This adds SBOM information for submodules, which are not managed
by Espressif. Meaning there is no fork for them in the espressif
namespace. Other submodules should add sbom.yml manifest file to
the root of their git repository.
The SBOM information for submodules is stored in the .gitmodules file.
Each SBOM related variable has the "sbom-" prefix and the following
variables may be used:
submodule version
CPE record if available in NVD. This will be used by the SBOM
tool to check for possible submodule vulnerabilities. The
version in the CPE can be replaced with the "{}" placeholder,
which will be replaced by the "sbom-version" value from above.
Person or organization who is providing the submodule.
It has to start with "Person:" or "Organization:" prefix
as required by the SPDX-2.2 standard.
URL to the project if exists, e.g. github.
Project description.
Submodule SHA as recorded in the git-tree. This field is used by
CI to check that the submodule checkout hash and info in .gitmodules
are in sync. IOW if submodule is updated and it has SBOM info in
.gitmodules, the .gitmodules has to be updated too. The test is
part of this commit. The checkout has of the submodule can be found
by using "git submodule status".
Example for micro-ecc submodule
[submodule "components/bootloader/subproject/components/micro-ecc/micro-ecc"]
path = components/bootloader/subproject/components/micro-ecc/micro-ecc
url = ../../kmackay/micro-ecc.git
sbom-version = 1.0
sbom-cpe = cpe:2.3🅰️micro-ecc_project:micro-ecc:{}:*:*:*:*:*:*:*
sbom-supplier = Person: Ken MacKay
sbom-url =
sbom-description = A small and fast ECDH and ECDSA implementation for 8-bit, 32-bit, and 64-bit processors
sbom-hash = d037ec89546fad14b5c4d5456c2e23a71e554966
Signed-off-by: Frantisek Hrbata <>
This extends information provided in the project_description.json file.
Newly added information can be used in the SBOM generating tool and
also to improve hints regarding the the component dependency issues.
Added fields
This adds versioning to the project_description.json file,
so it's easy to identify if it contains the required information.
Can be used as a version for the resulting binary e.g. `hello_world.bin`.
This one is probably not necessary, but it allows tools to run even without
esp-idf environment exported(e.g.
The `CMAKE_C_COMPILER` value with full path to the compiler binary. This can
be used to get information about toolchain, which was used to build the project.
List of common components as presented in cmake's __COMPONENT_REQUIRES_COMMON
and set in tools/cmake/build.cmake:__build_init().
Detailed information about components used during build. It's a
dictionary with the component name as a key and each component has
a dictionary with detailed information. Following is an example for
the efuse component.
"efuse": {
"alias": "idf::efuse",
"target": "___idf_efuse",
"prefix": "idf",
"dir": "/home/fhrbata/work/esp-idf/components/efuse",
"type": "LIBRARY",
"lib": "__idf_efuse",
"reqs": [],
"priv_reqs": [ "bootloader_support", "soc", "spi_flash" ],
"managed_reqs": [],
"managed_priv_reqs": [],
"file": "/home/fhrbata/work/blink/build/esp-idf/efuse/libefuse.a",
"sources": [ "/home/fhrbata/work/esp-idf/components/efuse/esp32s3/esp_efuse_table.c", ... ],
"include_dirs": [ "include", "esp32s3/include" ]
Signed-off-by: Frantisek Hrbata <>
Currently make_json_list() returns '[ "" ]' for empty cmake list. Fix this
so empty json list is returned instead.
Signed-off-by: Frantisek Hrbata <>
- This features allows the NVS encryption keys to be derived and protected using
the HMAC peripheral. Since the encryption keys are derived at runtime, they
are not stored anywhere in the flash and hence this feature does not require
a separate `nvs_keys` partition.
This commit adds support for handling multiple requests simultaneously by introducing two new functions: `httpd_req_async_handler_begin()` and `httpd_req_async_handler_complete()`. These functions allow creating an asynchronous copy of a request that can be used on a separate thread and marking the asynchronous request as completed, respectively.
Additionally, a new flag `for_async_req` has been added to the `httpd_sess_t` struct to indicate if a socket is being used for an asynchronous request and should not be purged from the LRU cache.
An example have been added to demonstrate the usage of these new functions.
Signed-off-by: Harshit Malpani <>
esp_bootloader_format: Adds bootloader description structure to read bootloader version from app
Closes IDFGH-7206 and IDFGH-7573
See merge request espressif/esp-idf!21592
spi_flash: One more step for supporting flash suspend. 1. Support more esp chips 2. Improve real-time performance 3. Make timing more stable
See merge request espressif/esp-idf!22755