 * This file is subject to the terms and conditions defined in
 * file 'LICENSE', which is part of this source code package.
 * Tuan PM <tuanpm at live dot com>


#include "esp_transport.h"

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

typedef enum ws_transport_opcodes {
} ws_transport_opcodes_t;

 * @brief      Create web socket transport
 * @return
 *  - transport
 *  - NULL
esp_transport_handle_t esp_transport_ws_init(esp_transport_handle_t parent_handle);

 * @brief       Set HTTP path to update protocol to websocket
 * @param t     websocket transport handle
 * @param path  The HTTP Path
void esp_transport_ws_set_path(esp_transport_handle_t t, const char *path);

 * @brief               Set websocket sub protocol header
 * @param t             websocket transport handle
 * @param sub_protocol  Sub protocol string
 * @return
 *      - ESP_OK on success
 *      - One of the error codes
esp_err_t esp_transport_ws_set_subprotocol(esp_transport_handle_t t, const char *sub_protocol);

 * @brief               Set websocket user-agent header
 * @param t             websocket transport handle
 * @param sub_protocol  user-agent string
 * @return
 *      - ESP_OK on success
 *      - One of the error codes
esp_err_t esp_transport_ws_set_user_agent(esp_transport_handle_t t, const char *user_agent);

 * @brief               Set websocket additional headers
 * @param t             websocket transport handle
 * @param sub_protocol  additional header strings each terminated with \r\n
 * @return
 *      - ESP_OK on success
 *      - One of the error codes
esp_err_t esp_transport_ws_set_headers(esp_transport_handle_t t, const char *headers);

 * @brief               Sends websocket raw message with custom opcode and payload
 * Note that generic esp_transport_write for ws handle sends
 * binary massages by default if size is > 0 and
 * ping message if message size is set to 0.
 * This API is provided to support explicit messages with arbitrary opcode,
 * should it be PING, PONG or TEXT message with arbitrary data.
 * @param[in]  t           Websocket transport handle
 * @param[in]  opcode      ws operation code
 * @param[in]  buffer      The buffer
 * @param[in]  len         The length
 * @param[in]  timeout_ms  The timeout milliseconds (-1 indicates block forever)
 * @return
 *  - Number of bytes was written
 *  - (-1) if there are any errors, should check errno
int esp_transport_ws_send_raw(esp_transport_handle_t t, ws_transport_opcodes_t opcode, const char *b, int len, int timeout_ms);

 * @brief               Returns websocket op-code for last received data
 * @param t             websocket transport handle
 * @return
 *      - Received op-code as enum
ws_transport_opcodes_t esp_transport_ws_get_read_opcode(esp_transport_handle_t t);

 * @brief               Returns payload length of the last received data
 * @param t             websocket transport handle
 * @return
 *      - Number of bytes in the payload
int esp_transport_ws_get_read_payload_len(esp_transport_handle_t t);

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif /* _ESP_TRANSPORT_WS_H_ */