- ROM function uart_tx_wait_idle may have a bug which causes the function to return before the final character is fully transmitted.
This replaces uart_tx_wait_idle declaration with a static inline definition which fixes the issue.
- Also replaces the use of uart_tx_flush with uart_tx_wait_idle in esp_restart, to remove garbage in console output on restart.
- rtc_printf is temporary replaced with a no-op, pending a new release of librtc.a. Current release assumes that UART0 is used for output,
and switches UART0 baud rate while doing frequency changes and printing some log output. This doesn’t work if a different UART is used for output.
This change adds a set of menuconfig options to set custom UART#, baud rate, and pins, for console output.
Setting happens in bootloader startup code for PRO CPU, and in application startup code for APP CPU.
Ref. TW8146
feature(rtc_module):add rtc module
1. add rtc io control API (pull,output and input)
2. add touch pad API (touch pad read and interrupt)
3. add adc1 API (the max width is 12 Bits and support attenuation)
4. add hall sensor API (support hall sensor read )
5. add dac API (the width is 8 Bits)
bugfix(gpio):gpio32 and gpio33 can not output and input
the gpio32 and gpio33 is initialize by librtc.a,and gpio_config not initialize the gpio as
digital gpio.they can not output and input,when users use gpio32 or gpio33.And there are some problems
about others driver ,when they use gpio32 or gpio33 as matrix.
Small debugging fixes
Invoke panic handler when a stack overflow has been detected; unhandled interrupt handler now prints interrupt/cpu number for easier pinning down of source.
See merge request !277
Gdbstub: Fix bug, small cleanup
Tianzhongxing found a small bug preventing gdbstub to work in certain cases. This fixes it, as well as including some minor cleanups.
See merge request !260
Feature/btdm bluedroid
This branch contain the bluedroid host code.
Currently, Only GAP/GATT SERVER/GATT CLIENT release to users.
Actually, the content of the codes is further more than GAP/GATT and etc.
In this release version, users only need to concern about the APIs which are in "api/include/".
Now, suggestions in comment have been resolved are following:
1. The APIs use callback function. Ivan , Jeroen and me have discussed it. Currently the code will not be changed.
2. The APIs use OPEN/CLOSE. I have ask Ivan, besides bluedroid do this, we will keep the name.
3. Coding style. I have run format.sh to handle the style. And some spell error have been fixed.
4. APIs doxygen. I have clean the warning by doxygen. But bt.rst is still need to be completed.
5. Other comment without resolved face to face that I have to add response in the comment and fix them in the code
6. Fix some incorrect things. See the git log for details.
This 1st version of bluedroid release still have lots of things to do. But it can be done after this merge.
1. Compelete the BLUFI(Bluetooth config wifi connection) documents, security, application protocol and other.
2. Add SPP-LIKE profile.
3. Do more examples codes to cover most of the APIs.
4. Test and fix bug.
Another thing:
1. Do the document of APIs.(xml->bt.rst->html)
(I will do this before merge as Ivan's suggestion)
This is already done. Besides, the union type in doxygen have something error. Ivan will fix it.
See merge request !239
1. fix tw8911 sleep in scan leads to auth frame malloc fail.
2. fix tw8913 pm state transfer wrong leads to wdt.
3. make some comments for modem sleep and wpa2 enterprise.
4. removd duplicated debug option ESP_THREAD_SAFE_DEBUG
In AP bridge mode, the length of the forwarded data is wrong, it's 26Btyes longer, thus cuase
AP can't forward the data of which length is more than 1460. This modification is to make the
data length right.
1. update phy to version 258 to fix wifi upgrade cause wifi connect fail issue
2. update fix_printf.sh
3. fb5a2b07 - default set ps type to WIFI_PS_NONE
Bugfix mbedtls sha384 clone()
mbedtls_sha512_clone() on a SHA-384 hash caused incorrect digest
Also adds additional mbedtls unit tests into the unit tests project (including one for this bug).
See merge request !252
SHA acceleration integrated to mbedTLS incl. TLS sessions
Uses hardware SHA acceleration where available, fails over to software where not available.
Ref TW7112
See merge request !232
spi_flash_erase_range: Allow for 32KB blocks not 64KB blocks
SPI flash hardware sends 52h command, which is a 32KB erase.
There is a matching bug in the ROM SPIEraseArea code, unless
flashchip->block_size is modified first.
See merge request !249
driver: PCNT
1. add PCNT module in periph_ctrl.c/.h
2. add description of PCNT status in pcnt_struct.h
3. add PCNT driver code
4. add PCNT example code.
See merge request !229
system_* APIs cleanup
This changeset is mostly about cleaning up `system_*` APIs and moving them from libcore. It has dragged a few more changes along, however.
- `system_deep_sleep` deprecated, new name is `esp_deep_sleep`
- `system_efuse_read_mac` deprecated, new name is `esp_efuse_read_mac`
- `system_read/write_rtc_mem` removed (reason: we use linker to place code/data into RTC memory now)
- `system_get_sdk_version` deprecated. Returns "master" for now. Support for compile-time and runtime version detection will be done in a separate MR.
- `system_get_time` and variations have been deprecated. `gettimeofday` should be used instead.
- `system_restart` deprecated, new name is `esp_restart`. Rewritten code to work correctly from any of the cores.
- `system_restore` deprecated, `esp_wifi_restore` should be used instead.
- `system_get_rst_info` removed (it wasn't in a header file)
- RTC library has been updated to latest version
- Logging output from `libfoo.a` goes through `foo_printf` function now, where `foo ` is any of the library names. For libraries other than rtc and phy, this is a temporary measure, until we finish switching to esp_log library and clean up all uses of printf/ets_printf.
- ESP-IDF build will fail if any of the libraries have printf/ets_printf reference.
- Added `esp_random` function which gets values from HW RNG. I have added code which makes sure the value is not polled too often (allows at least 16 APB cycles). Also added a header file for HW RNG (just one register).
- Moved random number generation functions used by wpa library into wpa_supplicant component.
See merge request !234
SPI flash hardware sends 52h command, which is a 32KB erase.
There is a matching bug in the ROM SPIEraseArea code, unless
flashchip->block_size is modified first.