1. Add more notification events to the enum according to the event list in AVRCP specification.
2. Add API and callback events for basic AVRCP target functionalities to do init, deinit, callback-registration, connection status indication.
3. Implement API to set/get supported PASSTHROUGH command on local AVRCP TG, implement callback events for remote passthrough command indication.
6. Implement API to set/get supported notification eventIDs on local AVRCP TG, implement API to send event notifications to remote CT. \
Currently supported event in TG only includes ESP_AVRC_RN_VOLUME_CHANGE(0xd), which can be extended in later commits.
7. Implement callback events for SetAbsoluteVolume command indication on TG.
8. Add limitation of event_ids supported in RegisterNotification command in CT. The supported event_ids include: \
9. Add feature bit mask in parameter of callback event ESP_AVRC_CT_REMOTE_FEATURES_EVT for peer feature information got from SDP.
10. Add API and callback event to AVRCP CT to retrieve remote TG's supported notification event capabilities.
11. Modify data type for parameter of callback event ESP_AVRC_CT_CHANGE_NOTIFY_EVT.
12. Change AVRCP version from 1.3 to 1.4 for compatibility cause in using AbsoluteVolume feature.
13. Modify local AVRCP device to be category 1 as CT and category 2 as TG that applies to bluetooth headphones or speakers.
14. Update the use of AVRCP APIs and events in the two examples a2dp_sink a2dp_gatts_coex, which includes the demo of volume control and notification.
Current implimentation of esp_http_ota does not perform any error-checking in the data writing phase calls `esp_ota_get_next_update_partition()` irrespetive of the received state of the image. A few additional error checking mechanism have now been added inside the esp_https_ota which returns the control in case an invalid header is received and a wrapper to the function `esp_http_client_is_complete_data_received()` of `esp_http_client` has been added.
1. Use PSRAM for BLE Mesh mutex, queue and task
2. Add a parameter for esp_ble_mesh_deinit()
3. Add a option to enable using memory from PSRAM
4. Provisioner use internal static oob length
5. Update ble mesh tx rx test examples
6. Clear ble coexistence status bit by bit
7. Fix an issue which fails to store comp data
1. Add local AppKey and NetKey update APIs
2. NULL can be input if message has no parameters
3. Fix compile warning when BT log is disabled
4. Initilize mesh stack local variables
5. Use the latest coexist functions
1. Add an API to get node with device uuid
2. Add an API to get node with unicast address
3. Add an API to delete node with device uuid
4. Add an API to delete node with unicast address
1. Store node name in nvs when Provisioner sets node name
2. Add an API to store node composition data
3. Update lightness last when lightness actual is changed
4. Add ble mesh english/chinese documents
5. Update ble mesh tx/rx test example
6. Add params to provisioner bind appkey comp event
7. Fix node ignoring relay messages issue
8. Fix PreviousAddress endianess in Friend Request
9. Support using a specific partition for ble mesh
10. Fix compile warning when proxy related macros are disabled
11. Not using internal macros in esp_ble_mesh_defs.h
12. No device address needed when PB-ADV is used
1. Deinit unprov_dev table and fast prov info
2. Fix an issue which may cause failing to send msg
3. Add deinit test into the coex_a2dp_mini example
4. Add an API esp_ble_mesh_provisioner_set_primary_elem_addr
5. Use bt_mesh.flags to indicate device role
6. Fix Provisioner entering IV Update procedure
7. Remove some useless macros
8. Callback rssi of received mesh provisioning packets
9. Modify the Provisioner disable function
10. Provisioner can provision devices with fixed addresses
11. Change some log level from debug to info
12. Add an API for Provisioner to get provisioned node info
The MQTT broker URL used as default in the examples has ceased operation. All examples and documention have been updated to point to the new domain mqtt.eclipse.org.
This also required an update of the python example test scripts to use TLS 1.2
This commit fixes multiple bugs caused by incorrect calls to
can_enter_reset_mode() and can_exit_reset_mode. Example test
scripts also updated to match new runners.
Includes all the latest NimBLE stack changes from idf-v4.0 with few idf-v3.3
specific modifications.
- Addition of nimble component as submodule (`nimble-1.1.0-idf-v3.3`), contains
IDF v3.3 specific minor changes.
- Example applications are identical to idf-v4.0
- Modification in `bt/Kconfig` to accommodate NimBLE as a BT host.
incorrect set of the MB_EVENT_COILS_WR event is changed while read coils in mbcontroller.c file
added read/write handling for appropriate registers in freemodbus.c example file
Closes https://github.com/espressif/esp-idf/issues/3289
1. add kconfig help for GPIO0 output mode
2. fix a bug when select gpio0 output mode and initialize psram
3. make default config to official development board
4. fix wrong LAN8720 register index
This MR is intended to fix incorrect parsing of HTTP requests when empty header values are present.
The issue is was due to asymmetric behavior of `http_parser` library, which in case of:
non-empty header values : invokes callbacks with the pointer to the start of a value
empty header values : invokes callbacks with pointer to the start of next header or section
Since HTTP server relies on this pointer (along with length of the value) to locate the end of a value, and replace the line terminators (CRLFs) with null characters, the second case needed to be handled correctly.
Closes IDFGH-1539
Closes https://github.com/espressif/esp-idf/issues/3803
Other changes:
* Command line argument name and descriptions updated and formatted
* Some exception messages updated for clarity
* READMEs updated for tool and all provisioning examples
* Minor update in example test scripts due to change in esp_prov.get_transport() API
* Transport_Softap renamed to Transport_HTTP
* Transport_HTTP now forces connect on initialization
List of changes in components/wifi_provisioning:
* Manager version is now v1.1
* .proto files and protocomm handler added for sending Wi-Fi scan command and receiving scan results
* Implemented handlers for wifi_scan protocomm endpoint
* Update manager context data structure to hold scan state and results
* scheme_softap now runs Wi-Fi in APSTA mode
* Wi-Fi is started in AP mode when provisioning is started. This is necessary for scan list to work
* Docs updates with information about new wifi_scan endpoint
List of changes in tools/esp_prov:
* Added functions for sending and receiving protobuf messages compatible with wifi_scan protocomm endpoint
* Added feature to display/refresh scan results and accept user selection at runtime
* New functions:
* get_version() : only returns the protocol version string
* has_capability() : check is a capability is present according to proto-ver response
* wifi_scan feature is provided only if the `wifi_scan` capability is present
Other changes:
* Replace recursive mutex with plain mutex
* assert on return value of mutex give / take calls
* replace all calls with macros ACQUIRE_LOCK and RELEASE_LOCK
* some checks added in scanning related private APIs
* free and nullify scanning context and state if service is stopped while ongoing scan
This change prevents buffer overflows in case of really long file paths.
Other changes:
* Remove query (?) and fragment (#) component from URI when converting to file path
* /index.html and favicon.ico can be overridden by files with same name and path in SPIFFS
* README.md updated
newlib uses significantly more stack space when printing to an
unbuffered stream. To reduce the amount of stack space required to
use the console, don’t disable buffering. linenoise should support
unbuffered stdout instead.
1. Fix wrong timeout setting in join command, also alter the default timeout value to 10 seconds
2. Don't clear the CONNECTED_BIT when connected to AP.