- a recent commit fixed the API deprecations,
and the BLEDevice object now needs to be accessed through a tuple.
- thus the changes were made in the code wherein the object was used,
but updating the usage in the condition when de
vname is not None got skipped.
The script works the same way with httpd and softap mode, but it's a bit
confusing to provision the device over Ethernet or USB and call the
transport "softap". That's why we introduce an alias called httpd which
uses the same idea (http server with service name), but that service
runs on any interface (where the specified service is available)
Other changes:
* Command line argument name and descriptions updated and formatted
* Some exception messages updated for clarity
* READMEs updated for tool and all provisioning examples
* Minor update in example test scripts due to change in esp_prov.get_transport() API
* Transport_HTTP now forces connect on initialization
List of changes:
* New component esp_local_ctrl added
* Example added under examples/protocols/esp_local_ctrl
* Documentation added under protocols/esp_local_ctrl
* Demo client side app esp_local_ctrl.py added under examples/protocols/esp_local_ctrl/scripts
* protocomm_ble : protocomm_ble_config_t given struct name for allowing forward declaration
* esp_prov/transport_softap renamed to transport_http
* transport_http module supports verification of server certificate
* transport_http module performs name resolution before connection
List of changes in components/wifi_provisioning:
* Manager version is now v1.1
* .proto files and protocomm handler added for sending Wi-Fi scan command and receiving scan results
* Implemented handlers for wifi_scan protocomm endpoint
* Update manager context data structure to hold scan state and results
* scheme_softap now runs Wi-Fi in APSTA mode
* Wi-Fi is started in AP mode when provisioning is started. This is necessary for scan list to work
* Docs updates with information about new wifi_scan endpoint
List of changes in tools/esp_prov:
* Added functions for sending and receiving protobuf messages compatible with wifi_scan protocomm endpoint
* Added feature to display/refresh scan results and accept user selection at runtime
* New functions:
* get_version() : only returns the protocol version string
* has_capability() : check is a capability is present according to proto-ver response
* wifi_scan feature is provided only if the `wifi_scan` capability is present
Other changes:
* Replace recursive mutex with plain mutex
* assert on return value of mutex give / take calls
* replace all calls with macros ACQUIRE_LOCK and RELEASE_LOCK
* some checks added in scanning related private APIs
* free and nullify scanning context and state if service is stopped while ongoing scan
List of changes:
* Retrieve UUID property from Bluez device object before connecting to retrieve UUID contained in advertisement
* Read Characteristic User Descriptions attribute of each UUID for mapping endpoint names
* To support older implementations with hardcoded Name-UUID map, revert to fallback mode in order if advertisement data has no UUID field