/* * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2015-2022 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ #ifndef __ESP_SMARTCONFIG_H__ #define __ESP_SMARTCONFIG_H__ #include <stdint.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include "esp_err.h" #include "esp_event_base.h" #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif typedef enum { SC_TYPE_ESPTOUCH = 0, /**< protocol: ESPTouch */ SC_TYPE_AIRKISS, /**< protocol: AirKiss */ SC_TYPE_ESPTOUCH_AIRKISS, /**< protocol: ESPTouch and AirKiss */ SC_TYPE_ESPTOUCH_V2, /**< protocol: ESPTouch v2*/ } smartconfig_type_t; /** Smartconfig event declarations */ typedef enum { SC_EVENT_SCAN_DONE, /*!< Station smartconfig has finished to scan for APs */ SC_EVENT_FOUND_CHANNEL, /*!< Station smartconfig has found the channel of the target AP */ SC_EVENT_GOT_SSID_PSWD, /*!< Station smartconfig got the SSID and password */ SC_EVENT_SEND_ACK_DONE, /*!< Station smartconfig has sent ACK to cellphone */ } smartconfig_event_t; /** @brief smartconfig event base declaration */ ESP_EVENT_DECLARE_BASE(SC_EVENT); /** Argument structure for SC_EVENT_GOT_SSID_PSWD event */ typedef struct { uint8_t ssid[32]; /**< SSID of the AP. Null terminated string. */ uint8_t password[64]; /**< Password of the AP. Null terminated string. */ bool bssid_set; /**< whether set MAC address of target AP or not. */ uint8_t bssid[6]; /**< MAC address of target AP. */ smartconfig_type_t type; /**< Type of smartconfig(ESPTouch or AirKiss). */ uint8_t token; /**< Token from cellphone which is used to send ACK to cellphone. */ uint8_t cellphone_ip[4]; /**< IP address of cellphone. */ } smartconfig_event_got_ssid_pswd_t; /** Configure structure for esp_smartconfig_start */ typedef struct { bool enable_log; /**< Enable smartconfig logs. */ bool esp_touch_v2_enable_crypt; /**< Enable ESPTouch v2 crypt. */ char *esp_touch_v2_key; /**< ESPTouch v2 crypt key, len should be 16. */ } smartconfig_start_config_t; #define SMARTCONFIG_START_CONFIG_DEFAULT() { \ .enable_log = false, \ .esp_touch_v2_enable_crypt = false,\ .esp_touch_v2_key = NULL \ } /** * @brief Get the version of SmartConfig. * * @return * - SmartConfig version const char. */ const char *esp_smartconfig_get_version(void); /** * @brief Start SmartConfig, config ESP device to connect AP. You need to broadcast information by phone APP. * Device sniffer special packets from the air that containing SSID and password of target AP. * * @attention 1. This API can be called in station or softAP-station mode. * @attention 2. Can not call esp_smartconfig_start twice before it finish, please call * esp_smartconfig_stop first. * * @param config pointer to smartconfig start configure structure * * @return * - ESP_OK: succeed * - others: fail */ esp_err_t esp_smartconfig_start(const smartconfig_start_config_t *config); /** * @brief Stop SmartConfig, free the buffer taken by esp_smartconfig_start. * * @attention Whether connect to AP succeed or not, this API should be called to free * memory taken by smartconfig_start. * * @return * - ESP_OK: succeed * - others: fail */ esp_err_t esp_smartconfig_stop(void); /** * @brief Set timeout of SmartConfig process. * * @attention Timing starts from SC_STATUS_FIND_CHANNEL status. SmartConfig will restart if timeout. * * @param time_s range 15s~255s, offset:45s. * * @return * - ESP_OK: succeed * - others: fail */ esp_err_t esp_esptouch_set_timeout(uint8_t time_s); /** * @brief Set protocol type of SmartConfig. * * @attention If users need to set the SmartConfig type, please set it before calling * esp_smartconfig_start. * * @param type Choose from the smartconfig_type_t. * * @return * - ESP_OK: succeed * - others: fail */ esp_err_t esp_smartconfig_set_type(smartconfig_type_t type); /** * @brief Set mode of SmartConfig. default normal mode. * * @attention 1. Please call it before API esp_smartconfig_start. * @attention 2. Fast mode have corresponding APP(phone). * @attention 3. Two mode is compatible. * * @param enable false-disable(default); true-enable; * * @return * - ESP_OK: succeed * - others: fail */ esp_err_t esp_smartconfig_fast_mode(bool enable); /** * @brief Get reserved data of ESPTouch v2. * * @param rvd_data reserved data * @param len length of reserved data * * @return * - ESP_OK: succeed * - others: fail */ esp_err_t esp_smartconfig_get_rvd_data(uint8_t *rvd_data, uint8_t len); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif