Added statistics and wear simulation functions to support migration of
remaining storage related host tests from fixture to linux implementation
of esp_partition.
when CONFIG_ESP_SYSTEM_PMP_IDRAM_SPLIT is not set, the PMP rule for esp32c2 shoud allow write access.
Fix esp_cpu_configure_region_protection() in cpu.c accordingly.
Note: the checks for the tests marked as [test-dump] are done in the pytest function
test_heap_trace_dump() since they are relying on the content of the heap_trace_dump_caps()
When stack check is enabled, certain functions (sometimes placed in RAM)
are being decorated with stack guards and a call to __stask_chk_fail() in
case ofr stack corruption. For this reason, __stack_chk_fail() must be
placed in RAM too.
Add stack check config in heap tests on all targets to find eventual flash to RAM
calls due to stack checks when running
On xtensa architecture, the call to __assert_func uses a reference to __func__ that can
sometimes be placed in flash. Since the __asert_func can be called from functions in IRAM
the check_callgraph script can report an error when checking for invalid calls from IRAM
to flash sections. However, the __asert_func prevents this scenario at runtime so the
check_callgraph script reports a 'flas positive' situation. For this reasson, all references
to __func__$x found prior to a call to __assert_func are droped in the parsing of the rtl files.
this commits:
- adds build-time test to check that no call to flash regions are done from IRAM functions
- resolves problems related to IRAM function using content in flash memory
- update heap_caps_alloc_failed to use a default function name in DRAM
when necessary instead of creating a function name variable in DRAM for
each call of heap_caps_alloc_failed. This allows to save some extra bytes
in RAM.
This commits adds a file in the heap directory to clarify the idea behind
which functions is placed in IRAM or in flash.
A section in mem_alloc.rst documentation is added to specify which functions from the
heap component API can be used in interrupt handlers.
This commit aims to place in the IRAM section only the functions that
are relevent for performance instead of placing the entire content of
multi_heap.c, mullti_heap_poisoning.c and tlsf.c in the IRAM.
- When PSRAM is enabled, the heap integrity check APIs
(`heap_caps_check_integrity` and `heap_caps_check_integrity_all`)
take more time to execute and keep the interrupts disabled for a
longer time.
The tlsf now checks for size validity when creating a new heap.
The check previously done in multi_heap_register_impl() is no longer
valid since the tlsf_size() is not known at this time (as the metadata
size is linked ot the size of the memory region passed as parameter
when calling tlsf_create_with_pool())
The tlsf_create_with_pool() will return a null pointer if the size
of the memory is not big enough to hold the metadata overhead and
at least a small block.
Update the test according to the changes in TLSF API
- update the target and host tests to consider the new TLSF api and the metadata size
only when the target is not using the rom implementation of the TLSF
Previously, condition_4 was making impossible the valid scenario
start > heap_start && end == heap_end.
Now, the end == heap_end and start == heap_start case is handled
separately allowing the case start > heap_start && ned == heap_end
to be considered a valid scenario
This commit extends the heap test set by adding a test to check corruption
detection in free memory block.
For each byte of the free block memory, the test changes the value of the byte,
call multi_heap_check(), make sure that the function returns 'corruption detected'
only when comprehensive poisoning is set, restore the good value of the byte, calls
multi_heap_check() again and make sure that it returns 'OK'.
The tlsf implementation in the ROM does not provide a mechanism
to register a callback to be called in by tlsf_check().
This commit is creating a patch of the tlsf implementation to provide
a definition of the function allowing to register the callback called
in tlsf_check() and add the call of this callback in tlsf_check().
This patch is only compiled for target(s) with ESP_ROM_HAS_HEAP_TLSF
set and ESP_ROM_TLSF_CHECK_PATCH set. For all the other configurations
the environment remains unchanged by those modifications.
Add the definition of tlsf_check_hook() in multi_heap if MULTI_HEAP_POISONING
is set. This definition calls the multi_heap_internal_check_block_poisoning()
to check the memory of a free block for corruption. If the light poisoinng is
set this function returns true. If the comprehensive poisoning is set, this
function will check that all byte of memory in the memory chunk passed as parameter
are set to the right FILL pattern.