hints: added compilation hints for FreeRTOS breaking changes

This commit is contained in:
Sudeep Mohanty 2022-08-12 13:56:50 +02:00
parent f11de46bfc
commit f6d9617b28

View File

@ -87,7 +87,30 @@
re: "fatal error: eh_frame_parser.h: No such file or directory"
hint: "Backtrace Parser API (eh_frame_parser.h) has been made private, it shall not be used anymore. You can still force its inclusion with #include \"esp_private/eh_frame_parser.h\" (not recommended)"
re: "error: unknown type name '(portTickType|xTaskHandle|xQueueHandle|xSemaphoreHandle|xQueueSetHandle|xQueueSetMemberHandle|xTimeOutType|xMemoryRegion|xTaskParameters|xTaskStatusType|xTimerHandle|xCoRoutineHandle|pdTASK_HOOK_CODE|tmrTIMER_CALLBACK|pdTASK_CODE|xListItem|xList)'"
hint: "You maybe using pre FreeRTOS V8.0.0 data types. The backward compatibility of such data types is no longer enabled by default. Please turn on CONFIG_FREERTOS_ENABLE_BACKWARD_COMPATIBILITY explicitly to use such data types."
match_to_output: True
re: "error: 'portTICK_RATE_MS' undeclared"
hint: "You maybe using pre FreeRTOS V8.0.0 APIs. The backward compatibility of such APIs is no longer enabled by default. Please turn on CONFIG_FREERTOS_ENABLE_BACKWARD_COMPATIBILITY explicitly to use such APIs."
match_to_output: True
re: "error: implicit declaration of function '(eTaskStateGet|pcTaskGetTaskName|pcTimerGetTimerName|pcQueueGetQueueName|vTaskGetTaskInfo|xTaskGetIdleRunTimeCounter)'"
hint: "You maybe using pre FreeRTOS V8.0.0 APIs. The backward compatibility of such APIs is no longer enabled by default. Please turn on CONFIG_FREERTOS_ENABLE_BACKWARD_COMPATIBILITY explicitly to use such APIs."
match_to_output: True
re: "error: unknown type name 'TaskSnapshot_t'"
hint: "The header file task_snapshot.h is no longer included as part of freertos/task.h. Users need to include freertos/task_snapshot.h explicitly."
match_to_output: True
re: "error: implicit declaration of function '(pxTaskGetNext|vTaskGetSnapshot|uxTaskGetSnapshotAll)'"
hint: "The header file task_snapshot.h is no longer included as part of freertos/task.h. Users need to include freertos/task_snapshot.h explicitly."
match_to_output: True
re: "error: implicit declaration of function '(portENTER_CRITICAL_NESTED|portEXIT_CRITICAL_NESTED|vPortCPUInitializeMutex|vPortCPUAcquireMutex|vPortCPUAcquireMutexTimeout|vPortCPUReleaseMutex)'"
hint: "The header file portmacro_deprecated.h has been removed. Users should refer the migration guide for alternative functions."
match_to_output: True
re: "error: implicit declaration of function '(\\w+)'"
hint: "Maybe you forgot to import {} library(s) in header file or add the necessary REQURIES component. Try to add missing libraries to your project header file or check idf_component_register(REQUIRES ...) section in your component CmakeList.txt file. For more information run 'idf.py docs -sp api-guides/build-system.html'.\nAlso, please check if the function has been removed, renamed or replaced by an alternative function - refer to the migration guide for more information."