#!/usr/bin/env python # # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020-2024 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 # # This program creates archives compatible with ESP32-S* ROM DFU implementation. # # The archives are in CPIO format. Each file which needs to be flashed is added to the archive # as a separate file. In addition to that, a special index file, 'dfuinfo0.dat', is created. # This file must be the first one in the archive. It contains binary structures describing each # subsequent file (for example, where the file needs to be flashed/loaded). import argparse import hashlib import json import os import struct import zlib from collections import namedtuple from functools import partial try: import typing except ImportError: # Only used for type annotations pass try: from itertools import izip as zip # type: ignore except ImportError: # Python 3 pass # CPIO ("new ASCII") format related things CPIO_MAGIC = b'070701' CPIO_STRUCT = b'=6s' + b'8s' * 13 CPIOHeader = namedtuple( 'CPIOHeader', [ 'magic', 'ino', 'mode', 'uid', 'gid', 'nlink', 'mtime', 'filesize', 'devmajor', 'devminor', 'rdevmajor', 'rdevminor', 'namesize', 'check', ], ) CPIO_TRAILER = 'TRAILER!!!' def make_cpio_header( filename_len, file_len, is_trailer=False ): # type: (int, int, bool) -> CPIOHeader """ Returns CPIOHeader for the given file name and file size """ def as_hex(val): # type: (int) -> bytes return '{:08x}'.format(val).encode('ascii') hex_0 = as_hex(0) mode = hex_0 if is_trailer else as_hex(0o0100644) nlink = as_hex(1) if is_trailer else hex_0 return CPIOHeader( magic=CPIO_MAGIC, ino=hex_0, mode=mode, uid=hex_0, gid=hex_0, nlink=nlink, mtime=hex_0, filesize=as_hex(file_len), devmajor=hex_0, devminor=hex_0, rdevmajor=hex_0, rdevminor=hex_0, namesize=as_hex(filename_len), check=hex_0, ) # DFU format related things # Structure of one entry in dfuinfo0.dat DFUINFO_STRUCT = b' int """ Calculate CRC32/JAMCRC of data, with an optional initial value """ uint32_max = 0xFFFFFFFF return uint32_max - (zlib.crc32(data, crc) & uint32_max) def pad_bytes(b, multiple, padding=b'\x00'): # type: (bytes, int, bytes) -> bytes """ Pad 'b' to a length divisible by 'multiple' """ padded_len = (len(b) + multiple - 1) // multiple * multiple return b + padding * (padded_len - len(b)) def flash_size_bytes(size): # type: (str) -> int """ Given a flash size passed in args.flash_size (ie 4MB), return the size in bytes. """ try: return int(size.rstrip('MB'), 10) * 1024 * 1024 except ValueError: raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError('Unknown size {}'.format(size)) class EspDfuWriter(object): def __init__(self, dest_file, pid, part_size): # type: (typing.BinaryIO, int, int) -> None self.dest = dest_file self.pid = pid self.part_size = part_size self.entries = [] # type: typing.List[bytes] self.index = [] # type: typing.List[DFUInfo] def add_flash_params_file(self, flash_size): # type: (str) -> None """ Add a file containing flash chip parameters Corresponds to the "flashchip" data structure that the ROM has in RAM. See flash_set_parameters() in esptool.py for more info """ flash_params = FlashParamsData( ishspi=0, legacy=0, deviceId=0, # ignored chip_size=flash_size_bytes(flash_size), # flash size in bytes block_size=64 * 1024, sector_size=4 * 1024, page_size=256, status_mask=0xffff, ) data = struct.pack(FLASH_PARAMS_STRUCT, *flash_params) flags = DFU_INFO_FLAG_PARAM | DFU_INFO_FLAG_NOERASE | DFU_INFO_FLAG_IGNORE_MD5 self._add_cpio_flash_entry(FLASH_PARAMS_FILE, 0, data, flags) def add_file(self, flash_addr, path): # type: (int, str) -> None """ Add file to be written into flash at given address Files are split up into chunks in order avoid timing-out during erasing large regions. Instead of adding "app.bin" at flash_addr it will add: 1. app.bin at flash_addr # sizeof(app.bin) == self.part_size 2. app.bin.1 at flash_addr + self.part_size 3. app.bin.2 at flash_addr + 2 * self.part_size ... """ f_name = os.path.basename(path) with open(path, 'rb') as f: for i, chunk in enumerate(iter(partial(f.read, self.part_size), b'')): n = f_name if i == 0 else '.'.join([f_name, str(i)]) self._add_cpio_flash_entry(n, flash_addr, chunk) flash_addr += len(chunk) def finish(self): # type: () -> None """ Write DFU file """ # Prepare and add dfuinfo0.dat file dfuinfo = b''.join([struct.pack(DFUINFO_STRUCT, *item) for item in self.index]) self._add_cpio_entry(DFUINFO_FILE, dfuinfo, first=True) # Add CPIO archive trailer self._add_cpio_entry(CPIO_TRAILER, b'', trailer=True) # Combine all the entries and pad the file out_data = b''.join(self.entries) cpio_block_size = 10240 out_data = pad_bytes(out_data, cpio_block_size) # Add DFU suffix and CRC dfu_suffix = DFUSuffix(0xFFFF, self.pid, ESPRESSIF_VID, 0x0100, b'UFD', 16) out_data += struct.pack(DFUSUFFIX_STRUCT, *dfu_suffix) out_data += struct.pack(DFUCRC_STRUCT, dfu_crc(out_data)) # Finally write the entire binary self.dest.write(out_data) def _add_cpio_flash_entry( self, filename, flash_addr, data, flags=0 ): # type: (str, int, bytes, int) -> None md5 = hashlib.md5() md5.update(data) self.index.append( DFUInfo( address=flash_addr, flags=flags, name=filename.encode('utf-8'), md5=md5.digest(), ) ) self._add_cpio_entry(filename, data) def _add_cpio_entry( self, filename, data, first=False, trailer=False ): # type: (str, bytes, bool, bool) -> None filename_b = filename.encode('utf-8') + b'\x00' cpio_header = make_cpio_header(len(filename_b), len(data), is_trailer=trailer) entry = pad_bytes( struct.pack(CPIO_STRUCT, *cpio_header) + filename_b, 4 ) + pad_bytes(data, 4) if not first: self.entries.append(entry) else: self.entries.insert(0, entry) def action_write(args): # type: (typing.Mapping[str, typing.Any]) -> None writer = EspDfuWriter(args['output_file'], args['pid'], args['part_size']) print('Adding flash chip parameters file with flash_size = {}'.format(args['flash_size'])) writer.add_flash_params_file(args['flash_size']) for addr, f in args['files']: print('Adding {} at {:#x}'.format(f, addr)) writer.add_file(addr, f) writer.finish() print('"{}" has been written. You may proceed with DFU flashing.'.format(args['output_file'].name)) if args['part_size'] % (4 * 1024) != 0: print('WARNING: Partition size of DFU is not multiple of 4k (4096). You might get unexpected behavior.') def main(): # type: () -> None parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() # Provision to add "info" command subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(dest='command') write_parser = subparsers.add_parser('write') write_parser.add_argument('-o', '--output-file', help='Filename for storing the output DFU image', required=True, type=argparse.FileType('wb')) write_parser.add_argument('--pid', required=True, type=lambda h: int(h, 16), help='Hexa-decimal product indentificator') write_parser.add_argument('--json', help='Optional file for loading "flash_files" dictionary with
items') write_parser.add_argument('--part-size', default=os.environ.get('ESP_DFU_PART_SIZE', 512 * 1024), type=lambda x: int(x, 0), help='Larger files are split-up into smaller partitions of this size') write_parser.add_argument('files', metavar='
', help='Add at
', nargs='*') write_parser.add_argument('-fs', '--flash-size', help='SPI Flash size in MegaBytes (1MB, 2MB, 4MB, 8MB, 16MB, 32MB, 64MB, 128MB)', choices=['1MB', '2MB', '4MB', '8MB', '16MB', '32MB', '64MB', '128MB'], default='2MB') args = parser.parse_args() def check_file(file_name): # type: (str) -> str if not os.path.isfile(file_name): raise RuntimeError('{} is not a regular file!'.format(file_name)) return file_name files = [] if args.files: files += [(int(addr, 0), check_file(f_name)) for addr, f_name in zip(args.files[::2], args.files[1::2])] if args.json: json_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(args.json)) def process_json_file(path): # type: (str) -> str ''' The input path is relative to json_dir. This function makes it relative to the current working directory. ''' return check_file(os.path.relpath(os.path.join(json_dir, path), start=os.curdir)) with open(args.json, encoding='utf-8') as f: files += [(int(addr, 0), process_json_file(f_name)) for addr, f_name in json.load(f)['flash_files'].items()] files = sorted([(addr, f_name) for addr, f_name in dict(files).items()], key=lambda x: x[0]) # remove possible duplicates and sort based on the address cmd_args = {'output_file': args.output_file, 'files': files, 'pid': args.pid, 'part_size': args.part_size, 'flash_size': args.flash_size, } {'write': action_write }[args.command](cmd_args) if __name__ == '__main__': main()