 *  Copyright (C) 2009-2013 Broadcom Corporation
 *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 *  You may obtain a copy of the License at:
 *  http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 *  limitations under the License.

#ifndef GAP_API_H
#define GAP_API_H

#include "sdpdefs.h"
#include "profiles_api.h"
#include "btm_api.h"
#include "l2c_api.h"

**  Constants
/*** GAP Error and Status Codes ***/
#define GAP_UNSUPPORTED     (GAP_ERR_GRP + 0x01)    /* Unsupported call */
#define GAP_EOINQDB         (GAP_ERR_GRP + 0x02)    /* End of inquiry database marker */
#define GAP_ERR_BUSY        (GAP_ERR_GRP + 0x03)    /* The requested function was busy */
#define GAP_ERR_NO_CTRL_BLK (GAP_ERR_GRP + 0x04)    /* No control blocks available */
#define GAP_ERR_STARTING_CMD (GAP_ERR_GRP + 0x05)   /* Error occurred while initiating the command */
#define GAP_NO_BDADDR_REC   (GAP_ERR_GRP + 0x06)    /* No Inquiry DB record for BD_ADDR */
#define GAP_ERR_ILL_MODE    (GAP_ERR_GRP + 0x07)    /* An illegal mode parameter was detected */
#define GAP_ERR_ILL_INQ_TIME (GAP_ERR_GRP + 0x08)   /* An illegal time parameter was detected */
#define GAP_ERR_ILL_PARM     (GAP_ERR_GRP + 0x09)   /* An illegal parameter was detected */
#define GAP_ERR_REM_NAME    (GAP_ERR_GRP + 0x0a)    /* Error starting the remote device name request */
#define GAP_CMD_INITIATED   (GAP_ERR_GRP + 0x0b)    /* The GAP command was started (result pending) */
#define GAP_DEVICE_NOT_UP   (GAP_ERR_GRP + 0x0c)    /* The device was not up; the request was not executed */
#define GAP_BAD_BD_ADDR     (GAP_ERR_GRP + 0x0d)    /* The bd addr passed in was not found or invalid */

#define GAP_ERR_BAD_HANDLE  (GAP_ERR_GRP + 0x0e)    /* Bad GAP handle                       */
#define GAP_ERR_BUF_OFFSET  (GAP_ERR_GRP + 0x0f)    /* Buffer offset invalid                */
#define GAP_ERR_BAD_STATE   (GAP_ERR_GRP + 0x10)    /* Connection is in invalid state       */
#define GAP_NO_DATA_AVAIL   (GAP_ERR_GRP + 0x11)    /* No data available                    */
#define GAP_ERR_CONGESTED   (GAP_ERR_GRP + 0x12)    /* BT stack is congested                */
#define GAP_ERR_SECURITY    (GAP_ERR_GRP + 0x13)    /* Security failed                      */

#define GAP_ERR_PROCESSING  (GAP_ERR_GRP + 0x14)    /* General error processing BTM request */
#define GAP_ERR_TIMEOUT     (GAP_ERR_GRP + 0x15)    /* Timeout occurred while processing cmd */
#define GAP_EVT_CONN_OPENED         0x0100
#define GAP_EVT_CONN_CLOSED         0x0101
#define GAP_EVT_CONN_DATA_AVAIL     0x0102
#define GAP_EVT_CONN_CONGESTED      0x0103
#define GAP_EVT_CONN_UNCONGESTED    0x0104
/* Values for 'chan_mode_mask' field */
/* GAP_ConnOpen() - optional channels to negotiate */
/*** used in connection variables and functions ***/

/* This is used to change the criteria for AMP  */



#define  GAP_PREFER_CONN_LATENCY         0

#define  GAP_PREFER_CONN_SP_TOUT         2000

**  Type Definitions
** Callback function for connection services
typedef void (tGAP_CONN_CALLBACK) (UINT16 gap_handle, UINT16 event);

** Define the callback function prototypes.  Parameters are specific
** to each event and are described below
typedef void (tGAP_CALLBACK) (UINT16 event, void *p_data);

/* Definition of the GAP_FindAddrByName results structure */
typedef struct {
    UINT16       status;
    BD_ADDR      bd_addr;
    tBTM_BD_NAME devname;

typedef struct {
    UINT16      int_min;
    UINT16      int_max;
    UINT16      latency;
    UINT16      sp_tout;

typedef union {
    tGAP_BLE_PREF_PARAM     conn_param;
    BD_ADDR                 reconn_bda;
    UINT16                  icon;
    UINT8                   *p_dev_name;
    UINT8                   addr_resolution;


typedef void (tGAP_BLE_CMPL_CBACK)(BOOLEAN status, BD_ADDR addr, UINT16 length, char *p_name);

**  External Function Declarations

/*** Functions for L2CAP connection interface ***/

** Function         GAP_ConnOpen
** Description      This function is called to open a generic L2CAP connection.
** Returns          handle of the connection if successful, else GAP_INVALID_HANDLE
extern UINT16 GAP_ConnOpen (char *p_serv_name, UINT8 service_id, BOOLEAN is_server,
                            BD_ADDR p_rem_bda, UINT16 psm, tL2CAP_CFG_INFO *p_cfg,
                            tL2CAP_ERTM_INFO *ertm_info,
                            UINT16 security, UINT8 chan_mode_mask, tGAP_CONN_CALLBACK *p_cb);

** Function         GAP_ConnClose
** Description      This function is called to close a connection.
** Returns          BT_PASS             - closed OK
**                  GAP_ERR_BAD_HANDLE  - invalid handle
extern UINT16 GAP_ConnClose (UINT16 gap_handle);

** Function         GAP_ConnReadData
** Description      GKI buffer unaware application will call this function
**                  after receiving GAP_EVT_RXDATA event. A data copy is made
**                  into the receive buffer parameter.
** Returns          BT_PASS             - data read
**                  GAP_ERR_BAD_HANDLE  - invalid handle
**                  GAP_NO_DATA_AVAIL   - no data available
extern UINT16 GAP_ConnReadData (UINT16 gap_handle, UINT8 *p_data,
                                UINT16 max_len, UINT16 *p_len);

** Function         GAP_GetRxQueueCnt
** Description      This function return number of bytes on the rx queue.
** Parameters:      handle     - Handle returned in the GAP_ConnOpen
**                  p_rx_queue_count - Pointer to return queue count in.
extern int GAP_GetRxQueueCnt (UINT16 handle, UINT32 *p_rx_queue_count);

** Function         GAP_ConnBTRead
** Description      GKI buffer aware applications will call this function after
**                  receiving an GAP_EVT_RXDATA event to process the incoming
**                  data buffer.
** Returns          BT_PASS             - data read
**                  GAP_ERR_BAD_HANDLE  - invalid handle
**                  GAP_NO_DATA_AVAIL   - no data available
extern UINT16 GAP_ConnBTRead (UINT16 gap_handle, BT_HDR **pp_buf);

** Function         GAP_ConnBTWrite
** Description      GKI buffer aware applications can call this function to write data
**                  by passing a pointer to the GKI buffer of data.
** Returns          BT_PASS                 - data read
**                  GAP_ERR_BAD_HANDLE      - invalid handle
**                  GAP_ERR_BAD_STATE       - connection not established
**                  GAP_INVALID_BUF_OFFSET  - buffer offset is invalid
extern UINT16 GAP_ConnBTWrite (UINT16 gap_handle, BT_HDR *p_buf);

** Function         GAP_ConnWriteData
** Description      GKI buffer unaware application will call this function
**                  to send data to the connection. A data copy is made into a GKI
**                  buffer.
** Returns          BT_PASS                 - data read
**                  GAP_ERR_BAD_HANDLE      - invalid handle
**                  GAP_ERR_BAD_STATE       - connection not established
**                  GAP_CONGESTION          - system is congested
extern UINT16 GAP_ConnWriteData (UINT16 gap_handle, UINT8 *p_data,
                                 UINT16 max_len, UINT16 *p_len);

** Function         GAP_ConnReconfig
** Description      Applications can call this function to reconfigure the connection.
** Returns          BT_PASS                 - config process started
**                  GAP_ERR_BAD_HANDLE      - invalid handle
extern UINT16 GAP_ConnReconfig (UINT16 gap_handle, tL2CAP_CFG_INFO *p_cfg);

** Function         GAP_ConnSetIdleTimeout
** Description      Higher layers call this function to set the idle timeout for
**                  a connection, or for all future connections. The "idle timeout"
**                  is the amount of time that a connection can remain up with
**                  no L2CAP channels on it. A timeout of zero means that the
**                  connection will be torn down immediately when the last channel
**                  is removed. A timeout of 0xFFFF means no timeout. Values are
**                  in seconds.
** Returns          BT_PASS                 - config process started
**                  GAP_ERR_BAD_HANDLE      - invalid handle
extern UINT16 GAP_ConnSetIdleTimeout (UINT16 gap_handle, UINT16 timeout);

** Function         GAP_ConnGetRemoteAddr
** Description      This function is called to get the remote BD address
**                  of a connection.
** Returns          BT_PASS             - closed OK
**                  GAP_ERR_BAD_HANDLE  - invalid handle
extern UINT8 *GAP_ConnGetRemoteAddr (UINT16 gap_handle);

** Function         GAP_ConnGetRemMtuSize
** Description      Returns the remote device's MTU size.
** Returns          UINT16 - maximum size buffer that can be transmitted to the peer
extern UINT16 GAP_ConnGetRemMtuSize (UINT16 gap_handle);

** Function         GAP_ConnGetL2CAPCid
** Description      Returns the L2CAP channel id
** Parameters:      handle      - Handle of the connection
** Returns          UINT16      - The L2CAP channel id
**                  0, if error
extern UINT16 GAP_ConnGetL2CAPCid (UINT16 gap_handle);

** Function         GAP_SetTraceLevel
** Description      This function sets the trace level for GAP.  If called with
**                  a value of 0xFF, it simply returns the current trace level.
** Returns          The new or current trace level
extern UINT8 GAP_SetTraceLevel (UINT8 new_level);

** Function         GAP_Init
** Description      Initializes the control blocks used by GAP.
**                  This routine should not be called except once per
**                      stack invocation.
** Returns          Nothing
extern void GAP_Init(void);

** Function         GAP_BleAttrDBUpdate
** Description      update GAP local BLE attribute database.
** Returns          Nothing
extern void GAP_BleAttrDBUpdate(UINT16 attr_uuid, tGAP_BLE_ATTR_VALUE *p_value);

** Function         GAP_BleReadPeerPrefConnParams
** Description      Start a process to read a connected peripheral's preferred
**                  connection parameters
** Returns          TRUE if read started, else FALSE if GAP is busy
extern BOOLEAN GAP_BleReadPeerPrefConnParams (BD_ADDR peer_bda);

** Function         GAP_BleReadPeerDevName
** Description      Start a process to read a connected peripheral's device name.
** Returns          TRUE if request accepted
extern BOOLEAN GAP_BleReadPeerDevName (BD_ADDR peer_bda, tGAP_BLE_CMPL_CBACK *p_cback);

** Function         GAP_BleReadPeerAddressResolutionCap
** Description      Start a process to read peer address resolution capability
** Returns          TRUE if request accepted
extern BOOLEAN GAP_BleReadPeerAddressResolutionCap (BD_ADDR peer_bda,
        tGAP_BLE_CMPL_CBACK *p_cback);

** Function         GAP_BleCancelReadPeerDevName
** Description      Cancel reading a peripheral's device name.
** Returns          TRUE if request accepted
extern BOOLEAN GAP_BleCancelReadPeerDevName (BD_ADDR peer_bda);


#endif  /* GAP_API_H */