1. Use BIT[7:5] of EID to determine psram size
2. Add ID support for 16Mbit psram
3. Remove module reset on SPI1
4. Confirmed with the vendor that only the old 32Mbit psram need special clock timing. For other psram chips, we should use standard QPI mode.
1. fix failture of mesh stop caused by block-sending.
2. fix when FIXED_ROOT is set, 2nd layer devices can not receive mesh event ESP_ERR_MESH_NO_PARENT_FOUND.
3. fix when FIXED_ROOT is set and the root turns off mesh function, 2nd layer devices do not look for new parents.
4. add APIs esp_mesh_disconnect() and esp_mesh_connect().
5. disconnect from parent/router when the DSSS channel in received beacon is different from the home channel.
6. remove nvs task to release 3k bytes memory.
If zero-overhead loop buffer is enabled, under certain rare conditions
when executing a zero-overhead loop, the CPU may attempt to execute an invalid instruction. Work around by disabling the buffer.
New unity component can be used for testing other applications.
Upstream version of Unity is included as a submodule.
Utilities specific to ESP-IDF unit tests (partitions, leak checking
setup/teardown functions, etc) are kept only in unit-test-app.
Kconfig options are added to allow disabling certain Unity features.
1. fix ap_loss that occurs when the parent turns off the mesh function and becomes a normal WiFi with a different SSID.
2. add an event MESH_EVENT_NETWORK_STATE that contains information about whether there is a root in the current network.
3. modify the mechanism of mesh IE update.
4. fix a problem in the process of re-voting to select the root, the device that does not meet the conditions of being a root votes for itself.
5. fix an issue that occurs in esp_mesh_recv_toDS() when stopping the mesh.
6. when the user specifies a parent for the device, the device will set the authmode and password of its AP mode to the same value as the specified parent.
Routine `spi_flash_cache2phys` sometimes return incorrect value,
resulting in failure in getting currently running ota partition.
This in turn aborts firmware update process.This issue was more
prominent with SPIRAM enabled cases.
Fix ensures proper cache guards during `spi_flash_cache2phys`, and
also for few other similar APIs.
In addition, `esp_ota_get_running_partition` has also been optimized
to save currently running partition for subsequent invocations.
Fixes https://github.com/espressif/esp-idf/issues/2451
In some cases, when data was just written into UART FIFO, transmitter
state could be still zero while the FIFO did contain some data.
This resulted in uart_tx_wait_idle occasionally returning before all
the data was sent out.
Fix by checking both UART transmitter state and TX FIFO count.
1. remove use EID to distinguish psram voltage
2. 1V8 64Mbit psram and 3V3 64Mbit psram use the same psram driver(standard spi interface)
3. set cs hold time register as 1
1. suppport mesh type, mesh ID, router and IE crypt func&key at any time after mesh is initalized.
2. support modify parent at any time after mesh is configured.
3. modify manual networking example.
4. update header file.
5. fix issues in root conflicts handling.
6. add max length of beacon to menuconfig.
7. fix issue when received a beacon without DSSS.
KConfig: The option CONFIG_ESP32_RTCDATA_IN_FAST_MEM is added in Kconfig file for esp32 component.
esp32.common.ld: added support of RTC_DATA_ATTR, RTC_RODATA_ATTR data placement into appropriate segment according to Kconfig option.
esp32.ld: linker script is modified to set alias for memory segment selected by Kconfig option to place data. The segments for force placement are added for RTC_FAST_ATTR, RTC_SLOW_ATTR attributes.
esp_attr.h: added new attributes RTC_FAST_ATTR, RTC_SLOW_ATTR for force placement into fest/slow memory.
test_rtc_fast.c: Added unit test cases to check data placement into appropriate memory segment.
Updated documentation for RTC_DATA_ATTR, RTC_FAST_ATTR, RTC_SLOW_ATTR in deep_sleep_stub.rst file.
Closes https://github.com/espressif/esp-idf/issues/1553
The following commit rewrites the ESP-MESH docs. This commit includes
new diagrams and a structure approach to the mesh docs. Some mesh api references
have also been modified.
1. new APIs: esp_mesh_get_subnet_nodes_num() and esp_mesh_get_subnet_nodes_list().
2. fix hard to find the parent during connect.
3. disable Wi-Fi channel switch function.
4. fix a typo of MESH_EVENT_NO_PARENT_FOUND.
Fix following WiFi bugs:
1. Shouldn't scan when connect
2. Check beacon length in modem sleep
3. Fix the bug that AP may deauth wrong station when inactivity timer expires
4. Fix the bug that WiFi assert the system when receiving empty MCS in association response frame