/* * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ #include <stdio.h> #include "hal/ieee802154_ll.h" #include "esp_ieee802154_util.h" #include "esp_log.h" #if CONFIG_IEEE802154_DEBUG ieee802154_probe_info_t g_ieee802154_probe; #define TAG "ieee802154_debug" #if CONFIG_IEEE802154_RECORD_EVENT static char *ieee802154_get_event_string(ieee802154_ll_event_t events) { char *event_string = ""; switch (events) { case IEEE802154_EVENT_TX_DONE: event_string = "TX_DONE"; break; case IEEE802154_EVENT_RX_DONE: event_string = "RX_DONE"; break; case IEEE802154_EVENT_ACK_TX_DONE: event_string = "ACK_TX_DONE"; break; case IEEE802154_EVENT_ACK_RX_DONE: event_string = "ACK_RX_DONE"; break; case IEEE802154_EVENT_RX_ABORT: event_string = "RX_ABORT"; break; case IEEE802154_EVENT_TX_ABORT: event_string = "TX_ABORT"; break; case IEEE802154_EVENT_ED_DONE: event_string = "ED_DONE"; break; case IEEE802154_EVENT_TIMER0_OVERFLOW: event_string = "TIMER0_OVERFLOW"; break; case IEEE802154_EVENT_TIMER1_OVERFLOW: event_string = "TIMER1_OVERFLOW"; break; case IEEE802154_EVENT_CLOCK_COUNT_MATCH: event_string = "CLOCK_COUNT_MATCH"; break; case IEEE802154_EVENT_TX_SFD_DONE: event_string = "TX_SFD_DONE"; break; case IEEE802154_EVENT_RX_SFD_DONE: event_string = "RX_SFD_DONE"; break; default: event_string = "Multi events"; break; } return event_string; } #endif // CONFIG_IEEE802154_RECORD_EVENT #if CONFIG_IEEE802154_RECORD_STATE || CONFIG_IEEE802154_RECORD_EVENT static char *ieee802154_state_string[] = { "DISABLE", "IDLE", "SLEEP", "RX", "TX_ACK", "TX_ENH_ACK", "TX_CCA", "TX", "DTM_TX", "RX_ACK", "ED", "CCA", }; #endif // CONFIG_IEEE802154_RECORD_STATE #if CONFIG_IEEE802154_RECORD_CMD static char *ieee802154_get_cmd_string(ieee802154_ll_cmd_t cmd) { char *cmd_string = ""; switch (cmd) { case IEEE802154_CMD_TX_START: cmd_string = "tx"; break; case IEEE802154_CMD_RX_START: cmd_string = "rx"; break; case IEEE802154_CMD_CCA_TX_START: cmd_string = "tx cca"; break; case IEEE802154_CMD_ED_START: cmd_string = "ed"; break; case IEEE802154_CMD_STOP: cmd_string = "stop"; break; case IEEE802154_CMD_TEST_TX_START: cmd_string = "test tx"; break; case IEEE802154_CMD_TEST_RX_START: cmd_string = "test rx"; break; case IEEE802154_CMD_TEST_STOP: cmd_string = "test stop"; break; case IEEE802154_CMD_TIMER0_START: cmd_string = "timer0 start"; break; case IEEE802154_CMD_TIMER0_STOP: cmd_string = "timer0 stop"; break; case IEEE802154_CMD_TIMER1_START: cmd_string = "timer1 start"; break; case IEEE802154_CMD_TIMER1_STOP: cmd_string = "timer1 stop"; break; } return cmd_string; } #endif // CONFIG_IEEE802154_RECORD_CMD #if CONFIG_IEEE802154_RECORD_EVENT || CONFIG_IEEE802154_RECORD_ABORT static char *ieee80154_rx_abort_reason_string[] = { "RSVD", // = 0, "RX_STOP", // = 1, "SFD_TIMEOUT", // = 2, "CRC_ERROR ", // = 3, "INVALID_LEN", // = 4, "FILTER_FAIL", // = 5, "NO_RSS ", // = 6, "COEX_BREAK ", // = 7, "UNEXPECTED_ACK", // = 8, "RX_RESTART", // = 9, "RSVD", "RSVD", "RSVD", "RSVD", "RSVD", "RSVD", // = 10~15, "TX_ACK_TIMEOUT", // = 16, "TX_ACK_STOP", // = 17, "TX_ACK_COEX_BREAK", // = 18, "ENHACK_SECURITY_ERROR", // = 19, "RSVD", "RSVD", "RSVD", "RSVD", // = 20~23 "ED_ABORT", // = 24, "ED_STOP", // = 25, "ED_COEX_REJECT", // = 26, }; static char *ieee80154_tx_abort_reason_string[] = { "RSVD", // = 0, "RX_ACK_STOP", // = 1, "RX_ACK_SFD_TIMEOUT", // = 2, "RX_ACK_CRC_ERROR", // = 3, "RX_ACK_INVALID_LEN", // = 4, "RX_ACK_FILTER_FAIL", // = 5, "RX_ACK_NO_RSS", // = 6, "RX_ACK_COEX_BREAK", // = 7, "RX_ACK_TYPE_NOT_ACK", // = 8, "RX_ACK_RESTART", // = 9, "RSVD", "RSVD", "RSVD", "RSVD", "RSVD", "RSVD", // = 10~15, "RX_ACK_TIMEOUT", // = 16, "TX_STOP", // = 17, "TX_COEX_BREAK", // = 18, "TX_SECURITY_ERROR", // = 19, "RSVD", "RSVD", "RSVD", "RSVD", // = 20~23 "CCA_FAILED", // = 24, "CCA_BUSY", // = 25, }; #endif // CONFIG_IEEE802154_RECORD_EVENT #if CONFIG_IEEE802154_ASSERT void ieee802154_assert_print(void) { #if CONFIG_IEEE802154_RECORD_EVENT ESP_EARLY_LOGW(TAG, "Print the record event, current event index: %d", g_ieee802154_probe.event_index); for (uint8_t i = 0; i < IEEE802154_ASSERT_RECORD_EVENT_SIZE; i++) { char event_log[200] = { 0 }; char abort_log[100] = { 0 }; snprintf(event_log, 200,"index %2d: event: 0x%4x, %15s, state:%10s, timestamp: %lld", i, g_ieee802154_probe.event[i].event, ieee802154_get_event_string(g_ieee802154_probe.event[i].event), ieee802154_state_string[g_ieee802154_probe.event[i].state], g_ieee802154_probe.event[i].timestamp); if (g_ieee802154_probe.event[i].event == IEEE802154_EVENT_RX_ABORT) { snprintf(abort_log, 100, "rx abort reason: %4x, %20s", g_ieee802154_probe.event[i].abort_reason.rx, ieee80154_rx_abort_reason_string[g_ieee802154_probe.event[i].abort_reason.rx]); } else if (g_ieee802154_probe.event[i].event == IEEE802154_EVENT_TX_ABORT) { snprintf(abort_log, 100, "tx abort reason: %4x, %20s", g_ieee802154_probe.event[i].abort_reason.tx, ieee80154_tx_abort_reason_string[g_ieee802154_probe.event[i].abort_reason.tx]); } ESP_EARLY_LOGW(TAG, "%s %s", event_log, abort_log); } ESP_EARLY_LOGW(TAG,"Print the record event done.\n"); #endif // CONFIG_IEEE802154_RECORD_EVENT #if CONFIG_IEEE802154_RECORD_STATE ESP_EARLY_LOGW(TAG, "Print the record state, current state index: %d", g_ieee802154_probe.state_index); for (uint8_t i = 0; i < IEEE802154_ASSERT_RECORD_STATE_SIZE; i++) { ESP_EARLY_LOGW(TAG, "index %2d: line:%5s, state:%10s, timestamp: %lld", i, g_ieee802154_probe.state[i].line_str, ieee802154_state_string[g_ieee802154_probe.state[i].state], g_ieee802154_probe.state[i].timestamp); } ESP_EARLY_LOGW(TAG,"Print the record state done.\n"); #endif // CONFIG_IEEE802154_RECORD_STATE #if CONFIG_IEEE802154_RECORD_CMD ESP_EARLY_LOGW(TAG, "Print the record cmd, current cmd index: %d", g_ieee802154_probe.cmd_index); for (uint8_t i = 0; i < IEEE802154_ASSERT_RECORD_CMD_SIZE; i++) { ESP_EARLY_LOGW(TAG, "index %2d: line:%5s, cmd:%10s, timestamp: %lld", i, g_ieee802154_probe.cmd[i].line_str, ieee802154_get_cmd_string(g_ieee802154_probe.cmd[i].cmd), g_ieee802154_probe.cmd[i].timestamp); } ESP_EARLY_LOGW(TAG,"Print the record cmd done.\n"); #endif // CONFIG_IEEE802154_RECORD_CMD #if CONFIG_IEEE802154_RECORD_ABORT ESP_EARLY_LOGW(TAG, "Print the record abort, current abort index: %d", g_ieee802154_probe.abort_index); for (uint8_t i = 0; i < IEEE802154_ASSERT_RECORD_ABORT_SIZE; i++) { if (g_ieee802154_probe.abort[i].is_tx_abort) { ESP_EARLY_LOGW(TAG, "index %2d: tx abort: %4x, %15s, timestamp: %lld", i, g_ieee802154_probe.abort[i].abort_reason.tx, ieee80154_tx_abort_reason_string[g_ieee802154_probe.abort[i].abort_reason.tx], g_ieee802154_probe.abort[i].timestamp); } else { ESP_EARLY_LOGW(TAG, "index %2d: rx abort: %4x, %15s, timestamp: %lld", i, g_ieee802154_probe.abort[i].abort_reason.rx, ieee80154_rx_abort_reason_string[g_ieee802154_probe.abort[i].abort_reason.rx], g_ieee802154_probe.abort[i].timestamp); } } ESP_EARLY_LOGW(TAG,"Print the record abort done.\n"); #endif // CONFIG_IEEE802154_RECORD_ABORT } #endif // CONFIG_IEEE802154_ASSERT #endif // CONFIG_IEEE802154_DEBUG