/* * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ #include <string.h> #include <stdint.h> #include "esp_err.h" #include "esp_log.h" #include "esp_heap_caps.h" #include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h" #include "freertos/task.h" #include "freertos/semphr.h" #include "usb_private.h" #include "ext_hub.h" #include "usb/usb_helpers.h" typedef struct ext_port_s *ext_port_hdl_t; /* This will be implemented during ext_port driver implementation */ #define EXT_HUB_MAX_STATUS_BYTES_SIZE (sizeof(uint32_t)) #define EXT_HUB_STATUS_CHANGE_FLAG (1 << 0) #define EXT_HUB_STATUS_PORT1_CHANGE_FLAG (1 << 1) #define EXT_HUB_CTRL_TRANSFER_MAX_DATA_LEN CONFIG_USB_HOST_CONTROL_TRANSFER_MAX_SIZE /** * @brief Device state * * Global state of the Device */ typedef enum { EXT_HUB_STATE_ATTACHED, /**< Device attached, but not state is unknown (no: Hub Descriptor, Device status and Hub status) */ EXT_HUB_STATE_CONFIGURED, /**< Device attached and configured (has Hub Descriptor, Device status and Hub status were requested )*/ EXT_HUB_STATE_SUSPENDED, /**< Device suspended */ EXT_HUB_STATE_FAILED /**< Device has internal error */ } ext_hub_state_t; /** * @brief Device stages * * During the lifecycle, Hub requires different actions. To implement interaction with external Hub the FSM, based on these stages is using. * * Entry: * - Every new attached external Hub should start from EXT_HUB_STAGE_GET_HUB_DESCRIPTOR. Without Fetching Hub Descriptor, device is not configured and doesn't have any ports. * - After handling the response during EXT_HUB_STAGE_CHECK_HUB_DESCRIPTOR, the External Hub Driver configures the Device according to the data from Hub Descriptor. * - After completion of any stage, the Device does back to the IDLE stage and waits for another request. Source of the request could be: EP1 INT callback (the Hub or Ports changes) or external call. * - Stages, that don't required response handling could not end up with fail. */ typedef enum { // Device in IDLE state EXT_HUB_STAGE_IDLE = 0, /**< Device in idle state and do not fulfill any actions */ // Stages, required response handling EXT_HUB_STAGE_GET_DEVICE_STATUS, /**< Device requests Device Status. For more details, refer to 9.4.5 Get Status of usb_20 */ EXT_HUB_STAGE_CHECK_DEVICE_STATUS, /**< Device received the Device Status and required its' handling */ EXT_HUB_STAGE_GET_HUB_DESCRIPTOR, /**< Device requests Hub Descriptor. For more details, refer to Get Hub Descriptor of usb_20 */ EXT_HUB_STAGE_CHECK_HUB_DESCRIPTOR, /**< Device received the Hub Descriptor and requires its' handling */ EXT_HUB_STAGE_GET_HUB_STATUS, /**< Device requests Hub Status. For more details, refer to Get Hub Status of usb_20 */ EXT_HUB_STAGE_CHECK_HUB_STATUS, /**< Device received the Hub Status and requires its' handling */ // Stages, don't required response handling EXT_HUB_STAGE_PORT_FEATURE, /**< Device completed the Port Feature class-specific request (Set Feature or Clear Feature). For more details, refer to 11.24.2 Class-specific Requests of usb_20 */ EXT_HUB_STAGE_PORT_STATUS_REQUEST, /**< Device completed the Port Get Status class-specific request. For more details, refer to 11.24.2 Class-specific Requests of usb_20 */ EXT_HUB_STAGE_FAILURE /**< Device has internal error and requires handling */ } ext_hub_stage_t; const char *const ext_hub_stage_strings[] = { "IDLE", "GET_DEVICE_STATUS", "CHECK_DEVICE_STATUS", "GET_HUB_DESCRIPTOR", "CHECK_HUB_DESCRIPTOR", "GET_HUB_STATUS", "CHECK_HUB_STATUS", "PORT_FEATURE", "PORT_STATUS_REQUEST", "FAILURE" }; /** * @brief Device action flags */ typedef enum { DEV_ACTION_EP0_COMPLETE = (1 << 1), /**< Device complete one of stages, requires handling */ DEV_ACTION_EP1_FLUSH = (1 << 2), /**< Device's Interrupt EP needs to be flushed */ DEV_ACTION_EP1_DEQUEUE = (1 << 3), /**< Device's Interrupt EP needs to be dequeued */ DEV_ACTION_EP1_CLEAR = (1 << 4), /**< Device's Interrupt EP needs to be cleared */ DEV_ACTION_REQ = (1 << 5), /**< Device has new actions and required handling */ DEV_ACTION_ERROR = (1 << 6), /**< Device encounters an error */ DEV_ACTION_GONE = (1 << 7), /**< Device was gone */ DEV_ACTION_RELEASE = (1 << 8), /**< Device was released */ DEV_ACTION_FREE = (1 << 9), /**< Device should be freed */ } dev_action_t; typedef struct ext_hub_s ext_hub_dev_t; /** * @brief External Hub device configuration parameters for device allocation */ typedef struct { usb_device_handle_t dev_hdl; /**< Device's handle */ uint8_t dev_addr; /**< Device's bus address */ const usb_intf_desc_t *iface_desc; /**< Device's Interface Descriptor pointer */ const usb_ep_desc_t *ep_in_desc; /**< Device's IN Endpoint Descriptor pointer */ } device_config_t; struct ext_hub_s { struct { TAILQ_ENTRY(ext_hub_s) tailq_entry; union { struct { uint32_t in_pending_list: 1; /**< Device is in pending list */ uint32_t waiting_release: 1; /**< Device waiting to be released */ uint32_t waiting_children: 1; /**< Device is waiting children to be freed */ uint32_t waiting_free: 1; /**< Device waiting to be freed */ uint32_t is_gone: 1; /**< Device is gone */ uint32_t reserved27: 27; /**< Reserved */ }; uint32_t val; /**< Device's flags value */ } flags; uint32_t action_flags; /**< Device's action flags */ } dynamic; /**< Dynamic members require a critical section */ struct { ext_hub_stage_t stage; /**< Device's stage */ uint8_t maxchild; /**< Amount of allocated ports. Could be 0 for some Hubs. Is increased when new port is added and decreased when port has been freed. */ ext_hub_state_t state; /**< Device's state */ } single_thread; /**< Single thread members don't require a critical section, as long as they are never accessed from multiple threads */ struct { // For optimisation & debug only uint8_t iface_num; /**< Device's bInterfaceNum */ // Driver purpose uint8_t dev_addr; /**< Device's bus address */ usb_device_handle_t dev_hdl; /**< Device's handle */ urb_t *ctrl_urb; /**< Device's Control pipe transfer URB */ urb_t *in_urb; /**< Device's Interrupt pipe URB */ usbh_ep_handle_t ep_in_hdl; /**< Device's Interrupt EP handle */ usb_hub_descriptor_t *hub_desc; /**< Device's Hub descriptor pointer. Could be NULL when not requested */ ext_port_hdl_t *ports; /**< Flexible array of Ports. Could be NULL, when maxchild is 0 */ } constant; /**< Constant members. Do not change after installation thus do not require a critical section or mutex */ }; typedef struct { struct { TAILQ_HEAD(ext_hubs, ext_hub_s) ext_hubs_tailq; /**< Idle tailq */ TAILQ_HEAD(ext_hubs_cb, ext_hub_s) ext_hubs_pending_tailq; /**< Pending tailq */ } dynamic; /**< Dynamic members require a critical section */ struct { ext_hub_cb_t proc_req_cb; /**< Process callback */ void *proc_req_cb_arg; /**< Process callback argument */ const ext_hub_port_driver_t* port_driver; /**< External Port Driver */ } constant; /**< Constant members. Do not change after installation thus do not require a critical section or mutex */ } ext_hub_driver_t; static ext_hub_driver_t *p_ext_hub_driver = NULL; static portMUX_TYPE ext_hub_driver_lock = portMUX_INITIALIZER_UNLOCKED; const char *EXT_HUB_TAG = "EXT_HUB"; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------------- Helpers ------------------------------------- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define EXT_HUB_ENTER_CRITICAL() portENTER_CRITICAL(&ext_hub_driver_lock) #define EXT_HUB_EXIT_CRITICAL() portEXIT_CRITICAL(&ext_hub_driver_lock) #define EXT_HUB_ENTER_CRITICAL_SAFE() portENTER_CRITICAL_SAFE(&ext_hub_driver_lock) #define EXT_HUB_EXIT_CRITICAL_SAFE() portEXIT_CRITICAL_SAFE(&ext_hub_driver_lock) #define EXT_HUB_CHECK(cond, ret_val) ({ \ if (!(cond)) { \ return (ret_val); \ } \ }) #define EXT_HUB_CHECK_FROM_CRIT(cond, ret_val) ({ \ if (!(cond)) { \ EXT_HUB_EXIT_CRITICAL(); \ return ret_val; \ } \ }) // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ----------------------- Forward declaration --------------------------------- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static bool _device_set_actions(ext_hub_dev_t *ext_hub_dev, uint32_t action_flags); static void device_error(ext_hub_dev_t *ext_hub_dev); static void device_status_change_handle(ext_hub_dev_t *ext_hub_dev, const uint8_t* data, const int length); // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ---------------------- Callbacks (implementation) --------------------------- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static bool interrupt_pipe_cb(usbh_ep_handle_t ep_hdl, usbh_ep_event_t ep_event, void *user_arg, bool in_isr) { uint32_t action_flags; ext_hub_dev_t *ext_hub_dev = (ext_hub_dev_t *)user_arg; switch (ep_event) { case USBH_EP_EVENT_URB_DONE: { // A interrupt transfer completed on EP1's pipe . We need to dequeue it action_flags = DEV_ACTION_EP1_DEQUEUE; break; case USBH_EP_EVENT_ERROR_XFER: case USBH_EP_EVENT_ERROR_URB_NOT_AVAIL: case USBH_EP_EVENT_ERROR_OVERFLOW: // EP1's pipe has encountered an error. We need to retire all URBs, dequeue them, then make the pipe active again action_flags = DEV_ACTION_EP1_FLUSH | DEV_ACTION_EP1_DEQUEUE | DEV_ACTION_EP1_CLEAR; if (in_isr) { ESP_EARLY_LOGE(EXT_HUB_TAG, "Device %d EP1 Error", ext_hub_dev->constant.dev_addr); } else { ESP_LOGE(EXT_HUB_TAG, "Device %d EP1 Error", ext_hub_dev->constant.dev_addr); } break; case USBH_EP_EVENT_ERROR_STALL: // EP1's pipe encountered a "protocol stall". We just need to dequeue URBs then make the pipe active again action_flags = DEV_ACTION_EP1_DEQUEUE | DEV_ACTION_EP1_CLEAR; if (in_isr) { ESP_EARLY_LOGE(EXT_HUB_TAG, "Device %d EP1 STALL", ext_hub_dev->constant.dev_addr); } else { ESP_LOGE(EXT_HUB_TAG, "Device %d EP1 STALL", ext_hub_dev->constant.dev_addr); } break; } default: action_flags = 0; break; } EXT_HUB_ENTER_CRITICAL_SAFE(); bool call_proc_req_cb = _device_set_actions(ext_hub_dev, action_flags); EXT_HUB_EXIT_CRITICAL_SAFE(); bool yield = false; if (call_proc_req_cb) { yield = p_ext_hub_driver->constant.proc_req_cb(in_isr, p_ext_hub_driver->constant.proc_req_cb_arg); } return yield; } /** * @brief Control transfer completion callback * * Is called by lower logic when transfer is completed with or without error * * @param[in] ctrl_xfer Pointer to a transfer buffer */ static void control_transfer_complete_cb(usb_transfer_t *ctrl_xfer) { bool call_proc_req_cb = false; ext_hub_dev_t *ext_hub_dev = (ext_hub_dev_t *) ctrl_xfer->context; EXT_HUB_ENTER_CRITICAL(); call_proc_req_cb = _device_set_actions(ext_hub_dev, DEV_ACTION_EP0_COMPLETE); EXT_HUB_EXIT_CRITICAL(); if (call_proc_req_cb) { p_ext_hub_driver->constant.proc_req_cb(false, p_ext_hub_driver->constant.proc_req_cb_arg); } } static void interrupt_transfer_complete_cb(usb_transfer_t *intr_xfer) { assert(intr_xfer); ext_hub_dev_t *ext_hub_dev = (ext_hub_dev_t *)intr_xfer->context; assert(ext_hub_dev); switch (intr_xfer->status) { case USB_TRANSFER_STATUS_COMPLETED: ESP_LOG_BUFFER_HEXDUMP(EXT_HUB_TAG, intr_xfer->data_buffer, intr_xfer->actual_num_bytes, ESP_LOG_VERBOSE); device_status_change_handle(ext_hub_dev, intr_xfer->data_buffer, intr_xfer->actual_num_bytes); break; case USB_TRANSFER_STATUS_NO_DEVICE: // Device was removed, nothing to do break; case USB_TRANSFER_STATUS_CANCELED: // Cancellation due to USB Host uninstall routine break; default: // Any other error ESP_LOGE(EXT_HUB_TAG, "[%d] Interrupt transfer failed, status %d", ext_hub_dev->constant.dev_addr, intr_xfer->status); device_error(ext_hub_dev); break; } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // --------------------------- Internal Logic --------------------------------- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static bool _device_set_actions(ext_hub_dev_t *ext_hub_dev, uint32_t action_flags) { /* THIS FUNCTION MUST BE CALLED FROM A CRITICAL SECTION */ if (action_flags == 0) { return false; } bool call_proc_req_cb; // Check if device is already on the callback list if (!ext_hub_dev->dynamic.flags.in_pending_list) { // Move device form idle device list to callback device list TAILQ_REMOVE(&p_ext_hub_driver->dynamic.ext_hubs_tailq, ext_hub_dev, dynamic.tailq_entry); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&p_ext_hub_driver->dynamic.ext_hubs_pending_tailq, ext_hub_dev, dynamic.tailq_entry); ext_hub_dev->dynamic.action_flags |= action_flags; ext_hub_dev->dynamic.flags.in_pending_list = 1; call_proc_req_cb = true; } else { // The device is already on the callback list, thus a processing request is already pending. ext_hub_dev->dynamic.action_flags |= action_flags; call_proc_req_cb = false; } return call_proc_req_cb; } static esp_err_t device_enable_int_ep(ext_hub_dev_t *ext_hub_dev) { ESP_LOGD(EXT_HUB_TAG, "[%d] Enable EP IN", ext_hub_dev->constant.dev_addr); esp_err_t ret = usbh_ep_enqueue_urb(ext_hub_dev->constant.ep_in_hdl, ext_hub_dev->constant.in_urb); if (ret != ESP_OK) { ESP_LOGE(EXT_HUB_TAG, "Failed to submit in urb: %s", esp_err_to_name(ret)); } return ret; } static void device_has_changed(ext_hub_dev_t *ext_hub_dev) { // TODO: IDF-10053 Hub status change handling // After getting the IRQ about Hub status change we need to request status // device_get_status(ext_hub_dev); ESP_LOGW(EXT_HUB_TAG, "Hub status change has not been implemented yet"); device_enable_int_ep(ext_hub_dev); } // // Figure 11-22. Hub and Port Status Change Bitmap // Bit | N | ... | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 | // Value |1/0| ... |1/0|1/0|1/0|1/0| // | | | | | // | | | | +------ Hub change detected // | | | +---------- Port 1 change detected // | | +-------------- Port 2 change detected // | +------------------ Port 3 change detected // | ... // +---------------------------- Port N change detected // static void device_status_change_handle(ext_hub_dev_t *ext_hub_dev, const uint8_t* data, const int length) { uint32_t device_status = 0; // Driver does not support Hubs with EP IN wMaxPacketSize > 4 assert(length <= EXT_HUB_MAX_STATUS_BYTES_SIZE); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < length; i++) { device_status |= (uint32_t)(data[i] << i); } if (device_status) { // If device has a status change, we will re-trigger back the transfer // after all handling will be done if (device_status & EXT_HUB_STATUS_CHANGE_FLAG) { // Check device status device_has_changed(ext_hub_dev); } // HINTs: // - every byte of Data IN has 8 bits of possible port statuses bits: (length * 8) // - very first bit of status is used for Hub status: (length * 8) - 1 for (uint8_t i = 0; i < (length * 8) - 1; i++) { // Check ports statuses if (device_status & (EXT_HUB_STATUS_PORT1_CHANGE_FLAG << i)) { assert(i < ext_hub_dev->single_thread.maxchild); // Port should be in range assert(p_ext_hub_driver->constant.port_driver); // Port driver call should be valid // Request Port status to handle changes p_ext_hub_driver->constant.port_driver->get_status(ext_hub_dev->constant.ports[i]); } } } else { // Device status is 0. Could happen when HS Hub with HS device is connected to HS Hub, connected to FS root port // Re-trigger transfer right now device_enable_int_ep(ext_hub_dev); } } static void device_error(ext_hub_dev_t *ext_hub_dev) { bool call_proc_req_cb = false; EXT_HUB_ENTER_CRITICAL(); call_proc_req_cb = _device_set_actions(ext_hub_dev, DEV_ACTION_ERROR); EXT_HUB_EXIT_CRITICAL(); if (call_proc_req_cb) { p_ext_hub_driver->constant.proc_req_cb(false, p_ext_hub_driver->constant.proc_req_cb_arg); } } static esp_err_t device_port_new(ext_hub_dev_t *ext_hub_dev, uint8_t port_idx) { assert(p_ext_hub_driver->constant.port_driver); esp_err_t ret = p_ext_hub_driver->constant.port_driver->new (NULL, (void**) &ext_hub_dev->constant.ports[port_idx]); if (ret != ESP_OK) { ESP_LOGE(EXT_HUB_TAG, "[%d:%d] Port allocation error: %s", ext_hub_dev->constant.dev_addr, port_idx + 1, esp_err_to_name(ret)); goto fail; } ext_hub_dev->single_thread.maxchild++; fail: return ret; } static esp_err_t device_port_free(ext_hub_dev_t *ext_hub_dev, uint8_t port_idx) { EXT_HUB_CHECK(ext_hub_dev->constant.ports[port_idx] != NULL, ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE); bool call_proc_req_cb = false; bool all_ports_freed = false; assert(ext_hub_dev->single_thread.maxchild != 0); assert(p_ext_hub_driver->constant.port_driver); esp_err_t ret = p_ext_hub_driver->constant.port_driver->free(ext_hub_dev->constant.ports[port_idx]); if (ret != ESP_OK) { ESP_LOGE(EXT_HUB_TAG, "[%d:%d] Unable to free port: %s", ext_hub_dev->constant.dev_addr, port_idx + 1, esp_err_to_name(ret)); goto exit; } ext_hub_dev->constant.ports[port_idx] = NULL; ext_hub_dev->single_thread.maxchild--; EXT_HUB_ENTER_CRITICAL(); if (ext_hub_dev->dynamic.flags.is_gone) { all_ports_freed = (ext_hub_dev->single_thread.maxchild == 0); if (all_ports_freed) { ext_hub_dev->dynamic.flags.waiting_children = 0; ext_hub_dev->dynamic.flags.waiting_free = 1; call_proc_req_cb = _device_set_actions(ext_hub_dev, DEV_ACTION_FREE); } else { ext_hub_dev->dynamic.flags.waiting_children = 1; } } EXT_HUB_EXIT_CRITICAL(); // Close the device if all children were freed if (all_ports_freed) { ESP_LOGD(EXT_HUB_TAG, "[%d] Release USBH device object", ext_hub_dev->constant.dev_addr); ESP_ERROR_CHECK(usbh_dev_close(ext_hub_dev->constant.dev_hdl)); } if (call_proc_req_cb) { p_ext_hub_driver->constant.proc_req_cb(false, p_ext_hub_driver->constant.proc_req_cb_arg); } ret = ESP_OK; exit: return ret; } static void device_release(ext_hub_dev_t *ext_hub_dev) { esp_err_t ret; ESP_LOGD(EXT_HUB_TAG, "[%d] Device release", ext_hub_dev->constant.dev_addr); // Release IN EP ESP_ERROR_CHECK(usbh_ep_command(ext_hub_dev->constant.ep_in_hdl, USBH_EP_CMD_HALT)); EXT_HUB_ENTER_CRITICAL(); ext_hub_dev->dynamic.flags.is_gone = 1; ext_hub_dev->dynamic.flags.waiting_release = 0; EXT_HUB_EXIT_CRITICAL(); if (ext_hub_dev->single_thread.state >= EXT_HUB_STATE_CONFIGURED) { // Hub device was configured and has a descriptor assert(ext_hub_dev->constant.hub_desc != NULL); assert(p_ext_hub_driver->constant.port_driver); // Mark all ports as gone for (uint8_t i = 0; i < ext_hub_dev->constant.hub_desc->bNbrPorts; i++) { if (ext_hub_dev->constant.ports[i]) { ret = p_ext_hub_driver->constant.port_driver->gone(ext_hub_dev->constant.ports[i]); if (ret == ESP_OK) { // Port doesn't have a device and can be recycled right now ret = device_port_free(ext_hub_dev, i); if (ret != ESP_OK) { // Hub runs into an error state // TODO: IDF-10057 Hub handling error } } else if (ret == ESP_ERR_NOT_FINISHED) { // Port has a device and will be recycled after USBH device will be released by all clients and freed ESP_LOGE(EXT_HUB_TAG, "[%d:%d] Port is gone", ext_hub_dev->constant.dev_addr, i + 1); } else { ESP_LOGE(EXT_HUB_TAG, "[%d:%d] Unable to mark port as gone: %s", ext_hub_dev->constant.dev_addr, i + 1, esp_err_to_name(ret)); } } } } } static esp_err_t device_alloc_desc(ext_hub_dev_t *ext_hub_hdl, const usb_hub_descriptor_t *hub_desc) { // Allocate memory to store the configuration descriptor usb_hub_descriptor_t *desc = heap_caps_malloc(hub_desc->bDescLength, MALLOC_CAP_DEFAULT); // Buffer to copy over full configuration descriptor (wTotalLength) if (desc == NULL) { return ESP_ERR_NO_MEM; } // Copy the hub descriptor memcpy(desc, hub_desc, hub_desc->bDescLength); // Assign the hub descriptor to the device object assert(ext_hub_hdl->constant.hub_desc == NULL); ext_hub_hdl->constant.hub_desc = desc; return ESP_OK; } static esp_err_t device_alloc(device_config_t *config, ext_hub_dev_t **ext_hub_dev) { esp_err_t ret; urb_t *ctrl_urb = NULL; urb_t *in_urb = NULL; #if !ENABLE_MULTIPLE_HUBS usb_device_info_t dev_info; ESP_ERROR_CHECK(usbh_dev_get_info(config->dev_hdl, &dev_info)); if (dev_info.parent.dev_hdl) { ESP_LOGW(EXT_HUB_TAG, "Multiple Hubs not supported, use menuconfig to enable feature"); ret = ESP_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; goto fail; } #endif // ENABLE_MULTIPLE_HUBS ext_hub_dev_t *hub_dev = heap_caps_calloc(1, sizeof(ext_hub_dev_t), MALLOC_CAP_DEFAULT); if (hub_dev == NULL) { ESP_LOGE(EXT_HUB_TAG, "Unable to allocate device"); ret = ESP_ERR_NO_MEM; goto fail; } // Allocate Control transfer URB ctrl_urb = urb_alloc(sizeof(usb_setup_packet_t) + EXT_HUB_CTRL_TRANSFER_MAX_DATA_LEN, 0); if (ctrl_urb == NULL) { ESP_LOGE(EXT_HUB_TAG, "Unable to allocate Control URB"); ret = ESP_ERR_NO_MEM; goto ctrl_urb_fail; } if (config->ep_in_desc->wMaxPacketSize > EXT_HUB_MAX_STATUS_BYTES_SIZE) { ESP_LOGE(EXT_HUB_TAG, "wMaxPacketSize=%d is not supported", config->ep_in_desc->wMaxPacketSize); ret = ESP_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; goto in_urb_fail; } in_urb = urb_alloc(config->ep_in_desc->wMaxPacketSize, 0); // Allocate Interrupt transfer URB if (in_urb == NULL) { ESP_LOGE(EXT_HUB_TAG, "Unable to allocate Interrupt URB"); ret = ESP_ERR_NO_MEM; goto in_urb_fail; } usbh_ep_handle_t ep_hdl; usbh_ep_config_t ep_config = { .bInterfaceNumber = config->iface_desc->bInterfaceNumber, .bAlternateSetting = config->iface_desc->bAlternateSetting, .bEndpointAddress = config->ep_in_desc->bEndpointAddress, .ep_cb = interrupt_pipe_cb, .ep_cb_arg = (void *)hub_dev, .context = (void *)hub_dev, }; ret = usbh_ep_alloc(config->dev_hdl, &ep_config, &ep_hdl); if (ret != ESP_OK) { ESP_LOGE(EXT_HUB_TAG, "Endpoint allocation failure: %s", esp_err_to_name(ret)); goto ep_fail; } // Configure Control transfer URB ctrl_urb->usb_host_client = (void *) p_ext_hub_driver; ctrl_urb->transfer.callback = control_transfer_complete_cb; ctrl_urb->transfer.context = (void *) hub_dev; // Client is a memory address of the p_ext_hub_driver driver object in_urb->usb_host_client = (void *) p_ext_hub_driver; in_urb->transfer.callback = interrupt_transfer_complete_cb; in_urb->transfer.context = (void *) hub_dev; in_urb->transfer.num_bytes = config->ep_in_desc->wMaxPacketSize; hub_dev->dynamic.flags.val = 0; hub_dev->dynamic.action_flags = 0; // Mutex protected hub_dev->single_thread.state = EXT_HUB_STATE_ATTACHED; // Constant members hub_dev->constant.ep_in_hdl = ep_hdl; hub_dev->constant.ctrl_urb = ctrl_urb; hub_dev->constant.in_urb = in_urb; hub_dev->constant.dev_hdl = config->dev_hdl; hub_dev->constant.dev_addr = config->dev_addr; hub_dev->constant.iface_num = config->iface_desc->bInterfaceNumber; // Single thread members hub_dev->single_thread.stage = EXT_HUB_STAGE_IDLE; // We will update number of ports during Hub Descriptor handling stage hub_dev->single_thread.maxchild = 0; EXT_HUB_ENTER_CRITICAL(); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&p_ext_hub_driver->dynamic.ext_hubs_tailq, hub_dev, dynamic.tailq_entry); EXT_HUB_EXIT_CRITICAL(); ESP_LOGD(EXT_HUB_TAG, "[%d] New device (iface %d)", config->dev_addr, hub_dev->constant.iface_num); *ext_hub_dev = hub_dev; return ret; ep_fail: urb_free(in_urb); in_urb_fail: urb_free(ctrl_urb); ctrl_urb_fail: heap_caps_free(hub_dev); fail: return ret; } static esp_err_t device_configure(ext_hub_dev_t *ext_hub_dev) { esp_err_t ret; EXT_HUB_CHECK(ext_hub_dev->constant.hub_desc != NULL, ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE); usb_hub_descriptor_t *hub_desc = ext_hub_dev->constant.hub_desc; ESP_LOGD(EXT_HUB_TAG, "[%d] Device configure (iface %d)", ext_hub_dev->constant.dev_addr, ext_hub_dev->constant.iface_num); if (hub_desc->wHubCharacteristics.compound) { ESP_LOGD(EXT_HUB_TAG, "\tCompound device"); } else { ESP_LOGD(EXT_HUB_TAG, "\tStandalone HUB"); } ESP_LOGD(EXT_HUB_TAG, "\t%d external port%s", ext_hub_dev->constant.hub_desc->bNbrPorts, (ext_hub_dev->constant.hub_desc->bNbrPorts == 1) ? "" : "s"); switch (hub_desc->wHubCharacteristics.power_switching) { case USB_W_HUB_CHARS_PORT_PWR_CTRL_NO: ESP_LOGD(EXT_HUB_TAG, "\tNo power switching (usb 1.0)"); break; case USB_W_HUB_CHARS_PORT_PWR_CTRL_INDV: ESP_LOGD(EXT_HUB_TAG, "\tIndividual port power switching"); break; default: // USB_W_HUB_CHARS_PORT_PWR_CTRL_ALL ESP_LOGD(EXT_HUB_TAG, "\tAll ports power at once"); break; } switch (hub_desc->wHubCharacteristics.ovr_current_protect) { case USB_W_HUB_CHARS_PORT_OVER_CURR_NO: ESP_LOGD(EXT_HUB_TAG, "\tNo over-current protection"); break; case USB_W_HUB_CHARS_PORT_OVER_CURR_INDV: ESP_LOGD(EXT_HUB_TAG, "\tIndividual port over-current protection"); break; default: // USB_W_HUB_CHARS_PORT_OVER_CURR_ALL ESP_LOGD(EXT_HUB_TAG, "\tGlobal over-current protection"); break; } if (hub_desc->wHubCharacteristics.indicator_support) { ESP_LOGD(EXT_HUB_TAG, "\tPort indicators are supported"); } ESP_LOGD(EXT_HUB_TAG, "\tPower on to power good time: %dms", hub_desc->bPwrOn2PwrGood * 2); ESP_LOGD(EXT_HUB_TAG, "\tMaximum current: %d mA", hub_desc->bHubContrCurrent); // Create External Port flexible array ext_hub_dev->constant.ports = heap_caps_calloc(ext_hub_dev->constant.hub_desc->bNbrPorts, sizeof(ext_port_hdl_t), MALLOC_CAP_DEFAULT); if (ext_hub_dev->constant.ports == NULL) { ESP_LOGE(EXT_HUB_TAG, "Ports list allocation error"); ret = ESP_ERR_NO_MEM; goto fail; } // Create port and add it to pending list for (uint8_t i = 0; i < ext_hub_dev->constant.hub_desc->bNbrPorts; i++) { ext_hub_dev->constant.ports[i] = NULL; ret = device_port_new(ext_hub_dev, i); if (ret != ESP_OK) { goto fail; } } ext_hub_dev->single_thread.state = EXT_HUB_STATE_CONFIGURED; return ESP_OK; fail: // Free allocated resources for (uint8_t i = 0; i < ext_hub_dev->constant.hub_desc->bNbrPorts; i++) { if (ext_hub_dev->constant.ports[i]) { device_port_free(ext_hub_dev, i); } } if (ext_hub_dev->constant.ports) { assert(ext_hub_dev->single_thread.maxchild == 0); heap_caps_free(ext_hub_dev->constant.ports); } return ret; } static void device_free(ext_hub_dev_t *ext_hub_dev) { assert(ext_hub_dev->single_thread.maxchild == 0); // All ports should be freed by now ESP_LOGD(EXT_HUB_TAG, "[%d] Freeing device", ext_hub_dev->constant.dev_addr); EXT_HUB_ENTER_CRITICAL(); assert(ext_hub_dev->dynamic.flags.waiting_free == 1); // Hub should await being freed ext_hub_dev->dynamic.flags.waiting_free = 0; TAILQ_REMOVE(&p_ext_hub_driver->dynamic.ext_hubs_tailq, ext_hub_dev, dynamic.tailq_entry); EXT_HUB_EXIT_CRITICAL(); if (ext_hub_dev->constant.hub_desc) { heap_caps_free(ext_hub_dev->constant.hub_desc); } if (ext_hub_dev->constant.ports) { heap_caps_free(ext_hub_dev->constant.ports); } ESP_ERROR_CHECK(usbh_ep_free(ext_hub_dev->constant.ep_in_hdl)); urb_free(ext_hub_dev->constant.ctrl_urb); urb_free(ext_hub_dev->constant.in_urb); heap_caps_free(ext_hub_dev); } static esp_err_t get_dev_by_hdl(usb_device_handle_t dev_hdl, ext_hub_dev_t **ext_hub_hdl) { esp_err_t ret = ESP_OK; // Go through the Hubs lists to find the hub with the specified device address ext_hub_dev_t *found_hub = NULL; ext_hub_dev_t *hub = NULL; EXT_HUB_ENTER_CRITICAL(); TAILQ_FOREACH(hub, &p_ext_hub_driver->dynamic.ext_hubs_pending_tailq, dynamic.tailq_entry) { if (hub->constant.dev_hdl == dev_hdl) { found_hub = hub; goto exit; } } TAILQ_FOREACH(hub, &p_ext_hub_driver->dynamic.ext_hubs_tailq, dynamic.tailq_entry) { if (hub->constant.dev_hdl == dev_hdl) { found_hub = hub; goto exit; } } exit: if (found_hub == NULL) { ret = ESP_ERR_NOT_FOUND; } EXT_HUB_EXIT_CRITICAL(); *ext_hub_hdl = found_hub; return ret; } static esp_err_t get_dev_by_addr(uint8_t dev_addr, ext_hub_dev_t **ext_hub_hdl) { esp_err_t ret = ESP_OK; // Go through the Hubs lists to find the Hub with the specified device address ext_hub_dev_t *found_hub = NULL; ext_hub_dev_t *hub = NULL; EXT_HUB_ENTER_CRITICAL(); TAILQ_FOREACH(hub, &p_ext_hub_driver->dynamic.ext_hubs_pending_tailq, dynamic.tailq_entry) { if (hub->constant.dev_addr == dev_addr) { found_hub = hub; goto exit; } } TAILQ_FOREACH(hub, &p_ext_hub_driver->dynamic.ext_hubs_tailq, dynamic.tailq_entry) { if (hub->constant.dev_addr == dev_addr) { found_hub = hub; goto exit; } } exit: if (found_hub == NULL) { ret = ESP_ERR_NOT_FOUND; } EXT_HUB_EXIT_CRITICAL(); *ext_hub_hdl = found_hub; return ret; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // -------------------------- Device handling --------------------------------- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static bool handle_hub_descriptor(ext_hub_dev_t *ext_hub_dev) { esp_err_t ret; bool pass; usb_transfer_t *ctrl_xfer = &ext_hub_dev->constant.ctrl_urb->transfer; const usb_hub_descriptor_t *hub_desc = (const usb_hub_descriptor_t *)(ctrl_xfer->data_buffer + sizeof(usb_setup_packet_t)); if (ctrl_xfer->status != USB_TRANSFER_STATUS_COMPLETED) { ESP_LOGE(EXT_HUB_TAG, "Bad transfer status %d: stage=%d", ctrl_xfer->status, ext_hub_dev->single_thread.stage); return false; } ESP_LOG_BUFFER_HEXDUMP(EXT_HUB_TAG, ctrl_xfer->data_buffer, ctrl_xfer->actual_num_bytes, ESP_LOG_VERBOSE); ret = device_alloc_desc(ext_hub_dev, hub_desc); if (ret != ESP_OK) { pass = false; goto exit; } ret = device_configure(ext_hub_dev); if (ret != ESP_OK) { pass = false; goto exit; } pass = true; exit: return pass; } static bool handle_device_status(ext_hub_dev_t *ext_hub_dev) { usb_transfer_t *ctrl_xfer = &ext_hub_dev->constant.ctrl_urb->transfer; const usb_device_status_t *dev_status = (const usb_device_status_t *)(ctrl_xfer->data_buffer + sizeof(usb_setup_packet_t)); ESP_LOGD(EXT_HUB_TAG, "[%d] Device status: ", ext_hub_dev->constant.dev_addr); ESP_LOGD(EXT_HUB_TAG, "\tPower: %s", dev_status->self_powered ? "self-powered" : "bus-powered"); ESP_LOGD(EXT_HUB_TAG, "\tRemoteWakeup: %s", dev_status->remote_wakeup ? "yes" : "no"); if (dev_status->remote_wakeup) { // Device in remote_wakeup, we need send command Clear Device Feature: USB_W_VALUE_FEATURE_DEVICE_REMOTE_WAKEUP // HEX codes of command: 00 01 01 00 00 00 00 00 // TODO: IDF-10055 Hub Support remote_wakeup feature ESP_LOGW(EXT_HUB_TAG, "Remote Wakeup feature has not been implemented yet"); } return true; } static bool handle_hub_status(ext_hub_dev_t *ext_hub_dev) { usb_transfer_t *ctrl_xfer = &ext_hub_dev->constant.ctrl_urb->transfer; const usb_hub_status_t *hub_status = (const usb_hub_status_t *)(ctrl_xfer->data_buffer + sizeof(usb_setup_packet_t)); ESP_LOGD(EXT_HUB_TAG, "[%d] Hub status: ", ext_hub_dev->constant.dev_addr); ESP_LOGD(EXT_HUB_TAG, "\tExternal power supply: %s", hub_status->wHubStatus.HUB_LOCAL_POWER ? "yes" : "no"); ESP_LOGD(EXT_HUB_TAG, "\tOvercurrent: %s", hub_status->wHubStatus.HUB_OVER_CURRENT ? "yes" : "no"); if (hub_status->wHubStatus.HUB_OVER_CURRENT) { ESP_LOGE(EXT_HUB_TAG, "Device has overcurrent!"); // Hub has an overcurrent, we need to disable all port and/or disable parent port // TODO: IDF-10056 Hubs overcurrent handling ESP_LOGW(EXT_HUB_TAG, "Feature has not been implemented yet"); return false; } return true; } static void handle_port_feature(ext_hub_dev_t *ext_hub_dev) { usb_transfer_t *ctrl_xfer = &ext_hub_dev->constant.ctrl_urb->transfer; uint8_t port_num = USB_SETUP_PACKET_GET_PORT((usb_setup_packet_t *)ctrl_xfer->data_buffer); uint8_t port_idx = port_num - 1; assert(port_idx < ext_hub_dev->constant.hub_desc->bNbrPorts); assert(p_ext_hub_driver->constant.port_driver); p_ext_hub_driver->constant.port_driver->req_process(ext_hub_dev->constant.ports[port_idx]); } static void handle_port_status(ext_hub_dev_t *ext_hub_dev) { usb_transfer_t *ctrl_xfer = &ext_hub_dev->constant.ctrl_urb->transfer; uint8_t port_num = USB_SETUP_PACKET_GET_PORT((usb_setup_packet_t *)ctrl_xfer->data_buffer); uint8_t port_idx = port_num - 1; const usb_port_status_t *new_status = (const usb_port_status_t *)(ctrl_xfer->data_buffer + sizeof(usb_setup_packet_t)); assert(port_idx < ext_hub_dev->constant.hub_desc->bNbrPorts); assert(p_ext_hub_driver->constant.port_driver); p_ext_hub_driver->constant.port_driver->set_status(ext_hub_dev->constant.ports[port_idx], new_status); } static bool device_control_request(ext_hub_dev_t *ext_hub_dev) { esp_err_t ret; usb_transfer_t *transfer = &ext_hub_dev->constant.ctrl_urb->transfer; switch (ext_hub_dev->single_thread.stage) { case EXT_HUB_STAGE_GET_DEVICE_STATUS: USB_SETUP_PACKET_INIT_GET_STATUS((usb_setup_packet_t *)transfer->data_buffer); transfer->num_bytes = sizeof(usb_setup_packet_t) + sizeof(usb_device_status_t); break; case EXT_HUB_STAGE_GET_HUB_DESCRIPTOR: USB_SETUP_PACKET_INIT_GET_HUB_DESCRIPTOR((usb_setup_packet_t *)transfer->data_buffer); transfer->num_bytes = sizeof(usb_setup_packet_t) + sizeof(usb_hub_descriptor_t); break; case EXT_HUB_STAGE_GET_HUB_STATUS: USB_SETUP_PACKET_INIT_GET_HUB_STATUS((usb_setup_packet_t *)transfer->data_buffer); transfer->num_bytes = sizeof(usb_setup_packet_t) + sizeof(usb_hub_status_t); break; default: // Should never occur abort(); break; } ret = usbh_dev_submit_ctrl_urb(ext_hub_dev->constant.dev_hdl, ext_hub_dev->constant.ctrl_urb); if (ret != ESP_OK) { ESP_LOGE(EXT_HUB_TAG, "Failed to submit ctrl urb: %s", esp_err_to_name(ret)); return false; } return true; } static bool device_control_response_handling(ext_hub_dev_t *ext_hub_dev) { bool stage_pass = false; usb_transfer_t *ctrl_xfer = &ext_hub_dev->constant.ctrl_urb->transfer; // Check transfer status if (ctrl_xfer->status != USB_TRANSFER_STATUS_COMPLETED) { ESP_LOGE(EXT_HUB_TAG, "Control request bad transfer status %d", ctrl_xfer->status); return stage_pass; } // Transfer completed, verbose data in ESP_LOG_VERBOSE is set ESP_LOG_BUFFER_HEXDUMP(EXT_HUB_TAG, ctrl_xfer->data_buffer, ctrl_xfer->actual_num_bytes, ESP_LOG_VERBOSE); switch (ext_hub_dev->single_thread.stage) { case EXT_HUB_STAGE_CHECK_DEVICE_STATUS: stage_pass = handle_device_status(ext_hub_dev); break; case EXT_HUB_STAGE_CHECK_HUB_DESCRIPTOR: stage_pass = handle_hub_descriptor(ext_hub_dev); break; case EXT_HUB_STAGE_CHECK_HUB_STATUS: stage_pass = handle_hub_status(ext_hub_dev); break; case EXT_HUB_STAGE_PORT_FEATURE: handle_port_feature(ext_hub_dev); stage_pass = true; break; case EXT_HUB_STAGE_PORT_STATUS_REQUEST: handle_port_status(ext_hub_dev); stage_pass = true; break; default: // Should never occur abort(); break; } return stage_pass; } static bool stage_need_process(ext_hub_stage_t stage) { bool need_process_cb = false; switch (stage) { // Stages, required control transfer case EXT_HUB_STAGE_GET_DEVICE_STATUS: case EXT_HUB_STAGE_GET_HUB_DESCRIPTOR: case EXT_HUB_STAGE_GET_HUB_STATUS: // Error stage case EXT_HUB_STAGE_FAILURE: need_process_cb = true; break; default: break; } return need_process_cb; } // return // true - next stage requires the processing // false - terminal stage static bool device_set_next_stage(ext_hub_dev_t *ext_hub_dev, bool last_stage_pass) { ext_hub_stage_t last_stage = ext_hub_dev->single_thread.stage; ext_hub_stage_t next_stage; if (last_stage_pass) { ESP_LOGD(EXT_HUB_TAG, "Stage %s OK", ext_hub_stage_strings[last_stage]); if (last_stage == EXT_HUB_STAGE_GET_DEVICE_STATUS || last_stage == EXT_HUB_STAGE_GET_HUB_DESCRIPTOR || last_stage == EXT_HUB_STAGE_GET_HUB_STATUS) { // Simply increment to get the next stage next_stage = last_stage + 1; } else { // Terminal stages, move to IDLE next_stage = EXT_HUB_STAGE_IDLE; } } else { ESP_LOGE(EXT_HUB_TAG, "Stage %s FAILED", ext_hub_stage_strings[last_stage]); // These stages cannot fail assert(last_stage != EXT_HUB_STAGE_PORT_FEATURE || last_stage != EXT_HUB_STAGE_PORT_STATUS_REQUEST); next_stage = EXT_HUB_STAGE_FAILURE; } ext_hub_dev->single_thread.stage = next_stage; return stage_need_process(next_stage); } static void handle_error(ext_hub_dev_t *ext_hub_dev) { ext_hub_dev->single_thread.state = EXT_HUB_STATE_FAILED; // TODO: IDF-10057 Hub handling error ESP_LOGW(EXT_HUB_TAG, "%s has not been implemented yet", __FUNCTION__); } static void handle_device(ext_hub_dev_t *ext_hub_dev) { bool call_proc_req_cb; bool stage_pass = false; // FSM for external Hub switch (ext_hub_dev->single_thread.stage) { case EXT_HUB_STAGE_IDLE: break; case EXT_HUB_STAGE_GET_DEVICE_STATUS: case EXT_HUB_STAGE_GET_HUB_DESCRIPTOR: case EXT_HUB_STAGE_GET_HUB_STATUS: stage_pass = device_control_request(ext_hub_dev); break; case EXT_HUB_STAGE_CHECK_DEVICE_STATUS: case EXT_HUB_STAGE_CHECK_HUB_DESCRIPTOR: case EXT_HUB_STAGE_CHECK_HUB_STATUS: case EXT_HUB_STAGE_PORT_FEATURE: case EXT_HUB_STAGE_PORT_STATUS_REQUEST: stage_pass = device_control_response_handling(ext_hub_dev); break; case EXT_HUB_STAGE_FAILURE: handle_error(ext_hub_dev); stage_pass = true; break; default: // Should never occur abort(); break; } call_proc_req_cb = device_set_next_stage(ext_hub_dev, stage_pass); if (call_proc_req_cb) { p_ext_hub_driver->constant.proc_req_cb(false, p_ext_hub_driver->constant.proc_req_cb_arg); } } static void handle_ep1_flush(ext_hub_dev_t *ext_hub_dev) { ESP_ERROR_CHECK(usbh_ep_command(ext_hub_dev->constant.ep_in_hdl, USBH_EP_CMD_HALT)); ESP_ERROR_CHECK(usbh_ep_command(ext_hub_dev->constant.ep_in_hdl, USBH_EP_CMD_FLUSH)); } static void handle_ep1_dequeue(ext_hub_dev_t *ext_hub_dev) { // Dequeue all URBs and run their transfer callback ESP_LOGD(EXT_HUB_TAG, "[%d] Interrupt dequeue", ext_hub_dev->constant.dev_addr); urb_t *urb; usbh_ep_dequeue_urb(ext_hub_dev->constant.ep_in_hdl, &urb); while (urb != NULL) { // Clear the transfer's in-flight flag to indicate the transfer is no longer in-flight urb->usb_host_inflight = false; urb->transfer.callback(&urb->transfer); usbh_ep_dequeue_urb(ext_hub_dev->constant.ep_in_hdl, &urb); } } static void handle_ep1_clear(ext_hub_dev_t *ext_hub_dev) { // We allow the pipe command to fail just in case the pipe becomes invalid mid command usbh_ep_command(ext_hub_dev->constant.ep_in_hdl, USBH_EP_CMD_CLEAR); } static void handle_gone(ext_hub_dev_t *ext_hub_dev) { bool call_proc_req_cb = false; // Set the flags EXT_HUB_ENTER_CRITICAL(); ext_hub_dev->dynamic.flags.waiting_free = 1; call_proc_req_cb = _device_set_actions(ext_hub_dev, DEV_ACTION_FREE); EXT_HUB_EXIT_CRITICAL(); if (call_proc_req_cb) { p_ext_hub_driver->constant.proc_req_cb(false, p_ext_hub_driver->constant.proc_req_cb_arg); } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------------ Driver --------------------------------------- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- esp_err_t ext_hub_install(const ext_hub_config_t *config) { esp_err_t ret; ext_hub_driver_t *ext_hub_drv = heap_caps_calloc(1, sizeof(ext_hub_driver_t), MALLOC_CAP_DEFAULT); SemaphoreHandle_t mux_lock = xSemaphoreCreateMutex(); if (ext_hub_drv == NULL || mux_lock == NULL) { ret = ESP_ERR_NO_MEM; goto err; } // Save callbacks ext_hub_drv->constant.proc_req_cb = config->proc_req_cb; ext_hub_drv->constant.proc_req_cb_arg = config->proc_req_cb_arg; // Copy Port driver pointer ext_hub_drv->constant.port_driver = config->port_driver; if (ext_hub_drv->constant.port_driver == NULL) { ESP_LOGE(EXT_HUB_TAG, "Port Driver has not been implemented yet"); ret = ESP_ERR_NOT_FINISHED; goto err; } TAILQ_INIT(&ext_hub_drv->dynamic.ext_hubs_tailq); TAILQ_INIT(&ext_hub_drv->dynamic.ext_hubs_pending_tailq); EXT_HUB_ENTER_CRITICAL(); if (p_ext_hub_driver != NULL) { EXT_HUB_EXIT_CRITICAL(); ret = ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE; goto err; } p_ext_hub_driver = ext_hub_drv; EXT_HUB_EXIT_CRITICAL(); ESP_LOGD(EXT_HUB_TAG, "Driver installed"); return ESP_OK; err: if (mux_lock != NULL) { vSemaphoreDelete(mux_lock); } heap_caps_free(ext_hub_drv); return ret; } esp_err_t ext_hub_uninstall(void) { EXT_HUB_ENTER_CRITICAL(); EXT_HUB_CHECK_FROM_CRIT(p_ext_hub_driver != NULL, ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE); EXT_HUB_CHECK_FROM_CRIT(TAILQ_EMPTY(&p_ext_hub_driver->dynamic.ext_hubs_tailq), ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE); EXT_HUB_CHECK_FROM_CRIT(TAILQ_EMPTY(&p_ext_hub_driver->dynamic.ext_hubs_pending_tailq), ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE); ext_hub_driver_t *ext_hub_drv = p_ext_hub_driver; p_ext_hub_driver = NULL; EXT_HUB_EXIT_CRITICAL(); // Free resources heap_caps_free(ext_hub_drv); ESP_LOGD(EXT_HUB_TAG, "Driver uninstalled"); return ESP_OK; } void *ext_hub_get_client(void) { bool driver_installed = false; EXT_HUB_ENTER_CRITICAL(); driver_installed = (p_ext_hub_driver != NULL); EXT_HUB_EXIT_CRITICAL(); return (driver_installed) ? (void*) p_ext_hub_driver : NULL; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // -------------------------- External Hub API --------------------------------- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- esp_err_t ext_hub_get_handle(usb_device_handle_t dev_hdl, ext_hub_handle_t *ext_hub_hdl) { EXT_HUB_ENTER_CRITICAL(); EXT_HUB_CHECK_FROM_CRIT(p_ext_hub_driver != NULL, ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE); EXT_HUB_EXIT_CRITICAL(); return get_dev_by_hdl(dev_hdl, ext_hub_hdl); } static esp_err_t find_first_intf_desc(const usb_config_desc_t *config_desc, device_config_t *hub_config) { bool iface_found = false; const usb_ep_desc_t *ep_in_desc = NULL; int offset = 0; const usb_intf_desc_t *next_intf_desc = (const usb_intf_desc_t *)usb_parse_next_descriptor_of_type( (const usb_standard_desc_t *)config_desc, config_desc->wTotalLength, USB_B_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_INTERFACE, &offset); while (next_intf_desc != NULL) { if (iface_found) { // TODO: IDF-10058 Hubs support interface selection (HS) ESP_LOGW(EXT_HUB_TAG, "Device has several Interfaces, selection has not been implemented yet. Using first."); break; } // Parse all interfaces if (USB_CLASS_HUB == next_intf_desc->bInterfaceClass) { // We have found the first interface descriptor with matching bInterfaceNumber if (next_intf_desc->bInterfaceProtocol != USB_B_DEV_PROTOCOL_HUB_FS) { // TODO: IDF-10059 Hubs support multiple TT (HS) if (next_intf_desc->bInterfaceProtocol != USB_B_DEV_PROTOCOL_HUB_HS_NO_TT) { ESP_LOGW(EXT_HUB_TAG, "Transaction Translator has not been implemented yet"); } switch (next_intf_desc->bInterfaceProtocol) { case USB_B_DEV_PROTOCOL_HUB_HS_NO_TT: ESP_LOGD(EXT_HUB_TAG, "\tNo TT"); break; case USB_B_DEV_PROTOCOL_HUB_HS_SINGLE_TT: ESP_LOGD(EXT_HUB_TAG, "\tSingle TT"); break; case USB_B_DEV_PROTOCOL_HUB_HS_MULTI_TT: ESP_LOGD(EXT_HUB_TAG, "\tMulti TT"); break; default: ESP_LOGE(EXT_HUB_TAG, "\tInterface Protocol (%#x) not supported", next_intf_desc->bInterfaceProtocol); goto next_iface; } } // Hub Interface always should have only one Interrupt endpoint if (next_intf_desc->bNumEndpoints != 1) { ESP_LOGE(EXT_HUB_TAG, "Unexpected number of endpoints (%d)", next_intf_desc->bNumEndpoints); goto next_iface; } // Get related IN EP ep_in_desc = usb_parse_endpoint_descriptor_by_index(next_intf_desc, 0, config_desc->wTotalLength, &offset); if (ep_in_desc == NULL) { ESP_LOGE(EXT_HUB_TAG, "EP descriptor not found (iface=%d)", next_intf_desc->bInterfaceNumber); goto next_iface; } if (!USB_EP_DESC_GET_EP_DIR(ep_in_desc) || (USB_EP_DESC_GET_XFERTYPE(ep_in_desc) != USB_TRANSFER_TYPE_INTR)) { ESP_LOGE(EXT_HUB_TAG, "Interrupt EP not found (iface=%d)", next_intf_desc->bInterfaceNumber); goto next_iface; } // Interface found, fill the config hub_config->iface_desc = next_intf_desc; hub_config->ep_in_desc = ep_in_desc; iface_found = true; } next_iface: next_intf_desc = (const usb_intf_desc_t *)usb_parse_next_descriptor_of_type( (const usb_standard_desc_t *)next_intf_desc, config_desc->wTotalLength, USB_B_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_INTERFACE, &offset); } return (iface_found) ? ESP_OK : ESP_ERR_NOT_FOUND; } esp_err_t ext_hub_new_dev(uint8_t dev_addr) { EXT_HUB_ENTER_CRITICAL(); EXT_HUB_CHECK_FROM_CRIT(p_ext_hub_driver != NULL, ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE); EXT_HUB_EXIT_CRITICAL(); esp_err_t ret; ext_hub_dev_t *hub_dev = NULL; usb_device_handle_t dev_hdl = NULL; const usb_config_desc_t *config_desc = NULL; bool call_proc_req_cb = false; // Open device ret = usbh_devs_open(dev_addr, &dev_hdl); if (ret != ESP_OK) { ESP_LOGE(EXT_HUB_TAG, "USBH device opening error: %s", esp_err_to_name(ret)); return ret; } // Get Configuration Descriptor ret = usbh_dev_get_config_desc(dev_hdl, &config_desc); if (ret != ESP_OK) { ESP_LOGE(EXT_HUB_TAG, "Getting config desc error %s", esp_err_to_name(ret)); goto exit; } // Find related Hub Interface descriptor device_config_t hub_config = { .dev_hdl = dev_hdl, .dev_addr = dev_addr, .iface_desc = NULL, .ep_in_desc = NULL, }; ret = find_first_intf_desc(config_desc, &hub_config); if (ret != ESP_OK) { goto exit; } // Create External Hub device ret = device_alloc(&hub_config, &hub_dev); if (ret != ESP_OK) { ESP_LOGE(EXT_HUB_TAG, "External HUB device alloc error %s", esp_err_to_name(ret)); goto exit; } hub_dev->single_thread.stage = EXT_HUB_STAGE_GET_HUB_DESCRIPTOR; EXT_HUB_ENTER_CRITICAL(); call_proc_req_cb = _device_set_actions(hub_dev, DEV_ACTION_REQ); EXT_HUB_EXIT_CRITICAL(); if (call_proc_req_cb) { p_ext_hub_driver->constant.proc_req_cb(false, p_ext_hub_driver->constant.proc_req_cb_arg); } return ret; exit: ESP_ERROR_CHECK(usbh_dev_close(dev_hdl)); return ret; } esp_err_t ext_hub_dev_gone(uint8_t dev_addr) { EXT_HUB_ENTER_CRITICAL(); EXT_HUB_CHECK_FROM_CRIT(p_ext_hub_driver != NULL, ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE); EXT_HUB_EXIT_CRITICAL(); esp_err_t ret; ext_hub_dev_t *ext_hub_dev = NULL; bool in_pending = false; EXT_HUB_CHECK(dev_addr != 0, ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG); // Find device with dev_addr in the devices TAILQ // TODO: IDF-10058 // Release all devices by dev_addr ret = get_dev_by_addr(dev_addr, &ext_hub_dev); if (ret != ESP_OK) { ESP_LOGD(EXT_HUB_TAG, "No device with address %d was found", dev_addr); goto exit; } ESP_LOGD(EXT_HUB_TAG, "[%d] Device gone", ext_hub_dev->constant.dev_addr); EXT_HUB_ENTER_CRITICAL(); if (ext_hub_dev->dynamic.flags.waiting_release || ext_hub_dev->dynamic.flags.waiting_children) { // External Hub was already released or waiting children to be freed EXT_HUB_EXIT_CRITICAL(); ret = ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE; goto exit; } if (ext_hub_dev->dynamic.flags.in_pending_list) { in_pending = true; // TODO: IDF-10490 // test case: // - detach the external Hub device right before the Hub Descriptor request. _device_set_actions(ext_hub_dev, DEV_ACTION_RELEASE); } EXT_HUB_EXIT_CRITICAL(); // Device not in pending, can be released immediately if (!in_pending) { device_release(ext_hub_dev); } ret = ESP_OK; exit: return ret; } esp_err_t ext_hub_all_free(void) { bool call_proc_req_cb = false; bool wait_for_free = false; EXT_HUB_ENTER_CRITICAL(); for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { ext_hub_dev_t *hub_curr; ext_hub_dev_t *hub_next; // Go through pending list first if (i == 0) { hub_curr = TAILQ_FIRST(&p_ext_hub_driver->dynamic.ext_hubs_pending_tailq); } else { hub_curr = TAILQ_FIRST(&p_ext_hub_driver->dynamic.ext_hubs_tailq); } while (hub_curr != NULL) { hub_next = TAILQ_NEXT(hub_curr, dynamic.tailq_entry); hub_curr->dynamic.flags.waiting_release = 1; call_proc_req_cb = _device_set_actions(hub_curr, DEV_ACTION_RELEASE); // At least one hub should be released wait_for_free = true; hub_curr = hub_next; } } EXT_HUB_EXIT_CRITICAL(); if (call_proc_req_cb) { p_ext_hub_driver->constant.proc_req_cb(false, p_ext_hub_driver->constant.proc_req_cb_arg); } return (wait_for_free) ? ESP_ERR_NOT_FINISHED : ESP_OK; } esp_err_t ext_hub_status_handle_complete(ext_hub_handle_t ext_hub_hdl) { EXT_HUB_CHECK(ext_hub_hdl != NULL, ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG); ext_hub_dev_t *ext_hub_dev = (ext_hub_dev_t *)ext_hub_hdl; EXT_HUB_CHECK(ext_hub_dev->single_thread.state == EXT_HUB_STATE_CONFIGURED, ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE); return device_enable_int_ep(ext_hub_dev); } esp_err_t ext_hub_process(void) { EXT_HUB_ENTER_CRITICAL(); EXT_HUB_CHECK_FROM_CRIT(p_ext_hub_driver != NULL, ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE); // Keep processing until all device's with pending events have been handled while (!TAILQ_EMPTY(&p_ext_hub_driver->dynamic.ext_hubs_pending_tailq)) { // Move the device back into the idle device list, ext_hub_dev_t *ext_hub_dev = TAILQ_FIRST(&p_ext_hub_driver->dynamic.ext_hubs_pending_tailq); TAILQ_REMOVE(&p_ext_hub_driver->dynamic.ext_hubs_pending_tailq, ext_hub_dev, dynamic.tailq_entry); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&p_ext_hub_driver->dynamic.ext_hubs_tailq, ext_hub_dev, dynamic.tailq_entry); // Clear the device's flags uint32_t action_flags = ext_hub_dev->dynamic.action_flags; ext_hub_dev->dynamic.action_flags = 0; ext_hub_dev->dynamic.flags.in_pending_list = 0; /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- Exit critical section to handle device action flags in their listed order --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ EXT_HUB_EXIT_CRITICAL(); ESP_LOGD(EXT_HUB_TAG, "[%d] Processing actions 0x%"PRIx32"", ext_hub_dev->constant.dev_addr, action_flags); if (action_flags & DEV_ACTION_REQ || action_flags & DEV_ACTION_EP0_COMPLETE) { handle_device(ext_hub_dev); } if (action_flags & DEV_ACTION_EP1_FLUSH) { handle_ep1_flush(ext_hub_dev); } if (action_flags & DEV_ACTION_EP1_DEQUEUE) { handle_ep1_dequeue(ext_hub_dev); } if (action_flags & DEV_ACTION_EP1_CLEAR) { handle_ep1_clear(ext_hub_dev); } if (action_flags & DEV_ACTION_ERROR) { handle_error(ext_hub_dev); } if (action_flags & DEV_ACTION_GONE) { handle_gone(ext_hub_dev); } if (action_flags & DEV_ACTION_RELEASE) { device_release(ext_hub_dev); } if (action_flags & DEV_ACTION_FREE) { device_free(ext_hub_dev); } EXT_HUB_ENTER_CRITICAL(); /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- Re-enter critical sections. All device action flags should have been handled. --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ } EXT_HUB_EXIT_CRITICAL(); return ESP_OK; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // --------------------- External Hub - Device related ------------------------- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- esp_err_t ext_hub_get_hub_status(ext_hub_handle_t ext_hub_hdl) { EXT_HUB_ENTER_CRITICAL(); EXT_HUB_CHECK_FROM_CRIT(p_ext_hub_driver != NULL, ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE); EXT_HUB_EXIT_CRITICAL(); EXT_HUB_CHECK(ext_hub_hdl != NULL, ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG); ext_hub_dev_t *ext_hub_dev = (ext_hub_dev_t *)ext_hub_hdl; ext_hub_dev->single_thread.stage = EXT_HUB_STAGE_GET_HUB_STATUS; EXT_HUB_ENTER_CRITICAL(); bool call_proc_req_cb = _device_set_actions(ext_hub_dev, DEV_ACTION_REQ); EXT_HUB_EXIT_CRITICAL(); if (call_proc_req_cb) { p_ext_hub_driver->constant.proc_req_cb(false, p_ext_hub_driver->constant.proc_req_cb_arg); } return ESP_OK; } esp_err_t ext_hub_get_status(ext_hub_handle_t ext_hub_hdl) { EXT_HUB_ENTER_CRITICAL(); EXT_HUB_CHECK_FROM_CRIT(p_ext_hub_driver != NULL, ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE); EXT_HUB_EXIT_CRITICAL(); EXT_HUB_CHECK(ext_hub_hdl != NULL, ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG); ext_hub_dev_t *ext_hub_dev = (ext_hub_dev_t *)ext_hub_hdl; ext_hub_dev->single_thread.stage = EXT_HUB_STAGE_GET_DEVICE_STATUS; EXT_HUB_ENTER_CRITICAL(); bool call_proc_req_cb = _device_set_actions(ext_hub_dev, DEV_ACTION_REQ); EXT_HUB_EXIT_CRITICAL(); if (call_proc_req_cb) { p_ext_hub_driver->constant.proc_req_cb(false, p_ext_hub_driver->constant.proc_req_cb_arg); } return ESP_OK; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // --------------------- External Hub - Port related --------------------------- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- esp_err_t ext_hub_port_recycle(ext_hub_handle_t ext_hub_hdl, uint8_t port_num) { EXT_HUB_ENTER_CRITICAL(); EXT_HUB_CHECK_FROM_CRIT(p_ext_hub_driver != NULL, ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE); EXT_HUB_EXIT_CRITICAL(); EXT_HUB_CHECK(ext_hub_hdl != NULL, ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG); ext_hub_dev_t *ext_hub_dev = (ext_hub_dev_t *)ext_hub_hdl; esp_err_t ret; uint8_t port_idx = port_num - 1; bool free_port = false; bool release_port = false; EXT_HUB_CHECK(port_idx < ext_hub_dev->constant.hub_desc->bNbrPorts, ESP_ERR_INVALID_SIZE); EXT_HUB_CHECK(p_ext_hub_driver->constant.port_driver != NULL, ESP_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED); EXT_HUB_CHECK(ext_hub_dev->single_thread.state == EXT_HUB_STATE_CONFIGURED, ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE); EXT_HUB_ENTER_CRITICAL(); if (ext_hub_dev->dynamic.flags.waiting_release) { release_port = true; } else if (ext_hub_dev->dynamic.flags.waiting_children) { assert(ext_hub_dev->dynamic.flags.waiting_release == 0); // Device should be already released assert(ext_hub_dev->dynamic.flags.is_gone == 1); // Device should be gone by now free_port = true; } EXT_HUB_EXIT_CRITICAL(); if (!release_port && !free_port) { // Parent still present, recycle the port ret = p_ext_hub_driver->constant.port_driver->recycle(ext_hub_dev->constant.ports[port_idx]); if (ret != ESP_OK) { ESP_LOGE(EXT_HUB_TAG, "[%d:%d] Unable to recycle the port: %s", ext_hub_dev->constant.dev_addr, port_num, esp_err_to_name(ret)); goto exit; } } else { if (release_port) { // Notify the port that parent is not available anymore and port should be recycled then freed ret = p_ext_hub_driver->constant.port_driver->gone(ext_hub_dev->constant.ports[port_idx]); if (ret == ESP_OK) { ESP_LOGD(EXT_HUB_TAG, "[%d:%d] Port doesn't have a device and can be freed right now", ext_hub_dev->constant.dev_addr, port_num); assert(free_port == false); free_port = true; } else if (ret == ESP_ERR_NOT_FINISHED) { // Port has a device and will be recycled after USBH device will be released by all clients and freed ESP_LOGE(EXT_HUB_TAG, "[%d:%d] Port is gone", ext_hub_dev->constant.dev_addr, port_num); // Logically, recycling logic are finished for the Hub Driver, return ESP_OK to free the node assert(free_port == false); } else { ESP_LOGE(EXT_HUB_TAG, "[%d:%d] Unable to mark port as gone: %s", ext_hub_dev->constant.dev_addr, port_num, esp_err_to_name(ret)); } } if (free_port) { ret = device_port_free(ext_hub_dev, port_idx); if (ret != ESP_OK) { goto exit; } } } ret = ESP_OK; exit: return ret; } esp_err_t ext_hub_port_reset(ext_hub_handle_t ext_hub_hdl, uint8_t port_num) { EXT_HUB_ENTER_CRITICAL(); EXT_HUB_CHECK_FROM_CRIT(p_ext_hub_driver != NULL, ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE); EXT_HUB_EXIT_CRITICAL(); EXT_HUB_CHECK(ext_hub_hdl != NULL, ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG); ext_hub_dev_t *ext_hub_dev = (ext_hub_dev_t *)ext_hub_hdl; uint8_t port_idx = port_num - 1; EXT_HUB_CHECK(port_idx < ext_hub_dev->constant.hub_desc->bNbrPorts, ESP_ERR_INVALID_SIZE); EXT_HUB_CHECK(p_ext_hub_driver->constant.port_driver != NULL, ESP_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED); return p_ext_hub_driver->constant.port_driver->reset(ext_hub_dev->constant.ports[port_idx]); } esp_err_t ext_hub_port_active(ext_hub_handle_t ext_hub_hdl, uint8_t port_num) { EXT_HUB_ENTER_CRITICAL(); EXT_HUB_CHECK_FROM_CRIT(p_ext_hub_driver != NULL, ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE); EXT_HUB_EXIT_CRITICAL(); EXT_HUB_CHECK(ext_hub_hdl != NULL, ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG); ext_hub_dev_t *ext_hub_dev = (ext_hub_dev_t *)ext_hub_hdl; uint8_t port_idx = port_num - 1; EXT_HUB_CHECK(port_idx < ext_hub_dev->constant.hub_desc->bNbrPorts, ESP_ERR_INVALID_SIZE); EXT_HUB_CHECK(p_ext_hub_driver->constant.port_driver != NULL, ESP_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED); return p_ext_hub_driver->constant.port_driver->active(ext_hub_dev->constant.ports[port_idx]); } esp_err_t ext_hub_port_disable(ext_hub_handle_t ext_hub_hdl, uint8_t port_num) { EXT_HUB_ENTER_CRITICAL(); EXT_HUB_CHECK_FROM_CRIT(p_ext_hub_driver != NULL, ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE); EXT_HUB_EXIT_CRITICAL(); EXT_HUB_CHECK(ext_hub_hdl != NULL, ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG); ext_hub_dev_t *ext_hub_dev = (ext_hub_dev_t *)ext_hub_hdl; uint8_t port_idx = port_num - 1; EXT_HUB_CHECK(port_idx < ext_hub_dev->constant.hub_desc->bNbrPorts, ESP_ERR_INVALID_SIZE); EXT_HUB_CHECK(p_ext_hub_driver->constant.port_driver != NULL, ESP_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED); return p_ext_hub_driver->constant.port_driver->disable(ext_hub_dev->constant.ports[port_idx]); } esp_err_t ext_hub_port_get_speed(ext_hub_handle_t ext_hub_hdl, uint8_t port_num, usb_speed_t *speed) { EXT_HUB_ENTER_CRITICAL(); EXT_HUB_CHECK_FROM_CRIT(p_ext_hub_driver != NULL, ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE); EXT_HUB_EXIT_CRITICAL(); EXT_HUB_CHECK(ext_hub_hdl != NULL, ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG); ext_hub_dev_t *ext_hub_dev = (ext_hub_dev_t *)ext_hub_hdl; uint8_t port_idx = port_num - 1; EXT_HUB_CHECK(port_idx < ext_hub_dev->constant.hub_desc->bNbrPorts, ESP_ERR_INVALID_SIZE); EXT_HUB_CHECK(p_ext_hub_driver->constant.port_driver != NULL, ESP_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED); return p_ext_hub_driver->constant.port_driver->get_speed(ext_hub_dev->constant.ports[port_idx], speed); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // --------------------------- USB Chapter 11 ---------------------------------- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- esp_err_t ext_hub_set_port_feature(ext_hub_handle_t ext_hub_hdl, uint8_t port_num, uint8_t feature) { EXT_HUB_ENTER_CRITICAL(); EXT_HUB_CHECK_FROM_CRIT(p_ext_hub_driver != NULL, ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE); EXT_HUB_EXIT_CRITICAL(); esp_err_t ret; EXT_HUB_CHECK(ext_hub_hdl != NULL, ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG); ext_hub_dev_t *ext_hub_dev = (ext_hub_dev_t *)ext_hub_hdl; usb_transfer_t *transfer = &ext_hub_dev->constant.ctrl_urb->transfer; EXT_HUB_CHECK(port_num != 0 && port_num <= ext_hub_dev->constant.hub_desc->bNbrPorts, ESP_ERR_INVALID_SIZE); EXT_HUB_CHECK(ext_hub_dev->single_thread.state == EXT_HUB_STATE_CONFIGURED, ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE); USB_SETUP_PACKET_INIT_SET_PORT_FEATURE((usb_setup_packet_t *)transfer->data_buffer, port_num, feature); transfer->num_bytes = sizeof(usb_setup_packet_t); ext_hub_dev->single_thread.stage = EXT_HUB_STAGE_PORT_FEATURE; ret = usbh_dev_submit_ctrl_urb(ext_hub_dev->constant.dev_hdl, ext_hub_dev->constant.ctrl_urb); if (ret != ESP_OK) { ESP_LOGE(EXT_HUB_TAG, "[%d:%d] Set port feature %#x, failed to submit ctrl urb: %s", ext_hub_dev->constant.dev_addr, port_num, feature, esp_err_to_name(ret)); } return ret; } esp_err_t ext_hub_clear_port_feature(ext_hub_handle_t ext_hub_hdl, uint8_t port_num, uint8_t feature) { EXT_HUB_ENTER_CRITICAL(); EXT_HUB_CHECK_FROM_CRIT(p_ext_hub_driver != NULL, ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE); EXT_HUB_EXIT_CRITICAL(); esp_err_t ret; EXT_HUB_CHECK(ext_hub_hdl != NULL, ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG); ext_hub_dev_t *ext_hub_dev = (ext_hub_dev_t *)ext_hub_hdl; usb_transfer_t *transfer = &ext_hub_dev->constant.ctrl_urb->transfer; EXT_HUB_CHECK(port_num != 0 && port_num <= ext_hub_dev->constant.hub_desc->bNbrPorts, ESP_ERR_INVALID_SIZE); EXT_HUB_CHECK(ext_hub_dev->single_thread.state == EXT_HUB_STATE_CONFIGURED, ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE); USB_SETUP_PACKET_INIT_CLEAR_PORT_FEATURE((usb_setup_packet_t *)transfer->data_buffer, port_num, feature); transfer->num_bytes = sizeof(usb_setup_packet_t); ext_hub_dev->single_thread.stage = EXT_HUB_STAGE_PORT_FEATURE; ret = usbh_dev_submit_ctrl_urb(ext_hub_dev->constant.dev_hdl, ext_hub_dev->constant.ctrl_urb); if (ret != ESP_OK) { ESP_LOGE(EXT_HUB_TAG, "[%d:%d] Clear port feature %#x, failed to submit ctrl urb: %s", ext_hub_dev->constant.dev_addr, port_num, feature, esp_err_to_name(ret)); } return ret; } esp_err_t ext_hub_get_port_status(ext_hub_handle_t ext_hub_hdl, uint8_t port_num) { EXT_HUB_ENTER_CRITICAL(); EXT_HUB_CHECK_FROM_CRIT(p_ext_hub_driver != NULL, ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE); EXT_HUB_EXIT_CRITICAL(); esp_err_t ret; EXT_HUB_CHECK(ext_hub_hdl != NULL, ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG); ext_hub_dev_t *ext_hub_dev = (ext_hub_dev_t *)ext_hub_hdl; usb_transfer_t *transfer = &ext_hub_dev->constant.ctrl_urb->transfer; EXT_HUB_CHECK(port_num != 0 && port_num <= ext_hub_dev->constant.hub_desc->bNbrPorts, ESP_ERR_INVALID_SIZE); EXT_HUB_CHECK(ext_hub_dev->single_thread.state == EXT_HUB_STATE_CONFIGURED, ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE); USB_SETUP_PACKET_INIT_GET_PORT_STATUS((usb_setup_packet_t *)transfer->data_buffer, port_num); transfer->num_bytes = sizeof(usb_setup_packet_t) + sizeof(usb_port_status_t); ext_hub_dev->single_thread.stage = EXT_HUB_STAGE_PORT_STATUS_REQUEST; ret = usbh_dev_submit_ctrl_urb(ext_hub_dev->constant.dev_hdl, ext_hub_dev->constant.ctrl_urb); if (ret != ESP_OK) { ESP_LOGE(EXT_HUB_TAG, "[%d:%d] Get port status, failed to submit ctrl urb: %s", ext_hub_dev->constant.dev_addr, port_num, esp_err_to_name(ret)); } return ret; }