docs: provide CN tranlsation for api-guides/hardware-abstraction.rst

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@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
Hardware Abstraction
Hardware abstraction in ESP-IDF are a group of API that allow users to control peripherals at differing levels of abstraction, as opposed to interfacing with hardware using only the ESP-IDF drivers. ESP-IDF Hardware abstraction will likely be useful for users writing high performance bare-metal drivers, or for those attempting to port an ESP chip to another platform.
ESP-IDF provides a group of APIs for hardware abstraction. These APIs allow you to control peripherals at different levels of abstraction, giving you more flexibility compared to using only the ESP-IDF drivers to interact with hardware. ESP-IDF Hardware abstraction is likely to be useful for writing high-performance bare-metal drivers, or for attempting to port an ESP chip to another platform.
This guide is split into the following sections:
@ -10,25 +12,27 @@ This guide is split into the following sections:
3. :ref:`hw-abstraction-hal-layer`
.. warning::
Hardware abstraction API (excluding the driver and ``xxx_types.h``) should be considered an experimental feature, thus cannot be considered public API. Hardware abstraction API do not adhere to the API name changing restrictions of ESP-IDF's versioning scheme. In other words, it is possible that Hardware Abstraction API may change in between non-major release versions.
Hardware abstraction API (excluding the driver and ``xxx_types.h``) should be considered an experimental feature, thus cannot be considered public API. The hardware abstraction API does not adhere to the API name changing restrictions of ESP-IDF's versioning scheme. In other words, it is possible that Hardware Abstraction API may change in between non-major release versions.
.. note::
Although this document mainly focuses on hardware abstraction of peripherals (e.g., UART, SPI, I2C), certain layers of hardware abstraction extend to other aspects of hardware as well (e.g., some of the CPU's features are partially abstracted).
Although this document mainly focuses on hardware abstraction of peripherals, e.g., UART, SPI, I2C, certain layers of hardware abstraction extend to other aspects of hardware as well, e.g., some of the CPU's features are partially abstracted.
.. _hw-abstraction-architecture:
Hardware abstraction in ESP-IDF is comprised of the following layers, ordered from low level (closer to hardware) to high level (further away from hardware) of abstraction.
Hardware abstraction in ESP-IDF is comprised of the following layers, ordered from low level of abstraction that is closer to hardware, to high level of abstraction that is further away from hardware.
- Low Level (LL) Layer
- Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL)
- Driver Layers
The LL Layer, and HAL are entirely contained within the ``hal`` component. Each layer is dependent on the layer below it (i.e, driver depends on HAL, HAL depends on LL, LL depends on the register header files).
The LL Layer, and HAL are entirely contained within the ``hal`` component. Each layer is dependent on the layer below it, i.e, driver depends on HAL, HAL depends on LL, LL depends on the register header files.
For a particular peripheral ``xxx``, its hardware abstraction will generally consist of the header files described in the table below. Files that are **Target Specific** will have a separate implementation for each target (i.e., a separate copy for each chip). However, the ``#include`` directive will still be target-independent (i.e., will be the same for different targets) as the build system will automatically include the correct version of the header and source files.
For a particular peripheral ``xxx``, its hardware abstraction generally consists of the header files described in the table below. Files that are **Target Specific** have a separate implementation for each target, i.e., a separate copy for each chip. However, the ``#include`` directive is still target-independent, i.e., is the same for different targets, as the build system automatically includes the correct version of the header and source files.
.. |br| raw:: html
@ -46,7 +50,7 @@ For a particular peripheral ``xxx``, its hardware abstraction will generally con
- This header contains a list of C macros specifying the various capabilities of the {IDF_TARGET_NAME}'s peripheral ``xxx``. Hardware capabilities of a peripheral include things such as the number of channels, DMA support, hardware FIFO/buffer lengths, etc.
* - ``#include "soc/xxx_struct.h"`` |br| ``#include "soc/xxx_reg.h"``
- Y
- The two headers contain a representation of a peripheral's registers in C structure and C macro format respectively. Users can operate a peripheral at the register level via either of these two header files.
- The two headers contain a representation of a peripheral's registers in C structure and C macro format respectively, allowing you to operate a peripheral at the register level via either of these two header files.
* - ``#include "soc/xxx_pins.h"``
- Y
- If certain signals of a peripheral are mapped to a particular pin of the {IDF_TARGET_NAME}, their mappings are defined in this header as C macros.
@ -57,7 +61,7 @@ For a particular peripheral ``xxx``, its hardware abstraction will generally con
- N
- This header contains type definitions and macros that are shared among the LL, HAL, and driver layers. Moreover, it is considered public API thus can be included by the application level. The shared types and definitions usually related to non-implementation specific concepts such as the following:
- Protocol related types/macros such a frames, modes, common bus speeds, etc.
- Protocol-related types/macros such a frames, modes, common bus speeds, etc.
- Features/characteristics of an ``xxx`` peripheral that are likely to be present on any implementation (implementation-independent) such as channels, operating modes, signal amplification or attenuation intensities, etc.
* - ``#include "hal/xxx_ll.h"``
- Y
@ -98,10 +102,10 @@ The primary purpose of the LL Layer is to abstract away register field access in
The code snippet above illustrates typical LL functions for a peripheral ``xxx``. LL functions typically have the following characteristics:
- All LL functions are defined as ``static inline`` so that there is minimal overhead when calling these functions due to compiler optimization. These functions are not guaranteed to be inlined by the compiler, so any LL function that will be called when the cache is disabled (e.g. from an IRAM ISR context) should be marked with ``__attribute__((always_inline))``.
- All LL functions are defined as ``static inline`` so that there is minimal overhead when calling these functions due to compiler optimization. These functions are not guaranteed to be inlined by the compiler, so any LL function that is called when the cache is disabled (e.g., from an IRAM ISR context) should be marked with ``__attribute__((always_inline))``.
- The first argument should be a pointer to a ``xxx_dev_t`` type. The ``xxx_dev_t`` type is a structure representing the peripheral's registers, thus the first argument is always a pointer to the starting address of the peripheral's registers. Note that in some cases where the peripheral has multiple channels with identical register layouts, ``xxx_dev_t *hw`` may point to the registers of a particular channel instead.
- LL functions should be short and in most cases are deterministic. In other words, the worst case runtime of the LL function can be determined at compile time. Thus, any loops in LL functions should be finite bounded; however, there are currently a few exceptions to this rule.
- LL functions are not thread safe, it is the responsibility of the upper layers (driver layer) to ensure that registers or register fields are not accessed concurrently.
- LL functions should be short, and in most cases are deterministic. In other words, in the worst case, runtime of the LL function can be determined at compile time. Thus, any loops in LL functions should be finite bounded; however, there are currently a few exceptions to this rule.
- LL functions are not thread-safe, it is the responsibility of the upper layers (driver layer) to ensure that registers or register fields are not accessed concurrently.
.. _hw-abstraction-hal-layer:
@ -109,7 +113,7 @@ The code snippet above illustrates typical LL functions for a peripheral ``xxx``
HAL (Hardware Abstraction Layer)
The HAL layer models the operational process of a peripheral as a set of general steps, where each step has an associated function. For each step, the details of a peripheral's register implementation (i.e., which registers need to be set/read) are hidden (abstracted away) by the HAL. By modeling peripheral operation as a set of functional steps, any minor hardware implementation differences of the peripheral between different targets or chip versions can be abstracted away by the HAL (i.e., handled transparently). In other words, the HAL API for a particular peripheral will remain mostly the same across multiple targets/chip versions.
The HAL layer models the operational process of a peripheral as a set of general steps, where each step has an associated function. For each step, the details of a peripheral's register implementation (i.e., which registers need to be set/read) are hidden (abstracted away) by the HAL. By modeling peripheral operation as a set of functional steps, any minor hardware implementation differences of the peripheral between different targets or chip versions can be abstracted away by the HAL (i.e., handled transparently). In other words, the HAL API for a particular peripheral remains mostly the same across multiple targets/chip versions.
The following HAL function examples are selected from the Watchdog Timer HAL as each function maps to one of the steps in a WDT's operation life cycle, thus illustrating how a HAL abstracts a peripheral's operation into functional steps.
@ -137,15 +141,16 @@ The following HAL function examples are selected from the Watchdog Timer HAL as
void wdt_hal_deinit(wdt_hal_context_t *hal);
HAL functions will generally have the following characteristics:
HAL functions generally have the following characteristics:
- The first argument to a HAL function has the ``xxx_hal_context_t *`` type. The HAL context type is used to store information about a particular instance of the peripheral (i.e. the context instance). A HAL context is initialized by the ``xxx_hal_init()`` function and can store information such as the following:
- The first argument to a HAL function has the ``xxx_hal_context_t *`` type. The HAL context type is used to store information about a particular instance of the peripheral (i.e., the context instance). A HAL context is initialized by the ``xxx_hal_init()`` function and can store information such as the following:
- The channel number of this instance
- Pointer to the peripheral's (or channel's) registers (i.e., a ``xxx_dev_t *`` type)
- Information about an ongoing transaction (e.g., pointer to DMA descriptor list in use)
- Some configuration values for the instance (e.g., channel configurations)
- Variables to maintain state information regarding the instance (e.g., a flag to indicate if the instance is waiting for transaction to complete)
- HAL functions should not contain any OS primitives such as queues, semaphores, mutexes, etc. All synchronization/concurrency should be handled at higher layers (e.g., the driver).
- Some peripherals may have steps that cannot be further abstracted by the HAL, thus will end up being a direct wrapper (or macro) for an LL function.
- Some peripherals may have steps that cannot be further abstracted by the HAL, thus end up being a direct wrapper (or macro) for an LL function.
- Some HAL functions may be placed in IRAM thus may carry an ``IRAM_ATTR`` or be placed in a separate ``xxx_hal_iram.c`` source file.

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@ -1 +1,156 @@
.. include:: ../../en/api-guides/hardware-abstraction.rst
ESP-IDF 提供了一组用于硬件抽象的 API支持以不同抽象级别控制外设相比仅使用 ESP-IDF 驱动程序与硬件进行交互使用更加灵活。ESP-IDF 硬件抽象适用于编写高性能裸机驱动程序,或尝试将 ESP 芯片移植到另一个平台。
1. :ref:`hw-abstraction-architecture`
2. :ref:`hw-abstraction-ll-layer`
3. :ref:`hw-abstraction-hal-layer`
.. warning::
硬件抽象 API不包括驱动程序和 ``xxx_types.h``)尚处于试验阶段,因此不能算作公共 API。硬件抽象 API 不遵守 ESP-IDF 版本控制方案的 API 名称更改规范。换言之,非主要 ESP-IDF 版本迭代时,硬件抽象 API 的名称可能会更改。
.. note::
尽管本文档主要关注外设的硬件抽象,如 UART、SPI、I2C 等,但硬件抽象可以扩展到外设以外其他的硬件部分,如某些 CPU 功能也进行了部分抽象。
.. _hw-abstraction-architecture:
ESP-IDF 的硬件抽象由以下层级各组成,从接近硬件的低层级抽象,到远离硬件的高层级抽象。
- 低级层 (LL)
- 硬件抽象层 (HAL)
- 驱动层
LL 层和 HAL 完全包含在 ``hal`` 组件中,每一层都依赖于其下方的层级,即驱动层依赖于 HAL 层HAL 层依赖于 LL 层LL 层依赖于寄存器头文件。
对于特定外设 ``xxx``,其硬件抽象通常由下表中的头文件组成。其中 **特定目标** 指的是文件对于不同目标(即芯片)有不同的实现。然而,对于不同的目标,``#include`` 指令相同,构建系统会自动包含正确版本的头文件和源文件。
.. |br| raw:: html
.. list-table:: 硬件抽象头文件
:widths: 25 5 70
:header-rows: 1
* - 包含 |br| 指令
- 特定 |br| 目标
- 描述
* - ``#include 'soc/xxx_caps.h"``
- 是
- 此头文件包含了 C 宏列表,指明 {IDF_TARGET_NAME} 外设 ``xxx`` 的各种功能。外设的硬件功能包括通道数量、DMA 支持、硬件 FIFO/缓冲区长度等。
* - ``#include "soc/xxx_struct.h"`` |br| ``#include "soc/xxx_reg.h"``
- 是
- 这两个头文件分别以 C 结构体和 C 宏的形式表示外设寄存器,支持通过其中任一头文件,在寄存器级别上操作外设。
* - ``#include "soc/xxx_pins.h"``
- 是
- 如果某些外设的信号映射到 {IDF_TARGET_NAME} 的特定管脚上,则该头文件中以 C 宏的形式定义了它们的映射关系。
* - ``#include "soc/xxx_periph.h"``
- 否
- 此头文件主要是为了方便,可以自动包含 ``xxx_caps.h````xxx_struct.h````xxx_reg.h``
* - ``#include "hal/xxx_types.h``
- 否
- 此头文件包含了在 LL、HAL 和驱动层间共享的类型定义和宏。此外,作为公共 API该头文件可以包含在应用层中。共享的类型和定义通常与具体的实现无关例如
- 协议相关的类型/宏,如帧、模式、常见总线速度等。
- ``xxx`` 外设可能存在的特性/特点,可能存在于任何实现上(与实现无关),例如通道、工作模式、信号放大或衰减强度等。
* - ``#include "hal/xxx_ll.h"``
- 是
- 此头文件包含了硬件抽象的 LL 层。LL 层 API 主要用于将寄存器操作抽象成可读的函数。
* - ``#include "hal/xxx_hal.h"``
- 是
- HAL 层用于将外设操作步骤抽象成函数如读取缓冲区、启动传输、处理事件等。HAL 层构建在 LL 层之上。
* - ``#include "driver/xxx.h"``
- 否
- 驱动层是 ESP-IDF 硬件抽象的最高级别。驱动层 API 旨在从 ESP-IDF 应用程序中调用,并在内部使用操作系统的基本功能。因此,驱动层 API 由事件驱动,并可在多线程环境中使用。
.. _hw-abstraction-ll-layer:
LL 层(低级层)
LL 层主要目的是将寄存器字段访问抽象为更容易理解的函数。LL 函数本质是将各种输入/输出参数转换为外设寄存器的寄存器字段,并以获取/设置函数的形式呈现。所有必要的位移、掩码、偏移和寄存器字段的字节顺序都应由 LL 函数处理。
.. code-block:: c
//在 xxx_ll.h 内
static inline void xxx_ll_set_baud_rate(xxx_dev_t *hw,
xxx_ll_clk_src_t clock_source,
uint32_t baud_rate) {
uint32_t src_clk_freq = (source_clk == XXX_SCLK_APB) ? APB_CLK_FREQ : REF_CLK_FREQ;
uint32_t clock_divider = src_clk_freq / baud;
// 设置时钟选择字段
hw->clk_div_reg.divider = clock_divider >> 4;
// 设置时钟分频器字段
hw->config.clk_sel = (source_clk == XXX_SCLK_APB) ? 0 : 1;
static inline uint32_t xxx_ll_get_rx_byte_count(xxx_dev_t *hw) {
return hw->status_reg.rx_cnt;
以上代码片段展示了外设 ``xxx`` 的典型 LL 函数。LL 函数通常具有以下特点:
- 所有 LL 函数均定义为 ``static inline``,因此,由于编译器优化而调用这些函数时,开销最小。这些函数不保证由编译器内联,因此在禁用缓存时(例如从 IRAM ISR 上下文调用)调用的任何 LL 函数都应标记为 ``__attribute__((always_inline))``
- 第一个参数应为指向 ``xxx_dev_t`` 类型的指针。``xxx_dev_t`` 类型表示外设寄存器的结构体,因此第一个参数始终是指向外设寄存器起始地址的指针。请注意,在某些情况下,如果外设具有多个相同寄存器布局的通道, ``xxx_dev_t *hw`` 可能指向特定通道的寄存器。
- LL 函数应尽可能简短并且在大多数情况下是确定性的。换句话说在最糟糕的情况下LL 函数的运行时间可以在编译时确定。因此LL 函数中的任何循环都应该是有限的;然而,目前也存在一些例外。
- LL 函数并非线程安全,其上层(驱动层)有责任确保不会同时访问寄存器和寄存器字段。
.. _hw-abstraction-hal-layer:
HAL 将外设的操作过程建模成一组通用步骤其中每个步骤都有一个相关联的函数。对于每个步骤HAL 隐藏(抽象)了外设寄存器的实现细节(即需要设置/读取的寄存器。通过将外设操作过程建模为一组功能步骤HAL 可以抽象化(即透明处理)不同目标或芯片版本间的微小硬件实现差异。换句话说,特定外设的 HAL API 在多个目标/芯片版本之间基本保持相同。
以下 HAL 函数示例选自看门狗定时器 (WDT) HAL每个函数都映射到了 WDT 操作生命周期的某个步骤,从而展示了 HAL 如何将外设的操作抽象为功能步骤。
.. code-block:: c
// 初始化某个 WDT
void wdt_hal_init(wdt_hal_context_t *hal, wdt_inst_t wdt_inst, uint32_t prescaler, bool enable_intr);
// 配置 WDT 的特定超时阶段
void wdt_hal_config_stage(wdt_hal_context_t *hal, wdt_stage_t stage, uint32_t timeout, wdt_stage_action_t behavior);
// 启动 WDT
void wdt_hal_enable(wdt_hal_context_t *hal);
// 喂养即重置WDT
void wdt_hal_feed(wdt_hal_context_t *hal);
// 处理 WDT 超时
void wdt_hal_handle_intr(wdt_hal_context_t *hal);
// 停止 WDT
void wdt_hal_disable(wdt_hal_context_t *hal);
// 去初始化 WDT
void wdt_hal_deinit(wdt_hal_context_t *hal);
HAL 函数通常具有以下特点:
- HAL 函数的第一个参数是 ``xxx_hal_context_t *`` 类型。HAL 上下文类型用于存储信息这些信息与特定外设实例即上下文实例相关。HAL 上下文通过 ``xxx_hal_init()`` 函数初始化,可以存储以下信息:
- 该实例的通道编号
- 指向外设(或通道)寄存器的指针(即 ``xxx_dev_t *`` 类型)
- 进行中的事务的信息(例如使用中的 DMA 描述符列表的指针)
- 实例的一些配置值(例如通道配置)
- 维护实例状态信息的变量(例如表明实例是否正在等待事务完成的标志)
- HAL 函数不应包含任何操作系统原语,如队列、信号量、互斥锁等。所有同步/并发操作应在更高层次(如驱动程序)处理。
- 某些外设的某些步骤可能无法由 HAL 进一步抽象,因此最终成为对 LL 函数的直接封装(或宏)。
- 某些 HAL 函数可能会放置在 IRAM 中,因此可能带有 ``IRAM_ATTR`` 或放置在单独的 ``xxx_hal_iram.c`` 源文件中。