Similar to the fix in gpio lower layers, USB Serial JTAG pad should be disabled when the DM and DP pins want to be used as rtcio pins.
(cherry picked from commit de0401047c478816bc874699368632f53f86f6fa)
In previous gpio default isr, interrupt status bits get cleared at the exit of the isr.
However, for edge-triggered interrupt type, the interrupt status bit should be cleared before entering the per-pin handlers to avoid any potential interrupt lost.
This commit gives basic mmu driver framework. Now it is able to maintain
mmu virtual address usage on esp32, esp32s2 and esp32s3. Usage to
external virtual address should rely on mmu functions to know which
address range is available, instead of hardcoded.
This commit also improves psram memory that is added to the heap
allocator. Now it's added to the heap, according to the memory
This commit fixes gpio_hold_en(pin) function for ESP32, where after wakeup from deep sleep, the pin gets reset to default state and stop holding the pin level.
Added a kconfig option. By default, when using ADC oneshot
driver, it will disable
DAC channels:
- ESP32: IO25, IO26
- ESP32S2: IO17, IO18
if ADC2 is in use.
You can disable this option, to measure DAC output, via internal ADC.
This is for test usage.
Prior to this commit, adc ulp is disabled by setting
adc_oneshot_unit_init_cfg_t::ulp_mode to false.
After this commit, a new enum `ADC_ULP_MODE_DISABLE` is added. So
setting `ulp_mode` to `ADC_ULP_MODE_DISABLE`, instead of `false`, to
disable the ulp mode.
Internally, disable usb serial jtag DP pin's pullup when calling gpio_ll_pullup_dis and rtcio_ll_pullup_disable
At usb serial jtag setup/install, re-enable DP pin's pullup
When I2S is configured into different modes, the slot sequence varies.
This commit updates slot sequence tables and corresponding descriptions
in (both code and programming guide).
All gpio hal and ll functions input arguments gpio_num_t are changed to uint32_t type.
Validation of gpio num should be guaranteed from the driver layer.