diff --git a/docs/en/get-started/establish-serial-connection.rst b/docs/en/get-started/establish-serial-connection.rst
index 9ff8b6ad2f..d9dc659108 100644
--- a/docs/en/get-started/establish-serial-connection.rst
+++ b/docs/en/get-started/establish-serial-connection.rst
@@ -245,18 +245,18 @@ Now verify that the serial connection is operational. You can do this using a se
.. only:: esp32c2
- The default console baudrate on ESP32-C2 is 115200 when using a 40MHz XTAL, or 74880 when using a 26MHz XTAL.
+ The default console baud rate on ESP32-C2 is 115200 when a 40 MHz XTAL is used, or 74880 when a 26 MHz XTAL is used.
.. only:: not esp32c2
- The default console baudrate on {IDF_TARGET_NAME} is 115200.
+ The default console baud rate on {IDF_TARGET_NAME} is 115200.
Windows and Linux
In this example we will use `PuTTY SSH Client `_ that is available for both Windows and Linux. You can use other serial programs and set communication parameters like below.
-Run terminal, set identified serial port, baud rate = 115200 (change this to the default baudrate your chip is using), data bits = 8, stop bits = 1, and parity = N. Below are example screen shots of setting the port and such transmission parameters (in short described as 115200-8-1-N) on Windows and Linux. Remember to select exactly the same serial port you have identified in steps above.
+Run terminal and set identified serial port. Baud rate = 115200 (if needed, change this to the default baud rate of the chip in use), data bits = 8, stop bits = 1, and parity = N. Below are example screenshots of setting the port and such transmission parameters (in short described as 115200-8-1-N) on Windows and Linux. Remember to select exactly the same serial port you have identified in steps above.
.. figure:: ../../_static/putty-settings-windows.png
:align: center
@@ -291,7 +291,7 @@ To spare you the trouble of installing a serial terminal program, macOS offers t
/dev/cu.Bluetooth-Incoming-Port /dev/cu.SLAB_USBtoUART /dev/cu.SLAB_USBtoUART7
-- The output will vary depending on the type and the number of boards connected to your PC. Then pick the device name of your board and run (change 115200 to the default baudrate your chip is using)::
+- The output will vary depending on the type and the number of boards connected to your PC. Then pick the device name of your board and run (if needed, change "115200" to the default baud rate of the chip in use)::
screen /dev/cu.device_name 115200
diff --git a/docs/zh_CN/get-started/establish-serial-connection.rst b/docs/zh_CN/get-started/establish-serial-connection.rst
index 57e1f9a93b..8095ba205d 100644
--- a/docs/zh_CN/get-started/establish-serial-connection.rst
+++ b/docs/zh_CN/get-started/establish-serial-connection.rst
@@ -243,12 +243,20 @@ macOS::
现在,请使用串口终端程序,查看重置 {IDF_TARGET_NAME} 后终端上是否有输出,从而验证串口连接是否可用。
+.. only:: esp32c2
+ 使用 40 MHz 的 XTAL 时,ESP32-C2 的控制台波特率默认为 115200;使用 26 MHz 的 XTAL 时,其波特率默认为 74880。
+.. only:: not esp32c2
+ {IDF_TARGET_NAME} 的控制台波特率默认为 115200。
Windows 和 Linux 操作系统
-在本示例中,我们将使用 `PuTTY SSH Client `_, `PuTTY SSH Client `_ 既可用于 Windows 也可用于 Linux。你也可以使用其他串口程序并设置如下的通信参数。
+在本示例中,我们将使用 `PuTTY SSH Client `_, `PuTTY SSH Client `_ 既可用于 Windows 也可用于 Linux。您也可以使用其他串口程序并设置如下的通信参数。
-运行终端,配置在上述步骤中确认的串口:波特率 = 115200,数据位 = 8,停止位 = 1,奇偶校验 = N。以下截屏分别展示了如何在 Windows 和 Linux 中配置串口和上述通信参数(如 115200-8-1-N)。注意,这里一定要选择在上述步骤中确认的串口进行配置。
+运行终端,配置在上述步骤中确认的串口:波特率 = 115200(如有需要,请更改为使用芯片的默认波特率),数据位 = 8,停止位 = 1,奇偶校验 = N。以下截屏分别展示了如何在 Windows 和 Linux 中配置串口和上述通信参数(如 115200-8-1-N)。注意,这里一定要选择在上述步骤中确认的串口进行配置。
.. figure:: ../../_static/putty-settings-windows.png
:align: center
@@ -283,7 +291,7 @@ macOS 提供了 **屏幕** 命令,因此您不用安装串口终端程序。
/dev/cu.Bluetooth-Incoming-Port /dev/cu.SLAB_USBtoUART /dev/cu.SLAB_USBtoUART7
-- 根据您连接到电脑上的开发板类型和数量,输出结果会有所不同。请选择开发板的设备名称,并运行以下命令::
+- 根据您连接到电脑上的开发板类型和数量,输出结果会有所不同。请选择开发板的设备名称,并运行以下命令(如有需要,请将“115200”更改为使用芯片的默认波特率)::
screen /dev/cu.device_name 115200