mirror of
synced 2025-03-09 17:19:09 -04:00
build system: Remove need for $(Q) macro in recipes, use --silent in MAKEFLAGS instead
This commit is contained in:
.PHONY: bootloader-clean bootloader-flash bootloader $(BOOTLOADER_BIN)
$(Q) $(BOOTLOADER_MAKE) app-clean
$(BOOTLOADER_MAKE) app-clean
clean: bootloader-clean
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ bootloader-flash: $(BOOTLOADER_BIN)
$(Q) mkdir -p $@
mkdir -p $@
CFLAGS += -D BOOTLOADER_BUILD=1 -I $(IDF_PATH)/components/esp32/include
$(Q) $(ESPTOOLPY) elf2image $(ESPTOOL_FLASH_OPTIONS) -o $@ $<
$(ESPTOOLPY) elf2image $(ESPTOOL_FLASH_OPTIONS) -o $@ $<
flash: all_binaries $(ESPTOOLPY_SRC)
@echo "Flashing binaries to serial port $(ESPPORT) (app at offset $(CONFIG_APP_OFFSET))..."
app-flash: $(APP_BIN) $(ESPTOOLPY_SRC)
@echo "Flashing app to serial port $(ESPPORT), offset $(CONFIG_APP_OFFSET)..."
$(eval $(call SubmoduleCheck,$(ESPTOOLPY_SRC),$(COMPONENT_PATH)/esptool))
@echo "Building partitions from $(PARTITION_TABLE_CSV_PATH)..."
$(Q) $(GEN_ESP32PART) $< $@
$(GEN_ESP32PART) $< $@
all_binaries: $(PARTITION_TABLE_BIN)
@ -30,16 +30,16 @@ ESPTOOL_ALL_FLASH_ARGS += 0x4000 $(PARTITION_TABLE_BIN)
partition_table: $(PARTITION_TABLE_BIN)
@echo "Partition table binary generated. Contents:"
@echo $(SEPARATOR)
$(Q) $(GEN_ESP32PART) $<
@echo $(SEPARATOR)
@echo "Partition flashing command:"
partition_table-flash: $(PARTITION_TABLE_BIN)
@echo "Flashing partition table..."
clean: partition_table-clean
@ -275,6 +275,18 @@ Second Level: Component Makefiles
To better understand the component make process, have a read through the ``component_wrapper.mk`` file and some of the ``component.mk`` files included with esp-idf.
Debugging The Make Process
Some tips for debugging the esp-idf build system:
- Appending ``V=1`` to the make arguments (or setting it as an environment variable) will cause make to echo all commands executed, and also each directory as it is entered for a sub-make.
- Running ``make -w`` will cause make to echo each directory as it is entered for a sub-make - same as ``V=1`` but without also echoing all commands.
- Running ``make --trace`` (possibly in addition to one of the above arguments) will print out every target as it is built, and the dependency which caused it to be built.
- Running ``make -p`` prints a (very verbose) summary of every generated target in each makefile.
For more debugging tips and general make information, see the `GNU Make Manual`.
Overriding Parts of the Project
@ -395,24 +407,6 @@ component's name would have to be added to the other component's
``COMPONENT_DEPENDS`` list to ensure that the components were built
Cosmetic Improvements
The above example will work just fine, but there's one last cosmetic
improvement that can be done. The make system tries to make the make
process somewhat easier on the eyes by hiding the commands (unless you
run make with the V=1 switch) and this does not do that yet. Here's an
improved version that will output in the same style as the rest of the
make process::
COMPONENT_EXTRA_CLEAN := test_tjpgd_logo.h
graphics_lib.o: logo.h
logo.h: $(COMPONENT_PATH)/logo.bmp
$(summary) BMP2H $@
$(Q) bmp2h -i $^ -o $@
Fully Overriding The Component Makefile
@ -16,13 +16,14 @@ export SDKCONFIG_MAKEFILE # sub-makes (like bootloader) will reuse this path
# if V is unset or not 1, $(summary) echoes a summary and $(details) does nothing
ifeq ("$(V)","1")
Q :=
summary := @true
details := @echo
Q := @
summary := @echo
details := @true
# disable echoing of commands, directory names
MAKEFLAGS += --silent
# Pseudo-target to check a git submodule has been properly initialised
@ -36,8 +37,8 @@ endif
define SubmoduleCheck
@echo "WARNING: Missing submodule $(2) for $$@..."
$(Q) [ -d ${IDF_PATH}/.git ] || ( echo "ERROR: esp-idf must be cloned from git to work."; exit 1)
$(Q) [ -x $(which git) ] || ( echo "ERROR: Need to run 'git submodule --init' in esp-idf root directory."; exit 1)
[ -d ${IDF_PATH}/.git ] || ( echo "ERROR: esp-idf must be cloned from git to work."; exit 1)
[ -x $(which git) ] || ( echo "ERROR: Need to run 'git submodule --init' in esp-idf root directory."; exit 1)
@echo "Attempting 'git submodule update --init' in esp-idf root directory..."
cd ${IDF_PATH} && git submodule update --init $(2)
@ -129,8 +129,8 @@ build: $(COMPONENT_LIBRARY)
# an archive when multiple filenames have the same name (src1/test.o and src2/test.o)
$(summary) AR $@
$(Q) rm -f $@
$(Q) $(AR) cru $@ $(COMPONENT_OBJS)
rm -f $@
$(AR) cru $@ $(COMPONENT_OBJS)
# If COMPONENT_OWNCLEANTARGET is not set, define a phony clean target
.PHONY: clean
$(summary) RM $(CLEAN_FILES)
$(Q) rm -f $(CLEAN_FILES)
rm -f $(CLEAN_FILES)
# Include all dependency files already generated
@ -150,15 +150,15 @@ define GenerateCompileTargets
# $(1) - directory containing source files, relative to $(COMPONENT_PATH)
$(1)/%.o: $$(COMPONENT_PATH)/$(1)/%.c | $(1)
$$(summary) CC $$@
$$(Q) $$(CC) $$(CFLAGS) $$(CPPFLAGS) $$(addprefix -I ,$$(COMPONENT_INCLUDES)) $$(addprefix -I ,$$(COMPONENT_EXTRA_INCLUDES)) -I$(1) -c $$< -o $$@
$$(CC) $$(CFLAGS) $$(CPPFLAGS) $$(addprefix -I ,$$(COMPONENT_INCLUDES)) $$(addprefix -I ,$$(COMPONENT_EXTRA_INCLUDES)) -I$(1) -c $$< -o $$@
$(1)/%.o: $$(COMPONENT_PATH)/$(1)/%.cpp | $(1)
$$(summary) CXX $$@
$$(Q) $$(CXX) $$(CXXFLAGS) $$(CPPFLAGS) $$(addprefix -I,$$(COMPONENT_INCLUDES)) $$(addprefix -I,$$(COMPONENT_EXTRA_INCLUDES)) -I$(1) -c $$< -o $$@
$$(CXX) $$(CXXFLAGS) $$(CPPFLAGS) $$(addprefix -I,$$(COMPONENT_INCLUDES)) $$(addprefix -I,$$(COMPONENT_EXTRA_INCLUDES)) -I$(1) -c $$< -o $$@
$(1)/%.o: $$(COMPONENT_PATH)/$(1)/%.S | $(1)
$$(summary) AS $$@
$$(Q) $$(CC) $$(CPPFLAGS) $$(addprefix -I ,$$(COMPONENT_INCLUDES)) $$(addprefix -I ,$$(COMPONENT_EXTRA_INCLUDES)) -I$(1) -c $$< -o $$@
$$(CC) $$(CPPFLAGS) $$(addprefix -I ,$$(COMPONENT_INCLUDES)) $$(addprefix -I ,$$(COMPONENT_EXTRA_INCLUDES)) -I$(1) -c $$< -o $$@
# CWD is build dir, create the build subdirectory if it doesn't exist
@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ COMPONENT_LIBRARIES = $(filter $(notdir $(COMPONENT_PATHS_BUILDABLE)),$(APP_LIBR
# the rules to build these are emitted as part of GenerateComponentTarget below
$(APP_ELF): $(foreach libcomp,$(COMPONENT_LIBRARIES),$(BUILD_DIR_BASE)/$(libcomp)/lib$(libcomp).a)
$(summary) LD $(notdir $@)
$(Q) $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ -Wl,-Map=$(APP_MAP)
$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ -Wl,-Map=$(APP_MAP)
# Generation of $(APP_BIN) from $(APP_ELF) is added by the esptool
# component's Makefile.projbuild
@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ $(BUILD_DIR_BASE):
# Is recursively expanded by the GenerateComponentTargets macro
define ComponentMake
$(Q) +$(MAKE) -C $(BUILD_DIR_BASE)/$(2) -f $(IDF_PATH)/make/component_wrapper.mk COMPONENT_MAKEFILE=$(1)/component.mk
+$(MAKE) -C $(BUILD_DIR_BASE)/$(2) -f $(IDF_PATH)/make/component_wrapper.mk COMPONENT_MAKEFILE=$(1)/component.mk
# Generate top-level component-specific targets for each component
@ -303,7 +303,7 @@ $(foreach component,$(COMPONENT_PATHS_BUILDABLE),$(eval $(call GenerateComponent
app-clean: $(addsuffix -clean,$(notdir $(COMPONENT_PATHS_BUILDABLE)))
$(summary) RM $(APP_ELF)
$(Q) rm -f $(APP_ELF) $(APP_BIN) $(APP_MAP)
rm -f $(APP_ELF) $(APP_BIN) $(APP_MAP)
clean: app-clean
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ KCONFIG_TOOL_ENV=KCONFIG_AUTOHEADER=$(abspath $(BUILD_DIR_BASE)/include/sdkconfi
menuconfig: $(KCONFIG_TOOL_DIR)/mconf $(IDF_PATH)/Kconfig
$(summary) MENUCONFIG
ifeq ("$(wildcard $(SDKCONFIG))","")
ifeq ("$(filter defconfig,$(MAKECMDGOALS))","")
@ -36,8 +36,8 @@ endif
defconfig: $(KCONFIG_TOOL_DIR)/mconf $(IDF_PATH)/Kconfig $(BUILD_DIR_BASE)
$(summary) DEFCONFIG
$(Q) mkdir -p $(BUILD_DIR_BASE)/include/config
$(Q) $(KCONFIG_TOOL_ENV) $(KCONFIG_TOOL_DIR)/conf --olddefconfig $(IDF_PATH)/Kconfig
mkdir -p $(BUILD_DIR_BASE)/include/config
$(KCONFIG_TOOL_ENV) $(KCONFIG_TOOL_DIR)/conf --olddefconfig $(IDF_PATH)/Kconfig
# Work out of whether we have to build the Kconfig makefile
# (auto.conf), or if we're in a situation where we don't need it
@ -56,9 +56,9 @@ endif
$(summary) GENCONFIG
$(Q) mkdir -p $(BUILD_DIR_BASE)/include/config
$(Q) cd $(BUILD_DIR_BASE); $(KCONFIG_TOOL_ENV) $(KCONFIG_TOOL_DIR)/conf --silentoldconfig $(IDF_PATH)/Kconfig
$(Q) touch $(AUTO_CONF_REGEN_TARGET) $(BUILD_DIR_BASE)/include/sdkconfig.h
mkdir -p $(BUILD_DIR_BASE)/include/config
cd $(BUILD_DIR_BASE); $(KCONFIG_TOOL_ENV) $(KCONFIG_TOOL_DIR)/conf --silentoldconfig $(IDF_PATH)/Kconfig
touch $(AUTO_CONF_REGEN_TARGET) $(BUILD_DIR_BASE)/include/sdkconfig.h
# touch to ensure both output files are newer - as 'conf' can also update sdkconfig (a dependency). Without this,
# sometimes you can get an infinite make loop on Windows where sdkconfig always gets regenerated newer
# than the target(!)
@ -68,4 +68,4 @@ clean: config-clean
$(summary RM CONFIG)
$(Q) rm -rf $(BUILD_DIR_BASE)/include/config $(BUILD_DIR_BASE)/include/sdkconfig.h
rm -rf $(BUILD_DIR_BASE)/include/config $(BUILD_DIR_BASE)/include/sdkconfig.h
@ -41,13 +41,13 @@ nconfig: nconf
$< $(silent) $(Kconfig)
silentoldconfig: conf
$(Q)mkdir -p include/config include/generated
mkdir -p include/config include/generated
$< $(silent) --$@ $(Kconfig)
localyesconfig localmodconfig: streamline_config.pl conf
$(Q)mkdir -p include/config include/generated
$(Q)perl $< --$@ . $(Kconfig) > .tmp.config
$(Q)if [ -f .config ]; then \
mkdir -p include/config include/generated
perl $< --$@ . $(Kconfig) > .tmp.config
if [ -f .config ]; then \
cmp -s .tmp.config .config || \
(mv -f .config .config.old.1; \
mv -f .tmp.config .config; \
@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ localyesconfig localmodconfig: streamline_config.pl conf
mv -f .tmp.config .config; \
conf $(silent) --silentoldconfig $(Kconfig); \
$(Q)rm -f .tmp.config
rm -f .tmp.config
# These targets map 1:1 to the commandline options of 'conf'
@ -84,22 +84,22 @@ ifeq ($(KBUILD_DEFCONFIG),)
ifneq ($(wildcard $(srctree)/arch/$(SRCARCH)/configs/$(KBUILD_DEFCONFIG)),)
@$(kecho) "*** Default configuration is based on '$(KBUILD_DEFCONFIG)'"
$(Q)$< $(silent) --defconfig=arch/$(SRCARCH)/configs/$(KBUILD_DEFCONFIG) $(Kconfig)
$< $(silent) --defconfig=arch/$(SRCARCH)/configs/$(KBUILD_DEFCONFIG) $(Kconfig)
@$(kecho) "*** Default configuration is based on target '$(KBUILD_DEFCONFIG)'"
$(Q) $(MAKE) -f $(srctree)/Makefile $(KBUILD_DEFCONFIG)
$(MAKE) -f $(srctree)/Makefile $(KBUILD_DEFCONFIG)
%_defconfig: conf
$(Q)$< $(silent) --defconfig=arch/$(SRCARCH)/configs/$@ $(Kconfig)
$< $(silent) --defconfig=arch/$(SRCARCH)/configs/$@ $(Kconfig)
configfiles=$(wildcard $(srctree)/kernel/configs/$@ $(srctree)/arch/$(SRCARCH)/configs/$@)
%.config: conf
$(if $(call configfiles),, $(error No configuration exists for this target on this architecture))
$(Q)$(CONFIG_SHELL) $(srctree)/scripts/kconfig/merge_config.sh -m .config $(configfiles)
+$(Q)yes "" | $(MAKE) -f $(srctree)/Makefile oldconfig
$(CONFIG_SHELL) $(srctree)/scripts/kconfig/merge_config.sh -m .config $(configfiles)
+yes "" | $(MAKE) -f $(srctree)/Makefile oldconfig
PHONY += kvmconfig
kvmconfig: kvm_guest.config
@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ xenconfig: xen.config
PHONY += tinyconfig
$(Q)$(MAKE) -f $(srctree)/Makefile allnoconfig tiny.config
$(MAKE) -f $(srctree)/Makefile allnoconfig tiny.config
# Help text used by make help
@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ clean-files += $(conf-objs) $(mconf-objs) conf mconf $(lxdialog)
PHONY += dochecklxdialog
$(addprefix ,$(lxdialog)): dochecklxdialog
$(Q)$(CONFIG_SHELL) $(check-lxdialog) -check $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(LOADLIBES_mconf)
$(CONFIG_SHELL) $(check-lxdialog) -check $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(LOADLIBES_mconf)
always := dochecklxdialog
@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ quiet_cmd_moc = MOC $@
# Extract gconf menu items for i18n support
gconf.glade.h: gconf.glade
$(Q)intltool-extract --type=gettext/glade --srcdir=$(srctree) \
intltool-extract --type=gettext/glade --srcdir=$(srctree) \
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