Doc/Make Classic BT related document links only visible for ESP32
Closes IDFGH-5008, IDFGH-6022, and AUD-3378
See merge request espressif/esp-idf!15635
The issue is related to the non-sequential way of description when
such fields going together sequential.
Related to esp32h2 chip for eFuses: MAC_FACTORY and MAC_EXT.
The issue is in wrong indexes of MAC_EXT.
MAC_EXT got indexes like it is joined to MAC_FACTORY.
const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_MAC_FACTORY[] = {
const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_MAC_EXT[] = {
This commit fixed it to:
const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_MAC_EXT[] = {
This commit fixes a bug in no-split and allow-split ring buffers free buffer size calculation.
When the free size available in the buffers less than the size of one item header,
the function prvGetCurMaxSizeNoSplit/AllowSplit() incorrectly returned the maxItemSize instead of 0.
This is due to the comparision between a negative and a positive value
where both operands are treated as unsigned during the comparision operation,
thereby treating the negative operand as a large integer.
Also added new unit tests to test buffer-full and almost-full conditions
where this scenario is likely to be hit.
The release of the semaphore indicating the item was successfully sent must be the last semaphore released. The receiver may be in another task and may delete the Ringbuffer (such as with a return code across tasks design pattern) if they are through with the Ringbuffer.
The function xRingbufferSendAcquire followed by xRingbufferSendComplete had the semaphores released in the proper order and that same pattern should have been used in xRingbufferSend and xRingbufferSendFromISR. This commit fixes this order.
Issue (IDFGH-6030) #7716 describes the problem in more detail.
Closes IDFGH-6030,
Closes IDFGH-6036,
0 is a valid socket description, so should be accepted after we create a
socket. In IDF, though, it's just a theoretical issue, as customers have
to configure:
* CONFIG_VFS_SUPPORT_IO = n (from menuconfig)
(this configuration is currently broken, but if we adjust the IDF here
and there we could reproduce the issue)
In 4972605, high-level interrupt handler hook was renamed from
ld_include_highint_hdl to ld_include_panic_highint_hdl. However the
change wasn't applied in GNU Make based build system. As a result,
the default interrupt handler was linked and features which depended
on the high-level interrupt didn't work.
This commit removes the following critical nested macros as follows:
They are replaced with portSET_INTERRUPT_MASK_FROM_ISR() and
portCLEAR_INTERRUPT_MASK_FROM_ISR() which are the proper FreeRTOS interfaces.
Created a portmacro_deprecated.h for each port to contain deprecated API
that were originally from portmacro.h
This commit adds the following hook functions to obtain memory
for the IDLE and Timer Daemon tasks when configSUPPORT_STATIC_ALLOCATION
is enabled:
- vApplicationGetIdleTaskMemory()
- vApplicationGetTimerTaskMemory()
Currently, both functions simply allocate from the same memory as
regular tasks (i.e., internal memory for both the stack and TCB)