# Set some global esptool.py variables # # Many of these are read when generating flash_app_args & flash_project_args idf_build_get_property(target IDF_TARGET) idf_build_get_property(python PYTHON) idf_build_get_property(idf_path IDF_PATH) set(chip_model ${target}) # TODO: [ESP32C5] IDF-9197 remove this 'if' block when esp32C5 beta3 is no longer supported if(target STREQUAL "esp32c5") if(CONFIG_IDF_TARGET_ESP32C5_BETA3_VERSION) set(chip_model esp32c5beta3) elseif(CONFIG_IDF_TARGET_ESP32C5_MP_VERSION) set(chip_model esp32c5) endif() endif() set(ESPTOOLPY ${python} "$ENV{ESPTOOL_WRAPPER}" "${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/esptool/esptool.py" --chip ${chip_model}) set(ESPSECUREPY ${python} "${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/esptool/espsecure.py") set(ESPEFUSEPY ${python} "${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/esptool/espefuse.py") set(ESPMONITOR ${python} -m esp_idf_monitor) set(ESPTOOLPY_CHIP "${chip_model}") if(NOT CONFIG_APP_BUILD_TYPE_RAM AND CONFIG_APP_BUILD_GENERATE_BINARIES) if(CONFIG_BOOTLOADER_FLASH_DC_AWARE) # When set flash frequency to 120M, must keep 1st bootloader work under ``DOUT`` mode # because on some flash chips, 120M will modify the status register, # which will make ROM won't work. # This change intends to be for esptool only and the bootloader should keep use # ``DOUT`` mode. set(ESPFLASHMODE "dout") message("Note: HPM is enabled for the flash, force the ROM bootloader into DOUT mode for stable boot on") else() set(ESPFLASHMODE ${CONFIG_ESPTOOLPY_FLASHMODE}) endif() set(ESPFLASHFREQ ${CONFIG_ESPTOOLPY_FLASHFREQ}) set(ESPFLASHSIZE ${CONFIG_ESPTOOLPY_FLASHSIZE}) set(esptool_elf2image_args --flash_mode ${ESPFLASHMODE} --flash_freq ${ESPFLASHFREQ} --flash_size ${ESPFLASHSIZE} ) if(BOOTLOADER_BUILD AND CONFIG_SECURE_BOOT_V2_ENABLED) # The bootloader binary needs to be 4KB aligned in order to append a secure boot V2 signature block. # If CONFIG_SECURE_BOOT_BUILD_SIGNED_BINARIES is NOT set, the bootloader # image generated is not 4KB aligned for external HSM to sign it readily. # Following esptool option --pad-to-size 4KB generates a 4K aligned bootloader image. # In case of signing during build, espsecure.py "sign_data" operation handles the 4K alignment of the image. if(NOT CONFIG_SECURE_BOOT_BUILD_SIGNED_BINARIES) list(APPEND esptool_elf2image_args --pad-to-size 4KB) endif() endif() set(MMU_PAGE_SIZE ${CONFIG_MMU_PAGE_MODE}) if(NOT BOOTLOADER_BUILD) list(APPEND esptool_elf2image_args --elf-sha256-offset 0xb0) # For chips that support configurable MMU page size feature # If page size is configured to values other than the default "64KB" in menuconfig, # then we need to pass the actual size to flash-mmu-page-size arg if(NOT MMU_PAGE_SIZE STREQUAL "64KB") list(APPEND esptool_elf2image_args --flash-mmu-page-size ${MMU_PAGE_SIZE}) endif() endif() if(NOT CONFIG_SECURE_BOOT_ALLOW_SHORT_APP_PARTITION AND NOT BOOTLOADER_BUILD) if(CONFIG_SECURE_SIGNED_APPS_ECDSA_SCHEME) list(APPEND esptool_elf2image_args --secure-pad) elseif(CONFIG_SECURE_SIGNED_APPS_RSA_SCHEME OR CONFIG_SECURE_SIGNED_APPS_ECDSA_V2_SCHEME) list(APPEND esptool_elf2image_args --secure-pad-v2) endif() endif() if(CONFIG_ESPTOOLPY_HEADER_FLASHSIZE_UPDATE) # Set ESPFLASHSIZE to 'detect' *after* esptool_elf2image_args are generated, # as elf2image can't have 'detect' as an option... set(ESPFLASHSIZE detect) endif() if(CONFIG_SECURE_SIGNED_APPS_RSA_SCHEME) set(ESPFLASHSIZE keep) endif() endif() # We still set "--min-rev" to keep the app compatible with older bootloaders where this field is controlled. if(CONFIG_IDF_TARGET_ESP32) # for this chip min_rev is major revision math(EXPR min_rev "${CONFIG_ESP_REV_MIN_FULL} / 100") endif() if(CONFIG_IDF_TARGET_ESP32C3) # for this chip min_rev is minor revision math(EXPR min_rev "${CONFIG_ESP_REV_MIN_FULL} % 100") endif() if(min_rev) list(APPEND esptool_elf2image_args --min-rev ${min_rev}) endif() list(APPEND esptool_elf2image_args --min-rev-full ${CONFIG_ESP_REV_MIN_FULL}) list(APPEND esptool_elf2image_args --max-rev-full ${CONFIG_ESP_REV_MAX_FULL}) if(CONFIG_ESPTOOLPY_HEADER_FLASHSIZE_UPDATE) # Set ESPFLASHSIZE to 'detect' *after* esptool_elf2image_args are generated, # as elf2image can't have 'detect' as an option... set(ESPFLASHSIZE detect) endif() if(CONFIG_SECURE_SIGNED_APPS_RSA_SCHEME) set(ESPFLASHSIZE keep) endif() idf_build_get_property(build_dir BUILD_DIR) idf_build_get_property(elf_name EXECUTABLE_NAME GENERATOR_EXPRESSION) idf_build_get_property(elf EXECUTABLE GENERATOR_EXPRESSION) if(CONFIG_SECURE_BOOT_BUILD_SIGNED_BINARIES AND NOT BOOTLOADER_BUILD) set(unsigned_project_binary "${elf_name}-unsigned.bin") else() set(unsigned_project_binary "${elf_name}.bin") endif() set(PROJECT_BIN "${elf_name}.bin") # # Add 'app.bin' target - generates with elf2image # if(CONFIG_APP_BUILD_GENERATE_BINARIES) add_custom_command(OUTPUT "${build_dir}/.bin_timestamp" COMMAND ${ESPTOOLPY} elf2image ${esptool_elf2image_args} -o "${build_dir}/${unsigned_project_binary}" "$>" COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E echo "Generated ${build_dir}/${unsigned_project_binary}" COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E md5sum "${build_dir}/${unsigned_project_binary}" > "${build_dir}/.bin_timestamp" DEPENDS "$>" VERBATIM WORKING_DIRECTORY ${build_dir} COMMENT "Generating binary image from built executable" ) add_custom_target(gen_project_binary DEPENDS "${build_dir}/.bin_timestamp") endif() set_property(DIRECTORY "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}" APPEND PROPERTY ADDITIONAL_CLEAN_FILES "${build_dir}/${unsigned_project_binary}" ) if(CONFIG_APP_BUILD_GENERATE_BINARIES) add_custom_target(app ALL DEPENDS gen_project_binary) endif() if(CONFIG_SECURE_SIGNED_APPS_ECDSA_SCHEME) set(secure_boot_version "1") elseif(CONFIG_SECURE_SIGNED_APPS_RSA_SCHEME OR CONFIG_SECURE_SIGNED_APPS_ECDSA_V2_SCHEME) set(secure_boot_version "2") endif() if(NOT BOOTLOADER_BUILD AND CONFIG_SECURE_SIGNED_APPS) if(CONFIG_SECURE_BOOT_BUILD_SIGNED_BINARIES) # for locally signed secure boot image, add a signing step to get from unsigned app to signed app get_filename_component(secure_boot_signing_key "${CONFIG_SECURE_BOOT_SIGNING_KEY}" ABSOLUTE BASE_DIR "${project_dir}") add_custom_command(OUTPUT "${build_dir}/.signed_bin_timestamp" COMMAND ${ESPSECUREPY} sign_data --version ${secure_boot_version} --keyfile ${secure_boot_signing_key} -o "${build_dir}/${PROJECT_BIN}" "${build_dir}/${unsigned_project_binary}" COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E echo "Generated signed binary image ${build_dir}/${PROJECT_BIN}" "from ${build_dir}/${unsigned_project_binary}" COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E md5sum "${build_dir}/${PROJECT_BIN}" > "${build_dir}/.signed_bin_timestamp" DEPENDS "${build_dir}/.bin_timestamp" VERBATIM COMMENT "Generating signed binary image" ) add_custom_target(gen_signed_project_binary DEPENDS "${build_dir}/.signed_bin_timestamp") add_dependencies(gen_project_binary gen_signed_project_binary) set_property(DIRECTORY "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}" APPEND PROPERTY ADDITIONAL_CLEAN_FILES "${build_dir}/${PROJECT_BIN}" ) else() string(REPLACE ";" " " espsecurepy "${ESPSECUREPY}") add_custom_command(TARGET app POST_BUILD COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E echo "App built but not signed. Sign app before flashing" COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E echo "\t${espsecurepy} sign_data --keyfile KEYFILE --version ${secure_boot_version} \ ${build_dir}/${PROJECT_BIN}" VERBATIM) endif() endif() add_custom_target(erase_flash COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -D "IDF_PATH=${idf_path}" -D "SERIAL_TOOL=${ESPTOOLPY}" -D "SERIAL_TOOL_ARGS=erase_flash" -P run_serial_tool.cmake WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR} USES_TERMINAL VERBATIM ) set(MERGE_BIN_ARGS merge_bin) if(DEFINED ENV{ESP_MERGE_BIN_OUTPUT}) list(APPEND MERGE_BIN_ARGS "-o" "$ENV{ESP_MERGE_BIN_OUTPUT}") else() if(DEFINED ENV{ESP_MERGE_BIN_FORMAT} AND "$ENV{ESP_MERGE_BIN_FORMAT}" STREQUAL "hex") list(APPEND MERGE_BIN_ARGS "-o" "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/merged-binary.hex") else() list(APPEND MERGE_BIN_ARGS "-o" "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/merged-binary.bin") endif() endif() if(DEFINED ENV{ESP_MERGE_BIN_FORMAT}) list(APPEND MERGE_BIN_ARGS "-f" "$ENV{ESP_MERGE_BIN_FORMAT}") endif() list(APPEND MERGE_BIN_ARGS "@${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/flash_args") add_custom_target(merge-bin COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -D "IDF_PATH=${idf_path}" -D "SERIAL_TOOL=${ESPTOOLPY}" -D "SERIAL_TOOL_ARGS=${MERGE_BIN_ARGS}" -D "WORKING_DIRECTORY=${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}" -P run_serial_tool.cmake WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR} DEPENDS gen_project_binary bootloader USES_TERMINAL VERBATIM ) set(MONITOR_ARGS "") list(APPEND MONITOR_ARGS "--toolchain-prefix;${_CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_PREFIX};") if(CONFIG_ESP_COREDUMP_DECODE) list(APPEND MONITOR_ARGS "--decode-coredumps;${CONFIG_ESP_COREDUMP_DECODE};") endif() list(APPEND MONITOR_ARGS "--target;${target};") list(APPEND MONITOR_ARGS "--revision;${CONFIG_ESP_REV_MIN_FULL};") if(CONFIG_IDF_TARGET_ARCH_RISCV) list(APPEND MONITOR_ARGS "--decode-panic;backtrace;") endif() list(APPEND MONITOR_ARGS "$>") add_custom_target(monitor COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -D "IDF_PATH=${idf_path}" -D "SERIAL_TOOL=${ESPMONITOR}" -D "SERIAL_TOOL_ARGS=${MONITOR_ARGS}" -D "WORKING_DIRECTORY=${build_dir}" -P run_serial_tool.cmake WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR} USES_TERMINAL VERBATIM ) set(esptool_flash_main_args "--before=${CONFIG_ESPTOOLPY_BEFORE}") if(CONFIG_SECURE_BOOT OR CONFIG_SECURE_FLASH_ENC_ENABLED) # If security enabled then override post flash option list(APPEND esptool_flash_main_args "--after=no_reset") else() list(APPEND esptool_flash_main_args "--after=${CONFIG_ESPTOOLPY_AFTER}") endif() if(CONFIG_ESPTOOLPY_NO_STUB) list(APPEND esptool_flash_main_args "--no-stub") endif() idf_component_set_property(esptool_py FLASH_ARGS "${esptool_flash_main_args}") idf_component_set_property(esptool_py FLASH_SUB_ARGS "--flash_mode ${ESPFLASHMODE} --flash_freq ${ESPFLASHFREQ} \ --flash_size ${ESPFLASHSIZE}") function(esptool_py_partition_needs_encryption retencrypted partition_name) # Check if encryption is enabled if(CONFIG_SECURE_FLASH_ENCRYPTION_MODE_DEVELOPMENT) # Encryption is enabled, get partition type, subtype and encrypted flag # to determine whether it needs encryption or not. partition_table_get_partition_info(type "--partition-name ${partition_name}" "type") partition_table_get_partition_info(subtype "--partition-name ${partition_name}" "subtype") partition_table_get_partition_info(encrypted "--partition-name ${partition_name}" "encrypted") # As defined in gen_esp32part.py file: # Types: # - APP 0x00 # - DATA 0x01 # Subtypes: # - ota 0x00 # - nvs_keys 0x04 # If the partition is an app, an OTA or an NVS keys partition, then it should # be encrypted if( (${type} EQUAL 0) OR (${type} EQUAL 1 AND ${subtype} EQUAL 0) OR (${type} EQUAL 1 AND ${subtype} EQUAL 4) ) set(encrypted TRUE) endif() # Return 'encrypted' value to the caller set(${retencrypted} ${encrypted} PARENT_SCOPE) else() # Encryption not enabled, return false set(${retencrypted} FALSE PARENT_SCOPE) endif() endfunction() function(esptool_py_flash_to_partition target_name partition_name binary_path) # Retrieve the offset for the partition to flash the image on partition_table_get_partition_info(offset "--partition-name ${partition_name}" "offset") if(NOT offset) message(FATAL_ERROR "Could not find offset of partition ${partition_name}") endif() # Check whether the partition needs encryption or not esptool_py_partition_needs_encryption(encrypted ${partition_name}) # If the image should not be encrypted, we pass the option # ALWAYS_PLAINTEXT to the function esptool_py_flash_target_image if(NOT ${encrypted}) set(option ALWAYS_PLAINTEXT) endif() # The image name is also the partition name esptool_py_flash_target_image(${target_name} ${partition_name} ${offset} ${binary_path} ${option}) endfunction() # This function takes a fifth optional named parameter: "ALWAYS_PLAINTEXT". As # its name states, it marks whether the image should be flashed as plain text or # not. If build macro CONFIG_SECURE_FLASH_ENCRYPTION_MODE_DEVELOPMENT is set and # this parameter is provided, then the image will be flashed as plain text # (not encrypted) on the target. This parameter will be ignored if build macro # CONFIG_SECURE_FLASH_ENCRYPTION_MODE_DEVELOPMENT is not set. function(esptool_py_flash_target_image target_name image_name offset image) set(options ALWAYS_PLAINTEXT) idf_build_get_property(build_dir BUILD_DIR) file(RELATIVE_PATH image ${build_dir} ${image}) cmake_parse_arguments(arg "${options}" "" "" "${ARGN}") # Check if the image has to be plain text or not, depending on the macro # CONFIG_SECURE_FLASH_ENCRYPTION_MODE_DEVELOPMENT and the parameter # ALWAYS_PLAINTEXT set(encrypted false) if(CONFIG_SECURE_FLASH_ENCRYPTION_MODE_DEVELOPMENT AND NOT arg_ALWAYS_PLAINTEXT) set(encrypted true) endif() # In the following snippet of code, some properties are defined for our # current target. These properties will be used to generate the actual # target_name_args files using the target_name_args.in files. # Please see function esptool_py_flash_target above for more information # about these properties and how they are used. # Add the image file, with its offset, to the list of files to # flash to the target. No matter whether flash encryption is # enabled or not, plain binaries (non-encrypted) need to be # generated set_property(TARGET ${target_name} APPEND PROPERTY FLASH_FILE "\"${offset}\" : \"${image}\"") set_property(TARGET ${target_name} APPEND PROPERTY FLASH_ENTRY "\"${image_name}\" : { \"offset\" : \"${offset}\", \"file\" : \"${image}\",\ \"encrypted\" : \"${encrypted}\" }") set_property(TARGET ${target_name} APPEND PROPERTY IMAGES "${offset} ${image}") if(CONFIG_SECURE_FLASH_ENCRYPTION_MODE_DEVELOPMENT) # When flash encryption mode is enabled, if the current binary needs to # be encrypted, do the same as previously but prefixing target names # with "encrypted-". if(encrypted) set_property(TARGET encrypted-${target_name} APPEND PROPERTY FLASH_FILE "\"${offset}\" : \"${image}\"") set_property(TARGET encrypted-${target_name} APPEND PROPERTY FLASH_ENTRY "\"${image_name}\" : { \"offset\" : \"${offset}\", \"file\" : \"${image}\" , \ \"encrypted\" : \"${encrypted}\" }") set_property(TARGET encrypted-${target_name} APPEND PROPERTY ENCRYPTED_IMAGES "${offset} ${image}") else() # The target doesn't need to be encrypted, thus, add the current # file to the NON_ENCRYPTED_IMAGES property set_property(TARGET encrypted-${target_name} APPEND PROPERTY NON_ENCRYPTED_IMAGES "${offset} ${image}") endif() endif() endfunction() function(esptool_py_flash_target target_name main_args sub_args) set(single_value OFFSET IMAGE) # template file to use to be able to # flash the image individually using esptool set(options ALWAYS_PLAINTEXT) cmake_parse_arguments(_ "${options}" "${single_value}" "" "${ARGN}") idf_build_get_property(idf_path IDF_PATH) idf_build_get_property(build_dir BUILD_DIR) idf_component_get_property(esptool_py_dir esptool_py COMPONENT_DIR) add_custom_target(${target_name} COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -D "IDF_PATH=${idf_path}" -D "SERIAL_TOOL=${ESPTOOLPY}" -D "SERIAL_TOOL_ARGS=${main_args};write_flash;@${target_name}_args" -D "WORKING_DIRECTORY=${build_dir}" -P ${esptool_py_dir}/run_serial_tool.cmake WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR} USES_TERMINAL VERBATIM ) set_target_properties(${target_name} PROPERTIES SUB_ARGS "${sub_args}") # Create the expression that contains the list of file names to pass # to esptool script set(flash_args_content "$, >\n\ $,\n>") # Write the previous expression to the target_name_args.in file file(GENERATE OUTPUT "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${target_name}_args.in" CONTENT "${flash_args_content}") # Generate the actual expression value from the content of the file # we just wrote file(GENERATE OUTPUT "${build_dir}/${target_name}_args" INPUT "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${target_name}_args.in") # Check if the target has to be plain text or not, depending on the macro # CONFIG_SECURE_FLASH_ENCRYPTION_MODE_DEVELOPMENT and the parameter # ALWAYS_PLAINTEXT set(encrypted FALSE) if(CONFIG_SECURE_FLASH_ENCRYPTION_MODE_DEVELOPMENT AND NOT __ALWAYS_PLAINTEXT) set(encrypted TRUE) endif() # If the file needs to be encrypted, create a target file that lets the user # flash this partition independently from other files. # For example, if 'target_name' is app-flash and 'encrypted' is TRUE, # 'build' directory will contain a file name 'encrypted_app-flash_args' if(${encrypted}) add_custom_target(encrypted-${target_name} COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -D "IDF_PATH=${idf_path}" -D "SERIAL_TOOL=${ESPTOOLPY}" -D "SERIAL_TOOL_ARGS=${main_args};write_flash;@encrypted_${target_name}_args" -D "WORKING_DIRECTORY=${build_dir}" -P ${esptool_py_dir}/run_serial_tool.cmake WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR} USES_TERMINAL VERBATIM ) # Generate the parameters for esptool.py command # In case we have both non encrypted and encrypted files to flash, we # can use --encrypt-files parameter to specify which ones should be # encrypted. # If we only have encrypted images to flash, we must use legacy # --encrypt parameter. # As the properties ENCRYPTED_IMAGES and NON_ENCRYPTED_IMAGES have not # been generated yet, we must use CMake expression generator to test # which esptool.py options we can use. # The variable has_non_encrypted_image will be evaluated to "1" if some # images must not be encrypted. This variable will be used in the next # expression set(has_non_encrypted_images "$>") # Prepare esptool arguments (--encrypt or --encrypt-files) set(if_non_enc_expr "$") set_target_properties(encrypted-${target_name} PROPERTIES SUB_ARGS "${sub_args}; ${if_non_enc_expr}") # Generate the list of files to pass to esptool set(encrypted_files "$,\n>") set(non_encrypted_files "$,\n>") # Put both lists together, use --encrypted-files if we do also have # plain images to flash set(if_enc_expr "$") set(flash_args_content "$, >\ ${non_encrypted_files}\n\ ${if_enc_expr}\ ${encrypted_files}") # The expression is ready to be generated, write it to the file which # extension is .in file_generate("${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/encrypted_${target_name}_args.in" CONTENT "${flash_args_content}") # Generate the actual string from the content of the file we just wrote file_generate("${build_dir}/encrypted_${target_name}_args" INPUT "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/encrypted_${target_name}_args.in") else() fail_target(encrypted-${target_name} "Error: The target encrypted-${target_name} requires" "CONFIG_SECURE_FLASH_ENCRYPTION_MODE_DEVELOPMENT to be enabled.") endif() endfunction() function(esptool_py_custom_target target_name flasher_filename dependencies) idf_component_get_property(main_args esptool_py FLASH_ARGS) idf_component_get_property(sub_args esptool_py FLASH_SUB_ARGS) idf_build_get_property(build_dir BUILD_DIR) esptool_py_flash_target(${target_name} "${main_args}" "${sub_args}") # Copy the file to flash_xxx_args for compatibility for select target file_generate("${build_dir}/flash_${flasher_filename}_args" INPUT "${build_dir}/${target_name}_args") add_dependencies(${target_name} ${dependencies}) if(CONFIG_SECURE_FLASH_ENCRYPTION_MODE_DEVELOPMENT) file_generate("${build_dir}/flash_encrypted_${flasher_filename}_args" INPUT "${build_dir}/encrypted_${target_name}_args") add_dependencies(encrypted-${target_name} ${dependencies}) endif() endfunction() if(NOT BOOTLOADER_BUILD) set(flash_deps "") if(CONFIG_APP_BUILD_TYPE_APP_2NDBOOT) list(APPEND flash_deps "partition_table_bin") endif() if(CONFIG_APP_BUILD_GENERATE_BINARIES) list(APPEND flash_deps "app") endif() if(CONFIG_APP_BUILD_BOOTLOADER) list(APPEND flash_deps "bootloader") endif() esptool_py_custom_target(flash project "${flash_deps}") endif() # Adds espefuse functions for global use idf_component_get_property(esptool_py_dir esptool_py COMPONENT_DIR) include(${esptool_py_dir}/espefuse.cmake)