 *  Copyright (C) 2002-2012 Broadcom Corporation
 *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 *  You may obtain a copy of the License at:
 *  http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 *  limitations under the License.
#ifndef HIDH_API_H
#define HIDH_API_H

#include "hiddefs.h"
#include "sdp_api.h"

**  Constants

enum {

/* Attributes mask values to be used in HID_HostAddDev API */
#define HID_VIRTUAL_CABLE        0x0001
#define HID_RECONN_INIT          0x0004
#define HID_SDP_DISABLE          0x0008
#define HID_BATTERY_POWER        0x0010
#define HID_REMOTE_WAKE          0x0020
#define HID_SUP_TOUT_AVLBL       0x0040
#define HID_SSR_MAX_LATENCY      0x0080
#define HID_SSR_MIN_TOUT         0x0100

#define HID_SEC_REQUIRED         0x8000
#define HID_ATTR_MASK_IGNORE     0

**  Type Definitions

typedef void (tHID_HOST_SDP_CALLBACK) (UINT16 result, UINT16 attr_mask,
                                       tHID_DEV_SDP_INFO *sdp_rec );

/* HID-HOST returns the events in the following table to the application via tHID_HOST_DEV_CALLBACK
HID_HDEV_EVT_OPEN   Connected to device with Interrupt and Control Channels in OPEN state.
                                                        Data = NA
HID_HDEV_EVT_CLOSE  Connection with device is closed.   Data=reason code.
HID_HDEV_EVT_RETRYING   Lost connection is being re-connected.
                                                        Data=Retrial number
HID_HDEV_EVT_IN_REPORT  Device sent an input report     Data=Report Type pdata= pointer to BT_HDR
                                                        (GKI buffer having report data.)
HID_HDEV_EVT_HANDSHAKE  Device sent SET_REPORT          Data=Result-code pdata=NA.
HID_HDEV_EVT_VC_UNPLUG  Device sent Virtual Unplug      Data=NA. pdata=NA.

enum {
typedef void (tHID_HOST_DEV_CALLBACK) (UINT8 dev_handle,
                                       BD_ADDR addr,
                                       UINT8 event, /* Event from HID-DEVICE. */
                                       UINT32 data, /* Integer data corresponding to the event.*/
                                       BT_HDR *p_buf ); /* Pointer data corresponding to the event. */

**  External Function Declarations
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"

** Function         HID_HostGetSDPRecord
** Description      This function reads the device SDP record.
** Returns          tHID_STATUS
extern tHID_STATUS HID_HostGetSDPRecord (BD_ADDR addr,
        tSDP_DISCOVERY_DB *p_db,
        UINT32 db_len,
        tHID_HOST_SDP_CALLBACK *sdp_cback );

** Function         HID_HostRegister
** Description      This function registers HID-Host with lower layers.
** Returns          tHID_STATUS
extern tHID_STATUS HID_HostRegister (tHID_HOST_DEV_CALLBACK *dev_cback);

** Function         HID_HostDeregister
** Description      This function is called when the host is about power down.
** Returns          tHID_STATUS
extern tHID_STATUS HID_HostDeregister(void);

** Function         HID_HostAddDev
** Description      This is called so HID-host may manage this device.
** Returns          tHID_STATUS
extern tHID_STATUS HID_HostAddDev (BD_ADDR addr, UINT16 attr_mask,
                                   UINT8 *handle );

** Function         HID_HostRemoveDev
** Description      This removes the device from list devices that host has to manage.
** Returns          tHID_STATUS
extern tHID_STATUS HID_HostRemoveDev (UINT8 dev_handle );

** Function         HID_HostOpenDev
** Description      This function is called when the user wants to initiate a
**                  connection attempt to a device.
** Returns          void
extern tHID_STATUS HID_HostOpenDev (UINT8 dev_handle );

** Function         HID_HostWriteDev
** Description      This function is called when the host has a report to send.
** Returns          void
extern tHID_STATUS HID_HostWriteDev(UINT8 dev_handle, UINT8 t_type,
                                    UINT8 param, UINT16 data,
                                    UINT8 report_id, BT_HDR *pbuf);

** Function         HID_HostCloseDev
** Description      This function disconnects the device.
** Returns          void
extern tHID_STATUS HID_HostCloseDev(UINT8 dev_handle );

** Function         HID_HostInit
** Description      This function initializes the control block and trace variable
** Returns          void
extern void HID_HostInit(void);

** Function        HID_HostSetSecurityLevel
** Description     This function sets the security level for the devices which
**                 are marked by application as requiring security
** Returns         tHID_STATUS
extern tHID_STATUS HID_HostSetSecurityLevel( char serv_name[], UINT8 sec_lvl );

** Function         hid_known_hid_device
** Description      This function checks if this device is  of type HID Device
** Returns          TRUE if device exists else FALSE
BOOLEAN hid_known_hid_device (BD_ADDR bd_addr);

** Function         HID_HostSetTraceLevel
** Description      This function sets the trace level for HID Host. If called with
**                  a value of 0xFF, it simply reads the current trace level.
** Returns          the new (current) trace level
extern UINT8 HID_HostSetTraceLevel (UINT8 new_level);

#ifdef __cplusplus


#endif  /* HIDH_API_H */