 * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022-2023 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

#pragma once

#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h"
#include "esp_err.h"
#include "esp_netif_types.h"

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

 * @brief SNTP API for underlying TCP/IP stack

/** @addtogroup ESP_NETIF_SNTP_API
 * @{

 * @brief Time sync notification function
typedef void (*esp_sntp_time_cb_t)(struct timeval *tv);

 * @brief Utility macro for providing multiple servers in parentheses
#define ESP_SNTP_SERVER_LIST(...)   { __VA_ARGS__ }

 * @brief Default configuration to init SNTP with multiple servers
 * @param servers_in_list Number of servers in the list
 * @param list_of_servers List of servers (use ESP_SNTP_SERVER_LIST(...))
#define ESP_NETIF_SNTP_DEFAULT_CONFIG_MULTIPLE(servers_in_list, list_of_servers)   {   \
            .smooth_sync = false,                       \
            .server_from_dhcp = false,                  \
            .wait_for_sync = true,                      \
            .start = true,                              \
            .sync_cb = NULL,                            \
            .renew_servers_after_new_IP = false,        \
            .ip_event_to_renew = IP_EVENT_STA_GOT_IP,   \
            .index_of_first_server = 0,                 \
            .num_of_servers = (servers_in_list),        \
            .servers = list_of_servers,                 \

 * @brief Default configuration with a single server

 * @brief SNTP configuration struct
typedef struct esp_sntp_config {
    bool smooth_sync;              ///< set to true if smooth sync required
    bool server_from_dhcp;         ///< set to true to request NTP server config from DHCP
    bool wait_for_sync;            ///< if true, we create a semaphore to signal time sync event
    bool start;                    ///< set to true to automatically start the SNTP service
    esp_sntp_time_cb_t sync_cb;    ///< optionally sets callback function on time sync event
    bool renew_servers_after_new_IP; ///< this is used to refresh server list if NTP provided by DHCP (which cleans other pre-configured servers)
    ip_event_t ip_event_to_renew;  ///< set the IP event id on which we refresh server list (if renew_servers_after_new_IP=true)
    size_t index_of_first_server;  ///< refresh server list after this server (if renew_servers_after_new_IP=true)
    size_t num_of_servers;         ///< number of preconfigured NTP servers
    const char* servers[CONFIG_LWIP_SNTP_MAX_SERVERS]; ///< list of servers
} esp_sntp_config_t;

 * @brief Initialize SNTP with supplied config struct
 * @param config Config struct
 * @return ESP_OK on success
esp_err_t esp_netif_sntp_init(const esp_sntp_config_t * config);

 * @brief Start SNTP service
 *          if it wasn't started during init (config.start = false)
 *          or restart it if already started
 * @return ESP_OK on success
esp_err_t esp_netif_sntp_start(void);

 * @brief Deinitialize esp_netif SNTP module
void esp_netif_sntp_deinit(void);

 * @brief Wait for time sync event
 * @param tout Specified timeout in RTOS ticks
 * @return ESP_TIMEOUT if sync event didn't came withing the timeout
 *         ESP_ERR_NOT_FINISHED if the sync event came, but we're in smooth update mode and still in progress (SNTP_SYNC_STATUS_IN_PROGRESS)
 *         ESP_OK if time sync'ed
esp_err_t esp_netif_sntp_sync_wait(TickType_t tout);

 * @}

#ifdef __cplusplus