/* * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ #include #include #include "sys/param.h" #include "esp_log.h" #include "jpeg_private.h" #include "private/jpeg_param.h" #include "private/jpeg_emit_marker.h" #include "hal/jpeg_defs.h" #include "esp_private/esp_cache_private.h" static void emit_byte(jpeg_enc_header_info_t *header_info, uint8_t i) { header_info->header_buf[header_info->header_len] = i; header_info->header_len = header_info->header_len + 1; } static void emit_word(jpeg_enc_header_info_t *header_info, uint16_t i) { emit_byte(header_info, i >> 8); emit_byte(header_info, i & 0xFF); } static void emit_marker(jpeg_enc_header_info_t *header_info, uint8_t marker) { emit_byte(header_info, 0xFF); emit_byte(header_info, marker); } static void emit_dht(jpeg_enc_header_info_t *header_info, uint8_t *bits, uint8_t *val, int index, bool ac_flag) { emit_marker(header_info, JPEG_M_DHT & 0xff); int length = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { length += bits[i]; } emit_word(header_info, length + 2 + 1 + 16); emit_byte(header_info, index + (ac_flag << 4)); for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { emit_byte(header_info, bits[i]); } for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { emit_byte(header_info, val[i]); } } static void compute_quant_table(uint32_t *quant_table, const uint32_t *basic_table, uint32_t quality) { int scaling_factor = 0; if (quality < 50) { scaling_factor = 5000 / quality; } else { scaling_factor = 200 - quality * 2; } for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++) { int temp = *basic_table++; temp = (temp * scaling_factor + 50L) / 100L; *quant_table++ = MIN(MAX(temp, 1), 255); } } esp_err_t emit_soi_marker(jpeg_enc_header_info_t *header_info) { emit_marker(header_info, JPEG_M_SOI & 0xff); return ESP_OK; } esp_err_t emit_app0_marker(jpeg_enc_header_info_t *header_info) { emit_marker(header_info, JPEG_M_APP0 & 0xff); emit_word(header_info, 2 + 4 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 1 + 1); // 0x4A46494600 for JIF0 emit_byte(header_info, 0x4A); emit_byte(header_info, 0x46); emit_byte(header_info, 0x49); emit_byte(header_info, 0x46); emit_byte(header_info, 0x00); // Major version emit_byte(header_info, 1); // Minor version emit_byte(header_info, 1); // Density unit (0: no unit, 1: inch 2: cm) emit_byte(header_info, 0); // X direction density emit_word(header_info, 1); // Y direction density emit_word(header_info, 1); // No thumbnail image emit_byte(header_info, 0); emit_byte(header_info, 0); return ESP_OK; } esp_err_t emit_dqt_marker(jpeg_enc_header_info_t *header_info) { compute_quant_table(header_info->m_quantization_tables[0], luminance_quantization_table, header_info->quality); compute_quant_table(header_info->m_quantization_tables[1], chrominance_quantization_table, header_info->quality); for (int i = 0; i < ((header_info->num_components == 3) ? 2 : 1); i++) { emit_marker(header_info, JPEG_M_DQT & 0xff); emit_word(header_info, 64 + 1 + 2); emit_byte(header_info, (i)); for (int j = 0; j < 64; j++) { emit_byte(header_info, (uint8_t)(header_info->m_quantization_tables[i][zigzag_arr[j]])); } } return ESP_OK; } esp_err_t emit_sof_marker(jpeg_enc_header_info_t *header_info) { uint8_t comp_h_samp[3] = {0}; uint8_t comp_v_samp[3] = {0}; switch (header_info->sub_sample) { case JPEG_DOWN_SAMPLING_YUV444: { comp_h_samp[0] = 1; comp_v_samp[0] = 1; comp_h_samp[1] = 1; comp_v_samp[1] = 1; comp_h_samp[2] = 1; comp_v_samp[2] = 1; break; } case JPEG_DOWN_SAMPLING_YUV422: { comp_h_samp[0] = 2; comp_v_samp[0] = 1; comp_h_samp[1] = 1; comp_v_samp[1] = 1; comp_h_samp[2] = 1; comp_v_samp[2] = 1; break; } case JPEG_DOWN_SAMPLING_YUV420: { comp_h_samp[0] = 2; comp_v_samp[0] = 2; comp_h_samp[1] = 1; comp_v_samp[1] = 1; comp_h_samp[2] = 1; comp_v_samp[2] = 1; break; } case JPEG_DOWN_SAMPLING_GRAY: { comp_h_samp[0] = 1; comp_v_samp[0] = 1; comp_h_samp[1] = 1; comp_v_samp[1] = 1; comp_h_samp[2] = 1; comp_v_samp[2] = 1; break; } default: break; } emit_marker(header_info, JPEG_M_SOF0 & 0xff); /* baseline */ emit_word(header_info, 3 * header_info->num_components + 2 + 5 + 1); emit_byte(header_info, 8); /* precision */ emit_word(header_info, header_info->origin_v); emit_word(header_info, header_info->origin_h); emit_byte(header_info, header_info->num_components); for (int i = 0; i < header_info->num_components; i++) { emit_byte(header_info, (i + 1)); emit_byte(header_info, (comp_h_samp[i] << 4) + comp_v_samp[i]); emit_byte(header_info, (i > 0)); } return ESP_OK; } esp_err_t emit_dht_marker(jpeg_enc_header_info_t *header_info) { uint8_t m_huff_bits[2][2][JPEG_HUFFMAN_BITS_LEN_TABLE_LEN] = {0}; uint8_t m_huff_val[2][2][JPEG_HUFFMAN_AC_VALUE_TABLE_LEN] = {0}; memcpy(m_huff_bits[0][0], luminance_dc_coefficients, JPEG_HUFFMAN_DC_VALUE_TABLE_LEN); memcpy(m_huff_val[0][0], luminance_dc_values, JPEG_HUFFMAN_DC_VALUE_TABLE_LEN); memcpy(m_huff_bits[0][1], luminance_ac_coefficients, JPEG_HUFFMAN_DC_VALUE_TABLE_LEN); memcpy(m_huff_val[0][1], luminance_ac_values, JPEG_HUFFMAN_AC_VALUE_TABLE_LEN); memcpy(m_huff_bits[1][0], chrominance_dc_coefficients, JPEG_HUFFMAN_DC_VALUE_TABLE_LEN); memcpy(m_huff_val[1][0], chrominance_dc_values, JPEG_HUFFMAN_DC_VALUE_TABLE_LEN); memcpy(m_huff_bits[1][1], chrominance_ac_coefficients, JPEG_HUFFMAN_DC_VALUE_TABLE_LEN); memcpy(m_huff_val[1][1], chrominance_ac_values, JPEG_HUFFMAN_AC_VALUE_TABLE_LEN); emit_dht(header_info, m_huff_bits[0][0], m_huff_val[0][0], 0, false); emit_dht(header_info, m_huff_bits[0][1], m_huff_val[0][1], 0, true); if (header_info->num_components == 3) { emit_dht(header_info, m_huff_bits[1][0], m_huff_val[1][0], 1, false); emit_dht(header_info, m_huff_bits[1][1], m_huff_val[1][1], 1, true); } return ESP_OK; } esp_err_t emit_sos_marker(jpeg_enc_header_info_t *header_info) { emit_marker(header_info, JPEG_M_SOS & 0xff); emit_word(header_info, 2 * header_info->num_components + 2 + 1 + 3); emit_byte(header_info, header_info->num_components); for (int i = 0; i < header_info->num_components; i++) { emit_byte(header_info, i + 1); if (i == 0) { emit_byte(header_info, (0 << 4) + 0); } else { emit_byte(header_info, (1 << 4) + 1); } } emit_byte(header_info, 0); /* spectral selection */ emit_byte(header_info, 63); emit_byte(header_info, 0); return ESP_OK; } esp_err_t emit_com_marker(jpeg_enc_header_info_t *header_info) { // Calculate how many bytes should be compensate to make it byte aligned. size_t cache_align = 0; esp_cache_get_alignment(MALLOC_CAP_SPIRAM, &cache_align); // compensate_size = aligned_size - SOS marker size(2 * header_info->num_components + 2 + 1 + 3 + 2) - COM marker size(4). int compensate_size = ((header_info->header_len / cache_align + 1) * cache_align) - header_info->header_len - (2 * header_info->num_components + 2 + 1 + 3 + 2) - 4; if (compensate_size < 0) { compensate_size += cache_align; } emit_marker(header_info, JPEG_M_COM & 0xff); emit_word(header_info, compensate_size + 2); for (int i = 0; i < compensate_size; i++) { emit_byte(header_info, 0); } return ESP_OK; }