// Copyright 2015-2016 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) PTE LTD // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h" #include "freertos/task.h" #include "freertos/semphr.h" #include "freertos/queue.h" #include "freertos/xtensa_api.h" #include "freertos/ringbuf.h" #include #include #include #include typedef enum { flag_allowsplit = 1, } rbflag_t; typedef enum { iflag_free = 1, //Buffer is not read and given back by application, free to overwrite iflag_dummydata = 2, //Data from here to end of ringbuffer is dummy. Restart reading at start of ringbuffer. } itemflag_t; //The ringbuffer structure typedef struct { SemaphoreHandle_t free_space_sem; //Binary semaphore, wakes up writing threads when there's more free space SemaphoreHandle_t items_buffered_sem; //Binary semaphore, indicates there are new packets in the circular buffer. See remark. size_t size; //Size of the data storage uint8_t *write_ptr; //Pointer where the next item is written uint8_t *read_ptr; //Pointer from where the next item is read uint8_t *free_ptr; //Pointer to the last block that hasn't been given back to the ringbuffer yet uint8_t *data; //Data storage portMUX_TYPE mux; //Spinlock for actual data/ptr/struct modification rbflag_t flags; } ringbuf_t; /* Remark: A counting semaphore for items_buffered_sem would be more logical, but counting semaphores in FreeRTOS need a maximum count, and allocate more memory the larger the maximum count is. Here, we would need to set the maximum to the maximum amount of times a null-byte unit firs in the buffer, which is quite high and so would waste a fair amount of memory. */ //The header prepended to each ringbuffer entry. Size is assumed to be a multiple of 32bits. typedef struct { size_t len; itemflag_t flags; } buf_entry_hdr_t; //Calculate space free in the buffer static int ringbufferFreeMem(ringbuf_t *rb) { int free_size = rb->free_ptr-rb->write_ptr; if (free_size <= 0) free_size += rb->size; //Reserve one byte. If we do not do this and the entire buffer is filled, we get a situation //where read_ptr == free_ptr, messing up the next calculation. return free_size-1; } //Copies a single item to the ring buffer. Assumes there is space in the ringbuffer and //the ringbuffer is locked. Increases write_ptr to the next item. Returns pdTRUE on //success, pdFALSE if it can't make the item fit and the calling routine needs to retry //later or fail. //This function by itself is not threadsafe, always call from within a muxed section. static BaseType_t copyItemToRingbuf(ringbuf_t *rb, uint8_t *buffer, size_t buffer_size) { size_t rbuffer_size=(buffer_size+3)&~3; //Payload length, rounded to next 32-bit value configASSERT(((int)rb->write_ptr&3)==0); //write_ptr needs to be 32-bit aligned configASSERT(rb->write_ptr-(rb->data+rb->size) >= sizeof(buf_entry_hdr_t)); //need to have at least the size //of a header to the end of the ringbuff size_t rem_len=(rb->data + rb->size) - rb->write_ptr; //length remaining until end of ringbuffer //See if we have enough contiguous space to write the buffer. if (rem_len < rbuffer_size + sizeof(buf_entry_hdr_t)) { //The buffer can't be contiguously written to the ringbuffer, but needs special handling. Do //that depending on how the ringbuffer is configured. //The code here is also expected to check if the buffer, mangled in whatever way is implemented, //will still fit, and return pdFALSE if that is not the case. if (rb->flags & flag_allowsplit) { //Buffer plus header is not going to fit in the room from wr_pos to the end of the //ringbuffer... we need to split the write in two. //First, see if this will fit at all. if (ringbufferFreeMem(rb) < (sizeof(buf_entry_hdr_t)*2)+rbuffer_size) { //Will not fit. return pdFALSE; } //Because the code at the end of the function makes sure we always have //room for a header, this should never assert. configASSERT(rem_len>=sizeof(buf_entry_hdr_t)); //Okay, it should fit. Write everything. //First, place bit of buffer that does fit. Write header first... buf_entry_hdr_t *hdr=(buf_entry_hdr_t *)rb->write_ptr; hdr->flags=0; hdr->len=rem_len-sizeof(buf_entry_hdr_t); rb->write_ptr+=sizeof(buf_entry_hdr_t); rem_len-=sizeof(buf_entry_hdr_t); if (rem_len!=0) { //..then write the data bit that fits. memcpy(rb->write_ptr, buffer, rem_len); //Update vars so the code later on will write the rest of the data. buffer+=rem_len; rbuffer_size-=rem_len; buffer_size-=rem_len; } else { //Huh, only the header fit. Mark as dummy so the receive function doesn't receive //an useless zero-byte packet. hdr->flags|=iflag_dummydata; } rb->write_ptr=rb->data; } else { //Buffer plus header is not going to fit in the room from wr_pos to the end of the //ringbuffer... but we're not allowed to split the buffer. We need to fill the //rest of the ringbuffer with a dummy item so we can place the data at the _start_ of //the ringbuffer.. //First, find out if we actually have enough space at the start of the ringbuffer to //make this work (Again, we need 4 bytes extra because otherwise read_ptr==free_ptr) if (rb->free_ptr-rb->data < rbuffer_size+sizeof(buf_entry_hdr_t)+4) { //Will not fit. return pdFALSE; } //If the read buffer hasn't wrapped around yet, there's no way this will work either. if (rb->free_ptr > rb->write_ptr) { //No luck. return pdFALSE; } //Okay, it will fit. Mark the rest of the ringbuffer space with a dummy packet. buf_entry_hdr_t *hdr=(buf_entry_hdr_t *)rb->write_ptr; hdr->flags=iflag_dummydata; //Reset the write pointer to the start of the ringbuffer so the code later on can //happily write the data. rb->write_ptr=rb->data; } } else { //No special handling needed. Checking if it's gonna fit probably still is a good idea. if (ringbufferFreeMem(rb) < sizeof(buf_entry_hdr_t)+rbuffer_size) { //Buffer is not going to fit, period. return pdFALSE; } } //If we are here, the buffer is guaranteed to fit in the space starting at the write pointer. buf_entry_hdr_t *hdr=(buf_entry_hdr_t *)rb->write_ptr; hdr->len=buffer_size; hdr->flags=0; rb->write_ptr+=sizeof(buf_entry_hdr_t); memcpy(rb->write_ptr, buffer, buffer_size); rb->write_ptr+=rbuffer_size; //The buffer will wrap around if we don't have room for a header anymore. if ((rb->data+rb->size)-rb->write_ptr < sizeof(buf_entry_hdr_t)) { //'Forward' the write buffer until we are at the start of the ringbuffer. //The read pointer will always be at the start of a full header, which cannot //exist at the point of the current write pointer, so there's no chance of overtaking //that. rb->write_ptr=rb->data; } return pdTRUE; } //Retrieves a pointer to the data of the next item, or NULL if this is not possible. //This function by itself is not threadsafe, always call from within a muxed section. static uint8_t *getItemFromRingbuf(ringbuf_t *rb, size_t *length) { uint8_t *ret; configASSERT(((int)rb->read_ptr&3)==0); if (rb->read_ptr == rb->write_ptr) { //No data available. return NULL; } //The item written at the point of the read pointer may be a dummy item. //We need to skip past it first, if that's the case. buf_entry_hdr_t *hdr=(buf_entry_hdr_t *)rb->read_ptr; configASSERT((hdr->len < rb->size) || (hdr->flags & iflag_dummydata)); if (hdr->flags & iflag_dummydata) { //Hdr is dummy data. Reset to start of ringbuffer. rb->read_ptr=rb->data; //Get real header hdr=(buf_entry_hdr_t *)rb->read_ptr; configASSERT(hdr->len < rb->size); //No need to re-check if the ringbuffer is empty: the write routine will //always write a dummy item plus the real data item in one go, so now we must //be at the real data item by definition. } //Okay, pass the data back. ret=rb->read_ptr+sizeof(buf_entry_hdr_t); *length=hdr->len; //...and move the read pointer past the data. rb->read_ptr+=sizeof(buf_entry_hdr_t)+((hdr->len+3)&~3); //The buffer will wrap around if we don't have room for a header anymore. if ((rb->data + rb->size) - rb->read_ptr < sizeof(buf_entry_hdr_t)) { rb->read_ptr=rb->data; } return ret; } //Returns an item to the ringbuffer. Will mark the item as free, and will see if the free pointer //can be increase. //This function by itself is not threadsafe, always call from within a muxed section. static void returnItemToRingbuf(ringbuf_t *rb, void *item) { uint8_t *data=(uint8_t*)item; configASSERT(((int)rb->free_ptr&3)==0); configASSERT(data >= rb->data); configASSERT(data < rb->data+rb->size); //Grab the buffer entry that preceeds the buffer buf_entry_hdr_t *hdr=(buf_entry_hdr_t*)(data-sizeof(buf_entry_hdr_t)); configASSERT(hdr->len < rb->size); configASSERT((hdr->flags & iflag_dummydata)==0); configASSERT((hdr->flags & iflag_free)==0); //Mark the buffer as free. hdr->flags|=iflag_free; //Do a cleanup pass. hdr=(buf_entry_hdr_t *)rb->free_ptr; //basically forward free_ptr until we run into either a block that is still in use or the write pointer. while (((hdr->flags & iflag_free) || (hdr->flags & iflag_dummydata)) && rb->free_ptr != rb->write_ptr) { if (hdr->flags & iflag_dummydata) { //Rest is dummy data. Reset to start of ringbuffer. rb->free_ptr=rb->data; } else { //Skip past item size_t len=(hdr->len+3)&~3; rb->free_ptr+=len+sizeof(buf_entry_hdr_t); configASSERT(rb->free_ptr<=rb->data+rb->size); } //The buffer will wrap around if we don't have room for a header anymore. if ((rb->data+rb->size)-rb->free_ptr < sizeof(buf_entry_hdr_t)) { rb->free_ptr=rb->data; } //Next header hdr=(buf_entry_hdr_t *)rb->free_ptr; } } void xRingbufferPrintInfo(RingbufHandle_t ringbuf) { ringbuf_t *rb=(ringbuf_t *)ringbuf; configASSERT(rb); ets_printf("Rb size %d free %d rptr %d freeptr %d wptr %d\n", rb->size, ringbufferFreeMem(rb), rb->read_ptr-rb->data, rb->free_ptr-rb->data, rb->write_ptr-rb->data); } RingbufHandle_t xRingbufferCreate(size_t buf_length, BaseType_t allow_split_items) { ringbuf_t *rb = malloc(sizeof(ringbuf_t)); if (rb==NULL) goto err; memset(rb, 0, sizeof(ringbuf_t)); rb->data = malloc(buf_length); if (rb->data == NULL) goto err; rb->size = buf_length; rb->free_ptr = rb->data; rb->read_ptr = rb->data; rb->write_ptr = rb->data; rb->free_space_sem = xSemaphoreCreateBinary(); rb->items_buffered_sem = xSemaphoreCreateBinary(); rb->flags=0; if (allow_split_items) rb->flags|=flag_allowsplit; if (rb->free_space_sem == NULL || rb->items_buffered_sem == NULL) goto err; vPortCPUInitializeMutex(&rb->mux); return (RingbufHandle_t)rb; err: //Some error has happened. Free/destroy all allocated things and return NULL. if (rb) { free(rb->data); if (rb->free_space_sem) vSemaphoreDelete(rb->free_space_sem); if (rb->items_buffered_sem) vSemaphoreDelete(rb->items_buffered_sem); } free(rb); return NULL; } void vRingbufferDelete(RingbufHandle_t ringbuf) { ringbuf_t *rb=(ringbuf_t *)ringbuf; if (rb) { free(rb->data); if (rb->free_space_sem) vSemaphoreDelete(rb->free_space_sem); if (rb->items_buffered_sem) vSemaphoreDelete(rb->items_buffered_sem); } free(rb); } size_t xRingbufferGetMaxItemSize(RingbufHandle_t ringbuf) { ringbuf_t *rb=(ringbuf_t *)ringbuf; configASSERT(rb); //In both cases, we return 4 bytes less than what we actually can have. If the ringbuffer is //indeed entirely filled, read_ptr==free_ptr, which throws off the free space calculation. if (rb->flags & flag_allowsplit) { //Worst case, we need to split an item into two, which means two headers of overhead. return rb->size-(sizeof(buf_entry_hdr_t)*2)-4; } else { //Worst case, we have the write ptr in such a position that we are lacking four bytes of free //memory to put an item into the rest of the memory. If this happens, we have to dummy-fill //(item_data-4) bytes of buffer, then we only have (size-(item_data-4) bytes left to fill //with the real item. (item size being header+data) return (rb->size/2)-sizeof(buf_entry_hdr_t)-4; } } BaseType_t xRingbufferSend(RingbufHandle_t ringbuf, void *data, size_t dataSize, TickType_t ticks_to_wait) { ringbuf_t *rb=(ringbuf_t *)ringbuf; size_t needed_size=dataSize+sizeof(buf_entry_hdr_t); BaseType_t done=pdFALSE; portTickType ticks_end=xTaskGetTickCount() + ticks_to_wait; configASSERT(rb); if (dataSize > xRingbufferGetMaxItemSize(ringbuf)) { //Data will never ever fit in the queue. return pdFALSE; } while (!done) { //Check if there is enough room in the buffer. If not, wait until there is. do { if (ringbufferFreeMem(rb) < needed_size) { //Data does not fit yet. Wait until the free_space_sem is given, then re-evaluate. BaseType_t r = xSemaphoreTake(rb->free_space_sem, ticks_to_wait); if (r == pdFALSE) { //Timeout. return pdFALSE; } //Adjust ticks_to_wait; we may have waited less than that and in the case the free memory still is not enough, //we will need to wait some more. ticks_to_wait = ticks_end - xTaskGetTickCount(); } } while (ringbufferFreeMem(rb) < needed_size && ticks_to_wait>=0); //Lock the mux in order to make sure no one else is messing with the ringbuffer and do the copy. portENTER_CRITICAL(&rb->mux); //Another thread may have been able to sneak its write first. Check again now we locked the ringbuff, and retry //everything if this is the case. Otherwise, we can write and are done. done=copyItemToRingbuf(rb, data, dataSize); portEXIT_CRITICAL(&rb->mux); } xSemaphoreGive(rb->items_buffered_sem); return pdTRUE; } BaseType_t xRingbufferSendFromISR(RingbufHandle_t ringbuf, void *data, size_t dataSize, BaseType_t *higher_prio_task_awoken) { ringbuf_t *rb=(ringbuf_t *)ringbuf; BaseType_t write_succeeded; configASSERT(rb); size_t needed_size=dataSize+sizeof(buf_entry_hdr_t); portENTER_CRITICAL_ISR(&rb->mux); if (needed_size>ringbufferFreeMem(rb)) { //Does not fit in the remaining space in the ringbuffer. write_succeeded=pdFALSE; } else { write_succeeded = copyItemToRingbuf(rb, data, dataSize); } portEXIT_CRITICAL_ISR(&rb->mux); if (write_succeeded) { xSemaphoreGiveFromISR(rb->items_buffered_sem, higher_prio_task_awoken); } return write_succeeded; } void *xRingbufferReceive(RingbufHandle_t ringbuf, size_t *item_size, TickType_t ticks_to_wait) { ringbuf_t *rb=(ringbuf_t *)ringbuf; uint8_t *itemData; BaseType_t done=pdFALSE; configASSERT(rb); while(!done) { //See if there's any data available. If not, wait until there is. while (rb->read_ptr == rb->write_ptr) { BaseType_t r=xSemaphoreTake(rb->items_buffered_sem, ticks_to_wait); if (r == pdFALSE) { //Timeout. return NULL; } } //Okay, we seem to have data in the buffer. Grab the mux and copy it out if it's still there. portENTER_CRITICAL(&rb->mux); itemData=getItemFromRingbuf(rb, item_size); portEXIT_CRITICAL(&rb->mux); if (itemData) { //We managed to get an item. done=pdTRUE; } } return (void*)itemData; } void *xRingbufferReceiveFromISR(RingbufHandle_t ringbuf, size_t *item_size) { ringbuf_t *rb=(ringbuf_t *)ringbuf; uint8_t *itemData; configASSERT(rb); portENTER_CRITICAL_ISR(&rb->mux); itemData=getItemFromRingbuf(rb, item_size); portEXIT_CRITICAL_ISR(&rb->mux); return (void*)itemData; } void vRingbufferReturnItem(RingbufHandle_t ringbuf, void *item) { ringbuf_t *rb=(ringbuf_t *)ringbuf; portENTER_CRITICAL_ISR(&rb->mux); returnItemToRingbuf(rb, item); portEXIT_CRITICAL_ISR(&rb->mux); xSemaphoreGive(rb->free_space_sem); } void vRingbufferReturnItemFromISR(RingbufHandle_t ringbuf, void *item, BaseType_t *higher_prio_task_awoken) { ringbuf_t *rb=(ringbuf_t *)ringbuf; portENTER_CRITICAL_ISR(&rb->mux); returnItemToRingbuf(rb, item); portEXIT_CRITICAL_ISR(&rb->mux); xSemaphoreGiveFromISR(rb->free_space_sem, higher_prio_task_awoken); } BaseType_t xRingbufferAddToQueueSetRead(RingbufHandle_t ringbuf, QueueSetHandle_t xQueueSet) { ringbuf_t *rb=(ringbuf_t *)ringbuf; configASSERT(rb); return xQueueAddToSet(rb->items_buffered_sem, xQueueSet); } BaseType_t xRingbufferAddToQueueSetWrite(RingbufHandle_t ringbuf, QueueSetHandle_t xQueueSet) { ringbuf_t *rb=(ringbuf_t *)ringbuf; configASSERT(rb); return xQueueAddToSet(rb->free_space_sem, xQueueSet); } BaseType_t xRingbufferRemoveFromQueueSetRead(RingbufHandle_t ringbuf, QueueSetHandle_t xQueueSet) { ringbuf_t *rb=(ringbuf_t *)ringbuf; configASSERT(rb); return xQueueRemoveFromSet(rb->items_buffered_sem, xQueueSet); } BaseType_t xRingbufferRemoveFromQueueSetWrite(RingbufHandle_t ringbuf, QueueSetHandle_t xQueueSet) { ringbuf_t *rb=(ringbuf_t *)ringbuf; configASSERT(rb); return xQueueRemoveFromSet(rb->free_space_sem, xQueueSet); }