_Note that this is a template for an ESP-IDF example README.md file. When using this template, replace all these emphasised placeholders with example-specific content._

# _Example Title_

(See the README.md file in the upper level 'examples' directory for more information about examples.)

_What is this example? What does it do?_

_What features of ESP-IDF does it use?_

_What could someone create based on this example? ie applications/use cases/etc_

_If there are any acronyms or Espressif-only words used here, explain them or mention where in the datasheet/TRM this information can be found._

## How to use example

### Hardware Required

_If possible, example should be able to run on any commonly available ESP32 development board. Otherwise, describe what specific hardware should be used._

_If any other items (server, BLE device, app, second chip, whatever) are needed, mention them here. Include links if applicable. Explain how to set them up._

### Configure the project

make menuconfig

* Set serial port under Serial Flasher Options.

* _If there is any menuconfig configuration that the user user must set for this example, mention this here._

### Build and Flash

Build the project and flash it to the board, then run monitor tool to view serial output:

make -j4 flash monitor

(To exit the serial monitor, type ``Ctrl-]``.)

See the Getting Started Guide for full steps to configure and use ESP-IDF to build projects.

## Example Output

_Include an example of the console output from the running example, here:_

Use this style for pasting the log.

_If the user is supposed to interact with the example at this point (read/write GATT attribute, send HTTP request, press button, etc. then mention it here)_

_For examples where ESP32 is connected  with some other hardware, include a table or schematics with connection details._

## Troubleshooting

_If there are any likely problems or errors which many users might encounter, mention them here. Remove this section for very simple examples where nothing is likely to go wrong._