mirror of
synced 2025-03-09 09:09:10 -04:00
ci(pytest): declare markers in conftest.py instead of pytest.ini
This commit is contained in:
@ -46,22 +46,85 @@ except ImportError:
sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'tools', 'ci', 'python_packages'))
import common_test_methods # noqa: F401
SUPPORTED_TARGETS = ['esp32', 'esp32s2', 'esp32c3', 'esp32s3', 'esp32c2', 'esp32c6']
PREVIEW_TARGETS = ['esp32h4'] # this PREVIEW_TARGETS excludes 'linux' target
'esp32': 'support esp32 target',
'esp32s2': 'support esp32s2 target',
'esp32s3': 'support esp32s3 target',
'esp32c3': 'support esp32c3 target',
'esp32c2': 'support esp32c2 target',
'esp32c6': 'support esp32c6 target',
'esp32h4': 'support esp32h4 target',
'linux': 'support linux target',
'supported_targets': "support all officially announced supported targets ('esp32', 'esp32s2', 'esp32c3', 'esp32s3', 'esp32c2', 'esp32c6')",
'preview_targets': "support all preview targets ('esp32h4')",
'all_targets': 'support all targets, including supported ones and preview ones',
'temp_skip_ci': 'temp skip ci tests for specified targets, can only work with `supported_targets`, `preview_targets`, `all_targets`',
'nightly_run': 'tests should be executed as part of the nightly trigger pipeline',
'host_test': 'tests which should not be built at the build stage, and instead built in host_test stage.',
'qemu': 'build and test using qemu-system-xtensa, not real target.',
# single-dut markers
'generic': 'tests should be run on generic runners',
'flash_suspend': 'support flash suspend feature',
'ip101': 'connected via wired 10/100M ethernet',
'lan8720': 'connected via LAN8720 ethernet transceiver',
'quad_psram': 'runners with quad psram',
'octal_psram': 'runners with octal psram',
'usb_host': 'usb host runners',
'usb_host_flash_disk': 'usb host runners with USB flash disk attached',
'usb_device': 'usb device runners',
'ethernet_ota': 'ethernet OTA runners',
'flash_encryption': 'Flash Encryption runners',
'flash_encryption_f4r8': 'Flash Encryption runners with 4-line flash and 8-line psram',
'flash_encryption_f8r8': 'Flash Encryption runners with 8-line flash and 8-line psram',
'flash_mutli': 'Multiple flash chips tests',
'psram': 'Chip has 4-line psram',
'ir_transceiver': 'runners with a pair of IR transmitter and receiver',
'twai_transceiver': 'runners with a TWAI PHY transceiver',
'flash_encryption_wifi_high_traffic': 'Flash Encryption runners with wifi high traffic support',
'ethernet': 'ethernet runner',
'ethernet_flash_8m': 'ethernet runner with 8mb flash',
'ethernet_router': 'both the runner and dut connect to the same router through ethernet NIC',
'wifi_ap': 'a wifi AP in the environment',
'wifi_router': 'both the runner and dut connect to the same wifi router',
'wifi_high_traffic': 'wifi high traffic runners',
'wifi_wlan': 'wifi runner with a wireless NIC',
'xtal_26mhz': 'runner with 26MHz xtal on board',
'xtal_40mhz': 'runner with 40MHz xtal on board',
'external_flash': 'external flash memory connected via VSPI (FSPI)',
'sdcard_sdmode': 'sdcard running in SD mode',
'sdcard_spimode': 'sdcard running in SPI mode',
'MSPI_F8R8': 'runner with Octal Flash and Octal PSRAM',
'MSPI_F4R8': 'runner with Quad Flash and Octal PSRAM',
'MSPI_F4R4': 'runner with Quad Flash and Quad PSRAM',
'test_jtag_arm': 'runner where the chip is accessible through JTAG as well',
'adc': 'ADC related tests should run on adc runners',
'xtal32k': 'Runner with external 32k crystal connected',
'no32kXtal': 'Runner with no external 32k crystal connected',
'multi_dut_modbus_rs485': 'a pair of runners connected by RS485 bus',
'psramv0': 'Runner with PSRAM version 0',
# multi-dut markers
'ieee802154': 'ieee802154 related tests should run on ieee802154 runners.',
'i154_multi_dut': 'tests should be used for i154, such as openthread.',
'wifi_two_dut': 'tests should be run on runners which has two wifi duts connected.',
'generic_multi_device': 'generic multiple devices whose corresponding gpio pins are connected to each other.',
'twai_network': 'multiple runners form a TWAI network.',
'sdio_master_slave': 'Test sdio multi board.',
# Help Functions #
def is_target_marker(marker: str) -> bool:
if marker.startswith('esp32') or marker.startswith('esp8') or marker == 'linux':
return True
return False
def format_case_id(target: Optional[str], config: Optional[str], case: str) -> str:
return f'{target}.{config}.{case}'
@ -75,19 +138,15 @@ def get_target_marker(markexpr: str) -> str:
# we use `-m "esp32 and generic"` in our CI to filter the test cases
for marker in markexpr.split('and'):
marker = marker.strip()
if is_target_marker(marker):
if marker in TARGET_MARKERS:
if len(candidates) > 1:
raise ValueError(
f'Specified more than one target markers: {candidates}. Please specify no more than one.'
raise ValueError(f'Specified more than one target markers: {candidates}. Please specify no more than one.')
elif len(candidates) == 1:
return candidates.pop()
raise ValueError(
'Please specify one target marker via "--target [TARGET]" or via "-m [TARGET]"'
raise ValueError('Please specify one target marker via "--target [TARGET]" or via "-m [TARGET]"')
@ -181,9 +240,7 @@ def build_dir(app_path: str, target: Optional[str], config: Optional[str]) -> st
logging.info(f'find valid binary path: {binary_path}')
return check_dir
'checking binary path: %s... missing... try another place', binary_path
logging.warning('checking binary path: %s... missing... try another place', binary_path)
recommend_place = check_dirs[0]
raise ValueError(
@ -193,9 +250,7 @@ def build_dir(app_path: str, target: Optional[str], config: Optional[str]) -> st
def junit_properties(
test_case_name: str, record_xml_attribute: Callable[[str, object], None]
) -> None:
def junit_properties(test_case_name: str, record_xml_attribute: Callable[[str, object], None]) -> None:
This fixture is autoused and will modify the junit report test case name to <target>.<config>.<case_name>
@ -211,9 +266,7 @@ def pytest_addoption(parser: pytest.Parser) -> None:
help='sdkconfig postfix, like sdkconfig.ci.<config>. (Default: None, which would build all found apps)',
'--known-failure-cases-file', help='known failure cases file path'
base_group.addoption('--known-failure-cases-file', help='known failure cases file path')
_idf_pytest_embedded_key = pytest.StashKey['IdfPytestEmbedded']
@ -239,6 +292,9 @@ def pytest_configure(config: Config) -> None:
for name, description in (TARGET_MARKERS | ENV_MARKERS | SPECIAL_MARKERS).items():
config.addinivalue_line('markers', f'{name}: {description}')
def pytest_unconfigure(config: Config) -> None:
_pytest_embedded = config.stash.get(_idf_pytest_embedded_key, None)
@ -257,21 +313,13 @@ class IdfPytestEmbedded:
# CLI options to filter the test cases
self.target = target
self.sdkconfig = sdkconfig
self.known_failure_patterns = self._parse_known_failure_cases_file(
self.known_failure_patterns = self._parse_known_failure_cases_file(known_failure_cases_file)
self._failed_cases: List[
Tuple[str, bool, bool]
] = [] # (test_case_name, is_known_failure_cases, is_xfail)
self._failed_cases: List[Tuple[str, bool, bool]] = [] # (test_case_name, is_known_failure_cases, is_xfail)
def failed_cases(self) -> List[str]:
return [
for case, is_known, is_xfail in self._failed_cases
if not is_known and not is_xfail
return [case for case, is_known, is_xfail in self._failed_cases if not is_known and not is_xfail]
def known_failure_cases(self) -> List[str]:
@ -312,6 +360,7 @@ class IdfPytestEmbedded:
# sort by file path and callspec.config
# implement like this since this is a limitation of pytest, couldn't get fixture values while collecting
# https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/discussions/9689
# after sort the test apps, the test may use the app cache to reduce the flash times.
def _get_param_config(_item: Function) -> str:
if hasattr(_item, 'callspec'):
return _item.callspec.params.get('config', DEFAULT_SDKCONFIG) # type: ignore
@ -370,29 +419,19 @@ class IdfPytestEmbedded:
# Do not filter nightly_run cases
elif os.getenv('NIGHTLY_RUN') == '1':
items[:] = [
item for item in items if 'nightly_run' in item_marker_names(item)
items[:] = [item for item in items if 'nightly_run' in item_marker_names(item)]
items[:] = [
item for item in items if 'nightly_run' not in item_marker_names(item)
items[:] = [item for item in items if 'nightly_run' not in item_marker_names(item)]
# filter all the test cases with "--target"
if self.target:
items[:] = [
item for item in items if self.target in item_marker_names(item)
items[:] = [item for item in items if self.target in item_marker_names(item)]
# filter all the test cases with cli option "config"
if self.sdkconfig:
items[:] = [
item for item in items if _get_param_config(item) == self.sdkconfig
items[:] = [item for item in items if _get_param_config(item) == self.sdkconfig]
def pytest_runtest_makereport(
self, item: Function, call: CallInfo[None]
) -> Optional[TestReport]:
def pytest_runtest_makereport(self, item: Function, call: CallInfo[None]) -> Optional[TestReport]:
report = TestReport.from_item_and_call(item, call)
if report.outcome == 'failed':
test_case_name = item.funcargs.get('test_case_name', '')
@ -429,13 +468,9 @@ class IdfPytestEmbedded:
xml = ET.parse(junit)
testcases = xml.findall('.//testcase')
for case in testcases:
case.attrib['name'] = format_case_id(
target, config, case.attrib['name']
case.attrib['name'] = format_case_id(target, config, case.attrib['name'])
if 'file' in case.attrib:
case.attrib['file'] = case.attrib['file'].replace(
'/IDF/', ''
) # our unity test framework
case.attrib['file'] = case.attrib['file'].replace('/IDF/', '') # our unity test framework
def pytest_sessionfinish(self, session: Session, exitstatus: int) -> None:
@ -18,74 +18,6 @@ filterwarnings =
markers =
# target markers
esp32: support esp32 target
esp32s2: support esp32s2 target
esp32s3: support esp32s3 target
esp32c3: support esp32c3 target
esp32c2: support esp32c2 target
esp32c6: support esp32c6 target
esp32h4: support esp32h4 target
supported_targets: support all supported targets ('esp32', 'esp32s2', 'esp32c3', 'esp32s3', 'esp32c2', 'esp32c6')
preview_targets: support all preview targets ('linux', 'esp32h4')
all_targets: support all targets, including supported ones and preview ones
temp_skip_ci: temp skip ci for specified targets, can only work with `supported_targets`, `preview_targets`, `all_targets`
# env markers
generic: tests should be run on generic runners
nightly_run: tests should be executed as part of the nightly trigger pipeline
flash_suspend: support flash suspend feature
ip101: connected via wired 10/100M ethernet
lan8720: connected via LAN8720 ethernet transceiver
quad_psram: runners with quad psram
octal_psram: runners with octal psram
usb_host: usb host runners
usb_host_flash_disk: usb host runners with USB flash disk attached
usb_device: usb device runners
ethernet_ota: ethernet OTA runners
flash_encryption: Flash Encryption runners
flash_encryption_f4r8: Flash Encryption runners with 4-line flash and 8-line psram
flash_encryption_f8r8: Flash Encryption runners with 8-line flash and 8-line psram
flash_mutli: Multiple flash chips tests
psram: Chip has 4-line psram
ir_transceiver: runners with a pair of IR transmitter and receiver
twai_transceiver: runners with a TWAI PHY transceiver
flash_encryption_wifi_high_traffic: Flash Encryption runners with wifi high traffic support
ethernet: ethernet runner
ethernet_flash_8m: ethernet runner with 8mb flash
ethernet_router: both the runner and dut connect to the same router through ethernet NIC
wifi_ap: a wifi AP in the environment
wifi_router: both the runner and dut connect to the same wifi router
wifi_high_traffic: wifi high traffic runners
wifi_wlan: wifi runner with a wireless NIC
xtal_26mhz: runner with 26MHz xtal on board
xtal_40mhz: runner with 40MHz xtal on board
external_flash: external flash memory connected via VSPI (FSPI)
sdcard_sdmode: sdcard running in SD mode
sdcard_spimode: sdcard running in SPI mode
MSPI_F8R8: runner with Octal Flash and Octal PSRAM
MSPI_F4R8: runner with Quad Flash and Octal PSRAM
MSPI_F4R4: runner with Quad Flash and Quad PSRAM
test_jtag_arm: runner where the chip is accessible through JTAG as well
adc: ADC related tests should run on adc runners
xtal32k: Runner with external 32k crystal connected
no32kXtal: Runner with no external 32k crystal connected
multi_dut_modbus_rs485: a pair of runners connected by RS485 bus
psramv0: Runner with PSRAM version 0
# multi-dut markers
ieee802154: ieee802154 related tests should run on ieee802154 runners.
i154_multi_dut: tests should be used for i154, such as openthread.
wifi_two_dut: tests should be run on runners which has two wifi duts connected.
generic_multi_device: generic multiple devices whose corresponding gpio pins are connected to each other.
twai_network: multiple runners form a TWAI network.
sdio_master_slave: Test sdio multi board.
# host_test markers
host_test: tests which shouldn not be built at the build stage, and instead built in host_test stage.
qemu: build and test using qemu-system-xtensa, not real target.
# log related
log_cli = True
log_cli_level = INFO
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