diff --git a/tools/idf_py_actions/dfu_ext.py b/tools/idf_py_actions/dfu_ext.py
index 0062978b9a..f637a36534 100644
--- a/tools/idf_py_actions/dfu_ext.py
+++ b/tools/idf_py_actions/dfu_ext.py
@@ -6,7 +6,11 @@ def action_extensions(base_actions, project_path):
- def dfu_target(target_name, ctx, args):
+ def dfu_target(target_name, ctx, args, part_size):
+ ensure_build_directory(args, ctx.info_name)
+ run_target(target_name, args, {'ESP_DFU_PART_SIZE': part_size} if part_size else {})
+ def dfu_list_target(target_name, ctx, args):
ensure_build_directory(args, ctx.info_name)
run_target(target_name, args)
@@ -27,9 +31,17 @@ def action_extensions(base_actions, project_path):
'callback': dfu_target,
'short_help': 'Build the DFU binary',
'dependencies': ['all'],
+ 'options': [
+ {
+ 'names': ['--part-size'],
+ 'help': 'Large files are split up into smaller partitions in order to avoid timeout during '
+ 'erasing flash. This option allows to overwrite the default partition size of '
+ 'mkdfu.py.'
+ }
+ ],
'dfu-list': {
- 'callback': dfu_target,
+ 'callback': dfu_list_target,
'short_help': 'List DFU capable devices',
'dependencies': [],
@@ -42,7 +54,7 @@ def action_extensions(base_actions, project_path):
'names': ['--path'],
'default': '',
'help': 'Specify path to DFU device. The default empty path works if there is just one '
- 'ESP device with the same product identificator. See the device list for paths '
+ 'ESP device with the same product identifier. See the device list for paths '
'of available devices.'
diff --git a/tools/mkdfu.py b/tools/mkdfu.py
index e521354fe1..980cf278ba 100755
--- a/tools/mkdfu.py
+++ b/tools/mkdfu.py
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Copyright 2020 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) PTE LTD
+# Copyright 2020-2021 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@@ -21,6 +21,8 @@
# This file must be the first one in the archive. It contains binary structures describing each
# subsequent file (for example, where the file needs to be flashed/loaded).
+from __future__ import print_function, unicode_literals
import argparse
import hashlib
import json
@@ -28,6 +30,7 @@ import os
import struct
import zlib
from collections import namedtuple
+from functools import partial
from future.utils import iteritems
@@ -125,16 +128,31 @@ def pad_bytes(b, multiple, padding=b'\x00'): # type: (bytes, int, bytes) -> byt
class EspDfuWriter(object):
- def __init__(self, dest_file, pid): # type: (typing.BinaryIO) -> None
+ def __init__(self, dest_file, pid, part_size): # type: (typing.BinaryIO, int, int) -> None
self.dest = dest_file
self.pid = pid
+ self.part_size = part_size
self.entries = [] # type: typing.List[bytes]
self.index = [] # type: typing.List[DFUInfo]
def add_file(self, flash_addr, path): # type: (int, str) -> None
- """ Add file to be written into flash at given address """
+ """
+ Add file to be written into flash at given address
+ Files are split up into chunks in order avoid timing-out during erasing large regions. Instead of adding
+ "app.bin" at flash_addr it will add:
+ 1. app.bin at flash_addr # sizeof(app.bin) == self.part_size
+ 2. app.bin.1 at flash_addr + self.part_size
+ 3. app.bin.2 at flash_addr + 2 * self.part_size
+ ...
+ """
+ f_name = os.path.basename(path)
with open(path, 'rb') as f:
- self._add_cpio_flash_entry(os.path.basename(path), flash_addr, f.read())
+ for i, chunk in enumerate(iter(partial(f.read, self.part_size), b'')):
+ n = f_name if i == 0 else '.'.join([f_name, str(i)])
+ self._add_cpio_flash_entry(n, flash_addr, chunk)
+ flash_addr += len(chunk)
def finish(self): # type: () -> None
""" Write DFU file """
@@ -187,13 +205,15 @@ class EspDfuWriter(object):
self.entries.insert(0, entry)
-def action_write(args):
- writer = EspDfuWriter(args['output_file'], args['pid'])
+def action_write(args): # type: (typing.Mapping[str, typing.Any]) -> None
+ writer = EspDfuWriter(args['output_file'], args['pid'], args['part_size'])
for addr, f in args['files']:
print('Adding {} at {:#x}'.format(f, addr))
writer.add_file(addr, f)
print('"{}" has been written. You may proceed with DFU flashing.'.format(args['output_file'].name))
+ if args['part_size'] % (4 * 1024) != 0:
+ print('WARNING: Partition size of DFU is not multiple of 4k (4096). You might get unexpected behavior.')
def main():
@@ -212,6 +232,10 @@ def main():
help='Hexa-decimal product indentificator')
help='Optional file for loading "flash_files" dictionary with
+ write_parser.add_argument('--part-size',
+ default=os.environ.get('ESP_DFU_PART_SIZE', 512 * 1024),
+ type=lambda x: int(x, 0),
+ help='Larger files are split-up into smaller partitions of this size')
metavar=' ', help='Add at ',
@@ -241,12 +265,13 @@ def main():
files += [(int(addr, 0),
process_json_file(f_name)) for addr, f_name in iteritems(json.load(f)['flash_files'])]
- files = sorted([(addr, f_name) for addr, f_name in iteritems(dict(files))],
+ files = sorted([(addr, f_name.decode('utf-8') if isinstance(f_name, type(b'')) else f_name) for addr, f_name in iteritems(dict(files))],
key=lambda x: x[0]) # remove possible duplicates and sort based on the address
cmd_args = {'output_file': args.output_file,
'files': files,
'pid': args.pid,
+ 'part_size': args.part_size,
{'write': action_write
diff --git a/tools/test_mkdfu/1/flasher_args.json b/tools/test_mkdfu/1/flasher_args.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 06a54d0cc7..0000000000
--- a/tools/test_mkdfu/1/flasher_args.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
- "flash_files" : {
- "0x8000" : "2.bin",
- "0x1000" : "1.bin",
- "0x10000" : "3.bin"
- }
diff --git a/tools/test_mkdfu/2/dfu.bin b/tools/test_mkdfu/2/dfu.bin
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..31774a80cf
Binary files /dev/null and b/tools/test_mkdfu/2/dfu.bin differ
diff --git a/tools/test_mkdfu/test_mkdfu.py b/tools/test_mkdfu/test_mkdfu.py
index 09d867a12f..0646148518 100755
--- a/tools/test_mkdfu/test_mkdfu.py
+++ b/tools/test_mkdfu/test_mkdfu.py
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright 2020 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
+# Copyright 2020-2021 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@@ -17,7 +17,9 @@
from __future__ import unicode_literals
+import collections
import filecmp
+import json
import os
import shutil
import sys
@@ -31,21 +33,32 @@ current_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
mkdfu_path = os.path.join(current_dir, '..', 'mkdfu.py')
-class TestHelloWorldExample(unittest.TestCase):
- def common_test(self, add_args):
- with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) as f:
- self.addCleanup(os.unlink, f.name)
- cmd = ' '.join([sys.executable, mkdfu_path, 'write',
- '-o', f.name,
- '--pid', '2',
- add_args])
- p = pexpect.spawn(cmd, timeout=10)
+class TestMkDFU(unittest.TestCase):
+ def common_test(self, json_input=None, file_args=[], output_to_compare=None, part_size=None):
+ '''
+ - json_input - input JSON file compatible with mkdfu.py - used when not None
+ - file_args - list of (address, path_to_file) tuples
+ - output_to_compare - path to the file containing the expected output - tested when not None
+ - part_size - partition size - used when not None
+ '''
+ with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) as f_out:
+ self.addCleanup(os.unlink, f_out.name)
+ args = [mkdfu_path, 'write',
+ '-o', f_out.name,
+ '--pid', '2']
+ if part_size:
+ args += ['--part-size', str(part_size)]
+ if json_input:
+ args += ['--json', json_input]
+ for addr, f_path in file_args:
+ args += [str(addr), f_path]
+ p = pexpect.spawn(sys.executable, args, timeout=10, encoding='utf-8')
self.addCleanup(p.terminate, force=True)
- p.expect_exact(['Adding 1/bootloader.bin at 0x1000',
- 'Adding 1/partition-table.bin at 0x8000',
- 'Adding 1/hello-world.bin at 0x10000',
- '"{}" has been written. You may proceed with DFU flashing.'.format(f.name)])
+ for addr, f_path in sorted(file_args, key=lambda e: e[0]):
+ p.expect_exact('Adding {} at {}'.format(f_path, hex(addr)))
+ p.expect_exact('"{}" has been written. You may proceed with DFU flashing.'.format(f_out.name))
# Need to wait for the process to end because the output file is closed when mkdfu exits.
# Do non-blocking wait instead of the blocking p.wait():
@@ -56,25 +69,34 @@ class TestHelloWorldExample(unittest.TestCase):
- self.assertTrue(filecmp.cmp(f.name, os.path.join(current_dir, '1','dfu.bin')), 'Output files are different')
+ if output_to_compare:
+ self.assertTrue(filecmp.cmp(f_out.name, os.path.join(current_dir, output_to_compare)), 'Output files are different')
+class TestHelloWorldExample(TestMkDFU):
+ '''
+ tests with images prepared in the "1" subdirectory
+ '''
def test_with_json(self):
- self.common_test(' '.join(['--json', os.path.join(current_dir, '1', 'flasher_args.json')]))
+ with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w', dir=os.path.join(current_dir, '1'), delete=False) as f:
+ self.addCleanup(os.unlink, f.name)
+ bins = [('0x1000', '1.bin'), ('0x8000', '2.bin'), ('0x10000', '3.bin')]
+ json.dump({'flash_files': collections.OrderedDict(bins)}, f)
+ self.common_test(json_input=f.name, output_to_compare='1/dfu.bin')
def test_without_json(self):
- self.common_test(' '.join(['0x1000', os.path.join(current_dir, '1', '1.bin'),
- '0x8000', os.path.join(current_dir, '1', '2.bin'),
- '0x10000', os.path.join(current_dir, '1', '3.bin')
- ]))
+ self.common_test(file_args=[(0x1000, '1/1.bin'),
+ (0x8000, '1/2.bin'),
+ (0x10000, '1/3.bin')],
+ output_to_compare='1/dfu.bin')
def test_filenames(self):
temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='very_long_directory_name' * 8)
self.addCleanup(shutil.rmtree, temp_dir, ignore_errors=True)
- with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir=temp_dir, delete=False) as f:
- output = f.name
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix='ľščťžýáíéěř\u0420\u043e\u0441\u0441\u0438\u044f',
delete=False) as f:
@@ -82,21 +104,30 @@ class TestHelloWorldExample(unittest.TestCase):
shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(current_dir, '1', '1.bin'), bootloader)
- cmd = ' '.join([sys.executable, mkdfu_path, 'write',
- '-o', output,
- '--pid', '2',
- ' '.join(['0x1000', bootloader,
- '0x8000', os.path.join(current_dir, '1', '2.bin'),
- '0x10000', os.path.join(current_dir, '1', '3.bin')
- ])
- ])
- p = pexpect.spawn(cmd, timeout=10, encoding='utf-8')
- self.addCleanup(p.terminate, force=True)
+ self.common_test(file_args=[(0x1000, bootloader),
+ (0x8000, os.path.join(current_dir, '1', '2.bin')),
+ (0x10000, os.path.join(current_dir, '1', '3.bin'))])
- p.expect_exact(['Adding {} at 0x1000'.format(bootloader),
- 'Adding 1/2.bin at 0x8000',
- 'Adding 1/3.bin at 0x10000',
- '"{}" has been written. You may proceed with DFU flashing.'.format(output)])
+class TestSplit(TestMkDFU):
+ '''
+ tests with images prepared in the "2" subdirectory
+ "2/dfu.bin" was prepared with:
+ mkdfu.py write --part-size 5 --pid 2 -o 2/dfu.bin 0 bin
+ where the content of "bin" is b"\xce" * 10
+ '''
+ def test_split(self):
+ temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=current_dir)
+ self.addCleanup(shutil.rmtree, temp_dir, ignore_errors=True)
+ with open(os.path.join(temp_dir, 'bin'), 'wb') as f:
+ self.addCleanup(os.unlink, f.name)
+ f.write(b'\xce' * 10)
+ self.common_test(file_args=[(0, f.name)],
+ part_size=5,
+ output_to_compare='2/dfu.bin')
if __name__ == '__main__':