This problem may cause HCI send command timeout.
When host call VHCI api to do btdm_wakeup_request, then controller
wakeup process will be handled in ISR and controller task context.
As host task priority is lower than controller task and ISR,
it will cause an incorrect behavior that before VHCI take the
rx_flow_on_semaphore, controller sleep again, then VHCI cannot take
the semaphore and has to wait the automatic wakeup.
1. start an esp_timer on entering sleep to acquire pm_lock before wake up from modem sleep
2. decrease the clock division of XTAL fed to bluetooth low power clock from 32us to 2us period to allow to work under 240MHz Max CPU frequency
3. decrease the minimum sleep duration threshold to allow shorter bluetooth modem sleep period, especially for BLE with short connection interval
4. reconfigure bluetooth baseband(BT-BB) settings after PHY/RF init upon waking up from modem sleep to avoid packet RX/TX performance degradation
The new API esp_bt_mem_release() that was added freed BTDM data to heap from esp_bt_controller_mem_release().
Now with the BT memory optimization commit ee787085f937a582c3b70692f0d19b58cdb2de7d,
the BTDM data is optimized and reduced to only 32 bytes which is not sufficient amount to be added to heap.
So, using the API leads to assert saying that the region is too small.
Modify heap_caps_add_region_with_caps to return ESP_ERR_INVALID_SIZE in case the range is too small to create a new heap.
Do not assert if return value is ESP_ERR_INVALID_SIZE
This also fixes using API esp_bt_controller_mem_release() with ESP_BT_MODE_BTDM
Signed-off-by: Hrishikesh Dhayagude <>
Calling `esp_bt_controller_mem_release` or `esp_bt_mem_release` might result in exception if any of the regions returned to heap are empty. This happens usually if BT/BLE is enabled, but not used/linked in the final firmware.
1. BLE only with 9(max) connection will decrease 3K DRAM
2. BR/EDR only with 7(max) connection will decrease 16K DRAM
3. Any of BLE or BR/EDR connection number decrease will also decrease DRAM consumption
4. Decrease one BLE connection will save about 1KB DRAM
5. Decrease one BR/EDR ACL connection will save about 1.2KB DRAM
6. Decrease one BR/EDR SCO/eSCO will save 2KB DRAM.
7. fix some definition and kconfig
8. remove 1.2k of vhci tx cache and make .bss & .data to heap about 1.4K
9. modify BT Reserved Memory size and modify example to support new bt kconfig
No longer necessary to keep all reserved addresses in 'soc'.
Means 'soc' does not need to know about 'bt', for example.
Also means that Bluetooth can be enabled in config without any memory being reserved for BT
controller. Only if code calling the BT controller is linked in, will this memory be reserved...
1. when one task do deinit/init/disable/enable, especially different cpu
core, it may cause controller crash in ISR handler
2. fix while BLE is scanning, bluetooth controller is disabled cause BLE
scan is not abort.
1. Modify esp_bt_controller_mem_release() to release BTDM BSS and Data to heap if
ESP_BT_MODE_BTDM mode is passed to it
2. Add a new API esp_bt_mem_release() which internally calls
esp_bt_controller_mem_release() with the provided mode and then if mode
is ESP_BT_MODE_BTDM, releases BT BSS and Data to heap.
For Wi-Fi and BT/BLE applications, for e.g. the usecase is like when
Bluetooth is used for provisioning and once the device is connected to the Wi-Fi
AP, we can turn off Bluetooth completely. In such scenarios, it should be possible to
reclaim all the memory of Bluetooth. Although, currently this does not
Made the following modifications to examples/bluetooth/gatt_server :
1. Added support of simple_wifi to it
2. Moved all the bluetooth related code under CONFIG_BT_ENABLED config
3. Calculated the free heap in 2 similar scenarios:
i. Disabled BT (CONFIG_BT_ENABLED undefined) and checked the free
heap after STA connected
ii. Kept BT enabled and disabled it after STA connected and checked
the free heap
Ideally, the numbers for i., ii. above should have been similar. But
there was a delta of almost 30-31K. (i. > ii.)
4. Through make size-components checked the common BSS for libbta.a and libbtdm_app.a
and found it to be almost 30K. Data is around 1K
1. Modified the linker script to mark the BSS and Data for these libraries and
free it when ESP_BT_MODE_BTDM mode is passed to mem release APIs.
2. Verified that the free heap is comparable for i. and ii. above.
Note: It is known that once this is done, Bluetooth can only be used
again post reboot.
Signed-off-by: Hrishikesh Dhayagude <>
1. fix BLE connection missing in coex mode
2. modify other parameters to make coex priority more reasonable
3. fix modem sleep procedure trap cause Wifi disable RF when BT is
working. Such cause that BR/EDR is difficult to be connected, BLE
connection stability decrease and so on.
4. modify BR/EDR coexist duration to imrove BR/EDR connect success
5. Due to the hardware coexist bug, BLE scan interval/window should
be less than 0x100(about 160ms). Therefore, it will cause BLE cannot
scan any advertising packet while WiFi have higher priority
behaviour(such like RX beacon, scan, TX/RX VO packets and etc.).
1. provide options for bluetooth low power mode
2. provide two options for bluetooth low power clock: main XTAL and external 32kHz XTAL
3. provide function and callbacks to control bluetooth low power mode, including enable/disable sleep, software wakeup request, low power clock settings, check power state, etc
4. modify vhci API vhci_host_send_packet to use blocking mode
5. note that DFS and bluetooth modem sleep can not be used together currently.
1. fix the bug. Modify the condition that esp_bt_controller_mem_release() shoud be only called before esp_bt_controller_init() or after esp_bt_controller_deinit()
2. modify the example to use esp_bt_controller_mem_release()
1. move settings of WIFI_CLK_EN_REG for bluetooth into controller init/deinit APIs
2. modify the bit mask used in phy_rf init/deinit to use WIFI-BT shared bits
1. add sw interrupt cause osi to controller.
2. modify the kconfig to improve the option view.
3. add option of the cpu core which bluedroid run.
4. add option of the cpu core which bluetooth controller run.
1. add ble tx power functions
2. add more osi functions.
3. modify bluetooth controller task procedure
4. fix a memory leak when controller deinit
5. add controller disable return value.
1. support UART HCI, devolper need not to make a bridge between VHCI and UART.
2. fix bug of rand/srand called in ISR.
3. fix bug of BLE rx packets may cause assert.