mirror of
synced 2025-03-10 01:29:21 -04:00
Merge branch 'fix/tools-gdbinit-with-elf-symbols' into 'master'
tools: fixed elf symbols load if gdbinit specified Closes IDF-4991 and GCC-246 See merge request espressif/esp-idf!18089
This commit is contained in:
@ -235,8 +235,10 @@ build_non_test_components_apps:
- "**/build*/flasher_args.json"
- "**/build*/flash_project_args"
- "**/build*/config/sdkconfig.json"
- "**/build*/bootloader/*.elf"
- "**/build*/bootloader/*.bin"
- "**/build*/partition_table/*.bin"
- "**/build*/project_description.json"
- list_job_*.json
- size_info.txt
when: always
@ -11,8 +11,9 @@ endif()
idf_build_get_property(build_dir BUILD_DIR)
set(BOOTLOADER_BUILD_DIR "${build_dir}/bootloader")
@ -72,6 +72,11 @@ On Linux and macOS, it is recommended to install ninja using the OS-specific pac
.. tool-dfu-util-notes
.. tool-esp-rom-elfs-notes
.. tool-idf-python-notes
@ -74,6 +74,11 @@ On Linux and macOS, it is recommended to install ninja using the OS package mana
.. tool-dfu-util-notes
.. tool-esp-rom-elfs-notes
.. tool-idf-python-notes
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
"build_dir": "${BUILD_DIR}",
"config_file": "${SDKCONFIG}",
"config_defaults": "${SDKCONFIG_DEFAULTS}",
"bootloader_elf": "${BOOTLOADER_ELF_FILE}",
"app_elf": "${PROJECT_EXECUTABLE}",
"app_bin": "${PROJECT_BIN}",
"git_revision": "${IDF_VER}",
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ from collections import Counter, OrderedDict, _OrderedDictKeysView
from importlib import import_module
from pkgutil import iter_modules
from types import FrameType
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, TextIO, Union
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Union
# pyc files remain in the filesystem when switching between branches which might raise errors for incompatible
# idf.py extensions. Therefore, pyc file generation is turned off:
@ -37,8 +37,8 @@ import python_version_checker # noqa: E402
from idf_py_actions.errors import FatalError # noqa: E402
from idf_py_actions.tools import (PropertyDict, executable_exists, get_target, idf_version, # noqa: E402
merge_action_lists, realpath)
from idf_py_actions.tools import (PROG, SHELL_COMPLETE_RUN, SHELL_COMPLETE_VAR, PropertyDict, # noqa: E402
debug_print_idf_version, get_target, merge_action_lists, print_warning, realpath)
if os.getenv('IDF_COMPONENT_MANAGER') != '0':
from idf_component_manager import idf_extensions
except ImportError:
@ -53,23 +53,6 @@ PYTHON = sys.executable
# you have to pass env=os.environ explicitly anywhere that we create a process
os.environ['PYTHON'] = sys.executable
# Name of the program, normally 'idf.py'.
# Can be overridden from idf.bat using IDF_PY_PROGRAM_NAME
PROG = os.getenv('IDF_PY_PROGRAM_NAME', 'idf.py')
# environment variable used during click shell completion run
# was shell completion invoked?
# function prints warning when autocompletion is not being performed
# set argument stream to sys.stderr for errors and exceptions
def print_warning(message: str, stream: TextIO=None) -> None:
print(message, file=stream or sys.stderr)
def check_environment() -> List:
@ -79,10 +62,6 @@ def check_environment() -> List:
checks_output = []
if not executable_exists(['cmake', '--version']):
raise FatalError("'cmake' must be available on the PATH to use %s" % PROG)
# verify that IDF_PATH env variable is set
# find the directory idf.py is in, then the parent directory of this, and assume this is IDF_PATH
detected_idf_path = realpath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..'))
@ -137,14 +116,6 @@ def _safe_relpath(path: str, start: Optional[str]=None) -> str:
return os.path.abspath(path)
def debug_print_idf_version() -> None:
version = idf_version()
if version:
print_warning('ESP-IDF %s' % version)
print_warning('ESP-IDF version unknown')
def init_cli(verbose_output: List=None) -> Any:
# Click is imported here to run it after check_environment()
import click
@ -34,3 +34,11 @@ URL_TO_DOC = 'https://docs.espressif.com/projects/esp-idf'
SUPPORTED_TARGETS = ['esp32', 'esp32s2', 'esp32c3', 'esp32s3', 'esp32c2']
PREVIEW_TARGETS = ['linux', 'esp32h2', 'esp32c6']
OPENOCD_TAGET_CONFIG_DEFAULT = '-f interface/ftdi/esp32_devkitj_v1.cfg -f target/{target}.cfg'
OPENOCD_TAGET_CONFIG: Dict[str, str] = {
'esp32': '-f board/esp32-wrover-kit-3.3v.cfg',
'esp32s2': '-f board/esp32s2-kaluga-1.cfg',
'esp32c3': '-f board/esp32c3-builtin.cfg',
'esp32s3': '-f board/esp32s3-builtin.cfg',
@ -4,18 +4,65 @@ import json
import os
import re
import shlex
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
import threading
import time
from textwrap import indent
from threading import Thread
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional
from click.core import Context
from idf_py_actions.constants import OPENOCD_TAGET_CONFIG, OPENOCD_TAGET_CONFIG_DEFAULT
from idf_py_actions.errors import FatalError
from idf_py_actions.tools import PropertyDict, ensure_build_directory
PYTHON = sys.executable
ESP_ROM_INFO_FILE = 'roms.json'
# Add Python GDB extensions
import sys
sys.path = {sys_path}
import freertos_gdb
# Python scripting is not supported in this copy of GDB.
# Please make sure that your Python distribution contains Python shared library.
# Load bootloader symbols
set confirm off
add-symbol-file {boot_elf}
set confirm on
# Bootloader elf was not found
# Load application file
file {app_elf}
# Connect to the default openocd-esp port and break on app_main()
target remote :3333
monitor reset halt
thbreak app_main
source {py_extensions}
source {symbols}
source {connect}
def get_openocd_arguments(target: str) -> str:
default_args = OPENOCD_TAGET_CONFIG_DEFAULT.format(target=target)
return str(OPENOCD_TAGET_CONFIG.get(target, default_args))
def action_extensions(base_actions: Dict, project_path: str) -> Dict:
@ -89,22 +136,111 @@ def action_extensions(base_actions: Dict, project_path: str) -> Dict:
# execute simple python command to check is it supported
return subprocess.run([gdb, '--batch-silent', '--ex', 'python import os'], stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL).returncode == 0
def create_local_gdbinit(gdb: str, gdbinit: str, elf_file: str) -> None:
with open(gdbinit, 'w') as f:
def get_normalized_path(path: str) -> str:
if os.name == 'nt':
return os.path.normpath(path).replace('\\','\\\\')
return path
def get_rom_if_condition_str(date_addr: int, date_str: str) -> str:
r = []
for i in range(0, len(date_str), 4):
value = hex(int.from_bytes(bytes(date_str[i:i + 4], 'utf-8'), 'little'))
r.append(f'(*(int*) {hex(date_addr + i)}) == {value}')
return 'if ' + ' && '.join(r)
def generate_gdbinit_rom_add_symbols(target: str) -> str:
base_ident = ' '
rom_elfs_dir = os.getenv('ESP_ROM_ELF_DIR')
if not rom_elfs_dir:
raise FatalError('ESP_ROM_ELF_DIR environment variable is not defined. Please try to run IDF "install" and "export" scripts.')
with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), ESP_ROM_INFO_FILE), 'r') as f:
roms = json.load(f)
if target not in roms:
msg_body = f'Target "{target}" was not found in "{ESP_ROM_INFO_FILE}". Please check IDF integrity.'
if os.getenv('ESP_IDF_GDB_TESTING'):
raise FatalError(msg_body)
print(f'Warning: {msg_body}')
return f'# {msg_body}'
r = ['', f'# Load {target} ROM ELF symbols']
is_one_revision = len(roms[target]) == 1
if not is_one_revision:
r.append('define target hookpost-remote')
r.append('set confirm off')
# Workaround for reading ROM data on xtensa chips
# This should be deleted after the new openocd-esp release (newer than v0.11.0-esp32-20220706)
xtensa_chips = ['esp32', 'esp32s2', 'esp32s3']
if target in xtensa_chips:
r.append('monitor xtensa set_permissive 1')
# Since GDB does not have 'else if' statement than we use nested 'if..else' instead.
for i, k in enumerate(roms[target], 1):
indent_str = base_ident * i
rom_file = get_normalized_path(os.path.join(rom_elfs_dir, f'{target}_rev{k["rev"]}_rom.elf'))
build_date_addr = int(k['build_date_str_addr'], base=16)
r.append(indent(f'# if $_streq((char *) {hex(build_date_addr)}, "{k["build_date_str"]}")', indent_str))
r.append(indent(get_rom_if_condition_str(build_date_addr, k['build_date_str']), indent_str))
r.append(indent(f'add-symbol-file {rom_file}', indent_str + base_ident))
r.append(indent('else', indent_str))
if i == len(roms[target]):
# In case no one known ROM ELF fits - print error and exit with error code 1
indent_str += base_ident
msg_body = f'unknown {target} ROM revision.'
if os.getenv('ESP_IDF_GDB_TESTING'):
r.append(indent(f'echo Error: {msg_body}\\n', indent_str))
r.append(indent('quit 1', indent_str))
r.append(indent(f'echo Warning: {msg_body}\\n', indent_str))
# Close 'else' operators
for i in range(len(roms[target]), 0, -1):
r.append(indent('end', base_ident * i))
if target in xtensa_chips:
r.append('monitor xtensa set_permissive 0')
r.append('set confirm on')
if not is_one_revision:
return os.linesep.join(r)
raise FatalError(f'{ESP_ROM_INFO_FILE} file not found. Please check IDF integrity.')
def generate_gdbinit_files(gdb: str, gdbinit: Optional[str], project_desc: Dict[str, Any]) -> None:
app_elf = get_normalized_path(os.path.join(project_desc['build_dir'], project_desc['app_elf']))
if not os.path.exists(app_elf):
raise FatalError('ELF file not found. You need to build & flash the project before running debug targets')
# Recreate empty 'gdbinit' directory
gdbinit_dir = os.path.join(project_desc['build_dir'], 'gdbinit')
if os.path.isfile(gdbinit_dir):
elif os.path.isdir(gdbinit_dir):
# Prepare gdbinit for Python GDB extensions import
py_extensions = os.path.join(gdbinit_dir, 'py_extensions')
with open(py_extensions, 'w') as f:
if is_gdb_with_python(gdb):
f.write('import sys\n')
f.write(f'sys.path = {sys.path}\n')
f.write('import freertos_gdb\n')
if os.name == 'nt':
elf_file = elf_file.replace('\\','\\\\')
f.write('file {}\n'.format(elf_file))
f.write('target remote :3333\n')
f.write('mon reset halt\n')
f.write('thb app_main\n')
# Prepare gdbinit for related ELFs symbols load
symbols = os.path.join(gdbinit_dir, 'symbols')
with open(symbols, 'w') as f:
boot_elf = get_normalized_path(project_desc['bootloader_elf']) if 'bootloader_elf' in project_desc else None
if boot_elf and os.path.exists(boot_elf):
# Generate the gdbinit for target connect if no custom gdbinit is present
if not gdbinit:
gdbinit = os.path.join(gdbinit_dir, 'connect')
with open(gdbinit, 'w') as f:
with open(os.path.join(gdbinit_dir, 'gdbinit'), 'w') as f:
f.write(GDBINIT_MAIN.format(py_extensions=py_extensions, symbols=symbols, connect=gdbinit))
def debug_cleanup() -> None:
print('cleaning up debug targets')
@ -154,12 +290,6 @@ def action_extensions(base_actions: Dict, project_path: str) -> Dict:
Execute openocd as external tool
'esp32': '-f board/esp32-wrover-kit-3.3v.cfg',
'esp32s2': '-f board/esp32s2-kaluga-1.cfg',
'esp32c3': '-f board/esp32c3-builtin.cfg',
'esp32s3': '-f board/esp32s3-builtin.cfg',
if os.getenv('OPENOCD_SCRIPTS') is None:
raise FatalError('OPENOCD_SCRIPTS not found in the environment: Please run export.sh/export.bat', ctx)
openocd_arguments = os.getenv('OPENOCD_COMMANDS') if openocd_commands is None else openocd_commands
@ -167,8 +297,7 @@ def action_extensions(base_actions: Dict, project_path: str) -> Dict:
if openocd_arguments is None:
# use default value if commands not defined in the environment nor command line
target = project_desc['target']
default_args = '-f interface/ftdi/esp32_devkitj_v1.cfg -f target/{}.cfg'.format(target)
openocd_arguments = OPENOCD_TAGET_CONFIG.get(target, default_args)
openocd_arguments = get_openocd_arguments(target)
print('Note: OpenOCD cfg not found (via env variable OPENOCD_COMMANDS nor as a --openocd-commands argument)\n'
'OpenOCD arguments default to: "{}"'.format(openocd_arguments))
# script directory is taken from the environment by OpenOCD, update only if command line arguments to override
@ -189,7 +318,8 @@ def action_extensions(base_actions: Dict, project_path: str) -> Dict:
processes['openocd_outfile_name'] = openocd_out_name
print('OpenOCD started as a background task {}'.format(process.pid))
def get_gdb_args(gdbinit: str, project_desc: Dict[str, Any]) -> List:
def get_gdb_args(project_desc: Dict[str, Any]) -> List:
gdbinit = os.path.join(project_desc['build_dir'], 'gdbinit', 'gdbinit')
args = ['-x={}'.format(gdbinit)]
debug_prefix_gdbinit = project_desc.get('debug_prefix_map_gdbinit')
if debug_prefix_gdbinit:
@ -203,16 +333,14 @@ def action_extensions(base_actions: Dict, project_path: str) -> Dict:
project_desc = get_project_desc(args, ctx)
local_dir = project_desc['build_dir']
gdb = project_desc['monitor_toolprefix'] + 'gdb'
if gdbinit is None:
gdbinit = os.path.join(local_dir, 'gdbinit')
create_local_gdbinit(gdb, gdbinit, os.path.join(args.build_dir, project_desc['app_elf']))
generate_gdbinit_files(gdb, gdbinit, project_desc)
# this is a workaround for gdbgui
# gdbgui is using shlex.split for the --gdb-args option. When the input is:
# - '"-x=foo -x=bar"', would return ['foo bar']
# - '-x=foo', would return ['-x', 'foo'] and mess up the former option '--gdb-args'
# so for one item, use extra double quotes. for more items, use no extra double quotes.
gdb_args_list = get_gdb_args(gdbinit, project_desc)
gdb_args_list = get_gdb_args(project_desc)
gdb_args = '"{}"'.format(' '.join(gdb_args_list)) if len(gdb_args_list) == 1 else ' '.join(gdb_args_list)
args = ['gdbgui', '-g', gdb, '--gdb-args', gdb_args]
@ -274,9 +402,9 @@ def action_extensions(base_actions: Dict, project_path: str) -> Dict:
Synchronous GDB target with text ui mode
gdb(action, ctx, args, 1, gdbinit, require_openocd)
gdb(action, ctx, args, False, 1, gdbinit, require_openocd)
def gdb(action: str, ctx: Context, args: PropertyDict, gdb_tui: Optional[int], gdbinit: Optional[str], require_openocd: bool) -> None:
def gdb(action: str, ctx: Context, args: PropertyDict, batch: bool, gdb_tui: Optional[int], gdbinit: Optional[str], require_openocd: bool) -> None:
Synchronous GDB target
@ -284,18 +412,13 @@ def action_extensions(base_actions: Dict, project_path: str) -> Dict:
project_desc = get_project_desc(args, ctx)
elf_file = os.path.join(args.build_dir, project_desc['app_elf'])
if not os.path.exists(elf_file):
raise FatalError('ELF file not found. You need to build & flash the project before running debug targets', ctx)
gdb = project_desc['monitor_toolprefix'] + 'gdb'
local_dir = project_desc['build_dir']
if gdbinit is None:
gdbinit = os.path.join(local_dir, 'gdbinit')
create_local_gdbinit(gdb, gdbinit, elf_file)
args = [gdb, *get_gdb_args(gdbinit, project_desc)]
generate_gdbinit_files(gdb, gdbinit, project_desc)
args = [gdb, *get_gdb_args(project_desc)]
if gdb_tui is not None:
args += ['-tui']
if batch:
args += ['--batch']
t = Thread(target=run_gdb, args=(args,))
while True:
@ -352,12 +475,17 @@ def action_extensions(base_actions: Dict, project_path: str) -> Dict:
'callback': gdb,
'help': 'Run the GDB.',
'options': [
'names': ['--batch'],
'help': ('exit after processing gdbinit.\n'),
'hidden': True,
'is_flag': True,
'default': False,
'names': ['--gdb-tui', '--gdb_tui'],
('run gdb in TUI mode\n'),
'help': ('run gdb in TUI mode\n'),
'default': None,
}, gdbinit, fail_if_openocd_failed
'order_dependencies': ['all', 'flash'],
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
"esp32": [
"rev": 0,
"build_date_str_addr": "0x3ff9ea80",
"build_date_str": "Jun 8 2016"
"rev": 3,
"build_date_str_addr": "0x3ff9e986",
"build_date_str": "Jul 29 2019"
"esp32s2": [
"rev": 0,
"build_date_str_addr": "0x3ffaf34b",
"build_date_str": "Oct 25 2019"
"esp32s3": [
"rev": 0,
"build_date_str_addr": "0x3ff194ad",
"build_date_str": "Mar 1 2021"
"esp32c2": [
"rev": 0,
"build_date_str_addr": "0x3ff47874",
"build_date_str": "Jan 27 2022"
"esp32c3": [
"rev": 0,
"build_date_str_addr": "0x3ff1b878",
"build_date_str": "Sep 18 2020"
"rev": 3,
"build_date_str_addr": "0x3ff1a374",
"build_date_str": "Feb 7 2021"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
"$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#",
"type": "object",
"patternProperties": {
"^esp32.*$": {
"anyOf": [
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"rev": {
"type": "integer",
"minimum": 0,
"description": "Chip revision/ROM revision number"
"build_date_str_addr": {
"type": "string",
"description": "The ROM build date string address to compare between ROM elf file and chip ROM memory",
"pattern": "^0x[0-9a-fA-F]{8}$"
"required": ["rev", "build_date_str_addr"]
@ -16,6 +16,16 @@ import yaml
from .constants import GENERATORS
from .errors import FatalError
# Name of the program, normally 'idf.py'.
# Can be overridden from idf.bat using IDF_PY_PROGRAM_NAME
PROG = os.getenv('IDF_PY_PROGRAM_NAME', 'idf.py')
# environment variable used during click shell completion run
# was shell completion invoked?
def executable_exists(args: List) -> bool:
@ -78,6 +88,13 @@ def idf_version() -> Optional[str]:
return version
# function prints warning when autocompletion is not being performed
# set argument stream to sys.stderr for errors and exceptions
def print_warning(message: str, stream: TextIO=None) -> None:
print(message, file=stream or sys.stderr)
def color_print(message: str, color: str, newline: Optional[str]='\n') -> None:
""" Print a message to stderr with colored highlighting """
ansi_normal = '\033[0m'
@ -95,6 +112,10 @@ def red_print(message: str, newline: Optional[str]='\n') -> None:
color_print(message, ansi_red, newline)
def debug_print_idf_version() -> None:
print_warning(f'ESP-IDF {idf_version() or "version unknown"}')
def generate_hints(*filenames: str) -> Generator:
"""Getting output files and printing hints on how to resolve errors based on the output."""
with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'hints.yml'), 'r') as file:
@ -383,6 +404,11 @@ def ensure_build_directory(args: 'PropertyDict', prog_name: str, always_run_cmak
the build directory, an error is raised. If the parameter is None, this function will set it to
an auto-detected default generator or to the value already configured in the build directory.
if not executable_exists(['cmake', '--version']):
raise FatalError(f'"cmake" must be available on the PATH to use {PROG}')
project_dir = args.project_dir
# Verify the project directory
if not os.path.isdir(project_dir):
@ -163,6 +163,9 @@ class Platforms:
if platform_alias is None:
return None
if platform_alias == 'any' and CURRENT_PLATFORM:
platform_alias = CURRENT_PLATFORM
platform_name = Platforms.PLATFORM_FROM_NAME.get(platform_alias, None)
# ARM platform may run on armhf hardware but having armel installed packages.
@ -448,7 +451,7 @@ def rename_with_retry(path_from, path_to): # type: (str, str) -> None
def strip_container_dirs(path, levels): # type: (str, int) -> None
def do_strip_container_dirs(path, levels): # type: (str, int) -> None
assert levels > 0
# move the original directory out of the way (add a .tmp suffix)
tmp_path = path + '.tmp'
@ -545,6 +548,7 @@ IDFToolOptions = namedtuple('IDFToolOptions', [
@ -561,8 +565,8 @@ class IDFTool(object):
def __init__(self, name, description, install, info_url, license, version_cmd, version_regex, supported_targets, version_regex_replace=None,
# type: (str, str, str, str, str, List[str], str, List[str], Optional[str], int) -> None
strip_container_dirs=0, is_executable=True):
# type: (str, str, str, str, str, List[str], str, List[str], Optional[str], int, bool) -> None
self.name = name
self.description = description
@ -570,11 +574,12 @@ class IDFTool(object):
self.versions_installed = [] # type: List[str]
if version_regex_replace is None:
version_regex_replace = VERSION_REGEX_REPLACE_DEFAULT
self.options = IDFToolOptions(version_cmd, version_regex, version_regex_replace,
self.options = IDFToolOptions(version_cmd, version_regex, version_regex_replace, is_executable,
[], OrderedDict(), install, info_url, license, strip_container_dirs, supported_targets) # type: ignore
self.platform_overrides = [] # type: List[Dict[str, str]]
self._platform = CURRENT_PLATFORM
self.is_executable = is_executable
def copy_for_platform(self, platform): # type: (str) -> IDFTool
result = copy.deepcopy(self)
@ -621,7 +626,9 @@ class IDFTool(object):
v_repl = re.sub(SUBST_TOOL_PATH_REGEX, replace_path, v)
if v_repl != v:
v_repl = to_shell_specific_paths([v_repl])[0]
result[k] = v_repl
old_v = os.environ.get(k)
if old_v is None or old_v != v_repl:
result[k] = v_repl
return result
def check_version(self, extra_paths=None): # type: (Optional[List[str]]) -> str
@ -712,6 +719,9 @@ class IDFTool(object):
if not os.path.exists(tool_path):
# version not installed
if not self.is_executable:
ver_str = self.check_version(self.get_export_paths(version))
except ToolNotFound:
@ -777,7 +787,7 @@ class IDFTool(object):
unpack(archive_path, dest_dir)
if self._current_options.strip_container_dirs: # type: ignore
strip_container_dirs(dest_dir, self._current_options.strip_container_dirs) # type: ignore
do_strip_container_dirs(dest_dir, self._current_options.strip_container_dirs) # type: ignore
def check_download_file(download_obj, local_path): # type: (IDFToolDownload, str) -> bool
@ -794,28 +804,29 @@ class IDFTool(object):
def from_json(cls, tool_dict): # type: (Dict[str, Union[str, List[str], Dict[str, str]]]) -> IDFTool
# json.load will return 'str' types in Python 3 and 'unicode' in Python 2
expected_str_type = type(u'')
# Validate json fields
tool_name = tool_dict.get('name') # type: ignore
if type(tool_name) is not expected_str_type:
if not isinstance(tool_name, str):
raise RuntimeError('tool_name is not a string')
description = tool_dict.get('description') # type: ignore
if type(description) is not expected_str_type:
if not isinstance(description, str):
raise RuntimeError('description is not a string')
is_executable = tool_dict.get('is_executable', True) # type: ignore
if not isinstance(is_executable, bool):
raise RuntimeError('is_executable for tool %s is not a bool' % tool_name)
version_cmd = tool_dict.get('version_cmd')
if type(version_cmd) is not list:
raise RuntimeError('version_cmd for tool %s is not a list of strings' % tool_name)
version_regex = tool_dict.get('version_regex')
if type(version_regex) is not expected_str_type or not version_regex:
if not isinstance(version_regex, str) or (not version_regex and is_executable):
raise RuntimeError('version_regex for tool %s is not a non-empty string' % tool_name)
version_regex_replace = tool_dict.get('version_regex_replace')
if version_regex_replace and type(version_regex_replace) is not expected_str_type:
if version_regex_replace and not isinstance(version_regex_replace, str):
raise RuntimeError('version_regex_replace for tool %s is not a string' % tool_name)
export_paths = tool_dict.get('export_paths')
@ -831,15 +842,15 @@ class IDFTool(object):
raise RuntimeError('versions for tool %s is not an array' % tool_name)
install = tool_dict.get('install', False) # type: ignore
if type(install) is not expected_str_type:
if not isinstance(install, str):
raise RuntimeError('install for tool %s is not a string' % tool_name)
info_url = tool_dict.get('info_url', False) # type: ignore
if type(info_url) is not expected_str_type:
if not isinstance(info_url, str):
raise RuntimeError('info_url for tool %s is not a string' % tool_name)
license = tool_dict.get('license', False) # type: ignore
if type(license) is not expected_str_type:
if not isinstance(license, str):
raise RuntimeError('license for tool %s is not a string' % tool_name)
strip_container_dirs = tool_dict.get('strip_container_dirs', 0)
@ -857,7 +868,7 @@ class IDFTool(object):
# Create the object
tool_obj = cls(tool_name, description, install, info_url, license, # type: ignore
version_cmd, version_regex, supported_targets, version_regex_replace, # type: ignore
strip_container_dirs) # type: ignore
strip_container_dirs, is_executable) # type: ignore
for path in export_paths: # type: ignore
tool_obj.options.export_paths.append(path) # type: ignore
@ -871,7 +882,7 @@ class IDFTool(object):
raise RuntimeError('platforms for override %d of tool %s is not a list' % (index, tool_name))
install = override.get('install') # type: ignore
if install is not None and type(install) is not expected_str_type:
if install is not None and not isinstance(install, str):
raise RuntimeError('install for override %d of tool %s is not a string' % (index, tool_name))
version_cmd = override.get('version_cmd') # type: ignore
@ -880,12 +891,12 @@ class IDFTool(object):
(index, tool_name))
version_regex = override.get('version_regex') # type: ignore
if version_regex is not None and (type(version_regex) is not expected_str_type or not version_regex):
if version_regex is not None and (not isinstance(version_regex, str) or not version_regex):
raise RuntimeError('version_regex for override %d of tool %s is not a non-empty string' %
(index, tool_name))
version_regex_replace = override.get('version_regex_replace') # type: ignore
if version_regex_replace is not None and type(version_regex_replace) is not expected_str_type:
if version_regex_replace is not None and not isinstance(version_regex_replace, str):
raise RuntimeError('version_regex_replace for override %d of tool %s is not a string' %
(index, tool_name))
@ -901,11 +912,11 @@ class IDFTool(object):
recommended_versions = {} # type: dict[str, list[str]]
for version_dict in versions: # type: ignore
version = version_dict.get('name') # type: ignore
if type(version) is not expected_str_type:
if not isinstance(version, str):
raise RuntimeError('version name for tool {} is not a string'.format(tool_name))
version_status = version_dict.get('status') # type: ignore
if type(version_status) is not expected_str_type and version_status not in IDFToolVersion.STATUS_VALUES:
if not isinstance(version_status, str) and version_status not in IDFToolVersion.STATUS_VALUES:
raise RuntimeError('tool {} version {} status is not one of {}', tool_name, version,
@ -972,6 +983,8 @@ class IDFTool(object):
tool_json['platform_overrides'] = overrides_array
if self.options.strip_container_dirs:
tool_json['strip_container_dirs'] = self.options.strip_container_dirs
if self.options.is_executable is False:
tool_json['is_executable'] = self.options.is_executable
return tool_json
@ -1514,10 +1527,22 @@ def action_export(args): # type: ignore
all_tools_found = True
export_vars = {}
paths_to_export = []
self_restart_cmd = f'{sys.executable} {__file__}{(" --tools-json " + args.tools_json) if args.tools_json else ""}'
self_restart_cmd = to_shell_specific_paths([self_restart_cmd])[0]
prefer_system_hint = '' if IDF_TOOLS_EXPORT_CMD else f' To use it, run \'{self_restart_cmd} export --prefer-system\''
install_cmd = to_shell_specific_paths([IDF_TOOLS_INSTALL_CMD])[0] if IDF_TOOLS_INSTALL_CMD else self_restart_cmd + ' install'
for name, tool in tools_info.items():
if tool.get_install_type() == IDFTool.INSTALL_NEVER:
version_to_use = tool.get_preferred_installed_version()
if not tool.is_executable and version_to_use:
tool_export_vars = tool.get_export_vars(version_to_use)
export_vars = {**export_vars, **tool_export_vars}
if tool.version_in_path:
if tool.version_in_path not in tool.versions:
@ -1541,20 +1566,6 @@ def action_export(args): # type: ignore
warn('using a deprecated version of tool {} found in PATH: {}'.format(name, tool.version_in_path))
self_restart_cmd = '{} {}{}'.format(sys.executable, __file__,
(' --tools-json ' + args.tools_json) if args.tools_json else '')
self_restart_cmd = to_shell_specific_paths([self_restart_cmd])[0]
prefer_system_hint = ''
prefer_system_hint = ' To use it, run \'{} export --prefer-system\''.format(self_restart_cmd)
install_cmd = to_shell_specific_paths([IDF_TOOLS_INSTALL_CMD])[0]
install_cmd = self_restart_cmd + ' install'
if not tool.versions_installed:
if tool.get_install_type() == IDFTool.INSTALL_ALWAYS:
all_tools_found = False
@ -1573,15 +1584,11 @@ def action_export(args): # type: ignore
info('Not using an unsupported version of tool {} found in PATH: {}.'.format(
tool.name, tool.version_in_path) + prefer_system_hint, f=sys.stderr)
version_to_use = tool.get_preferred_installed_version()
export_paths = tool.get_export_paths(version_to_use)
if export_paths:
paths_to_export += export_paths
tool_export_vars = tool.get_export_vars(version_to_use)
for k, v in tool_export_vars.items():
old_v = os.environ.get(k)
if old_v is None or old_v != v:
export_vars[k] = v
export_vars = {**export_vars, **tool_export_vars}
current_path = os.getenv('PATH')
idf_python_env_path, idf_python_export_path, virtualenv_python, _ = get_python_env_path()
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
# The following lines of boilerplate have to be in your project's
# CMakeLists in this exact order for cmake to work correctly
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.16)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
| Supported Targets | ESP32 | ESP32-C2 | ESP32-C3 | ESP32-S2 | ESP32-S3 |
| ----------------- | ----- | -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- |
# IDF GDB test application
This project tests if `idf.py gdb` works correct
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
idf_component_register(SRCS "hello_world_main.c"
target_compile_options(${COMPONENT_LIB} PRIVATE "-Wno-format")
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2010-2022 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
* SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0
#include <stdio.h>
#include "sdkconfig.h"
#include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h"
#include "freertos/task.h"
#include "esp_chip_info.h"
#include "esp_flash.h"
void app_main(void)
printf("Hello world!\n");
/* Print chip information */
esp_chip_info_t chip_info;
uint32_t flash_size;
printf("This is %s chip with %d CPU core(s), WiFi%s%s, ",
(chip_info.features & CHIP_FEATURE_BT) ? "/BT" : "",
(chip_info.features & CHIP_FEATURE_BLE) ? "/BLE" : "");
printf("silicon revision %d, ", chip_info.revision);
if(esp_flash_get_size(NULL, &flash_size) != ESP_OK) {
printf("Get flash size failed");
printf("%uMB %s flash\n", flash_size / (1024 * 1024),
(chip_info.features & CHIP_FEATURE_EMB_FLASH) ? "embedded" : "external");
printf("Minimum free heap size: %d bytes\n", esp_get_minimum_free_heap_size());
for (int i = 10; i >= 0; i--) {
printf("Restarting in %d seconds...\n", i);
vTaskDelay(1000 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS);
printf("Restarting now.\n");
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense OR CC0-1.0
import os
import re
import signal
import subprocess
import sys
import pexpect
import pytest
from pytest_embedded import Dut
from idf_py_actions.debug_ext import get_openocd_arguments
except ModuleNotFoundError:
sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', '..', '..'))
from idf_py_actions.debug_ext import get_openocd_arguments
def test_idf_gdb(dut: Dut) -> None:
# Need to wait a moment to connect via OpenOCD after the hard reset happened.
# Along with this check that app runs ok
dut.expect('Hello world!')
# Don't need to have output from UART any more
with open(os.path.join(dut.logdir, 'ocd.log'), 'w') as ocd_log:
ocd = subprocess.Popen(f'openocd {get_openocd_arguments(dut.target)}', stdout=ocd_log, stderr=ocd_log, shell=True)
gdb_env = os.environ.copy()
gdb_env['ESP_IDF_GDB_TESTING'] = '1'
with open(os.path.join(dut.logdir, 'gdb.log'), 'w') as gdb_log, \
pexpect.spawn(f'idf.py -B {dut.app.binary_path} gdb --batch',
codec_errors='ignore') as p:
p.expect(re.compile(r'add symbol table from file.*bootloader.elf'))
p.expect(re.compile(r'add symbol table from file.*rom.elf'))
p.expect_exact('hit Temporary breakpoint 1, app_main ()')
except subprocess.TimeoutExpired:
@ -67,26 +67,27 @@ class WebSocketServer(object):
@pytest.mark.parametrize('config', ['gdb_stub', 'coredump'], indirect=True)
def test_monitor_ide_integration(config: str, dut: Dut) -> None:
# The port needs to be closed because idf_monitor.py will connect to it
monitor_py = os.path.join(os.environ['IDF_PATH'], 'tools', 'idf_monitor.py')
with open(f'monitor_{config}.log', 'w') as log:
monitor_cmd = ' '.join([sys.executable, monitor_py, os.path.join(dut.app.binary_path, 'panic.elf'),
'--port', str(dut.serial.port),
'--ws', f'ws://{WebSocketServer.HOST}:{WebSocketServer.PORT}'])
with WebSocketServer(), pexpect.spawn(monitor_cmd,
codec_errors='ignore') as p:
p.expect(re.compile(r'Guru Meditation Error'), timeout=10)
p.expect_exact('Communicating through WebSocket', timeout=5)
# The elements of dictionary can be printed in different order depending on the Python version.
p.expect(re.compile(r"WebSocket sent: \{.*'event': '" + config + "'"), timeout=5)
p.expect_exact('Waiting for debug finished event', timeout=5)
p.expect(re.compile(r"WebSocket received: \{'event': 'debug_finished'\}"), timeout=5)
p.expect_exact('Communications through WebSocket is finished', timeout=5)
monitor_cmd = ' '.join([sys.executable, monitor_py, os.path.join(dut.app.binary_path, 'panic.elf'),
'--port', str(dut.serial.port),
'--ws', f'ws://{WebSocketServer.HOST}:{WebSocketServer.PORT}'])
monitor_log_path = os.path.join(dut.logdir, 'monitor.log')
with open(monitor_log_path, 'w') as log, WebSocketServer(), pexpect.spawn(monitor_cmd,
codec_errors='ignore') as p:
p.expect(re.compile(r'Guru Meditation Error'), timeout=10)
p.expect_exact('Communicating through WebSocket')
# The elements of dictionary can be printed in different order depending on the Python version.
p.expect(re.compile(r"WebSocket sent: \{.*'event': '" + config + "'"))
p.expect_exact('Waiting for debug finished event')
p.expect(re.compile(r"WebSocket received: \{'event': 'debug_finished'\}"))
p.expect_exact('Communications through WebSocket is finished')
@ -9,7 +9,9 @@ import subprocess
import sys
from unittest import TestCase, main, mock
import elftools.common.utils as ecu
import jsonschema
from elftools.elf.elffile import ELFFile
from StringIO import StringIO
@ -25,7 +27,8 @@ except ImportError:
current_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
idf_py_path = os.path.join(current_dir, '..', 'idf.py')
extension_path = os.path.join(current_dir, 'test_idf_extensions', 'test_ext')
link_path = os.path.join(current_dir, '..', 'idf_py_actions', 'test_ext')
py_actions_path = os.path.join(current_dir, '..', 'idf_py_actions')
link_path = os.path.join(py_actions_path, 'test_ext')
class TestWithoutExtensions(TestCase):
@ -246,5 +249,47 @@ class TestHelpOutput(TestWithoutExtensions):
action_test(['idf.py', 'help', '--json', '--add-options'], schema_json)
class TestROMs(TestWithoutExtensions):
def get_string_from_elf_by_addr(self, filename: str, address: int) -> str:
result = ''
with open(filename, 'rb') as stream:
elf_file = ELFFile(stream)
ro = elf_file.get_section_by_name('.rodata')
ro_addr_delta = ro['sh_addr'] - ro['sh_offset']
cstring = ecu.parse_cstring_from_stream(ro.stream, address - ro_addr_delta)
if cstring:
result = str(cstring.decode('utf-8'))
return result
def test_roms_validate_json(self):
with open(os.path.join(py_actions_path, 'roms.json'), 'r') as f:
roms_json = json.load(f)
with open(os.path.join(py_actions_path, 'roms_schema.json'), 'r') as f:
schema_json = json.load(f)
jsonschema.validate(roms_json, schema_json)
def test_roms_check_supported_chips(self):
from idf_py_actions.constants import SUPPORTED_TARGETS
with open(os.path.join(py_actions_path, 'roms.json'), 'r') as f:
roms_json = json.load(f)
self.assertTrue(chip in roms_json, msg=f'Have no ROM data for chip {chip}')
def test_roms_validate_build_date(self):
rom_elfs_dir = os.getenv('ESP_ROM_ELF_DIR')
with open(os.path.join(py_actions_path, 'roms.json'), 'r') as f:
roms_json = json.load(f)
for chip in roms_json:
for k in roms_json[chip]:
rom_file = os.path.join(rom_elfs_dir, f'{chip}_rev{k["rev"]}_rom.elf')
build_date_str = self.get_string_from_elf_by_addr(rom_file, int(k['build_date_str_addr'], base=16))
self.assertTrue(len(build_date_str) == 11)
self.assertTrue(build_date_str == k['build_date_str'])
if __name__ == '__main__':
@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ XTENSA_ESP32S2_ELF = 'xtensa-esp32s2-elf'
XTENSA_ESP32S3_ELF = 'xtensa-esp32s3-elf'
XTENSA_ESP_GDB = 'xtensa-esp-elf-gdb'
RISCV_ESP_GDB = 'riscv32-esp-elf-gdb'
ESP_ROM_ELFS = 'esp-rom-elfs'
def get_version_dict():
@ -70,6 +71,7 @@ XTENSA_ESP32S2_ELF_VERSION = version_dict[XTENSA_ESP32S2_ELF]
class TestUsage(unittest.TestCase):
@ -143,7 +145,7 @@ class TestUsage(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertIn('* %s:' % XTENSA_ESP32S3_ELF, output)
self.assertIn('- %s (recommended)' % XTENSA_ESP32S3_ELF_VERSION, output)
required_tools_installed = 8
required_tools_installed = 9
output = self.run_idf_tools_with_action(['install'])
self.assert_tool_installed(output, OPENOCD, OPENOCD_VERSION)
self.assert_tool_installed(output, RISCV_ELF, RISCV_ELF_VERSION)
@ -153,6 +155,7 @@ class TestUsage(unittest.TestCase):
self.assert_tool_installed(output, ESP32ULP, ESP32ULP_VERSION)
self.assert_tool_installed(output, XTENSA_ESP_GDB, XTENSA_ESP_GDB_VERSION)
self.assert_tool_installed(output, RISCV_ESP_GDB, RISCV_ESP_GDB_VERSION)
self.assert_tool_installed(output, ESP_ROM_ELFS, ESP_ROM_ELFS_VERSION)
self.assertIn('Destination: {}'.format(os.path.join(self.temp_tools_dir, 'dist')), output)
self.assertEqual(required_tools_installed, output.count('Done'))
@ -165,6 +168,7 @@ class TestUsage(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertIn('version installed in tools directory: ' + XTENSA_ESP32S3_ELF_VERSION, output)
self.assertIn('version installed in tools directory: ' + XTENSA_ESP_GDB_VERSION, output)
self.assertIn('version installed in tools directory: ' + RISCV_ESP_GDB_VERSION, output)
self.assertIn('version installed in tools directory: ' + ESP_ROM_ELFS_VERSION, output)
output = self.run_idf_tools_with_action(['export'])
self.assertIn('%s/tools/esp32ulp-elf/%s/esp32ulp-elf/bin' %
@ -183,9 +187,11 @@ class TestUsage(unittest.TestCase):
(self.temp_tools_dir, XTENSA_ESP_GDB_VERSION), output)
self.assertIn('%s/tools/riscv32-esp-elf-gdb/%s/riscv32-esp-elf-gdb/bin' %
(self.temp_tools_dir, RISCV_ESP_GDB_VERSION), output)
self.assertIn('%s/tools/esp-rom-elfs/%s/' %
(self.temp_tools_dir, ESP_ROM_ELFS_VERSION), output)
def test_tools_for_esp32(self):
required_tools_installed = 4
required_tools_installed = 5
output = self.run_idf_tools_with_action(['install', '--targets=esp32'])
self.assert_tool_installed(output, XTENSA_ESP32_ELF, XTENSA_ESP32_ELF_VERSION)
self.assert_tool_installed(output, OPENOCD, OPENOCD_VERSION)
@ -195,6 +201,7 @@ class TestUsage(unittest.TestCase):
self.assert_tool_not_installed(output, XTENSA_ESP32S2_ELF, XTENSA_ESP32S2_ELF_VERSION)
self.assert_tool_not_installed(output, XTENSA_ESP32S3_ELF, XTENSA_ESP32S3_ELF_VERSION)
self.assert_tool_not_installed(output, RISCV_ESP_GDB, RISCV_ESP_GDB_VERSION)
self.assert_tool_installed(output, ESP_ROM_ELFS, ESP_ROM_ELFS_VERSION)
self.assertIn('Destination: {}'.format(os.path.join(self.temp_tools_dir, 'dist')), output)
self.assertEqual(required_tools_installed, output.count('Done'))
@ -203,6 +210,7 @@ class TestUsage(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertIn('version installed in tools directory: ' + XTENSA_ESP32_ELF_VERSION, output)
self.assertIn('version installed in tools directory: ' + OPENOCD_VERSION, output)
self.assertIn('version installed in tools directory: ' + XTENSA_ESP_GDB_VERSION, output)
self.assertIn('version installed in tools directory: ' + ESP_ROM_ELFS_VERSION, output)
output = self.run_idf_tools_with_action(['export'])
self.assertIn('%s/tools/esp32ulp-elf/%s/esp32ulp-elf/bin' %
@ -221,9 +229,11 @@ class TestUsage(unittest.TestCase):
(self.temp_tools_dir, XTENSA_ESP32S3_ELF_VERSION), output)
self.assertNotIn('%s/tools/riscv32-esp-elf-gdb/%s/riscv32-esp-elf-gdb/bin' %
(self.temp_tools_dir, RISCV_ESP_GDB_VERSION), output)
self.assertIn('%s/tools/esp-rom-elfs/%s/' %
(self.temp_tools_dir, ESP_ROM_ELFS_VERSION), output)
def test_tools_for_esp32c3(self):
required_tools_installed = 3
required_tools_installed = 4
output = self.run_idf_tools_with_action(['install', '--targets=esp32c3'])
self.assert_tool_installed(output, OPENOCD, OPENOCD_VERSION)
self.assert_tool_installed(output, RISCV_ELF, RISCV_ELF_VERSION)
@ -233,6 +243,7 @@ class TestUsage(unittest.TestCase):
self.assert_tool_not_installed(output, XTENSA_ESP32S3_ELF, XTENSA_ESP32S3_ELF_VERSION)
self.assert_tool_not_installed(output, ESP32ULP, ESP32ULP_VERSION)
self.assert_tool_not_installed(output, XTENSA_ESP_GDB_VERSION, XTENSA_ESP_GDB_VERSION)
self.assert_tool_installed(output, ESP_ROM_ELFS, ESP_ROM_ELFS_VERSION)
self.assertIn('Destination: {}'.format(os.path.join(self.temp_tools_dir, 'dist')), output)
self.assertEqual(required_tools_installed, output.count('Done'))
@ -240,6 +251,7 @@ class TestUsage(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertIn('version installed in tools directory: ' + OPENOCD_VERSION, output)
self.assertIn('version installed in tools directory: ' + RISCV_ELF_VERSION, output)
self.assertIn('version installed in tools directory: ' + RISCV_ESP_GDB_VERSION, output)
self.assertIn('version installed in tools directory: ' + ESP_ROM_ELFS_VERSION, output)
output = self.run_idf_tools_with_action(['export'])
self.assertIn('%s/tools/openocd-esp32/%s/openocd-esp32/bin' %
@ -256,15 +268,18 @@ class TestUsage(unittest.TestCase):
(self.temp_tools_dir, XTENSA_ESP32S3_ELF_VERSION), output)
self.assertNotIn('%s/tools/xtensa-esp-elf-gdb/%s/xtensa-esp-elf-gdb/bin' %
(self.temp_tools_dir, XTENSA_ESP_GDB_VERSION), output)
self.assertIn('%s/tools/esp-rom-elfs/%s/' %
(self.temp_tools_dir, ESP_ROM_ELFS_VERSION), output)
def test_tools_for_esp32s2(self):
required_tools_installed = 5
required_tools_installed = 6
output = self.run_idf_tools_with_action(['install', '--targets=esp32s2'])
self.assert_tool_installed(output, XTENSA_ESP32S2_ELF, XTENSA_ESP32S2_ELF_VERSION)
self.assert_tool_installed(output, OPENOCD, OPENOCD_VERSION)
self.assert_tool_installed(output, RISCV_ELF, RISCV_ELF_VERSION)
self.assert_tool_installed(output, ESP32ULP, ESP32ULP_VERSION)
self.assert_tool_installed(output, XTENSA_ESP_GDB, XTENSA_ESP_GDB_VERSION)
self.assert_tool_installed(output, ESP_ROM_ELFS, ESP_ROM_ELFS_VERSION)
self.assert_tool_not_installed(output, RISCV_ESP_GDB, RISCV_ESP_GDB_VERSION)
self.assert_tool_not_installed(output, XTENSA_ESP32_ELF, XTENSA_ESP32_ELF_VERSION)
self.assert_tool_not_installed(output, XTENSA_ESP32S3_ELF, XTENSA_ESP32S3_ELF_VERSION)
@ -275,6 +290,7 @@ class TestUsage(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertIn('version installed in tools directory: ' + OPENOCD_VERSION, output)
self.assertIn('version installed in tools directory: ' + XTENSA_ESP32S2_ELF_VERSION, output)
self.assertIn('version installed in tools directory: ' + XTENSA_ESP_GDB_VERSION, output)
self.assertIn('version installed in tools directory: ' + ESP_ROM_ELFS_VERSION, output)
output = self.run_idf_tools_with_action(['export'])
self.assertIn('%s/tools/xtensa-esp32s2-elf/%s/xtensa-esp32s2-elf/bin' %
@ -293,15 +309,18 @@ class TestUsage(unittest.TestCase):
(self.temp_tools_dir, XTENSA_ESP_GDB_VERSION), output)
self.assertNotIn('%s/tools/riscv32-esp-elf-gdb/%s/riscv32-esp-elf-gdb/bin' %
(self.temp_tools_dir, RISCV_ESP_GDB_VERSION), output)
self.assertIn('%s/tools/esp-rom-elfs/%s/' %
(self.temp_tools_dir, ESP_ROM_ELFS_VERSION), output)
def test_tools_for_esp32s3(self):
required_tools_installed = 5
required_tools_installed = 6
output = self.run_idf_tools_with_action(['install', '--targets=esp32s3'])
self.assert_tool_installed(output, XTENSA_ESP32S3_ELF, XTENSA_ESP32S3_ELF_VERSION)
self.assert_tool_installed(output, OPENOCD, OPENOCD_VERSION)
self.assert_tool_installed(output, RISCV_ELF, RISCV_ELF_VERSION)
self.assert_tool_installed(output, ESP32ULP, ESP32ULP_VERSION)
self.assert_tool_installed(output, XTENSA_ESP_GDB, XTENSA_ESP_GDB_VERSION)
self.assert_tool_installed(output, ESP_ROM_ELFS, ESP_ROM_ELFS_VERSION)
self.assert_tool_not_installed(output, RISCV_ESP_GDB, RISCV_ESP_GDB_VERSION)
self.assert_tool_not_installed(output, XTENSA_ESP32_ELF, XTENSA_ESP32_ELF_VERSION)
self.assert_tool_not_installed(output, XTENSA_ESP32S2_ELF, XTENSA_ESP32S2_ELF_VERSION)
@ -313,6 +332,7 @@ class TestUsage(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertIn('version installed in tools directory: ' + XTENSA_ESP32S3_ELF_VERSION, output)
self.assertIn('version installed in tools directory: ' + XTENSA_ESP_GDB_VERSION, output)
self.assertIn('version installed in tools directory: ' + RISCV_ESP_GDB_VERSION, output)
self.assertIn('version installed in tools directory: ' + ESP_ROM_ELFS_VERSION, output)
output = self.run_idf_tools_with_action(['export'])
self.assertIn('%s/tools/openocd-esp32/%s/openocd-esp32/bin' %
@ -331,6 +351,8 @@ class TestUsage(unittest.TestCase):
(self.temp_tools_dir, XTENSA_ESP_GDB_VERSION), output)
self.assertNotIn('%s/tools/riscv32-esp-elf-gdb/%s/riscv32-esp-elf-gdb/bin' %
(self.temp_tools_dir, RISCV_ESP_GDB_VERSION), output)
self.assertIn('%s/tools/esp-rom-elfs/%s/' %
(self.temp_tools_dir, ESP_ROM_ELFS_VERSION), output)
def test_uninstall_option(self):
self.run_idf_tools_with_action(['install', '--targets=esp32,esp32c3'])
@ -950,6 +950,40 @@
"description": "ESP ROM ELFs",
"export_paths": [
"export_vars": {
"info_url": "https://github.com/espressif/esp-rom-elfs",
"install": "always",
"is_executable": false,
"license": "Apache-2.0",
"name": "esp-rom-elfs",
"supported_targets": [
"version_cmd": [
"version_regex": "",
"versions": [
"any": {
"sha256": "add4bedbdd950c8409ff45bbf5610316e7d14c4635ea6906f057f2183ab3e3e9",
"size": 2454730,
"url": "https://github.com/espressif/esp-rom-elfs/releases/download/20220823/esp-rom-elfs-20220823.tar.gz"
"name": "20220823",
"status": "recommended"
"version": 1
@ -47,6 +47,10 @@
"$ref": "#/definitions/installRequirementInfo",
"description": "If 'always', the tool will be installed by default. If 'on_request', tool will be installed when specifically requested. If 'never', tool will not be considered for installation."
"is_executable": {
"description": "If false - tool does not contain executables. The version will not be checked but export_vars applied.",
"type": "boolean"
"license": {
"description": "License name. Use SPDX license identifier if it exists, short name of the license otherwise.",
"type": "string"
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