mirror of
synced 2025-03-09 17:19:09 -04:00
usb: Update host CDC examples
This commit is contained in:
@ -364,8 +364,8 @@ CDC-ACM
* A host class driver for the Communication Device Class (Abstract Control Model) is deployed to `IDF component registry <https://components.espressif.com/component/espressif/usb_host_cdc_acm>`__.
* The :example:`peripherals/usb/host/cdc/cdc_acm_host` example uses the CDC-ACM host driver component to communicate with CDC-ACM devices
* The :example:`peripherals/usb/host/cdc/cdc_acm_bg96` example uses the CDC-ACM host driver component to communicate with non-compliant CDC-ACM devices (i.e., vendor-specific classes that support a subset of CDC-ACM features) such as the Quectel BG96 modem.
* The :example:`peripherals/usb/host/cdc/cdc_acm_vcp` example shows how can you extend the CDC-ACM host driver to interface Virtual COM Port devices.
* The CDC-ACM driver is also used in `esp_modem examples <https://github.com/espressif/esp-protocols/tree/master/components/esp_modem/examples>`__, where it is used for communication with cellular modems.
@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
# For more information about build system see
# https://docs.espressif.com/projects/esp-idf/en/latest/api-guides/build-system.html
# The following five lines of boilerplate have to be in your project's
# CMakeLists in this exact order for cmake to work correctly
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.16)
@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
| Supported Targets | ESP32-S2 | ESP32-S3 |
| ----------------- | -------- | -------- |
# USB CDC-ACM Host Driver BG96 Example
(See the README.md file in the upper level 'examples' directory for more information about examples.)
This example shows how to set up ESP chip to interface with CDC-like device by using the CDC-ACM Host Driver. CDC-like devices implement a Vendor-specific class, and support a subset of the functions of a fully compliant CDC-ACM device.
## How to use example
### Hardware Required
Any ESP board with USB-OTG supported and a Quectel BG96 LTE/GPS modem.
Connect USB_D+, USB_D-, GND and +5V signals of ESP board to BG96.
_Note:_ Quectel BG96 modem must be started after power-up by applying low pulse on PWRKEY (pin 15).
#### Pin Assignment
See common pin assignments for USB Device examples from [upper level](../../../README.md#common-pin-assignments).
### Build and Flash
Build the project and flash it to the board, then run monitor tool to view serial output:
idf.py -p PORT flash monitor
(Replace PORT with the name of the serial port to use.)
(To exit the serial monitor, type ``Ctrl-]``.)
See the Getting Started Guide for full steps to configure and use ESP-IDF to build projects.
## Example Output
After the flashing you should see the output at idf monitor:
I (276) BG96: USB Host installed
I (24446) AT: ATE0
I (24446) AT:
I (24526) AT:
I (24646) AT:
I (25446) BG96: Sending AT
I (25446) AT:
I (26446) BG96: Enabling GNSS
I (26446) AT:
GPVTG Sentence:
Track [deg]: 0.00
Speed [kmph]: 0.00
Speed [knots]: 0.00
GPGSA Sentence:
Mode: A
Fix: 1
PDOP: 0.00
HDOP: 0.00
VDOP: 0.00
GPGGA sentence
Number of satellites: 0
Altitude: 0.000000
GPRMC sentence
Degrees: 0
Minutes: 0.000000
Degrees: 0
Minutes: 0.000000
Date & Time: 00 Jan 00:00:00 1900
Speed, in Knots: 0.000000
Track, in degrees: 0.000000
Magnetic Variation:
Degrees: 0.000000
Invalid Magnetic Variation Direction!
Adjusted Track (heading): 0.000000
I (27446) BG96: Sending AT+GSN
I (27446) AT:
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
idf_component_register(SRCS "cdc_acm_host_bg96.cpp"
@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2015-2021 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
* SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0
#pragma once
#include "usb/cdc_acm_host.h"
#include "esp_log.h"
#define BG96_VID (0x2C7C)
#define BG96_PID (0x0296)
#define BG96_AT_INTERFACE (2)
#define BG96_NMEA_INTERFACE (1)
class Bg96Usb {
explicit Bg96Usb() : at_opened(false) {
esp_err_t at_start(cdc_acm_data_callback_t data_cb, void *user_arg)
// This driver doesn't support CDC notifications. This can lead to silent failures
const cdc_acm_host_device_config_t dev_config = {
.connection_timeout_ms = 10000,
.out_buffer_size = 64,
.event_cb = NULL,
.data_cb = data_cb,
.user_arg = user_arg,
ESP_ERROR_CHECK(this->at_port.open_vendor_specific(BG96_VID, BG96_PID, BG96_AT_INTERFACE, &dev_config));
this->at_opened = true;
// Some FW versions have Echo enabled by default. Disable it with ATE0 command
ESP_LOGD("BG96_USB", "Turning off echo with ATE0");
ESP_ERROR_CHECK(this->at_port.tx_blocking((uint8_t *)"ATE0\r", 5, 1000));
return ESP_OK;
void at_stop()
this->at_opened = false;
esp_err_t at_write(uint8_t *data, size_t len)
return this->at_port.tx_blocking(data, len, 1000);
esp_err_t gnss_start(cdc_acm_data_callback_t data_cb)
if (!this->at_opened) {
const cdc_acm_host_device_config_t dev_config = {
.connection_timeout_ms = 1000,
.out_buffer_size = 0, // Read-only
.event_cb = NULL,
.data_cb = data_cb,
.user_arg = this,
ESP_ERROR_CHECK(this->nmea_port.open_vendor_specific(BG96_VID, BG96_PID, BG96_NMEA_INTERFACE, &dev_config));
return this->at_port.tx_blocking((uint8_t*)"AT+QGPS=1\r", 10, 1000);
esp_err_t gnss_stop()
esp_err_t ret = this->at_port.tx_blocking((uint8_t*)"AT+QGPSEND\r", 11, 1000);
return ret;
CdcAcmDevice at_port; // Main control port for AT commands
CdcAcmDevice nmea_port; // Read only port for NMEA messages
bool at_opened;
@ -1,208 +0,0 @@
* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2015-2022 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
* SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "esp_system.h"
#include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h"
#include "freertos/task.h"
#include "esp_log.h"
#include "usb/usb_host.h"
#include "bg96_usb.hpp"
#include "nmea.h"
#include "gpgll.h"
#include "gpgga.h"
#include "gprmc.h"
#include "gpgsa.h"
#include "gpvtg.h"
#include "gptxt.h"
#include "gpgsv.h"
static const char* TAG = "BG96";
static char fmt_buf[32];
/* ------------------------------- Callbacks -------------------------------- */
static void handle_rx(uint8_t *data, size_t data_len, void *user_arg)
data[data_len] = '\0';
ESP_LOGI("AT", "%s", data);
static void handle_gps(uint8_t* data, size_t data_len, void *user_arg)
// handle nmea_data
nmea_s *nmea_data = nmea_parse((char *)data, data_len, 0);
if (nmea_data == NULL) {
printf("Failed to parse the sentence!\n");
printf(" Type: %.5s (%d)\n", data + 1, nmea_get_type((const char *)data));
} else {
if (nmea_data->errors != 0) {
printf("WARN: The sentence struct contains parse errors!\n");
if (NMEA_GPGGA == nmea_data->type) {
printf("GPGGA sentence\n");
nmea_gpgga_s *gpgga = (nmea_gpgga_s *)nmea_data;
printf("Number of satellites: %d\n", gpgga->n_satellites);
printf("Altitude: %f %c\n", gpgga->altitude, gpgga->altitude_unit);
if (NMEA_GPGLL == nmea_data->type) {
printf("GPGLL sentence\n");
nmea_gpgll_s *pos = (nmea_gpgll_s *)nmea_data;
printf(" Degrees: %d\n", pos->longitude.degrees);
printf(" Minutes: %f\n", pos->longitude.minutes);
printf(" Cardinal: %c\n", (char)pos->longitude.cardinal);
printf(" Degrees: %d\n", pos->latitude.degrees);
printf(" Minutes: %f\n", pos->latitude.minutes);
printf(" Cardinal: %c\n", (char)pos->latitude.cardinal);
strftime(fmt_buf, sizeof(fmt_buf), "%H:%M:%S", &pos->time);
printf("Time: %s\n", fmt_buf);
if (NMEA_GPRMC == nmea_data->type) {
printf("GPRMC sentence\n");
nmea_gprmc_s *pos = (nmea_gprmc_s *)nmea_data;
printf(" Degrees: %d\n", pos->longitude.degrees);
printf(" Minutes: %f\n", pos->longitude.minutes);
printf(" Cardinal: %c\n", (char)pos->longitude.cardinal);
printf(" Degrees: %d\n", pos->latitude.degrees);
printf(" Minutes: %f\n", pos->latitude.minutes);
printf(" Cardinal: %c\n", (char)pos->latitude.cardinal);
strftime(fmt_buf, sizeof(fmt_buf), "%d %b %T %Y", &pos->date_time);
printf("Date & Time: %s\n", fmt_buf);
printf("Speed, in Knots: %f\n", pos->gndspd_knots);
printf("Track, in degrees: %f\n", pos->track_deg);
printf("Magnetic Variation:\n");
printf(" Degrees: %f\n", pos->magvar_deg);
printf(" Cardinal: %c\n", (char)pos->magvar_cardinal);
double adjusted_course = pos->track_deg;
if (NMEA_CARDINAL_DIR_EAST == pos->magvar_cardinal) {
adjusted_course -= pos->magvar_deg;
} else if (NMEA_CARDINAL_DIR_WEST == pos->magvar_cardinal) {
adjusted_course += pos->magvar_deg;
} else {
printf("Invalid Magnetic Variation Direction!\n");
printf("Adjusted Track (heading): %f\n", adjusted_course);
if (NMEA_GPGSA == nmea_data->type) {
nmea_gpgsa_s *gpgsa = (nmea_gpgsa_s *)nmea_data;
printf("GPGSA Sentence:\n");
printf(" Mode: %c\n", gpgsa->mode);
printf(" Fix: %d\n", gpgsa->fixtype);
printf(" PDOP: %.2lf\n", gpgsa->pdop);
printf(" HDOP: %.2lf\n", gpgsa->hdop);
printf(" VDOP: %.2lf\n", gpgsa->vdop);
if (NMEA_GPGSV == nmea_data->type) {
nmea_gpgsv_s *gpgsv = (nmea_gpgsv_s *)nmea_data;
printf("GPGSV Sentence:\n");
printf(" Num: %d\n", gpgsv->sentences);
printf(" ID: %d\n", gpgsv->sentence_number);
printf(" SV: %d\n", gpgsv->satellites);
printf(" #1: %d %d %d %d\n", gpgsv->sat[0].prn, gpgsv->sat[0].elevation, gpgsv->sat[0].azimuth,
printf(" #2: %d %d %d %d\n", gpgsv->sat[1].prn, gpgsv->sat[1].elevation, gpgsv->sat[1].azimuth,
printf(" #3: %d %d %d %d\n", gpgsv->sat[2].prn, gpgsv->sat[2].elevation, gpgsv->sat[2].azimuth,
printf(" #4: %d %d %d %d\n", gpgsv->sat[3].prn, gpgsv->sat[3].elevation, gpgsv->sat[3].azimuth,
if (NMEA_GPTXT == nmea_data->type) {
nmea_gptxt_s *gptxt = (nmea_gptxt_s *)nmea_data;
printf("GPTXT Sentence:\n");
printf(" ID: %d %d %d\n", gptxt->id_00, gptxt->id_01, gptxt->id_02);
printf(" %s\n", gptxt->text);
if (NMEA_GPVTG == nmea_data->type) {
nmea_gpvtg_s *gpvtg = (nmea_gpvtg_s *)nmea_data;
printf("GPVTG Sentence:\n");
printf(" Track [deg]: %.2lf\n", gpvtg->track_deg);
printf(" Speed [kmph]: %.2lf\n", gpvtg->gndspd_kmph);
printf(" Speed [knots]: %.2lf\n", gpvtg->gndspd_knots);
void usb_lib_task(void *arg)
while (1) {
//Start handling system events
uint32_t event_flags;
usb_host_lib_handle_events(portMAX_DELAY, &event_flags);
printf("No more clients\n");
if (event_flags & USB_HOST_LIB_EVENT_FLAGS_ALL_FREE) {
//Short delay to allow task to be cleaned up
//Clean up USB Host
/* ---------------------------------- Main ---------------------------------- */
extern "C" void app_main(void)
//Install USB Host driver. Should only be called once in entire application
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Installing USB Host");
usb_host_config_t host_config = {
.skip_phy_setup = false,
.intr_flags = ESP_INTR_FLAG_LEVEL1,
// Create a task that will handle USB library events
xTaskCreate(usb_lib_task, "usb_lib", 4096, NULL, EXAMPLE_USB_HOST_PRIORITY, NULL);
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Installing CDC-ACM driver");
Bg96Usb *bg96 = new Bg96Usb();
bg96->at_start(handle_rx, NULL);
static char text1[] = "AT\r";
static char text2[] = "AT+GSN\r";
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Sending AT");
bg96->at_write((uint8_t *)text1, strlen(text1));
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Enabling GNSS");
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Sending AT+GSN");
bg96->at_write((uint8_t *)text2, strlen(text2));
@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
## IDF Component Manager Manifest File
idf: ">=4.4"
igrr/libnmea: "^0.1.1"
usb_host_cdc_acm: "1.*"
@ -33,15 +33,6 @@ idf.py -p PORT flash monitor
See the Getting Started Guide for full steps to configure and use ESP-IDF to build projects.
### Running with dual USB CDC device
USB CDC device example [tusb_serial_device example](../../../device/tusb_serial_device)
can be configured to act as dual CDC device.
In the device example project, enter command `idf.py menuconfig` and set Component config->TinyUSB Stack->Communication Device Class (CDC)->CDC channel Count to `2`.
This settings also changes device's PID, so `EXAMPLE_USB_DEVICE_PID` in [usb-cdc.c](./main/usb-cdc.c) must be changed to `0x4002`.
## Example Output
After the flashing you should see the output at idf monitor:
@ -1,3 +1,2 @@
idf_component_register(SRCS "usb-cdc.c"
idf_component_register(SRCS "usb_cdc_example_main.c"
target_compile_options(${COMPONENT_LIB} PRIVATE "-Wno-format")
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
## IDF Component Manager Manifest File
usb_host_cdc_acm: "1.*"
usb_host_cdc_acm: "2.*"
idf: ">=4.4"
@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2015-2022 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
* SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "esp_system.h"
#include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h"
#include "freertos/task.h"
#include "esp_log.h"
#include "esp_err.h"
#include "usb/usb_host.h"
#include "usb/cdc_acm_host.h"
#define EXAMPLE_USB_DEVICE_VID 0x303A // 0x303A:0x4001 (TinyUSB CDC device)
#define EXAMPLE_USB_DEVICE_PID 0x4001 // Change this to 0x4002 for dual CDC device
static const char *TAG = "USB-CDC";
/* ------------------------------- Callbacks -------------------------------- */
static void handle_rx(uint8_t *data, size_t data_len, void *arg)
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Data received");
void usb_lib_task(void *arg)
while (1) {
//Start handling system events
uint32_t event_flags;
usb_host_lib_handle_events(portMAX_DELAY, &event_flags);
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "All clients deregistered");
if (event_flags & USB_HOST_LIB_EVENT_FLAGS_ALL_FREE) {
//Clean up USB Host
/* ---------------------------------- Main ---------------------------------- */
void app_main(void)
//Install USB Host driver. Should only be called once in entire application
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Installing USB Host");
usb_host_config_t host_config = {
.skip_phy_setup = false,
.intr_flags = ESP_INTR_FLAG_LEVEL1,
// Create a task that will handle USB library events
xTaskCreate(usb_lib_task, "usb_lib", 4096, xTaskGetCurrentTaskHandle(), EXAMPLE_USB_HOST_PRIORITY, NULL);
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Installing CDC-ACM driver");
cdc_acm_dev_hdl_t cdc_dev;
const cdc_acm_host_device_config_t dev_config = {
.connection_timeout_ms = 5000,
.out_buffer_size = 64,
.user_arg = NULL,
.event_cb = NULL,
.data_cb = handle_rx
ESP_ERROR_CHECK(cdc_acm_host_open(EXAMPLE_USB_DEVICE_VID, EXAMPLE_USB_DEVICE_PID, 0, &dev_config, &cdc_dev));
// Test sending and receiving: Send AT commands, responses are handled in handle_rx callback
static char text1[] = "AT\r";
ESP_ERROR_CHECK(cdc_acm_host_data_tx_blocking(cdc_dev, (uint8_t *)text1, strlen(text1), 1000));
static char text2[] = "AT+GSN\r";
ESP_ERROR_CHECK(cdc_acm_host_data_tx_blocking(cdc_dev, (uint8_t *)text2, strlen(text2), 1000));
// Test Line Coding commands: Get current line coding, change it 9600 7N1 and read again
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Setting up line coding");
cdc_acm_line_coding_t line_coding;
ESP_ERROR_CHECK(cdc_acm_host_line_coding_get(cdc_dev, &line_coding));
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Line Get: Rate: %d, Stop bits: %d, Parity: %d, Databits: %d", line_coding.dwDTERate,
line_coding.bCharFormat, line_coding.bParityType, line_coding.bDataBits);
line_coding.dwDTERate = 9600;
line_coding.bDataBits = 7;
line_coding.bParityType = 1;
line_coding.bCharFormat = 1;
ESP_ERROR_CHECK(cdc_acm_host_line_coding_set(cdc_dev, &line_coding));
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Line Set: Rate: %d, Stop bits: %d, Parity: %d, Databits: %d", line_coding.dwDTERate,
line_coding.bCharFormat, line_coding.bParityType, line_coding.bDataBits);
ESP_ERROR_CHECK(cdc_acm_host_line_coding_get(cdc_dev, &line_coding));
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Line Get: Rate: %d, Stop bits: %d, Parity: %d, Databits: %d", line_coding.dwDTERate,
line_coding.bCharFormat, line_coding.bParityType, line_coding.bDataBits);
ESP_ERROR_CHECK(cdc_acm_host_set_control_line_state(cdc_dev, true, false));
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Example finished successfully!");
@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2015-2023 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
* SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include "esp_system.h"
#include "esp_log.h"
#include "esp_err.h"
#include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h"
#include "freertos/task.h"
#include "freertos/semphr.h"
#include "usb/usb_host.h"
#include "usb/cdc_acm_host.h"
#define EXAMPLE_USB_DEVICE_PID (0x4001) // 0x303A:0x4001 (TinyUSB CDC device)
#define EXAMPLE_USB_DEVICE_DUAL_PID (0x4002) // 0x303A:0x4002 (TinyUSB Dual CDC device)
#define EXAMPLE_TX_STRING ("CDC test string!")
#define EXAMPLE_TX_TIMEOUT_MS (1000)
static const char *TAG = "USB-CDC";
static SemaphoreHandle_t device_disconnected_sem;
* @brief Data received callback
* @param[in] data Pointer to received data
* @param[in] data_len Length of received data in bytes
* @param[in] arg Argument we passed to the device open function
* @return
* true: We have processed the received data
* false: We expect more data
static bool handle_rx(const uint8_t *data, size_t data_len, void *arg)
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Data received");
return true;
* @brief Device event callback
* Apart from handling device disconnection it doesn't do anything useful
* @param[in] event Device event type and data
* @param[in] user_ctx Argument we passed to the device open function
static void handle_event(const cdc_acm_host_dev_event_data_t *event, void *user_ctx)
switch (event->type) {
ESP_LOGE(TAG, "CDC-ACM error has occurred, err_no = %i", event->data.error);
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Device suddenly disconnected");
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Serial state notif 0x%04X", event->data.serial_state.val);
ESP_LOGW(TAG, "Unsupported CDC event: %i", event->type);
* @brief USB Host library handling task
* @param arg Unused
static void usb_lib_task(void *arg)
while (1) {
// Start handling system events
uint32_t event_flags;
usb_host_lib_handle_events(portMAX_DELAY, &event_flags);
if (event_flags & USB_HOST_LIB_EVENT_FLAGS_ALL_FREE) {
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "USB: All devices freed");
// Continue handling USB events to allow device reconnection
* @brief Main application
* Here we open a USB CDC device and send some data to it
void app_main(void)
device_disconnected_sem = xSemaphoreCreateBinary();
// Install USB Host driver. Should only be called once in entire application
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Installing USB Host");
const usb_host_config_t host_config = {
.skip_phy_setup = false,
.intr_flags = ESP_INTR_FLAG_LEVEL1,
// Create a task that will handle USB library events
BaseType_t task_created = xTaskCreate(usb_lib_task, "usb_lib", 4096, xTaskGetCurrentTaskHandle(), EXAMPLE_USB_HOST_PRIORITY, NULL);
assert(task_created == pdTRUE);
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Installing CDC-ACM driver");
const cdc_acm_host_device_config_t dev_config = {
.connection_timeout_ms = 1000,
.out_buffer_size = 512,
.in_buffer_size = 512,
.user_arg = NULL,
.event_cb = handle_event,
.data_cb = handle_rx
while (true) {
cdc_acm_dev_hdl_t cdc_dev = NULL;
// Open USB device from tusb_serial_device example example. Either single or dual port configuration.
esp_err_t err = cdc_acm_host_open(EXAMPLE_USB_DEVICE_VID, EXAMPLE_USB_DEVICE_PID, 0, &dev_config, &cdc_dev);
if (ESP_OK != err) {
err = cdc_acm_host_open(EXAMPLE_USB_DEVICE_VID, EXAMPLE_USB_DEVICE_DUAL_PID, 0, &dev_config, &cdc_dev);
if (ESP_OK != err) {
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Failed to open device");
// Test sending and receiving: responses are handled in handle_rx callback
ESP_ERROR_CHECK(cdc_acm_host_data_tx_blocking(cdc_dev, (const uint8_t *)EXAMPLE_TX_STRING, strlen(EXAMPLE_TX_STRING), EXAMPLE_TX_TIMEOUT_MS));
// Test Line Coding commands: Get current line coding, change it 9600 7N1 and read again
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Setting up line coding");
cdc_acm_line_coding_t line_coding;
ESP_ERROR_CHECK(cdc_acm_host_line_coding_get(cdc_dev, &line_coding));
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Line Get: Rate: %"PRIu32", Stop bits: %"PRIu8", Parity: %"PRIu8", Databits: %"PRIu8"",
line_coding.dwDTERate, line_coding.bCharFormat, line_coding.bParityType, line_coding.bDataBits);
line_coding.dwDTERate = 9600;
line_coding.bDataBits = 7;
line_coding.bParityType = 1;
line_coding.bCharFormat = 1;
ESP_ERROR_CHECK(cdc_acm_host_line_coding_set(cdc_dev, &line_coding));
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Line Set: Rate: %"PRIu32", Stop bits: %"PRIu8", Parity: %"PRIu8", Databits: %"PRIu8"",
line_coding.dwDTERate, line_coding.bCharFormat, line_coding.bParityType, line_coding.bDataBits);
ESP_ERROR_CHECK(cdc_acm_host_line_coding_get(cdc_dev, &line_coding));
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Line Get: Rate: %"PRIu32", Stop bits: %"PRIu8", Parity: %"PRIu8", Databits: %"PRIu8"",
line_coding.dwDTERate, line_coding.bCharFormat, line_coding.bParityType, line_coding.bDataBits);
ESP_ERROR_CHECK(cdc_acm_host_set_control_line_state(cdc_dev, true, false));
// We are done. Wait for device disconnection and start over
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Example finished successfully! You can reconnect the device to run again.");
xSemaphoreTake(device_disconnected_sem, portMAX_DELAY);
@ -1,24 +1,26 @@
| Supported Targets | ESP32-S2 | ESP32-S3 |
| ----------------- | -------- | -------- |
# USB CDC-ACM Virtual Com Port example
# USB CDC-ACM Virtual COM Port example
(See the README.md file in the upper level 'examples' directory for more information about examples.)
This example shows how to extend CDC-ACM driver for Virtual Communication Port devices,
such as CP210x or FTDI FT23x devices.
This example shows how to extend CDC-ACM driver for Virtual Communication Port (VCP) devices,
such as CP210x, FTDI FT23x or CH34x devices.
The drivers are fetched from [IDF Component Registry](https://components.espressif.com/) together with VCP service that automatically loads correct driver for plugged-in device.
## How to use example
1. Pick your USB-to-UART device by executing `idf.py menuconfig` and navigating to `Example Configuration -> USB-to-UART device type`
2. Change baudrate and other line coding parameters in `cdc_acm_vcp.cpp` to match your needs
3. Now you can use the CDC-ACM to API to control the device and send data. Data are received in `handle_rx` callback
1. Connect your USB<->UART converter to ESP32-S2/S3, the device will be automatically enumerated and correct driver will be loaded
2. Change baudrate and other line coding parameters in [cdc_acm_vcp_example_main.cpp](main/cdc_acm_vcp_example_main.cpp) to match your needs
3. Now you can use the usual CDC-ACM API to control the device and send data. Data are received in `handle_rx` callback
4. Try disconnecting and then reconnecting of the USB device to experiment with USB hotplugging
### Hardware Required
* ESP board with USB-OTG supported
* Silicon Labs CP210x or FTDI FT23x USB to UART converter
* Silicon Labs CP210x, FTDI FT23x or CP34x USB to UART converter
Connect USB_D+, USB_D-, GND and +5V signals of your ESP chip to matching signals on USB to UART converter.
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
idf_component_register(SRCS "cdc_acm_vcp.cpp" "cp210x_usb.cpp" "ftdi_usb.cpp"
target_compile_options(${COMPONENT_LIB} PRIVATE "-Wno-format")
SRCS "cdc_acm_vcp_example_main.cpp"
@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
menu "Example Configuration"
prompt "USB-to-UART device type"
default EXAMPLE_USE_CP210X
Type of UART converter to use in this example.
bool "FT232"
bool "CP2012"
@ -1,20 +1,24 @@
* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022-2023 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
* SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "sdkconfig.h"
#include "cp210x_usb.hpp"
#include "ftdi_usb.hpp"
#include "usb/usb_host.h"
#include "esp_log.h"
#include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h"
#include "freertos/task.h"
#include "freertos/semphr.h"
#include "usb/cdc_acm_host.h"
#include "usb/vcp_ch34x.hpp"
#include "usb/vcp_cp210x.hpp"
#include "usb/vcp_ftdi.hpp"
#include "usb/vcp.hpp"
#include "usb/usb_host.h"
using namespace esp_usb;
// Change these values to match your needs
@ -23,15 +27,36 @@ using namespace esp_usb;
#define EXAMPLE_PARITY (0) // 0: None, 1: Odd, 2: Even, 3: Mark, 4: Space
namespace {
static const char *TAG = "VCP example";
static SemaphoreHandle_t device_disconnected_sem;
static void handle_rx(uint8_t *data, size_t data_len, void *arg)
* @brief Data received callback
* Just pass received data to stdout
* @param[in] data Pointer to received data
* @param[in] data_len Length of received data in bytes
* @param[in] arg Argument we passed to the device open function
* @return
* true: We have processed the received data
* false: We expect more data
static bool handle_rx(const uint8_t *data, size_t data_len, void *arg)
printf("%.*s", data_len, data);
return true;
* @brief Device event callback
* Apart from handling device disconnection it doesn't do anything useful
* @param[in] event Device event type and data
* @param[in] user_ctx Argument we passed to the device open function
static void handle_event(const cdc_acm_host_dev_event_data_t *event, void *user_ctx)
switch (event->type) {
@ -43,14 +68,19 @@ static void handle_event(const cdc_acm_host_dev_event_data_t *event, void *user_
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "serial state notif 0x%04X", event->data.serial_state.val);
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Serial state notif 0x%04X", event->data.serial_state.val);
default: break;
void usb_lib_task(void *arg)
* @brief USB Host library handling task
* @param arg Unused
static void usb_lib_task(void *arg)
while (1) {
// Start handling system events
@ -65,13 +95,19 @@ void usb_lib_task(void *arg)
* @brief Main application
* This function shows how you can use Virtual COM Port drivers
extern "C" void app_main(void)
device_disconnected_sem = xSemaphoreCreateBinary();
//Install USB Host driver. Should only be called once in entire application
// Install USB Host driver. Should only be called once in entire application
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Installing USB Host");
const usb_host_config_t host_config = {
.skip_phy_setup = false,
@ -80,37 +116,37 @@ extern "C" void app_main(void)
// Create a task that will handle USB library events
xTaskCreate(usb_lib_task, "usb_lib", 4096, NULL, 10, NULL);
BaseType_t task_created = xTaskCreate(usb_lib_task, "usb_lib", 4096, NULL, 10, NULL);
assert(task_created == pdTRUE);
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Installing CDC-ACM driver");
// Register VCP drivers to VCP service
// Do everything else in a loop, so we can demonstrate USB device reconnections
while (true) {
const cdc_acm_host_device_config_t dev_config = {
.connection_timeout_ms = 10000,
.out_buffer_size = 64,
.connection_timeout_ms = 5000, // 5 seconds, enough time to plug the device in or experiment with timeout
.out_buffer_size = 512,
.in_buffer_size = 512,
.event_cb = handle_event,
.data_cb = handle_rx,
.user_arg = NULL,
FT23x *vcp;
try {
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Opening FT232 UART device");
vcp = FT23x::open_ftdi(FTDI_FT232_PID, &dev_config);
CP210x *vcp;
try {
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Opening CP210X device");
vcp = CP210x::open_cp210x(CP210X_PID, &dev_config);
catch (esp_err_t err) {
ESP_LOGE(TAG, "The required device was not opened.\nExiting...");
// You don't need to know the device's VID and PID. Just plug in any device and the VCP service will load correct (already registered) driver for the device
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Opening any VCP device...");
auto vcp = std::unique_ptr<CdcAcmDevice>(VCP::open(&dev_config));
if (vcp == nullptr) {
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Failed to open VCP device");
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Setting up line coding");
cdc_acm_line_coding_t line_coding = {
@ -129,8 +165,14 @@ extern "C" void app_main(void)
ESP_ERROR_CHECK(vcp->tx_blocking((uint8_t *)"Test string", 12));
// Send some dummy data
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Sending data through CdcAcmDevice");
uint8_t data[] = "test_string";
ESP_ERROR_CHECK(vcp->tx_blocking(data, sizeof(data)));
ESP_ERROR_CHECK(vcp->set_control_line_state(true, true));
// We are done. Wait for device disconnection and start over
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Done. You can reconnect the VCP device to run again.");
xSemaphoreTake(device_disconnected_sem, portMAX_DELAY);
delete vcp;
@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
* SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0
#include "cp210x_usb.hpp"
#include "usb/usb_types_ch9.h"
#include "esp_log.h"
#include "esp_check.h"
#include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h"
#include "freertos/task.h"
#define SILICON_LABS_VID (0x10C4)
namespace esp_usb {
CP210x *CP210x::open_cp210x(uint16_t pid, const cdc_acm_host_device_config_t *dev_config, uint8_t interface_idx)
return new CP210x(pid, dev_config, interface_idx);
CP210x::CP210x(uint16_t pid, const cdc_acm_host_device_config_t *dev_config, uint8_t interface_idx)
: intf(interface_idx)
esp_err_t err;
err = this->open_vendor_specific(SILICON_LABS_VID, pid, this->intf, dev_config);
if (err != ESP_OK) {
// CP210X interfaces must be explicitly enabled
err = this->send_custom_request(CP210X_WRITE_REQ, CP210X_CMD_IFC_ENABLE, 1, this->intf, 0, NULL);
if (err != ESP_OK) {
esp_err_t CP210x::line_coding_get(cdc_acm_line_coding_t *line_coding)
ESP_RETURN_ON_ERROR(this->send_custom_request(CP210X_READ_REQ, CP210X_CMD_GET_BAUDRATE, 0, this->intf, sizeof(line_coding->dwDTERate), (uint8_t *)&line_coding->dwDTERate), "CP210X",);
uint8_t temp_data[2];
ESP_RETURN_ON_ERROR(this->send_custom_request(CP210X_READ_REQ, CP210X_CMD_GET_LINE_CTL, 0, this->intf, 2, temp_data), "CP210X",);
line_coding->bCharFormat = temp_data[0] & 0x0F;
line_coding->bParityType = (temp_data[0] & 0xF0) >> 4;
line_coding->bDataBits = temp_data[1];
return ESP_OK;
esp_err_t CP210x::line_coding_set(cdc_acm_line_coding_t *line_coding)
if (line_coding->dwDTERate != 0) {
ESP_RETURN_ON_ERROR(this->send_custom_request(CP210X_WRITE_REQ, CP210X_CMD_SET_BAUDRATE, 0, this->intf, sizeof(line_coding->dwDTERate), (uint8_t *)&line_coding->dwDTERate), "CP210X",);
if (line_coding->bDataBits != 0) {
const uint16_t wValue = line_coding->bCharFormat | (line_coding->bParityType << 4) | (line_coding->bDataBits << 8);
return this->send_custom_request(CP210X_WRITE_REQ, CP210X_CMD_SET_LINE_CTL, wValue, this->intf, 0, NULL);
return ESP_OK;
esp_err_t CP210x::set_control_line_state(bool dtr, bool rts)
const uint16_t wValue = (uint16_t)dtr | ((uint16_t)rts << 1) | 0x0300;
return this->send_custom_request(CP210X_WRITE_REQ, CP210X_CMD_SET_MHS, wValue, this->intf, 0, NULL);
esp_err_t CP210x::send_break(uint16_t duration_ms)
ESP_RETURN_ON_ERROR(this->send_custom_request(CP210X_WRITE_REQ, CP210X_CMD_SET_BREAK, 1, this->intf, 0, NULL), "CP210x",);
return this->send_custom_request(CP210X_WRITE_REQ, CP210X_CMD_SET_BREAK, 0, this->intf, 0, NULL);
@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
* SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0
#pragma once
#include "usb/cdc_acm_host.h"
#define CP210X_PID (0xEA60) // Single i.e. CP2101 - CP2104
#define CP2105_PID (0xEA70) // Dual
#define CP2108_PID (0xEA71) // Quad
// @see AN571: CP210x Virtual COM Port Interface, chapter 5
#define CP210X_CMD_IFC_ENABLE (0x00) // Enable or disable the interface
#define CP210X_CMD_SET_BAUDDIV (0x01) // Set the baud rate divisor
#define CP210X_CMD_GET_BAUDDIV (0x02) // Get the baud rate divisor
#define CP210X_CMD_SET_LINE_CTL (0x03) // Set the line control
#define CP210X_CMD_GET_LINE_CTL (0x04) // Get the line control
#define CP210X_CMD_SET_BREAK (0x05) // Set a BREAK
#define CP210X_CMD_IMM_CHAR (0x06) // Send character out of order
#define CP210X_CMD_SET_MHS (0x07) // Set modem handshaking
#define CP210X_CMD_GET_MDMSTS (0x08) // Get modem status
#define CP210X_CMD_SET_XON (0x09) // Emulate XON
#define CP210X_CMD_SET_XOFF (0x0A) // Emulate XOFF
#define CP210X_CMD_SET_EVENTMASK (0x0B) // Set the event mask
#define CP210X_CMD_GET_EVENTMASK (0x0C) // Get the event mask
#define CP210X_CMD_GET_EVENTSTATE (0x16) // Get the event state
#define CP210X_CMD_SET_RECEIVE (0x17) // Set receiver max timeout
#define CP210X_CMD_GET_RECEIVE (0x18) // Get receiver max timeout
#define CP210X_CMD_SET_CHAR (0x0D) // Set special character individually
#define CP210X_CMD_GET_CHARS (0x0E) // Get special characters
#define CP210X_CMD_GET_PROPS (0x0F) // Get properties
#define CP210X_CMD_GET_COMM_STATUS (0x10) // Get the serial status
#define CP210X_CMD_RESET (0x11) // Reset
#define CP210X_CMD_PURGE (0x12) // Purge
#define CP210X_CMD_SET_FLOW (0x13) // Set flow control
#define CP210X_CMD_GET_FLOW (0x14) // Get flow control
#define CP210X_CMD_EMBED_EVENTS (0x15) // Control embedding of events in the data stream
#define CP210X_CMD_GET_BAUDRATE (0x1D) // Get the baud rate
#define CP210X_CMD_SET_BAUDRATE (0x1E) // Set the baud rate
#define CP210X_CMD_SET_CHARS (0x19) // Set special characters
#define CP210X_CMD_VENDOR_SPECIFIC (0xFF) // Read/write latch values
namespace esp_usb {
class CP210x : public CdcAcmDevice {
* @brief Factory method for this CP210x driver
* @note USB Host library and CDC-ACM driver must be already installed
* @param[in] pid PID eg. CP210X_PID
* @param[in] dev_config CDC device configuration
* @param[in] interface_idx Interface number
* @return CP210x Pointer to created and opened CP210x device
static CP210x *open_cp210x(uint16_t pid, const cdc_acm_host_device_config_t *dev_config, uint8_t interface_idx = 0);
* @brief Get Line Coding method
* @see AN571: CP210x Virtual COM Port Interface chapters 5.6 and 5.8
* @note Overrides default implementation in CDC-ACM driver
* @param[out] line_coding Line Coding structure
* @return esp_err_t
esp_err_t line_coding_get(cdc_acm_line_coding_t *line_coding);
* @brief Set Line Coding method
* @see AN571: CP210x Virtual COM Port Interface chapters 5.5 and 5.7
* @note Overrides default implementation in CDC-ACM driver
* @param[in] line_coding Line Coding structure
* @return esp_err_t
esp_err_t line_coding_set(cdc_acm_line_coding_t *line_coding);
* @brief Set Control Line State method
* @see AN571: CP210x Virtual COM Port Interface chapter 5.9
* @note Overrides default implementation in CDC-ACM driver
* @note Both signals are active low
* @param[in] dtr Indicates to DCE if DTE is present or not. This signal corresponds to V.24 signal 108/2 and RS-232 signal Data Terminal Ready.
* @param[in] rts Carrier control for half duplex modems. This signal corresponds to V.24 signal 105 and RS-232 signal Request To Send.
* @return esp_err_t
esp_err_t set_control_line_state(bool dtr, bool rts);
* @brief Send Break method
* @see AN571: CP210x Virtual COM Port Interface chapter 5.20
* @note Overrides default implementation in CDC-ACM driver
* @param[in] duration_ms Duration of the break condition in [ms]
* @return esp_err_t
esp_err_t send_break(uint16_t duration_ms);
const uint8_t intf;
// Constructors are private, use factory method to create this object
CP210x(uint16_t pid, const cdc_acm_host_device_config_t *dev_config, uint8_t interface_idx = 0);
// Make open functions from CdcAcmDevice class private
using CdcAcmDevice::open;
using CdcAcmDevice::open_vendor_specific;
} // namespace esp_usb
@ -1,175 +0,0 @@
* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
* SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0
#include <string.h>
#include "ftdi_usb.hpp"
#include "usb/usb_types_ch9.h"
#include "esp_log.h"
#include "esp_check.h"
#define FTDI_VID (0x0403)
namespace esp_usb {
FT23x *FT23x::open_ftdi(uint16_t pid, const cdc_acm_host_device_config_t *dev_config, uint8_t interface_idx)
return new FT23x(pid, dev_config, interface_idx);
FT23x::FT23x(uint16_t pid, const cdc_acm_host_device_config_t *dev_config, uint8_t interface_idx)
: intf(interface_idx), user_data_cb(dev_config->data_cb), user_event_cb(dev_config->event_cb),
user_arg(dev_config->user_arg), uart_state(0)
cdc_acm_host_device_config_t ftdi_config;
memcpy(&ftdi_config, dev_config, sizeof(cdc_acm_host_device_config_t));
// FT23x reports modem status in first two bytes of RX data
// so here we override the RX handler with our own
if (dev_config->data_cb) {
ftdi_config.data_cb = ftdi_rx;
ftdi_config.user_arg = this;
if (dev_config->event_cb) {
ftdi_config.event_cb = ftdi_event;
ftdi_config.user_arg = this;
esp_err_t err;
err = this->open_vendor_specific(FTDI_VID, pid, this->intf, &ftdi_config);
if (err != ESP_OK) {
// FT23x interface must be first reset and configured (115200 8N1)
err = this->send_custom_request(FTDI_WRITE_REQ, FTDI_CMD_RESET, 0, this->intf + 1, 0, NULL);
if (err != ESP_OK) {
cdc_acm_line_coding_t line_coding = {
.dwDTERate = 115200,
.bCharFormat = 0,
.bParityType = 0,
.bDataBits = 8,
err = this->line_coding_set(&line_coding);
if (err != ESP_OK) {
esp_err_t FT23x::line_coding_set(cdc_acm_line_coding_t *line_coding)
if (line_coding->dwDTERate != 0) {
uint16_t wIndex, wValue;
calculate_baudrate(line_coding->dwDTERate, &wValue, &wIndex);
ESP_RETURN_ON_ERROR(this->send_custom_request(FTDI_WRITE_REQ, FTDI_CMD_SET_BAUDRATE, wValue, wIndex, 0, NULL), "FT23x",);
if (line_coding->bDataBits != 0) {
const uint16_t wValue = (line_coding->bDataBits) | (line_coding->bParityType << 8) | (line_coding->bCharFormat << 11);
return this->send_custom_request(FTDI_WRITE_REQ, FTDI_CMD_SET_LINE_CTL, wValue, this->intf, 0, NULL);
return ESP_OK;
esp_err_t FT23x::set_control_line_state(bool dtr, bool rts)
ESP_RETURN_ON_ERROR(this->send_custom_request(FTDI_WRITE_REQ, FTDI_CMD_SET_MHS, dtr ? 0x11 : 0x10, this->intf, 0, NULL), "FT23x",); // DTR
return this->send_custom_request(FTDI_WRITE_REQ, FTDI_CMD_SET_MHS, rts ? 0x21 : 0x20, this->intf, 0, NULL); // RTS
void FT23x::ftdi_rx(uint8_t* data, size_t data_len, void *user_arg)
FT23x *this_ftdi = (FT23x *)user_arg;
// Dispatch serial state if it has changed
if (this_ftdi->user_event_cb) {
cdc_acm_uart_state_t new_state;
new_state.val = 0;
new_state.bRxCarrier = data[0] & 0x80; // DCD
new_state.bTxCarrier = data[0] & 0x20; // DSR
new_state.bBreak = data[1] & 0x10;
new_state.bRingSignal = data[0] & 0x40;
new_state.bFraming = data[1] & 0x08;
new_state.bParity = data[1] & 0x04;
new_state.bOverRun = data[1] & 0x02;
if (this_ftdi->uart_state != new_state.val) {
cdc_acm_host_dev_event_data_t serial_event;
serial_event.type = CDC_ACM_HOST_SERIAL_STATE;
serial_event.data.serial_state = new_state;
this_ftdi->user_event_cb(&serial_event, this_ftdi->user_arg);
this_ftdi->uart_state = new_state.val;
// Dispatch data if any
if (data_len > 2) {
this_ftdi->user_data_cb(&data[2], data_len - 2, this_ftdi->user_arg);
void FT23x::ftdi_event(const cdc_acm_host_dev_event_data_t *event, void *user_ctx)
FT23x *this_ftdi = (FT23x *)user_ctx;
this_ftdi->user_event_cb(event, this_ftdi->user_arg);
int FT23x::calculate_baudrate(uint32_t baudrate, uint16_t *wValue, uint16_t *wIndex)
#define FTDI_BASE_CLK (3000000)
int baudrate_real;
if (baudrate > 2000000) {
// set to 3000000
*wValue = 0;
*wIndex = 0;
baudrate_real = 3000000;
} else if (baudrate >= 1000000) {
// set to 1000000
*wValue = 1;
*wIndex = 0;
baudrate_real = 1000000;
} else {
const float ftdi_fractal[] = {0, 0.125, 0.25, 0.375, 0.5, 0.625, 0.75, 0.875, 1};
const uint8_t ftdi_fractal_bits[] = {0, 0x03, 0x02, 0x04, 0x01, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07};
uint16_t divider_n = FTDI_BASE_CLK / baudrate; // integer value
int ftdi_fractal_idx = 0;
float divider = FTDI_BASE_CLK / (float)baudrate; // float value
float divider_fractal = divider - (float)divider_n;
// Find closest bigger FT23x fractal divider
for (ftdi_fractal_idx = 0; ftdi_fractal[ftdi_fractal_idx] <= divider_fractal; ftdi_fractal_idx++) {};
// Calculate baudrate errors for two closest fractal divisors
int diff1 = baudrate - (int)(FTDI_BASE_CLK / (divider_n + ftdi_fractal[ftdi_fractal_idx])); // Greater than required baudrate
int diff2 = (int)(FTDI_BASE_CLK / (divider_n + ftdi_fractal[ftdi_fractal_idx - 1])) - baudrate; // Lesser than required baudrate
// Chose divider and fractal divider with smallest error
if (diff2 < diff1) {
} else {
if (ftdi_fractal_idx == 8) {
ftdi_fractal_idx = 0;
baudrate_real = FTDI_BASE_CLK / (float)((float)divider_n + ftdi_fractal[ftdi_fractal_idx]);
*wValue = ((0x3FFFF) & divider_n) | (ftdi_fractal_bits[ftdi_fractal_idx] << 14);
*wIndex = ftdi_fractal_bits[ftdi_fractal_idx] >> 2;
ESP_LOGD("FT23x", "wValue: 0x%04X wIndex: 0x%04X", *wValue, *wIndex);
ESP_LOGI("FT23x", "Baudrate required: %d, set: %d", baudrate, baudrate_real);
return baudrate_real;
} // esp_usb
@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
* SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0
#pragma once
#include "usb/cdc_acm_host.h"
#define FTDI_FT232_PID (0x6001)
#define FTDI_FT231_PID (0x6015)
#define FTDI_CMD_RESET (0x00)
#define FTDI_CMD_SET_FLOW (0x01)
#define FTDI_CMD_SET_MHS (0x02) // Modem hanshaking
#define FTDI_CMD_SET_BAUDRATE (0x03)
#define FTDI_CMD_SET_LINE_CTL (0x04)
#define FTDI_CMD_GET_MDMSTS (0x05) // Modem status
namespace esp_usb {
class FT23x : public CdcAcmDevice {
* @brief Factory method for this FTDI driver
* @note USB Host library and CDC-ACM driver must be already installed
* @param[in] pid PID eg. FTDI_FT232_PID
* @param[in] dev_config CDC device configuration
* @param[in] interface_idx Interface number
* @return FT23x Pointer to created and opened FTDI device
static FT23x *open_ftdi(uint16_t pid, const cdc_acm_host_device_config_t *dev_config, uint8_t interface_idx = 0);
* @brief Set Line Coding method
* @note Overrides default implementation in CDC-ACM driver
* @param[in] line_coding Line Coding structure
* @return esp_err_t
esp_err_t line_coding_set(cdc_acm_line_coding_t *line_coding);
* @brief Set Control Line State method
* @note Overrides default implementation in CDC-ACM driver
* @note Both signals are active low
* @param[in] dtr Indicates to DCE if DTE is present or not. This signal corresponds to V.24 signal 108/2 and RS-232 signal Data Terminal Ready.
* @param[in] rts Carrier control for half duplex modems. This signal corresponds to V.24 signal 105 and RS-232 signal Request To Send.
* @return esp_err_t
esp_err_t set_control_line_state(bool dtr, bool rts);
* @brief FT23x's RX data handler
* First two bytes are status bytes, the RX data start at data[2].
* Coding of status bytes:
* Byte 0:
* Bit 0: Full Speed packet
* Bit 1: High Speed packet
* Bit 4: CTS
* Bit 5: DSR
* Bit 6: RI
* Bit 7: DCD
* Byte 1:
* Bit 1: RX overflow
* Bit 2: Parity error
* Bit 3: Framing error
* Bit 4: Break received
* Bit 5: Transmitter holding register empty
* Bit 6: Transmitter empty
* @todo When CTS is asserted, this driver should stop sending data.
* @param[in] data Received data
* @param[in] data_len Received data length
* @param[in] user_arg Pointer to FT23x class
static void ftdi_rx(uint8_t* data, size_t data_len, void *user_arg);
// Just a wrapper to recover user's argument
static void ftdi_event(const cdc_acm_host_dev_event_data_t *event, void *user_ctx);
* @brief Construct a new calculate baudrate object
* A Baud rate for the FT232R, FT2232 (UART mode) or FT232B is generated using the chips
* internal 48MHz clock. This is input to Baud rate generator circuitry where it is then divided by 16
* and fed into a prescaler as a 3MHz reference clock. This 3MHz reference clock is then divided
* down to provide the required Baud rate for the device's on chip UART. The value of the Baud rate
* divisor is an integer plus a sub-integer prescaler.
* Allowed values for the Baud rate divisor are:
* Divisor = n + 0, 0.125, 0.25, 0.375, 0.5, 0.625, 0.75, 0.875; where n is an integer between 2 and
* 16384 (214).
* Note: Divisor = 1 and Divisor = 0 are special cases. A divisor of 0 will give 3 MBaud, and a divisor
* of 1 will give 2 MBaud. Sub-integer divisors between 0 and 2 are not allowed.
* Therefore the value of the divisor needed for a given Baud rate is found by dividing 3000000 by the
* required Baud rate.
* @see FTDI AN232B-05 Configuring FT232R, FT2232 and FT232B Baud Rates
* @param[in] baudrate
* @param[out] wValue
* @param[out] wIndex
static int calculate_baudrate(uint32_t baudrate, uint16_t *wValue, uint16_t *wIndex);
// Constructors are private, use factory method open_ftdi() to create this object
FT23x(uint16_t pid, const cdc_acm_host_device_config_t *dev_config, uint8_t interface_idx = 0);
// Make open functions from CdcAcmDevice class private
using CdcAcmDevice::open;
using CdcAcmDevice::open_vendor_specific;
const uint8_t intf;
const cdc_acm_data_callback_t user_data_cb;
const cdc_acm_host_dev_callback_t user_event_cb;
void *user_arg;
uint16_t uart_state;
} // namespace esp_usb
@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
## IDF Component Manager Manifest File
usb_host_cdc_acm: "1.*"
idf: ">=4.4"
usb_host_ch34x_vcp: "^2"
usb_host_cp210x_vcp: "^2"
usb_host_ftdi_vcp: "^2"
usb_host_vcp: "^1"
idf: ">=4.4.0"
Reference in New Issue
Block a user