feat(tools): Inform user about IDF_PATH set/change in install/export scripts

This commit is contained in:
Marek Fiala 2024-11-07 10:46:50 +01:00 committed by BOT
parent ab3d179f53
commit cad15b50c4
12 changed files with 37 additions and 19 deletions

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@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ Since the installed tools are not permanently added to the user or system ``PATH
To modify the shell environment in Bash, ``export.sh`` must be "sourced" by using the ``. ./export.sh`` command. Please ensure to include the leading dot and space.
``export.sh`` may be used with shells other than Bash (such as zsh). However, in this case, it is required to set the ``IDF_PATH`` environment variable before running the script. When used in Bash, the script guesses the ``IDF_PATH`` value from its own location.
``export.sh`` may be used with various shells like Bash, Zsh, sh, dash, etc. When using Bash or Zsh, you can run it from any path (e.g., ``. ./<<some_path>>/export.sh``) as it automatically detects IDF_PATH. For other shells, it must be run from the ESP-IDF directory (``. ./export.sh``) to locate IDF_PATH correctly.

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@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ if not exist "%IDF_PATH%\tools\activate.py" (
for /f "delims=" %%i in ('python "%IDF_PATH%/tools/activate.py" --export') do set activate=%%i
for /f "delims=" %%i in ('python "%IDF_PATH%\tools\activate.py" --export') do set activate=%%i
goto :__end
@ -64,8 +64,8 @@ goto :__end
goto :__end
echo Could not detect correct IDF_PATH. Please set it before running this script:
echo set IDF_PATH=(add path here)
echo Could not detect IDF_PATH. Please navigate to your ESP-IDF directory and run:
echo export.bat
goto :__end

View File

@ -17,8 +17,8 @@ set idf_path (dirname (realpath (status -f)))
if not test -f "$idf_path/tools/idf.py"
or not test -f "$idf_path/tools/idf_tools.py"
or not test -f "$idf_path/tools/activate.py"
echo "Could not detect IDF_PATH. Please set it before sourcing this script:"
echo " export IDF_PATH=(add path here)"
echo "Could not detect IDF_PATH. Please navigate to your ESP-IDF directory and run:"
echo ". ./export.fish"
set -e idf_path
exit 1

View File

@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ if (-not (Test-Path "$idf_path/tools/idf.py") -or
-not (Test-Path "$idf_path/tools/idf_tools.py") -or
-not (Test-Path "$idf_path/tools/activate.py")) {
Write-Output "Could not detect IDF_PATH. Please set it before running this script:"
Write-Output ' $env:IDF_PATH=(add path here)'
Write-Output "Could not detect IDF_PATH. Please navigate to your ESP-IDF directory and run:"
Write-Output ".\export.ps1"
$env:IDF_PATH = ""

View File

@ -32,17 +32,14 @@ then
# shellcheck disable=SC2296 # ignore parameter starts with '{' because it's zsh
idf_path=$(dirname "${(%):-%x}")
elif test -n "${IDF_PATH-}"
if [ ! -f "${idf_path}/tools/idf.py" ] ||
[ ! -f "${idf_path}/tools/idf_tools.py" ] ||
[ ! -f "${idf_path}/tools/activate.py" ]
[ ! -f "${idf_path}/tools/idf_tools.py" ] ||
[ ! -f "${idf_path}/tools/activate.py" ]
echo "Could not detect IDF_PATH. Please set it before sourcing this script:"
echo " export IDF_PATH=(add path here)"
echo "Could not detect IDF_PATH. Please navigate to your ESP-IDF directory and run:"
echo ". ./export.sh"
unset idf_path
return 1

View File

@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ if defined MSYSTEM (
echo This .bat file is for Windows CMD.EXE shell only.
goto :__end
:: Set local ensures that variables like IDF_PATH are not changed/propagated out of the script
@ -30,6 +32,8 @@ if /I "%1" == "/?" goto :__help
if /I "%1" == "-h" goto :__help
if /I "%1" == "--help" goto :__help
echo INFO: Using IDF_PATH '%IDF_PATH%' for installation.
for /f "delims=" %%i in ('python.exe "%IDF_PATH%\tools\install_util.py" extract targets "%*"') do set TARGETS=%%i
echo Installing ESP-IDF tools

View File

@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ set basedir (realpath (dirname (status -f)))
set -x IDF_PATH $basedir
echo "INFO: Using IDF_PATH '$IDF_PATH' for installation."
echo "Detecting the Python interpreter"
source "$IDF_PATH"/tools/detect_python.fish
@ -27,7 +29,7 @@ or exit 1
set FEATURES ("$ESP_PYTHON" "$IDF_PATH"/tools/install_util.py extract features $argv) || exit 1
echo "Installing Python environment and packages"
"$ESP_PYTHON" "$IDF_PATH"/tools/idf_tools.py install-python-env --features=$FEATURES
"$ESP_PYTHON" "$IDF_PATH"/tools/idf_tools.py install-python-env --features=$FEATURES || exit 1
echo "All done! You can now run:"
echo ""

View File

@ -11,17 +11,23 @@ python "$IDF_PATH/tools/install_util.py" print_help ps1
Write-Output "INFO: Using IDF_PATH '$IDF_PATH' for installation."
$TARGETS = (python "$IDF_PATH/tools/install_util.py" extract targets "$args")
Write-Output "Installing ESP-IDF tools"
$proces_tools = Start-Process -Wait -PassThru -NoNewWindow -FilePath "python" -Args "`"$IDF_PATH/tools/idf_tools.py`" install --targets=${TARGETS}"
# PowerShell does not propagate variables to new process (spawned python), so we pass detected IDF_PATH as argument
# to avoid using any previously set IDF_PATH values in the terminal environment.
$proces_tools = Start-Process -Wait -PassThru -NoNewWindow -FilePath "python" -Args "`"$IDF_PATH/tools/idf_tools.py`" --idf-path ${IDF_PATH} install --targets=${TARGETS}"
$exit_code_tools = $proces_tools.ExitCode
if ($exit_code_tools -ne 0) { exit $exit_code_tools } # if error
$FEATURES = (python "$IDF_PATH/tools/install_util.py" extract features "$args")
Write-Output "Setting up Python environment"
$proces_py_env = Start-Process -Wait -PassThru -NoNewWindow -FilePath "python" -Args "`"$IDF_PATH/tools/idf_tools.py`" install-python-env --features=${FEATURES}"
# PowerShell does not propagate variables to new process (spawned python), so we pass detected IDF_PATH as argument
# to avoid using any previously set IDF_PATH values in the terminal environment.
$proces_py_env = Start-Process -Wait -PassThru -NoNewWindow -FilePath "python" -Args "`"$IDF_PATH/tools/idf_tools.py`" --idf-path ${IDF_PATH} install-python-env --features=${FEATURES}"
$exit_code_py_env = $proces_py_env.ExitCode
if ($exit_code_py_env -ne 0) { exit $exit_code_py_env } # if error

View File

@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ basedir=$(dirname "$0")
IDF_PATH=$(cd "${basedir}"; pwd -P)
export IDF_PATH
echo "INFO: Using IDF_PATH '${IDF_PATH}' for installation."
echo "Detecting the Python interpreter"
. "${IDF_PATH}/tools/detect_python.sh"

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@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ os.environ['IDF_PYTHON_ENV_PATH'] = '' # let idf_tools get the pyenv path
idf_tools.g.idf_tools_path = os.environ.get('IDF_TOOLS_PATH') or os.path.expanduser(idf_tools.IDF_TOOLS_PATH_DEFAULT)
idf_python_env_path, idf_python_export_path, virtualenv_python, idf_version = idf_tools.get_python_env_path()
os.environ['IDF_PATH_OLD'] = os.environ.get('IDF_PATH', '')
os.environ['IDF_PATH'] = idf_path
os.environ['IDF_PYTHON_ENV_PATH'] = idf_python_env_path
os.environ['ESP_IDF_VERSION'] = idf_version

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@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ from console_output import die
from console_output import eprint
from console_output import oprint
from console_output import status_message
from console_output import warn
from shell_types import SHELL_CLASSES
from shell_types import SUPPORTED_SHELLS
from utils import conf
@ -161,7 +162,11 @@ def main() -> None:
eprint(f'[dark_orange]Activating ESP-IDF {conf.IDF_VERSION}')
debug(f'IDF_PATH {conf.IDF_PATH}')
if conf.IDF_PATH_OLD and conf.IDF_PATH != conf.IDF_PATH_OLD:
warn(f"IDF_PATH is changed from '{conf.IDF_PATH_OLD}' to '{conf.IDF_PATH}'.")
eprint(f"Setting IDF_PATH to '{conf.IDF_PATH}'.")

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@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ class Config:
def __init__(self) -> None:
self.IDF_PATH = os.environ['IDF_PATH']
self.IDF_PATH_OLD = os.environ['IDF_PATH_OLD']
self.IDF_VERSION = os.environ['ESP_IDF_VERSION']
self.IDF_TOOLS_PY = os.path.join(self.IDF_PATH, 'tools', 'idf_tools.py')