feat(twai): c5 twaifd low level support and deprecate old types header

This commit is contained in:
wanckl 2024-08-15 19:22:13 +08:00
parent 05db66bf78
commit fe48cbc3c0
19 changed files with 1366 additions and 308 deletions

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@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ static void s_test_sleep_retention(bool allow_pd)
// check if the sleep happened as expected
TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, sleep_ctx.sleep_request_result);
// check if the power domain also is powered down
TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(allow_pd ? PMU_SLEEP_PD_TOP : 0, (sleep_ctx.sleep_flags) & PMU_SLEEP_PD_TOP);

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@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ static inline void twai_ll_set_cmd_tx(twai_dev_t *hw)
static inline void twai_ll_set_cmd_tx_single_shot(twai_dev_t *hw)
hw->command_reg.val = 0x03; //Set command_reg.tr and command_reg.at simultaneously for single shot transmittion request
hw->command_reg.val = 0x03; //Set command_reg.tr and command_reg.at simultaneously for single shot transmission request

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@ -0,0 +1,948 @@
* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* The Lowlevel layer for TWAI is not public api, don't use in application code.
#pragma once
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#include <string.h>
#include "soc/pcr_reg.h"
#include "soc/pcr_struct.h"
#include "soc/twaifd_reg.h"
#include "soc/twaifd_struct.h"
#include "hal/twai_types.h"
#include "hal/assert.h"
#include "hal/misc.h"
#define TWAIFD_LL_GET_HW(num) (((num) == 0) ? (&TWAI0) : (&TWAI1))
#define TWAIFD_LL_ERR_BIT_ERR 0x0 // Bit Error
#define TWAIFD_LL_ERR_CRC_ERR 0x1 // CRC Error
#define TWAIFD_LL_ERR_FRM_ERR 0x2 // Form Error
#define TWAIFD_LL_ERR_ACK_ERR 0x3 // Acknowledge Error
#define TWAIFD_LL_ERR_STUF_ERR 0x4 // Stuff Error
#define TWAIFD_LL_SSP_SRC_MEAS_OFFSET 0x0 // Using Measured Transmitter delay + SSP_OFFSET
#define TWAIFD_LL_SSP_SRC_NO_SSP 0x1 // SSP is disabled
#define TWAIFD_LL_TX_CMD_EMPTY TWAIFD_TXCE // Set tx buffer to "Empty" state
#define TWAIFD_LL_TX_CMD_READY TWAIFD_TXCR // Set tx buffer to "Ready" state
#define TWAIFD_LL_TX_CMD_ABORT TWAIFD_TXCA // Set tx buffer to "Aborted" state
#define TWAIFD_LL_HW_CMD_RST_ERR_CNT TWAIFD_ERCRST // Error Counters Reset
#define TWAIFD_LL_HW_CMD_RST_RX_CNT TWAIFD_RXFCRST // Clear RX bus traffic counter
#define TWAIFD_LL_HW_CMD_RST_TX_CNT TWAIFD_TXFCRST // Clear TX bus traffic counter
#define TWAIFD_LL_INTR_TX_DONE TWAIFD_TXI_INT_ST // Transmit Interrupt
#define TWAIFD_LL_INTR_RX_NOT_EMPTY TWAIFD_RBNEI_INT_ST // RX buffer not empty interrupt
#define TWAIFD_LL_INTR_RX_FULL TWAIFD_RXFI_INT_ST // RX buffer full interrupt
#define TWAIFD_LL_INTR_BUS_ERR TWAIFD_BEI_INT_ST // Bus error interrupt
#define TWAIFD_LL_INTR_FSM_CHANGE TWAIFD_FCSI_INT_ST // Fault confinement state changed interrupt
#define TWAIFD_LL_INTR_ARBI_LOST TWAIFD_ALI_INT_ST // Arbitration Lost Interrupt
* @brief Enable the bus clock and module clock for twai module
* @param twai_id Hardware ID
* @param enable true to enable, false to disable
static inline void twaifd_ll_enable_bus_clock(uint8_t twai_id, bool enable)
PCR.twai[twai_id].twai_conf.twai_clk_en = enable;
* @brief Reset the twai module
* @param twai_id Hardware ID
static inline void twaifd_ll_reset_register(uint8_t twai_id)
PCR.twai[twai_id].twai_conf.twai_rst_en = 1;
while (!PCR.twai[twai_id].twai_conf.twai_ready);
* @brief Set clock source for TWAI module
* @param twai_id Hardware ID
* @param clk_src Clock source
static inline void twaifd_ll_set_clock_source(uint8_t twai_id, twai_clock_source_t clk_src)
PCR.twai[twai_id].twai_func_clk_conf.twai_func_clk_sel = (clk_src == TWAI_CLK_SRC_RC_FAST) ? 1 : 0;
* @brief Enable TWAI module clock source
* @param twai_id Hardware ID
* @param enable true to enable, false to disable
static inline void twaifd_ll_enable_clock(uint8_t twai_id, bool enable)
PCR.twai[twai_id].twai_func_clk_conf.twai_func_clk_en = enable;
* @brief Waits for pending changes to take effect in the hardware.
* @param hw Pointer to the hardware structure.
static inline void twaifd_ll_waiting_state_change(twaifd_dev_t *hw)
while (!hw->int_stat.fcsi_int_st); // Wait until the change is applied
/* ---------------------------- Mode Register ------------------------------- */
// WARNING!! Following 'mode_settings' should in same spin_lock` !!!
* @brief Reset hardware.
* @param hw Pointer to hardware structure.
static inline void twaifd_ll_reset(twaifd_dev_t *hw)
hw->mode_settings.rst = 1;
* @brief Enable or disable hardware.
* @param hw Pointer to hardware structure.
* @param enable Boolean flag to enable (true) or disable (false).
static inline void twaifd_ll_enable_hw(twaifd_dev_t *hw, bool enable)
hw->mode_settings.ena = enable;
* @brief Set operating mode of TWAI controller
* @param hw Start address of the TWAI registers
* @param modes Operating mode
static inline void twaifd_ll_set_mode(twaifd_dev_t *hw, const twai_mode_t modes)
//mode should be changed under disabled
HAL_ASSERT(hw->mode_settings.ena == 0);
twaifd_mode_settings_reg_t opmode = {.val = hw->mode_settings.val};
opmode.stm = (modes == TWAI_MODE_NO_ACK);
opmode.bmm = (modes == TWAI_MODE_LISTEN_ONLY);
hw->mode_settings.val = opmode.val;
* @brief Set the TX retransmission limit.
* @param hw Pointer to the TWAI-FD device hardware.
* @param limit Retransmission limit (0-15, or negative for infinite).
static inline void twaifd_ll_set_tx_retrans_limit(twaifd_dev_t *hw, int8_t limit)
HAL_ASSERT(limit <= (int8_t)TWAIFD_RTRTH_V); // Check the limit is valid
hw->mode_settings.rtrle = (limit >= 0); // Enable/disable retransmissions
hw->mode_settings.rtrth = limit; // Set the limit
* set bit rate flexible between nominal field and data field
* when set this bit, all frame will be regarded as CANFD frame, even though nominal bit rate and data bit rate are the same
static inline void twaifd_ll_enable_fd_mode(twaifd_dev_t *hw, bool ena)
hw->mode_settings.fde = ena;
* @brief Enable or disable TX loopback
* @param hw Pointer to the TWAI-FD device hardware.
* @param ena Set to true to enable loopback, false to disable.
static inline void twaifd_ll_enable_loopback(twaifd_dev_t *hw, bool ena)
hw->mode_settings.ilbp = ena;
* @brief Enable or disable the RX fifo automatic increase when read to register
* @param hw Pointer to the TWAI-FD device hardware.
* @param ena Set to true to enable RX automatic mode, false to disable.
static inline void twaifd_ll_enable_rxfifo_auto_incrase(twaifd_dev_t *hw, bool ena)
hw->mode_settings.rxbam = ena;
* @brief Enable or disable the filter.
* @param hw Pointer to hardware structure.
* @param enable `true` to enable, `false` to disable.
static inline void twaifd_ll_enable_filter_mode(twaifd_dev_t* hw, bool enable)
// Must be called when hardware is disabled.
HAL_ASSERT(hw->mode_settings.ena == 0);
hw->mode_settings.afm = enable;
* @brief Set remote frame filtering behaviour.
* @param hw Pointer to hardware structure.
* @param en True to drop, false to Receive to next filter
static inline void twaifd_ll_filter_drop_remote_frame(twaifd_dev_t* hw, bool en)
hw->mode_settings.fdrf = en;
* @brief Get remote frame filtering behaviour.
* @param hw Pointer to hardware structure.
static inline bool twaifd_ll_filter_is_drop_remote_frame(twaifd_dev_t* hw)
return hw->mode_settings.fdrf;
* @brief Enable or disable the time-triggered transmission mode for the TWAI-FD peripheral.
* @param hw Pointer to the TWAI-FD device hardware.
* @param enable Set to true to enable time-triggered transmission mode, false to disable.
static inline void twaifd_ll_enable_time_trig_trans_mode(twaifd_dev_t* hw, bool enable)
hw->mode_settings.tttm = enable;
/* --------------------------- Command Register ----------------------------- */
* @brief Set command to TWAIFD hardware
* @param hw Pointer to the TWAI-FD device hardware.
* @param commands command code refer to `TWAIFD_LL_HW_CMD_`.
static inline void twaifd_ll_set_operate_cmd(twaifd_dev_t *hw, uint32_t commands)
hw->command.val = commands;
while(hw->command.val & commands);
/* -------------------------- Interrupt Register ---------------------------- */
* @brief Set which interrupts are enabled
* @param hw Start address of the TWAI registers
* @param intr_mask mask of interrupts to enable
static inline void twaifd_ll_enable_intr(twaifd_dev_t *hw, uint32_t intr_mask)
hw->int_ena_set.val = intr_mask;
hw->int_ena_clr.val = ~intr_mask;
* @brief Get the interrupt status of the TWAI-FD peripheral.
* @param hw Pointer to the TWAI-FD device hardware.
* @return The current interrupt status as a 32-bit value, used with `TWAIFD_LL_INTR_`.
static inline uint32_t twaifd_ll_get_intr_status(twaifd_dev_t *hw)
return hw->int_stat.val;
* @brief Clear the specified interrupt status of the TWAI-FD peripheral.
* @param hw Pointer to the TWAI-FD device hardware.
* @param intr_mask The interrupt mask specifying which interrupts to clear.
static inline void twaifd_ll_clr_intr_status(twaifd_dev_t *hw, uint32_t intr_mask)
// this register is write to clear
hw->int_stat.val = intr_mask;
/* ------------------------ Bus Timing Registers --------------------------- */
* @brief Set bus timing nominal bit rate
* @param hw Start address of the TWAI registers
* @param timing_param timing params
static inline void twaifd_ll_set_nominal_bit_rate(twaifd_dev_t *hw, const twai_timing_config_t *timing_param)
twaifd_btr_reg_t reg_w = {.val = 0};
reg_w.brp = timing_param->brp;
reg_w.prop = timing_param->prop_seg;
reg_w.ph1 = timing_param->tseg_1;
reg_w.ph2 = timing_param->tseg_2;
reg_w.sjw = timing_param->sjw;
hw->btr.val = reg_w.val;
* @brief Set bus timing for FD data section bit rate
* @param hw Start address of the TWAI registers
* @param timing_param_fd FD timing params
static inline void twaifd_ll_set_fd_bit_rate(twaifd_dev_t *hw, const twai_timing_config_t *timing_param_fd)
twaifd_btr_fd_reg_t reg_w = {.val = 0};
reg_w.brp_fd = timing_param_fd->brp;
reg_w.prop_fd = timing_param_fd->prop_seg;
reg_w.ph1_fd = timing_param_fd->tseg_1;
reg_w.ph2_fd = timing_param_fd->tseg_2;
reg_w.sjw_fd = timing_param_fd->sjw;
hw->btr_fd.val = reg_w.val;
* @brief Secondary Sample Point (SSP) config for data bitrate
* @param hw Start address of the TWAI registers
* @param ssp_src_code Secondary point mode config, see TWAIFD_LL_SSP_SRC_xxx.
* @param offset_val Secondary point offset based on Sync_Seg, in clock source freq.
static inline void twaifd_ll_config_secondary_sample_point(twaifd_dev_t *hw, uint8_t ssp_src_code, uint8_t offset_val)
hw->trv_delay_ssp_cfg.ssp_src = ssp_src_code;
HAL_FORCE_MODIFY_U32_REG_FIELD(hw->trv_delay_ssp_cfg, ssp_offset, offset_val);
/* ----------------------------- ALC Register ------------------------------- */
* @brief Get the arbitration lost field from the TWAI-FD peripheral.
* @param hw Pointer to the TWAI-FD device hardware.
* @return The arbitration lost ID field.
static inline uint32_t twaifd_ll_get_arb_lost_field(twaifd_dev_t *hw)
return hw->err_capt_retr_ctr_alc_ts_info.alc_id_field;
* @brief Get the bit where arbitration was lost from the TWAI-FD peripheral.
* @param hw Pointer to the TWAI-FD device hardware.
* @return The bit position where arbitration was lost.
static inline uint32_t twaifd_ll_get_arb_lost_bit(twaifd_dev_t *hw)
return hw->err_capt_retr_ctr_alc_ts_info.alc_bit;
* @brief Get the error code reason from the TWAI-FD peripheral.
* @param hw Pointer to the TWAI-FD device hardware.
* @return The error code, see `TWAIFD_LL_ERR_`
static inline uint32_t twaifd_ll_get_err_reason_code(twaifd_dev_t *hw)
return hw->err_capt_retr_ctr_alc_ts_info.err_type;
/* ----------------------------- EWL Register ------------------------------- */
// this func can only use in TWAIFD_MODE_TEST, and 'mode_settings.ena' must be zero
static inline void twaifd_ll_set_err_warn_limit(twaifd_dev_t *hw, uint32_t ewl)
HAL_FORCE_MODIFY_U32_REG_FIELD(hw->ewl_erp_fault_state, ew_limit, ewl);
* @brief Get Error Warning Limit
* @param hw Start address of the TWAI registers
* @return Error Warning Limit
static inline uint32_t twaifd_ll_get_err_warn_limit(twaifd_dev_t *hw)
return HAL_FORCE_READ_U32_REG_FIELD(hw->ewl_erp_fault_state, ew_limit);
* @brief Get the current fault state of the TWAI-FD peripheral.
* @param hw Pointer to the TWAI-FD device hardware.
* @return Fault state (bus-off, error passive, or active state).
static inline twai_error_state_t twaifd_ll_get_fault_state(twaifd_dev_t *hw)
if (hw->ewl_erp_fault_state.bof) {
if (hw->ewl_erp_fault_state.erp) {
* @brief Get the error count in normal mode for the TWAI-FD peripheral.
* @param hw Pointer to the TWAI-FD device hardware.
* @return Error count in normal mode.
static inline uint32_t twaifd_ll_get_err_count_norm(twaifd_dev_t *hw)
return HAL_FORCE_READ_U32_REG_FIELD(hw->err_norm_err_fd, err_norm_val);
* @brief Get the error count in FD mode for the TWAI-FD peripheral.
* @param hw Pointer to the TWAI-FD device hardware.
* @return Error count in FD mode.
static inline uint32_t twaifd_ll_get_err_count_fd(twaifd_dev_t *hw)
return HAL_FORCE_READ_U32_REG_FIELD(hw->err_norm_err_fd, err_fd_val);
/* ------------------------ RX Error Count Register ------------------------- */
* @brief Get RX Error Counter
* @param hw Start address of the TWAI registers
* @return REC value
static inline uint32_t twaifd_ll_get_rec(twaifd_dev_t *hw)
return hw->rec_tec.rec_val;
/* ------------------------ TX Error Count Register ------------------------- */
* @brief Get TX Error Counter
* @param hw Start address of the TWAI registers
* @return TEC value
static inline uint32_t twaifd_ll_get_tec(twaifd_dev_t *hw)
return hw->rec_tec.tec_val;
/* ---------------------- Acceptance Filter Registers ----------------------- */
* @brief Enable or disable filter to receive basic frame with std id
* @param hw Pointer to the TWAI FD hardware instance
* @param filter_id The unique ID of the filter to configure
* @param en True to receive, False to drop
static inline void twaifd_ll_filter_enable_basic_std(twaifd_dev_t* hw, uint8_t filter_id, bool en)
if (en) {
hw->filter_control_filter_status.val |= TWAIFD_FANB << (filter_id * TWAIFD_FBNB_S);
} else {
hw->filter_control_filter_status.val &= ~(TWAIFD_FANB << (filter_id * TWAIFD_FBNB_S));
* @brief Enable or disable filter to receive basic frame with ext id
* @param hw Pointer to the TWAI FD hardware instance
* @param filter_id The unique ID of the filter to configure
* @param en True to receive, False to drop
static inline void twaifd_ll_filter_enable_basic_ext(twaifd_dev_t* hw, uint8_t filter_id, bool en)
if (en) {
hw->filter_control_filter_status.val |= TWAIFD_FANE << (filter_id * TWAIFD_FBNB_S);
} else {
hw->filter_control_filter_status.val &= ~(TWAIFD_FANE << (filter_id * TWAIFD_FBNB_S));
* @brief Enable or disable filter to receive fd frame with std id
* @param hw Pointer to the TWAI FD hardware instance
* @param filter_id The unique ID of the filter to configure
* @param en True to receive, False to drop
static inline void twaifd_ll_filter_enable_fd_std(twaifd_dev_t* hw, uint8_t filter_id, bool en)
if (en) {
hw->filter_control_filter_status.val |= TWAIFD_FAFB << (filter_id * TWAIFD_FBNB_S);
} else {
hw->filter_control_filter_status.val &= ~(TWAIFD_FAFB << (filter_id * TWAIFD_FBNB_S));
* @brief Enable or disable filter to receive fd frame with ext id
* @param hw Pointer to the TWAI FD hardware instance
* @param filter_id The unique ID of the filter to configure
* @param en True to receive, False to drop
static inline void twaifd_ll_filter_enable_fd_ext(twaifd_dev_t* hw, uint8_t filter_id, bool en)
if (en) {
hw->filter_control_filter_status.val |= TWAIFD_FAFE << (filter_id * TWAIFD_FBNB_S);
} else {
hw->filter_control_filter_status.val &= ~(TWAIFD_FAFE << (filter_id * TWAIFD_FBNB_S));
* @brief Set Bit Acceptance Filter
* @param hw Start address of the TWAI registers
* @param filter_id Filter number id
* @param code Acceptance Code
* @param mask Acceptance Mask
static inline void twaifd_ll_filter_set_id_mask(twaifd_dev_t* hw, uint8_t filter_id, uint32_t code, uint32_t mask)
hw->mask_filters[filter_id].filter_mask.bit_mask_val = mask;
hw->mask_filters[filter_id].filter_val.bit_val = code;
* @brief Set Range Acceptance Filter
* @param hw Start address of the TWAI registers
* @param filter_id Filter number id
* @param high The id range high limit
* @param low The id range low limit
static inline void twaifd_ll_filter_set_range(twaifd_dev_t* hw, uint8_t filter_id, uint32_t high, uint32_t low)
hw->range_filters[filter_id].ran_low.bit_ran_low_val = low;
hw->range_filters[filter_id].ran_high.bit_ran_high_val = high;
* @brief Enable or disable bit or range frame filtering for a specific filter.
* @param hw Pointer to the TWAI-FD device hardware.
* @param filter_id The ID of the filter to configure (0-2 for bit filter, 3 for range filter).
* @param enable True to enable the filter, false to disable.
static inline void twaifd_ll_filter_enable(twaifd_dev_t* hw, uint8_t filter_id, bool enable)
twaifd_filter_control_filter_status_reg_t reg_val = {.val = hw->filter_control_filter_status.val};
// enable or disable filter selection
if (enable) {
reg_val.val |= BIT(filter_id + TWAIFD_SFA_S);
} else {
reg_val.val &= ~BIT(filter_id + TWAIFD_SFA_S);
hw->filter_control_filter_status.val = reg_val.val;
/* ------------------------- TX Buffer Registers ------------------------- */
* @brief Get the number of TX buffers available.
* @param hw Pointer to the TWAI-FD device hardware.
* @return The number of TX buffers available.
static inline uint32_t twaifd_ll_get_tx_buffer_quantity(twaifd_dev_t *hw)
return hw->tx_command_txtb_info.txt_buffer_count;
* @brief Get the status of a specific TX buffer.
* @param hw Pointer to the TWAI-FD device hardware.
* @param buffer_idx Index of the TX buffer (0-7).
* @return The status of the selected TX buffer.
static inline uint32_t twaifd_ll_get_tx_buffer_status(twaifd_dev_t *hw, uint8_t buffer_idx)
HAL_ASSERT(buffer_idx < twaifd_ll_get_tx_buffer_quantity(hw)); // Ensure buffer index is valid
uint32_t reg_val = hw->tx_status.val;
return reg_val & (TWAIFD_TX2S_V << (TWAIFD_TX2S_S * buffer_idx)); // Get status for buffer
* @brief Set TX Buffer command
* Setting the TX command will cause the TWAI controller to attempt to transmit
* the frame stored in the TX buffer. The TX buffer will be occupied (i.e.,
* locked) until TX completes.
* @param hw Start address of the TWAI registers
* @param buffer_idx
* @param cmd The command want to set, see `TWAIFD_LL_TX_CMD_`
static inline void twaifd_ll_set_tx_cmd(twaifd_dev_t *hw, uint8_t buffer_idx, uint32_t cmd)
hw->tx_command_txtb_info.val = (cmd | BIT(buffer_idx + TWAIFD_TXB1_S));
* @brief Set the priority for a specific TX buffer.
* @param hw Pointer to the TWAI-FD device hardware.
* @param buffer_idx Index of the TX buffer (0-7).
* @param priority The priority level to set for the buffer.
static inline void twaifd_ll_set_tx_buffer_priority(twaifd_dev_t *hw, uint8_t buffer_idx, uint32_t priority)
HAL_ASSERT(buffer_idx < twaifd_ll_get_tx_buffer_quantity(hw)); // Ensure buffer index is valid
uint32_t reg_val = hw->tx_priority.val;
reg_val &= ~(TWAIFD_TXT1P_V << (TWAIFD_TXT2P_S * buffer_idx)); // Clear old priority
reg_val |= priority << (TWAIFD_TXT2P_S * buffer_idx); // Set new priority
hw->tx_priority.val = reg_val;
* @brief Copy a formatted TWAI frame into TX buffer for transmission
* @param hw Start address of the TWAI registers
* @param tx_frame Pointer to formatted frame
* @param buffer_idx The tx buffer index to copy in
* @note Call twaifd_ll_format_frame_header() and twaifd_ll_format_frame_data() to format a frame
static inline void twaifd_ll_mount_tx_buffer(twaifd_dev_t *hw, twaifd_frame_buffer_t *tx_frame, uint8_t buffer_idx)
//Copy formatted frame into TX buffer
for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(twaifd_frame_buffer_t) / sizeof(uint32_t); i++) {
hw->txt_mem_cell[buffer_idx].txt_buffer.words[i] = tx_frame->words[i];
/* ------------------------- RX Buffer Registers ------------------------- */
* @brief Get the size of the RX buffer.
* @param hw Pointer to the TWAI-FD device hardware.
* @return Size of the RX buffer.
static inline uint32_t twaifd_ll_get_rx_buffer_size(twaifd_dev_t *hw)
return hw->rx_mem_info.rx_buff_size;
* @brief Get the number of frames in the RX buffer.
* @param hw Pointer to the TWAI-FD device hardware.
* @return Number of frames in the RX buffer.
static inline uint32_t twaifd_ll_get_rx_frame_count(twaifd_dev_t *hw)
return hw->rx_status_rx_settings.rxfrc;
* @brief Check if the RX FIFO is empty.
* @param hw Pointer to the TWAI-FD device hardware.
* @return 1 if RX FIFO is empty, 0 otherwise.
static inline uint32_t twaifd_ll_is_rx_buffer_empty(twaifd_dev_t *hw)
return hw->rx_status_rx_settings.rxe;
* @brief Copy a received frame from the RX buffer for parsing
* @param hw Start address of the TWAI registers
* @param rx_frame Pointer to store formatted frame
* @note Call twaifd_ll_parse_frame_header() and twaifd_ll_parse_frame_data() to parse the formatted frame
static inline void twaifd_ll_get_rx_frame(twaifd_dev_t *hw, twaifd_frame_buffer_t *rx_frame)
// If rx_automatic_mode enabled, hw->rx_data.rx_data should 32bit access
rx_frame->words[0] = hw->rx_data.rx_data;
for (uint8_t i = 1; i <= rx_frame->format.rwcnt; i++) {
rx_frame->words[i] = hw->rx_data.rx_data;
/* ------------------------- TWAIFD frame ------------------------- */
* @brief Format contents of a TWAI frame header into layout of TX Buffer
* This function encodes a message into a frame structure. The frame structure
* has an identical layout to the TX buffer, allowing the frame structure to be
* directly copied into hardware.
* @param[in] header Including DLC, ID, Format, etc.
* @param[in] final_dlc data length code of frame.
* @param[out] tx_frame Pointer to store formatted frame
static inline void twaifd_ll_format_frame_header(const twai_frame_header_t *header, uint8_t final_dlc, twaifd_frame_buffer_t *tx_frame)
//Set frame information
tx_frame->format.ide = header->ide;
tx_frame->format.rtr = header->rtr;
tx_frame->format.fdf = header->fdf;
tx_frame->format.brs = header->brs;
tx_frame->format.dlc = final_dlc;
tx_frame->timestamp_low = header->timestamp;
tx_frame->timestamp_high = header->timestamp >> 32;
if (tx_frame->format.ide) {
tx_frame->identifier.val = (header->id & TWAI_EXT_ID_MASK);
} else {
tx_frame->identifier.identifier_base = (header->id & TWAI_STD_ID_MASK);
* @brief Format contents of a TWAI data into layout of TX Buffer
* This function encodes a message into a frame structure. The frame structure
* has an identical layout to the TX buffer, allowing the frame structure to be
* directly copied into hardware.
* @param[in] buffer Pointer to an 8 byte array containing data.
* @param[in] len data length of data buffer.
* @param[out] tx_frame Pointer to store formatted frame
static inline void twaifd_ll_format_frame_data(const uint8_t *buffer, uint32_t len, twaifd_frame_buffer_t *tx_frame)
memcpy(tx_frame->data, buffer, len);
* @brief Parse formatted TWAI frame header (RX Buffer Layout) into its constituent contents
* @param[in] rx_frame Pointer to formatted frame
* @param[out] p_frame_header Including DLC, ID, Format, etc.
static inline void twaifd_ll_parse_frame_header(const twaifd_frame_buffer_t *rx_frame, twai_frame_header_t *p_frame_header)
//Copy frame information
p_frame_header->ide = rx_frame->format.ide;
p_frame_header->rtr = rx_frame->format.rtr;
p_frame_header->fdf = rx_frame->format.fdf;
p_frame_header->brs = rx_frame->format.brs;
p_frame_header->esi = rx_frame->format.esi;
p_frame_header->dlc = rx_frame->format.dlc;
p_frame_header->timestamp = rx_frame->timestamp_high;
p_frame_header->timestamp <<= 32;
p_frame_header->timestamp |= rx_frame->timestamp_low;
if (p_frame_header->ide) {
p_frame_header->id = (rx_frame->identifier.val & TWAI_EXT_ID_MASK);
} else {
// No check with 'TWAI_STD_ID_MASK' again due to register `identifier_base` already 11 bits len
p_frame_header->id = rx_frame->identifier.identifier_base;
* @brief Parse formatted TWAI data (RX Buffer Layout) into data buffer
* @param[in] rx_frame Pointer to formatted frame
* @param[out] buffer Pointer to an 8 byte array to save data
* @param[in] buffer_len_limit The buffer length limit, If less then frame data length, over length data will dropped
static inline void twaifd_ll_parse_frame_data(const twaifd_frame_buffer_t *rx_frame, uint8_t *buffer, int len_limit)
memcpy(buffer, rx_frame->data, len_limit);
/* ------------------------- Tx Rx traffic counters Register ------------------------- */
* @brief Get RX Message Counter
* @param hw Start address of the TWAI registers
* @return RX Message Counter
static inline uint32_t twaifd_ll_get_rx_traffic_counter(twaifd_dev_t *hw)
return hw->rx_fr_ctr.val;
* @brief Get TX Message Counter
* @param hw Start address of the TWAI registers
* @return TX Message Counter
static inline uint32_t twaifd_ll_get_tx_traffic_counter(twaifd_dev_t *hw)
return hw->tx_fr_ctr.val;
/* ------------------------- Timestamp Register ------------------------- */
* @brief Enable or disable the timer clock.
* @param hw Pointer to the TWAI-FD device hardware.
* @param enable True to enable, false to disable.
static inline void twaifd_ll_timer_enable_clock(twaifd_dev_t *hw, bool enable)
hw->timer_clk_en.clk_en = enable;
* @brief Enable or disable timer power.
* @param hw Pointer to the TWAI-FD device hardware.
* @param enable True to enable, false to disable.
static inline void twaifd_ll_timer_enable(twaifd_dev_t *hw, bool enable)
hw->timer_cfg.timer_ce = enable;
* @brief Set the timer step value.
* @param hw Pointer to the TWAI-FD device hardware.
* @param step Step value to set (actual step = step - 1).
static inline void twaifd_ll_timer_set_step(twaifd_dev_t *hw, uint32_t step)
HAL_FORCE_MODIFY_U32_REG_FIELD(hw->timer_cfg, timer_step, (step - 1));
* @brief Set timer mode to up or down counter.
* @param hw Pointer to the TWAI-FD device hardware.
* @param up True for up counter, false for down counter.
static inline void twaifd_ll_timer_set_direction(twaifd_dev_t *hw, bool up)
hw->timer_cfg.timer_up_dn = up;
* @brief Clear or reset the timer count.
* @param hw Pointer to the TWAI-FD device hardware.
* @param clear True to clear count, false to set count.
static inline void twaifd_ll_timer_clr_count(twaifd_dev_t *hw, bool clear)
hw->timer_cfg.timer_clr = clear;
* @brief Set the timer preload value.
* @param hw Pointer to the TWAI-FD device hardware.
* @param load_value 64-bit load value.
static inline void twaifd_ll_timer_set_preload_value(twaifd_dev_t *hw, uint64_t load_value)
hw->timer_ld_val_h.val = (uint32_t) (load_value >> 32);
hw->timer_ld_val_l.val = (uint32_t) load_value;
* @brief Apply preload value
* @param hw Pointer to the TWAI-FD device hardware.
static inline void twaifd_ll_timer_apply_preload_value(twaifd_dev_t *hw)
hw->timer_cfg.timer_set = 1;
* @brief Set the timer alarm value.
* @param hw Pointer to the TWAI-FD device hardware.
* @param alarm_value 64-bit alarm value.
static inline void twaifd_ll_timer_set_alarm_value(twaifd_dev_t *hw, uint64_t alarm_value)
hw->timer_ct_val_h.val = (uint32_t) (alarm_value >> 32);
hw->timer_ct_val_l.val = (uint32_t) alarm_value;
* @brief Enable or disable timer interrupt by mask.
* @param hw Timer Group register base address
* @param mask Mask of interrupt events
* @param en True: enable interrupt
* False: disable interrupt
static inline void twaifd_ll_timer_enable_intr(twaifd_dev_t *hw, uint32_t mask, bool en)
if (en) {
hw->timer_int_ena.val |= mask;
} else {
hw->timer_int_ena.val &= ~mask;
* @brief Get the current timer interrupt status.
* @param hw Pointer to the TWAI-FD device hardware.
* @return Current interrupt status.
static inline uint32_t twaifd_ll_timer_get_intr_status(twaifd_dev_t *hw, uint32_t mask)
return hw->timer_int_st.val & mask;
* @brief Clear specific timer interrupts.
* @param hw Pointer to the TWAI-FD device hardware.
static inline void twaifd_ll_timer_clr_intr_status(twaifd_dev_t *hw, uint32_t mask)
hw->timer_int_clr.val = mask;
#ifdef __cplusplus

View File

@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ static inline void twai_ll_set_cmd_tx(twai_dev_t *hw)
static inline void twai_ll_set_cmd_tx_single_shot(twai_dev_t *hw)
hw->command_reg.val = 0x03; //Set command_reg.tr and command_reg.at simultaneously for single shot transmittion request
hw->command_reg.val = 0x03; //Set command_reg.tr and command_reg.at simultaneously for single shot transmission request

View File

@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ static inline void twai_ll_set_cmd_tx(twai_dev_t *hw)
static inline void twai_ll_set_cmd_tx_single_shot(twai_dev_t *hw)
hw->command_reg.val = 0x03; //Set command_reg.tr and command_reg.at simultaneously for single shot transmittion request
hw->command_reg.val = 0x03; //Set command_reg.tr and command_reg.at simultaneously for single shot transmission request

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2015-2022 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2015-2024 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
@ -16,17 +16,23 @@
#include <stdbool.h>
#include "sdkconfig.h"
#include "soc/soc_caps.h"
#include "hal/twai_types.h"
#include "hal/twaifd_ll.h"
typedef twaifd_dev_t* twai_soc_handle_t;
typedef twaifd_frame_buffer_t twai_hal_frame_t;
#include "hal/twai_ll.h"
typedef twai_dev_t* twai_soc_handle_t;
typedef twai_ll_frame_buffer_t twai_hal_frame_t;
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/* ------------------------- Defines and Typedefs --------------------------- */
#define TWAI_HAL_SET_BITS(var, flag) ((var) |= (flag))
@ -59,10 +65,8 @@ extern "C" {
typedef twai_ll_frame_buffer_t twai_hal_frame_t;
typedef struct {
twai_dev_t *dev;
twai_soc_handle_t dev; // TWAI SOC layer handle (i.e. register base address)
uint32_t state_flags;
uint32_t clock_source_hz;
@ -79,6 +83,34 @@ typedef struct {
uint32_t clock_source_hz;
} twai_hal_config_t;
* @brief Translate TWAIFD format DLC code to bytes length
* @param[in] dlc The frame DLC code follow the FD spec
* @return The byte length of DLC stand for
static inline int twaifd_dlc2len(uint8_t dlc) {
return (dlc <= 8) ? dlc :
(dlc <= 12) ? (dlc - 8) * 4 + 8 :
(dlc <= 13) ? (dlc - 12) * 8 + 24 :
(dlc - 13) * 16 + 32;
* @brief Translate TWAIFD format bytes length to DLC code
* @param[in] byte_len The byte length of the message
* @return The FD adopted frame DLC code
static inline uint8_t twaifd_len2dlc(int byte_len) {
HAL_ASSERT((byte_len <= TWAIFD_FRAME_MAX_LEN) && (byte_len >= 0));
return (byte_len <= 8) ? byte_len :
(byte_len <= 24) ? (byte_len - 8 + 3) / 4 + 8 :
(byte_len <= 32) ? (byte_len - 24 + 7) / 8 + 12 :
(byte_len - 32 + 15) / 16 + 13;
* @brief Initialize TWAI peripheral and HAL context
@ -91,6 +123,7 @@ typedef struct {
bool twai_hal_init(twai_hal_context_t *hal_ctx, const twai_hal_config_t *config);
* @brief Deinitialize the TWAI peripheral and HAL context
@ -300,7 +333,7 @@ static inline bool twai_hal_read_rx_buffer_and_clear(twai_hal_context_t *hal_ctx
if (twai_ll_get_status(hal_ctx->dev) & TWAI_LL_STATUS_DOS) {
//No need to release RX buffer as we'll be releaseing all RX frames in continuously later
//No need to release RX buffer as we'll be releasing all RX frames in continuously later
return false;
@ -323,7 +356,7 @@ __attribute__((always_inline))
static inline uint32_t twai_hal_clear_rx_fifo_overrun(twai_hal_context_t *hal_ctx)
uint32_t msg_cnt = 0;
//Note: Need to keep polling th rx message counter incase another message arrives whilst clearing
//Note: Need to keep polling th rx message counter in case another message arrives whilst clearing
while (twai_ll_get_rx_msg_count(hal_ctx->dev) > 0) {
@ -347,7 +380,7 @@ static inline uint32_t twai_hal_clear_rx_fifo_overrun(twai_hal_context_t *hal_ct
* - Checking if a reset will cancel a TX. If so, mark that we need to retry that message after the reset
* - Save how many RX messages were lost due to this reset
* - Enter reset mode to stop any the peripheral from receiving any bus activity
* - Store the regsiter state of the peripheral
* - Store the register state of the peripheral
* @param hal_ctx Context of the HAL layer
@ -381,9 +414,9 @@ static inline uint32_t twai_hal_get_reset_lost_rx_cnt(twai_hal_context_t *hal_ct
return hal_ctx->rx_msg_cnt_save;
#ifdef __cplusplus

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2015-2022 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
@ -7,90 +7,35 @@
#pragma once
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include "sdkconfig.h"
#include "soc/soc_caps.h"
#include "soc/clk_tree_defs.h"
#include "hal/twai_types_deprecated.h" //for backward competiblity, remove on 6.0
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
* @brief TWAI Constants
#define TWAI_EXTD_ID_MASK 0x1FFFFFFF /**< Bit mask for 29 bit Extended Frame Format ID */
#define TWAI_STD_ID_MASK 0x7FF /**< Bit mask for 11 bit Standard Frame Format ID */
#define TWAI_FRAME_MAX_DLC 8 /**< Max data bytes allowed in TWAI */
#define TWAI_FRAME_EXTD_ID_LEN_BYTES 4 /**< EFF ID requires 4 bytes (29bit) */
#define TWAI_FRAME_STD_ID_LEN_BYTES 2 /**< SFF ID requires 2 bytes (11bit) */
#define TWAI_ERR_PASS_THRESH 128 /**< Error counter threshold for error passive */
/* valid bits in TWAI ID for frame formats */
#define TWAI_STD_ID_MASK 0x000007FFU /* Mask of the ID fields in a standard frame */
#define TWAI_EXT_ID_MASK 0x1FFFFFFFU /* Mask of the ID fields in an extended frame */
/** @cond */ //Doxy command to hide preprocessor definitions from docs
/* TWAI payload length and DLC definitions */
/* TWAI FD payload length and DLC definitions */
* @brief TWAI Message flags
* The message flags are used to indicate the type of message transmitted/received.
* Some flags also specify the type of transmission.
* @brief TWAI error states
#define TWAI_MSG_FLAG_NONE 0x00 /**< No message flags (Standard Frame Format) */
#define TWAI_MSG_FLAG_EXTD 0x01 /**< Extended Frame Format (29bit ID) */
#define TWAI_MSG_FLAG_RTR 0x02 /**< Message is a Remote Frame */
#define TWAI_MSG_FLAG_SS 0x04 /**< Transmit as a Single Shot Transmission. Unused for received. */
#define TWAI_MSG_FLAG_SELF 0x08 /**< Transmit as a Self Reception Request. Unused for received. */
#define TWAI_MSG_FLAG_DLC_NON_COMP 0x10 /**< Message's Data length code is larger than 8. This will break compliance with TWAI */
#define TWAI_BRP_MAX SOC_TWAI_BRP_MAX /**< Maximum configurable BRP value */
#define TWAI_BRP_MIN SOC_TWAI_BRP_MIN /**< Minimum configurable BRP value */
* @brief Initializer macros for timing configuration structure
* The following initializer macros offer commonly found bit rates. These macros
* place the sample point at 80% or 67% of a bit time.
* @note The available bit rates are dependent on the chip target and ECO version.
#if SOC_TWAI_BRP_MAX > 256
#define TWAI_TIMING_CONFIG_1KBITS() {.clk_src = TWAI_CLK_SRC_DEFAULT, .quanta_resolution_hz = 20000, .brp = 0, .tseg_1 = 15, .tseg_2 = 4, .sjw = 3, .triple_sampling = false}
#define TWAI_TIMING_CONFIG_5KBITS() {.clk_src = TWAI_CLK_SRC_DEFAULT, .quanta_resolution_hz = 100000, .brp = 0, .tseg_1 = 15, .tseg_2 = 4, .sjw = 3, .triple_sampling = false}
#define TWAI_TIMING_CONFIG_10KBITS() {.clk_src = TWAI_CLK_SRC_DEFAULT, .quanta_resolution_hz = 200000, .brp = 0, .tseg_1 = 15, .tseg_2 = 4, .sjw = 3, .triple_sampling = false}
#endif // SOC_TWAI_BRP_MAX > 256
#if (SOC_TWAI_BRP_MAX > 128) || (CONFIG_ESP32_REV_MIN_FULL >= 200)
#define TWAI_TIMING_CONFIG_12_5KBITS() {.clk_src = TWAI_CLK_SRC_DEFAULT, .quanta_resolution_hz = 312500, .brp = 0, .tseg_1 = 16, .tseg_2 = 8, .sjw = 3, .triple_sampling = false}
#define TWAI_TIMING_CONFIG_16KBITS() {.clk_src = TWAI_CLK_SRC_DEFAULT, .quanta_resolution_hz = 400000, .brp = 0, .tseg_1 = 16, .tseg_2 = 8, .sjw = 3, .triple_sampling = false}
#define TWAI_TIMING_CONFIG_20KBITS() {.clk_src = TWAI_CLK_SRC_DEFAULT, .quanta_resolution_hz = 400000, .brp = 0, .tseg_1 = 15, .tseg_2 = 4, .sjw = 3, .triple_sampling = false}
#endif // (SOC_TWAI_BRP_MAX > 128) || (CONFIG_ESP32_REV_MIN_FULL >= 200)
#define TWAI_TIMING_CONFIG_25KBITS() {.clk_src = TWAI_CLK_SRC_DEFAULT, .quanta_resolution_hz = 400000, .brp = 0, .tseg_1 = 11, .tseg_2 = 4, .sjw = 3, .triple_sampling = false}
#define TWAI_TIMING_CONFIG_50KBITS() {.clk_src = TWAI_CLK_SRC_DEFAULT, .quanta_resolution_hz = 1000000, .brp = 0, .tseg_1 = 15, .tseg_2 = 4, .sjw = 3, .triple_sampling = false}
#define TWAI_TIMING_CONFIG_100KBITS() {.clk_src = TWAI_CLK_SRC_DEFAULT, .quanta_resolution_hz = 2000000, .brp = 0, .tseg_1 = 15, .tseg_2 = 4, .sjw = 3, .triple_sampling = false}
#define TWAI_TIMING_CONFIG_125KBITS() {.clk_src = TWAI_CLK_SRC_DEFAULT, .quanta_resolution_hz = 4000000, .brp = 0, .tseg_1 = 23, .tseg_2 = 8, .sjw = 3, .triple_sampling = false}
#define TWAI_TIMING_CONFIG_250KBITS() {.clk_src = TWAI_CLK_SRC_DEFAULT, .quanta_resolution_hz = 4000000, .brp = 0, .tseg_1 = 11, .tseg_2 = 4, .sjw = 3, .triple_sampling = false}
#define TWAI_TIMING_CONFIG_500KBITS() {.clk_src = TWAI_CLK_SRC_DEFAULT, .quanta_resolution_hz = 8000000, .brp = 0, .tseg_1 = 11, .tseg_2 = 4, .sjw = 3, .triple_sampling = false}
#define TWAI_TIMING_CONFIG_800KBITS() {.clk_src = TWAI_CLK_SRC_DEFAULT, .quanta_resolution_hz = 16000000, .brp = 0, .tseg_1 = 15, .tseg_2 = 4, .sjw = 3, .triple_sampling = false}
#define TWAI_TIMING_CONFIG_1MBITS() {.clk_src = TWAI_CLK_SRC_DEFAULT, .quanta_resolution_hz = 16000000, .brp = 0, .tseg_1 = 11, .tseg_2 = 4, .sjw = 3, .triple_sampling = false}
#define TWAI_TIMING_CONFIG_25KBITS() {.clk_src = TWAI_CLK_SRC_DEFAULT, .quanta_resolution_hz = 625000, .brp = 0, .tseg_1 = 16, .tseg_2 = 8, .sjw = 3, .triple_sampling = false}
#define TWAI_TIMING_CONFIG_50KBITS() {.clk_src = TWAI_CLK_SRC_DEFAULT, .quanta_resolution_hz = 1000000, .brp = 0, .tseg_1 = 15, .tseg_2 = 4, .sjw = 3, .triple_sampling = false}
#define TWAI_TIMING_CONFIG_100KBITS() {.clk_src = TWAI_CLK_SRC_DEFAULT, .quanta_resolution_hz = 2000000, .brp = 0, .tseg_1 = 15, .tseg_2 = 4, .sjw = 3, .triple_sampling = false}
#define TWAI_TIMING_CONFIG_125KBITS() {.clk_src = TWAI_CLK_SRC_DEFAULT, .quanta_resolution_hz = 2500000, .brp = 0, .tseg_1 = 15, .tseg_2 = 4, .sjw = 3, .triple_sampling = false}
#define TWAI_TIMING_CONFIG_250KBITS() {.clk_src = TWAI_CLK_SRC_DEFAULT, .quanta_resolution_hz = 5000000, .brp = 0, .tseg_1 = 15, .tseg_2 = 4, .sjw = 3, .triple_sampling = false}
#define TWAI_TIMING_CONFIG_500KBITS() {.clk_src = TWAI_CLK_SRC_DEFAULT, .quanta_resolution_hz = 10000000, .brp = 0, .tseg_1 = 15, .tseg_2 = 4, .sjw = 3, .triple_sampling = false}
#define TWAI_TIMING_CONFIG_800KBITS() {.clk_src = TWAI_CLK_SRC_DEFAULT, .quanta_resolution_hz = 20000000, .brp = 0, .tseg_1 = 16, .tseg_2 = 8, .sjw = 3, .triple_sampling = false}
#define TWAI_TIMING_CONFIG_1MBITS() {.clk_src = TWAI_CLK_SRC_DEFAULT, .quanta_resolution_hz = 20000000, .brp = 0, .tseg_1 = 15, .tseg_2 = 4, .sjw = 3, .triple_sampling = false}
* @brief Initializer macro for filter configuration to accept all IDs
#define TWAI_FILTER_CONFIG_ACCEPT_ALL() {.acceptance_code = 0, .acceptance_mask = 0xFFFFFFFF, .single_filter = true}
/** @endcond */
typedef enum {
TWAI_ERROR_ACTIVE, /**< Error active state: TEC/REC < 96 */
TWAI_ERROR_WARNING, /**< Error warning state: TEC/REC >= 96 and < 128 */
TWAI_ERROR_PASSIVE, /**< Error passive state: TEC/REC >= 128 and < 256 */
TWAI_ERROR_BUS_OFF, /**< Bus-off state: TEC >= 256 (node disconnected from bus) */
} twai_error_state_t;
* @brief TWAI Controller operating modes
@ -102,31 +47,7 @@ typedef enum {
} twai_mode_t;
* @brief Structure to store a TWAI message
* @note The flags member is deprecated
typedef struct {
union {
struct {
//The order of these bits must match deprecated message flags for compatibility reasons
uint32_t extd: 1; /**< Extended Frame Format (29bit ID) */
uint32_t rtr: 1; /**< Message is a Remote Frame */
uint32_t ss: 1; /**< Transmit as a Single Shot Transmission. Unused for received. */
uint32_t self: 1; /**< Transmit as a Self Reception Request. Unused for received. */
uint32_t dlc_non_comp: 1; /**< Message's Data length code is larger than 8. This will break compliance with ISO 11898-1 */
uint32_t reserved: 27; /**< Reserved bits */
//Todo: Deprecate flags
uint32_t flags; /**< Deprecated: Alternate way to set bits using message flags */
uint32_t identifier; /**< 11 or 29 bit identifier */
uint8_t data_length_code; /**< Data length code */
uint8_t data[TWAI_FRAME_MAX_DLC]; /**< Data bytes (not relevant in RTR frame) */
} twai_message_t;
* @brief RMT group clock source
* @brief TWAI group clock source
* @note User should select the clock source based on the power and resolution requirement
@ -136,32 +57,47 @@ typedef int twai_clock_source_t;
* @brief Structure for bit timing configuration of the TWAI driver
* @note Macro initializers are available for this structure
* @brief TWAI baud rate timing config advanced mode
* @note Setting one of `quanta_resolution_hz` and `brp` is enough, otherwise, `brp` is not used.
typedef struct {
twai_clock_source_t clk_src; /**< Clock source, set to 0 or TWAI_CLK_SRC_DEFAULT if you want a default clock source */
uint32_t quanta_resolution_hz; /**< The resolution of one timing quanta, in Hz.
Note: the value of `brp` will reflected by this field if it's non-zero, otherwise, `brp` needs to be set manually */
uint32_t brp; /**< Baudrate prescale (i.e., clock divider). Any even number from 2 to 128 for ESP32, 2 to 32768 for non-ESP32 chip.
Note: For ESP32 ECO 2 or later, multiples of 4 from 132 to 256 are also supported */
uint8_t tseg_1; /**< Timing segment 1 (Number of time quanta, between 1 to 16) */
uint8_t tseg_2; /**< Timing segment 2 (Number of time quanta, 1 to 8) */
uint8_t sjw; /**< Synchronization Jump Width (Max time quanta jump for synchronize from 1 to 4) */
bool triple_sampling; /**< Enables triple sampling when the TWAI controller samples a bit */
twai_clock_source_t clk_src; /**< Optional, clock source, remain 0 to using TWAI_CLK_SRC_DEFAULT by default */
uint32_t quanta_resolution_hz; /**< The resolution of one timing quanta, in Hz. If setting, brp will be ignored */
uint32_t brp; /**< Bit rate pre-divider, clock_source_freq / brp = quanta_resolution_hz */
uint8_t tseg_1; /**< Seg_1 length, in quanta time */
uint8_t tseg_2; /**< Seg_2 length, in quanta time */
uint8_t sjw; /**< Sync jump width, in quanta time */
union {
bool en_multi_samp; /**< Multi-sampling for one bit to avoid noise and detect errors */
bool triple_sampling; /**< Deprecate, using `en_multi_samp`, Enables triple sampling when the TWAI controller samples a bit, [deprecated("in favor of en_multi_samp")] */
uint8_t prop_seg; /**< Prop_seg length, in quanta time */
} twai_timing_config_t;
* @brief Structure for acceptance filter configuration of the TWAI driver (see documentation)
* @note Macro initializers are available for this structure
* @brief TWAI frame header/format struct type
typedef struct {
uint32_t acceptance_code; /**< 32-bit acceptance code */
uint32_t acceptance_mask; /**< 32-bit acceptance mask */
bool single_filter; /**< Use Single Filter Mode (see documentation) */
} twai_filter_config_t;
union {
struct {
uint32_t ide:1; /**< Extended Frame Format (29bit ID) */
uint32_t rtr:1; /**< Message is a Remote Frame */
uint32_t fdf:1; /**< TWAI 2.0: Reserved, FD: FD Frames. */
uint32_t brs:1; /**< TWAI 2.0: Reserved, FD: Bit Rate Shift. */
uint32_t esi:1; /**< Transmit side error indicator for received frame */
uint32_t loopback:1; /**< Temporary transmit as loop back for this trans, if setting `TWAI_MODE_LOOP_BACK`, all transmit is loop back */
int8_t retrans_count; /**< Re-trans count on transfer fail, -1: infinite, 0: no re-trans, others: re-trans times. */
uint32_t reserved:18; /**< Reserved */
uint32_t format_val; /**< Frame format/type integrate value */
union {
uint64_t timestamp; /**< Timestamp for received message */
uint64_t trigger_time; /**< Trigger time for transmitting message*/
uint32_t id; /**< message arbitration identification */
uint8_t dlc; /**< message data length code */
} twai_frame_header_t;
#ifdef __cplusplus

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@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2015-2022 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#pragma once
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include "sdkconfig.h"
#include "soc/soc_caps.h"
#include "soc/clk_tree_defs.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
* @brief TWAI Constants
#define TWAI_EXTD_ID_MASK 0x1FFFFFFF /**< Bit mask for 29 bit Extended Frame Format ID */
#define TWAI_FRAME_EXTD_ID_LEN_BYTES 4 /**< EFF ID requires 4 bytes (29bit) */
#define TWAI_FRAME_STD_ID_LEN_BYTES 2 /**< SFF ID requires 2 bytes (11bit) */
#define TWAI_ERR_PASS_THRESH 128 /**< Error counter threshold for error passive */
/** @cond */ //Doxy command to hide preprocessor definitions from docs
* @brief TWAI Message flags
* The message flags are used to indicate the type of message transmitted/received.
* Some flags also specify the type of transmission.
#define TWAI_MSG_FLAG_NONE 0x00 /**< No message flags (Standard Frame Format) */
#define TWAI_MSG_FLAG_EXTD 0x01 /**< Extended Frame Format (29bit ID) */
#define TWAI_MSG_FLAG_RTR 0x02 /**< Message is a Remote Frame */
#define TWAI_MSG_FLAG_SS 0x04 /**< Transmit as a Single Shot Transmission. Unused for received. */
#define TWAI_MSG_FLAG_SELF 0x08 /**< Transmit as a Self Reception Request. Unused for received. */
#define TWAI_MSG_FLAG_DLC_NON_COMP 0x10 /**< Message's Data length code is larger than 8. This will break compliance with TWAI */
#define TWAI_BRP_MAX SOC_TWAI_BRP_MAX /**< Maximum configurable BRP value */
#define TWAI_BRP_MIN SOC_TWAI_BRP_MIN /**< Minimum configurable BRP value */
* @brief Initializer macros for timing configuration structure
* The following initializer macros offer commonly found bit rates. These macros
* place the sample point at 80% or 67% of a bit time.
* @note The available bit rates are dependent on the chip target and ECO version.
#if SOC_TWAI_BRP_MAX > 256
#define TWAI_TIMING_CONFIG_1KBITS() {.clk_src = TWAI_CLK_SRC_DEFAULT, .quanta_resolution_hz = 20000, .brp = 0, .prop_seg = 0, .tseg_1 = 15, .tseg_2 = 4, .sjw = 3, .triple_sampling = false}
#define TWAI_TIMING_CONFIG_5KBITS() {.clk_src = TWAI_CLK_SRC_DEFAULT, .quanta_resolution_hz = 100000, .brp = 0, .prop_seg = 0, .tseg_1 = 15, .tseg_2 = 4, .sjw = 3, .triple_sampling = false}
#define TWAI_TIMING_CONFIG_10KBITS() {.clk_src = TWAI_CLK_SRC_DEFAULT, .quanta_resolution_hz = 200000, .brp = 0, .prop_seg = 0, .tseg_1 = 15, .tseg_2 = 4, .sjw = 3, .triple_sampling = false}
#endif // SOC_TWAI_BRP_MAX > 256
#if (SOC_TWAI_BRP_MAX > 128) || (CONFIG_ESP32_REV_MIN_FULL >= 200)
#define TWAI_TIMING_CONFIG_12_5KBITS() {.clk_src = TWAI_CLK_SRC_DEFAULT, .quanta_resolution_hz = 312500, .brp = 0, .prop_seg = 0, .tseg_1 = 16, .tseg_2 = 8, .sjw = 3, .triple_sampling = false}
#define TWAI_TIMING_CONFIG_16KBITS() {.clk_src = TWAI_CLK_SRC_DEFAULT, .quanta_resolution_hz = 400000, .brp = 0, .prop_seg = 0, .tseg_1 = 16, .tseg_2 = 8, .sjw = 3, .triple_sampling = false}
#define TWAI_TIMING_CONFIG_20KBITS() {.clk_src = TWAI_CLK_SRC_DEFAULT, .quanta_resolution_hz = 400000, .brp = 0, .prop_seg = 0, .tseg_1 = 15, .tseg_2 = 4, .sjw = 3, .triple_sampling = false}
#endif // (SOC_TWAI_BRP_MAX > 128) || (CONFIG_ESP32_REV_MIN_FULL >= 200)
#define TWAI_TIMING_CONFIG_25KBITS() {.clk_src = TWAI_CLK_SRC_DEFAULT, .quanta_resolution_hz = 500000, .brp = 0, .prop_seg = 0, .tseg_1 = 15, .tseg_2 = 4, .sjw = 3, .triple_sampling = false}
#else // APB
#define TWAI_TIMING_CONFIG_25KBITS() {.clk_src = TWAI_CLK_SRC_DEFAULT, .quanta_resolution_hz = 625000, .brp = 0, .prop_seg = 0, .tseg_1 = 16, .tseg_2 = 8, .sjw = 3, .triple_sampling = false}
#define TWAI_TIMING_CONFIG_50KBITS() {.clk_src = TWAI_CLK_SRC_DEFAULT, .quanta_resolution_hz = 1000000, .brp = 0, .prop_seg = 0, .tseg_1 = 15, .tseg_2 = 4, .sjw = 3, .triple_sampling = false}
#define TWAI_TIMING_CONFIG_100KBITS() {.clk_src = TWAI_CLK_SRC_DEFAULT, .quanta_resolution_hz = 2000000, .brp = 0, .prop_seg = 0, .tseg_1 = 15, .tseg_2 = 4, .sjw = 3, .triple_sampling = false}
#define TWAI_TIMING_CONFIG_250KBITS() {.clk_src = TWAI_CLK_SRC_DEFAULT, .quanta_resolution_hz = 4000000, .brp = 0, .prop_seg = 0, .tseg_1 = 11, .tseg_2 = 4, .sjw = 2, .triple_sampling = false}
#define TWAI_TIMING_CONFIG_500KBITS() {.clk_src = TWAI_CLK_SRC_DEFAULT, .quanta_resolution_hz = 8000000, .brp = 0, .prop_seg = 0, .tseg_1 = 11, .tseg_2 = 4, .sjw = 2, .triple_sampling = false}
#define TWAI_TIMING_CONFIG_800KBITS() {.clk_src = TWAI_CLK_SRC_DEFAULT, .quanta_resolution_hz = 8000000, .brp = 0, .prop_seg = 0, .tseg_1 = 6, .tseg_2 = 3, .sjw = 1, .triple_sampling = false}
#define TWAI_TIMING_CONFIG_1MBITS() {.clk_src = TWAI_CLK_SRC_DEFAULT, .quanta_resolution_hz = 8000000, .brp = 0, .prop_seg = 0, .tseg_1 = 5, .tseg_2 = 2, .sjw = 1, .triple_sampling = false}
* @brief Initializer macro for filter configuration to accept all IDs
#define TWAI_FILTER_CONFIG_ACCEPT_ALL() {.acceptance_code = 0, .acceptance_mask = 0xFFFFFFFF, .single_filter = true}
/** @endcond */
* @brief Structure to store a TWAI message
* @note The flags member is deprecated
typedef struct {
union {
struct {
//The order of these bits must match deprecated message flags for compatibility reasons
uint32_t extd: 1; /**< Extended Frame Format (29bit ID) */
uint32_t rtr: 1; /**< Message is a Remote Frame */
uint32_t ss: 1; /**< Transmit as a Single Shot Transmission. Unused for received. */
uint32_t self: 1; /**< Transmit as a Self Reception Request. Unused for received. */
uint32_t dlc_non_comp: 1; /**< Message's Data length code is larger than 8. This will break compliance with ISO 11898-1 */
uint32_t reserved: 27; /**< Reserved bits */
//Todo: Deprecate flags
uint32_t flags; /**< Deprecated: Alternate way to set bits using message flags */
uint32_t identifier; /**< 11 or 29 bit identifier */
uint8_t data_length_code; /**< Data length code */
uint8_t data[8]; /**< Data bytes (not relevant in RTR frame) */
} twai_message_t;
* @brief Structure for acceptance filter configuration of the TWAI driver (see documentation)
* @note Macro initializers are available for this structure
typedef struct {
uint32_t acceptance_code; /**< 32-bit acceptance code */
uint32_t acceptance_mask; /**< 32-bit acceptance mask */
bool single_filter; /**< Use Single Filter Mode (see documentation) */
} twai_filter_config_t;
#ifdef __cplusplus

View File

@ -1215,6 +1215,42 @@ config SOC_MWDT_SUPPORT_SLEEP_RETENTION
default y
default 2
default 3
default 1
default 1
default 255
default y
default y
default y
default y
default y

View File

@ -407,14 +407,15 @@ typedef enum {
* @brief Array initializer for all supported clock sources of TWAI
* @brief TWAI clock source
typedef enum { // TODO: [ESP32C5] IDF-8691, IDF-8692 (inherit from C6)
TWAI_CLK_SRC_XTAL = SOC_MOD_CLK_XTAL, /*!< Select XTAL as the source clock */
TWAI_CLK_SRC_DEFAULT = SOC_MOD_CLK_XTAL, /*!< Select XTAL as the default clock choice */
typedef enum {
TWAI_CLK_SRC_XTAL = SOC_MOD_CLK_XTAL, /*!< Select XTAL as the source clock */
TWAI_CLK_SRC_RC_FAST = SOC_MOD_CLK_RC_FAST, /*!< Select RC_FAST as the source clock */
TWAI_CLK_SRC_DEFAULT = SOC_MOD_CLK_XTAL, /*!< Select XTAL as the default clock choice */
} soc_periph_twai_clk_src_t;

View File

@ -494,11 +494,15 @@
/*-------------------------- TWAI CAPS ---------------------------------------*/
// #define SOC_TWAI_BRP_MIN 2
// #define SOC_TWAI_BRP_MAX 32768
#define SOC_TWAI_BRP_MAX 255
/*-------------------------- eFuse CAPS----------------------------*/

View File

@ -267,93 +267,49 @@ typedef union {
uint32_t val;
} pcr_i2c_sclk_conf_reg_t;
/** Type of twai0_conf register
* TWAI0 configuration register
/** Type of twai_conf register
* TWAI configuration register
typedef union {
struct {
/** twai0_clk_en : R/W; bitpos: [0]; default: 0;
* Set 1 to enable twai0 apb clock
/** twai_clk_en : R/W; bitpos: [0]; default: 0;
* Set 1 to enable twai apb clock
uint32_t twai0_clk_en:1;
/** twai0_rst_en : R/W; bitpos: [1]; default: 0;
* Set 0 to reset twai0 module
uint32_t twai_clk_en:1;
/** twai_rst_en : R/W; bitpos: [1]; default: 0;
* Set 0 to reset twai module
uint32_t twai0_rst_en:1;
/** twai0_ready : RO; bitpos: [2]; default: 1;
* Query this field after reset twai0 module
uint32_t twai_rst_en:1;
/** twai_ready : RO; bitpos: [2]; default: 1;
* Query this field after reset twai module
uint32_t twai0_ready:1;
uint32_t twai_ready:1;
uint32_t reserved_3:29;
uint32_t val;
} pcr_twai0_conf_reg_t;
} pcr_twai_conf_reg_t;
/** Type of twai0_func_clk_conf register
* TWAI0_FUNC_CLK configuration register
/** Type of twai_func_clk_conf register
* TWAI_FUNC_CLK configuration register
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t reserved_0:20;
/** twai0_func_clk_sel : R/W; bitpos: [20]; default: 0;
* Configures the clock source of TWAI0.\\
/** twai_func_clk_sel : R/W; bitpos: [20]; default: 0;
* Configures the clock source of TWAI.\\
* 0 (default): XTAL_CLK\\
* 1: RC_FAST_CLK\\
uint32_t twai0_func_clk_sel:1;
uint32_t twai_func_clk_sel:1;
uint32_t reserved_21:1;
/** twai0_func_clk_en : R/W; bitpos: [22]; default: 0;
* Set 1 to enable twai0 function clock
/** twai_func_clk_en : R/W; bitpos: [22]; default: 0;
* Set 1 to enable twai function clock
uint32_t twai0_func_clk_en:1;
uint32_t twai_func_clk_en:1;
uint32_t reserved_23:9;
uint32_t val;
} pcr_twai0_func_clk_conf_reg_t;
/** Type of twai1_conf register
* TWAI1 configuration register
typedef union {
struct {
/** twai1_clk_en : R/W; bitpos: [0]; default: 0;
* Set 1 to enable twai1 apb clock
uint32_t twai1_clk_en:1;
/** twai1_rst_en : R/W; bitpos: [1]; default: 0;
* Set 0 to reset twai1 module
uint32_t twai1_rst_en:1;
/** twai1_ready : RO; bitpos: [2]; default: 1;
* Query this field after reset twai1 module
uint32_t twai1_ready:1;
uint32_t reserved_3:29;
uint32_t val;
} pcr_twai1_conf_reg_t;
/** Type of twai1_func_clk_conf register
* TWAI1_FUNC_CLK configuration register
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t reserved_0:20;
/** twai1_func_clk_sel : R/W; bitpos: [20]; default: 0;
* Configures the clock source of TWAI1.\\
* 0 (default): XTAL_CLK\\
* 1: RC_FAST_CLK\\
uint32_t twai1_func_clk_sel:1;
uint32_t reserved_21:1;
/** twai1_func_clk_en : R/W; bitpos: [22]; default: 0;
* Set 1 to enable twai1 function clock
uint32_t twai1_func_clk_en:1;
uint32_t reserved_23:9;
uint32_t val;
} pcr_twai1_func_clk_conf_reg_t;
} pcr_twai_func_clk_conf_reg_t;
/** Type of uhci_conf register
* UHCI configuration register
@ -2329,6 +2285,14 @@ typedef struct {
pcr_i2c_sclk_conf_reg_t i2c_sclk_conf;
} pcr_i2c_reg_t;
* @brief The struct of TWAI configuration registers
typedef struct {
pcr_twai_conf_reg_t twai_conf;
pcr_twai_func_clk_conf_reg_t twai_func_clk_conf;
} pcr_twai_reg_t;
typedef struct {
volatile pcr_uart0_conf_reg_t uart0_conf;
volatile pcr_uart0_sclk_conf_reg_t uart0_sclk_conf;
@ -2339,10 +2303,7 @@ typedef struct {
volatile pcr_mspi_conf_reg_t mspi_conf;
volatile pcr_mspi_clk_conf_reg_t mspi_clk_conf;
volatile pcr_i2c_reg_t i2c[1];
volatile pcr_twai0_conf_reg_t twai0_conf;
volatile pcr_twai0_func_clk_conf_reg_t twai0_func_clk_conf;
volatile pcr_twai1_conf_reg_t twai1_conf;
volatile pcr_twai1_func_clk_conf_reg_t twai1_func_clk_conf;
volatile pcr_twai_reg_t twai[2];
volatile pcr_uhci_conf_reg_t uhci_conf;
volatile pcr_rmt_conf_reg_t rmt_conf;
volatile pcr_rmt_sclk_conf_reg_t rmt_sclk_conf;

View File

@ -1299,107 +1299,39 @@ typedef union {
/** Group: filter register */
/** Type of filter_a_mask register
* TWAI FD filter A mask value register
/** Type of filter_mask register
* TWAI FD filter mask value register
typedef union {
struct {
/** bit_mask_a_val : R/W; bitpos: [28:0]; default: 0;
* Filter A mask. The identifier format is the same as in IDENTIFIER_W of TXT buffer
/** bit_mask_val : R/W; bitpos: [28:0]; default: 0;
* Filter mask. The identifier format is the same as in IDENTIFIER_W of TXT buffer
* or RX
* buffer. If filter A is not present, writes to this register have no effect and read
* buffer. If filter is not present, writes to this register have no effect and read
* will return all zeroes.
uint32_t bit_mask_a_val:29;
uint32_t bit_mask_val:29;
uint32_t reserved_29:3;
uint32_t val;
} twaifd_filter_a_mask_reg_t;
} twaifd_filter_mask_reg_t;
/** Type of filter_a_val register
* TWAI FD filter A bit value register
/** Type of filter_val register
* TWAI FD filter bit value register
typedef union {
struct {
/** bit_val_a_val : R/W; bitpos: [28:0]; default: 0;
* Filter A value. The identifier format is the same as in IDENTIFIER_W of TXT buffer
/** bit_val : R/W; bitpos: [28:0]; default: 0;
* Filter value. The identifier format is the same as in IDENTIFIER_W of TXT buffer
* or RX buffer.
* If filter A is not present, writes to this register have no effect and read will
* If filter is not present, writes to this register have no effect and read will
* return all zeroes.
uint32_t bit_val_a_val:29;
uint32_t bit_val:29;
uint32_t reserved_29:3;
uint32_t val;
} twaifd_filter_a_val_reg_t;
/** Type of filter_b_mask register
* TWAI FD filter B mask value register
typedef union {
struct {
/** bit_mask_b_val : R/W; bitpos: [28:0]; default: 0;
* Filter B mask. The identifier format is the same as in IDENTIFIER_W of TXT buffer
* or RX
* buffer. If filter A is not present, writes to this register have no effect and read
* will return all zeroes.
uint32_t bit_mask_b_val:29;
uint32_t reserved_29:3;
uint32_t val;
} twaifd_filter_b_mask_reg_t;
/** Type of filter_b_val register
* TWAI FD filter B bit value register
typedef union {
struct {
/** bit_val_b_val : R/W; bitpos: [28:0]; default: 0;
* Filter B value. The identifier format is the same as in IDENTIFIER_W of TXT buffer
* or RX buffer.
* If filter A is not present, writes to this register have no effect and read will
* return all zeroes.
uint32_t bit_val_b_val:29;
uint32_t reserved_29:3;
uint32_t val;
} twaifd_filter_b_val_reg_t;
/** Type of filter_c_mask register
* TWAI FD filter C mask value register
typedef union {
struct {
/** bit_mask_c_val : R/W; bitpos: [28:0]; default: 0;
* Filter C mask. The identifier format is the same as in IDENTIFIER_W of TXT buffer
* or RX
* buffer. If filter A is not present, writes to this register have no effect and read
* will return all zeroes.
uint32_t bit_mask_c_val:29;
uint32_t reserved_29:3;
uint32_t val;
} twaifd_filter_c_mask_reg_t;
/** Type of filter_c_val register
* TWAI FD filter C bit value register
typedef union {
struct {
/** bit_val_c_val : R/W; bitpos: [28:0]; default: 0;
* Filter C value. The identifier format is the same as in IDENTIFIER_W of TXT buffer
* or RX buffer.
* If filter A is not present, writes to this register have no effect and read will
* return all zeroes.
uint32_t bit_val_c_val:29;
uint32_t reserved_29:3;
uint32_t val;
} twaifd_filter_c_val_reg_t;
} twaifd_filter_val_reg_t;
/** Type of filter_ran_low register
* TWAI FD filter range low value register
@ -1806,6 +1738,63 @@ typedef union {
uint32_t val;
} twaifd_date_ver_reg_t;
/** TWAI bits filter register
typedef struct {
volatile twaifd_filter_mask_reg_t filter_mask;
volatile twaifd_filter_val_reg_t filter_val;
} twaifd_mask_filter_reg_t;
/** TWAI range filter register
typedef struct {
volatile twaifd_filter_ran_low_reg_t ran_low;
volatile twaifd_filter_ran_high_reg_t ran_high;
} twaifd_range_filter_reg_t;
* @brief TWAI frame buffer register types
typedef union {
struct {
union {
struct {
uint32_t dlc: 4; // Data length code (0-15)
uint32_t reserved4: 1; // Reserved bit
uint32_t rtr: 1; // Remote transmission request
uint32_t ide: 1; // Identifier extension bit
uint32_t fdf: 1; // Flexible data-rate format bit
uint32_t reserved8: 1; // Reserved bit
uint32_t brs: 1; // Bit rate switch flag
uint32_t esi: 1; // Error state indicator
uint32_t rwcnt: 5; // Re-transmission counter
uint32_t reserved16: 16; // Reserved bits
uint32_t val; // Complete 32-bit register value for format
} format;
union {
struct {
uint32_t identifier_ext: 18; // Extended identifier (18 bits)
uint32_t identifier_base: 11; // Base identifier (11 bits)
uint32_t reserved29: 3; // Reserved bits
uint32_t val; // Complete 32-bit register value for identifier
} identifier;
uint32_t timestamp_low; // Lower 32 bits of timestamp
uint32_t timestamp_high; // Upper 32 bits of timestamp
uint32_t data[16]; // Data payload (16 words)
uint32_t words[20]; // Raw 32-bit words for direct access
} twaifd_frame_buffer_t;
/** TWAI frame txt buffer registers
typedef struct {
volatile twaifd_frame_buffer_t txt_buffer;
uint32_t reserved_50[44];
} twaifd_frame_mem_t;
typedef struct {
volatile twaifd_device_id_version_reg_t device_id_version;
@ -1823,14 +1812,8 @@ typedef struct {
volatile twaifd_rec_tec_reg_t rec_tec;
volatile twaifd_err_norm_err_fd_reg_t err_norm_err_fd;
volatile twaifd_ctr_pres_reg_t ctr_pres;
volatile twaifd_filter_a_mask_reg_t filter_a_mask;
volatile twaifd_filter_a_val_reg_t filter_a_val;
volatile twaifd_filter_b_mask_reg_t filter_b_mask;
volatile twaifd_filter_b_val_reg_t filter_b_val;
volatile twaifd_filter_c_mask_reg_t filter_c_mask;
volatile twaifd_filter_c_val_reg_t filter_c_val;
volatile twaifd_filter_ran_low_reg_t filter_ran_low;
volatile twaifd_filter_ran_high_reg_t filter_ran_high;
volatile twaifd_mask_filter_reg_t mask_filters[3];
volatile twaifd_range_filter_reg_t range_filters[1];
volatile twaifd_filter_control_filter_status_reg_t filter_control_filter_status;
volatile twaifd_rx_mem_info_reg_t rx_mem_info;
volatile twaifd_rx_pointers_reg_t rx_pointers;
@ -1847,7 +1830,9 @@ typedef struct {
volatile twaifd_yolo_reg_t yolo;
volatile twaifd_timestamp_low_reg_t timestamp_low;
volatile twaifd_timestamp_high_reg_t timestamp_high;
uint32_t reserved_09c[974];
uint32_t reserved_09c[25];
volatile twaifd_frame_mem_t txt_mem_cell[8];
uint32_t reserved_900[437];
volatile twaifd_timer_clk_en_reg_t timer_clk_en;
volatile twaifd_timer_int_raw_reg_t timer_int_raw;
volatile twaifd_timer_int_st_reg_t timer_int_st;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#include "soc/twai_periph.h"
#include "soc/gpio_sig_map.h"
const twai_controller_signal_conn_t twai_controller_periph_signals = {
.controllers = {
[0] = {
.timer_irq_id = ETS_TWAI0_TIMER_INTR_SOURCE,
.tx_sig = TWAI0_TX_IDX,
.rx_sig = TWAI0_RX_IDX,
.bus_off_sig = TWAI0_BUS_OFF_ON_IDX,
.clk_out_sig = TWAI0_CLKOUT_IDX,
.stand_by_sig = TWAI0_STANDBY_IDX,
[1] = {
.timer_irq_id = ETS_TWAI1_TIMER_INTR_SOURCE,
.tx_sig = TWAI1_TX_IDX,
.rx_sig = TWAI1_RX_IDX,
.bus_off_sig = TWAI1_BUS_OFF_ON_IDX,
.clk_out_sig = TWAI1_CLKOUT_IDX,
.stand_by_sig = TWAI1_STANDBY_IDX,

View File

@ -24,6 +24,9 @@ typedef struct {
struct {
const periph_module_t module; // peripheral module
const int irq_id; // interrupt source ID
const int timer_irq_id;
const int tx_sig; // TX signal ID in GPIO matrix
const int rx_sig; // RX signal ID in GPIO matrix
const int clk_out_sig; // CLK_OUT signal ID in GPIO matrix

View File

@ -263,7 +263,7 @@ INPUT = \
$(PROJECT_PATH)/components/hal/include/hal/spi_types.h \
$(PROJECT_PATH)/components/hal/include/hal/temperature_sensor_types.h \
$(PROJECT_PATH)/components/hal/include/hal/timer_types.h \
$(PROJECT_PATH)/components/hal/include/hal/twai_types.h \
$(PROJECT_PATH)/components/hal/include/hal/twai_types_deprecated.h \
$(PROJECT_PATH)/components/hal/include/hal/uart_types.h \
$(PROJECT_PATH)/components/hal/include/hal/efuse_hal.h \
$(PROJECT_PATH)/components/hal/include/hal/eth_types.h \

View File

@ -613,5 +613,5 @@ Application Examples
API Reference
.. include-build-file:: inc/twai_types.inc
.. include-build-file:: inc/twai_types_deprecated.inc
.. include-build-file:: inc/twai.inc

View File

@ -613,5 +613,5 @@ TWAI 驱动程序通过 :cpp:type:`twai_message_t` 结构体的不同位字段
API 参考
.. include-build-file:: inc/twai_types.inc
.. include-build-file:: inc/twai_types_deprecated.inc
.. include-build-file:: inc/twai.inc

View File

@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ ignores:
- "components/hal/include/hal/pmu_types.h"
- "components/hal/include/hal/sha_types.h"
- "components/hal/include/hal/touch_sensor_legacy_types.h"
- "components/hal/include/hal/twai_types.h"
- "components/hal/include/hal/twai_types_deprecated.h"
- kind: argument_list
@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ ignores:
- "components/hal/include/hal/sha_types.h"
- "components/hal/include/hal/touch_sensor_legacy_types.h"
- "components/hal/include/hal/twai_hal.h"
- "components/hal/include/hal/twai_types.h"
- "components/hal/include/hal/twai_types_deprecated.h"
kind: preproc_include