doc: update general purpose timer for esp32-c3

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morris 2021-04-22 11:08:32 +08:00
parent a67793e9fc
commit 5f1887b3ca
4 changed files with 34 additions and 42 deletions

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@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ Peripherals API
ADC <adc>
General Purpose Timer <timer>
GPIO (including RTC low power I/O) <gpio>
@ -29,7 +30,6 @@ Peripherals API
:esp32: Secure Element <secure_element>
:esp32s2: SPI Slave Half Duplex <spi_slave_hd>
:esp32s2: Temp sensor <temp_sensor>
Timer <timer>
:SOC_TOUCH_SENSOR_NUM: Touch Sensor <touch_pad>
:esp32s2: Touch Element <touch_element>
TWAI <twai>

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@ -1,13 +1,14 @@
General Purpose Timer
{IDF_TARGET_INT_CLR_REG: default="int_clr", esp32="int_clr_timers"}
{IDF_TARGET_TIMER_COUNTER_BIT_WIDTH:default="54", esp32="64", esp32s2="64"}
The {IDF_TARGET_NAME} chip contains two hardware timer groups. Each group has two general-purpose hardware timers. They are all 64-bit generic timers based on 16-bit prescalers and 64-bit up / down counters which are capable of being auto-reloaded.
The {IDF_TARGET_NAME} chip contains two hardware timer groups. Each group has two general-purpose hardware timers. They are all {IDF_TARGET_TIMER_COUNTER_BIT_WIDTH}-bit generic timers based on 16-bit pre-scalers and {IDF_TARGET_TIMER_COUNTER_BIT_WIDTH}-bit up / down counters which are capable of being auto-reloaded.
Functional Overview
@ -18,7 +19,7 @@ The following sections of this document cover the typical steps to configure and
* :ref:`timer-api-timer-initialization` - covers which parameters should be set up to get the timer working, and also what specific functionality is provided depending on the timer configuration.
* :ref:`timer-api-timer-control` - describes how to read a timer's value, pause or start a timer, and change how it operates.
* :ref:`timer-api-alarms` - shows how to set and use alarms.
* :ref:`timer-api-interrupts`- explains how to enable and use interrupts.
* :ref:`timer-api-interrupts`- explains how to use interrupt callbacks.
.. _timer-api-timer-initialization:
@ -30,12 +31,12 @@ The two {IDF_TARGET_NAME} timer groups, with two timers in each, provide the tot
First of all, the timer should be initialized by calling the function :cpp:func:`timer_init` and passing a structure :cpp:type:`timer_config_t` to it to define how the timer should operate. In particular, the following timer parameters can be set:
* **Divider**: Sets how quickly the timer's counter is "ticking". The setting :cpp:member:`divider` is used as a divisor of the incoming 80 MHz APB_CLK clock.
* **Clock Source**: Select the clock source, which together with the **Divider** define the resolution of the working timer. By default the clock source is APB_CLK (typically 80 MHz).
* **Divider**: Sets how quickly the timer's counter is "ticking". The setting :cpp:member:`divider` is used as a divisor of the clock source.
* **Mode**: Sets if the counter should be incrementing or decrementing. It can be defined using :cpp:member:`counter_dir` by selecting one of the values from :cpp:type:`timer_count_dir_t`.
* **Counter Enable**: If the counter is enabled, it will start incrementing / decrementing immediately after calling :cpp:func:`timer_init`. You can change the behavior with :cpp:member:`counter_en` by selecting one of the values from :cpp:type:`timer_start_t`.
* **Alarm Enable**: Can be set using :cpp:member:`alarm_en`.
* **Auto Reload**: Sets if the counter should :cpp:member:`auto_reload` the initial counter value on the timer's alarm or continue incrementing or decrementing.
* **Interrupt Type**: Select which interrupt type should be triggered on the timer's alarm. Set the value defined in :cpp:type:`timer_intr_mode_t`.
To get the current values of the timer's settings, use the function :cpp:func:`timer_get_config`.
@ -86,14 +87,8 @@ To check the specified alarm value, call :cpp:func:`timer_get_alarm_value`.
Registration of the interrupt handler for a specific timer or a timer group can be done by calling :cpp:func:`timer_isr_register`.
To enable interrupts for a timer group, call :cpp:func:`timer_group_intr_enable`, for a specific timer call :cpp:func:`timer_enable_intr`.
To disable interrupts for a timer group, call :cpp:func:`timer_group_intr_disable`, for a specified timer, call :cpp:func:`timer_disable_intr`.
When handling an interrupt within an interrupt serivce routine (ISR), the interrupt status bit needs to be explicitly cleared. To do that, set the ``TIMERGN.{IDF_TARGET_INT_CLR_REG}.tM`` structure, defined in :component_file:`soc/{IDF_TARGET_PATH_NAME}/include/soc/timer_group_struct.h`. In this structure, ``N`` is the timer group number [0, 1], ``M`` is the timer number [0, 1]. For example, to clear an interrupt status bit for the timer 1 in the timer group 0, call the following::
Registration of an interrupt callback for a specific timer can be done by calling :cpp:func:`timer_isr_callback_add` and passing in the group ID, timer ID, callback handler and user data. The callback handler will be invoked in ISR context, so user shouldn't put any blocking API in the callback function.
The benefit of using interrupt callback instead of precessing interrupt from scratch is, you don't have to deal with interrupt status check and clean stuffs, they are all addressed before the callback got run in driver's default interrupt handler.
For more information on how to use interrupts, please see the application example below.
@ -101,7 +96,7 @@ For more information on how to use interrupts, please see the application exampl
Application Example
The 64-bit hardware timer example: :example:`peripherals/timer_group`.
The {IDF_TARGET_TIMER_COUNTER_BIT_WIDTH}-bit hardware timer example: :example:`peripherals/timer_group`.
API Reference

View File

@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
ADC <adc>
通用定时器 <timer>
GPIO (包括 RTC 低功耗 I/O) <gpio>
@ -27,7 +28,6 @@
:esp32: Secure Element <secure_element>
:esp32s2: SPI Slave 半双工 (half duplex) <spi_slave_hd>
:esp32s2: Temp sensor <temp_sensor>
Timer <timer>
:SOC_TOUCH_SENSOR_NUM: Touch Sensor <touch_pad>
:esp32s2: Touch Element <touch_element>
TWAI <twai>

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@ -1,40 +1,42 @@
{IDF_TARGET_TIMER_COUNTER_BIT_WIDTH:default="54", esp32="64", esp32s2="64"}
ESP32 芯片提供两组硬件定时器,每组包含两个通用硬件定时器。所有定时器均为 64 位通用定时器,包括 16 位预分频器和 64 位自动重载向上/向下计数器。
{IDF_TARGET_NAME} 芯片提供两组硬件定时器,每组包含两个通用硬件定时器。所有定时器均为 {IDF_TARGET_TIMER_COUNTER_BIT_WIDTH} 位通用定时器,包括 16 位预分频器和 {IDF_TARGET_TIMER_COUNTER_BIT_WIDTH} 位自动重载向上/向下计数器。
* :ref:`timer-api-timer-initialization` - 启动定时器前应设置的参数,以及每个设置提供的具体功能。
* :ref:`timer-api-timer-control` - 如何读取定时器的值,如何暂停/启动定时器以及如何改变定时器的操作方式。
* :ref:`timer-api-alarms` - 如何设置和使用警报。
* :ref:`timer-api-interrupts`- 如何使能和使用中断。
* :ref:`timer-api-interrupts`- 如何使用中断提供的回调函数
.. _timer-api-timer-initialization:
两个 ESP32 定时器组中每组都有两个定时器两组共有四个定时器供使用。ESP32 定时器组应使用 :cpp:type:`timer_group_t` 识别,而每组中的个体定时器则应使用 :cpp:type:`timer_idx_t` 识别
两个 {IDF_TARGET_NAME} 定时器组中,每组都有两个定时器,两组共有四个定时器供使用。{IDF_TARGET_NAME} 定时器组的类型为 :cpp:type:`timer_group_t`,每组中的个体定时器类型为 :cpp:type:`timer_idx_t`
首先调用 :cpp:func:`timer_init` 函数,并将 :cpp:type:`timer_config_t` 结构体传递给此函数,用于定义定时器的工作方式,实现定时器初始化。特别注意以下定时器参数可设置为:
* **分频器**: 设置定时器中计数器计数的速度,:cpp:member:`divider` 的设置将用作输入的 80 MHz APB_CLK 时钟的除数。
* **时钟源**: 选择时钟源,它同时钟分频器一起决定了定时器的分辨率。默认的时钟源是 APB_CLK (一般是 80 MHz)。
* **分频器**: 设置定时器中计数器计数的速度,:cpp:member:`divider` 的设置将用作输入时钟源的除数。
* **模式**: 设置计数器是递增还是递减。可通过从 :cpp:type:`timer_count_dir_t` 中选取一个值,后使用 :cpp:member:`counter_dir` 来选择模式。
* **计数器使能**: 如果计数器已使能,则在调用 :cpp:func:`timer_init` 后计数器将立即开始递增/递减。您可通过从 :cpp:type:`timer_start_t` 中选取一个值,后使用 :cpp:member:`counter_en` 改变此行为。
* **报警使能**: 可使用 :cpp:member:`alarm_en` 设置。
* **自动重载**: 设置计数器是否应该在定时器警报上使用 :cpp:member:`auto_reload` 自动重载首个计数值,还是继续递增或递减。
* **中断类型**: 选择定时器警报上应触发的中断类型,请设置 :cpp:type:`timer_intr_mode_t` 中定义的值。
要获取定时器设置的当前值,请使用函数 :cpp:func:`timer_get_config`
@ -82,27 +84,22 @@ ESP32 芯片提供两组硬件定时器,每组包含两个通用硬件定时
.. _timer-api-interrupts:
可通过调用函数 :cpp:func:`timer_isr_register` 为特定定时器组和定时器注册中断处理程序。
调用 :cpp:func:`timer_isr_callback_add` 函数可以给某个定时器注册一个中断回调函数,顾名思义,该函数会在中断上下文中被执行,因此用户不能在回调函数中调用任何会阻塞 CPU 的 API。
调用 :cpp:func:`timer_group_intr_enable` 使能定时器组的中断程序,调用 :cpp:func:`timer_enable_intr` 使能某定时器的中断程序。调用 :cpp:func:`timer_group_intr_disable` 关闭定时器组的中断程序,调用 :cpp:func:`timer_disable_intr` 关闭某定时器的中断程序。
在中断服务程序ISR中处理中断时需要明确地清除中断状态位。为此请设置定义在 :component_file:`soc/esp32/include/soc/timer_group_struct.h` 中的 ``TIMERGN.int_clr_timers.tM`` 结构。该结构中 ``N`` 是定时器组别编号 [0, 1]``M`` 是定时器编号 [0, 1]。例如,要清除定时器组别 0 中定时器 1 的中断状态位,请调用以下命令::
TIMERG0.int_clr_timers.t1 = 1
64 位硬件定时器示例::example:`peripherals/timer_group`
{IDF_TARGET_TIMER_COUNTER_BIT_WIDTH} 位通用硬件定时器示例::example:`peripherals/timer_group`
API 参考
.. include-build-file:: inc/
.. include-build-file:: inc/