key_grammars(self):
def __repr__(self):
return str(self.__dict__)
class Sections(Fragment):
@ -227,24 +47,33 @@ class Sections(Fragment):
# Unless quoted, symbol names start with a letter, underscore, or point
# and may include any letters, underscores, digits, points, and hyphens.
GNU_LD_SYMBOLS = Word(alphas + '_.', alphanums + '._-')
ENTRY = Combine(Word(alphas + '_.', alphanums + '._-') + Opt('+')) + LineEnd().suppress()
entries_grammar = Combine(GNU_LD_SYMBOLS + Optional('+'))
def parse_entry(toks):
# section
return toks[0]
grammars = {
'entries': Fragment.KeyValue(entries_grammar.setResultsName('section'), 1, None, True)
def parse(s, loc, toks):
this = toks[0]
Utility function that returns a list of sections given a sections fragment entry,
with the '+' notation and symbol concatenation handled automatically.
name = this[0]
entries = {entry for entry in this[1] if entry}
if not entries:
raise ParseFatalException(s, loc, 'Sections entries shouldn\'t be empty')
return Sections(name, entries)
def get_section_data_from_entry(sections_entry, symbol=None):
Returns a list of sections given a sections fragment entry,
with the '+' notation and symbol concatenation handled automatically.
if not symbol:
sections = list()
sections.append(sections_entry.replace('+', ''))
@ -254,18 +83,9 @@ class Sections(Fragment):
if sections_entry.endswith('+'):
section = sections_entry.replace('+', '.*')
expansion = section.replace('.*', '.' + symbol)
return (section, expansion)
return section, expansion
return (sections_entry, None)
def set_key_value(self, key, parse_results):
if key == 'entries':
self.entries = set()
for result in parse_results:
def get_key_grammars(self):
return self.__class__.grammars
return sections_entry, None
class Scheme(Fragment):
@ -279,20 +99,184 @@ class Scheme(Fragment):
sections1 -> target1
ENTRY = Fragment.IDENTIFIER + Suppress('->') + Fragment.IDENTIFIER + LineEnd().suppress()
grammars = {
'entries': Fragment.KeyValue(Fragment.IDENTIFIER.setResultsName('sections') + Suppress('->') +
Fragment.IDENTIFIER.setResultsName('target'), 1, None, True)
def parse_entry(toks):
# section, target
return toks[0], toks[1]
def set_key_value(self, key, parse_results):
if key == 'entries':
self.entries = set()
for result in parse_results:
self.entries.add((result['sections'], result['target']))
def parse(s, loc, toks):
this = toks[0]
def get_key_grammars(self):
return self.__class__.grammars
name = this[0]
entries = {entry for entry in this[1] if entry}
if not entries:
raise ParseFatalException(s, loc, 'Scheme entries shouldn\'t be empty')
return Scheme(name, entries)
class EntryFlag:
def __repr__(self):
return str(self.__dict__)
class Surround(EntryFlag):
'__symbol_start', '__symbol_end' is generated before and after
the corresponding input section description, respectively.
SURROUND = (Keyword('SURROUND').suppress()
+ Suppress('(')
+ Suppress(')'))
def __init__(self, symbol: str):
self.symbol = symbol
self.pre = True
self.post = True
def __eq__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, Surround):
if self.symbol == other.symbol and self.pre == other.pre and self.post == other.post:
return True
return False
def parse(toks):
return Surround(toks[0])
class Align(EntryFlag):
ALIGN(alignment, [, pre, post]).
Generates alignment command before and/or after the corresponding
input section description, depending on whether pre, post or
both are specified.
PRE = Opt(Suppress(',') + Suppress('pre')).set_results_name('pre')
POST = Opt(Suppress(',') + Suppress('post')).set_results_name('post')
ALIGN = (Keyword('ALIGN').suppress()
+ Suppress('(')
+ Word(nums)
+ Suppress(')'))
def __init__(self, alignment, pre=True, post=False):
self.alignment = alignment
self.pre = pre
self.post = post
def __eq__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, Align):
if self.alignment == other.alignment and self.pre == other.pre and self.post == other.post:
return True
return False
def parse(toks):
alignment = int(toks[0])
if toks.post == '':
return Align(alignment)
if toks.pre == '' and toks.post != '':
return Align(alignment, False, True)
return Align(alignment, True, True)
class Keep(EntryFlag):
Surrounds input section description with KEEP command.
KEEP = Keyword('KEEP()')
def __eq__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, Keep):
return True
return False
def parse():
return Keep()
class Sort(EntryFlag):
SORT([sort_by_first, sort_by_second])
where sort_by_first, sort_by_second = {name, alignment, init_priority}
depending on arguments. Nested sort follows linker script rules.
_keywords = Keyword('name') | Keyword('alignment') | Keyword('init_priority')
SORT = (Keyword('SORT').suppress()
+ Suppress('(')
+ _keywords.set_results_name('first')
+ Opt(Suppress(',') + _keywords.set_results_name('second'))
+ Suppress(')'))
def __init__(self, first: str, second: Optional[str] = None):
self.first = first
self.second = second
def __eq__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, Sort):
if self.first == other.first and self.second == other.second:
return True
return False
def parse(toks):
return Sort(toks.first, toks.second or None)
class Flag:
_section_target = Fragment.IDENTIFIER + Suppress('->') + Fragment.IDENTIFIER
_flag = (Surround.SURROUND.set_parse_action(Surround.parse)
| Align.ALIGN.set_parse_action(Align.parse)
| Keep.KEEP.set_parse_action(Keep.parse)
| Sort.SORT.set_parse_action(Sort.parse))
FLAG = _section_target + OneOrMore(_flag)
def __init__(self, section: str, target: str, flags: List[EntryFlag]):
self.section = section
self.target = target
self.flags = flags
def __eq__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, Flag):
if self.section == other.section and self.target == other.target and len(self.flags) == len(other.flags):
for i, j in zip(self.flags, other.flags):
if i != j:
return True
return False
def parse(toks):
return Flag(toks[0], toks[1], toks[2:])
def __repr__(self):
return str(self.__dict__)
class Mapping(Fragment):
@ -316,295 +300,174 @@ class Mapping(Fragment):
class Flag():
PRE_POST = (Optional(Suppress(',') + Suppress('pre').setParseAction(lambda: True).setResultsName('pre')) +
Optional(Suppress(',') + Suppress('post').setParseAction(lambda: True).setResultsName('post')))
_any = Literal('*')
_obj = Word(alphas + '_', alphanums + '-_').set_results_name('object')
_sym = Fragment.IDENTIFIER.set_results_name('symbol')
class Surround(Flag):
def __init__(self, symbol):
self.symbol = symbol
self.pre = True
self.post = True
# There are three possible patterns for mapping entries:
# obj:symbol (scheme)
# obj (scheme)
# * (scheme)
_entry = (((_obj + Opt(Suppress(':') + _sym)) | _any.set_results_name('object'))
+ Suppress('(')
+ Fragment.IDENTIFIER.set_results_name('section')
+ Suppress(')'))
def get_grammar():
# SURROUND(symbol)
# '__symbol_start', '__symbol_end' is generated before and after
# the corresponding input section description, respectively.
grammar = (Keyword('SURROUND').suppress() +
Suppress('(') +
Fragment.IDENTIFIER.setResultsName('symbol') +
ENTRY = _entry + LineEnd().suppress()
ARCHIVE = (Word(alphanums + '.-_$+') | Literal('*')) + LineEnd().suppress()
grammar.setParseAction(lambda tok: Mapping.Surround(tok.symbol))
return grammar
# Flags can be specified for section->target in the scheme specified, ex:
# obj (scheme);
# section->target SURROUND(symbol),
# section2->target2 ALIGN(4)
ENTRY_WITH_FLAG = (_entry + Suppress(';')
+ delimited_list(Flag.FLAG.set_parse_action(Flag.parse)))
def __eq__(self, other):
return (isinstance(other, Mapping.Surround) and
self.symbol == other.symbol)
class Align(Flag):
def __init__(self, alignment, pre=True, post=False):
self.alignment = alignment
self.pre = pre
self.post = post
def get_grammar():
# ALIGN(alignment, [, pre, post]).
# Generates alignment command before and/or after the corresponding
# input section description, depending whether pre, post or
# both are specified.
grammar = (Keyword('ALIGN').suppress() +
Suppress('(') +
Word(nums).setResultsName('alignment') +
Mapping.Flag.PRE_POST +
def on_parse(tok):
alignment = int(tok.alignment)
if tok.pre == '' and tok.post == '':
res = Mapping.Align(alignment)
elif tok.pre != '' and tok.post == '':
res = Mapping.Align(alignment, tok.pre)
elif tok.pre == '' and tok.post != '':
res = Mapping.Align(alignment, False, tok.post)
res = Mapping.Align(alignment, tok.pre, tok.post)
return res
return grammar
def __eq__(self, other):
return (isinstance(other, Mapping.Align) and
self.alignment == other.alignment and
self.pre == other.pre and
self.post == other.post)
class Keep(Flag):
def __init__(self):
def get_grammar():
# KEEP()
# Surrounds input section description with KEEP command.
grammar = Keyword('KEEP()').setParseAction(Mapping.Keep)
return grammar
def __eq__(self, other):
return isinstance(other, Mapping.Keep)
class Sort(Flag):
class Type(Enum):
NAME = 0
def __init__(self, first, second=None):
self.first = first
self.second = second
def get_grammar():
# SORT([sort_by_first, sort_by_second])
# where sort_by_first, sort_by_second = {name, alignment, init_priority}
# depending on arguments. Nested sort follows linker script rules.
keywords = Keyword('name') | Keyword('alignment') | Keyword('init_priority')
grammar = (Keyword('SORT').suppress() + Suppress('(') +
keywords.setResultsName('first') +
Optional(Suppress(',') + keywords.setResultsName('second')) + Suppress(')'))
grammar.setParseAction(lambda tok: Mapping.Sort(tok.first, tok.second if tok.second != '' else None))
return grammar
def __eq__(self, other):
return (isinstance(other, Mapping.Sort) and
self.first == other.first and
self.second == other.second)
def __init__(self):
self.entries = set()
# k = (obj, symbol, scheme)
# v = list((section, target), Mapping.Flag))
self.flags = dict()
self.deprecated = False
def set_key_value(self, key, parse_results):
if key == 'archive':
self.archive = parse_results[0]['archive']
elif key == 'entries':
for result in parse_results:
obj = None
symbol = None
scheme = None
obj = result['object']
symbol = result['symbol']
except KeyError:
scheme = result['scheme']
mapping = (obj, symbol, scheme)
parsed_flags = result['sections_target_flags']
except KeyError:
parsed_flags = []
if parsed_flags:
entry_flags = []
for pf in parsed_flags:
entry_flags.append((pf.sections, pf.target, list(pf.flags)))
existing_flags = self.flags[mapping]
except KeyError:
existing_flags = list()
self.flags[mapping] = existing_flags
def get_key_grammars(self):
# There are three possible patterns for mapping entries:
# obj:symbol (scheme)
# obj (scheme)
# * (scheme)
# Flags can be specified for section->target in the scheme specified, ex:
# obj (scheme); section->target SURROUND(symbol), section2->target2 ALIGN(4)
obj = Fragment.ENTITY.setResultsName('object')
symbol = Suppress(':') + Fragment.IDENTIFIER.setResultsName('symbol')
scheme = Suppress('(') + Fragment.IDENTIFIER.setResultsName('scheme') + Suppress(')')
# The flags are specified for section->target in the scheme specified
sections_target = Scheme.grammars['entries'].grammar
flag = Or([f.get_grammar() for f in [Mapping.Keep, Mapping.Align, Mapping.Surround, Mapping.Sort]])
section_target_flags = Group(sections_target + Group(OneOrMore(flag)).setResultsName('flags'))
pattern1 = obj + symbol
pattern2 = obj
pattern3 = Literal(Entity.ALL).setResultsName('object')
entry = ((pattern1 | pattern2 | pattern3) + scheme +
Optional(Suppress(';') + delimitedList(section_target_flags).setResultsName('sections_target_flags')))
grammars = {
'archive': Fragment.KeyValue(Or([Fragment.ENTITY, Word(Entity.ALL)]).setResultsName('archive'), 1, 1,
'entries': Fragment.KeyValue(entry, 0, None, True)
return grammars
class DeprecatedMapping():
Mapping fragment with old grammar in versions older than ESP-IDF v4.0. Does not conform to
requirements of the Fragment class and thus is limited when it comes to conditional expression
# Name of the default condition entry
def __init__(self, archive: str, flags: Dict[Any, Flag], *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.archive = archive
self.flags = flags
def get_fragment_grammar(sdkconfig, fragment_file):
def parse_archive(s, loc, toks):
this = toks[0][0]
if len(this) != 1:
raise ParseFatalException(s, loc, 'Could only specify one archive file in one mapping fragment')
# Match header [mapping]
header = Suppress('[') + Suppress('mapping') + Suppress(']')
return this[0]
# There are three possible patterns for mapping entries:
# obj:symbol (scheme)
# obj (scheme)
# * (scheme)
obj = Fragment.ENTITY.setResultsName('object')
symbol = Suppress(':') + Fragment.IDENTIFIER.setResultsName('symbol')
scheme = Suppress('(') + Fragment.IDENTIFIER.setResultsName('scheme') + Suppress(')')
def parse_entry(toks):
return toks.object, toks.symbol or None, toks.section
pattern1 = Group(obj + symbol + scheme)
pattern2 = Group(obj + scheme)
pattern3 = Group(Literal(Entity.ALL).setResultsName('object') + scheme)
def parse_entry_with_flag(toks):
entry = toks.object, toks.symbol or None, toks.section
return {
entry: [tok for tok in toks if isinstance(tok, Flag)]
mapping_entry = pattern1 | pattern2 | pattern3
def parse_entries(toks):
return toks[0]
# To simplify parsing, classify groups of condition-mapping entry into two types: normal and default
# A normal grouping is one with a non-default condition. The default grouping is one which contains the
# default condition
mapping_entries = Group(ZeroOrMore(mapping_entry)).setResultsName('mappings')
def parse(toks):
this = toks[0]
normal_condition = Suppress(':') + originalTextFor(SDKConfig.get_expression_grammar())
default_condition = Optional(Suppress(':') + Literal(DeprecatedMapping.DEFAULT_CONDITION))
name = this[0]
archive = this[1]
entries_or_dict_with_flags = this[2]
normal_group = Group(normal_condition.setResultsName('condition') + mapping_entries)
default_group = Group(default_condition + mapping_entries).setResultsName('default_group')
entries = set()
flags = dict()
for item in entries_or_dict_with_flags:
if isinstance(item, Empty):
elif isinstance(item, dict): # entry with flags
for k, v in item.items():
if k in flags:
flags[k] = v
normal_groups = Group(ZeroOrMore(normal_group)).setResultsName('normal_groups')
# Any mapping fragment definition can have zero or more normal group and only one default group as a last entry.
archive = Suppress('archive') + Suppress(':') + Fragment.ENTITY.setResultsName('archive')
entries = Suppress('entries') + Suppress(':') + (normal_groups + default_group).setResultsName('entries')
mapping = Group(header + archive + entries)
mapping.ignore('#' + restOfLine)
def parsed_deprecated_mapping(pstr, loc, toks):
fragment = Mapping()
fragment.archive = toks[0].archive
fragment.name = re.sub(r'[^0-9a-zA-Z]+', '_', fragment.archive)
fragment.deprecated = True
fragment.entries = set()
condition_true = False
for entries in toks[0].entries[0]:
condition = next(iter(entries.condition.asList())).strip()
condition_val = sdkconfig.evaluate_expression(condition)
if condition_val:
for entry in entries[1]:
(entry.object, None if entry.symbol == '' else entry.symbol, entry.scheme))
condition_true = True
if not fragment.entries and not condition_true:
entries = toks[0].entries[1][1]
except IndexError:
entries = toks[0].entries[1][0]
for entry in entries:
fragment.entries.add((entry.object, None if entry.symbol == '' else entry.symbol, entry.scheme))
if not fragment.entries:
fragment.entries.add(('*', None, 'default'))
dep_warning = str(ParseFatalException(pstr, loc,
'Warning: Deprecated old-style mapping fragment parsed in file %s.' % fragment_file))
return fragment
return mapping
return Mapping(archive=archive, name=name, entries=entries, flags=flags)
'sections': Sections,
'scheme': Scheme,
'mapping': Mapping
class FragmentFile:
Processes a fragment file and stores all parsed fragments. For
more information on how this class interacts with classes for the different fragment types,
see description of Fragment.
def __init__(self, fragments: List[Fragment]):
self.path = None # assign later, couldn't pass extra argument while parsing
self.fragments: List[Fragment] = fragments
def __repr__(self):
return str(self.__dict__)
def parse_fragment_file(path, sdkconfig):
def parse_conditional(toks):
this = toks[0]
for stmt in this:
if stmt[0] in ['if', 'elif']: # if/elif
if sdkconfig.evaluate_expression(stmt.condition):
return stmt[-1]
else: # else
return stmt[-1]
return Empty()
def get_conditional_stmt(_stmt):
condition = SkipTo(':').set_results_name('condition') + Suppress(':')
_suite = IndentedBlock(_stmt)
if_decl = Literal('if') + condition
elif_decl = Literal('elif') + condition
else_decl = Literal('else:')
if_ = Group(if_decl + _suite)
elif_ = Group(elif_decl + _suite)
else_ = Group(else_decl + _suite)
return Group(if_ + Opt(OneOrMore(elif_)) + Opt(else_)).set_parse_action(parse_conditional)
def get_suite(_stmt):
__stmt = Forward()
__conditional = get_conditional_stmt(__stmt)
__stmt <<= (comment
| _stmt
| __conditional)
return IndentedBlock(__stmt)
def parse(toks):
return FragmentFile([tok for tok in toks if not isinstance(tok, Empty)])
# comment
comment = (Literal('#') + rest_of_line).set_parse_action(lambda s, l, t: Empty())
# section
section_entry = Sections.ENTRY.set_parse_action(Sections.parse_entry)
section_entries_suite = get_suite(section_entry)
section_header = Suppress('[sections:') + Fragment.IDENTIFIER + Suppress(']') + LineEnd().suppress()
section = Group(section_header
+ Suppress('entries:')
+ section_entries_suite).set_parse_action(Sections.parse)
# scheme
scheme_entry = Scheme.ENTRY.set_parse_action(Scheme.parse_entry)
scheme_entries_suite = get_suite(scheme_entry)
scheme_header = Suppress('[scheme:') + Fragment.IDENTIFIER + Suppress(']') + LineEnd().suppress()
scheme = Group(scheme_header
+ Suppress('entries:')
+ scheme_entries_suite).set_parse_action(Scheme.parse)
# mapping
mapping_archive = Mapping.ARCHIVE
mapping_archive_suite = get_suite(mapping_archive)
mapping_entry = Mapping.ENTRY.set_parse_action(Mapping.parse_entry)
mapping_entry_with_flag = Mapping.ENTRY_WITH_FLAG.set_parse_action(Mapping.parse_entry_with_flag)
mapping_entries_suite = get_suite(mapping_entry | mapping_entry_with_flag)
mapping_header = Suppress('[mapping:') + Fragment.IDENTIFIER + Suppress(']')
mapping = Group(mapping_header
+ Group(Suppress('archive:')
+ mapping_archive_suite).set_parse_action(Mapping.parse_archive)
+ Group(Suppress('entries:')
+ mapping_entries_suite).set_parse_action(Mapping.parse_entries)
# highest level
fragment = (section
| scheme
| mapping
| get_conditional_stmt(section | scheme | mapping))
parser = ZeroOrMore(fragment).ignore(comment).set_parse_action(parse)
fragment_file = parser.parse_file(path, parse_all=True)[0]
fragment_file.path = path
return fragment_file
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021-2022 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import itertools
from collections import namedtuple
from .entity import Entity
from .fragments import Mapping, Scheme, Sections
from .fragments import Keep, Scheme, Sections, Sort, Surround
from .ldgen_common import LdGenFailure
from .output_commands import AlignAtAddress, InputSectionDesc, SymbolAtAddress
@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ class Placement:
class EntityNode():
class EntityNode:
Node in entity tree. An EntityNode
is created from an Entity (see entity.py).
@ -183,16 +183,16 @@ class EntityNode():
placement_flags = placement.flags if placement.flags is not None else []
for flag in placement_flags:
if isinstance(flag, Mapping.Keep):
if isinstance(flag, Keep):
keep = True
elif isinstance(flag, Mapping.Sort):
elif isinstance(flag, Sort):
sort = (flag.first, flag.second)
for flag in surround_type:
if flag.pre:
if isinstance(flag, Mapping.Surround):
if isinstance(flag, Surround):
commands[placement.target].append(SymbolAtAddress('_%s_start' % flag.symbol))
else: # ALIGN
@ -206,8 +206,8 @@ class EntityNode():
[e.node.entity for e in placement.exclusions], keep, sort)
# Generate commands for intermediate, non-explicit exclusion placements here, so that they can be enclosed by
# flags that affect the parent placement.
# Generate commands for intermediate, non-explicit exclusion placements here,
# so that they can be enclosed by flags that affect the parent placement.
for subplacement in placement.subplacements:
if not subplacement.flags and not subplacement.explicit:
command = InputSectionDesc(subplacement.node.entity, subplacement.sections,
@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ class EntityNode():
for flag in surround_type:
if flag.post:
if isinstance(flag, Mapping.Surround):
if isinstance(flag, Surround):
commands[placement.target].append(SymbolAtAddress('_%s_end' % flag.symbol))
else: # ALIGN
@ -387,7 +387,7 @@ class Generation:
for (sections_name, target_name) in scheme.entries:
# Get the sections under the bucket 'target_name'. If this bucket does not exist
# is is created automatically
# is created automatically
sections_in_bucket = sections_bucket[target_name]
@ -449,10 +449,11 @@ class Generation:
flags = mapping.flags[(obj, symbol, scheme_name)]
# Check if all section->target defined in the current
# scheme.
for (s, t, f) in flags:
if (t not in scheme_dictionary[scheme_name].keys()
or s not in [_s.name for _s in scheme_dictionary[scheme_name][t]]):
message = "%s->%s not defined in scheme '%s'" % (s, t, scheme_name)
for flag in flags:
if (flag.target not in scheme_dictionary[scheme_name].keys()
or flag.section not in
[_s.name for _s in scheme_dictionary[scheme_name][flag.target]]):
message = "%s->%s not defined in scheme '%s'" % (flag.section, flag.target, scheme_name)
raise GenerationException(message, mapping)
flags = None
@ -464,9 +465,9 @@ class Generation:
_flags = []
if flags:
for (s, t, f) in flags:
if (s, t) == (section.name, target):
for flag in flags:
if (flag.section, flag.target) == (section.name, target):
sections_str = get_section_strs(section)
@ -481,18 +482,18 @@ class Generation:
entity_mappings[key] = Generation.EntityMapping(entity, sections_str, target, _flags)
# Check for conflicts.
if (target != existing.target):
if target != existing.target:
raise GenerationException('Sections mapped to multiple targets.', mapping)
# Combine flags here if applicable, to simplify
# insertion logic.
if (_flags or existing.flags):
if ((_flags and not existing.flags) or (not _flags and existing.flags)):
if _flags or existing.flags:
if (_flags and not existing.flags) or (not _flags and existing.flags):
entity_mappings[key] = Generation.EntityMapping(entity,
target, _flags)
elif (_flags == existing.flags):
elif _flags == existing.flags:
raise GenerationException('Conflicting flags specified.', mapping)
@ -521,25 +522,22 @@ class Generation:
def add_fragments_from_file(self, fragment_file):
for fragment in fragment_file.fragments:
if isinstance(fragment, Mapping) and fragment.deprecated and fragment.name in self.mappings.keys():
self.mappings[fragment.name].entries |= fragment.entries
if isinstance(fragment, Scheme):
dict_to_append_to = self.schemes
elif isinstance(fragment, Sections):
dict_to_append_to = self.placements
if isinstance(fragment, Scheme):
dict_to_append_to = self.schemes
elif isinstance(fragment, Sections):
dict_to_append_to = self.placements
dict_to_append_to = self.mappings
dict_to_append_to = self.mappings
# Raise exception when the fragment of the same type is already in the stored fragments
if fragment.name in dict_to_append_to.keys():
stored = dict_to_append_to[fragment.name].path
new = fragment.path
message = "Duplicate definition of fragment '%s' found in %s and %s." % (
fragment.name, stored, new)
raise GenerationException(message)
# Raise exception when the fragment of the same type is already in the stored fragments
if fragment.name in dict_to_append_to:
stored = dict_to_append_to[fragment.name].path
new = fragment.path
message = "Duplicate definition of fragment '%s' found in %s and %s." % (
fragment.name, stored, new)
raise GenerationException(message)
dict_to_append_to[fragment.name] = fragment
dict_to_append_to[fragment.name] = fragment
class GenerationException(LdGenFailure):
@ -1,13 +1,9 @@
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021-2022 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
class LdGenFailure(RuntimeError):
Parent class for any ldgen runtime failure which is due to input data
def __init__(self, message):
super(LdGenFailure, self).__init__(message)
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021-2022 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
@ -33,24 +33,21 @@ class LinkerScript:
lines = template_file.readlines()
target = Fragment.IDENTIFIER
reference = Suppress('mapping') + Suppress('[') + target.setResultsName('target') + Suppress(']')
pattern = White(' \t').setResultsName('indent') + reference
reference = Suppress('mapping') + Suppress('[') + target + Suppress(']')
pattern = White(' \t') + reference
# Find the markers in the template file line by line. If line does not match marker grammar,
# set it as a literal to be copied as is to the output file.
for line in lines:
parsed = pattern.parseString(line)
indent = parsed.indent
target = parsed.target
marker = LinkerScript.Marker(target, indent, [])
parsed = pattern.parse_string(line)
except ParseException:
# Does not match marker syntax
indent, target = parsed
marker = LinkerScript.Marker(target, indent, [])
def fill(self, mapping_rules):
for member in self.members:
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021-2022 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ from .entity import Entity
# https://www.acrc.bris.ac.uk/acrc/RedHat/rhel-ld-en-4/sections.html#OUTPUT-SECTION-DESCRIPTION.
class AlignAtAddress():
class AlignAtAddress:
Outputs assignment of builtin function ALIGN to current
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ class AlignAtAddress():
self.alignment == other.alignment)
class SymbolAtAddress():
class SymbolAtAddress:
Outputs assignment of builtin function ABSOLUTE to a symbol
for current position:
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ class SymbolAtAddress():
self.symbol == other.symbol)
class InputSectionDesc():
class InputSectionDesc:
Outputs an input section description as described in
@ -1,35 +1,19 @@
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021-2022 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import kconfiglib
from pyparsing import (Combine, Group, Literal, Optional, Word, alphanums, hexnums, infixNotation, nums, oneOf,
opAssoc, printables, quotedString, removeQuotes)
class SDKConfig:
Evaluates conditional expressions based on the build's sdkconfig and Kconfig files.
This also defines the grammar of conditional expressions.
# A configuration entry is in the form CONFIG=VALUE. Definitions of components of that grammar
IDENTIFIER = Word(alphanums.upper() + '_')
HEX = Combine('0x' + Word(hexnums)).setParseAction(lambda t: int(t[0], 16))
DECIMAL = Combine(Optional(Literal('+') | Literal('-')) + Word(nums)).setParseAction(lambda t: int(t[0]))
LITERAL = Word(printables.replace(':', ''))
QUOTED_LITERAL = quotedString.setParseAction(removeQuotes)
# Operators supported by the expression evaluation
OPERATOR = oneOf(['=', '!=', '>', '<', '<=', '>='])
def __init__(self, kconfig_file, sdkconfig_file):
self.config = kconfiglib.Kconfig(kconfig_file)
self.config.warn = False # eval_string may contain un-declared symbol
def evaluate_expression(self, expression):
result = self.config.eval_string(expression)
@ -40,23 +24,3 @@ class SDKConfig:
return True
else: # m
raise Exception('unsupported config expression result')
def get_expression_grammar():
identifier = SDKConfig.IDENTIFIER.setResultsName('identifier')
operator = SDKConfig.OPERATOR.setResultsName('operator')
value = SDKConfig.VALUE.setResultsName('value')
test_binary = identifier + operator + value
test_single = identifier
test = test_binary | test_single
condition = Group(Optional('(').suppress() + test + Optional(')').suppress())
grammar = infixNotation(condition, [
('!', 1, opAssoc.RIGHT),
('&&', 2, opAssoc.LEFT),
('||', 2, opAssoc.LEFT)])
return grammar
@ -1,17 +1,18 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding=utf-8
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2018-2021 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2018-2022 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import os
import sys
import unittest
from ldgen.entity import Entity, EntityDB
except ImportError:
from ldgen.entity import Entity, EntityDB
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021-2022 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
@ -10,20 +10,23 @@ import os
import sys
import tempfile
import unittest
from ldgen.generation import Generation, GenerationException
except ImportError:
from ldgen.generation import Generation, GenerationException
from io import StringIO
from ldgen.entity import Entity, EntityDB
from ldgen.fragments import FragmentFile
from ldgen.linker_script import LinkerScript
from ldgen.output_commands import AlignAtAddress, InputSectionDesc, SymbolAtAddress
from ldgen.sdkconfig import SDKConfig
from ldgen.entity import Entity, EntityDB
from ldgen.fragments import parse_fragment_file
from ldgen.generation import Generation, GenerationException
from ldgen.linker_script import LinkerScript
from ldgen.output_commands import AlignAtAddress, InputSectionDesc, SymbolAtAddress
from ldgen.sdkconfig import SDKConfig
except ImportError:
from ldgen.entity import Entity, EntityDB
from ldgen.fragments import parse_fragment_file
from ldgen.generation import Generation, GenerationException
from ldgen.linker_script import LinkerScript
from ldgen.output_commands import AlignAtAddress, InputSectionDesc, SymbolAtAddress
from ldgen.sdkconfig import SDKConfig
ROOT = Entity('*')
@ -58,9 +61,8 @@ class GenerationTest(unittest.TestCase):
self.sdkconfig = SDKConfig('data/Kconfig', 'data/sdkconfig')
with open('data/base.lf') as fragment_file_obj:
fragment_file = FragmentFile(fragment_file_obj, self.sdkconfig)
fragment_file = parse_fragment_file('data/base.lf', self.sdkconfig)
self.entities = EntityDB()
@ -78,7 +80,7 @@ class GenerationTest(unittest.TestCase):
def add_fragments(self, text):
fragment_file = self.create_fragment_file(text)
fragment_file = FragmentFile(fragment_file, self.sdkconfig)
fragment_file = parse_fragment_file(fragment_file, self.sdkconfig)
def write(self, expected, actual):
@ -1062,43 +1064,6 @@ entries:
with self.assertRaises(GenerationException):
def test_disambiguated_obj(self):
# Test command generation for disambiguated entry. Should produce similar
# results to test_nondefault_mapping_symbol.
mapping = u"""
archive: libfreertos.a
port.c:xPortGetTickRateHz (noflash) #1
port = Entity('libfreertos.a', 'port.c')
actual = self.generation.generate(self.entities)
expected = self.generate_default_rules()
flash_text = expected['flash_text']
iram0_text = expected['iram0_text']
# Generate exclusion in flash_text A
# Generate intermediate command B
# List all relevant sections except the symbol
# being mapped
port_sections = self.entities.get_sections('libfreertos.a', 'port.c')
filtered_sections = fnmatch.filter(port_sections, '.literal.*')
filtered_sections.extend(fnmatch.filter(port_sections, '.text.*'))
filtered_sections = [s for s in filtered_sections if not s.endswith('xPortGetTickRateHz')]
flash_text.append(InputSectionDesc(port, set(filtered_sections), []))
# Input section commands in iram_text for #1 C
iram0_text.append(InputSectionDesc(port, set(['.text.xPortGetTickRateHz', '.literal.xPortGetTickRateHz']), []))
self.compare_rules(expected, actual)
def test_root_mapping_fragment_conflict(self):
# Test that root mapping fragments are also checked for
# conflicts.
@ -1258,84 +1223,6 @@ entries:
self.compare_rules(expected, actual)
def test_conditional_on_scheme_legacy_mapping_00(self):
# Test use of conditional scheme on legacy mapping fragment grammar.
mapping = u"""
archive: lib.a
* (cond_noflash)
self._test_conditional_on_scheme(0, mapping)
def test_conditional_on_scheme_legacy_mapping_01(self):
# Test use of conditional scheme on legacy mapping fragment grammar.
mapping = u"""
archive: lib.a
* (cond_noflash)
self._test_conditional_on_scheme(0, mapping)
def test_conditional_entries_legacy_mapping_fragment(self):
# Test conditional entries on legacy mapping fragment grammar.
mapping = u"""
archive: *
* (default)
archive: lib.a
obj1 (noflash)
obj1 (noflash)
obj2 (noflash)
obj1 (noflash)
obj2 (noflash)
obj3 (noflash)
def test_multiple_fragment_same_lib_conditional_legacy(self):
# Test conditional entries on legacy mapping fragment grammar
# across multiple fragments.
mapping = u"""
archive: *
* (default)
archive: lib.a
obj1 (noflash)
obj1 (noflash)
obj1 (noflash)
archive: lib.a
obj1 (noflash) # ignore duplicate definition
obj2 (noflash)
obj2 (noflash)
obj3 (noflash)
def test_multiple_fragment_same_lib_conditional(self):
# Test conditional entries on new mapping fragment grammar.
# across multiple fragments.
@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021-2022 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import os
import sys
import unittest
@ -11,7 +12,7 @@ try:
from ldgen.entity import Entity
from ldgen.output_commands import AlignAtAddress, InputSectionDesc, SymbolAtAddress
except ImportError:
from ldgen.entity import Entity
from ldgen.output_commands import AlignAtAddress, InputSectionDesc, SymbolAtAddress
Reference in New Issue
Block a user