change(lp_i2d): use atomic fsm check

This commit is contained in:
Armando 2024-11-21 10:51:39 +08:00
parent 22f36bea53
commit 6aa6883af4
2 changed files with 10 additions and 10 deletions

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@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
#pragma once
#include <sys/lock.h>
#include <stdatomic.h>
#include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h"
#include "freertos/semphr.h"
#include "freertos/queue.h"
@ -199,7 +200,7 @@ struct lp_i2s_channel_obj_t {
i2s_comm_mode_t mode; /*!< lp i2s channel communication mode */
i2s_role_t role; /*!< lp i2s role */
i2s_dir_t dir; /*!< lp i2s channel direction */
i2s_state_t state; /*!< lp i2s driver state. Ensuring the driver working in a correct sequence */
_Atomic i2s_state_t state; /*!< lp i2s driver state. Ensuring the driver working in a correct sequence */
SemaphoreHandle_t semphr; /*!< lp i2s event semphr*/
lp_i2s_trans_t trans; /*!< transaction */
size_t threshold; /*!< lp i2s threshold*/

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@ -135,8 +135,8 @@ err1:
esp_err_t lp_i2s_channel_enable(lp_i2s_chan_handle_t chan)
ESP_RETURN_ON_FALSE(chan, ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG, TAG, "invalid argument: null pointer");
ESP_RETURN_ON_FALSE(chan->state < I2S_CHAN_STATE_RUNNING, ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE, TAG, "the channel is in enabled state already");
i2s_state_t expected_state = I2S_CHAN_STATE_READY;
ESP_RETURN_ON_FALSE(atomic_compare_exchange_strong(&(chan->state), &expected_state, I2S_CHAN_STATE_RUNNING), ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE, TAG, "the channel isn't enabled");
lp_i2s_evt_data_t evt_data = {};
if (chan->cbs.on_request_new_trans) {
chan->cbs.on_request_new_trans(chan, &evt_data, chan->user_data);
@ -146,7 +146,6 @@ esp_err_t lp_i2s_channel_enable(lp_i2s_chan_handle_t chan)
chan->trans = evt_data.trans;
chan->state = I2S_CHAN_STATE_RUNNING;
lp_i2s_ll_rx_enable_interrupt(chan->ctlr->, LP_I2S_LL_EVENT_RX_MEM_THRESHOLD_INT, true);
@ -158,7 +157,7 @@ esp_err_t lp_i2s_channel_enable(lp_i2s_chan_handle_t chan)
esp_err_t lp_i2s_channel_read(lp_i2s_chan_handle_t chan, lp_i2s_trans_t *trans, uint32_t timeout_ms)
ESP_RETURN_ON_FALSE(chan, ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG, TAG, "invalid argument: null pointer");
ESP_RETURN_ON_FALSE(chan->state == I2S_CHAN_STATE_RUNNING, ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE, TAG, "the channel isn't enabled");
ESP_RETURN_ON_FALSE(atomic_load(&(chan->state)) == I2S_CHAN_STATE_RUNNING, ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE, TAG, "the channel can't be deleted unless it is disabled");
ESP_RETURN_ON_FALSE(!chan->cbs.on_request_new_trans, ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE, TAG, "on_request_new_trans registered, no use of this read API");
TickType_t ticks_to_wait = timeout_ms / portTICK_PERIOD_MS;
@ -207,8 +206,8 @@ esp_err_t lp_i2s_channel_read_until_bytes(lp_i2s_chan_handle_t chan, lp_i2s_tran
esp_err_t lp_i2s_channel_disable(lp_i2s_chan_handle_t chan)
ESP_RETURN_ON_FALSE(chan, ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG, TAG, "invalid argument: null pointer");
ESP_RETURN_ON_FALSE(chan->state > I2S_CHAN_STATE_READY, ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE, TAG, "the channel is disabled already");
chan->state = I2S_CHAN_STATE_READY;
i2s_state_t expected_state = I2S_CHAN_STATE_RUNNING;
ESP_RETURN_ON_FALSE(atomic_compare_exchange_strong(&(chan->state), &expected_state, I2S_CHAN_STATE_READY), ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE, TAG, "the channel isn't enabled");
lp_i2s_ll_rx_enable_interrupt(chan->ctlr->, LP_I2S_LL_EVENT_RX_MEM_THRESHOLD_INT, false);
@ -221,7 +220,7 @@ esp_err_t lp_i2s_channel_disable(lp_i2s_chan_handle_t chan)
esp_err_t lp_i2s_del_channel(lp_i2s_chan_handle_t chan)
ESP_RETURN_ON_FALSE(chan, ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG, TAG, "invalid argument: null pointer");
ESP_RETURN_ON_FALSE(chan->state < I2S_CHAN_STATE_RUNNING, ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE, TAG, "the channel can't be deleted unless it is disabled");
ESP_RETURN_ON_FALSE(atomic_load(&(chan->state)) == I2S_CHAN_STATE_READY, ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE, TAG, "the channel can't be deleted unless it is disabled");
int id = chan->ctlr->id;
@ -249,7 +248,7 @@ _Static_assert(sizeof(lp_i2s_evt_cbs_t) == sizeof(lp_i2s_evt_cbs_internal_t), "I
esp_err_t lp_i2s_register_event_callbacks(lp_i2s_chan_handle_t chan, const lp_i2s_evt_cbs_t *cbs, void *user_data)
ESP_RETURN_ON_FALSE(chan && cbs, ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG, TAG, "invalid argument");
ESP_RETURN_ON_FALSE(chan->state < I2S_CHAN_STATE_RUNNING, ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE, TAG, "the channel is in enabled state already");
ESP_RETURN_ON_FALSE(atomic_load(&(chan->state)) == I2S_CHAN_STATE_READY, ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE, TAG, "the channel is in enabled state already");
if (cbs->on_thresh_met) {
ESP_RETURN_ON_FALSE(esp_ptr_in_iram(cbs->on_thresh_met), ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG, TAG, "on_thresh_met callback not in IRAM");
@ -287,7 +286,7 @@ static esp_err_t s_i2s_register_channel(lp_i2s_controller_t *ctlr, i2s_dir_t dir
new_chan->mode = I2S_COMM_MODE_NONE;
new_chan->role = I2S_ROLE_MASTER;
new_chan->dir = dir;
new_chan->state = I2S_CHAN_STATE_REGISTER;
atomic_init(&(new_chan->state), I2S_CHAN_STATE_READY);
new_chan->ctlr = ctlr;
if (dir == I2S_DIR_RX) {