docs: Update CN trans for security docs

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renpeiying 2024-11-28 15:41:06 +08:00 committed by harshal.patil
parent b06a4c198a
commit 69f788024c
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6 changed files with 89 additions and 19 deletions

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@ -528,13 +528,13 @@ To use this mode, take the following steps:
.. list::
- :ref:`Enable flash encryption on boot <CONFIG_SECURE_FLASH_ENC_ENABLED>`
:esp32: - :ref:`Select Release mode <CONFIG_SECURE_FLASH_ENCRYPTION_MODE>` (Note that once Release mode is selected, the ``DISABLE_DL_ENCRYPT`` and ``DISABLE_DL_DECRYPT`` eFuse bits will be burned to disable flash encryption hardware in ROM Download Mode.)
- :ref:`Enable flash encryption on boot <CONFIG_SECURE_FLASH_ENC_ENABLED>`.
:esp32: - :ref:`Select Release mode <CONFIG_SECURE_FLASH_ENCRYPTION_MODE>`. (Note that once Release mode is selected, the ``DISABLE_DL_ENCRYPT`` and ``DISABLE_DL_DECRYPT`` eFuse bits will be burned to disable flash encryption hardware in ROM Download Mode.)
:esp32: - :ref:`Select UART ROM download mode (Permanently disabled (recommended)) <CONFIG_SECURE_UART_ROM_DL_MODE>` (Note that this option is only available when :ref:`CONFIG_ESP32_REV_MIN` is set to 3 (ESP32 V3).) The default choice is to keep UART ROM download mode enabled, however it is recommended to permanently disable this mode to reduce the options available to an attacker.
:not esp32: - :ref:`Select Release mode <CONFIG_SECURE_FLASH_ENCRYPTION_MODE>` (Note that once Release mode is selected, the ``EFUSE_DIS_DOWNLOAD_MANUAL_ENCRYPT`` eFuse bit will be burned to disable flash encryption hardware in ROM Download Mode.)
:not esp32: - :ref:`Select Release mode <CONFIG_SECURE_FLASH_ENCRYPTION_MODE>`. (Note that once Release mode is selected, the ``EFUSE_DIS_DOWNLOAD_MANUAL_ENCRYPT`` eFuse bit will be burned to disable flash encryption hardware in ROM Download Mode.)
:not esp32: - :ref:`Select UART ROM download mode (Permanently switch to Secure mode (recommended)) <CONFIG_SECURE_UART_ROM_DL_MODE>`. This is the default option, and is recommended. It is also possible to change this configuration setting to permanently disable UART ROM download mode, if this mode is not needed.
:SOC_FLASH_ENCRYPTION_XTS_AES_SUPPORT_PSEUDO_ROUND: - :ref:`Select enable XTS-AES's pseudo rounds function <CONFIG_SECURE_FLASH_PSEUDO_ROUND_FUNC>`. This option is selected by default and its strength is configured to level low considering the performance impact on the flash encryption/decryption operations. Please refer to :ref:`xts-aes-pseudo-round-func` for more information regarding the performance impact per security level.
- :ref:`Select the appropriate bootloader log verbosity <CONFIG_BOOTLOADER_LOG_LEVEL>`
- :ref:`Select the appropriate bootloader log verbosity <CONFIG_BOOTLOADER_LOG_LEVEL>`.
- Save the configuration and exit.
Enabling flash encryption will increase the size of bootloader, which might require updating partition table offset. See :ref:`bootloader-size`.

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@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ In this case all the eFuses related to Flash Encryption are written with help of
:SOC_EFUSE_DIS_PAD_JTAG: - ``DIS_PAD_JTAG``: Disable JTAG permanently
:not esp32: - ``DIS_DOWNLOAD_MANUAL_ENCRYPT``: Disable UART bootloader encryption access
:SOC_EFUSE_DIS_DOWNLOAD_MSPI: - ``DIS_DOWNLOAD_MSPI``: Disable the MSPI access in download mode
:SOC_FLASH_ENCRYPTION_XTS_AES_SUPPORT_PSEUDO_ROUND: - ``XTS_DPA_PSEUDO_LEVEL``: Enable the pseudo rounds function of the XTS-AES peripheral. The value to be burned in the efuse can be 1, 2 or 3, denoting the security level. These values correspond to low, medium, high level respectively. By default ESP-IDF's bootloader configures the value of this efuse to 1 (low) while enabling flash encryption release mode during boot-up.
:SOC_FLASH_ENCRYPTION_XTS_AES_SUPPORT_PSEUDO_ROUND: - ``XTS_DPA_PSEUDO_LEVEL``: Enable the pseudo rounds function of the XTS-AES peripheral. The value to be burned in the eFuse can be 1, 2 or 3, denoting the security level. By default ESP-IDF's bootloader configures the value of this eFuse to 1 while enabling flash encryption release mode during boot-up.
The respective eFuses can be burned by running:

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@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ Flash Encryption Best Practices
DPA (Differential Power Analysis) Protection
{IDF_TARGET_NAME} has support for protection mechanisms against the Differential Power Analysis related security attacks. DPA protection dynamically adjusts the clock frequency of the crypto peripherals, thereby blurring the power consumption trajectory during its operation. Based on the configured DPA security level, the clock variation range changes. Please refer to the TRM for more details on this topic.
{IDF_TARGET_NAME} has support for protection mechanisms against the Differential Power Analysis related security attacks. DPA protection dynamically adjusts the clock frequency of the crypto peripherals, thereby blurring the power consumption trajectory during its operation. Based on the configured DPA security level, the clock variation range changes. Please refer to the *{IDF_TARGET_NAME} Technical Reference Manual* [`PDF <{IDF_TARGET_TRM_EN_URL}>`__]. for more details on this topic.
:ref:`CONFIG_ESP_CRYPTO_DPA_PROTECTION_LEVEL` can help to select the DPA level. Higher level means better security, but it can also have an associated performance impact. By default, the lowest DPA level is kept enabled but it can be modified based on the security requirement.
@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ Flash Encryption Best Practices
AES peripheral's Pseudo-Round Function
AES Peripheral's Pseudo-Round Function
{IDF_TARGET_NAME} incorporates a pseudo-round function in the AES peripheral, thus enabling the peripheral to randomly insert pseudo-rounds before and after the original operation rounds and also generate a pseudo key to perform these dummy operations.

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@ -528,13 +528,14 @@ flash 加密设置
.. list::
- :ref:`启动时使能 flash 加密 <CONFIG_SECURE_FLASH_ENC_ENABLED>`
:esp32: - :ref:`选择发布模式 <CONFIG_SECURE_FLASH_ENCRYPTION_MODE>` (注意一旦选择了发布模式,``DISABLE_DL_ENCRYPT`` 和 ``DISABLE_DL_DECRYPT`` eFuse 位将被编程为在 ROM 下载模式下禁用 flash 加密硬件)
- :ref:`启动时使能 flash 加密 <CONFIG_SECURE_FLASH_ENC_ENABLED>`
:esp32: - :ref:`选择发布模式 <CONFIG_SECURE_FLASH_ENCRYPTION_MODE>`(注意一旦选择了发布模式,``DISABLE_DL_ENCRYPT`` 和 ``DISABLE_DL_DECRYPT`` eFuse 位将被编程为在 ROM 下载模式下禁用 flash 加密硬件)
:esp32: - :ref:`选择 UART ROM 下载模式(推荐永久性禁用)<CONFIG_SECURE_UART_ROM_DL_MODE>` (注意该选项仅在 :ref:`CONFIG_ESP32_REV_MIN` 级别设置为 3 时 (ESP32 V3) 可用。)默认选项是保持启用 UART ROM 下载模式,然而建议永久禁用该模式,以减少攻击者可用的选项。
:not esp32: - :ref:`选择发布模式 <CONFIG_SECURE_FLASH_ENCRYPTION_MODE>` (注意一旦选择了发布模式,``EFUSE_DIS_DOWNLOAD_MANUAL_ENCRYPT`` eFuse 位将被编程为在 ROM 下载模式下禁用 flash 加密硬件
:not esp32: - :ref:`选择发布模式 <CONFIG_SECURE_FLASH_ENCRYPTION_MODE>`(注意一旦选择了发布模式,``EFUSE_DIS_DOWNLOAD_MANUAL_ENCRYPT`` eFuse 位将被编程为在 ROM 下载模式下禁用 flash 加密硬件)
:not esp32: - :ref:`选择 UART ROM 下载(推荐永久性的切换到安全模式)<CONFIG_SECURE_UART_ROM_DL_MODE>`。这是默认且推荐使用的选项。如果不需要该模式,也可以改变此配置设置永久地禁用 UART ROM 下载模式。
- :ref:`选择适当详细程度的引导加载程序日志 <CONFIG_BOOTLOADER_LOG_LEVEL>`
- 保存配置并退出
:SOC_FLASH_ENCRYPTION_XTS_AES_SUPPORT_PSEUDO_ROUND: - :ref:`启用 XTS-AES 伪轮次功能 <CONFIG_SECURE_FLASH_PSEUDO_ROUND_FUNC>`。该选项已默认启用,且配置为最低强度等级,以降低对 flash 加密/解密操作的性能影响。如需了解每个安全等级对性能影响的更多信息,请参考 :ref:`xts-aes-pseudo-round-func`。
- :ref:`选择适当详细程度的引导加载程序日志级别 <CONFIG_BOOTLOADER_LOG_LEVEL>`
- 保存配置并退出。
启用 flash 加密将增大引导加载程序,因而可能需更新分区表偏移量。请参考 :ref:`引导加载程序大小 <bootloader-size>`
@ -1119,3 +1120,36 @@ JTAG 调试
- flash 加密的密钥存储于一个 ``BLOCK_KEY0`` eFuse 中,默认受保护防止进一步写入或软件读取。
- 有关在 Python 中实现的完整 flash 加密算法,可参见 ```` 源代码中的函数 ``_flash_encryption_operation()``
.. _xts-aes-pseudo-round-func:
{IDF_TARGET_NAME} 在 XTS-AES 外设中引入了伪轮次功能,使该外设可以在原始操作轮次之前和之后随机插入伪轮次,并生成伪密钥以执行这些虚拟操作。
可以通过 :ref:`CONFIG_SECURE_FLASH_PSEUDO_ROUND_FUNC_STRENGTH` 选择伪轮次功能的强度。提高强度会增强该功能所提供的安全性,但也会降低 XTS-AES 操作的速度。
.. list-table:: 不同强度的伪轮次对 XTS-AES 操作性能的影响
:widths: 10 10
:header-rows: 1
:align: center
* - **强度**
- **性能影响**
* - 低
- < 0.5 %
* - 中
- 6.2 %
* - 高
- 18 %
可以根据实际用例需求配置伪轮次功能的强度。例如,提高强度以提供更高的安全性,同时减慢 flash 加解密操作的速度。
考虑到上述性能影响ESP-IDF 默认为伪轮次功能启用了低强度配置,以尽量减少性能影响。

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@ -250,6 +250,7 @@
:not esp32: - ``DIS_DOWNLOAD_MANUAL_ENCRYPT``:禁用 UART 引导加载程序加密访问
:SOC_FLASH_ENCRYPTION_XTS_AES_SUPPORT_PSEUDO_ROUND: - ``XTS_DPA_PSEUDO_LEVEL``:启用 XTS-AES 外设的伪轮次功能。要烧录到 eFuse 中的值可以是 1、2 或 3表示安全等级。默认情况下ESP-IDF 的引导加载程序在启动过程中启用 flash 加密的发布模式时,会将该 eFuse 的值配置为 1。
可运行以下命令烧录相应的 eFuse

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@ -114,18 +114,53 @@ flash 加密最佳实践
差分功耗分析 (DPA) 保护
{IDF_TARGET_NAME} 支持针对 DPA 相关安全攻击的保护机制。DPA 保护通过动态调整加密外设的时钟频率,在其运行期间模糊了功耗消耗记录。时钟变化范围会根据配置的 DPA 安全级别改变。更多详情请参阅技术参考手册。
通过 :ref:`CONFIG_ESP_CRYPTO_DPA_PROTECTION_LEVEL` 可以调整 DPA 级别。级别越高安全性越强,但也可能会影响性能。默认启用最低级别 DPA 保护,可以根据安全需求修改。
差分功耗分析 (DPA) 保护
.. note::
{IDF_TARGET_NAME} 支持针对 DPA 相关安全攻击的保护机制。DPA 保护通过动态调整加密外设的时钟频率,在其运行期间模糊了功耗轨迹。时钟变化范围会根据配置的 DPA 安全级别改变。更多详情请参阅 *{IDF_TARGET_NAME} 技术参考手册* > [`PDF <{IDF_TARGET_TRM_CN_URL}>`__]。
通过 :ref:`CONFIG_ESP_CRYPTO_DPA_PROTECTION_LEVEL` 可以调整 DPA 级别。级别越高安全性越强,但也可能会影响性能。默认启用最低级别 DPA 保护,可以根据安全需求修改。
.. note::
请注意,为确保 DPA 保护机制正常工作,必须启用硬件 :doc:`RNG <../api-reference/system/random>`
AES 外设的伪轮次功能
{IDF_TARGET_NAME} 在 AES 外设中集成了伪轮次功能,使该外设能够在原始操作轮次前后随机插入伪轮次,并生成一个伪密钥来执行这些虚拟操作。
可以使用 :ref:`CONFIG_MBEDTLS_AES_USE_PSEUDO_ROUND_FUNC_STRENGTH` 选择伪轮次功能的强度。提高强度会增强该功能所提供的安全性,但会加密/解密操作的速度。
.. list-table:: 伪轮次功能的不同强度对 AES 操作性能的影响
:widths: 10 10
:header-rows: 1
:align: center
* - **强度**
- **性能影响** [#]_
* - 低
- 20.9 %
* - 中
- 47.6 %
* - 高
- 72.4 %
.. [#] 上述性能数据通过 mbedtls 测试应用中的 AES 性能测试 :component_file:`test_aes_perf.c <mbedtls/test_apps/main/test_aes_perf.c>` 计算得出。
考虑到上述性能影响ESP-IDF 默认关闭伪轮次功能,避免对相关性能造成影响。但如果需要更高的安全性,仍然建议启用。
请注意,为确保 DPA 保护正常工作,必须启用硬件 :doc:`RNG <../api-reference/system/random>`