Replace the original diag implementation in with the new one in a
separate esp-idf-diag python package. The interface is kept the same as
it was. The simple diag test is also preserved.
Signed-off-by: Frantisek Hrbata <>
fix(tools): replace with new esp-idf-nvs-partition-gen package
Closes IDF-8147 and IDF-1958
See merge request espressif/esp-idf!26758
This commit removes all files and references to them and adds esp-idf-size as a dependency and adequate wrappers to avoid breaking changes.
This commit removes all kconfig_new files and references to them and adds esp-idf-kconfig as a dependency and adequate wrappers to avoid breaking changes.
GDB with python support will automatically load freertos-gdb python module.
It comes to GDB with commands starting with 'freertos' to show human-readable
tables with freertos task/queue/timer information
Python module URL: