| Supported Targets | ESP32 | ESP32-C2 | ESP32-C3 | ESP32-C5 | ESP32-C6 | ESP32-C61 | ESP32-H2 | ESP32-H21 | ESP32-P4 | ESP32-S2 | ESP32-S3 | | ----------------- | ----- | -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- | --------- | -------- | --------- | -------- | -------- | -------- | # Example: C++ run-time type info (RTTI) (See the README.md file in the upper level 'examples' directory for more information about examples.) This example demonstrates usage of the RTTI feature in ESP-IDF. By default, RTTI support is disabled in ESP-IDF. It can be enabled using `CONFIG_COMPILER_CXX_RTTI` configuration option. In this example, `sdkconfig.defaults` file sets `CONFIG_COMPILER_CXX_RTTI` option. This enables compile time support for RTTI (`-frtti` compiler flag). The example prints demangled type names of a few objects and functions, obtained from `typeinfo().name`. The example also generates several objects of two classes, derived from a common base class. For each object, it is demonstrated that `dynamic_cast` behaves as expected, returning non-NULL when casting to the real object type, and NULL when casting to a different type. ## How to use example ### Configure the project To run this example, no additional configuration is necessary. ### Build and Flash Build the project and flash it to the board, then run monitor tool to view serial output: ``` idf.py -p PORT flash monitor ``` (Replace PORT with the name of the serial port to use.) (To exit the serial monitor, type ``Ctrl-]``.) See the Getting Started Guide for full steps to configure and use ESP-IDF to build projects. ## Example Output ``` Type names of a few objects: Type name of std::cout is: std::ostream Type name of std::cin is: std::istream Type of app_main is: void () Type name of a lambda function is: app_main::{lambda(int, int)#1} Generating 5 random objects and printing their types: obj->name() is: DerivedB typeid(*obj).name() is: DerivedB dynamic_cast(obj)=0 dynamic_cast(obj)=0x3ffb7e88 obj->name() is: DerivedB typeid(*obj).name() is: DerivedB dynamic_cast(obj)=0 dynamic_cast(obj)=0x3ffb7e9c obj->name() is: DerivedA typeid(*obj).name() is: DerivedA dynamic_cast(obj)=0x3ffb7eb0 dynamic_cast(obj)=0 obj->name() is: DerivedB typeid(*obj).name() is: DerivedB dynamic_cast(obj)=0 dynamic_cast(obj)=0x3ffb7ec4 obj->name() is: DerivedA typeid(*obj).name() is: DerivedA dynamic_cast(obj)=0x3ffb7ed8 dynamic_cast(obj)=0 Example finished. ```