Merge branch 'bugfix/partition_table_integrity_check_v4.1' into 'release/v4.1'

paritition_table: Verify the partition table md5sum when loading in the app (v4.1)

See merge request espressif/esp-idf!13584
This commit is contained in:
Angus Gratton 2021-06-02 08:54:01 +00:00
commit 7e0abf78f9
8 changed files with 145 additions and 27 deletions

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@ -588,6 +588,7 @@ menu "Security features"
bool "Release"

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@ -42,6 +42,9 @@ extern "C" {
#define PART_FLAG_ENCRYPTED (1<<0)
/* The md5sum value is found this many bytes after the ESP_PARTITION_MAGIC_MD5 offset */
/* Pre-partition table fixed flash offsets */
#define ESP_BOOTLOADER_OFFSET 0x1000 /* Offset of bootloader image. Has matching value in bootloader KConfig.projbuild file. */

View File

@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ esp_err_t esp_partition_table_verify(const esp_partition_info_t *partition_table
MD5Update(&context, (unsigned char *) partition_table, num_parts * sizeof(esp_partition_info_t));
MD5Final(digest, &context);
unsigned char *md5sum = ((unsigned char *) part) + 16; // skip the 2B magic number and the 14B fillup bytes
unsigned char *md5sum = ((unsigned char *) part) + ESP_PARTITION_MD5_OFFSET;
if (memcmp(md5sum, digest, sizeof(digest)) != 0) {
if (log_errors) {

View File

@ -703,10 +703,11 @@ menu "ESP32-specific"
that after enabling this Wi-Fi/Bluetooth will not work.
bool "App compatible with bootloaders before IDF v2.1"
bool "App compatible with bootloaders before ESP-IDF v2.1"
default n
Bootloaders before IDF v2.1 did less initialisation of the
Bootloaders before ESP-IDF v2.1 did less initialisation of the
system clock. This setting needs to be enabled to build an app
which can be booted by these older bootloaders.
@ -718,6 +719,22 @@ menu "ESP32-specific"
Enabling this setting adds approximately 1KB to the app's IRAM usage.
bool "App compatible with bootloader and partition table before ESP-IDF v3.1"
default n
Partition tables before ESP-IDF V3.1 do not contain an MD5 checksum
field, and the bootloader before ESP-IDF v3.1 cannot read a partition
table that contains an MD5 checksum field.
Enable this option only if your app needs to boot on a bootloader and/or
partition table that was generated from a version *before* ESP-IDF v3.1.
If this option and Flash Encryption are enabled at the same time, and any
data partitions in the partition table are marked Encrypted, then the
partition encrypted flag should be manually verified in the app before accessing
the partition (see CVE-2021-27926).

View File

@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ menu "Partition Table"
bool "Generate an MD5 checksum for the partition table"
default y
Generate an MD5 checksum for the partition table for protecting the
integrity of the table. The generation should be turned off for legacy

View File

@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/lock.h>
#include "esp32/rom/md5_hash.h"
#include "esp_flash_partitions.h"
#include "esp_attr.h"
#include "esp_flash.h"
@ -30,14 +31,14 @@
#define HASH_LEN 32 /* SHA-256 digest length */
#define MD5_DIGEST_LEN 16
#ifndef NDEBUG
// Enable built-in checks in queue.h in debug builds
#include "sys/queue.h"
typedef struct partition_list_item_ {
esp_partition_t info;
bool user_registered;
@ -159,24 +160,53 @@ static esp_partition_iterator_opaque_t* iterator_create(esp_partition_type_t typ
// This function is called only once, with s_partition_list_lock taken.
static esp_err_t load_partitions(void)
const uint32_t* ptr;
const uint8_t *p_start;
const uint8_t *p_end;
spi_flash_mmap_handle_t handle;
// Temporary list of loaded partitions, if valid then we copy this to s_partition_list
typeof(s_partition_list) new_partitions_list = SLIST_HEAD_INITIALIZER(s_partition_list);
partition_list_item_t* last = NULL;
const uint8_t *md5_part = NULL;
const uint8_t *stored_md5;
uint8_t calc_md5[MD5_DIGEST_LEN];
struct MD5Context context;
// map 64kB block where partition table is located
esp_err_t err = spi_flash_mmap(ESP_PARTITION_TABLE_OFFSET & 0xffff0000,
SPI_FLASH_SEC_SIZE, SPI_FLASH_MMAP_DATA, (const void**) &ptr, &handle);
SPI_FLASH_SEC_SIZE, SPI_FLASH_MMAP_DATA, (const void **)&p_start, &handle);
if (err != ESP_OK) {
return err;
// calculate partition address within mmap-ed region
const esp_partition_info_t* it = (const esp_partition_info_t*)
(ptr + (ESP_PARTITION_TABLE_OFFSET & 0xffff) / sizeof(*ptr));
const esp_partition_info_t* end = it + SPI_FLASH_SEC_SIZE / sizeof(*it);
// tail of the linked list of partitions
partition_list_item_t* last = NULL;
for (; it != end; ++it) {
if (it->magic != ESP_PARTITION_MAGIC) {
p_start += (ESP_PARTITION_TABLE_OFFSET & 0xffff);
p_end = p_start + SPI_FLASH_SEC_SIZE;
for(const uint8_t *p_entry = p_start; p_entry < p_end; p_entry += sizeof(esp_partition_info_t)) {
esp_partition_info_t entry;
// copying to RAM instead of using pointer to flash to avoid any chance of TOCTOU due to cache miss
// when flash encryption is used
memcpy(&entry, p_entry, sizeof(entry));
if (entry.magic == ESP_PARTITION_MAGIC_MD5) {
md5_part = p_entry;
if (entry.magic != ESP_PARTITION_MAGIC) {
MD5Update(&context, (void *)&entry, sizeof(entry));
// allocate new linked list item and populate it with data from partition table
partition_list_item_t* item = (partition_list_item_t*) calloc(sizeof(partition_list_item_t), 1);
if (item == NULL) {
@ -184,35 +214,70 @@ static esp_err_t load_partitions(void)
item->info.flash_chip = esp_flash_default_chip;
item->info.address = it->pos.offset;
item->info.size = it->pos.size;
item->info.type = it->type;
item->info.subtype = it->subtype;
item->info.encrypted = it->flags & PART_FLAG_ENCRYPTED;
item->info.address = entry.pos.offset;
item->info.size = entry.pos.size;
item->info.type = entry.type;
item->info.subtype = entry.subtype;
item->info.encrypted = entry.flags & PART_FLAG_ENCRYPTED;
item->user_registered = false;
if (!esp_flash_encryption_enabled()) {
/* If flash encryption is not turned on, no partitions should be treated as encrypted */
item->info.encrypted = false;
} else if (it->type == PART_TYPE_APP
|| (it->type == PART_TYPE_DATA && it->subtype == PART_SUBTYPE_DATA_OTA)
|| (it->type == PART_TYPE_DATA && it->subtype == PART_SUBTYPE_DATA_NVS_KEYS)) {
} else if (entry.type == PART_TYPE_APP
|| (entry.type == PART_TYPE_DATA && entry.subtype == PART_SUBTYPE_DATA_OTA)
|| (entry.type == PART_TYPE_DATA && entry.subtype == PART_SUBTYPE_DATA_NVS_KEYS)) {
/* If encryption is turned on, all app partitions and OTA data
are always encrypted */
item->info.encrypted = true;
// it->label may not be zero-terminated
strncpy(item->info.label, (const char*) it->label, sizeof(item->info.label) - 1);
item->info.label[sizeof(it->label)] = 0;
// item->info.label is initialized by calloc, so resulting string will be null terminated
strncpy(item->info.label, (const char*) entry.label, sizeof(item->info.label) - 1);
// add it to the list
if (last == NULL) {
SLIST_INSERT_HEAD(&s_partition_list, item, next);
SLIST_INSERT_HEAD(&new_partitions_list, item, next);
} else {
SLIST_INSERT_AFTER(last, item, next);
last = item;
if (md5_part == NULL) {
ESP_LOGE(TAG, "No MD5 found in partition table");
} else {
stored_md5 = md5_part + ESP_PARTITION_MD5_OFFSET;
MD5Final(calc_md5, &context);
if (memcmp(calc_md5, stored_md5, MD5_DIGEST_LEN) != 0) {
ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Partition table MD5 mismatch");
} else {
ESP_LOGD(TAG, "Partition table MD5 verified");
if (err == ESP_OK) {
/* Don't copy the list to the static variable unless it's verified */
s_partition_list = new_partitions_list;
} else {
/* Otherwise, free all the memory we just allocated */
partition_list_item_t *it = new_partitions_list.slh_first;
while (it) {
partition_list_item_t *next = it->next.sle_next;
it = next;
return err;

View File

@ -10,6 +10,36 @@ Bootloader performs the following functions:
Bootloader is located at the address `0x1000` in the flash.
Bootloader compatibility
It is recommended to update to newer :doc:`versions of ESP-IDF </versions>`: when they are released. The OTA (over the air) update process can flash new apps in the field but cannot flash a new bootloader. For this reason, the bootloader supports booting apps built from newer versions of ESP-IDF.
The bootloader does not support booting apps from older versions of ESP-IDF. When updating ESP-IDF manually on an existing product that might need to downgrade the app to an older version, keep using the older ESP-IDF bootloader binary as well.
.. note::
If testing an OTA update for an existing product in production, always test it using the same ESP-IDF bootloader binary that is deployed in production.
Before ESP-IDF V2.1
Bootloaders built from very old versions of ESP-IDF (before ESP-IDF V2.1) perform less hardware configuration than newer versions. When using a bootloader from these early ESP-IDF versions and building a new app, enable the config option :ref:`CONFIG_ESP32_COMPATIBLE_PRE_V2_1_BOOTLOADERS`.
Before ESP-IDF V3.1
Bootloaders built from versions of ESP-IDF before V3.1 do not support MD5 checksums in the partition table binary. When using a bootloader from these ESP-IDF versions and building a new app, enable the config option :ref:`CONFIG_ESP32_COMPATIBLE_PRE_V3_1_BOOTLOADERS`.
SPI Flash Configuration
Each ESP-IDF application or bootloader .bin file contains a header with :ref:`CONFIG_ESPTOOLPY_FLASHMODE`, :ref:`CONFIG_ESPTOOLPY_FLASHFREQ`, :ref:`CONFIG_ESPTOOLPY_FLASHSIZE` embedded in it. These are used to configure the SPI flash during boot.
The :first stage bootloader in ROM reads the second stage bootloader header from flash and uses these settings to load it. However, at this time the system clock speed is lower than configured and not all flash modes are supported. When the second stage bootloader then runs and re-configures the flash, it reads values from the currently selected app binary header not the bootloader header. This allows an OTA update to change the SPI flash settings in use.
Bootloaders prior to ESP-IDF V4.0 used the bootloader's own header to configure the SPI flash, meaning these values could not be changed in an update. To maintain compatibility with older bootloaders, the app re-initializes the flash settings during app startup using the configuration found in the app header.
The user can write a basic working firmware and load it into the factory partition.

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@ -157,7 +157,8 @@ MD5 checksum
The binary format of the partition table contains an MD5 checksum computed based on the partition table. This checksum is used for checking the integrity of the partition table during the boot.
The MD5 checksum generation can be disabled by the ``--disable-md5sum`` option of ```` or by the :ref:`CONFIG_PARTITION_TABLE_MD5` option. This is useful for example when one uses a legacy bootloader which cannot process MD5 checksums and the boot fails with the error message ``invalid magic number 0xebeb``.
The MD5 checksum generation can be disabled by the ``--disable-md5sum`` option of ```` or by the :ref:`CONFIG_PARTITION_TABLE_MD5` option. This is useful for example when one :ref:`uses a bootloader from ESP-IDF before v3.1 <CONFIG_ESP32_COMPATIBLE_PRE_V3_1_BOOTLOADERS>` which cannot process MD5 checksums and the boot fails with the error message ``invalid magic number 0xebeb``.
Flashing the partition table