// Copyright 2017 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) PTE LTD // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // This module implements runtime file I/O API for GCOV. #include <string.h> #include "esp_task_wdt.h" #include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h" #include "freertos/task.h" #include "freertos/semphr.h" #include "soc/cpu.h" #include "soc/timer_periph.h" #include "esp_app_trace.h" #include "esp_private/dbg_stubs.h" #include "hal/timer_ll.h" #if CONFIG_IDF_TARGET_ESP32 #include "esp32/rom/libc_stubs.h" #elif CONFIG_IDF_TARGET_ESP32S2BETA #include "esp32s2beta/rom/libc_stubs.h" #endif #if CONFIG_APPTRACE_GCOV_ENABLE #define ESP_GCOV_DOWN_BUF_SIZE 4200 #define LOG_LOCAL_LEVEL CONFIG_LOG_DEFAULT_LEVEL #include "esp_log.h" const static char *TAG = "esp_gcov_rtio"; extern void __gcov_dump(void); extern void __gcov_reset(void); static struct syscall_stub_table s_gcov_stub_table; static int gcov_stub_lock_try_acquire_recursive(_lock_t *lock) { if (*lock && uxSemaphoreGetCount((xSemaphoreHandle)(*lock)) == 0) { // we can do nothing here, gcov dump is initiated with some resource locked // which is also used by gcov functions ESP_EARLY_LOGE(TAG, "Lock 0x%x is busy during GCOV dump! System state can be inconsistent after dump!", lock); } return pdTRUE; } static void gcov_stub_lock_acquire_recursive(_lock_t *lock) { gcov_stub_lock_try_acquire_recursive(lock); } static void gcov_stub_lock_release_recursive(_lock_t *lock) { } static int esp_dbg_stub_gcov_dump_do(void) { int ret = ESP_OK; FILE* old_stderr = stderr; FILE* old_stdout = stdout; struct syscall_stub_table* old_table = syscall_table_ptr_pro; ESP_EARLY_LOGV(TAG, "Alloc apptrace down buf %d bytes", ESP_GCOV_DOWN_BUF_SIZE); void *down_buf = malloc(ESP_GCOV_DOWN_BUF_SIZE); if (down_buf == NULL) { ESP_EARLY_LOGE(TAG, "Could not allocate memory for the buffer"); return ESP_ERR_NO_MEM; } ESP_EARLY_LOGV(TAG, "Config apptrace down buf"); esp_apptrace_down_buffer_config(down_buf, ESP_GCOV_DOWN_BUF_SIZE); ESP_EARLY_LOGV(TAG, "Dump data..."); // incase of dual-core chip APP and PRO CPUs share the same table, so it is safe to save only PRO's table memcpy(&s_gcov_stub_table, old_table, sizeof(s_gcov_stub_table)); s_gcov_stub_table._lock_acquire_recursive = &gcov_stub_lock_acquire_recursive; s_gcov_stub_table._lock_release_recursive = &gcov_stub_lock_release_recursive; s_gcov_stub_table._lock_try_acquire_recursive = &gcov_stub_lock_try_acquire_recursive, syscall_table_ptr_pro = &s_gcov_stub_table; stderr = (FILE*) &__sf_fake_stderr; stdout = (FILE*) &__sf_fake_stdout; __gcov_dump(); // reset dump status to allow incremental data accumulation __gcov_reset(); stdout = old_stdout; stderr = old_stderr; syscall_table_ptr_pro = old_table; ESP_EARLY_LOGV(TAG, "Free apptrace down buf"); free(down_buf); ESP_EARLY_LOGV(TAG, "Finish file transfer session"); ret = esp_apptrace_fstop(ESP_APPTRACE_DEST_TRAX); if (ret != ESP_OK) { ESP_EARLY_LOGE(TAG, "Failed to send files transfer stop cmd (%d)!", ret); } return ret; } /** * @brief Triggers gcov info dump. * This function is to be called by OpenOCD, not by normal user code. * TODO: what about interrupted flash access (when cache disabled)??? * * @return ESP_OK on success, otherwise see esp_err_t */ static int esp_dbg_stub_gcov_entry(void) { return esp_dbg_stub_gcov_dump_do(); } int gcov_rtio_atexit(void (*function)(void) __attribute__ ((unused))) { ESP_EARLY_LOGV(TAG, "%s", __FUNCTION__); esp_dbg_stub_entry_set(ESP_DBG_STUB_ENTRY_GCOV, (uint32_t)&esp_dbg_stub_gcov_entry); return 0; } void esp_gcov_dump(void) { // disable IRQs on this CPU, other CPU is halted by OpenOCD unsigned irq_state = portENTER_CRITICAL_NESTED(); #if !CONFIG_FREERTOS_UNICORE int other_core = xPortGetCoreID() ? 0 : 1; esp_cpu_stall(other_core); #endif while (!esp_apptrace_host_is_connected(ESP_APPTRACE_DEST_TRAX)) { // to avoid complains that task watchdog got triggered for other tasks timer_ll_wdt_set_protect(&TIMERG0, false); timer_ll_wdt_feed(&TIMERG0); timer_ll_wdt_set_protect(&TIMERG0, true); // to avoid reboot on INT_WDT timer_ll_wdt_set_protect(&TIMERG1, false); timer_ll_wdt_feed(&TIMERG1); timer_ll_wdt_set_protect(&TIMERG1, true); } esp_dbg_stub_gcov_dump_do(); #if !CONFIG_FREERTOS_UNICORE esp_cpu_unstall(other_core); #endif portEXIT_CRITICAL_NESTED(irq_state); } void *gcov_rtio_fopen(const char *path, const char *mode) { ESP_EARLY_LOGV(TAG, "%s '%s' '%s'", __FUNCTION__, path, mode); return esp_apptrace_fopen(ESP_APPTRACE_DEST_TRAX, path, mode); } int gcov_rtio_fclose(void *stream) { ESP_EARLY_LOGV(TAG, "%s", __FUNCTION__); return esp_apptrace_fclose(ESP_APPTRACE_DEST_TRAX, stream); } size_t gcov_rtio_fread(void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void *stream) { ESP_EARLY_LOGV(TAG, "%s read %u", __FUNCTION__, size*nmemb); size_t sz = esp_apptrace_fread(ESP_APPTRACE_DEST_TRAX, ptr, size, nmemb, stream); ESP_EARLY_LOGV(TAG, "%s actually read %u", __FUNCTION__, sz); return sz; } size_t gcov_rtio_fwrite(const void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void *stream) { ESP_EARLY_LOGV(TAG, "%s", __FUNCTION__); return esp_apptrace_fwrite(ESP_APPTRACE_DEST_TRAX, ptr, size, nmemb, stream); } int gcov_rtio_fseek(void *stream, long offset, int whence) { int ret = esp_apptrace_fseek(ESP_APPTRACE_DEST_TRAX, stream, offset, whence); ESP_EARLY_LOGV(TAG, "%s(%p %ld %d) = %d", __FUNCTION__, stream, offset, whence, ret); return ret; } long gcov_rtio_ftell(void *stream) { long ret = esp_apptrace_ftell(ESP_APPTRACE_DEST_TRAX, stream); ESP_EARLY_LOGV(TAG, "%s(%p) = %ld", __FUNCTION__, stream, ret); return ret; } #endif