- Updated `generate_jobs_report` function to check if any job in the list has `is_failed = True`.
- Improved code readability and maintainability by reducing complexity in the `post_report` method.
Introduced changes:
- add xml attribute "dut_log_url" to pytest report
- add column "dut_log_url" to failed testcases table of dynamic pipeline report
- make the table header sticky
- add permalinks to the Table Titles
- split target test report by testcase type for better clarity
- fix the logic of finding the testcases failed on cur branch / other branches
Introduced changes:
- refactor the cli script used for report generation
- introduce failed jobs report generator
- cover job report generation with tests
- add job failure rate
- add test cases failure rate
- add current branch / other branches statistic for failed jobs / testcases